Originating Component: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
Effective: July 25, 2017
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website
Reissues and Cancels: DoD Instruction 1300.04, Inter-Service Transfer of Commissioned
Officers,December 27, 2006
Incorporates and Cancels: DoD Instruction 1205.05, “Transfer of Service Members Between Reserve
and Regular Components of the Military Services,” March 30, 2012
Approved by: A. M. Kurta, Performing the Duties of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel and Readiness
Purpose: This issuance, in accordance with the authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5124.02,
establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides the procedures for:
The transfer of commissioned officers on the active-duty list (ADL) or the reserve active-status list
(RASL) of a uniformed service to the ADL or RASL of another pursuant to Section 716 of Title 10,
United States Code (U.S.C.).
The transfer of commissioned officers between the Regular and Reserve Components of the same
Military Service.
The transfer of warrant officers between Military Services and components of the same Military
The transfer of enlisted members between Military Services and components of the same Military
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 3
1.1. Applicability. .................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Policy. ............................................................................................................................... 3
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs. ............................... 5
2.2. Secretaries of the Military Departments. .......................................................................... 5
2.3. Commandant of the USCG; Surgeon General of the USPHS; and Secretary of
Commerce. .......................................................................................................................... 5
SECTION 3: TRANSFER OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ...................................................................... 6
3.1. Inter-Service Transfer. ...................................................................................................... 6
a. Request for Transfer. ...................................................................................................... 6
b. Appointments and Promotions. ...................................................................................... 6
c. Rank and Seniority of Commissioned Officers. ............................................................ 7
d. Transferring between the ADL and the RASL. ............................................................. 7
3.2. Transfer Between the Regular and Reserve Components or Between Reserve
Components. ....................................................................................................................... 8
a. Request for Transfer. ...................................................................................................... 8
b. Appointments and Promotions. ...................................................................................... 8
c. Selected Reserve. ........................................................................................................... 9
3.3. DD Form 368. ................................................................................................................... 9
SECTION 4: TRANSFER OF WARRANT OFFICERS ............................................................................ 10
4.1. Inter-Service Transfer. .................................................................................................... 10
4.2. Transfer Between the Regular and Reserve Components. .............................................. 10
4.3. Selected Reserve. ............................................................................................................ 10
4.4. DD Form 368. ................................................................................................................. 11
SECTION 5: TRANSFER OF ENLISTED MEMBERS ............................................................................ 12
5.1. Request for Transfer. ...................................................................................................... 12
5.2. Selected Reserve. ............................................................................................................ 12
5.3. DD Form 368. ................................................................................................................. 12
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 13
G.1. Acronyms. ...................................................................................................................... 13
G.2. Definitions. ..................................................................................................................... 13
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 15
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
1.1. APPLICABILITY. This issuance:
a. Applies to OSD and the Military Departments (including the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) at
all times, including when it is a Service in the Department of Homeland Security by agreement
with that Department).
b. Applies to the Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS),
under agreement with the Department of Health and Human Services; and the Commissioned
Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Corps, under
agreement with the Department of Commerce, in the instance of a commissioned officer
transferring from USPHS or NOAA Corps to a Military Service.
c. Does not constitute authority, establish policy, or provide procedures for a commissioned
officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member transferring from a Military Service to the USCG,
USPHS Commissioned Corps, or NOAA Corps, except when the USCG is operating as a Service
in the Navy pursuant to law.
1.2. POLICY.
a. Commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted members in a uniformed service
may be given the opportunity to apply for an inter-Service transfer to a Military Service or an
inter-component transfer within the same Military Service without interruption in their service
b. Transfers are subject to the concurrence of both the gaining Military Service and the
losing uniformed service.
c. The commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member concerned must request or
consent to the transfer.
d. Release of a commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member for a transfer in
accordance with this issuance will not constitute a release from fulfillment of the military service
obligation established by Sections 651, 10145, 10146, 12104, or 12208 of Title 10, U.S.C.; an
active duty obligation in accordance with DoD Instruction (DoDI) 6000.13; any other active duty
obligation; or any agreement, law, regulation, or policy of the losing uniformed service.
Additional military service performed after such transfer will be counted toward fulfillment of a
previous obligation.
e. A commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member who has incurred a financial
obligation or received an incentive payment for the current term of appointment or enlistment
must honor the conditions of the incentive or financial obligation pursuant to Chapter 2 of
Volume 7A of DoD 7000.14-R.
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
f. The transfer of a commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member from a
Reserve Component of one Military Service to a Reserve Component of another Military Service
or from the Ready Reserve Corps of USPHS to a Military Service will be to a category of equal
or greater mobilization potential. This requirement may be waived if the Secretaries of the
Military Departments concerned or the Surgeon General of the USPHS concur.
g. Transfers are authorized for all specialties.
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
AFFAIRS. Under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel and Readiness, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
develops and oversees the implementation of this issuance.
Military Departments:
a. Indicate their concurrence or non-concurrence in writing with proposed transfers.
b. Establish standards and criteria to determine whether they concur with proposed transfers.
c. Approve transfers into their respective departments that are acceptable to both the gaining
Military Service and the losing uniformed service and are in the best interests of both parties.
d. Integrate transferring officers already on a promotion list to the next highest grade of the
losing uniformed service into the promotion list of the gaining Military Service.
e. Ensure that any personally identifiable information included in the proposed transfer
documentation is collected, maintained, used, and disseminated in accordance with DoDI
1336.08, DoDI 5015.02, DoDD 5400.11, and DoD 5400.11-R.
SECRETARY OF COMMERCE. The Commandant of the USCG; Surgeon General of the
USPHS; and Secretary of Commerce:
a. Indicate their concurrence or non-concurrence in writing with proposed transfers.
b. Establish standards and criteria to determine whether they concur with proposed transfers.
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
a. Request for Transfer.
(1) In accordance with Section 716 of Title 10, U.S.C., transfers will be made only
within the authorized strength limitations of the gaining Military Service.
(2) If the Secretary of the gaining Military Department requests the transfer, he or she
will send the request to the Secretary of the losing Military Department.
(3) If the commissioned officer requests the transfer, he or she will send the request to
the Secretary of the losing Military Department. If the Secretary of the losing Military
Department concurs, the commissioned officer will forward the request to the Secretary of the
gaining Military Department.
(4) If the losing Military Service disapproves the transfer request, the commissioned
officer concerned may elevate the request to the:
(a) Secretary of the Military Department when both Military Services are in the same
Military Department; or,
(b) Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness when the Military
Services are in different Military Departments.
(5) The USCG, USPHS Commissioned Corps, and NOAA Corps should follow their
own procedures for the approval or disapproval of commissioned officers requesting transfers to
or from another uniformed service.
b. Appointments and Promotions. Original appointments and promotions will continue to
be processed through the original appointment and promotion scroll processes.
(1) A commissioned officer transferring between Military Services or a commissioned
officer transferring from the USCG, USPHS Commissioned Corps, or NOAA Corps to one of
the Military Services will be processed for an original appointment in accordance with DoDI
1310.02. The officer’s appointment grade and date of rank will be determined by the Military
Service concerned, in accordance with DoDI 1312.03 and DoDI 6000.13, as appropriate.
(2) A former commissioned officer of the USPHS Commissioned Corps who resigned
from the USPHS Commissioned Corps and was given an original appointment as a
commissioned officer in another uniformed service will be credited with any period of active
commissioned service that he or she performed in the USPHS Commissioned Corps. Such an
appointment to one of the Military Services will be processed as an original appointment subject
to Paragraph 3.1.b.(1).
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
(3) If a commissioned officer who transfers between Military Services is on a promotion
list to the next higher grade in accordance with Sections 624 or 1403 of Title 10, U.S.C., the
Secretary of the Military Department concerned will integrate the officer into the promotion list
of the gaining Military Service based on the officer’s date of rank in his or her current grade in
the losing Military Service.
(4) If a commissioned officer who transfers from the USCG or NOAA Corps to one of
the Military Services has been selected for promotion in the USCG or NOAA Corps, the
Secretary of the Military Department concerned may place the officer on the promotion list of
the Military Service based on the officer’s date of rank in his or her current grade in the USCG
or NOAA Corps.
(5) A commissioned officer who transfers from the USPHS Commissioned Corps to one
of the Military Services who has been selected for promotion in the USPHS may have his or her
grade and date of rank determined in accordance with DoDI 1312.03 and DoDI 6000.13. Active
commissioned service in USPHS Commissioned Corps will be counted as active commissioned
service in accordance with DoDI 1312.03 and DoDI 6000.13. This paragraph does not apply to
transfers covered under Paragraph 3.1.d. of this issuance.
c. Rank and Seniority of Commissioned Officers.
(1) In accordance with Section 716 of Title 10, U.S.C., no commissioned officer will be
transferred from a uniformed service and appointed to a Military Service with a precedence or
relative rank higher than held on the day before such transfer occurs.
(2) If the request for transfer has received final approval, the continuity of the officer’s
total service between the termination of the current commission and reappointment in the gaining
Military Service will not be interrupted. Commissioned officers so transferred will be credited
with the total amount of unused leave, and they will be credited with the total amount of service
accrued as of the date before the date of the transfer. This does not apply to commissioned
officers in the USPHS Commissioned Corps.
(3) Except for commissioned officers in the USPHS Commissioned Corps, a
commissioned officer transferred in accordance with this issuance will continue to hold the same
grade and date of rank held in the losing uniformed service. The officer will be placed on the
ADL or RASL of the gaining Military Service, in accordance with regulations prescribed by that
Military Service. This paragraph does not apply to transfers covered by Paragraph 3.1.d.
(4) A commissioned officer of the USPHS Commissioned Corps transferred to a Military
Service will have his or her prior commissioned service credit, grade, and date of rank
determined in accordance with DoDI 1312.03 and DoDI 6000.13.
d. Transferring between the ADL and the RASL. A commissioned officer previously
awarded constructive service credit for education, training, or experience who does not transfer
to the same or a comparable category may lose that credit and will receive only the credit
applicable to the category into which the officer is transferred. Such an officer may be
reappointed in or to the grade (and given the date of rank) appropriate for the amount of credit
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
granted him or her by the gaining Military Service in his or her new category, in accordance with
DoDI 1312.03 or DoDI 6000.13, as appropriate.
a. Request for Transfer.
(1) A commissioned officer who transfers between the ADL and the RASL of the same
Military Service is not required to subscribe to a new oath of office pursuant to Section 3331 of
Title 5, U.S.C.
(2) An officer of the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard may be released
from the National Guard for transfer to a Military Service with the consent of the governor or
other appropriate authority of the State, commonwealth, territory, or the District of Columbia in
accordance with Sections 322 and 324 of Title 32, U.S.C.
b. Appointments and Promotions.
(1) Transferring between the ADL and the RASL.
(a) A commissioned officer transferring between the ADL and the RASL of the same
Military Service will be processed for an original appointment in accordance with DoDI
1310.02. The officer’s appointment grade and date of rank will be determined by the Military
Service concerned, in accordance with DoDI 1312.03 and DoDI 6000.13, as appropriate.
(b) No commissioned officer will be transferred between the ADL and the RASL of
the same Military Service with a precedence or relative rank higher than held on the day before
such transfer occurs.
(c) If a commissioned officer who transfers between the ADL and the RASL is on a
promotion list to the next higher grade in accordance with Sections 624 or 1403 of Title 10,
U.S.C., the Secretary of the Military Department concerned will integrate the officer into the
corresponding promotion list in the new components promotion list based on the officer’s date of
rank in his or her current grade.
(d) If the request for transfer has received final approval, the officer’s total service
between the termination of current commission and reappointment will not be interrupted.
Commissioned officers so transferred will be credited with the total amount of unused leave and
the total amount of service accrued as of the date before the date of the transfer.
(2) Federal Recognition of Army National Guard Officers or Air National Guard
(a) Upon being federally recognized, an officer of the Army National Guard will be
appointed in the Reserve of the Army for service as a member of the Army National Guard of the
United States.
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
1. This appointment will be accomplished as an original appointment in
accordance with Sections 12203 and 12211 of Title 10, U.S.C. and DoDI 1310.02.
2. If an officer of the Army National Guard accepts an appointment in the
Reserve of the Army for service as a member of the Army National Guard of the United States,
the appointment does not vacate his or her office in the Army National Guard.
(b) Upon being federally recognized, an officer of the Air National Guard will be
appointed in the Reserve of the Air Force for service as a member of the Air National Guard of
the United States.
1. This appointment will be accomplished as an original appointment in
accordance with Sections 12203 and 12212 of Title 10, U.S.C. and DoDI 1310.02.
2. If an officer of the Army National Guard accepts an appointment in the
Reserve of the Air Force for service as a member of the Air National Guard of the United States,
the appointment does not vacate his or her office in the Air National Guard.
c. Selected Reserve.
(1) When a commissioned officer transfers between the Selected Reserve of two of the
Reserve Components, the previous and current components must follow the procedural guidance
in this issuance and comply with the gain and loss transaction reporting requirements in
accordance with Volume 1 of DoD Manual 7730.54 to prevent any break in his or her Selected
Reserve affiliation.
(2) Any break in Selected Reserve affiliation greater than 24 hours may result in a
commissioned officer losing eligibility for benefits such as health benefits and educational
assistance from the Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve Program in accordance with DoDI
(3) Recoupment actions may begin if the commissioned officer elects not to maintain
Selected Reserve affiliation while transferring between the two Reserve Components. The
commissioned officer will not be adversely affected due to administration delays in processing
his or her transfer.
3.3. DD FORM 368.
a. The DD Form 368, “Request for Conditional Releasewill be used in all cases involving
inter-Service transfers and transfers between components for commissioned officers. This form
can be found at
b. In accordance with DoDD 5400.11, DoD 5400.11-R, and Section 552a of Title 5, U.S.C.,
any personal data provided on this form request will be used to evaluate the proposed transfer.
The disclosure of such information is voluntary, but failure to provide such information may
result in the disapproval of the request.
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
a. A warrant officer transferring between Military Services will be processed for an original
appointment in accordance with DoDI 1310.02.
b. If a warrant officer who transfers between Military Services is on a promotion list to the
next higher grade in accordance with Sections 571 or 12241 of Title 10, U.S.C., the Secretary of
the Military Department concerned will integrate the warrant officer into the corresponding
promotion list of the gaining Military Service based on the officer’s date of rank in his or her
current grade in the losing Military Service.
a. A warrant officer who transfers between the Regular and Reserve Components of the
same Military Service is not required to subscribe to a new oath of office pursuant to Section
3331 of Title 5, U.S.C.
b. A warrant officer transferring between components of the same Military Service will be
processed for an original appointment in accordance with DoDI 1310.02.
c. No warrant officer will be transferred between components of the same Military Service
with a precedence or relative rank higher than held on the day before such transfer occurs.
d. If a warrant officer who transfers between components of the same Military Service is on
a promotion list to the next higher grade in accordance with Sections 571 or 12241 of Title 10,
U.S.C., the Secretary of the Military Department concerned will integrate the warrant officer into
the corresponding promotion list of the new component based on the warrant officer’s date of
rank in his or her current grade.
a. When a warrant officer transfers between the Selected Reserve of two of the Reserve
Components, the previous and current components must follow the procedural guidance in this
issuance and comply with the gain and loss transaction reporting requirements in accordance
with Volume1 of DoD Manual 7730.54 to prevent any break in his or her Selected Reserve
b. Any break in Selected Reserve affiliation greater than 24 hours may result in a warrant
officer losing eligibility for benefits such as health benefits and educational assistance from the
Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve Program in accordance with DoDI 1322.17.
c. Recoupment actions may begin if the warrant officer elects to not maintain Selected
Reserve affiliation while transferring between the two Reserve Components. The warrant officer
will not be adversely affected due to administration delays in processing his or her transfer.
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
4.4. DD FORM 368.
a. DD Form 368 will be used in all cases involving inter-Service transfers and transfers
between components for warrant officers.
b. In accordance with DoDD 5400.11, DoD 5400.11-R, and Section 552a of Title 5, U.S.C.,
any personal data provided on this form request will be used to evaluate the proposed transfer.
The disclosure of such information is voluntary, but failure to provide such information may
result in the disapproval of the request.
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
a. An enlisted member who transfers between the Regular and Reserve Components of the
same Military Service is not required to subscribe to a new oath of enlistment pursuant to Section
502 of Title 10, U.S.C.
b. An enlisted member of the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard may be
released from the National Guard for transfer to a Military Service with the consent of the
governor or other appropriate authority of the State, commonwealth, territory, or the District of
Columbia in accordance with Section 322 of Title 32, U.S.C.
c. The discharge and subsequent enlistment of an enlisted member must be processed
without interrupting the continuity of the enlisted member’s military service. The total military
service accrued will be credited as of the date of the transfer.
a. When an enlisted member transfers between the Selected Reserve of two of the Reserve
Components, the previous and current components must follow the procedural guidance in this
issuance and comply with the gain and loss transaction reporting requirements in accordance
with Volume 1 of DoD Manual 7730.54 to prevent any break in his or her Selected Reserve
b. Any break in Selected Reserve affiliation greater than 24 hours may result in an enlisted
member losing eligibility for benefits such as health benefits and educational assistance from the
Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve Program in accordance with DoDI 1322.17.
c. Recoupment actions may begin if the enlisted member elects to not maintain Selected
Reserve affiliation while transferring between the two Reserve Components. The enlisted
member will not be adversely affected due to administration delays in processing his or her
5.3. DD FORM 368.
a. DD Form 368 will be used in all cases involving inter-Service transfers and transfers
between components for enlisted members.
b. In accordance with DoDD 5400.11, DoD 5400.11-R, and Section 552a of Title 5, U.S.C.,
any personal data provided on this form request will be used to evaluate the proposed transfer.
The disclosure of such information is voluntary, but failure to provide such information may
result in the disapproval of the request.
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
active-duty list
DoD directive
DoD instruction
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
reserve active-status list
United States Code
United States Coast Guard
United States Public Health Service
G.2. DEFINITIONS. Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the
purposes of this issuance.
ADL. A single list maintained by each Military Service that contains the names of all officers of
the Military Service, other than officers described in Section 641 of Title 10, U.S.C., who are
serving on active duty.
Military Department. Defined in the DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.
Military Service. Refers to the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, or the Marine Corps.
military service obligation. Defined in DoDI 1304.25.
mobilization. The process by which the Military Services or part of them are brought to a state
of readiness for war or other national emergency, which includes activating all or part of the
Reserve Component as well as assembling and organizing personnel, supplies, and material.
mobilization potential. The readiness of a Reserve Component unit or individual to be moved
for further processing, organizing, equipping, training, and employment for the purpose of
mobilization in time of war or other national emergencies.
original appointment. An officer’s most recent appointment in a Regular or Reserve
component that is neither a promotion nor a demotion.
RASL. A single list maintained by each Military Service that contains the names of all reserve
officers of the Military Service, other than those on an ADL described in Section 620 of Title 10,
U.S.C., who are in an active status in a Reserve Component of a Military Service and are not on
an ADL.
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
Ready Reserve. The Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve liable for active duty, as
prescribed by Sections 10142, 12301, and 12302 of Title 10, U.S.C.
Reserve Component. Consists of the Army National Guard of the United States, the Army
Reserve, the Navy Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve, the Air National Guard of the United
States, the Air Force Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve.
Selected Reserve. Those units and individuals within the Ready Reserve designated by their
respective Services and approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as so essential to initial wartime
missions that they have priority over all other reserves.
transfer. The movement of a Service member from an Active or Reserve Component of a
uniformed service by discharge and subsequent enlistment or appointment within 24 hours, to
another Regular or Reserve Component of a Military Service.
uniformed service. Refers to the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the USCG,
the Commissioned Corps of the USPHS, or NOAA Corps.
DoDI 1300.04, July 25, 2017
DoD 5400.11-R, “Department of Defense Privacy Program,” May 14, 2007
DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, “Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations
(FMRs): Military Pay Policy and Procedures Active Duty and Reserve Pay,” current
DoD Directive 5124.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)),” June 23, 2008
DoD Directive 5400.11, “DoD Privacy Program,” October 29, 2014
DoD Instruction 1304.25, “Fulfilling the Military Service Obligation (MSO),” October 31, 2013
DoD Instruction 1310.02, “Original Appointment of Officers,” March 26, 2015
DoD Instruction 1312.03, “Service Credit for Commissioned Officers,” November 22, 2013
DoD Instruction 1322.17, “Montgomery GI Bill – Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR),” January 15,
DoD Instruction 1336.08, “Military Human Resource Records Life Cycle Management,”
November 13, 2009
DoD Instruction 5015.02, “DoD Records Management Program,” February 24, 2015
DoD Instruction 6000.13, “Accession and Retention Policies, Programs, and Incentives for
Military Health Professions Officers (HPOs),” December 30, 2015, as amended
DoD Manual 7730.54, Volume 1, “Reserve Components Common Personnel Data System
(RCCPDS): Reporting Procedures,” May 25, 2011, as amended
Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated
Terms,” current edition
United States Code, Title 5
United States Code, Title 10
United States Code, Title 32