CSUSM Panhellenic Recruitment Rules, Approved December 8, 2022
Statement of Positive Panhellenic Contact
We, the women of California State University San Marcos, will promote panhellenic-spirited
contact with all potential new members throughout the year. Strict silence will begin at the time
of MRABA signing and last until bid distribution at bid day. No sorority member, including
alumnae and new members, may communicate or live with potential new members during this
period. Strict silence is defined as verbal, nonverbal, written, printed, text message and electronic
communication or communicating through a third party. If potential new members live with
sorority members, only casual greetings and contact are permitted.
Statement of Adherence to NPC Unanimous Agreements and Policies Regarding Recruitment
All NPC member organizations represented at California State University San Marcos believe in
strictly adhering to NPC Unanimous Agreements and policies. All organizations will follow
these valued and nonnegotiable policies during the recruitment process.
Statement of Values-Based Recruitment
All NPC member organizations represented at California State University San Marcos will
promote the following practices during membership recruitment:
1. Engage in values-based conversations.
2. Choose recruitment activities and behaviors that reflect the core values of our
3. Make informed choices, based on shared values, about potential new members. 4.
Educate potential new members about the values, benefits and obligations of sorority
In accordance with NPC policy, California State University San Marcos recruitment events do
not include skits, elaborate decorations and costumes.
Statement of Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA) The
California State University San Marcos Panhellenic will uphold and use the current iteration of
the NPC membership recruitment acceptance binding agreement (MRABA) for each potential
new member interested in joining a sorority, whether during formal or informal recruitment. We
agree to all policies and steps pertaining to the MRABA.
Statement of Automatic Reset of Total
Spring 2023 Total: All Spring 2023 recruiting (deferred recruitment)
1. A College Panhellenic should evaluate total every term. In the academic term that
primary recruitment is held, total will be automatically adjusted no later than 72 hours
following bid distribution.
2. If a College Panhellenic has deferred recruitment, total will be automatically adjusted
within one week (no more than 7 days) from the start of the first term of the academic
3. Total will be set to largest chapter size.
Logistics and Limitations
Provisions establishing the logistics, limitations, and schedule relating to recruitment
matters shall be set forth annually in an Addendum to these Recruitment Rules and attached
Primary Recruitment Period
A. The primary recruitment period is defined as the first day of the spring semester until the
last day of the recruitment process. Primary recruitment for spring 2023 will be Friday,
January 27
- Sunday, January 29th. Bid day will be held on Monday, January 30st.
NPC Recruitment Style
A. Fully structured recruitment (FSR) will be used at California State University San
New Member Eligibility
A. A potential new member can only be offered membership if the individual meets
eligibility requirements as outlined by the University in the Fraternity & Sorority
B. The University requires that any student who intends on participating in the recruitment
process of any fraternity or sorority must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA. This
requirement is verified by Student Life & Leadership. Any student who does not meet
this minimum 2.5 GPA requirement is not permitted to go through recruitment and may
not receive an invitation or bid from any fraternity or sorority with the exception of NPC
sororities that determine their organization’s minimum GPA.
C. The University requires that in order to be eligible for membership, a student must have
12 college units completed. Transferred college units and AP credit can meet this
requirement. Students must be currently enrolled in at least 6 units at CSUSM, but cannot
be enrolled through Extended Studies/Open University.
D. Any student who intends on participating in the recruitment process of any fraternity or
sorority must be in good standing with California State University San Marcos (academic
dishonesty, conduct, housing, etc.).
E. Each potential new member must submit a registration form to have eligibility verified.
No bids may be issued by a chapter without prior Student Leadership and Involvement
Center eligibility verification.
New Chapter Support
A. If a new organization joins the community, the following efforts will be agreed upon to
support the growth and development of this group(s).
B. The Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life will coordinate with the existing
Panhellenic chapters to allow representatives from the new chapters headquarters staff
and/or volunteers attend recruitment events for the purpose of gaining insight of the
set-up and structure of these events for the following recruitment cycle. These
individuals’ purpose is only to observe, and they shall not participate or disrupt the
recruitment event in any way. Questions and/or concerns shall be addressed by the
chapter to the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life immediately.
C. Certain items commonly used for recruitment are owned by existing chapters but must be
procured for new chapters. These items include: champagne flutes, lattice or wall panels,
round and rectangular linens, table size and large wooden letters, flameless tea lights,
beverage dispenser, twinkle lights, and vases. A list of these items will be provided to
new chapters, and the one-time cost of procuring such items will not be included in the
recruitment budget for the group’s first formal recruitment.
D. Other methods of support may be discussed and/or voted upon as needed. IV.
Panhellenic president liaison responsibilities
A. Panhellenic president will assist the Greek Leadership Council in the coordination of at
least one All Greek and/or Sorority/Fraternity-community specific event during the
recruitment period. This event should highlight the recruitment process and each chapter.
B. Panhellenic president will ensure the reservation and coordination of space for chapter
flags to be hung. An effort will be made to notify each chapter at least a week prior to
them being up. The flags will be taken down after week 3 each semester by the
University Student Union staff.
Continuous Open Bidding (COB)
A. If chapters would like support from Panhellenic for advertisement and promotion, submit
event details at least one week prior to events.
B. First year students who are ineligible for COB may attend open non-recruitment events
(no member/invitation-only events) hosted by the chapter.
C. In the event an organization is participating in COB for a semester, they cannot co
host an event with a fraternity or include men if PNMs will be present. If they are
not participating in COB, they are free to host those types of events but email the
Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Life or designee prior to the event that
they are not planning on participating in COB that semester [working draft; not
Primary Recruitment
A. Use of Alcohol: Per NPC policy, College Panhellenic-planned or -sponsored events shall
be alcohol-free. Moreover, College Panhellenics shall not spend Panhellenic funds to
purchase alcoholic beverages for any purpose.
B. Men
a. No men may be present or assist with any recruitment events or sorority
events, including Bid Day.
b. Sororities may not co-host or co-promote any event with fraternities during
the recruitment period. There shall be no participation from men at any
membership recruitment or Bid Day activities. Men may assist in transporting
and setting up events but should not be present when PNMs are gathering or
attending the events.
C. Social Media
a. All sorority members will make social media accounts private (i.e. Instagram,
Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, Facebook etc.) starting at 12:00am (midnight) on
first day of recruitment until bids are opened on Bid Day. All sorority
members will remain inactive on all accounts during this timeframe (i.e.,
posting, liking, sharing, commenting, etc.). Exceptions include Chapter
President and a member at large appointed by Chapter President. Additional
exceptions may be granted by the Vice President of Membership and
b. Sororities and individual chapter members may not spotlight any individual or
shared-affiliation Recruitment Counselors in social media posts during the
recruitment period.
D. Events
a. Attendance at any social events, calendared or non-calendared, during the
recruitment period is prohibited for ALL chapter members (i.e. Parties and
Mixers etc.). Members of legal drinking age may patronize third party vendor
establishments serving alcohol.
b. Chapters may not host philanthropy events or fundraisers during the formal
recruitment period.
E. No members, including collegians and alumnae, may visit a potential new member in
her place of residence during the recruitment week. No potential new member may
visit an active member or alumnae’s place of residence during recruitment week
(unless she lives with said individuals).
F. No gifts shall be given to a potential new member until she has received and accepted
her bid from the sorority at Bid Day. Food, utensils, tissues, hygiene products, and
trash at recruitment events is not considered a gift.
G. The Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Life may attend any scheduled
recruitment event.
A. Uniform dress and/or accessories are not encouraged. If chapters purchase any uniform
dress or accessories, the associated cost will count toward the chapters recruitment budget.
Chapters must submit attire selections for all three days of recruitment for approval to the
Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Vice President of Membership and
Recruitment, no later than December 1 annually.
a. Day 1: Long jeans or skirts (no shorts) and t-shirt designed by or on behalf of the
Vice President of Membership and Recruitment. T-shirts provided will be chosen
by organizations. T-shirts will be paid for out of chapter budgets and will not
count towards their recruitment budget.
b. Day 2: Non-matching attire; scheme chosen by chapter. Dresses, pants, skirts,
rompers, and shirts. No shorts.
c. Preference: Formal appropriate attire. Chapter may choose the colors.
Recruitment Team
A. Selection
a. Will be selected prior to fall sorority showcase.
i. Vice President of Membership and Recruitment will work with chapter
presidents (and/or designee) and the Coordinator of Fraternity and
Sorority Life to interview and select the strongest candidates.
ii. Team will be comprised of at least one member from each NPC sorority.
iii. Must have and maintain a 2.5 semester and cumulative GPA.
iv. Each applicant will be reviewed and approved by her chapter president
and advisor before submitting her name for consideration.
B. Responsibilities
a. Serve under the Vice President of Membership and Recruitment and recruitment
counselor chairwoman.
b. Recruitment Team Members will emphasize positive sorority contact and become
knowledgeable about all chapters so that they can effectively support women
going through recruitment.
c. Help coordinate all aspects of Formal Recruitment promotion and publicity. d.
Will help foster the accountability of all chapters to the recruitment calendar,
procedures, and rules.
e. Will help coordinate and run any All-Sorority recruitment events.
f. Recruitment Team Members will be intentional about interacting with Greeks
from all chapters during the recruitment period.
g. The Recruitment Team will remain affiliated. An Affiliated Recruitment
Counselor may not:
i. Represent her chapter. Example: Letters, T-Shirts, Tote Bags, Pants, etc.
ii. Represent a chapter through electronic sources or social media (i.e.,
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email/text signature). Social networking
accounts must be deactivated (or make private if deactivation is not
available) prior to Recruitment Orientation until bids are opened on Bid
iii. Promote only her chapter when talking to potential new members or
disclose affiliation conversationally or when not asked.
iv. Socialize in a public setting with chapter members during recruitment
h. Affiliated Recruitment Counselors may:
i. Wear sorority jewelry, keep stickers on notebooks or computers.
ii. Keep stickers or license plate frames on cars.
iii. Participate in any public events (including parties, mixers, a sisters
birthday dinner) outside of her home.
iv. Attend chapter meetings and Fraternity & Sorority community-wide
events (i.e., Meet the Greeks).
v. Be showcased in recruitment videos and not covered on composites in
chapter rooms.
vi. Disclose what chapter they are a member of – if asked by a potential new
A. Recommended by NPC for 5 chapters or fewer (2 round invitational is recommended)
a. Prior to Day 1: Panhellenic orientation (45 minutes), to be held in advance of the
primary recruitment process.
b. Prior to Day 1: Meeting with recruitment counselors (30 minutes), to be held in
advance of the primary recruitment process.
c. Open House: 6 or 7 invitational rounds held in person, 30 minutes each,
20-minute break.
d. Philanthropy: 4 invitational rounds held in person, 45 minutes each, 15-minute
e. Preference: 3 preference rounds in person 1 hour each, 15-minute break.
Women sign the MRABA virtually and immediately after their last event.
f. Bid Day: Planned by chapter, day following preference, held in person
Space and Room Capacity
A. Four chapters will utilize ballroom quadrants A-D, one chapter will utilize USU 2310AB
or designated alternate space
B. Order of rotation for the chapter using non-ballroom space: Alpha Chi Omega (2023),
Alpha Xi Delta (2024), Alpha Omicron Pi (2025), Delta Zeta (2026), Gamma Phi Beta
Recruitment Personnel
Panhellenic and Recruitment Counselors
A. The Recruitment Team is made up of all Panhellenic Executive Board Officers, the
Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life, Graduate Assistant, and the Recruitment
B. The Panhellenic executive officers and Recruitment Team shall administer Primary
C. The collegiate Recruitment Team members remain affiliated.
Alumnae and National Officers
A. Alumnae are subject to the same limited/no contact rules and ethics guidelines as
collegians leading up to and during primary recruitment.
B. They may attend events to observe, help set up, or assist in preparation.
D. A maximum of five alumnae members per chapter are allowed in the room during the
membership recruitment process. These women must be identified as alumnae on
their nametags.
E. National officers shall remain in an advisory capacity only; unless otherwise
approved by the Panhellenic Recruitment Team.
F. Advisors, chapter consultants, and national organization visitors may visit other
organizations’ recruitment events. Other than preference, for which may only visit
before events begin.
Recruitment Ethics
Oral Bidding
A. There shall be careful conversation and no promising of a return invitation or bid, orally,
in writing, or electronically, to any potential new member, (e.g., “See you later”, “See you
tomorrow”, “We love you”) at any time during primary or informal recruitment.
B. There shall be no comments about seeing a potential new member in the future.
C. Potential new members may not be told directly or indirectly that they are on a chapters
bid list.
D. There shall be no mention of withdrawing for the purpose of Continuous Open
Bidding (COB) or Snap Bidding.
Strict Silence
A. There shall be no communication between chapter members (including alumnae and
recruitment counselors) and potential new members outside of recruitment events
from the MRABA presentation after Preference until Bid Day events.
a. This includes but not limited to, written, verbal, printed, typed, or electronic
forms of contact including online networking services from collegiate
members, non-initiated members, or alumnae.
B. Members, non-initiated members, and alumnae shall have no contact whatsoever with
recruitment counselors from the Sunday before the start of Primary Recruitment until
bids are opened.
Tabling and Public Relations
A. The Panhellenic Vice President of Membership and Recruitment will coordinate tabling
during Formal Recruitment. Panhellenic will reserve, pay for, and coordinate staffing for
the table.
B. Panhellenic Executive Officers and Recruitment Team Members will staff the table.
Individual chapters may table at events approved by Panhellenic Vice President of
Membership and Recruitment.
C. Chapters must publicize Panhellenic Primary Recruitment prior to formal recruitment.
D. The designated chapter account may advertise on campus and on social media
encouraging a “Go Greek” message, beginning on the first day of classes until start of strict
silence period (MRABA presentation after Preference until Bid Day events).
E. Individual chapter members may advertise on campus and on social media encouraging a
“Go Greek” message, beginning on the first day of classes until recruitment begins. They
may not post until bids are opened on Bid Day.
Promotion of the Sorority Experience
All sorority women including collegians, alumnae, College Panhellenics, Alumnae Panhellenics,
inter/national organizations and the National Panhellenic Conference should actively promote the
overall sorority experience and membership opportunities in organizations. This should be done
through all forms of communication (e.g., print, digital, in person) in the spirit of Panhellenic
unity and desire to reach out to all women to share the opportunity for sorority membership.
College and Alumnae Panhellenic rules should not infringe on the rights of individuals, chapters
and/or organizations in the content or forms of communication to promote the sorority
Specified Rules for Each Round of Recruitment
Open House
A. 6 or 7 invitational rounds, 30 minutes each, 20-minute break.
B. Theme: Open House.
C. Dress: T-shirt or scheme chosen by chapter.
A. PNM visits a maximum of three chapters.
B. 4 invitational rounds, 45 minutes each, 15-minute break.
C. Theme: Philanthropy and community service
D. Dress: Non-matching attire; scheme chosen by chapter.
E. Each chapter must do a presentation on their individual chapters philanthropy and
service and cover all points provided by Panhellenic.
F. Each chapter must do a finance presentation and share financial transparency form
covering all details and categories included on the form. See NPC Financial
Transparency Program section for details.
G. Details below in video section.
A. PNM visits a maximum of two chapters.
B. 3 preference rounds, 1 hour each, 15-minute break.
C. Theme: Formal event
D. Dress: Formal appropriate attire. Chapter may choose the colors.
E. Entertainment: Ceremonies and songs are permitted.
Bid Day
A. No chapter shall extend a bid to any potential new member from the first day of classes to
the bid day.
B. Bid matching will occur on the Monday following the close of recruitment unless
otherwise established by Panhellenic in agreement from all chapters.
C. Panhellenic will coordinate new members opening their bids.
D. Chapter Bid Day celebrations will be coordinated by chapters.
E. No chapter may distribute bids before eligibility has been confirmed.
Chapter Budgets
A. Chapters are expected to work under the identified budget cap set by Women’s
Recruitment Committee, with allowance made to new chapters for items identified in
new chapter support section. The budget cap for formal recruitment is $1,500 (video
B. This budget does not reflect expenses on pre-owned items
C. Chapters are to provide the Panhellenic Recruitment Vice President of Finance with every
recruitment receipt accompanied by an expense report provided by the Vice President
of Recruitment within two weeks following primary recruitment.
D. Recruitment video maximum cost begining in 2023 will be maximum $300.
NPC Financial Transparency Program
A. All chapters will share detailed financial information (member dues, chapter fees and
assessments, etc.) with potential new members prior to extending a bid. The financial
information will be shared during day two (philanthropy).
B. Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life will provide PNMs with an approved financial
transparency form during the Philanthropy Round of primary recruitment.
C. The financial transparency form shall adhere to the 2020 NPC Financial Transparency
Program expectations, found on the NPC website.
a. https://www.npcwomen.org/login/college-panhellenics/financial-transparency/
D. The financial transparency form should be completed by the Chapter President, VP of
Finance, VP of Recruitment, and the Recruitment and Chapter advisors.
E. The financial transparency form is due to the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life at
least two weeks before the start of primary recruitment.
PNM Registration Fee
A. Recruitment registration fee will be $30
Recruitment Violations
A. Violations of these Recruitment Rules should be reported to the Vice President of
Membership and Recruitment.
B. A first response will be to facilitate open communication between the involved chapter
presidents to resolve the conflict at the lowest and most informal level possible.
C. Any violations of the Student Code of Conduct and/or behaviors that jeopardize student
safety must be reported to the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life immediately for
review and inquiry.
D. Matters relating to alleged violations by National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) chapters
of NPC Unanimous Agreements, this Panhellenic Association’s Code of Ethics, or other
matters outlined in the NPC Manual of Information shall be referred to the Judicial
Committee for resolution in accordance with the NPC judicial process.