Satellite remote sensing for biodiversity conservation:
exemplary practices and lessons learned
A. K. Leidner, G. M. Buchanan (eds.), Satellite Remote Sensing for Conservation
Action: Case Studies from Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK. 2018, 372 pp.
Peichao Gao
Changxiu Cheng
Changqing Song
Received: 10 June 2019 / Accepted: 8 July 2019
Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2019
Biodiversity is the very basis of human existence and
sustainable development on Earth. It not only provides
us with the basic necessities such as air, food, and
water, but also serves as fundamental building blocks
for healthy ecosystems. However, biodiversity is
facing unprecedented threats. According to the global
biodiversity assessment released in May 2019 by the
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodi-
versity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the number
of species that are now threatened with extinction is
greater than ever before in history; these threatened
species are becoming extinct at a faster rate; current
global response to this biodiversity crisis is still
insufficient; and transformative change s are critically
needed (IPBES 2019).
One technologically transformative change may be
the employment of satellite remote sensing for biodi-
versity conservation. Data collection is currently being
carried out by more than 700 earth-observation
satellites according to the Satellite Database of the
Union of Concerned Scientists (2019), while data
processing is continuously accelerated by both soft-
ware and hardware development. This fact makes it
effective and efficient to monitor the Earth’s surface in
a spatially and temporally exhaustive manner, making
satellite remot e sensing an amazing opportunity for
biodiversity conservation. The problem now for
conservation practitioners is how to exploit this
opportunity, given that relatively few have an aca-
demic background or practical experience in remote
The book Satellite Remote Sensing for Conserva-
tion Action: Case Studies from Aquatic and Terrestrial
Ecosystems is a bold effort to address this problem.
The two editors, who wrote two out of the 10
chapters of the book, are among the pioneers and
leading experts in remote sensing application in
identifying conservation problems and solutions. The
other chapters were contributed by 32 leading
researchers in conservation remote sensing from
Australia, Italy, Spain, UK, USA, and Niger.
Satellite Remote Sensing for Conservation Action
can be divided into three parts, namely Chapters 1–2,
3–8, and 9–10. The first part presents a necessary and
excellent background for readers from either the
conservation or remote sensing disciplines. Chapter 1
provides a brief but comprehensive background on
biodiversity conservation. It also explains why remote
sensing is of interest and can be of use to conservation
P. Gao C. Cheng (&) C. Song
State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and
Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University,
Beijing 100875, China
P. Gao
C. Song
Landscape Ecol
practitioners. Then, Chapter 2 follows up with some
essential details of remote sensing, including its
development history, basic concepts, and functional
mechanisms. Because one major barrier to the appli-
cation of remote sensing lies in data accessibility,
Chapter 2 tries to summarize key remote sensing data
products (including raw data and higher-level prod-
ucts) and web sources.
The second part contains six case-study chap-
ters and is the highlight of Satellite Remote Sensing for
Conservation Action. The six case studies cover both
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems from aroun d the
world. The first case study illustrates the role that
satellite remote sensing has played in the conservation
of East Asia’s coastal wetlands, specifically the tidal
flats in the Yellow Sea. A practical method was
developed to achieve consist ent time-series maps of
the tidal flats, using the 30-m resolution, free Landsat
remote sensing data archive. The second case study
documents the quantification of the quality and loss of
chimpanzee forest habitat in Africa. Satellite remote
sensing data delivered at different levels of processing
were used, such as Landsat ETM? band 5 and
Landsat-derived per cent canopy cover. The third case
study demonstrates the usefulness of satellite remote
sensing for fire monitoring in African protected areas.
Two satellite remote sensing-based tools were devel-
oped for incorporating the monitoring information
into fire management. The fourth case study proposes
a satellite remote sensing-based solution for monitor-
ing and assessing ecosystem functioning, such as the
dynamics of primary productivity and water fluxes.
The solution was successfully applied to the Don
National Park of Spain. The fifth case study introduces
a novel system in the Idaho Department of Fish and
Game, a wildlife management agency, for predicting
mule deer harvests at a regional scale. The prediction
is performed in real time by using satellite remote
sensing information on environmental and climate
conditions. The last case study reports a near-real-time
tool for predicting blue whale occurrence and densities
based on satellite telemetry data for blue whales and
some selected environmental variables such as sea
surface temperature and height. All the selected
environmental variables have ecological links to blue
whales and were derived from satellite remote sensing
The third part (i.e., Chapters 9–10) provides some
case study-independent and case study-dependent
perspectives on satellite remote sensing for conserva-
tion action. Chapter 9 reviews the use of satellite
remote sensing by conservation organizations, espe-
cially Conservation International, and discusse s the
recent challenges and future opportunities of conser-
vation remote sensing. By contras t, Chapter 10 is a
case study-dependent discussion. It summaries the six
case studies of the book, highlighting their common
themes, lessons learned, and implications for the
The distinctive feature of the book is the emphasis
on exemplary practices and lessons learned. As can be
seen from the book’ structure, the six case studies form
its core. In each case study, the authors p resent not
only their conservation problem and scientific meth-
ods but also technological practices and lessons
learned. The practices and lessons are often absent
from scientific journal and conference papers, but they
are significantly important in practically applying
remote sensing for conservatio n action. The lessons
can also be found in the last chapter, which were
learned by the editor s from the case studies. All these
facts make the book complementary to scientific
journal and conference papers.
The book demonstrates the great and still-increas-
ing importance of remote sensing for biological
conservation. Indeed, biodiversity can be better
investigated by using remote sensing (Rocchini et al.
2018), and there are at least ten ways remote sensing
can contribute to conservation (Rose et al. 2015).
However, it should be pointed out that remote sensing
is not limited to spaceborne, namely the satellite
remote sensing illustrated in the book. Remote sensing
can also be airborne or ground-based, such as Light
Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). In some biodiversity
conservation cases, airborne or ground-based remote
sensing may be more applicable because the sensed
data have a higher spatial resolution than that of
satellite (i.e., spaceborne) remote sensing (e.g., Getzin
et al. 2017). This resolution issue is also the reason
why a chapter author of the book found it impossible to
determine the local factors affecting ecosystem
resilience using only satellite remote sensing obser-
vations (p. 182).
Overall, Satellite Remote Sensing for Conservation
Action is a timely, instructive, and stimulating book on
biodiversity conservation practices. The book is of
great use to landscape ecologists in general and
conservation practitioners in particular. The only
Landscape Ecol
(minor) criticism worth making is that in Chapter 2,
the summary on key remote sensing data products is
not that comprehensive and the software tools for data
processing are not introduced for landscape ecologists.
Nevertheless, the book is readable by both the
conservationists who are unfamiliar with remote
sensing and those have a remote sensing background
but a limited understanding of biological conservation.
If conservation remote sensing is to be included in the
curriculum of conservation education, the book can be
used as a course book or a reference.
Getzin S, Fischer R, Knapp N, Huth A (2017) Using airborne
LiDAR to assess spatial heterogeneity in forest structure on
Mount Kilimanjaro. Landscape Ecol 32(9):1881–1894
IPBES (2019) Nature’s dangerous decline unprecedented; spe-
cies extinction rates accelerating.
news/Media-Release-Global-Assessment. Accessed 20
May 2019
Rocchini D, Luque S, Pettorelli N, Bastin L, Doktor D, Faedi N,
Feilhauer H, Fe
ret JB, Foody GM, Gavish Y (2018) Mea-
suring b-diversity by remote sensing: a challenge for bio-
diversity monitoring. Methods Ecol Evol 9(8):1787–1798
Rose RA, Byler D, Eastman JR, Fleishman E, Geller G, Goetz S,
Guild L, Hamilton H, Hansen M, Headley R (2015) Ten
ways remote sensing can contribute to conservation.
Conserv Biol 29(2):350–359
Union of Concerned Scientists (2019) UCS Satellite Database.
satellite-database. Accessed 30 May 2019
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regard to jurisdictiona l claims in published maps and
institutional affiliations.
Landscape Ecol