ANZ Premium Credit Card
For account enquiries and lost or stolen cards within
NewZealand call 0800 658 044 or outside NewZealand
call +64 9 522 3010.
ANZ Premium Card Overseas Travel Insurance
General Policy Enquiries
If You have general enquiries, please call one of the
Allianz Partners Customer Care Team on 0800 499 666
between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
Emergency Assistance
If You are overseas and require emergency assistance,
please call Allianz Partners Emergency Assistance.
Skilledprofessionals are available 24 hours 7 days a week.
Call collect on +61 7 3305 7194.
Claim Enquiries
Please call one of the Allianz Partners Claims Consultants on
0800 499 666 between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday or
email us at anzcardclaims@allianz-assistance.co.nz
Important Matters 3
Schedule of Benets 22
Pre-existing Medical Conditions 23
Medical, cancellation and travel disruption
cover for ages75 and above 24
General Exclusions 25
Section 1 Cancellation and Travel Disruption Benets 31
Section 2 Medical Benets 37
Section 3
Life Benets 40
Section 4 Baggage, Money and Travel Documents 42
Section 5 Rental Vehicle Excess 46
Section 6
Personal Liability 47
Section 7 Kidnap and Ransom 48
Section 8 Transport Accident Insurance 49
Claims 51
As an ANZ Premium Cardholder, You and Your Family receive
comprehensive Overseas Travel Insurance. As long as You
meet the criteria for eligibility and You qualify for cover as
expressly described in this document, Your cover will be
automatically provided when You travel overseas.
ANZ Premium Card Overseas Travel Insurance is issued and
managed by AWP Services New Zealand Limited trading
as Allianz Partners, Level 3, 1 Byron Avenue, Takapuna,
Auckland 0622 and underwritten by The Hollard Insurance
Company Pty Ltd ABN 78 090 584 473 (Incorporated in
Australia), (“Hollard”), (referred to as “Us”, “We” or “Our”).
This document is Our ANZ Premium Card Overseas Travel
Insurance policy wording. This policy wording sets out the
cover available and the terms and conditions which apply.
You need to read it carefully to make sure You understand it
and that it meets Your needs.
We provide the cover specified in this policy wording subject
to its terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits and exclusions.
Youneed to decide if the benefit limits, type and level of
cover are appropriate for You and will cover Your potential
This policy wording, together with any written document
Wetell You forms part of Your policy, makes up Your insurance
policy. Please retain these documents in a safeplace.
This policy has been arranged for You by ANZ and is available
to You as part of Your ANZ Premium Card. No member of ANZ
and its related companies, or any other person guarantees
Allianz Partners, Hollard or any of the products issued by them.
This policy wording is eective from 1 July 2023 and
supersedes any previous policy documentation issued
to You in relation to the ANZ Premium Card Overseas
Travel Insurance.
Eligibility for cover
You can check Your eligibility for cover here:
Who is eligible for this cover?
You are eligible for this policy if You meet the following criteria.
You ordinarily reside in New Zealand and:
a) You are an ANZ Premium Cardholder at the time You book
Your travel and for the entire duration of the relevant
Journey; and
b) You qualify for cover because You have booked Your travel
in one of the ways described under the heading How You
can activate this insurance policy for Your travel; and
c) You are a New Zealand Citizen or Resident; and
d) You hold a return travel ticket for Your travel before You
depart New Zealand that shows a return date within the
applicable day limit. Please refer to Maximum duration
If requested by Us, You will need to prove Your eligibility for
this policy by providing Us with documentation including but
not limited to copies of Your passport or residency visa, Your
travel booking receipts and documents relating to Your ANZ
Premium Card account.
How You can activate this insurance policy for Your travel
You can check if You qualify for cover here:
To have cover under this policy, You must purchase at
least50% of Your pre-paid travel expenses on Your ANZ
Premium Card.
Additionally, You can activate this policy for Your travel if
Yourtravel is booked in the following ways:
a) In cases where Your ANZ Premium Card is not an accepted
method of payment, or there will be an additional charge
for using Your ANZ Premium Card (e.g. a surcharge),
You may purchase at least 50% of Your pre-paid travel
expenses using any of Your other ANZaccounts.
b) If You are booking Your trip using points from a loyalty
scheme, You can pay for at least 50% of Your prepaid
accommodation or other travel itinerary items using
YourANZ Premium Card.
If You have no prepaid travel expenses such as airfares
or accommodation because the trip was gifted, won or
purchased for You, and provided that Your trip is not a
business trip paid for by Your employer or business, cover
under this policy is still available to You. Please call Our
Customer Care Team on 0800 499 666 between 8.30am and
5pm Monday to Friday.
Your pre-paid travel expenses include, but are not limited to:
Air tickets, other transport tickets, accommodation, car
rental, pre-paid tours, cruises, taxes and any other pre-paid
travel costs
In the event of a claim, You must provide Us with proof that
You qualify for cover under this policy.
Important information about this cover
Your Period of Insurance will never commence earlier than
12 calendar months prior to the start date of Your Journey.
If the total period of Your intended travel exceeds the
maximum duration of cover stated in this policy wording then
You do not qualify for any cover at all under this policy. You
may apply to Us to extend the maximum duration of cover.
Refer to the heading Extending the maximum duration of
Maximum duration of cover
The maximum period of cover available for each Journey
covered under this policy is 90 consecutive days. If Your
Journey is more than 90 days long, You do not qualify for any
cover under this policy, even within the rst 90 days of Your
If You will be travelling for more than 90 days and You still want
to have cover under this policy, please refer to Extending the
maximum duration of cover.
Extending the maximum duration of cover
In all cases, extensions to the maximum duration of cover are
issued at Our discretion.
If You are travelling for more than 90 consecutive days and You
want to have cover under this policy, You may apply for cover
for the full duration of Your travel provided that:
a) You have not yet commenced Your Journey; and
b) the total period of Your intended travel (including the rst
90 days) does not exceed 180 days.
Cover for the full duration of Your travel is subject to Our
written approval and Your payment of any applicable
premium for the additional days.
If We agree to cover the full duration of Your travel, Your cover
under this policy will start when You pay Us the applicable
premium and We issue You with a Certicate of Insurance.
If You already purchased Your trip and qualied for cover in
one of the ways expressly set out in this policy wording and
You later decide You will travel for longer than 90 days, the
following additional conditions apply to You:
c) Your cover will not automatically be extended for events
which have arisen between the start date of Your Period
of Insurance and the date You contact Us to apply for
cover for the additional days.
This includes any new illnesses, injuries or medical signs
and symptoms You have experienced during this time.
However, cover may be available to You following
a medical assessment and payment of any applicable
d) If You have already obtained cover for Your Pre-existing
Medical Condition(s) and You contact Us later to extend
the maximum duration of cover, this may change the
outcome of Your existing medical assessment.
Extensions to cover under this policy are issued at Our
discretion and subject to Our written approval. If We agree to
extend Your cover, You must pay Us an additional premium
which will be charged to Your ANZ Premium Card.
To apply to extend Your cover, please call Our Customer Care
Team on 0800 499 666.
Automatic extension of the Period of Insurance
If during Your Period of Insurance, You are prevented from
returning to New Zealand as originally intended for either of
the following reasons:
a) a Registered Medical Practitioner advises You against
travelling due to an illness or Injury You have experienced
during Your Journey; or
b) there is an unexpected delay to any scheduled Public
Transport in which You were due to travel as a ticket
holding passenger which results in Your homeward
journey not being completed during Your Period of
this policy is extended by up to six months to allow You to
complete Your Journey by the next reasonably available
When cover starts and ends
Cover under Section 1.1 (Cancellation of Journey)
a) 12 calendar months prior to the start date of Your Journey;
b) on the date You purchase Your trip and qualify for cover in
one of the ways expressly set out in this policy wording
whichever happens later.
Cover under all other sections of this policy commences on
the date You commence Your Journey.
Cover ends:
a) at 11:59pm NZST on the 90
consecutive day following
the date You commenced Your travel, or if applicable,
11:59pm NZST on the date We have agreed in writing if
You have extended Your maximum duration of cover; or
b) on the date You return to Your Home directly following
YourJourney; or
c) on the day You arrive at a medical facility in New
Zealand for further care if You end Your Journey due to a
whichever happens rst.
Please refer to the policy denition of Period of Insurance. You
do not have cover under any section of this policy unless You
hold an active and valid ANZ Premium Card account at the
time You book Your travel and for the entire duration of Your
Period of Insurance.
What we will pay
Provided that You meet the eligibility criteria and You
have activated Your cover, We agree to indemnify You in
the manner and to the extent set out in this document.
This document and any written conrmation issued by Us
extending or limiting cover form Your insurance policy.
We will pay claims up to the Maximum Benet amounts
shown in the Schedule of Benets.
Please read this policy wording carefully and note the
exclusions in each section along with the General Exclusions
to ensure that You understand the cover provided by Us.
IfYou need any clarication on Your cover or the
policy wording please call Our Customer Care Team on
0800 499 666.
How benet limits and sub-limits are applied
The policy limits apply per Insured Adult and are stated in New
Zealand Dollars. Where referred to in this policy, Insured Adult
means the ANZ Premium Cardholder and the ANZ Premium
Cardholder’s spouse, de facto partner or civil union partner who
is travelling with the ANZ Premium Cardholder on the Journey
who qualify for cover under this policy for the relevant Journey.
Policy benets for Dependent Children will be shared within
the policy limits of the Insured Adult(s) unless expressly stated
otherwise in this policy wording.
For example, the maximum total limit per Insured Adult for
personal baggage is $30,000. If an Insured Adult is travelling
with two Dependent Children, the maximum amount
claimable for all is $30,000.
If two Insured Adults are travelling with two Dependent
Children the maximum amount claimable for personal
baggage will be$60,000.
An excess of $200 will be deducted from Our settlement if
Youmake a claim under the following sections:
a) Section 1.2 Additional Expenses;
b) Section 2.1 Medical Expenses;
c) Section 4 Baggage, Money and TravelDocuments.
The excess applies to each separate event giving rise to aclaim.
Pre-existing Medical Conditions
Pre-existing Medical Conditions are excluded under this
policy. Cover for Pre-existing Medical Conditions may be
available for a premium following a medical assessment.
The medical assessment must be completed prior to Your
Journey commencing.
If You have any queries on this, please call Our Customer Care
Team on 0800 499 666.
Emergency Assistance
If during Your Journey You are to be hospitalised, require
evacuation or repatriation services, need to make alternative
travel or accommodation arrangements or have lost Your
Personal Baggage or Personal Money, please notify Us as soon
as possible.
We provide Our customers with easy access to Our 24 hour,
seven days a week emergency assistance service.
A phone call will put You directly in touch with a medical or
travel specialist who will be able to assist You and conrm
cover available under Your policy. You will be advised of
any steps You will need to follow in claiming under Your
policy. You can call collect from anywhere in the world for
emergency medical and travel assistance:
Reverse charge call through telephone operator:
+61 7 3305 7194.
Refund policy
In some cases You may pay Us a premium for additional
If You decide that You do not want the additional coverage
You have paid for, You may cancel it within 14 days after You
paid Us the premium.
You will be given a full refund of the premium You paid,
provided You have not started Your Journey or You do not
want to make a claim or to exercise any other right under
After this period You can still cancel the cover but We will not
refund any part of Your premium if You do.
Correctness of statements and fraud
If any claim under this policy is in any respect fraudulent, or if
any false declaration is made or false or incorrect information
is used in support of any claim, then We can, at Our sole
discretion, not pay Your claim and cancel Your cover under
this policy from the date that the incorrect statement or
fraudulent claim was made.
Duty of disclosure
By activating this insurance policy, You have a duty at law, to
disclose to Us all material facts. A material fact is one that may
inuence a prudent insurer in deciding whether or not to
accept the cover and, if so, on what terms and conditions and
for what premium.
Examples of information You may need to disclose include:
anything that increases the risk of an insurance claim;
any criminal conviction subject to the Criminal Records
(Clean Slate) Act 2004;
if another insurer has cancelled or refused to insure or
renew insurance, has imposed special terms, or refused
any insurance claim or loss made or suered in the past.
These examples are a guide only. If there is any doubt as
to whether any particular piece of information needs to be
disclosed, this should be referred to Us.
If You fail to comply with Your duty of disclosure it may
this policy being avoided retrospectively with the eect
that the policy never existed;
this policy being cancelled;
the amount We pay if You make a claim being reduced; or
Us refusing to pay a claim.
Change of circumstances
During the Period of Insurance, You must tell Us immediately
of any material change in the circumstances surrounding the
subject matter of this insurance policy that:
increases the risk We are insuring, or
alters the nature of the risk We are insuring.
Once You have told Us, We may immediately change the
terms of this policy or cancel it. If You fail to tell Us, We may
apply these changes retrospectively from the date You ought
to have reasonably told Us.
Amendments to the terms and conditions
We may amend the terms and conditions of this insurance
policy at any time. If We do so, ANZ will give You 14 days
written notice of the amendment via email or to Your last
known address.
ANZ may cancel this policy at any time and provide You
with 30 days written notice via email or to Your last known
address. If Your ANZ Premium Card account is cancelled by
either You or ANZ, Your cover will cease immediately. If You are
travelling on Your Journey at the time the policy is cancelled
by ANZ, cover will continue to be in place for coverable events
occurring during Your Journey.
Jurisdiction and choice of law
This insurance is governed by and construed in accordance
with the laws of New Zealand and You agree to submit to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand. You agree
that it is Your intention that this Jurisdiction and choice of law
clause applies.
Sanctions regulations
Notwithstanding anything contained in this policy wording
We will not provide cover nor will We make any payment or
provide any service or benet to any person or party where
providing such cover, payment, service or benet would
expose Us to or violate any applicable trade or economic
sanction or any law or regulation.
Fair Insurance Code
Hollard is a member of the Insurance Council of New Zealand
and adheres to the Fair Insurance Code, which provides
You with assurance that We have high standards of service
to Our customers. A copy of the Fair Insurance Code is
available from the Insurance Council of New Zealand website:
Dispute Resolution Process
If You have a complaint or dispute in relation to this insurance,
or the services of Allianz Partners or its representatives, please
call Us on 0800 499 666 or put the complaint in writing and
send it to The Dispute Resolution Department, POBox33–313,
Takapuna, Auckland 0740, New Zealand, or email Your
complaint to [email protected].nz
Allianz Partners will attempt to resolve the matter in
accordance with its Internal Dispute Resolution procedure.
We are registered by law with an independent, external
dispute resolution scheme. To obtain a copy of Our External
Dispute Resolution process, please contact Us.
Privacy Notice
To arrange and manage your insurance and provide you
with our services, we (in this Privacy Notice “we”, our and “us”
means AWP Services New Zealand Limited trading as Allianz
Partners of Level 3, 1 Byron Avenue, Takapuna, Auckland 0622,
and our agents) collect, store, use and disclose your personal
information including sensitive information. We usually collect
it directly from you but also from others (including those
authorised by you such as your family members, travelling
companions, your doctors, hospitals, and other persons
whom we consider necessary including our agents). We are
the data controller” and are responsible for ensuring your
personal information is used and protected in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations. Personal information
we collect includes, for example, your name, address, date
of birth, phone number, email address, medical information,
passport details, bank account details, as well as other
information we collect when you visit our website such as
your IP address and online preferences.
Any personal information provided to us is used by us and
our agents to evaluate and arrange your insurance. We also
use it to administer and provide the insurance services and
manage your and our rights and obligations in relation to
the insurance services, including managing, processing,
investigating claims and screening to comply with economic
sanctions obligations. We may also collect, use and disclose
it for product development, marketing (where permitted by
law or with your consent), customer data analytics, research,
IT systems maintenance and development, recovery against
third parties, fraud investigations and for other purposes with
your consent or where authorised by law. We do not use
sensitive information for marketing purposes or provide that
information to any third parties for marketing.
You authorise us to disclose your personal information to
recipients including third parties (some of whom are data
processors) in New Zealand and overseas involved in the
above processes, such as travel consultants, travel insurance
providers and intermediaries, agents, distributors, reinsurers,
claims handlers and investigators, cost containment providers,
medical and health service providers, overseas data storage
(including cloud storage”) and data handling providers,
transportation providers, legal and other professional advisers,
your agents, broker and travelling companions, your travel
group leader if you travel in a group, your employer if you
have a corporate travel policy, your bank if you have bank
credit card insurance, the Insurance Claims Register and our
related and group companies and Hollard. Some of these
third parties may be located in other countries including
in Australia, Europe, Asia, Canada or the USA. We will use
reasonable endeavours to ensure people we disclose your
personal information to outside New Zealand are required
to protect it in a way that provides comparable safeguards
to those set out under New Zealand privacy law, such as via
contractual data protection obligations, our group binding
corporate rules or because they are subject to laws of
another country with comparable protections. However, you
acknowledge that sometimes overseas recipients of your
personal information may not be required to protect it in a
way that provides comparable safeguards to those provided
under the New Zealand privacy law.
Where permitted by law or with your consent, we may contact
you with oers of products or services (from us, our related
companies, as well as oers from our business partners)
that we consider may be relevant and of interest to you
(including insurance products). This could be via telephone,
post, electronic messages (including email) online or via other
means. You can withdraw your consent at any time if you no
longer wish to receive marketing material or promotional
oers from us or our related companies and business partners
by calling our Contact Centre on 0800 499 666.
The collection of information is required pursuant to the
common law duty to disclose all material facts relevant to the
insurance sought and is mandatory. If you do not agree with
the matters set out in our privacy notice or will not provide
us with personal information, we may not be able to provide
you with our services or products, process your application,
issue you with a policy or process your claims. We will not
retain your personal data for longer than is necessary for the
purposes for which it may be lawfully used.
You can: (1) seek access to your personal data and ask about
its origin, the purposes of the processing, and details of the
data controller or data processor and the parties to whom
it may be disclosed; (2) correct and update your personal
information (subject to the provisions of applicable privacy
legislation), and (3) ask for a copy of your personal data in an
electronic format for yourself or for someone you nominate.
You may in some circumstances restrict the processing of your
personal data, and request that it be deleted.
Where your personal information is used or processed with your
specic consent as the sole basis for processing (rather than on
a contractual basis or legitimate interest), you may withdraw
your consent at any time. In cases where we cannot comply
with your request concerning your personal information,
we will give you reasons why. You may not access or correct
personal information of others unless you have been authorised
by their express consent or are otherwise permitted by law.
When you provide personal information to us about other
individuals, we rely on you to have rst obtained each of
those individuals’ consent, and have made them aware of the
matters set out in this Privacy Notice.
If you have a request or complaint concerning your personal
information or about this Privacy Notice, please contact: Privacy
Ocer, Allianz Partners, P.O. Box 33-313, Takapuna, Auckland
0740 or email us at [email protected].
For urgent assistance please call our Contact Centre on 0800
499 666. You can also contact the Privacy Commissioner at
the Oce of the Privacy Commissioner, P.O. Box 10 094, The
Terrace, Wellington 6143 if you have a complaint.
For more information about our corporate privacy policy and
handling of personal information, including further details
about access, correction and complaints, please visit our
website at www.allianzpartners.co.nz and click on the Privacy
Policy link.
Privacy Act and the Insurance Claims Register (ICR)
The ICR is a database of insurance claims to which participant
insurers have access. The purpose of the ICR is to prevent
insurance fraud. The ICR is operated by Insurance Claims
Register Limited (ICR), PO Box 474, Wellington. This policy is
issued to You on the condition that You authorise Us to place
details of any claims made against this policy on the database
of ICR Ltd, where they will be retained and be available for
other insurance companies to inspect.
You also authorise Us to obtain from the ICR personal
information about You that is (in Our view) relevant to this
policy or any claim made against it. You have certain rights
of access to and correction of this information, subject to the
provisions of applicable privacy legislation.
Words and phrases, and any form of the words and phrases
listed in this Denitions section have a special meaning when
used in this policy. Headings are for reference only and do not
aect interpretation.
Accident means any sudden and unexpected external
physical force which occurs while You are on a Trip.
Allianz Partners means AWP Services New Zealand Limited
trading as Allianz Partners, Level 3, 1 Byron Avenue, Takapuna,
Auckland 0622.
ANZ means ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited.
ANZ Premium Card means a current and valid ANZ Airpoints
Visa Platinum Card account issued by ANZ (including
additional cards of that ANZPremium Card account) that is
eligible for this travel insurance.
ANZ Premium Cardholder means an ANZ customer who
has been issued with a valid ANZ Premium Card (including
additional cards of an ANZ Premium Card account), which
is current at the time the Injury, sickness, loss or damage
Close Relative means Your spouse, de facto partner, civil
union partner, ancé(e), parent, parent-in-law, step parent,
child, step child, foster child, son and daughter- in-law,
sibling, brother and sister-in-law, half or step brother or sister,
grandparent, or grandchild.
Complications means any secondary diagnosis, occurring
prior to, during the course of, concurrent with, or as a result
of, pregnancy which may adversely aect the pregnancy
outcome, or, in relation to any Pre-existing Medical Condition.
Computer System means any computer, hardware, software,
or communication system or electronic device (including but
not limited to smart phone, laptop, tablet, wearable device),
server, cloud, microcontroller, or similar system, including any
associated input, output, data storage device, networking
equipment, or backup facility.
Dependent Children means Your natural, step or legally
adopted unmarried children accompanying You on the
Journey and for whom cover under this policy has been
activated, who are aged under 19 and not in fulltime
employment, or, who are aged under 26 if they are a fulltime
student at an accredited institute of higher learning and
primarily dependent on You for maintenance and support.
Epidemic means a contagious disease recognised or referred
to as an epidemic by a representative of the World Health
Organization (WHO) or an ocial government authority.
Family means Your spouse, de facto partner or civil union
partner and Your Dependent Children who are accompanying
You on Your Journey.
Fatal Injury means loss of life which is:
a) caused by an Accident during Your Journey; and
b) resulting independently of any other cause (including but
not limited to any Pre-existing Medical Condition, illness,
or disease).
Hazardous Work means any occupation (paid, unpaid or
voluntary) which exposes You to an increased risk of physical
danger, harm or adverse health eects, including but not
limited to the following:
activities more than 12 nautical miles oshore including
commercial shing
occupations carried out underground or underwater
work with rearms, explosives or weaponry of any kind
forestry or logging
demolition or operating heavy machinery
occupations where You work at heights greater than
activities as a member of the defence forces or re, police
and ambulance services
work with wild animals (including wild animals in captivity)
working with or around hazardous chemicals and/or
Hospital means an established hospital registered under any
legislation that applies to it, that provides in-patient medical
care. It does not include any institution used primarily as a
nursing or convalescent home, a place of rest, a geriatric ward, a
rehabilitation or external care facility or a place for the treatment
of alcoholism, drug addiction or substance addiction.
Home means Your usual place of residence in New Zealand.
Injury means an external or internal bodily injury caused
solely and directly by violent, accidental, external and
discernible means.
Insured Adult means the ANZ Premium Cardholder and
the ANZ Premium Cardholders spouse, de facto partner or
civil union partner who is travelling with the ANZ Premium
Cardholder on the Journey who qualify for cover under this
policy for the relevant Journey.
Journey means the international travel covered by this
a) commences when You leave Your Home on the start
dateof Your travel covered by this policy; and
b) ends on the date You return to Your Home or at 11:59pm
NZST on the 90
consecutive day following the date You
commenced Your travel.
Kidnap/Kidnapped/Kidnapping means the seizing, detaining
or carrying away of You by force or fraud for the purpose of
demanding ransom.
Limb means an arm at or above the wrist or a leg at or above
the ankle.
Mental Illness means any illness, condition or disorder listed
in the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders.
Pandemic means an Epidemic that is recognised or referred
to as a pandemic by a representative of the World Health
Organization (WHO) or an ocial government authority.
Period of Insurance means the period of cover We provide to
You commencing on the later of:
a) 12 calendar months prior to the start date of Your Journey;
b) the date You purchase Your trip and qualify for cover in
one of the ways expressly set out in this document,
and ending on the earlier of:
a) 11:59pm NZST on the 90
consecutive day following the
date You commenced Your travel, or if applicable, 11:59pm
NZST on the date We have agreed in writing if You have
extended Your maximum duration of cover; or
b) the date You return to Your Home directly following Your
Journey; or
c) the day You arrive at a medical facility in New Zealand
for further care if You end Your Journey due to a
Permanent Total Disablement means an Injury that:
a) the eects of which have lasted for 12 consecutive
months and at the end of that time is certied by a
Registered Medical Practitioner with the appropriate
specialisation to assess the Injury, as being beyond any
hope of improvement; and
b) means Your complete inability to engage in any
employment for which You are or may become qualied
to perform by reason of education, training or experience
after rehabilitation.
Personal Baggage means Your suitcases, trunks and similar
containers including their contents and articles worn or
carried by You. It does not mean or include any business
samples or items that You intend to trade, passport or travel
documents, cash, bank notes, currency notes, cheques,
negotiable instruments, electronic data, software, intangible
assets, watercraft of any type (other than surfboards), furniture,
furnishings, household appliances, mechanically propelled
vehicles, unmanned vehicles, hired items or any other item We
have informed You in writing is excluded.
Pre-existing Medical Condition means:
a) Any physical defect, inrmity, existing or recurring illness,
Injury, disability or Mental Illness of which You, or the
person due to whom You are claiming, are aware of.
b) Any medical condition for which You, or the person due
to whom You are claiming have had or received a medical
examination, consultation, treatment, investigation
and/or medication in the 12 months prior to the date
Youactivated Your cover under this policy.
Professional Sport means training for, coaching or competing
in any sporting event where You are entitled to receive, or are
eligible to receive, an appearance fee, wage, salary or prize
money in excess of $1,000.
Public Place means any area to which the public has access
(whether authorised or not) including but not limited to hotel
foyers and grounds, restaurants, public toilets, beaches, airports,
railway stations, bus terminals, taxi stands and wharves.
Public Transport means an aircraft, vehicle, train, tram, vessel
or other scheduled transport operated under a license for
the purpose of transporting passengers. However, it does not
mean a taxi, limousine or similar service.
Ransom means any monetary loss which is incurred in the
provision and delivery of cash, marketable goods, services or
property to secure the release of a Kidnapped traveller.
Reasonable means:
a) for medical, hospital, dental or funeral expenses, the
standard level of care given in the country You are in
provided it does not exceed the level You would normally
receive in New Zealand; and
b) for all other covered expenses, a level comparable to
the same nature and class as booked for the rest of
in each case as determined by Us.
Registered Medical Practitioner means a qualied
doctor ordentist, other than You, a Travelling Companion,
someoneYou work with, or a Close Relative, holding
thenecessary certication in the country in which they are
currently practising.
Resident means someone who holds a valid New Zealand
residence class visa.
Rental Vehicle means a campervan/motorhome that does not
exceed 4.5 tonnes, a sedan, coupe, hatchback, station-wagon,
SUV, 4WD or mini bus/people mover rented from a licensed
motor vehicle rental company or agency.
Terrorist Act means an act, including but not limited to the
use of force or violence, of any person or group(s) of persons,
whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with
any organisation(s), which constitutes terrorism as recognised
by the government authority or under the laws of New
Zealand and is committed for political, religious, ethnic,
ideological or similar purposes, including but not limited to
the intention to inuence any government and/or to put the
public, or any section of the public, in fear. It does not include
general civil disorder or unrest, protest, rioting, political risk, or
acts of war.
Total Loss means:
a) severance or irrevocable total loss of power and control
ofan insured body part; or
b) irrecoverable loss of the entire sight of in an eye; or
c) loss of the entire hearing in an ear.
Travelling Companion means a person with whom You have
made arrangements before You activated Your cover under
this policy, to travel with You for at least 75% of Your Journey.
Trip means a journey taken by the ANZ Premium Cardholder
as a paying passenger on scheduled Public Transport provided
a) before boarding the scheduled Public Transport the
full cost of the trip was charged to the ANZ Premium
Cardholder’s ANZ Premium Card prior to commencement
of the Journey; and
b) the trip is purchased and takes place during the Period of
Insurance set out in this policy wording.
Unattended means leaving Your Personal Baggage
a) with a person who is not Your Family member,
TravellingCompanion or Your Close Relative; or
b) with a person who is a Travelling Companion or who
is a Close Relative but whofails to keep Your Personal
Baggage and eects under close supervision; or
c) where they can be taken without Your knowledge; or
d) at such a distance from You or outside of Your line of sight,
that You are unable to prevent them from beingtaken.
War means war, whether declared or not, or any warlike
activities, including use of military force by any sovereign
nation or civil unrest to achieve economic, geographic,
nationalistic, political, racial, religious or other ends.
We, Us, Our means The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd
acting through AWP Services New Zealand Limited trading
asAllianz Partners.
You, Your means the ANZ Premium Cardholder and any
members of their Family travelling with them who qualify
forcover for the relevant Journey under this policy.
The Schedule of Benets sets out a summary only of the cover
that is provided under this policy and the most We will pay in
total for all claims under each section.
Important Information:
Where used, ‘Unlimited’ only means that there is no capped
dollar sum insured. Sub-limits may apply to some benets.
Allcosts and expenses must be Reasonable. Terms, conditions,
limits and exclusions apply as set out in the policy wording.
Maximum Benets (including applicable sub-limits) are
applied per Insured Adult. Dependent Children share the
benet limits of the Insured Adult(s) they are travelling with
unless expressly stated otherwise.
Section 1 Cancellation and Travel
Maximum Benets
1.1 Cancellation of Journey* Unlimited
1.2 Additional Expenses* Unlimited
1.3 Travel Delay* $15,000
1.4 Resumption of Journey* $10,000
1.5 Epidemics and Pandemics* Unlimited
Section 2 Medical Benets** Maximum Benets
under 75
2.1 Medical and Repatriation
Unlimited Nil
2.2 Medical and Repatriation Expenses
as a result of a Terrorist Act
$250,000 Nil
2.3 Emergency Dental Treatment Unlimited Nil
2.4 Hospital Cash* $5,000 Nil
2.5 Search and Rescue –
$20,000 Nil
2.6 Funeral Expenses $25,000 Nil
Section 3 Life Benets Maximum Benets
3.1 Accidental Death or Permanent
Total Disablement
• Dependent Children
3.2 Accidental Death or Permanent Total
Disablement as a result of a Terrorist Act
3.3 Loss of Income* $12,000
Section 4 Baggage, Money and
Travel Documents
Maximum Benets
4.1 Personal Baggage – Total Limit*
• General item limit
Special item limit (portable computers and
cameras (including video cameras)
4.2 Emergency Baggage* $1,500
4.3 Replacement of Travel Documents $5,000
4.4 Personal Money $500
Section 5 Rental Vehicle Excess Maximum Benets
5.1 Rental Vehicle Excess $6,000
Section 6 Personal Liability Maximum Benets
6.1 Personal Liability $2,500,000
6.2 Defence Costs (including wrongful arrest) $13,000
Section 7 Kidnap and Ransom
7.1 Kidnap and Ransom $250,000
Section 8 Transport Accident Insurance
8.1 Transport Accident Insurance $1,000,000
* Sub-limits apply – please read this policy wording in full for details.
** If You are aged 75 or above, there is no automatic cover under Section2 Medical
Benets or under Section 1 Cancellation and Travel Disruption Benets for claims
arising from Your medical conditions or signs or symptoms, whether pre-existing
or not. Cover may be available to You following application to Us. Please refer to
the Medical Cover for ages 75 and above section for information on how You can
apply to have cover under Section 2, and for claims arising from Your medical
conditions under Section 1.
Important information about Pre-existing
Pre-existing Medical Conditions are not covered under this
policy. Please refer to the denition of Pre-existing Medical
Conditions in the Denitions section.
Cover for Pre-existing Medical Conditions may be available
following application to and acceptance by Our Customer
Care Medical Assessments Team prior to the commencement
of Your Journey.
Our Customer Care Medical Assessments Team can be
contacted on 0800 499 666.
If You complete a medical assessment for Your Pre-existing
Medical Conditions and cover is approved by Us, You may be
required to pay Us a premium and written conrmation of
cover will be forwarded to You.
Pre-existing Medical Conditions that cannot be covered
under any circumstances
Some conditions cannot be covered under this policy.
Theseinclude but are not limited to any medical condition:
for which surgery is planned or for which You are on a
waiting list;
arising directly or indirectly from any signs or symptoms
which You have had, or for which You have not sought a
medical opinion, or received a diagnosis, or for which You
are under medical care or are awaiting investigations.
Please refer to the General Exclusions if:
You are travelling against the advice of a Registered Medical
Practitioner; or
You are travelling with the intention of obtaining
If You are aged 75 or above at the start date of Your Period
of Insurance for a Journey under this policy, You do not
haveautomatic cover under:
a) Section 2 Medical Benets; and
b) under Section 1 Cancellation and Travel Disruption
Benets for any claims arising directly or indirectly from
Your medical condition(s) or signs or symptoms, whether
or not they are Pre-existing Medical Condition(s).
If You wish to apply for this cover, You must complete a
medical assessment.
During the medical assessment, We will ask You about Your
medical history and Your Pre-existing Medical Conditions.
If We approve Your application for cover under Section 2
Medical Benets, You may be required to pay a premium,
and written conrmation of Your cover will be forwarded to
You. Cover will not be in place until You pay any applicable
premium and we inform You in writing.
To complete Your medical assessment, please call Our
Customer Care Medical Assessments Team on 0800 499 666.
General exclusions apply to each section of this policy.
You must also check each section of this policy for other
exclusions applying specically to each policy section.
This policy does not cover any loss, damage, liability, death or
incapacity directly or indirectly caused by or arising from any
of the following:
General Exclusions
1. Pre-existing
a) Your Pre-existing Medical Conditions,
or any Complications attributable
to those conditions unless the
conditions are accepted by Us
in writing following a medical
assessment and payment of any
additional premium;
b) Pre-existing Medical Conditions of
Your Travelling Companion or any
Complications attributable to those
c) Pre-existing Medical Conditions
of Your Close Relatives or any
Complications attributable to those
conditions, except as specied under
Sections 1.1 d), 1.2 f ) and 1.4.
2. Medical signs
Any physical or mental signs or
symptoms that You were aware
of, or a Reasonable person in Your
circumstances would have been aware
of, before cover commenced, and:
a) You had not yet sought a medical
opinion regarding the cause; or
b) You were currently under
investigation to dene a diagnosis;
c) You were awaiting specialist opinion.
3. Travelling against
medical advice
You travelling against the advice of a
Registered Medical Practitioner.
4. Travelling for
medical or dental
You travelling with the intention of
obtaining medical or dental treatment.
5. Elective and
Elective or cosmetic treatment received
by You or Your Travelling Companion
during Your Journey.
General Exclusions
6. Sexually
Sexually transmitted diseases
contracted during Your Journey.
7. Pregnancy and
Pregnancy or childbirth (except for
unforeseen medical Complications or
emergencies up to and including the
rst 23 weeks of Your pregnancy).
8. Addiction to
drugs or alcohol
A therapeutic or illicit drug or alcohol
9. Under the
inuence of drugs
and alcohol
You being under the inuence of any
intoxicating liquor, drugs or substances
except a drug prescribed to You by
a Registered Medical Practitioner,
and taken in accordance with
10. Medication
or treatment
started before
Your Journey
The cost of medication You were
using at the time the Journey began
or the cost for maintaining a course
of treatment You were on prior to the
start of the Journey.
11. Abortion You undergoing an abortion where it is
not deemed medically necessary to do
so by a Registered Medical Practitioner.
12. Suicide and self-
inicted illness or
Your self-inicted illness or Injury, or
Your suicide.
13. Domestic pets Your domestic pet or farm/lifestyle
14. Persons in Your
Any person You have invited into Your
accommodation premises.
15. Loss of enjoyment
or income
Any consequential loss, loss of
enjoyment or loss of income.
16. Reducing Your
You not doing everything You can to
reduce any loss as much as reasonably
17. Risking Your
You intentionally or irresponsibly acting
in a way that poses a risk to Your safety
or the safety of Your Personal Baggage
unless You do so in an attempt to
protect the safety of a person or to
protect property.
General Exclusions
18. Things You were
aware of
Anything which You were aware of, or
of which a Reasonable person in Your
circumstances ought to have been
aware of at the time You purchased
Your policy, that would give rise to You
making a claim.
19. Government
regulations and
illegal acts
You or Your Travelling Companion
breaching any government prohibition
or regulation, including visa
requirements or intentionally acting
illegally, or any travel that is prevented
or limited by legislation, government or
court order.
20. Government
Government intervention of any kind,
including a government authority
conscating, detaining or destroying
21. Acts of war Any act of war, whether war is declared
or not, or from any rebellion, revolution,
insurrection or taking of power by
22. Terrorism Terrorist Acts, or the threat of a Terrorist
Act, except where cover has been
expressly stated in this document.
23. Nuclear,
and chemical
A nuclear reaction or contamination
from nuclear weapons or radioactivity,
or, biological and/or chemical
materials, substances, compounds or
the like including when used directly or
indirectly for the purpose of harming
or to destroy human life and/or create
public fear.
24. Travel warnings You not following the advice of any
government or any other ocial body’s
warning and where You did not take
appropriate action to avoid or minimise
any potential claim under Your policy
(including delay of travel to the country
or part of a country referred to in the
warning). Refer to safetravel.govt.nz for
further information.
General Exclusions
25. Epidemics and
An actual or likely Epidemic or
Pandemic, or, the threat of an Epidemic
or Pandemic, except under the
following sections:
Section 1.5 (Epidemics and
Pandemics) and;
Section 2.1 (Medical Expenses).
Refer to who.int and safetravel.govt.nz
for further information on Epidemics
and Pandemics.
26. Trade sanctions Violation of any applicable trade or
economic sanctions, law or regulation.
27. Protective
clothing and
You not wearing the appropriate
protective, equipment, clothing and
head protection for the sport or activity
You are participating in.
28. Safety warnings You not observing all safety warnings
and advice about adverse weather and
terrain conditions.
29. Domestic travel Travel within New Zealand unless this
forms part of Your international travel
itinerary for the relevant Journey.
30. Occupations Occupations involving HazardousWork.
31. Motorcycles and
You riding a moped or motorcycle in
the following circumstances:
a) without a helmet (whether as a
driver or a passenger); or
b) without a valid drivers licence as
required in the country You are in; or
c) where a valid licence is not required
in the country You are in, You riding
if You do not have a full NewZealand
licence qualifying You to ride the
moped or motorcycle You are riding
on, as specied by the New Zealand
Transport Agency (nzta.govt.nz).
General Exclusions
32. Activities Active participation in:
a) skiing and snow-boarding outside of
ski resortboundaries;
b) diving underwater using an articial
breathing apparatus unless You
hold an open water diving licence
recognised in New Zealand or are
diving with an instructor licensed
for these activities, or, under any
circumstances, diving underwater at
a depth greater than 30 metres;
c) ying, hang or tow gliding, microlite
ying, parachuting, sky diving and
other aerial activities other than the
• hot air ballooning;
• paragliding;
• parasailing;
• bungee jumping; or
as a fare–paying passenger in a
power driven aircraft licensed to
carry passengers own by a pilot
licensed to carry passengers;
d) mountain and rock climbing;
e) Professional Sport;
f ) racing of any kind (other than on
foot) including training;
g) ocean yachting 25 nautical miles or
more from the mainland;
h) white water rafting, white water
kayaking or black water rafting in
grade 5 or more rivers;
i) pot holing;
j) rodeo activities;
k) hunting;
l) any activity in remote areas except as
part of an organised tour group;
) extreme versions of any sport.
General Exclusions
33. Cyber Risk
a) Any unauthorised, malicious, or
illegal act, or the threat of such
act(s), involving access to, or the
processing, use, or operation of, any
Computer System;
b) Any error or omission involving
access to, or the processing, use, or
operation of any ComputerSystem;
c) Any partial or total unavailability
or failure to access, process, use, or
operate any ComputerSystem; or
d) Any loss of use, reduction in
functionality, repair, replacement,
restoration or reproduction of
any data, including any amount
pertaining to the value of such data.
IMPORTANT: If You are aged 75 or above at the start date of
Your Period of Insurance, You do not have cover under this
Section for any claims arising directly or indirectly from Your
medical condition(s) or signs or symptoms, whether or not
they are Pre-existing Medical Condition(s), unless You have
completed a medical assessment and We have agreed in
writing to provide You with this cover.
Note: If Your travel plans are disrupted by a claimable event,
a claim can only be lodged under one of the following:
Sections1.1 Cancellation of Journey, 1.2 Additional Expenses,
1.3 Travel Delay or 1.4 Resumption of Journey. You cannot
make a separate claim for the same event under each of
In all cases the amount claimable will be less any amounts
refundable on unused travel vouchers or tickets. You will be
required to provide proof of any refunds (or lack thereof) with
Your claim.
If You cancel, curtail or incur additional expenses for medical
reasons, You must provide written advice from a Registered
Medical Practitioner that it was medically necessary.
1.1 Cancellation of Journey
If Your Journey is cancelled, rescheduled or shortened
because of circumstances that were not expected or intended
by You and are outside Your control, We will reimburse You:
a) the non-refundable portion of unused travel and
accommodation arrangements scheduled to be used by
You during Your Journey, that You have paid in advance
of cancellation and cannot recover in any other way,
inclusive of Your travel agent’s cancellation fees and any
commission or service fees retained by Your travel agent
up to a maximum of 10% of Your total travel costs or
$500per Insured Adult, whichever is the lesser.
b) for the value of frequent yer points, air miles, loyalty card
points, redeemable vouchers or other similar schemes
lost by You as a result of cancelling the services paid
for or obtained with those points, air miles, vouchers
or schemes, but only if You cannot recover Your loss in
any other way. We calculate the amount We pay You
i) for frequent yer points, air miles or loyalty card points:
the cost of an equivalent booking based on the same
advance booking period as Your original booking
less any payment You made toward the booking,
multiplied by the total number of points or air miles
lost, divided by the total number of points or air miles
used to make the booking.
ii) for vouchers, the face value of the voucher or current
market value of an equivalent booking whichever is
the lesser.
c) the Reasonable costs of rescheduling Your Journey.
Themost We will pay for rescheduling Your Journey
is the unrecoverable amount that would have been
payable under Section 1.1 a) had Your Journey been
cancelled. Wewill not pay a claim under Section 1.1 c)
in addition to a claim under Sections 1.1 a) for the same
d) If a Close Relative of Yours dies or is hospitalised after
Your policy is issued as a result of a Pre-existing Medical
Condition, or Complications attributable to those
conditions, and if at the time of policy issue You, or a
Reasonable person in Your circumstances, would have
been unaware of the likelihood of such hospitalisation or
death, the most We will pay for all claims under Sections
1.1 a), 1.1 b) or 1.1 c) is $2,000 per Insured Adult up to a
maximum of $4,000.
1.2 Additional Expenses
a) If You cannot continue on Your Journey because of
an Injury or illness which needs immediate treatment
from a Registered Medical Practitioner who certies in
writing that You are unt to travel, We will reimburse
Your Reasonable additional accommodation and travel
b) If Your Travelling Companion cannot continue the Journey
because of an Injury or illness which needs immediate
treatment from a Registered Medical Practitioner who
certies in writing that they are unt to travel, We will
reimburse Your Reasonable additional accommodation
and travel expenses for You to be with Your Travelling
c) If You are in hospital suering from a life threatening
or other serious condition, or are evacuated for
medical reasons We will reimburse the Reasonable
accommodation and travel expenses of Your Travelling
Companion or a Close Relative to travel to You, stay near
You or escort You. They must travel, stay with You or
escort You, provided they do so on the written advice
of a Registered Medical Practitioner and with the prior
approval of Allianz Partners.
d) If You shorten Your Journey and return to Your Home on
the written advice of a Registered Medical Practitioner
approved by Allianz Partners, We will reimburse the
Reasonable additional cost of Your return to Your Home.
e) If during Your Journey, Your Travelling Companion, or a
Close Relative of Yours or of Your Travelling Companion,
dies unexpectedly or is hospitalised as a result of a serious
Injury or illness (except where the relevant death, Injury
or illness arises from a Pre-existing Medical Condition), We
will reimburse the Reasonable additional cost of Your early
return to Your Home.
f ) If a Close Relative of Yours dies or is hospitalised as a result
of a Pre-existing Medical Condition, or Complications
attributable to that condition, and if at the time of policy
issue You, or a Reasonable person in Your circumstances,
would have been unaware of the likelihood of such
hospitalisation or death, We will pay for the Reasonable
additional cost of Your return to YourHome. The most
We will pay for all events under this benet is $2,000 per
Insured Adult up to a maximum of$4,000.
g) If a disruption to Your Journey arises from any of the
following reasons:
i) Your scheduled or connecting transport is cancelled,
delayed, rescheduled or diverted because of a strike,
riot, hijack, civil protest, weather, natural disaster or an
accident aecting Your mode of transport; or
ii) Your travel documents are accidentally lost, damaged
or stolen during Your Journey and Your Journey is
disrupted because You must arrange replacement of
Your travel documents; or
iii) You unknowingly break any quarantine rule; or
iv) Your Home is rendered uninhabitable by re,
explosion, earthquake or ood.
We will reimburse Your Reasonable additional travel and
accommodation expenses.
1.3 Travel Delay
If circumstances outside Your control result in a delay to
Your Journey for at least six hours, We will reimburse the cost
of Your Reasonable additional meals and accommodation
expenses up to:
$250 per Insured Adult at the end of the initial
$250 per Insured Adult for each full 24 hour period that the
delay continues beyond the initial six hour delay, up to the
Maximum Benet shown in the Schedule of Benets.
1.4 Resumption of Journey
If You are forced to return to New Zealand due to the serious
Injury, illness or death of a Close Relative, We will pay up to
the Maximum Benet for Your Reasonable Public Transport
costs actually incurred by You to resume Your Journey,
in accordance with Your original pre-booked itinerary,
a) the serious Injury, illness or death of a Close Relative
occurred after Your departure on Your Journey;
b) Your Journey was intended to be a duration of at least
c) You had been away for less than 50% of the duration of
Your Journey; and
d) You have not made a claim relating to the same event
under Section 1.2 Additional Expenses.
If the serious Injury, illness or death of a Close Relative is as a
result of a Pre-existing Medical Condition, or Complications
attributable to that condition, and if at the time of policy issue
You, or a Reasonable person in Your circumstances, would
have been unaware of the likelihood of such hospitalisation
or death, the most We will pay under this Section is $2,000 per
Insured Adult up to a maximum of $4,000.
1.5 Epidemics and Pandemics
The cover described under Sections 1.1 a), 1.1 b), 1.1 c), 1.2a),
1.2 b), 1.2 c) and 1.2 d) is extended to cover the following
events (in relation to You or Your Travelling Companion only):
a) You or Your Travelling Companion are diagnosed with an
Epidemic or a Pandemic disease and cannot commence
or complete Your travel; or
b) Your Close Relative who is not travelling with You is
hospitalised due to an Epidemic or Pandemic disease
and their condition is considered life-threatening by a
Registered Medical Practitioner; or
c) You or Your Travelling Companion are quarantined or
ordered into mandatory isolation by the New Zealand
Government based on their suspicion that You have been
exposed to an Epidemic or Pandemic disease; or
d) Your travel is disrupted following the commencement of
Your Journey due to You or Your Travelling Companion
being denied boarding on any scheduled Public Transport
service, based on the suspicion that You have an Epidemic
or Pandemic disease and You incur costs for additional
accommodation and meals as a result.
The most We will pay for any claim under Section 1.5 c) is
$200per day up to a maximum of $1,400 per Insured Adult.
There is no cover for claims arising from any lockdowns,
changes in government alert levels, quarantine or mandatory
isolation that applies generally or broadly to some or all of a
population, vessel or geographical area, or that applies based
on where You are travelling to, from, or through.
Exclusions applying to Section 1
You must also check the General Exclusions for other reasons
why We will not pay.
We will not pay for claims that relate to loss, damage, liability,
expenses or claims for or arising directly or indirectly out of:
a) Your disinclination to travel, personal wishes, You or Your
Travelling Companion changing plans voluntarily;
b) Your nancial circumstances, including You being made
redundant, business or contractual obligations, or the
request of Your employer;
c) any reason that may cause Your Journey to be cancelled,
rescheduled, disrupted, delayed or shortened or
which You were aware, or a Reasonable person in Your
circumstances would have been aware before Your policy
was purchased;
d) Your failure to check in at the correct departure time or
claims resulting from You being a standby passenger;
e) any additional travel or accommodation expenses, which
are not of same nature and class as originally purchased,
unless we have provided our prior approval for the upgrade;
f ) the serious Injury, illness, disease or death of any person
who is not:
i. You; or
ii. Your Travelling Companion; or
iii. Your Close Relative;
g) the receivership, insolvency, statutory management,
administration, bankruptcy, liquidation collapse or
adverse nancial position of any airline, nancial transport
provider, tour operator, travel agent, or wholesaler;
h) the inability of a tour operator or wholesaler to complete
arrangements for a group tour, due to a deciency in the
number of persons required to commence or complete
any part of the tour. This exclusion does not apply to
prepaid travel arrangements bought separately to
reach the departure point for the tour or for other travel
arrangements which do not form part of the tour;
i) the inability or negligence of a tour operator,
charter airline or wholesaler to complete Your travel
arrangements, or costs charged by or payable to a
supplier resulting from rescheduling or cancelling of travel
arrangements by that supplier;
j) delays or rescheduling by a bus line, airline, shipping line
or rail authority;
k) costs paid in advance that exceed the recommended
retail value of any concert or sporting event ticket that is
scheduled to take place during Your Journey;
l) the breakdown or dissolution of any personal or family
m) lockdowns, changes in government alert levels,
quarantine or mandatory isolation that applies generally
or broadly to some or all of a population, vessel or
geographical area, or that applies based on where You are
travelling to, from, or through.
n) You commencing Your travel against the New Zealand
Government’s advice, or against local government advice
at Your overseas destination.
IMPORTANT: If You are aged 75 or above at start date of Your
Period of Insurance, You do not have any cover under this
Section of the policy unless You have completed a medical
assessment and We have agreed in writing to provide You
with this cover.
2.1 Medical Expenses
You are covered up to the Maximum Benet for Reasonable
and customary overseas Hospital, medical, surgical, or other
remedial attention or treatment given or prescribed by a
Registered Medical Practitioner, including medical repatriation
expenses, incurred as a result of an illness, Injury or disease
occurring during Your Journey.
This benet only applies in excess of any amounts You are
entitled to from any reciprocal health agreements between
New Zealand or Your country of citizenship and the country
in which the charges or expenses were incurred and in excess
of any amounts that are recoverable by or on behalf of You
from any other source. New Zealand has reciprocal health
agreements with Australia and the United Kingdom. You will
be required to seek treatment in these countries from their
public health system.
We will also pay for emergency telephone calls and taxi fares
up to an amount of NZ$100 per Insured Adult in connection
with Your Injury or illness. Receipts must be provided.
Following Your return to Your Home, We will pay up to a
maximum of NZ$10,000 per Insured Adult for Reasonable
continuing medical treatment provided these expenses are
necessary and incurred within a 12 month period following
the date of the illness or Injury.
In all cases:
a) We will only pay costs incurred within 12 months of the
illness or Injury;
b) You, or someone acting on Your behalf, must wherever
possible contact Allianz Partners prior to treatment or
hospitalisation. Failure to obtain Our prior approval before
Your hospitalisation or treatment may result in Your claim
being declined;
c) We have the option of returning You to New Zealand for
further treatment if You are medically t to travel. If You
decline to return to New Zealand, We will not pay for any
ongoing overseas medical expenses;
d) If You choose not to return to Your Home on or prior to
the end date of Your Period of Insurance, We will not pay
for any ongoing medical expenses, including medication,
that You incur after the expiry date in connection with any
Injury, illness or disease that occurred during the Period of
2.2 Medical and Repatriation Expenses as a result of a
Terrorist Act
Cover under Section 2.1 is extended to cover medical
expenses and repatriation arising from a Terrorist Act.
The maximum amount We will pay under this section is
$250,000 per Insured Adult.
2.3 Emergency Dental Expenses
We will pay, up to the policys Maximum Benet, for
Reasonable costs You incurred for emergency dental
treatment provided during Your Journey which the treating
dentist certies in writing was required solely for the
immediate relief of sudden and acute onset of pain to healthy
natural teeth following an infection or broken tooth. For cover
to apply, teeth must be whole or properly restored (with llings
only) and without impairment, periodontal or other conditions.
2.4 Hospital Cash
If, during Your Journey, You are conned to a Hospital overseas
as a result of Injury or illness, We will pay You NZ$150 for each
24 hour period You are hospitalised, provided the period of
connement exceeds at least 48 hours and limited to the
policys Maximum Benet per Insured Adult. We will not pay
for the rst 48 continuous hours You are in Hospital.
2.5 Search and Rescue – Natural Disaster
We will pay up to the Maximum Benet towards the costs of a
private search if You are declared missing following a natural
disaster, during the Period of Insurance, provided that:
a) one of Your Close Relatives requests the search; and
b) the search is approved by local authorities; and
c) the search commences within 72 hours of the ocial
notication that You are missing.
2.6 Funeral Expenses
Where Your death occurs We will pay up to the Maximum
Benet for the Reasonable funeral and cremation or
burial expenses in the area where death occurred, or for
the Reasonable costs of returning Your body or ashes to
NewZealand, excluding funeral and interment costs.
Exclusions applying to Section 2
You must also check the General Exclusions for other reasons
why We will not pay.
We will not pay for claims that relate to loss, damage, liability,
expenses or claims for or arising directly or indirectly out of:
a) You not following the advice of Allianz Partners;
b) medical expenses relating to hospitalisation or surgical
treatment where our prior approval has not been sought
and obtained, unless notication is not possible;
c) medical expenses incurred for continuing treatment or
medication which commenced prior to this Journey,
even if We have agreed to cover Your Pre-existing Medical
d) private medical treatment when public treatment
e) treatment exceeding more than two weeks by an
acupuncturist, chiropractor or physiotherapist where you
have been referred by a Registered Medical Practitioner
unless approved by Allianz Partners;
f ) extraction of wisdom teeth unless these have been
g) dental treatment in New Zealand;
h) normal dental health maintenance;
i) damage to dentures, dental prostheses, bridges orcrowns;
j) dental treatment involving the use of precious metals or
for cosmetic dentistry;
k) dental treatment caused by or related to the deterioration
and/or decay of teeth.
l) You commencing Your travel against the New Zealand
Government’s advice, or against local government advice
at Your overseas destination.
3.1 Accidental Death or Permanent Total Disablement
Schedule of Compensation Percentage of
Benet Limit
1 Death 100%
2 Permanent Total Disablement 100%
3 Permanent Total Loss of or the loss of use
of two Limbs
4 Loss of or the permanent Total Loss of
use of one Limb
5 Permanent Total Loss of speech 100%
6 Permanent Total Loss of sight in:
a) both eyes
b) one eye
7 Permanent Total Loss of hearing in:
a) both ears
b) one ear
If, during Your Journey:
a) You suer an Injury which within 12 calendar months
of the date of the Injury, directly results in any event
described in the Schedule of Compensation; or
b) You are exposed to the elements and as a direct result of
that exposure, within 12 calendar months You suer an
event described in the Schedule of Compensation.
We will pay the compensation stated in the Schedule of
Compensation up to the policys Maximum Benet.
3.2 Accidental Death or Permanent Total Disablement as
a result of a Terrorist Act
The maximum amount We will pay under this section for
claims arising from a Terrorist Act is $25,000 per Insured Adult.
Conditions applying to Sections 3.1 and 3.2:
a) Benets will not be payable for more than one of the
events 1 to 7 in respect of the same Injury.
b) After the occurrence of any of any of the events listed in
the Schedule of Compensation for which 100% of the
Maximum Benet is payable, all cover with respect to You
under this section shall cease.
c) Benets payable to Dependent Children will not
exceedthe maximum benet limit stated for
d) All benets are payable to You or Your estate.
3.3 Loss of Income
We will pay You up to $1,000 per week up to the policys
Maximum Benet if you suer an Injury during Your Journey,
and within 90 days of the Injury, and following Your return
to New Zealand, You are unable to continue Your usual
employment, provided that:
a) You are employed in a full-time position in New Zealand
and You would have been returning to that full-time
position following Your return to New Zealand; and
b) You have been assessed by a Registered Medical
Practitioner to be unable to return to the normal duties
required for Your position following Your arrival back to
New Zealand.
Exclusions applying to Section 3
You must also check the General Exclusions for other reasons
why We will not pay.
We will not pay for claims that relate to loss, damage, liability,
expenses or claims for or arising directly or indirectly out of:
a) deliberate exposure to danger unless in the attempt to
save a human life;
b) disease, illness (even if contracted through an Injury) or
any natural causes;
c) Your failure to follow Our requirements under Section 2.
In addition, the following exclusion applies to all claims under
Section 3.3:
d) We will not pay for the rst 30 days after You planned
to resume Your employment following Your return to
4.1 Personal Baggage
If, during Your Journey, Your Personal Baggage is accidentally
lost, damaged or stolen, We will pay per item up to the policys
Maximum Benet. At Our discretion, We may elect to repair or
replace Your items or We will pay the present day value of the
lost or damaged item in cash, after making an allowance for
depreciation and wear and tear.
Proof of ownership and value will be required to support any
claim over $500.
The special item limit shown in the Schedule of Benets
applies per item for camera and video equipment and is
inclusive of all attached or unattached lenses or accessories.
Items under two years of age
For items that are less than two years old, present day value
means the lesser of the purchase price or the replacement
price of the item(s).
Items over two years of age
If an item is more than two years old, present day value
is calculated by applying a minimum 20% depreciation
perannum (from the date of purchase) to the lesser of the
purchase price or current replacement price of the item.
Depreciation may be measured by using the current second
hand value of the lost or damaged item.
Items where the age of the item cannot be determined
If You cannot establish the purchase date of any item, present
day value is calculated by applying a minimum of 50%
depreciation, (which may be increased further based upon
Our assessment of the age of the item) to the lesser of the
purchase price or current replacement price of the item.
Increased item limits
You can purchase increased item limits cover prior to the
commencement of Your Journey by paying Us a premium.
Purchasing this option allows You to increase the standard
item limits applying to Section 4 (Baggage, Money and Travel
Documents) for certain item types.
You can only purchase increased item limit cover for the item
type(s) which We give You the option to select.
Details of the item type(s) and the increased item limits
selected and purchased will be shown on a Certicate of
Insurance which We will provide You with following payment
of the premium.
If You purchase an increased item limit for a nominated item
type, and during Your Journey any items of that particular
item type are stolen, accidentally damaged or permanently
lost, We will pay up to the selected increased limit shown
on Your Certicate of Insurance for any one item of the
nominated item type or for all items of the nominated item
type combined.
Even if You purchase increased item limits, We will never pay
You more than the total limit for personal baggage claims
listed in the Schedule of Benets for all items combined.
Depreciation will not be applied to items with an increased
item limit, however We will not pay more than the original
purchase price of any item. We have the option to repair
or replace an item or to pay You the amount it would cost
Us to repair or replace the item after allowing for any trade
discounts We are entitled to.
If You make a claim for an item with an increased item limit,
the following documentation to prove ownership and value
must be supplied in support of Your claim:
A pre-loss valuation or receipt for the item(s) claimed dated
within the six months prior to the date You activated Your
cover under this policy.
Loss or damage as a result of a Terrorist Act
If Your belongings are permanently lost or damaged as a result
of a Terrorist Act the maximum We will pay per Insured Adult
is NZ$3,000.
4.2 Emergency Baggage
If Your Personal Baggage is temporarily lost in transit, and is
not restored to You within 12 hours of the discovery of the
loss, We will reimburse You for the emergency purchase of
essential replacement items.
We will reimburse You up to NZ$500 after the rst 12 hours.
If Your Personal Baggage is still missing after a further 48hours
then an additional amount of NZ$500 is claimable. After a
further 72 hours, an additional amount of NZ$500 is also
claimable, if You are still deprived of Your luggage.
Receipts of purchases must be produced to support any claim.
This section does not apply if Your Personal Baggage is
temporarily lost when You are returning to Your Home at the
end of Your Journey.
If Your luggage is not found and You make a claim under
Section 4.1, the costs of the essential items You purchased
will be deducted from any amount payable to You under
4.3 Travel Documents
If Your travel documents are accidentally lost, damaged or
stolen during Your Journey, We will pay up to the policys
Maximum Benet for:
a) the cost of replacing Your travel documents including
passports, entry visas and credit cards; and
b) the cost of subsequent unauthorised use by other
persons, provided that You have observed all terms and
conditions as set down by the issuing authority and You
cannot recover Your loss from any other source.
4.4 Personal Money
We will pay up to the policys Maximum Benet for the
accidental loss or theft from Your person or from a locked safe
or from Your accommodation when You are present in the
room, of cash taken on Your Journey for personal use.
Exclusions applying to Section 4
You must also check the General Exclusions for other reasons
why We will not pay.
We will not pay for claims that relate to loss, damage, liability,
expenses or claims for or arising directly or indirectly out of:
a) household furniture (other than soft goods which include
manchester and household linen);
b) fragile or brittle articles unless damage is caused by re
or accident to the conveyance in which they are being
c) tools of trade, bicycles, skis/snowboards and/or bindings,
surfboards, windsurfers or similar water equipment other
than when they are damaged in transit on a licensed
commercial transporter or resulting from re in or theft
from locked accommodation premises;
d) sporting equipment whilst in use;
e) stock or samples of any kind related to business or trade;
f ) Personal Baggage sent in advance or articles mailed, sent
or shipped by freight or cargo separately;
g) Personal Baggage left Unattended by You or Your
Travelling Companion in a Public Place. This includes
where an item is at a distance from You that You cannot
prevent it from being taken;
h) Personal Baggage left in a motor vehicle unless stored
in a locked luggage compartment of the motor vehicle
and forced entry is gained. If there is no lockable luggage
compartment in the motor vehicle the items must be
unable to be seen from outside the locked vehicle;
i) travel documents not reported within 24 hours to
the police or the issuer of any credit card or travellers
cheque(s) or travel documents where You have not
complied with the conditions under which they have
been issued and done everything to minimise the loss;
j) jewellery, except when at the time of the loss or
damage the item is being worn by You, or was in Your
bedroom while You are present in the same room, or in a
k) any electronic device caused by the malfunction of
l) any electronic data or software;
m) delay, detention or conscation by Customs Ocers or
other ocials;
n) scratching, denting, grazing, staining, wear and tear, rot,
mould, mildew, rust, corrosion, the action of insects or
vermin, or clothing and personal eects being cleaned,
dyed, altered or repaired;
o) cash except when at the time of the loss the cash was on
Your person, or was in Your accommodation while You
were present in the same room, or in a locked safe.
5.1 Rental Vehicle Excess
You are covered for the insurance excess You are required to
pay, as a result of loss or damage to a Rental Vehicle You have
hired, up to the policys Maximum Benet, provided that:
a) You were the driver of the Rental Vehicle at the time of the
accident or if the Rental Vehicle was not being drivenit
was under Your custody and control when stolen or
b) You have observed all driving licence rules
c) Your Rental Vehicle was rented from a licensed
d) You have not breached Your rental vehicle
e) the excess is not recoverable from any other source; and
f ) You have made a claim with the motor vehicles insurer
which has been accepted, or would have been accepted
except for the application of the excess.
Exclusions applying to Section 5
You must also check the General Exclusions for other reasons
We will not pay.
We will not pay for claims that relate to loss, damage, liability,
expenses or claims for or arising directly or indirectly out of:
a) You using the Rental Vehicle in breach of the
b) You using the Rental Vehicle without a licence for the
purpose that You were using it (such as but not limited to
the carrying of passengers or freight); or
c) administrative charges or fees imposed by the rental
company that do not form any part of the amount
specied in Your Rental Vehicle agreement.
6.1 Personal Liability
We will indemnify You up to the policys Maximum Benet
for all sums that You become legally liable to pay as direct
compensation consequent on:
a) accidental injury, death or illness to persons; or
b) accidental loss or damage to tangible property;
occurring during the course of Your Journey and during the
Period of Insurance.
In respect of a claim to which the above indemnity applies
We will pay any costs of litigation legally recovered by any
claimant from You and all other costs and expenses incurred
with Our written consent.
6.2 Defence Costs (Including Wrongful Arrest)
We will pay for defence costs incurred by You with Our
consent in defending claims made against You, including such
costs incurred which are the direct result of Your false arrest
or wrongful detention by any government or government
agency, up to the policys Maximum Benet.
Exclusions applying to Section 6
You must also check the General Exclusions for other reasons
We will not pay.
We will not pay for claims that relate to loss, damage, liability,
expenses or claims for or arising directly or indirectly out of:
a) land or buildings owned, or held in trust by You or in
Yourcustody and control;
b) Your business or occupation;
c) the ownership or use of any land or building, aircraft or
aerial device (including unmanned vehicles) other than
model aircraft;
d) mechanically propelled vehicles;
e) watercraft other than a rowboat, surfboard, sailboard,
body board, water ski or model boat;
f ) damage to property belonging to You or any employee or
member of Your family or under Your or their control;
g) Injury, death or illness to You, Your employee or members
of Your family;
h) damage to any structure or land due to vibration or to the
withdrawal or weakening of support;
i) nes, penalties and punitive, exemplary, aggravated
or liquidated damages imposed upon or awarded
j) Your liability under a contract;
k) Your unlawful, malicious, deliberate or intentional acts;
l) transmission of any communicable disease.
7.1 Kidnap and Ransom
If You are Kidnapped during Your Journey, We will pay up to
the policys Maximum Benet for:
a) the Ransom paid by Your representative following
YourKidnapping; and
b) Reasonable expenses incurred for:
i) the cost of the appointment and services of an
independent security consultant as the result of a
demand for Ransom provided We have given Our
consent to the independent security consultants
appointment; and
ii) interest on money borrowed from a nancial
institution for the purpose of paying the Ransom.
Theamount We will pay will be for a term not
exceeding from 30 days prior to the payment of the
Ransom until the rst business day after settlement is
received from Us;
iii) any other Reasonable expenses incurred to
investigate, negotiate, or pay a Ransom demand or
recovering You.
Conditions of cover
a) You must keep this insurance cover condential.
b) We will not act as an intermediary or negotiator for You,
nor will We oer direct advice to whoever is dealing with
the kidnapper.
c) If an investigation establishes collusion or fraud by You,
You must reimburse Us for any payment We have made
under this section.
d) If following Our payment to You, part or all of the Ransom
is recovered You are required to reimburse Us the value of
the amount recovered.
Exclusions applying to Section 7
You must also check the General Exclusions for other reasons
We will not pay.
We will not pay for claims that relate to loss, damage, liability,
expenses or claims for or arising directly or indirectly out of:
a) any interest exceeding 2% of the current overdraft interest
rate charged by ANZ;
b) any expenses, fees or damages incurred as a result of any
proceeding brought against You or Your representative
arising out of the Kidnapping or the way it was handled;
c) expenses, losses or damages caused by interruption to
any business;
d) Kidnapping occurring in Mexico or in any country located
in Central or South America or in any nation state where
the United Nations armed forces are present.
8.1 Transport Accident Insurance
If You suer a Fatal Injury during Your Journey, We will pay up
to the policys Maximum Benet provided that:
a) You are on a Trip; and
b) riding as a paying passenger in, or while boarding or
alighting from a scheduled Public Transport service,
provided You are travelling directly to or from an airport,
bus depot, railway station or dock.
Where Your body has not been found within one year of the
date of Your disappearance arising out of an Accident which
would otherwise give rise to a loss as specied above, it will
be presumed that you suered a Fatal Injury at the time of
Your disappearance.
Payment will be made to Your legal representative.
Any payment under this section shall be reduced by any
capital benet payable for the same event under any
automatic travel insurance or transport accident insurance
where this is also underwritten by Us, including Section 3 of
this policy Section 3 Life Benets.
Maximum amount payable and Our limits of liability
We will only pay one Fatal Injury benet per ANZ Premium
Cardholder, regardless of the number of eligible ANZ Premium
Cards held by that ANZ Premium Cardholder.
The most We will pay for all claims resulting from one
event is $10,000,000, regardless of the number of ANZ
Premium Cardholders who suer a Fatal Injury as a result of
This means that if as a result of one accident a number of
ANZPremium Cardholders suer a Fatal Injury, We will pay
each on a proportional basis up to a total of $10,000,000.
For example, if 12 ANZ Premium Cardholders suered a
FatalInjury in the same accident, We would pay $833,333
toeach of their respective legal representative(s).
Exclusions applying to Section 8
You must also check the General Exclusions for other reasons
We will not pay.
We will not pay for claims that relate to loss, damage, liability,
expenses or claims for or arising directly or indirectly out of:
a) a hijack; or
b) an intentional or illegal or criminal act by:
i) You; or
iii) any person acting on Your behalf; or
iii) Your designated beneciary, executor(s) or
administrator(s) or legal heirs or personal legal
First check You are covered by Your policy by reading the
appropriate section in this policy wording and the General
Exclusions applying to all sections to see exactly what is, and
is not covered, noting particularly any conditions, limitations
and section specic exclusions.
How to make a claim
You must give notice of Your claim as soon as possible.
Thefastest and easiest way to make a claim is to visit Our
online claims portal: claimmanager.co.nz
Alternatively, You can call one of Our Claims Consultants on
0800 499 666 between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday or
email Us at anzcardclaims@allianz-assistance.co.nz
If there is a delay in claim notication, or You do not provide
sucient detail to process Your claim, We can reduce Your
claim by the amount of prejudice We have suered because
of the delay.
You must give any information We reasonably ask for to
support Your claim at Your expense, such as but not limited to
police reports, valuations, medical reports, original receipts or
proof of purchase and ownership. If required We may ask You
to provide translations of any such documents into English to
enable Our assessment of Your claim.
You must co-operate at all times in relation to providing
supporting evidence and such other information that may
reasonably be required.
If You think that You may have to cancel Your Journey or
shorten Your Journey You must tell Us as soon as possible.
Call one of Our Claims Consultants on 0800 499 666 between
8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
For medical, hospital or dental claims, contact Us as soon as
reasonably practicable.
For loss or theft of Your Personal Baggage, report it immediately
to the police and obtain a written notice of Yourreport.
For damage or misplacement of Your Personal Baggage,
caused by the airline or any other operator or accommodation
provider, report the damage or misplacement to an
appropriate ocial and obtain a written report, including any
oer of settlement that they may make. Submit full details of
any claim in writing within 30 days of Your return Home.
Claims are payable in New Zealand dollars to You
We will pay all claims in New Zealand dollars. We will pay
Youunless You tell Us to pay someone else. The rate of
currency exchange that will apply is the rate at the time
Youincurred the expense. Payment will be made by direct
credit to a NewZealand bank account nominated by You.
You must not admit fault or liability
You must not admit that You are at fault, for any accident,
incident or event causing a claim under Your policy, and You
must not oer or promise to pay any money, or become
involved in legal action, without Our approval.
You must help Us to recover any money We have paid
If We have a claim against someone in relation to the money
We have to pay or We have paid under Your policy, You must
do everything You can to help Us do that in legal proceedings.
If You are aware of any third party that You or We may recover
money from, You must inform Us.
If You can claim from anyone else, We will only make up
the dierence
If You can make a claim against someone in relation to a loss
or expense covered under this policy and they do not pay You
the full amount of Your claim, We will make up the dierence.
You must claim from them rst.
Other insurance
If any loss, damage or liability covered under this policy is
covered by another insurance policy, You must give Us details
of that other insurance policy.
We will only make any payment under this policy once the
other insurance policy is exhausted. If We have paid Your claim
in full rst, We may seek contribution from Your other insurer.
You must give Us any information We reasonably ask for to
help Us make a claim from Your other insurer.
We may, at Our discretion undertake in Your name and on
Your behalf, control and settle any proceedings for Our own
benet in Your name to recover compensation or secure
indemnity from any party in respect of anything covered by
this policy. You are to assist and permit to be done, everything
required by Us for the purpose of recovering compensation
or securing indemnity from other parties to which We may
become entitled or subrogated, upon Us paying Your claim
under this policy regardless of whether We have yet paid Your
claim and whether or not the amount We pay You is less than
full compensation for Your loss. These rights exist regardless of
the section of this policy under which Your claim is paid.
We will apply any money We recover from someone else
under a right of subrogation in the following order:
a) To Us, Our costs (administration and legal) arising from the
b) To Us, an amount equal to the amount that We paid to
You under Your policy.
c) To You, Your uninsured loss (less Your excess).
d) To You, Your excess.
Once We pay Your total loss We will keep all money left over.
If We have paid Your total loss and You receive a payment from
someone else for that loss or damage, You must pay Us the
amount of that payment up to the amount of the claim We
paid You.
If We pay You for lost or damaged property and You later
recover the property or it is replaced by a third party, You must
pay Us the amount of the claim We paid You.
Insurance fraud places additional costs on honest policyholders.
Fraudulent claims force insurance premiums to rise. We
encourage the community to assist in the prevention of
insurance fraud. You can help by reporting insurance fraud by
calling Us on 0800 499 666. All information will be treated as
condential and protected to the full extent under law.
General Policy Enquiries
If You have general enquiries, please call one of the Allianz
Partners Customer Care Team on 0800 499 666 between
8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
Emergency Assistance
If You are overseas and require emergency assistance,
please call Allianz Partners Emergency Assistance.
Skilledprofessionals are available 24 hours 7 days a week.
Call collect on +61 7 3305 7194.
Claim Enquiries
Please call one of the Allianz Partners Claims Consultants on
0800 499 666 between 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday or
email Us at anzcardclaims@allianz-assistance.co.nz
This policy is issued and managed by
AWP Services New Zealand Limited trading as Allianz
Partners, Level 3, 1 Byron Avenue, Takapuna, Auckland 0622
and underwritten by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd
ABN 78 090 584 473 (Incorporated in Australia), (“Hollard”).
The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Limited – Financial
Strength Rating and Overseas Policyholder Preference
Disclosure Notice
The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd has a financial
strength rating of A (Strong) issued by Standard and Poor's.
The Standard & Poor's rating scale is:
AAA Extremely Strong
AA Very Strong
A Strong
BBB Good
BB Marginal
B Weak
CCC Very Weak
CC Extremely Weak
C Selective Default
D Default
The rating may be modified by the addition of a plus (+)
or minus (-) sign to show relative standing within the major
rating categories.
The rating scale above is in summary form.
A full description of this rating scale can be obtained from
An overseas policyholder preference applies. Under
Australian law, if The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd
is wound up, its assets in Australia must be applied to its
Australian liabilities before they can be applied to
overseas liabilities. To this extent, New Zealand
policyholders may not be able to rely on The Hollard
Insurance Company Pty Ltd’s Australian assets to satisfy
New Zealand liabilities.
This policy wording is current as at 1 July 2023 and details are subject to change.
Freephone 0800 499 666 between 8.30am and 5pm
Monday to Friday
Outside New Zealand +64 9 487 0823
Visit checkyourcover.co.nz
If you’d like more information, please feel free to:
If you need to talk about ANZ Premium Card
Travel Insurance, were ready to help.
ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited ANZNACPW.2_0723 A3018 07/23 10880