Abstract. American birds face an estimated 117 to 157 million exotic predators in the form of free-rang-
ing domestic cats (Felis catus), which are estimated to kill at least one billion birds every year in the
United States. Cats have contributed to declines and extinctions of birds worldwide and are one of the
most important drivers of global bird extinctions. In this paper, we review recent scienti c research
on the impacts of free-ranging cats on birds, with an emphasis on threats to migratory landbirds in
the United States. Studies have shown that cats pose threats to many bird populations, including
priority species for conservation, through their predation of adult, nestling, and juvenile birds. Cats
also have impacts on birds through competition with native predators such as raptors, and through
the harboring and transmission of zoonotic and other diseases to birds and other wildlife. In addition
to direct mortality, cats may also cause stress responses in birds due to predation risk that may result
in bird population declines. A substantial increase in public outreach is urgently needed to educate
citizens about the conservation and welfare problems caused and faced by outdoor cats. Effective cat
and wildlife management in this context will also require strengthening and enforcing policies and
laws that control outdoor cats, many of which are already in place.
Key Words: anthropogenic mortality, birds, Felis catus, feral cats, invasive species, predation, trap-
Resumen. Las aves Americanas enfrentan un estimado de 117 a 157 millones de depredadotes exóti-
cos en la forma de gatos domésticos (Felis catus) en condición de libertad, los cuales probablemente
matan anualmente al menos, mil millones de aves cada año en Estados Unidos. Los gatos han con-
tribuido a la declinación y extinción de las aves a nivel mundial, y pueden ser la mayor causa de la
extinción global de las aves luego de la destrucción de hábitat. En este articulo, yo reviso la reciente
investigación cientí ca sobre el impacto que los gatos en condición de libertad causan a las poblacio-
nes de aves en los Estados Unidos, con énfasis en su amenaza a las aves migratorias. Estudios han
demostrado que los gatos constituyen una amenaza importante para muchas poblaciones de aves,
incluyendo aquellas especies cuya conservación es prioritaria, a través de la depredación de adultos,
las nidadas y los juveniles, compitiendo también con depredadores nativos, tales como las aves de
presa. En adicción a la mortalidad directa causada, los gatos causan reducciones en la fecundidad
y supervivencia en las aves expuestas al riesgo de depredación, las mismas que potencialmente y
substancialmente dañan y reducen las poblaciones. Acciónas efectivas para la conservación de las
aves requerirá del fortalecimiento y aplicación de leyes que prohíben los gatos en condición de lib-
ertad, muchas de las cuales ya han sido promulgadas, así como también una mejora sustancial en la
educación y que este esfuerzo por enfrentar los problemas que son causados por los gatos llegue al
público en general, y producir métodos para controlar las poblaciones y movimientos de los gatos en
condición de libertad.
Proceedings of the Fourth International
Partners in Flight Conference: Tundra to Tropics
Many North American bird species have
been declining during the past several decades,
some of them precipitously (Terborgh 1989,
Stutchbury 2007). Habitat loss is considered to
be a primary cause of many of these declines,
and other major anthropogenic causes of bird
mortality include collisions with human-made
structures (such as buildings and windows,
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA
Present address: Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RY, United Kingdom.
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference
power lines, and vehicles), predation by domes-
tic cats (Felis catus), and pesticides (Erickson et
al. 2005). While scienti c estimates vary widely
depending on the methods of calculation used,
even the most conservative estimates place
domestic cat predation among the most impor-
tant anthropogenic causes of bird mortality in
the United States (Gill 1995, Erickson et al. 2005).
The number of domestic cats in the United
States has tripled during the last 40 years
(Lepczyk 2008). The continued conversion of
natural areas to development means that the
importance of human-dominated landscapes
as wildlife habitat is increasing; this, combined
with the large and growing number of cats
raises concerns about interactions of domestic
cats and wildlife in urban, rural, and suburban
areas (Calver et al. 2007). Due to a combina-
tion of their opportunistic predatory behavior
and their occurrence in numbers exponentially
higher than native predators, cats can wipe out
bird populations from otherwise suitable habi-
tat (Crooks and Soulé 1999, Nogales et al. 2004,
Balogh and Marra 2008); in such contexts, cat
predation may supersede habitat loss as a pri-
mary threat to birds’ survival.
Unfortunately, many members of the
American public remain unaware of the serious
conservation and welfare implications of letting
pet cats roam and of feeding stray and feral cats.
The goal of this paper is therefore to provide a
brief review of our current state of knowledge
of the cumulative effects, including popula-
tion level effects, of outdoor domestic cats in
the United States, based on the best available
science. In addition, we review and provide
management recommendations based on this
information for use by policymakers, landown-
ers, land managers, animal conservation and
welfare advocates, and private citizens.
Domestic cats have been associated with
humans for thousands of years and have
accompanied humans to nearly every part of
the world (Brickner 2003). All domestic cats
carry genetic signatures matching wild cats
(Felis sylvestris) from the Middle East, but are
now considered a separate species; they appear
to have been domesticated on several occa-
sions 8000–10,000 years ago with the begin-
ning of agricultural settlement in the region
(O’Brien and Johnson 2007). They were in tro-
duced throughout Europe during the Roman
Empire, and more recently introduced around
the world by European colonists (Dickman
1996, Coleman et al. 1997).
Approximately 600 million domestic cats
exist in the world today, one of the only feline
species not considered threatened or endan-
gered by conservation organizations (O’Brien
and Johnson 2007). Because they form a domes-
tic species distinct from their wild ancestral
species, domestic cats are considered to be an
exotic, or non-native, species in all environments
in which they occur. Because of their ability to
overwhelm existing native species and natural
ecosystem processes in environments in which
they have been introduced, domestic cats are
moreover classi ed as invasive species. Invasive
species, particularly predators, together with
habitat destruction, have been a major cause
of declines and extinctions of native species
throughout the world for the past few centuries
(Clavero and García-Berthou 2005). An analysis
of the International Union for the Conservation
of Nature (IUCN) database has shown that pre-
dation alone and in concert with other contribut-
ing factors is responsible for more than 80% of
all documented vertebrate extinctions (Sax and
Gaines 2008). Due largely to impacts resulting
from its predation on other species, the domestic
cat is listed by the IUCN as one of the “100 of
the world’s worst invasive alien species” (ISSG
2008). It should be emphasized that the invasive
species label applies exclusively to outdoor cats,
rather than pet cats kept indoors or otherwise
kept under control by their owners.
The United States hosts between a quarter
and a third of the global domestic cat popula-
tion and by far the largest number of cats of any
single nation, with an estimated total 148–188
million domestic cats. An estimated 88 million
of these are pet cats (APPA 2008), of which
approximately 65%, or 57 million, are free-rang-
ing outdoor cats for at least some portion of
the day (Winter 2004). In addition to this, there
are an estimated 60–100 million stray and feral
(unsocialized) cats (Jessup 2004), nearly all of
which range freely outdoors. There is therefore
an estimated total of 117–157 million free-rang-
ing cats in the United States.
Studies from around the world show that
domestic cats kill large numbers of wild-
life, including a wide range of bird species
(Dickman 1996, Lepczyk et al. 2004, Calver et
al. 2007; Fig. 1). In a global review of IUCN-
listed Critically Endangered bird species,
Butchart et al. (2006) found that exotic preda-
tors, especially feral cats and rats, were among
the most important threats to these species
and, likewise, that invasive predator control
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Impacts of Domestic Cats on Birds in the United States—Dauphiné and Cooper
was an important management action taken
to prevent many extinctions. Historically, cats
have been specifically implicated in at least 33
bird extinctions, making them one of the most
important causes of bird extinctions world-
wide (Nogales et al. 2004).
Oceanic islands have provided the most obvi-
ous showcase for the negative ecological impacts
of cats (Nogales et al. 2004). Global extinctions
caused in whole or in part by cats include those
of the Stephen’s Island Wren (Xenicus lyalli) in
New Zealand and the Guadalupe Storm Petrel
(Oceanodroma macrodactyla) and the Socorro
Island Dove (Zenaida graysoni) in Mexico
(Nogales et al. 2004). The case of the Stephen’s
Island Wren is notable in that this species was
never observed alive in the wild with certainty
before its extinction, and that most or all of the
museum specimens were collected by a single
cat (Dickman 1996, Fuller 2001). Cats have also
caused a number of regional extinctions, reduc-
ing the ranges and associated genetic variation
of bird species. Extirpations caused partly or
wholly by cats include those of Cassin’s Auklet
(Ptychoramphus aleuticus) from the Coronado
Islands, Mexico, and the Common Diving Petrel
(Pelecanoides urinatrix) from Marion Island,
South Africa (Nogales et al. 2004). Finally, cats
have caused substantial declines in bird popula-
tions, including the Sooty Tern (Sterna fuscata)
on Ascension Island (UK), and the Black-vented
Shearwater (Puf nus opisthomelas) and Socorro
Mockingbird (Mimodes graysoni) on Socorro
Island, Mexico, the latter of which is currently
listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN
(Nogales et al. 2004).
Courchamp et al. (1999) modeled interac-
tions of invasive mammals (feral cats and rab-
bits) and native birds on islands. They found
that the presence of exotic prey (rabbits)
served to maintain extremely high popula-
tions of cats while breeding birds were absent.
This superabundance of cats then decimated
native seabird colonies during their annual
breeding season, a phenomenon the authors
termed hyperpredation. The human provision-
ing of food to cats can likewise enable hyper-
predation, where cats continue to kill prey
even when populations of that species are
low, enabling them to eradicate prey species
(Woods et al. 2003).
The frequent extinctions of island birds
due to cat predation highlight the increasing
vulnerability of birds confined to “islands”
of fragmented habitat, especially when
such habitat may be surrounded by housing
developments featuring multiple anthropo-
genic threats. Both oceanic islands and habi-
tat fragments in urban and suburban areas
are surrounded by an inhospitable matrix,
but in urban and suburban areas this matrix
may moreover act as a source of subsidized
exotic predators in the form of cats (Walter
2004, Longcore et al. 2009). While continen-
tal avifaunas, unlike many of their insular
counterparts, have evolved alongside native
predators, the continuous predation pressure
exerted by exotic predators in exponentially
high densities can and has resulted in numer-
ous local extinctions of continental land birds
(Crooks and Soulé 1999, Hawkins et al. 2004,
Winter 2004).
FIGURE 1. Cat-killed Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus), a PIF-designated species of regional conserva-
tion concern, Athens, GA, January 2008.
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference
While populations of wild predators are con-
trolled by prey availability, predation, competi-
tion, and disease, free-ranging cat populations
are bolstered by human-provided supplemen-
tal food and protected by the human removal of
higher predators in the environments in which
they live and by vaccinations from several dis-
eases. A number of peer-reviewed quantitative
studies of the impacts of free-ranging cat preda-
tion on native birds in the United States suggest
that cat predation on birds may be unsustain-
able, drives ecological sinks, and may cause
local extinctions. Studies include analyses of the
impacts of free-ranging pet cats as well as stray
and feral cats fed by people on public land,
using methods including radio telemetry, sur-
veys of cats’ prey returns to owners, fecal and
stomach content analyses, and point and tran-
sect surveys of birds and mammals.
Crooks and Soulé (1999) conducted research
on the relationships between apex predators,
mid-sized predators, or mesopredators, and
native breeding birds in a landscape fragmented
by development in coastal southern California.
They termed the population explosions of
smaller predators, including cats, in response
to the removal of higher predators (in this case,
coyotes), mesopredator release. They found that
a typical 20 hectare forest fragment contained
35 hunting pet cats, compared with one or two
pairs of similar-sized native predators. These
cats collectively killed at least 525 birds per year
in a system where the population sizes of some
birds did not exceed 10 individuals. Coyote
presence had a negative effect on domestic cat
abundance, and a correspondingly positive
effect on bird diversity. The authors concluded
that the level of cat predation on birds appeared
to be unsustainable, and reported at least 75
local bird extinctions in these fragments over
the past century.
Recent research by Balogh and Marra (2008)
on the Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) in
the suburban greater Washington DC metro-
politan area found that predation caused 79%
of catbird nestling and post- edging mortality
and that cats were the main edgling preda-
tor. Cats turned areas calculated to be sources
using the typical estimate of the total number
of young edged from the nest into sinks when
also accounting for the survival of edglings
into overall estimates of recruitment. Their
ndings suggest that suburban areas may act as
ecological sinks for breeding birds because they
provide habitat cues that stimulate settlement
and breeding in areas with negative population
growth, which appears to be driven largely by
domestic cats.
Hawkins et al. (2004) conducted a study of
native birds and small mammals in a public
park on California’s central coast, comparing
one area where outdoor cats were being fed by
people with a similar area where no cats were
detected. They found nearly double the num-
ber of birds in the no-cat area compared with
the cat-feeding area, and that two native bird
species, California Quail (Callipepla californica)
and California Thrasher (Toxostoma redivivum)
were entirely absent in the cat-feeding area.
In addition, the number of exotic rodents was
nine times higher in the cat-feeding area. The
authors suggest that cat predation pressure may
be greater on native than exotic rodents and that
providing food for free-ranging cats may facili-
tate the spread of exotic rodents into new areas.
Finally, the authors suggest that cats in such
systems act as keystone modi ers, causing sub-
stantial long-term changes in the structure and
composition of the biota of the environment in
which they occur.
In Hawaii, Smith et al. (2002) compared
Wedge-tailed Shearwater (Puf nus paci cus)
breeding colonies located where predators were
absent with those located near areas where out-
door cats were being fed by people on public
land. They found that predation had a devas-
tating impact on shearwaters, and that cats
attracted to supplemental food were likely the
primary predators. The closer the birds were to
the cat feeding area, the more likely they were to
be killed. The shearwater colony located closest
to the cat feeding area exhibited total reproduc-
tive failure, and almost all the adult shearwaters
at this site were apparently killed by cats. They
concluded that bird breeding colonies near cat
feeding areas were ecological sinks.
The most commonly quoted estimate of cat-
caused bird mortality in the United States in
recent years has been “hundreds of millions
of birds,” as cited in position statements on
the management of free-ranging cats by many
national professional scienti c and conserva-
tion organizations. Traditionally, published
estimates of bird mortality due to cats in the
United States have only accounted for mini-
mum bird mortality caused by pet cats, rather
than all cats, including stray and feral cats (Fig.
2). However, if we accept the range estimated
above of 117–157 million outdoor cats in the
United States, then each of these cats killing a
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Impacts of Domestic Cats on Birds in the United States—Dauphiné and Cooper
single bird per year would result in “hundreds
of millions” of cat-killed birds, whereas we
know from published studies that the average
minimum number of birds per year killed by
many cats may exceed fty times this number.
A number of peer-reviewed publications on
cat predation of birds and other animals report
information provided by cat owners on cats’
prey returns. These demonstrate various mini-
mum averages of pet cat predation rates on birds
in the United States, including kill rates of 4, 15,
52, and 54 birds per year, depending on location
and degree of urbanization (Mitchell and Beck
1992, Crooks and Soulé 1999, Fiore and Sullivan
2002, Lepczyk et al. 2004). While such studies
provide direct physical evidence of mortality
caused by cats, they invariably underestimate
the actual mortality caused by cats, because
cats frequently either discard or consume prey
rather than present it to their owners. In Illinois,
George (1974) found that only about half of ani-
mals killed by cats were provided to their own-
ers, and in upstate New York, Kays and DeWan
(2004) found that observed cat predation rates
were 3.3 times higher than predation rates mea-
sured through prey returns to owners. Thus,
predation rates measured through prey returns
may represent one half to less than one third
of what pet cats actually kill, and some cats do
not return any prey to their owners (Fiore and
Sullivan 2000).
Given the large numbers of cats and consid-
ering the numbers of avian prey returned to
owners, a minimum of one billion birds killed
by cats annually in the United States is a conser-
vative estimate, and the actual number is proba-
bly much higher. Stallcup (1991) and Gill (1995)
estimated bird mortality caused by pet cats
alone at over one billion birds per year. While
reaching consensus on a precise estimate of the
number of birds killed annually by cats pres-
ents a noteworthy challenge, as noted in The
Wildlife Society’s position statement on feral
and free-ranging cats (TWS 2006): “Extensive
popular debate over exact numbers or types
of prey taken is not productive. The number
of cats is undeniably large. Even if conserva-
tive estimates of prey taken are considered, the
number of prey animals killed is immense.”
Debate about exact numbers or types of
prey taken by cats generally centers around
the question of whether cat predation has
demonstrable population level impacts with
respect to other sources of mortality. Species
that are range-restricted or endangered are
more likely to show population level impacts
than are other species. However, populations
of many more common species may also be
negatively affected by free-ranging cats, and
many birds previously considered to be com-
mon are declining at alarming rates (NAS
2007). In addition, while biologists often study
populations, the value of birds and other wild-
life is not restricted to population level phe-
nomena. As Longcore et al. (2009), pointed
out: “it is philosophically inappropriate for
population level impacts to be the only criteria
by which the effects of cats are judged… We
FIGURE 2. Feral cat at an illegal cat colony in McAllen, TX, February 2008.
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference
see no justification for valuing birds and other
wildlife only as populations, while valuing
cats as individuals.”
Predators in nature tend to be rare with
respect to prey populations. Wild predators
are dependent on their prey, and will natu-
rally decline with a declining prey base. Cat
predation of birds is unlike that by any native
predator, perhaps most importantly because
outdoor cats are maintained in numbers far
above natural carrying capacity. There are also
a number of other important ways in which
cats are distinct from native predators that
may compound their negative effects on bird
and other wildlife populations (Coleman et al.
1997, Brickner 2003).
Where humans have reduced or eliminated
populations of top-level predators such as
wolves (Canis lupus, Canis rufus) and coyotes
(Canis latrans), in many parts of the United
States, the survival and movements of free-
ranging cats and other mesopredators are not
kept in check by the predation they would be
exposed to in a wild ecosystem (Crooks and
Soulé 1999). Unlike native mesopredators
such as raccoons (Procyon lotor) and skunks
(Mephitis mephitis, Spilogale sp.), domestic cats
are opportunistic predators and cats typically
kill prey regardless of whether or not they will
consume it. Experimental evidence has shown
a lack of connection between hunger and hunt-
ing in cats (Adamec 1976), such that well-fed
cats may be no less likely to kill. While native
mesopredators are predominantly nocturnal,
cats may be active during the day as well as at
night, such that small wildlife may be exposed
to cat predation. Domestic cats are also less
motivated than wild predators to hide from
people, such that they may hunt in the open
in human-dominated environments. Finally,
while native mesopredators may depredate
eggs or nestlings of birds, no native mamma-
lian predator typically stalks and kills adult
birds, as cats do.
In addition to having direct impacts on
prey, cats compete with avian predators,
such as American Kestrels (Falco sparverius),
Northern Harriers (Circus cyaneus), and Red-
tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) (George
1974, Mosher 1989, Lepczyk et al. 2004).
George (1974) estimated that cats killed 5.5
million rodents and other vertebrates in a
26 000 square mile area in Illinois, effectively
depleting the prey base for wintering rap-
tors and other native predators. In a study
in Maryland of Cooper’s Hawks (Accipiter
cooperii) that depended heavily on eastern
chipmunks (Tamias striatus) to feed nestlings,
Mosher (1989) found that these raptors altered
their diet to prey more on songbirds in an area
where chipmunks were eradicated by cats.
The resulting increase in hunting time and
difficulty for Cooper’s Hawks was associated
with a decrease in nestling survival.
While vaccinations may protect them from
several diseases, domestic cats act as reservoirs
and vectors for many diseases and parasites
that jeopardize wildlife, including federally
endangered and threatened birds and mammals
(Work et al. 2000, Danner et al. 2007, Miller et
al. 2007). Examples include the infection of the
American mountain lion (Puma concolor) with
feline leukemia (Jessup et al. 1993, Brickner
2003) and the infection of the federally endan-
gered Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) with
feline panleukopenia, or feline parvovirus, an
immune de ciency disease (Roelke et al. 1993,
Brickner 2003).
Cats play an integral role in the life cycle of
the parasite Toxoplasmosis gondii that has caused
fatal infections of the federally endangered
Hawaiian Crow (Corvus hawaiiensis) (now likely
extinct in the wild) and federally threatened
Southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris) (Work et al.
2000, Miller et al. 2007). T. gondii is known to
have infected more than 50 bird species world-
wide and at least a dozen in the United States,
including American Kestrel (Falco sparverius),
Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), Great
Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus), Nene (Branta
sandvicensis), and Red-bellied Woodpecker
(Melanerpes carolinus) (Dubey 2002, Work et al.
2002, Gerhold and Yabsley 2007). A zoonotic
parasite spread through cat feces that also
infects humans, T. gondii’s symptoms include
confusion, poor coordination, seizures, and eye
infections that can lead to blindness; infection
by the parasite can cause brain damage and
Finally, predators affect prey populations not
only by killing individual prey but by altering
prey behaviors, including foraging and breed-
ing patterns and habitat use. Using a model
combining cat predation on birds with the sub-
lethal effect of stress caused by cat density on
bird fecundity, Beckerman et al. (2007) showed
that these sub-lethal effects of cats may be sub-
stantial for urban songbirds, potentially lead-
ing to population-level declines. The authors
suggest that cat densities per se, which may be
extremely high in urban areas, may detrimen-
tally affect avian productivity to the extent that
low predation rates simply re ect low numbers
of remaining prey.
Dauphine_1_PIF09.indd 210Dauphine_1_PIF09.indd 210 9/25/2009 10:07:00 AM9/25/2009 10:07:00 AM
Impacts of Domestic Cats on Birds in the United States—Dauphiné and Cooper
The management of domestic companion
animals, including cats, is typically locally
regulated at the city and/or county level in the
United States. Traditional animal control strat-
egies for unclaimed companion animals typi-
cally include sheltering, adoption, rescue, and
lethal control in the form of euthanasia. In gen-
eral, animal control law enforcement effort has
tended to be greater for dogs than for cats, in
part for public health and socioeconomic rea-
sons. Thus, while free-ranging dog populations
have been effectively controlled by the enforce-
ment of existing policies, the numbers of cats
have not been effectively controlled, and large
numbers of free-ranging cats now live in parks
and other public and private lands in the United
States. Often these cats are fed by people and/
or nd reliable food sources in waste disposal
areas. Abundant food resources tend to increase
cat survival and fecundity and reduce ranges
and movement, thus increasing cat densities
and carrying capacity, and associated negative
impacts on local wildlife (Schmidt et al. 2007).
Subsidized populations of free-roaming cats
may also serve as source populations for sur-
rounding areas (Schmidt et al. 2007).
Although much research is underway to
nd nonlethal animal control methods, at
present such methods remain limited in their
effectiveness (Warburton and Norton 2009).
Nevertheless, lethal control methods are
increasingly the targets of negative campaigns
by many animal rights and welfare groups and
special interest groups, often with disastrous
results for the conservation of native wildlife
(Perry and Perry 2008). In the case of free-rang-
ing cats, a number of special interest groups and
several national animal welfare groups now
oppose the use of euthanasia to control their
populations, and instead promote feeding and
sterilization programs often branded as “trap-
neuter-release” or “trap-neuter-return” (TNR).
In TNR programs, “colonies” of free-ranging
cats are fed regularly at xed locations (“feed-
ing stations”) and are the subjects of attempts,
usually by volunteers, to trap, sterilize, and re-
release them. TNR advocates typically claim
that traditional lethal control methods are not
effective, and that TNR is “the only proven
and effective method” for controlling feral
cat population growth or reducing feral cat
populations. However, evidence for TNR pro-
gram effectiveness at reducing cat populations
remains largely anecdotal (Nutter 2006) and
data collected from TNR efforts typically fail to
meet standards necessary for its evaluation as
a method of population control (Centonze and
Levy 2002, Winter 2004). Meanwhile, a grow-
ing body of evidence suggests that TNR is not
effective in reducing numbers of free-ranging
cats under prevailing conditions (Barrow 2004,
Longcore et al. 2009).
Andersen et al. (2004) used mathematical
models to compare the effectiveness of removal
versus sterilization in reducing numbers of
free-roaming cats. They reported effective cat
population control through removal of at least
50% of the population or annual neutering of
more than 75% of the population. They noted
that: “TNR programs are not likely to convert
increasing cat populations into declining pop-
ulations or even stable populations until the
neutering rate is quite high.” Under prevail-
ing conditions, where immigration of new cats
attracted to feeding stations is frequent, such
high rates of sterilization may never be attained.
In practice, TNR programs often sustain
large and even increasing numbers of free-rang-
ing cats, in part due to frequent immigration by
more cats. In a study of TNR in Florida, Levy et
al. (2003) found that: “free-roaming cats do not
appear to have suf cient territorial activity to
prevent new arrivals from permanently joining
colonies.” Foley et al. (2005) assessed long-term
TNR programs in California and Florida, and
concluded that they did not approach the nec-
essary sterilization levels to reduce cat popula-
tions. They concluded: “Our analysis indicated
that population-level effects were minimal…
[and] indicated ongoing population growth.”
In a study of TNR in North Carolina, Nutter
(2006) concluded that TNR “will not lead to
long-term reduction in the numbers of cats
because colonies can re-establish due to immi-
gration.” Immigration is bolstered by the
increased abandonment of unwanted cats in
areas where public feeding takes place (Castillo
and Clarke 2003). Many cats thus remain unster-
ilized and feeding improves cats’ prospects for
survival and breeding (Roberto 1995).
TNR advocates frequently cite various peer-
reviewed scienti c studies as support for TNR’s
effectiveness in reducing cat populations in cam-
paigns to convince the public and policymakers
to legalize and/or fund TNR (Longcore et al.
2009). Some of these studies describe TNR pro-
grams that were not designed for the purpose
of cat population reduction in the rst place.
For example, Zaunbrecher and Smith (1993)
described a TNR program in Louisiana designed
“to address the feral cat problem by stabilizing…
rather than reducing the number of cats in the
population.” Likewise, in a paper describing a
TNR program on a university campus in Texas,
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference
Hughes and Slater (2002) wrote: “It cannot be
stated de nitively that the total number of cats
on campus decreased because the program was
not designed to determine this.”
In a study that is frequently cited to sup-
port the claim that TNR reduces populations
of cats, Centonze and Levy (2002) surveyed
101 people feeding free-ranging cats in Florida,
and used anecdotal recollections of cat feeders
to report a total surveyed cat population of 920
“before TNR” and 678 “after TNR.” However,
the reported total number of cats (920) minus
reported deaths (151), disappearances (149),
and adoptions (238), plus births (498) and immi-
grations (103) equals 983 at the conclusion of the
study, not 678 (Winter 2004). The authors wrote:
“the fact that the numbers do not add up is
attributable to uctuations in colony members
and the fact that these numbers were estimates
based on the recollections of individual caretak-
ers. These numbers should not be interpreted as
precise data based on accurate record-keeping.”
Quantitative evidence to date suggests that
TNR generally does not reduce free-ranging
cat populations in a reasonable period of time,
almost never results in the elimination of feral cat
colonies, generally results in perpetual colony
maintenance, and may even result in increasing
cat populations (Barrows 2004, Winter 2004)—
one TNR program in Hawaii grew from about
100 to over 1000 cats and resulted in the tempo-
rary closure of a daycare center due to cat-related
public health concerns (Jessup 2004). Natoli et al.
(2006) reported mixed results of surveys of long-
term TNR programs for more than 10,000 cats in
Italy; in 55 colonies numbers of cats decreased,
while in 48 colonies numbers of cats increased
or remained stable. The authors concluded that:
“all these efforts without an effective education
of people to control the reproduction of house
cats (as a prevention for abandonment) are a
waste of money, time, and energy.”
As it stands now, traditional animal control
methods, including removing unclaimed, stray,
and feral animals from the environment, remain
the most effective way to control populations of
free-ranging domestic animals, including cats.
Castillo and Clarke (2003) reported that TNR “is
not an effective means to control the population
of unwanted cats and con rms that the estab-
lishment of cat colonies on public lands encour-
ages illegal dumping and creates an attractive
nuisance.” TNR is frequently counterproduc-
tive, and the large numbers of free-ranging cats
subsidized by TNR programs can alter basic
ecological processes, cause declines in biodiver-
sity, and threaten endangered, sensitive, and
protected native species (Hawkins et al. 2004,
Jessup 2004).
Many veterinary and animal rights and wel-
fare professionals also object to TNR as inhu-
mane, because it facilitates pet abandonment and
exposes domestic animals to neglect, abuse, and
death by trauma. Jessup (2004) wrote that TNR:
“actually appears to undermine its stated goal of
protecting the welfare of cats and fails to educate
people as to their legal and moral responsibili-
ties.” Storts (2003) wrote: “Most TNR programs
are poorly run and disorganized… It is impos-
sible to provide ongoing maintenance and sur-
veillance of thousands of cats, and the attempt
to employ herd health management principles
while enjoying the human-animal bond has
proven ineffective and irresponsible.” Chagrin
(2008) wrote: “While the idea may sound appeal-
ing, in reality TNR programs sanction the aban-
donment of cats… The ‘humane community’
sends the public a clear message when it endorses
TNR programs—that cats can survive and thrive
living outdoors behind dumpsters and in barns.
It’s not only the wrong message—it’s absolutely
Population considerations aside, TNR is
moreover clearly not humane to the billions of
wild animals that are annually attacked, killed,
mauled, injured, and orphaned by cats. Animal
intake from many wildlife rehabilitation centers
shows that cat predation (including injured and
orphaned animals) is the single largest reason
for their admission (Jessup 2004, Sallinger 2008).
Sallinger (2007) reported that cats accounted
for nearly 40% of animal intake at Portland
Audubon’s Wildlife Care Center, “the number
one cause of injury by a wide margin.” Due to
the trauma and infection associated with cat
attacks, most cat attack victims do not survive
(Fiore and Sullivan 2000, Sallinger 2007), and
typically die of massive internal hemorrhaging
and soft tissue damage from crushing. Animals
not immediately killed by cats are “maimed,
mauled, dismembered, ripped apart, and gut-
ted while still alive” (Jessup 2004).
Free-ranging domestic cats are collectively
one of the largest sources of bird mortality in
the United States and present a special problem
to conservation and control programs because
their ecological impacts are often overlooked
due to their status as popular companion ani-
mals. Declining bird populations are facing
bourgeoning numbers of subsidized exotic pred-
ators in dwindling habitat, and conservation
action is clearly warranted. The management of
feral and free-ranging cats, and particularly the
con icts between stated and actual outcomes of
TNR, provides an exceptional challenge with
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Impacts of Domestic Cats on Birds in the United States—Dauphiné and Cooper
far-reaching implications for wildlife, the envi-
ronment, and public health.
Due the enormous environmental impacts
of feral cat management, it must be treated as
an environmental as well as an animal welfare
problem, and municipal decisions regarding cat
management should receive formal environ-
mental assessment (Longcore et al. 2009). Many
environmentalists and biologists, however, are
not aware of the extent and growth of TNR and
its consequences (Longcore et al. 2009). With
some notable exceptions, the attention thus far
devoted to the rapidly increasing numbers of
free-ranging, stray, and feral cats on American
landscapes has been dominated by single
species focused special interest groups that often
fail to understand or appreciate the wider man-
agement implications of their actions.
Unfortunately, neither the lack of quantita-
tive evidence that TNR signi cantly reduces
cat populations nor the adverse animal welfare
impacts has dissuaded many TNR advocates. In
fact, the TNR movement is increasingly well-
organized, well-funded, and politically in uen-
tial. One of the largest groups advocating TNR
nationally, Alley Cat Allies, took in more than
$4.5 million in 2008 and spent $3.8 million of
this on public education and outreach, in part
to promote a nationwide campaign for feral
cat colonies by aggressively marketing them to
legislators and the public. In the words of one
biologist: “This movement has a huge network.
Environmentalists don’t know yet what they’re
up against” (Roberto 1995).
Soulé (1990) noted: “Con icts between ani-
mal rights groups and management agencies
are increasing in frequency and cost – the cost
is being borne by endangered species and eco-
systems as well as by the public that pays for
expensive rescue operations and time consum-
ing court battles. The minimization of such
con icts will require both public education and
courageous leadership.” Minimizing such con-
icts will also require an examination of why
and how they occur, and an appreciation of the
differing motivations that cause them.
There is an unfortunate discrepancy between
the motivations of TNR groups to save and res-
cue individual animals on the one hand and the
serious negative animal welfare, conservation,
and environmental health impacts of maintain-
ing large numbers of free-ranging cats on the
other hand. As Hutchins (2008) wrote, this per-
spective “is not a good foundation for the future
of life on our planet and does not recognize the
interrelationships that exist among various spe-
cies in functioning ecosystems.”
The most important motivations of TNR
participants in one study included “love of
cats,” “opportunity to nurture,” and “increased
self-esteem” (Zasloff and Hart 1998). Because
their motivations lie elsewhere, many of these
people do not keep records and may not be
genuinely interested in cat population control
(Jessup 2004). The actual commitment of many
TNR advocates to cat population control may
thus range from questionable to entirely lack-
ing. To the contrary, some leading TNR advo-
cates seek to promote the acceptance of feral
cats as “protected wildlife” (Longcore et al.
Jessup (2004) asked: “How is the person who
must save 25 to 30 cats in their home different
from the person who sees themselves as the sav-
ior of 25 to 30 cats in a park?” In many cases, the
characteristics and behavior of people involved
in TNR are suggestive of the psychiatric disor-
ders described in problematic animal hoarding
(Frost 2000). When presented with alternatives
to TNR, such as enclosed sanctuaries, no-kill
shelters, and traditional animal control, many
such people can be “ ercely protective, retalia-
tory, and uncooperative” (Storts 2003), and will
subject public of cials and other citizens oppos-
ing TNR to harassment and threats (Barrows
2004, Hatley 2004).
In an increasingly urbanizing world, most
Americans today are familiar with cats and
dogs but have little knowledge of wildlife, and
many people look to pets for the companion-
ship traditionally provided by family members
(Roberto 1995). Many animal rescue, welfare,
and rights groups are motivated by the desire to
reduce the tragically high numbers of compan-
ion animals euthanized in animal shelters. This
is an important goal, and there are many ways
to achieve it. It should not, however, be pursued
at the expense of wildlife already suffering from
multiple anthropogenic threats.
Public education is a crucial part of the solu-
tion. While many cat owners feed and enjoy
birds and repeatedly express dismay over birds
killed by their cats, they fail to take the crucial
step of preventing these kinds of events from
occurring (Sallinger 2007). Many cat owners
will be more motivated to keep their cats away
from wildlife if they understand the negative
impacts of cats on wildlife (Fiore and Sullivan
2000). Individuals can be part of the solution by
keeping their cats indoors and converting out-
door pet cats to living indoors whenever pos-
sible. Outdoor enclosures can be provided to let
cats enjoy the outdoors without exposing them
to interactions with wildlife, and this in turn
reduces the risk of trauma to cats and cat own-
ers by outdoor cats’ deaths due to cars, higher
predators such as coyotes, and injuries due to
ghts with other cats.
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference
For broad-scale public education to be effec-
tive, many more environmentalists and conser-
vation scientists must become more informed,
involved, and vocal about this problem than
they have been until now. Dozens of science-
based national and regional wildlife, conser-
vation, and veterinary organizations have
position statements promoting the humane
control of free-ranging cats and opposing feral
cat colonies to protect birds and other wildlife,
including the American Association of Wildlife
Veterinarians, the American Ornithologists’
Union, the American Society of Mammalogists,
the National Audubon Society, and the National
Wildlife Federation. To our knowledge, how-
ever, the American Bird Conservancy (ABC)
is the only such national organization that has
signi cantly invested in public education, by
maintaining its Cats Indoors! campaign for
more than a decade. The extent of this problem
demands many more signi cant contributions
and efforts from a broad coalition of groups and
agencies in order to successfully reach a larger
proportion of the public. As it is, TNR is being
legalized and funded in a growing number of
cities and counties in the United States, in part
because numerous false claims are made by
TNR advocates in the popular media and these
claims are often not refuted (Longcore et al.
2009). Many policymakers and members of the
public, lacking other information, believe them
and act accordingly.
Animal shelters can make the many reasons
to keep cats indoors part of their educational
message, and can implement policies to adopt
cats only to owners who will keep cats indoors.
They can also seek subsidies to provide low-
cost or free spaying and neutering of pet cats.
Wildlife rehabilitation centers and veterinar-
ians can contribute by informing visitors of the
extent of the impacts of cat predation on wild-
life. Public awareness campaigns should be
creative and engaging, providing people with
opportunities to better appreciate nature and
wildlife and to better understand the impacts of
free-ranging domestic cats on birds as well as
small mammals, herpetofauna, and endangered
Education alone, however, is not enough.
While many people already voluntarily keep
their cats indoors, many more people control
their dogs due to greater enforcement of animal
control laws with regard to dogs. Pet ownership
laws already in place need to be enforced with
cats as well as dogs, and cities and counties can
be proactive by instituting and enforcing addi-
tional regulatory measures that require cat own-
ers to assume more responsibility for their cats
(Hatley 2003, 2004). Examples include requiring
cat owners to register and license their pets and
instituting mandatory spaying and neutering.
Local jurisdictions can set up and enforce heavy
nes for failure to spay or neuter cats, allowing
cats to roam, abandonment of cats, and feeding
in public places. A number of cities and coun-
ties around the country have already done so
(Roberto 1995, Winter 2004).
Birds and other wildlife and their right to
exist are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty
Act (MBTA), Endangered Species Act (ESA),
and other federal, state, and local laws (Hatley
2003, Barrows 2004, Hatley 2004, Jessup 2004).
These laws need to be better enforced, as do
laws and ordinances that prohibit feeding cats
and other animals in public parks. If they are
not already in place, cities, counties and park
authorities can adopt feral animal policies;
feral animal removal should become a perma-
nent, regular feature of wildlife management.
Deadlines can be established for voluntary
removal of cat colonies, followed by mandatory
humane removal (Castillo and Clarke 2003).
Cat management is a complex problem,
and “there is no single, simple solution to
the epidemic of unwanted, abandoned pets.
However, education, subsidized neutering,
closing down backyard breeders, and escalat-
ing nes for leash law violations are steps in
the right direction. Responsibility and compas-
sion go hand in hand” (Wagner 2008). Brickner
(2003), Castillo and Clarke (2003), Coleman et
al. (1997), Hatley (2003, 2004), Sallinger (2007),
TWS (2006), and Winter (2004, 2006) provide
many additional constructive recommenda-
tions for individuals, organizations, and local
governments to mitigate the impacts of domes-
tic cats on wildlife and effectively manage free-
ranging cats.
Public discussion on this subject at the 4th
International Partners in Flight Conference ses-
sion “Anthropogenic causes of bird mortality”
generated a wide range of ideas and approaches
to this problem. These were summarized in the
nal needs assessment generated following the
conference and linked to the Partners in Flight
(PIF) website (PIF 2008). Ideas and recommen-
dations on conservation actions and research
related to impacts of domestic cats on birds
are reprinted here, with some minor editorial
changes, and include the following:
Develop a White Paper by PIF regarding
cumulative effects, including popula-
tion level effects, from all anthropogenic
sources of mortality based on the best
currently available science, recognizing
for some sources of mortality that data
gaps/voids are huge;
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Impacts of Domestic Cats on Birds in the United States—Dauphiné and Cooper
Develop links from PIF pages to exist-
ing sites, such as websites of the ABC
Cats Indoors! campaign and American
Association of Wildlife Veterinarians,
and to position statements from a dozen
professional organizations on the issue
of cat predation at: http://www.tnrre-;
Consider developing a PIF message
regarding free-ranging cat predation;
Develop PowerPoint presentations and
fact sheets and provide public access
in the form of website downloads as a
way to distribute this information, and
for use in presentations to schools and
in other venues;
Consider cat predation as an International
Migratory Bird Day theme;
Help ABC promote their Cats Indoors!
program through PIF educational out-
Is there a need to develop more products
or different audiences? Develop task
force or interest group to assess current
outreach products and their intended
Develop a plan to direct messages to
certain groups—bird educators, law
enforcement agents, animal control agen-
cies, humane societies, pet products
companies. PetSmart and PETCO sup-
port TNR programs, but also sell wild
bird products such as bird seed. Pressure
these companies to either stop their sup-
port of TNR, or stop selling bird seed;
• Work speci cally with pet industry com-
panies to deliver clear messages regard-
ing proper pet care and not in any way
supporting feral cat colonies. This will
be challenging because they sell prod-
ucts (e.g. pet/cat doors and radio collars
for cats) that encourage the public not
to be responsible or delude the owners
regarding safety;
Develop public service announcements,
possibly from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS), regarding free-rang-
ing cats and feral cat colonies
• Support, enact, develop, and enforce
leash laws and spay and neuter pro-
grams for cats. Work to eliminate feral
cat colonies;
Make sure that USFWS law enforcement,
and State wildlife law enforcement
of cials know about egregious viola-
tions, especially of cat colonies in or
near Ecological Services critical habitat,
Important Bird Areas (IBAs), breeding
bird concentration areas, etc.;
Look for additional alliances to address
issues of anthropogenic causes of mor-
tality, such as: pet food industries, ani-
mal control agencies, humane societies,
city and county governments, state and
federal agencies, non-pro t organiza-
tions, professional and conservation
organizations, and academia;
Graduate students should consider act-
ing as liaisons to communicate issues to
schools, conservation organizations, and
other networking groups;
Although ABC seems poised to make
more of their national campaign for
Cats Indoors!, they need others to take
up the charge, because ABC cannot
do this alone. Approach ABC to deter-
mine whether or not they might be able
to amplify their efforts by nding new
partners if they had additional resources
devoted to this issue;
Volunteer to humanely trap and remove
cats where no public service to do so is
available, in accordance with the wishes
of property owners and managers and
relevant laws. Some businesses or insti-
tutions (e.g. campuses) might be eager
to humanely remove feral cats from
their premises, but may lack appropriate
information or resources to do so;
Can the MBTA and ESA be enforced more
effectively? Ask USFWS law enforce-
ment and state wildlife enforcement
agents if there is a potential role to play
at scales broader than individual viola-
tions—such as roles for communities,
cities, counties, etc.;
Encourage a more accurate assessment of
mortality from different anthropogenic
sources, and use this assessment to pre-
pare a relative scale of attrition attrib-
utable to each anthropogenic source of
avian mortality;
Cumulative effects analyses should be
done for some species of concern, incor-
porating into models the estimates of
current rates of annual mortality from
various anthropocentric sources;
Conduct additional studies on the
impacts of cats on migratory birds.
Areas with many cat colonies and few
or no studies of their impacts should
be a priority, such as Texas, New
Jersey, New York, California, Florida,
and Hawaii. Consider using modi ed
BACI designs (Green 1979, Underwood
1994)—before and after cat removal,
and in areas with and without cats
sensu Hawkins et al. 2004.
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference
If each conservation group and/or individ-
ual connected with or inspired by the PIF mis-
sion would consider tackling at least one aspect
of mitigating the impacts of domestic cats on
birds and other wildlife in the United States,
including any of those mentioned above, we
will come a long way. With this particular
problem, constructive engagement and strate-
gic alliances are especially critical for success-
ful education and conservation efforts, such
as between scientists, veterinarians, public
health of cials, and animal rights and welfare
groups. In the words of George Schaller: “To
understand nature is not enough. Scientists
also have a moral obligation to help save what
they study” (Bennett 2001). We may not pre-
vail at every opportunity, but if we don’t make
the attempt, we will lose them all.
ND thanks Mike Green and Al Manville for
the invitation to present a talk based on research
for this paper at the 4th International Partners
in Flight Conference session “Anthropogenic
causes of bird mortality,” and for their detailed
summary of discussion points raised at that ses-
sion and included here. We thank the Warnell
School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the
University of Georgia for travel support to attend
that conference, and ND thanks the Graduate
School at the University of Georgia for support-
ing her studies during the time this review was
conducted. We thank the presenters at the 126th
Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union
symposium “Free-ranging cats and bird conser-
vation,” for providing a rich array of informa-
tion and approaches to this problem: they are:
Chris Lepczyk, Brad Keitt, Pete Marra, Pamela
Hatley, and Bob Sallinger. For helpful informa-
tion, advice, ideas, and discussion in research-
ing this subject, we are grateful to: Paul Barrows,
Sandy Cederbaum, Teresa Chagrin, Christy
Champagne, Linda Cherkassky, Mark Cherry,
Mike Conroy, the Cooper Lab, Ellen Corrie, the
Dauphiné family, Rick Gerhold, Cole Hawkins,
Sonia Hernandez-Divers, Steve Holzman, Dave
Jessup, Carol Lambert, Kerrie Anne Loyd,
DeeAnne Meliopoulos, Mike Mengak, Joe
Meyers, Daphna Nachminovitch, Ellen Paul,
Patrick Rives, Tim Rose, Bob Sargent, Jim Sterba,
Ildiko Szabo, Stan Temple, Billi Wagner, Tammy
Watkins, and Tom Will. Oscar Beingolea kindly
provided the Spanish translation of the abstract.
Finally, we are very grateful to J. M. Baird,
Jessica Hardesty, Steve Hess, Travis Longcore,
Catherine Rich, Terry Rich, and Darin Schroeder
for many constructive comments on earlier
drafts of this manuscript.
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