Chapter 8
GIS and Remote Sensing Applications
for Watershed Planning in the Maumee
River Basin, Ohio
Kevin Czajkowski and Patrick L. Lawrence
Abstract The Maumee River watershed is the largest drainage basin that
discharges into the Great Lakes. Although the watershed is largely a rural land-
scape, several major urban-industrial cities, including Fort Wayne and Toledo are
located along the river. Many water quality concerns are present, especially non-
point rural runoff that contributes significant amounts of sediment into the Maumee
River. There is an important need to collect, organize and assess the available
information on the watershed conditions and to better determine the status of the
changes with land uses, crop rotation, and implementation of conservation tillage
practices within this watershed. A partnership between the University of Toledo
and US Department of Agriculture NRCS lead to several GIS and remote sensing
products including annual land cover and crop rotations via remote sensing
techniques, establishment of a Maumee Watershed Project Area GIS database,
and providing educational and informational outreach with other project partners,
resource managers, and the general public.
Keywords GIS Remote sensing Watershed planning
8.1 Introduction
The Maumee River watershed is the largest drainage basin that discharges into the
Great Lakes. Although the watershed is largely a rural landscape, several major
urban-industrial cities, includi ng Fort Wayne and Toledo are located along the
river. Many water quality concerns are present, including non-point rural runoff
that contributes significant amounts of sediment into the Maumee River. There is an
important need to collect, organize and assess the available information and better
K.Czajkowski (*) P.L. Lawrence
Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606, USA
P.L. Lawrence (ed.), Geospatial Tools for Urban Water Resources,
Geotechnologies and the Environment 7, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-4734-0_8,
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013
determine the status of the changes underway within the watershed. In 2005, the
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natur al Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS) entered into a five year agreement with the Geographic Information
Science and Applied Geography (GISAG) Research Center at the Department of
Geography and Planning at the University of Toledo, Ohio.
The work performed assists NRCS in undertaking sub-watershed rapid resource
assessments, watershed and area planning, farm conservation planning, and delivery
of conservation technical assistance and conservation cost-share programs authorized
by the 2002 Farm Bill. The tasks undertaken with this project consists of: annually
determining land cover and crop rotations via remote sensing techniques; combining
Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan data layers to establish Maumee Watershed Project
Area GIS database; and establishing a Maumee Watershed Project GIS Website to
provide educational and informational outreach with other project partners, resource
managers, and the general public.
The Western Lake Erie Basin has been identified by NRCS as a major contributor
of non-point source pollution into Lake Erie. In 2005, NRCS developed a plan to use
Rapid Resource Assessments, Area Wide Planning, and acceleration of USDA Farm
Bill programs to address the resource concerns for the Western Basin of Lake Erie,
and contributing watersheds including the Maumee, Portage, and Ottawa Rivers.
This 10-year study primarily addresses land use/cover changes, conservation tillage
practices, and water quality monitoring. A secondary element of this plan is to deve-
lop a basin wide GIS (Geographic Information System) to aid in watershed planning
projects and public outreach. Nelson and Weschler’s (1998) study suggested that
the Maumee River watershed might not be ready for basin wide collaboration on
watershed planning, but with the implementation of a GIS-based institutional atlas,
the local and regional organizations and agencies with interests in watershed planning
could be moving in the right direction towards integration.
The watershed management approach has emerged as a holistic and integral way
of research, analysis and decision-making at a watershed scale (Montgomery et al.
1995; Perciasepe 1994; Voinov and Costanza 1999). Initially oriented towar d the
control of water supply and use, it has shifted to include a concern for water quality
and the combined effects of land use in the drainage basin, particularly since non-
point pollution has overtaken point-source pollution as a primary concern as a cause
of impairment (Nelson and Weschler 1998). By relating water quality and land use
concerns, a link is created between science and planning, thereby connecting all
stakeholders, community leaders, agency administrators, and concerned citizens
in the watershed. Basin-wide collaborations can provide the expertise, scientific
backing, moral support, and political leadership necessary to implement regional
plans. GIS interfaced hydrological models are considered as a major tool for surface
water management at a watershed scale because they are capable of presenting the
relationship between the spatial and hydrological features of the watershed in an
efficient way (Al-Abed et al. 2005).
GIS is a general-purpose technology for handling geographic data in digital
form (McKinney and Cai 2002). GIS has the ability to combine physical features,
political and administrative jurisdictions, and organizational missions in order to
make sound recommendations or decisions for the entire watershed. The advances
132 K. Czajkowski and P.L. Lawrence
of GIS have grown beyond simple data management, storage, and mapping.
Today, a more sophisticated means of analysis is being utilized by combining
various mathematical and computer generated models with spatial data within the
GIS. Simulation models are useful tools for analysis of watershed processes and
their interactions, and for development and assessment of watershed management
scenarios (He 2003). Schre ier and Brown (2001) used GIS for analysis of buffer
zones, which were delinea ted and classified from digital aerial photos, which
allowed the identification of the type, width and continuity of the buffer zone.
Kelsey et al. ( 2004) used GIS techniques to calculate several “distance or proxim-
ity” land-use variables to examine land-use effects on fecal coliform densities.
In October 2005, NRCS entered into a five year memorandum with the Geo-
graphic Information Science and Applied Geography (GISAG) Research Center
of the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toledo as part
of the Western Lake Erie Basin Water Resources Protection Plan. The University of
Toledo assisted NRCS in implementing the Maum ee Watershed project, including
sub watershed rapid resource assessments, watershed and area planning, on farm
conservation planning and delivery of conservation technical assistance and con-
servation cost-share programs authorized by the 2002 Farm Bill. The tasks gener-
ally consisted of: annually determining land cover and crop rotations via remote
sensing techniques; combining Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan data layers to establish
Maumee Watershed Project Area GIS data layers for the project; and establishing
and maintaining a Maumee Watershed Project GIS Website to provide educational
and informational outreach to share data and information with other project
partners, resource managers, and the general public.
Crop type classification for the Maumee River project is bein g carried out using
multitemporal Landsat 5 satellite imagery for each year of the agreement. Images
were gathered from several time periods during the growing season to differentiate
between the different crops types, in particular corn, soybeans, wheat and pasture.
Once collected, the images underwent cloud screening and then were stacked in
Erdas IMAGINE remote sensing software package. Training sets of crop type had
been collected using a driving survey of the watershed and loca ted with Global
Positioning System (GPS) readings. These training sets were used to create spectral
signatures in Erdas and then a supervised classification was performed using the
Maximum Likelihood classifier.
8.2 Maumee River Basin
The Maumee River basin covers over 4.9 million acres across Ohio, Michigan and
Indiana. The Maumee River, the most prominent watershed in the basin, begins in
Fort Wayne, Indiana, and extends more than 130 mile s to Lake Erie, 105 miles of
which are located in Ohio (Fig. 8.1). The Maumee River has the largest drainage
area of any Great Lakes river with 8,316 square miles and drains some of the richest
farmland in Ohio. The project area for this study will only include the drainage into
8 GIS and Remote Sensing Applications for Watershed Planning in the Maumee... 133
Lake Erie south of the Ohio-Michigan state line. The cities of Toledo, Fort Wayne,
and Lima constitute the major urban areas. Other smaller towns and cities are
scattered throughout. The population of this area total s over 1.2 million people.
Land use is predominantly agriculture covering about 71% of the total basin
(NRCS 2005). Urban development and roads represent 10% of the area (NRCS
2005). Soils are naturally poorly drained. Surface ditches and subsurface drains
have been implemented to improve drainage. The basin area receives a relatively
even distribution of precipitation throughout the year between 33 and 37 in. depen-
ding on the loca tion. Soil erosion is a major problem in the basin causing NRCS
to track conservation tillage practices in order to reduce the loss of sediment off
cropland. Dredging in the Toledo Harbor, at the mouth of the Maumee River, is
costing $2.2 million per year due to sediment loading. Tourism and sport fishing
are also directly related to water quality and the health of the lake associated with
increased sedimentation (NRCS 2005). Several watershed planning efforts have
been undertaken with the Maumee Basin, especially in the Maumee Great Lakes
Area of Concern (AOC) loca ted in the lower (downstream) portion of the Maumee
River and including several other rivers and streams discharging directly into the
western basin of Lake Erie (Lawrence 2003; Maumee RAP 2006 ).
Fig. 8.1 The Maumee Drainage Basin, NW Ohio
134 K. Czajkowski and P.L. Lawrence
8.3 GIS Database Development
Spatial data layers were assembled from numerous sources to assemble and deliver
GIS layers that cover the entire Maumee Watershed Project Area (Table 8.1). Some
of the websites, where spatial data is freely available, are Soil Data Mart, Data
Gateway (NRCS/USDA), Center for Geographic Information in Michigan, ODNR
GIMS (Geographic Information Management Systems), Indiana Geological Survey
(A GIS Atlas), United States Geological Survey (USGS), and Great Lakes Informa-
tion Network (GLIN). Once the data was downloaded, it was necessary to evaluate its
condition using ESRI ArcGIS software. Datasets for the basin needed to cover Ohio,
Michigan, and Indiana. In some cases, there was only Ohio datasets available and
therefore were not used. In other cases, there were security issues; therefore the data
was not made public. Metadata, which contains descriptions of the spatial data sets,
needed to be present because it indicates what has been done to create the data and
who created it. The metadata would be updated with the project purpose and contact
information. After deciding on datasets, geoprocessing techniques were performed.
Clipping, merging, and reprojecting were necessary for datasets for map overlay.
The next step was to establish a GIS website for the Maumee Watershed Project
Area linking an ArcIMS site for data viewing. The website located at www.maumee. contains background information on the project, spatial layers available
for download through a password protected ftp site, and the ArcIMS available for
viewing these spatial layers (Fig. 8.2). The ability to download the information is a
means to share the data with NRCS and project partners for the overall collaboration
of the project. Training sessions were held for partners and stakeholders to learn how
to use this online system providing them ample opportunity to make suggestions and
ask meaningful questions.
ArcIMS provides for the ability to access various layers at various scales of
viewing. In this manner it is possible to compile many important spatial data layers
into the GIS product and make each layer viewable and active at the appropriate scale.
Table 8.1 Main GIS data
layers for the Maumee GIS
DEM (Digital Elevation Model)
SSURGO soils
Stream network
Land use cover
Watersheds (HUC units)
Quaternary and bedrock geology
Recreational areas and parks
Various boundaries (states, cities, and counties)
Source water protection areas
Groundwater data
100 year floodplains
Climatic zones
Soil drainage
Roads and transportation
8 GIS and Remote Sensing Applications for Watershed Planning in the Maumee... 135
For example, Fig. 8.3 shows the view scale of the entire watershed area highlighting
the individual river basins located within the watershed with additional layers includ-
ing land use/land cover, 2005 NIAP imagery, ecoregions and state boundaries.
Figure 8.4 illustrates a view at the scale of one river basin with display of the Land
Capability Class and additional layers that include counties, zip codes, annual precipi-
tation, farmland class and many others. Figure 8.5 displays the view at the local
community scale highlighting SSURGO soil types and also can include Census
blocks, streets, and several other additional data layers. ArcIMS also provides numer-
ous data tools to assist with spatial analysis including query functions, distance
calculations, and area measurements all of which can be useful to potential users
of the datasets.
8.4 Remote Sensing
Land cover and land use can be classified for a watershed region by utilizing a
satellite image which covers a large area. Landsat Thematic Mapper can be used at
the regional level with its 30 m spatial resolution (Oetter et al. 2000; Jensen 2005;
Fig. 8.2 Maumee GIS project website (at
136 K. Czajkowski and P.L. Lawrence
Woodcock et al. 2001). The point of classification with remote sensing is to categorize
every pixel in the image into themes or classes based on the reference spectral res-
ponse of a band. Normally, multispectral data is applied since categories which can be
separated in a channel are very limited. A commonly used method is the supervised
classification technique which requires a prior knowledge of the study area, and pixels
are classified based on the user-defined reference spectral data set. A maximum
likelihood is used to categorize the pixels into defined classes as it takes into account
a variance and a covariance to the computation and classifies pixels into a class to
which the pixel has the highest probability of belonging (Jensen 2005).
Many times a good classification of land cover types can result from applying
a single image. However, when land use types such as crop types are classified,
it is useful to use multiple images wherein the dates are different. In the case of crop
identification, the images include pre-growing season and growing season so that
different spectral information can be extracted from the images which discriminate
objects in the study area. For instance, winter wheat may be indistinguisha ble from
bare soil in late fall when it is just planted and from alfalfa in spring due to a similar
spectral response. However, by using two images, winter wheat can be identified by
having a unique set of responses to bare soil in fall and alfalfa in spring (Lillesand
et al. 2004). Therefore, it is important to know the study area to take advantage of
the multi-temporal classificat ion.
Fig. 8.3 Screenshot of Maumee Watershed layer showing all river basin units
8 GIS and Remote Sensing Applications for Watershed Planning in the Maumee... 137
A land use and land cover layer was created for this study. Throughout the
creation of the classified map, ERDAS IMAGINE 9.1 was utilized unless otherwise
noted. Ground truth points were collected at selected transits along roadways within
the watershed resulting in over 300 points annually for analysis. Landsat TM images
of path 20/row 31 were used for the classification which were downloaded from
the OhioView website. Clouds and shadows in the images were removed by visual
assessment. Removal of the urban area was also conducted by visual assessment
using an urban area shapefile downloaded from the ESRI Census Watch website
( The images were then stacked to perform the
multi-temporal classification. For example in 2005 images were used from May 4th,
August 8th, and November 12th in order to cover the complete growing season for the
primary crops: corn, soybeans and wheat.
The identification of crop types within farm fields was also checked by USDA
personnel at the county level within the watershed on an annual basis via “wind-
shield surveys” that would generate 8,775 observation points. Among these crop
type observations, 78% were either corn or soybean. At total of 150 points per class
for the entire Maumee watershed were randomly selected as reference points, and
the others were used as training samples. Out of the 150 points, 75 points per class
Fig. 8.4 Screenshot of Maumee GIS ArcIMS product as viewing one river basin and highlighting
the land capability classification layer
138 K. Czajkowski and P.L. Lawrence
fall into the study area and were used for accuracy assessment of the supervised
classification for the study area. Normally, a minimum of 50 samples for each class
is good enough for the accuracy assessment. However, when a study area is larger
than one million hectare, the minimum number of the sample should be increased
to 75 or 100, thus for this study, 75 samples were used.
To perform a maximum likelihood supervised classification, a training set for
each class of corn, soybean, hay, and wheat was created. By using the training
samples, pixels were selected by using an Area of Interest (AOI) tool for each class.
The training samples were visualized in different colors in terms of cardinal directions
to consume less effort and time in collecting pixels. For each class, about 100 fields of
pixels were collected. Those pixels were the reference for the computer to classify the
entire image. For the forest and water classes, pixels were collected visually. Water is
obvious in a satellite image by its shape and color of navy to light blue with bands 4, 3,
and 2 as red, green, and blue in color composite. Forest is also visible and easily
identifiable in an image by its texture and color of red with the same condition of the
color composite as that used for the water.
After running the supervised classification, sieve and clump functions of ENVI
were applied to the classified image except for the water and forest classes to
smooth isolated pixels. The sieve function identifies an isolated pixel, and the
Fig. 8.5 Screen shot of Maumee GIS ArcIMS product as viewing at the community scale and
highlighting the SSURGO soils layer
8 GIS and Remote Sensing Applications for Watershed Planning in the Maumee... 139
clump function classifies the isolated pixel into the class which has the highest
occurrence of its surr ounding pixels. Some water bodies such as a river and some
forest which are represented by a pixel or line of pixels were likely to be removed
by the sieve-clump process, therefore the original water and forest classes were
Finally, an accuracy assessment was conducted for the classified image by using
the reference points, which were separated from the training sample at the begin-
ning. The reference points were compared with the classified map to check to see if
the reference field was classified correctly or not in ArcMap with the cardinal
directions of the refere nce point visualized in a different color. This information
was typed into Excel, which has columns of reference point numbers and classified
classes. For the forest and water class, random points were created by an accuracy
assessment function, and they were visually assessed by using the satellite image
with the color composition used for the creation of the training set described earlier
in this section.
An error matrix with columns of reference classes and rows of classified classes
was created. By using the matrix, overall accuracy was estimated by dividing the
total amount of diagonal pixels by the total amount of all of the pixels used for the
accuracy assessment. An accuracy of 85% or more overall accuracy is considered
acceptable. The accuracy of each class was estimated. A producer’s accuracy or an
omission was calculated by dividing the total number of the correctly classified
pixels in a certain class by the total number of pixels of that class derived from the
reference data. A user’s accuracy or commission errors is calculated by dividing
the total number of correctly classified pixels in a certain class by the total number
of pixels of that class derived from the classified data and tells how much the
classified pixels match with the actual validation points. A further assessment was
performed by conducting a kappa analysis, which indicates the accuracy between
the classified map and the refere nce data and if accuracy was derived from an actual
agreement between the two data or by chance. Actual agreement would be strong
with a kappa value of more than 0.80, fair with a value between 0.80 and 0.40, and
poor with a value below 0.40.
An example of an annual land cover/land use and crop type classification (from
2005) is shown in Fig. 8.6, with farmland with planted crops the most common land
cover/land use. Soybean (47%) and corn (18%) crops are the most common rural
land use/land cover types. Forest cover was found to represent 17% of the land area.
The reference points of hay and wheat were small due to the limited amount of
the ground truth points. Overall accuracy of the classification was 87.96% and the
Kappa value was 0.82.
Tillage classification was conducted in the same way as the crop types were
classified. For example the tillage classification in 2006 used a Landsat TM image
of path 20/row 31 acquired on May 23, 2006 and obtained from the OhioView
website. The classes created for the map were traditi onal tillage (<30 %), mulch-till
(30–90 %), no-till (<90 %), forest, and water. Tillage systems within the Maumee
watershed were documented at 8,927 farmfield data points that were checked by
USDA personnel at the county level. Approximately ½ of the farm field points were
140 K. Czajkowski and P.L. Lawrence
found to represent no-till agriculture in the watershed. An accuracy assessment
was also conducted, and an error matrix was created. The resulting image of the
supervised classification conducted for the tillage system s in 2006 is shown in
Fig. 8.7. The accuracy was 81.33% and did not reach the acceptable guideline.
However, it was the best resu lt which was performed, and the technique was
utilized for the remaining annual classification and mapping of tillage with similar
results. The Kappa value was 0.77, with the agreement between the classification
map and the reference data fair enough and close to a strong relationship, and the
accuracy of the classification was less likely to happen by chance.
8.5 Discussion
With the development of the Maumee GIS/Remote Sensing project several data
gathering issues have been identified. Data may have been found for only one or
two states and not complete for the entire Maumee Basin. Some contacts were
not willing to share their data due to copyright or propriety issues. Some data is
not being made public because of security reasons such as transportation, pipeline,
and other infrastructure. For many of the GI S datasets no metadata attached to data
Fig. 8.6 Land cover/land use classification with crop types, 2005
8 GIS and Remote Sensing Applications for Watershed Planning in the Maumee... 141
sets making it very difficult to validate and assess the data source and its quality.
The development of the spatial database is a continuing process. Feedback from
users of the ArcIMS web based viewer is helpful in managing the website in order
to make it more user friendly. Efforts continue in the updating of data sets with
current information.
In early 2007 a survey was sent to 188 current and potential users of the Maumee
Basin GIS/Remote Sensing project website ( in order to
assess the utility of the website and ArcIMS data viewer and to solicit feedback on
future additions and improvements (see Rousseau, this volume for more details).
A total of 55 individuals responded (29% return rate) with state and federal
government agencies and NGOs/Universities having the largest number of resp-
onders. Over 41% of respondents indicated that they had been using GIS for more
than 5 years. When asked about their use of GIS in watershed planning 60%
indicated that they had created maps or data products and the most common sources
of GIS data that they used included the Ohio Department of Natural Resources
(ODNR) GIMS website, USGS, and NRCS Service Data Gateway. In accessing and
using the Maumee Basin GIS/Remote Sensing project website over 90% rated the
site as Good to Excellent and suggested improvements, including making more data
readily available for download, providing clearer instructions for non GIS users,
and providing links to metadata and source citation.
Tillage Systems 2006
NE Maumee Watershed
Traditional tillage
Urban areas/Primary roads
Watershed Boundaries
5 0 10 Miles
Based on Landsat images acquired in 2006. Projected in UTM NAD 1983 Zone 17
Fig. 8.7 Classification of Tillage Systems in the northeast portion of the Maumee Watershed, 2006
142 K. Czajkowski and P.L. Lawrence
Ongoing searches are underway to secure and post additional new useful data
sets and work continues in evaluating current data sets. Additional updates to the
data sets during the project included transet data collected annually from 2007 to
2009 on crops types for use as validation/training data for land cover analysis,
assembling data sets in response to severe flooding and impacts along the Blanchard
River in August 2007, collection of the Landsat imagery for 2007–2009 for the
preparation of a series of annual land use, crop type and tillage analysis, acquisition
of one foot orthophotos for the watershed, collection of the NAIP and LiDAR
imagery available for a portion of the Maumee Basin. Tasks also included compil-
ing the field survey data from 2007 to 2009 for crop type and tillage assessments
collected by NRCS county extension staff into a common database, analysis of
annual land cover from Landsat (including accuracy assessment and % cover
types), development of tile surface creation workflow to assist in creating a bare
earth DSM, and to process the LiDAR and NAIP imagery into ArcIMS .
8.6 Conclusions
The Maumee GIS/Remote Sensing Project has created an array of useful products
to assist with various watershed planning initiatives underway within the basin
including projects undertaken by the Western Lake Erie Basin Partnership, USDA
NRCS, and Army Corp of Engineers. The GIS database has been provided on
request to various parties to assist with the preparation of watershed studies, rapid
assessments, crop inventories, sediment modeling, and in response to flooding
events. As further progress is made in determining the critical watershed issues
and prioritizing future projects, programs and efforts within the basin, the GIS and
remote sensing materials will be of continued importance. The proj ect website, with
GIS data layers and the land use/land cover mapping from remote sensing, provides
many important opportunities for public outreach, teaching and the creation of
unique map based products for a variety of watershed projects within the Maumee
Basin. With the ongoing development of watershed based planning within the
Maumee Basin by a variety of agenc ies and organizations these spatial data sources
will be increased value in plan development.
Acknowledgements Work undertaken under this project has been funded by a Memorandum of
Understanding between the University of Toledo Department of Geography and Planning GISAG
Research Center and the USDA National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) for 2005–2010.
Appreciation is extended to Steve Davis, Cheryl Rice and NRCS staff for their assistance.
Dr. Kevin Czajkowski and Dr. Patrick L. Lawrence with the Department of Geography and
Planning served as the project principal investigators. James Coss and Tim Ault provided technical
assistance as research associates. Graduate students from the MA Geography program at the
University of Toledo: David Dean, Katie Swartz, Phil Haney, and Rumiko Hayase completed
the GIS and remote sensing components.
8 GIS and Remote Sensing Applications for Watershed Planning in the Maumee... 143
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