Beatrice Lorge Rogers
Friedman Nutrition School, Tufts University
150 Harrison Avenue, Boston MA 02111
email: Beatrice.Rogers@tufts.edu
phone: 617 636 3703
mobile: 781 254 6329
Florence Heller School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University, Waltham,
Massachusetts, Ph.D., May 1978
-Major Fields: Economics, public health
-Thesis: Evaluated nutritional and economic effects of consumer food price subsidies in Pakistan
based on primary survey data. Assessed self-targeting of rationed commodities.
Radcliffe College, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, A.B., June 1968
-Graduated magna cum laude in experimental psychology. Thesis based on original research. Phi
Beta Kappa. Woodrow Wilson Fellow.
Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, Boston,
Professor of Economics and Food Policy September 1992 – present
Chair, Division of Food and Nutrition Policy September 2018 – present
Director, Food Policy and Applied Nutrition Program September 2008 – present
Dean for Academic Affairs September 1993 – June 2005
Associate Professor of Economics and Food Policy September 1985 - August 1992
Assistant Professor of Economics and Food Policy June 1982 - August 1985
Courses: survey research; economics of food policy in developing countries; determinants of US
food policy; fundamentals of food policy; introductory economics for food policy.
Research Interests: Determinants of malnutrition prevalence; effects of food assistance in low-
income countries; programmatic uses of food aid; sustainability of impacts of program and
policy interventions; measures of household food security; survey and field research methods;
cost-effectiveness evaluation; educational and training needs for professionals in applied global
nutrition and food policy.
Center for Employment and Income Studies, Florence Heller School, Brandeis
University, Waltham, Massachusetts
Senior Research Associate November 1980 - July 1982
Director of field research for long-term demonstration project examining effects of work
registration requirements in U.S. Food Stamp Program. Supervised staff of twelve data
collectors. Assisted in design of data collection instruments, analysis, and interpretation of
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Nutrition Economics Group, Washington, D.C.
Staff Member May - December 1978
Prepared USAID Project Paper on effects of consumer food price subsidies on food consumption
and production and on other economic variables in developing countries; prepared paper on
influence of agricultural projects on food consumption and nutritional status. Assessed
nutritional impact of proposed programs for USAID project reviews.
International Nutrition Planning Program,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Sponsored Research Staff May 1975 - March 1978
Research on economics of food distribution systems and consumer price subsidies. Co-authored
report on Pakistan's ration system. Designed and implemented formal study of health care and
ration systems, studying reasons for differing levels of use and effects of food distribution.
Nutrition Cell, Planning Division, Government of Pakistan,
Islamabad, Pakistan
Nutrition Advisor June 1976 - August 1977
As part of USAID-funded M.I.T.-Pakistan Project in Nutrition Planning, designed and supervised
implementation of socioeconomic and behavioral segments of national nutrition survey,
working with Nutrition Cell staff. Survey covered sources and disposition of income, food
purchasing and consumption, morbidity, and health care. Trained and supervised interviewers
in field (in Urdu); supervised data processing. Performed analysis of determinants of household
food consumption, including income, prices, and the role of subsidized food.
Community Teamwork, Inc., Lowell, Massachusetts
Director of Health Programs November 1972 - August 1973
Director, Emergency Food and Medical Services May 1971 - April 1972
Health Planner February 1971 - May 1971
Administered all health programs for Greater Lowell community action agency. Established
Surplus Food distribution and delivery and medical transportation programs. Helped establish
Halfway House for alcoholics. Designed lead paint poisoning prevention program.
Massachusetts Nutrition Program, West Roxbury, Massachusetts
Advance Team Member October 1969 - May 1970
Responsible for sample selection, mapping, and door-to-door interviewing for Ten-State
Nutrition Survey in Massachusetts. Assisted in managing clinic and translating French for dietary
ACDI/VOCA Burkina Faso October 2019 – September 2024
Principal Investigator on research partnership with the NGO implementing USAID/Food for
Peace Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) in Burkina Faso. Research focuses on
developing a predictive tool for sustainability of DFSA intervention components and validating it
in areas where the previous FFP activity has ended.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
INDDEX (International Dietary Data Expansion Project) January 2015 – December 2022
Co-Principal Investigator of a project to develop improved and streamlined methods of
collecting individual 24-hour recall dietary data and promoting their use to improve the
evidence base for food and nutrition policy in low-income countries.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
USAID, Food for Peace, Washington D.C.
Food Aid Quality Review October 2011 – January 2021
Co-Principal Investigator of a comprehensive Food Aid Quality Review focused on implementing
recommendations on assessing the nutritional quality, food technology, and programmatic
aspects of the uses of enriched, fortified and blended foods used in PL480 Title II non-
emergency and emergency programs. Principal Investigator of three field trials in Sub-Saharan
Africa testing uses of these foods and assessing effectiveness and cost effectiveness of
alternative food products.
FANTA (Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance),
FHI360, Washington D.C. November 2008 – June 2016
Principal Investigator of a four-country study to assess the mechanisms by which agencies
administering Title II (Food for Peace) programs can ensure that the activities and impacts
achieved will be sustained after program exit (“exit strategies”). Project involves field data
collection over two years in four countries and assessment of sustainability two years after
phase-out. (Primary responsibility for three of the countries.)
Save the Children Ethiopia January 2010 – January 2012
Responsible for cost/delivery and cost/effectiveness analysis of Food by Prescriptions, a
program to provide nutritious food to HIV+ malnourished patients in Ethiopia.
GAIN Geneva November 2009 – December 2010
Part of a team developing monitoring and evaluation systems for new, targeted micronutrient
fortification programs aimed at low-income populations in developing countries.
USAID, Food for Peace, Washington D.C. April 2009 – October 2011
Co-Principal Investigator of a comprehensive Food Aid Quality Review focused on assessing the
nutritional quality, food technology, and programmatic aspects of the uses of enriched, fortified
and blended foods used in PL480 Title II non-emergency and emergency programs and making
recommendations on commodity composition (micronutrient profiles), processing and
procurement, and programming of these foods.
World Food Programme, Latin America Office, Panama Fall 2008 - May 2009
Principal Investigator of a project to review the application of small area estimation and
mapping techniques to the assessment of vulnerability to hunger and food insecurity, with
recommendations to WFP for implementation of Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping
World Food Programme, Rome January 2007 – June 2007
Co-investigator, analysis of secondary data sets to explore use of dietary diversity measures as
indicators of dietary adequacy and to identify optimum construction of such measures.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
USDA Economic Research Service May 2006 - October 2007
Washington DC
Contributor to a study designed to determine why Food Stamp participants report higher levels
of food insecurity than comparable non-participants by applying an innovative Engel Function
World Food Programme, LAC Regional Office May 2006 – August 2007
Panama, Panama
Principal Investigator, project to use Small Area Estimation techniques to link census to survey
data and produce estimates of malnutrition prevalence (Hunger Atlas) for Ecuador and Panama,
and to write a manual for the application of this technique to malnutrition estimation.
World Food Programme, LAC Regional Office May 2005 – March 2006
Panama, Panama
Principal Investigator of a project to develop a Hunger and Nutrition Atlas for the Dominican
Republic by statistically linking a nutrition survey to a national census and developing sub-
provincial estimates of child malnutrition prevalence and its associated factors.
World Food Programme, Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh May – December 2004
Principal Investigator of an evaluation of WFP School Feeding Program implementation and
impacts on enrollment, promotion, retention, and cognitive performance of school children.
World Food Programme, Asia Region
Bangkok, Thailand September 2003 – May 2004
Work with a team of students to conduct analysis of five DHS data sets to analyze malnutrition
causality and assess the suitability of these data sets for guiding food program targeting.
USAID with Academy for Educational Development,
Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Program
Washington, DC July 2002-May 2003
Prepare global literature review of USAID-funded program experience with exit and graduation
CARE/Honduras July 2002
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Worked with the agency to develop a specific exit strategy for its PL480 Title II community-
based programs.
US Agency for International Development July - October 2001
Lima, Peru
Principal Investigator of project to develop a national strategy to address chronic malnutrition in
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
World Bank
Washington, D.C. May - November 2000
Prepared training module on Food Transfers and Food-Related Safety Net Programs for the
World Bank Institute: review of literature, annotated bibliography, guidelines for selection and
implementation of programs, and training exercise.
World Bank
Washington, D.C. August 1999-October 2000
Prepared background paper Economic and Health Consequences of Malnutrition in Developing
Countries: Should Nutrition Be Viewed as an Input or an Outcome of Economic Development?
for a World Bank-UNICEF conference on Nutrition Narratives Analysis, January 2000. (Released
U.S. Agency for International Development March - August 1999
Washington, D.C.
Academy for Educational Development
Principal Investigator of a field study documenting the diversity of uses of food aid in maternal
and child health programs in Bolivia and Peru, to develop a "best practices" field guide and
conduct a practitioner workshop.
Bangladesh Institute for Research and Training on Applied Nutrition
Dhaka, Bangladesh February 1997-February 1999
Work with an institute of the Ministry of Agriculture on a two-year project to develop and test
methods of assessing the consumption effects of agricultural policies, and to develop expertise
within the Ministry to conduct such assessments. Project entails conducting desk reviews,
qualitative field assessments, and formal quantitative surveys, and comparing their results.
Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá (INCAP) November 1997
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Developed and taught a one-week intensive course (in Spanish) on program monitoring and
evaluation for nutrition professionals in Central and South America.
Management Sciences for Health
Boston, Massachusetts May-June 1997
Participated in expert panel in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and follow-up meeting in Boston, evaluating
data on the nutritional situation and making recommendations for national nutrition policies
and programs.
World Bank
Washington, D.C. March 1997
Conducted training program for World Bank Staff on methods of cost/benefit and
cost/effectiveness analysis and their application to the evaluation of food aid programs in
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
American Association of Retired Persons July 1995 - July 1997
Andrus Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Principal Investigator of a study of the uses of the Nutrition Screening Initiative by Area Agencies
on Aging in Massachusetts.
U.S. Agency for International Development
Tegucigalpa, Honduras October 1995-November 1996
Co-Principal Investigator for analysis of national household income, expenditure and food
consumption survey to analyze determinants of household food security and children's
nutritional status; made recommendations on policies for nutrition programming and economic
development strategies.
PRISM Project
Arlington, Virginia December 1995-March 1996
Prepared a paper on the development of indicators for measuring improvements in Food
Security as a result of AID programs; presented paper and participated in workshop sponsored
by USAID/Washington.
U.S. Agency for International Development
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
with International Science and Technology Institute February 1993 - October 1995
Co-P.I. of household survey to assess differences in household uses of cash-like food coupons
versus direct distribution of food in maternal and child feeding and school feeding, programs
under P.L.480 Title II.
Pew Charitable Trusts
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania August 1993-August 1995
PI of a qualitative and quantitative study of the training and educational needs for operationally
oriented nutrition professionals to work in nutrition and food policy in Mexico and Central
World Bank July 1993
Office of Population, Health
Advised various ministries in Egypt on alternatives to existing consumer bread subsidy; assess
information needed to evaluate options.
U.S. Agency for International Development June - December 1992
Bureau for Africa
Office of Analysis, Research and Technical Support
Member of two-person team evaluating the Cornell University Food and Nutrition Policy
Program's five-year, ten-country research project on Structural Adjustment in Sub-Saharan
Africa: Its Implications for Poverty. Evaluation involved review of published and unpublished
materials, discussion with interested institutions, and travel to countries where research had
taken place.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
World Bank May 1992
Maghreb Office of Population, Health and Nutrition
Advise Statistical Division of Moroccan Ministry of Plan on analytic approaches to using National
Household Survey to evaluate the nutrition situation in the country and to develop nutrition
U.S. Agency for International Development
Maputo, Mozambique August 1992
Participated in team developing recommendations for urban food consumption safety nets for
the poor in Maputo and other urban areas of Mozambique.
World Food Program February 1991
Developed evaluation procedure and revised available data on Jamaica's Food Stamp Program.
Tufts University School of Nutrition
Center on Hunger, Poverty, and Nutrition Policy Sept. 1991 - Sept. 1994
Evaluated alternative approaches to defining the U.S. poverty line, focusing on assessing
justifications for maintaining separate poverty lines for the elderly. Reviewed data on
nutritional requirements, analyzed Consumer Expenditure Survey data to identify food
spending, and overall expenditure patterns of elderly and low-income elderly in the U.S.
U.S. Agency for International January 1990 - March 1991
Development, Office of Policy
and Program Coordination
Principal Investigator of analysis of female household headship in the Dominican Republic,
investigating characteristics of female-headed households according to alternative definitions,
and the consequences of female headship for income levels, income and expenditure patterns,
food consumption, and the nutritional status of children. Research based on primary data
U.S. Department of Agriculture October 1988 - July 1989
Nutrition Economics Group
Prepared synthesis of research results on the effects of economic policies on food consumption
and nutrition in developing countries.
U.S. Agency for International Development October 1984 - December 1988
Office of Nutrition
Principal Investigator of a study of the effects on food consumption of food price policy in the
Dominican Republic and the Republic of Mali based on national household food consumption,
income and expenditure surveys.
U.S. Department of Agriculture April 1988
Nutrition Economics Group
Review and revise paper on uses of economic data for policy analysis.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
American Association of Retired Persons September 1986 - June 1988
Andrus Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Principal Investigator of a study of the determinants of innovative service delivery in the U.S.
elderly nutrition program.
US Agency for International August 1982 - June 1985
Development, Office of Policy and
Program Coordination
Principal Investigator of a project to synthesize existing research on the internal dynamics of
households, organize an international conference on household issues, and develop methods
for incorporating these research results into the design of economic development projects.
U.S. Department of Agriculture October 1982 - July 1984
Agricultural Research Service
Co-Principal Investigator of an evaluation of the effect of ARS research on U.S. commercial
exports of agricultural products, based on case studies of specific commodities and statistical
analysis of U.S. export market experience.
U.S. Agency for International Development February 1993-October 1995
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Designed a set of household surveys in Honduras, and participated in analysis to assess the
differences of household uses of cash-like food coupons versus their use of direct distribution of
food in school feeding and maternal and child feeding programs under P.L.480 Title II.
U.S. Agency for International Development September - December 1990
Bureau for Science and Technology
Participated in evaluation of Michigan State University's Food Security in Africa Project; assessed
accomplishments and made recommendations for future.
Food Research and Action Center February 1988,
Community Child Hunger Identification Project January 1990
Review and revise data collection and analysis plans.
Massachusetts Department of Public Health September 1983 - May 1985
Assist in analysis and interpretation of data from State Nutrition Survey.
Morgan Newman Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. February - May 1982
Prepared background paper summarizing international experience with school feeding programs
for use by Finance Ministry of Saudi Arabia.
Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy January - March 1982
Prepared two chapters for manual on use of specific project components in rural development
projects: "Producer and Consumer Subsidies," and "Development of Food Marketing
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
World Bank, Office of Population, Health, and Nutrition,
Washington, D.C. May - August 1981
Prepared nutrition sector assessment paper on Pakistan based on previous experience and
secondary sources.
International Food Policy Research
Institute, Washington, D.C. July - August 1981
Assisted in preparing research proposal on evaluation of nutrition programs.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
Service, Policy and Program Evaluation Unit September 1978 - November 1980
Prepared papers summarizing research needs, designed research programs, evaluated existing
information, drafted policy papers, and performed data analysis related to health and
nutritional effects and fiscal management of domestic (U.S.) nutrition programs.
U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. July 1980
Reviewed nutritional aspects of Thailand Health Sector Assessment prepared by USAID Mission;
evaluated proposed programs and suggested revisions based on field visits in Thailand and
discussions with U.S. and Thai government officials and program staff.
USAID Mission to the Philippines, Manila,
Republic of the Philippines August, October 1980
Designed pilot project to determine nutritional effects, cost, and administrative feasibility of
alternative food price interventions. Study was implemented by National Nutrition Council of
the Philippines in conjunction with International Food Policy Research Institute.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, International
Development Staff, Nutrition RSSA November - December 1979,
March 1980
Assisted the Government of Cameroon Ministry of Economics and Planning in design of national
household income and expenditure survey, including methods for collecting food consumption
data. Survey undertaken in 1983 - 84 by Government of Cameroon.
Tufts University Nutrition Institute,
Medford, Massachusetts June 1979 - February 1980
Designed research project to study influence of prices on food consumption and
nutritional status, with focus on effects of food price subsidy in Egypt. International
Food Policy Research Institute undertook study in expanded form.
President's Commission on World Hunger, Washington, D.C. June 1979
Prepared paper summarizing nutritional effect of U.S. food programs since 1969 and
recommending future policies and programs.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers curriculum vitae
Food for Peace Office, Washington, D.C. February - April 1979
Part of a team evaluating U.S. food aid policy and PL 480 Title II food distribution in India.
Evaluated and wrote report on Food for Work programs based on extensive site visits. Assisted
in evaluation and report on Maternal and Child and School Feeding and interagency interaction.
Food Assistance for Nutrition Evidence Summit Washington, DC. June28-29, 2018
Panel Participant: Applying Cost-Effectiveness in Research for Food Aid and Nutrition
Programming: Research Methods and Policy Applications
Panel Participant: Raising the Bar on Food Aid Research: Challenges and Methodological
Considerations to Guide Policy and Programming
American Society for Nutrition Boston, MA June 2018
Poster: Wafa S, Bell W, Coates JC, Some JW, Colaiezzi B, Prata C, Gersten Z, Phuong Do HT,
Rogers BL. Cognitive processes of respondents in tablet-based 24-hour dietary recalls in Burkina
Faso and Viet Nam.
Poster: Some JW, Colaiezzi B, Bell W; Wafa S, Rogers BL, Gersten Z, Prata C, Phuong Do HT,
Nestle N, Coates J. User challenges and opportunities in implementing the INDDEX24 mobile
dietary assessment platform in Burkina Faso and Viet Nam.
Poster: Bell W, Rogers BL, Prata C, Nathan, C; Russell N, Coates JC. Data4Diets: Building Blocks
for Diet-related Food Security Analysis
Poster: Breanne Langlois, Stacy Griswold, Memuna Kadie Sawi, Devika Suri, Ye Shen, Beatrice
Rogers. A Mobile Data Collection Tool Using Android Tablets for In-Home Observations in Sierra
Leone Improves Data Quality
Poster: Breanne Langlois, Ilana Cliffer, Devika Suri, Ye Shen, Laetitia Nikiema, Patrick Webb, and
Beatrice Rogers. Behaviors Surrounding Ration Use in a Blanket Supplementary Feeding
Program in Burkina Faso
Poster: Stacy Griswold, Devika J. Suri, Breanne Langlois, Ye Shen, Shelley Walton, Beatrice
Rogers, and Patrick Webb. Formative Research to Tailor Counseling Messages for a
Supplementary Feeding Program in Sierra Leone Reveals Link Between Knowledge, Social
Stigma, and Recipe Adherence
Poster: Memuna Kadie Sawi, David S. Yambasu, Stacy Griswold, Beatrice Rogers, Devika Suri,
Breanne Langlois. Community Cluster Approach: Its Added Value in Surveys Conducted at Rural
Community Level
Poster: Ye Shen, Ilana Cliffer, Stephen A. Vosti, Devika J. Suri, Breanne Langlois, and Beatrice L.
Rogers. Evaluating Opportunity Cost of Caregivers’ Time and its Impact on Comparative Cost-
Effectiveness of Supplementary Foods to Prevent Child Undernutrition in Burkina Faso
Oral Presentation: Cliffer, Ilana
MPH, Langlois, Breanne, Suri, Devika, Shen, Ye, Nikiema,
Laetitia, Webb, Patrick, Rogers, Beatrice Lorge.
Comparative Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Four Supplementary Foods in the
Prevention of Stunting and Wasting in children 6-23 months in Burkina Faso
Beatrice Lorge Rogers curriculum vitae
International Congress of Nutrition Buenos Aires, October 15-21, 2017
Symposium: Food Aid Research: An Update on Food Aid for Preventing & Treating
Undernutrition, presentation on Cost Effectiveness of Specialized Food Aid Products – What Do
We Know?
Poster: Shen, Ye; Ilana Cliffer; Devika Suri; Steve Vosti; Patrick Webb; Beatrice Lorge Rogers.
Research methods used to determine the cost-effectiveness of a supplementary feeding trial to
prevent child undernutrition in Burkina Faso
Poster: Langlois, Breanne; Laetitia Ouedraogo Nkiema; Ilana Cliffer; Devika Suri; Ye Shen;
Patrick Webb; Beatrice Lorge Rogers. Changes in household food insecurity between enrollment
and exit from a blanket supplementary feeding program for children 6 – 23 months old in Burkina
Poster: Cliffer, Ilana; Laetitia Ouedraogo Nkiema; Garanet Franck; Devika Suri; Breanne Langlois;
Ye Shen; Shelley Walton; Patrick Webb; Beatrice Lorge Rogers. Methods for rigorous in-home
observation conducted during a food aid cost-effectiveness trial in Burkina Faso
Poster: Winnie Bell, Jennifer Coates, Beatrice L. Rogers, Odilia I. Bermudez. Getting the food list
“right”: An approach for the development of a comprehensive food list for household
consumption and expenditure surveys
Poster: Jennifer Coates
Brooke Colaiezzi, Winnie Bell
Sarah Wafa, Cathleen Prata, Zachary
Gersten, Jerome Some, Beatrice L. Rogers. New Dietary Assessment Technology for Individual-
level Dietary Data Collection in Low-Income Countries: The development process of INDDEX24
Experimental Biology April 2017
- Poster: Costing Methods for a Cluster-Randomized Cost-Effectiveness Trial Comparing the
Performance of Four Supplementary Foods in Treating Sierra Leonean Children with Moderate
Acute Malnutrition (MAM)
o Ye Shen, Stacy Griswold, Devika J. Suri, Stephen A. Vosti, and Beatrice L. Rogers
- Poster: Design and Baseline Characteristics of a Study Comparing Four Supplementary Foods in
the Prevention of Stunting and Wasting Among Children 6–23 Months in Burkina Faso
o Ilana Cliffer, Breanne Langlois, Devika Suri, Shelley Walton, Laetitia Ouedraogo, Augustin
Zeba, Hermann Lanou, Franck Garanet, Patrick Webb, Beatrice Rogers
- Experiences of Beneficiary Caregivers in a Supplementary Feeding Program in Southern Malawi
o Breanne Langlois, Devika Suri, Shelley Walton and Beatrice Rogers
- Effective delivery of social-behavioral change communication through a care group model in a
supplementary feeding program: a descriptive analysis
o Lauren Wilner, Devika J. Suri, Breanne K Langlois, Shelley M. Walton, Beatrice L. Rogers
Experimental Biology April 2 – 6, 2016
Poster: A Tale of Two Measures: Self-Report and Lab-Assessed Values in Amount of Oil Added to
CSB Porridge Prepared by Caregivers of Children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition in Southern
Malawi. B. Langlois, B. Rogers. Friedman Sch. of Nutr. Sci. and Policy, Tufts Univ.
Poster: “Molds Attack Rice - but We Don’t Know What to Do”. A Qualitative Study of Farming
Beatrice Lorge Rogers curriculum vitae
Families’ Perceptions of Food Safety in Banke, Nepal. J.Y. Andrews Chavez, S. Ghosh, B.L. Rogers,
G. Shively, K. Baral, P. Webb.
Poster: Filling a Dietary Data Gap? Estimating Individual Nutrient Intakes from Household-Level
Data in Ethiopia and Bangladesh. J. Coates, B. Rogers, A. Blau, J. Lauer.
American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting Atlanta, October 2016
“Barking up a Better Tree: Lessons about SEIE: Sustained and Emerging Impact Evaluation”, Participated
in a panel on sustainability and impact assessment.
TOPS Knowledge Sharing Workshop, Kampala, Uganda September 2016
Presentation and follow-up workshop: Effective Sustainability and Exit Strategies for USAID/FFP
Development Food Assistance Projects
Food Aid and Development Conference Des Moines, Iowa October 2016
Presentation on program sustainability based on exit strategies study.
Micronutrient Forum Cancun, October 2016
Lauren Wilner
, Devika Suri
, Breanne Langlois
, Shelley Walton
, and Beatrice Rogers
Successful improvement of micronutrient content in corn soy blend (CSB) porridge used for treatment of
moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) through a social behavior change communication (SBCC)
intervention aimed at increasing amount of added fortified vegetable oil (FVO), (poster was presented; I
did not attend)
MIT TechCon 2016 - Conference on Innovative Technologies for Food Aid Cambridge, MA November
Presentation on cost-effectiveness analysis as part of a panel on food aid technologies
Experimental Biology 2015 (March 28 – April 1, 2015)
Poster presentations:
Lauren Jayson, Simone Passarelli, Devika Suri, Gray Maganga, Shelley Marcus, Patrick Webb and
Beatrice Rogers The Price of Oil: Assessing Behavior Change Communication & Increased Oil
Rations on Improving Oil Use in Food Aid Preparation for Children in Malawi
Bethany Marron, Jamie Green, Lauren Jayson, Devika Suri, Breanne Langlois, Shelley Marcus,
Jocelyn Boiteau, Mark Manary, Patrick Webb and Beatrice Rogers Comparison of Four Different
Supplementary Foods in the Treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition in Children Under Five
in Sierra Leone
International Atomic Energy Agency, International Symposium on Understanding Moderate Malnutrition
in Children for Effective Interventions, Vienna, May 2014
Invited Presentation:
Beatrice Lorge Rogers; Patrick Webb; Shelley Marcus; Gray Maganga; Lauren Jayson, Simone
Passarelli. Maximizing Potential for Impact: Measuring and Addressing Issues of Supplement
Sharing and Diversion in MAM Programs
Beatrice Lorge Rogers curriculum vitae
International Congress of Nutrition, Granada, Spain, September 2013
Rogers, B.L., Coates, J.C.; Houk, K.; Sanchez, L., Kegode, E., Andrews, J., Fierstein, J., Blau, A.,
Galante, T., Impact Assessments Conducted At Time of Exit Inconsistently Predict Longer Term
Program Benefit in Title II Food Assistance Programs (poster);
Sadler, Kate;
Bontrager, Elizabeth;
Ghosh, Shibani; Suri, Devika; Rogers, Beatrice; Kidane,
Yitbarek; Coates, Jennifer: Effectiveness Of A Large-Scale Food By Prescription Program In
Ethiopia On Recovery From Malnutrition And Hiv Progression Among HIV+ Adults (poster);
Sadler, Kate
. Coates, Jennifer
; Bontrager, Elizabeth
; Ghosh Shibani
; Suri Devika
; Rogers,
; Kidane Yitbarek
. Persistence Of Recovery From Malnutrition And HIV Progression
Among Hiv+ Adults Graduating From The Ethiopian Food By Prescription Program (poster);
Experimental Biology 2013
Chair of Symposium on “Building Evidence for Sustainability” (co-chair Sunny Kim)
B.L. Rogers; J.C. Coates, “But We Will Always Be Here”: Ensuring Sustainable Benefits of Food
Aid Programs. Results from Bolivia and Conclusions and Recommendations.
B.L.Rogers; J.Coates; S.Passarelli; E.Bontrager; D.Suri; S.Ghosh; Y. Kidane; K.Sadler: Early
Intervention and Reduction of Patient Default Improve Cost Effectiveness of a Supplementary
Feeding Intervention for HIV+ Malnourished Patients in Ethiopia (oral presentation)
Experimental Biology 2012
Rogers, Beatrice L; J. Coates; K. Houk; E. Kegode; L. Sanchez; C. Klemeyer. Food Aid Programs:
Sustaining Impacts after Program Exit. Oral presentation.
Amelia Fischer, Laurie Miller, Beatrice Rogers, Mahendra Lohani, Padma Singh, Shubh Narayan
Mahato, Neena Joshi: Child food consumption patterns and diet quality in rural Nepal:
Effectiveness of a community development intervention (oral presentation delivered by Amelia
FAO ICDAM8 (International Conference on Diet and Activity Measurement) Rome, May 14, 2012
Coates, J; B. Colaiezzi; J. Fiedler; J. Wirth; K. Lividini; B. Rogers: Which One to Choose? A
Program Needs Driven Approach to Selecting Dietary Assessment Methods for Decision Making
in Nutrition and Food Security Programs. (Poster Presentation)
Rogers, Beatrice; Jennifer Coates; Alex Blau: Testing the Assumption of Equitable Intra-
household Distribution Using Household and Individual Consumption Data.
FAO Conference on Food Security Measurement, Rome, January 2012
Consumption Measurement Methods (with Jennie Coates, Brooke Colaiezzi, Jack Fiedler, Keith
Experimental Biology 2011:
Co-chair of Symposium on Food Aid Quality Review results and recommendations. Presentation
on Programming Recommendations
Beatrice Lorge Rogers curriculum vitae
Food Security Forum, Colombia (Observatorio de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional-Foro de Derecho a
Seguridad Alimentaria), October 13-16, 2010
Conferencia central: Medición del hambre y seguridad alimentaria. Mapas de hambre
Evaluación de programas de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional
Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa, Washington DC, February 2011
Program Recommendations for Title II Food Aid
Presentation on results of Exit Strategies Study in Bolivia and Honduras, Washington DC: FANTA (AED)
March 2011
Experimental Biology, April 2010
Domestic Violence and Food Security in Bangladesh. Presentation on Household Food Security
Measurement Panel, (co-authors Lindsay Schoonmaker, Nicole Brewer, Jennifer Coates)
Grupo Técnico de Alto Nivel, World Food Program/LAC Office, Panama October 2009
Presentation of Hunger Atlas methods and results as part of a review of nutrition in social
protection programs. Panama, October 23, 2009.
International Nutrition Congress, Bangkok. October 8, 2009.
Household Food Insecurity Measurement: Conceptual Framework. Panel on Household Food
Insecurity Measurement
Global Policy Forum Conference: ‘Right to Food: What can the UN Do?’ New York City, April 23 2008
Program and Policy Options
II Foro por el Derecho a la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (Bogotá, Colombia Oct 9-10, 2008)
organized by Univ of Colombia and OBSAN:
“Mapas de Hambre como una Herramienta en el Combate Contra la Inseguridad Alimentaria
(Hunger Maps as a Tool in the Fight Against Food Insecurity).
Presentation to representatives of nutrition faculties from seven universities in Colombia on
Public Nutrition curricula. (Bogotá, Oct 10 2008).
Experimental Biology 2007
Suneetha Kadiyala, Agnes Quisumbing, Beatrice Rogers and Patrick Webb, The Impact of Prime
Age Adult Mortality on Child Survival and Growth in Rural Ethiopia (poster)
Tomoko Kato, Beatrice Rogers, Robert Houser, Simón Barquera, Lucia Barrera, Mario Flores, Ana
Lilia Tequeanez, Healthy family weight and its association to vegetable and fruit consumption:
Results of the Mexican Family Life Survey 2002 (poster)
Lisa M Troy, Parke E. Wilde, Beatrice L. Rogers, Anne Golla. Affirmative Responses to Food
Insecurity Items Are More Frequent for Food Stamp Program Participants” (poster):
Beatrice Lorge Rogers curriculum vitae
1ª Conferencia En América Latina y El Caribe Sobre La Medición De La Seguridad Alimentaria en el
Hogar. June 8,9,10 2007. Antioquia, Colombia.
Beatrice Rogers. Medición y monitoreo de la inseguridad alimentaria y su relación con políticas
sociales y de nutrición: perspectiva internacional.
Presentation sponsored by World Food Programme, Quito, June 20-21 2007
Hunger Mapping in Ecuador: Results of an application of Small Area Estimation.
Two presentations on the Hunger Atlas for the Dominican Republic: a seminar for technical level
government officials and a formal presentation to senior policy makers, representatives of government
and NGOs, and the press. Santo Domingo February 20, 2008.
Experimental Biology 2006, San Francisco, April 1, 2006.
Community and Public Health Mini-Symposium,
Jennifer Coates, Parke E. Wilde, Patrick Webb, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, and Robert Houser
Comparison of a Qualitative and Quantitative Approach To Developing a Household Food
Insecurity Scale for Bangladesh
Conference sponsored by World Food Programme, Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, D.R.,
November 22, 2005
Beatrice Rogers, “Hunger Atlas for the Dominican Republic” (Atlas del Hambre para la República
First International Food Security Congress, Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, Bogotá,
Colombia, October 4, 2005
Beatrice Rogers “Hunger Maps for Nutrition Policy” (Mapas del Hambre y la Política Alimentaria)
Experimental Biology 2005, San Diego, April 2005.
Community and Public Health Minisymposium,
Jennifer Coates, Patrick Webb, Beatrice Rogers, Robert Houser, Parke Wilde. Why Do Women
and Men In The Same Households Respond Differently To Household-Level Food Security
World Food Programme Global Meeting, Dublin, September 6, 2004.
Beatrice Rogers, “Promoting the Strengths of School Feeding Programs
CFNI/CARICOM/USDA Workshop on Poverty Alleviation Strategies. Kingston, Jamaica, November 2003.
Beatrice Rogers, “Efficacy and Effectiveness of Household Based Social Interventions with a
Nutritional Orientation”.
USAID Collaborative Research Support Program conference on Impact Assessment of Agricultural
Research: Needs, Challenges and Options Washington DC, September 12-13, 2002
Beatrice Rogers, Measuring the impacts of agricultural research on human health and nutrition
Beatrice Lorge Rogers curriculum vitae
Food and Nutrition Board, joint meeting with Committee on Agriculture on Cross-Cutting Nutrition-
Agriculture Research Priorities: Washington DC, November 5, 2002
Beatrice Rogers, "Food and Nutrient Gaps"
INCAP/USDA Working Group on Central American Food Security Strategies, Guatemala City, December
3-5, 2002.
Beatrice Rogers, "Eficacia y Efectividad de Intervenciones Sociales con Orientación Nutricional al
Nivel del Hogar"
USAID/Lima, October 16, 2001; presented to Government of Peru, October 17, 2001.
Reducing Chronic Malnutrition in Peru: A Proposed National Strategy
Program Learning Group Workshop, Save the Children, Nicaragua, May 21-23, 2001
Best Practices in the Uses of PL 480 Title II Food in MCH Programs.
World Bank Nutrition Assessment Workshop, World Bank, Washington, D.C. January 18-19, 2000.
Health and Economic Consequences of Malnutrition.
David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. January 13-
15, 2000
Globalization and Changing Demand Patterns for Food at International Conference on the
Impact of Globalization and Information on the Rural Environment
Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program round table, USDA Economic Research Service,
Washington, D.C. November 16, 1999.
Presentation on Key Research Issues: Improving Outcomes of Nutrition Programs.
FANTA/USAID Workshop on Best Practices in the Uses of Food Aid Cochabamba, Bolivia, July 5-10,
Best Practices in the Use of Food Aid in MCH Programs: an International Review
"Public Nutrition" Address to the Conference on International Public Nutrition and Emergencies: The
Potential for Improving Practice. Alan Shawn Feinstein International Famine Center, Medford, Mass. J
Alan Shawn Feinstein International Famine Center, June 17-18, 1999.
South African Nutrition Association, Sun City, South Africa, May 26, 1998
"Public Nutrition: What, Why, How?" Opening plenary address
Sociedad Latino Americana de Nutrición, Guatemala City, Guatemala, November 13, 1997
Current Trends in Program Evaluation, Professional Seminar
"Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Data in Evaluation Research,"
"Public Nutrition: Research and Training Needs to Advance the Field," presentation at pre-meeting on
Public Nutrition at the 16th International Congress on Nutrition, Montreal, Canada, July 24-26, 1997.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers curriculum vitae
"Determinants of Household Food Security in Honduras, and Policy Recommendations for Improving
Nutrition and Food Security." Presentation to USAID/Tegucigalpa, World Food Programme, and
Ministries of Education and Health, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, November 29, 1996.
"Food Security Performance Measurement", presentation at a workshop on the development of
objective measures for improvements in Food Security, at USAID Washington, February, 1996
"Food and Income Subsidies and Primary Schooling in Rural Honduras: An Evaluation of the Impact and
Cost-Effectiveness of the Bonos and PL480 Title II School Feeding Programs." Presentation (with Co-
Principal Investigator Tina Sanghvi and other members of the research group) to USAID/Tegucigalpa and
Government of Honduras Ministry of Education. Sponsored by USAID/Tegucigalpa and AID/Washington.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, September 28, 1995
"Supplementary Feeding and Cash Transfers in Maternal and Child Health Programs: An Evaluation of
the Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of the Maternal-Child Bonos and PL480 Title II Supplementary
Feeding Programs." Presentation (with Co-Principal Investigator Tina Sanghvi and other members of
the research group) to USAID/Tegucigalpa and Government of Honduras Ministry of Health. Sponsored
by USAID/Tegucigalpa and AID/Washington. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, September 29, 1995
"Science and the Policy Process: Does Economics Differ from Nutrition?" Presentation (with co-author
Harold Alderman) at the Fourteenth Annual Bristol-Myers Squibb/Mead Johnson Nutrition Research
Symposium: Beyond Nutritional Recommendations: Implementing Science for Healthier Populations.
Washington, D.C., June 5-7, 1995
"Implementing Performance Evaluation: The Design of Evaluation Surveys and Selection of Indicators."
Seminar Presentations at Workshop on Performance Evaluation, sponsored by CARE/Honduras. Lago de
Yojoa, Honduras, May 26-31, 1995
"Cash Transfers and Direct Provision of Food: Summary of a Cost-Effectiveness Study of School and
Maternal Child Health Programs in Honduras. Presentation (with co-Principal Investigator Tina Sanghvi)
to USAID/Washington. Washington, D.C., August, 1995
"Performance Indicators for Household Food Security and Improved Food Utilization." Presentation to
the Workshop on Food Security Performance Indicators, sponsored by the US Agency for International
Development, Bureau of Program and Policy Coordination. Arlington, Virginia, December 12-13, 1995.
Moderator, Panel on the Nutrition Consequences of Structural Adjustment in Developing Countries.
Brown Hunger Briefing, Brown University, Providence, R.I., April, 1995
"Household behavior and micronutrient demand" and "Food consumption: information needs for
micronutrient analysis", sessions in International Food Policy Research Institute Conference on
Micronutrient Deficiencies, Annapolis Md., January 9-12, 1994.
"Trends in malnutrition rates in Sub-Saharan Africa", session in U.S. AID Africa Bureau Round Table
Discussion, "A Revisionist View of African Agriculture: The Case For and Against". Washington, D.C. April
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
"The Implications of Income and Household Structure for the Intrahousehold Allocation of Resources:
Evidence from Kenya". International Food Policy Research Institute/World Bank conference on
Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Policy Issues and Research Methods. February 1992.
"Effects of Women's Economic Activities on Household Expenditure Patterns in the Dominican
Republic", Association of Women in Development Annual Meeting, Washington DC, October 1989.
"Reaching the Target Group with Food Subsidies", Workshop on Targeted Consumer Food Subsidies and
the Role of the U.S. Food Aid Programming in Africa, USAID/FVA/PPM, Washington DC, November 1989.
"Distributional Impacts of Food Consumption Patterns in Mali", Seminar on Food Security Policy and the
Competitiveness of Agriculture in the Sahel, USAID/Africa Bureau, Washington DC, September 1988.
"Determinants of Caloric and Protein Adequacy in the Dominican Republic". American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting, Boston, November 1988.
Pakistan, India, Thailand, the Philippines, Cameroon, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Republic of Mali,
Morocco, Mozambique, Honduras, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Ethiopia, Malawi, Sierra
Leone, Burkina Faso.
American Society for Nutritional Sciences (now American Society for Nutrition, ASN), May 1997-present;
Fellow, ASN
Global Nutrition Council, ASN 1997-present, Secretary/Treasurer, 2004-2016.
Associate Editor, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 2015 - present
Editorial Board, Global Food Security, 2012 – 2014
Food Security Technical Advisory Group, Save the Children US, 2004-2006
Food Security Advisor, Counterpart International, March 2004-2006
Graduate Nutrition Education Committee, American Society for Nutrition, 2002-2006
Graduate and Professional Education Committee, American Society for Nutrition, 2009 - 2010
American Society for Clinical Nutrition, 1997-2006
Board of Directors, International Nutrition Foundation, Boston, Massachusetts, April 1982 – 2007, 2015 -
present (Secretary, 1996-2004, 2006-2007).
Committee on International Nutrition, National Academy of Sciences, 1996-1997
Advisory Committee on Family Structure, Female Headship, and Poverty, Population Council, 1990-1994.
Committee on International Nutrition Programs, Food and Nutrition Board, National Academy of
Sciences, December 1987 - December 1990.
Research Associate, International Food and Nutrition Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1978 - 1989.
Editorial Board, Nutrition Planning, 1982 - 1987.
Editorial Board, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 1992
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Fluent spoken and written French and Spanish
Hannah J. Koehn, Shenglin Zheng, Robert F. Houser, Corey O’Hara, Beatrice Lorge Rogers
Remuneration systems of community health workers in India and promoted maternal health
outcomes: a cross-sectional study
BMC Health Services Research volume 20, Article number: 48, 2020
Ye Shen, Ilana R. Cliffer, Devika J. Suri, Breanne K. Langlois, Stephen A. Vosti, Patrick Webb, Beatrice L.
Impact of stakeholder perspectives on cost-effectiveness estimates of four specialized nutritious
foods for preventing stunting and wasting in children 6–23 months in Burkina Faso. Nutrition
Journal volume 19, Article number: 20 (2020)
Johanna Y. Andrews-Trevino, Patrick Webb, Gerald Shively, Beatrice Rogers, Kedar Baral, Dale
Davis, Krishna Paudel, Ashish Pokharel, Robin Shrestha, Jia-Sheng Wang, Kathy S. Xue, Shibani Ghosh
Dietary determinants of aflatoxin B
-lysine adduct in pregnant women consuming a rice-dominated
diet in Nepal. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition volume 74, pages732–740 (2020)
Lindsey Ellis Green, MA, Ilana R. Cliffer, MPH, Devika J. Suri, MS, MPH,
Kristine R. Caiafa, MS, Beatrice L. Rogers, PhD, Patrick J. R. Webb, PhD on Behalf of the Food Aid Quality
Review Project
Advancing Nutrition in the International Food Assistance Agenda: Progress and Future Directions
Identified at the 2018 Food Assistance for Nutrition Evidence Summit. Food and Nutrition Bulletin
2020, Vol. 41(1) 8-17 https://doi.org/10.1177/0379572119871715
Shen, Ye, Ilana R. Cliffer, Devika J. Suri, Breanne K. Langlois, Stephen A. Vosti, Patrick Webb, and Beatrice L.
“Impact of stakeholder perspectives on cost-effectiveness estimates of four specialized nutritious
foods for preventing stunting and wasting in children 6–23 months in Burkina Faso.” Nutrition
Journal 19, no. 20 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12937-020-00535-x
Breanne K Langlois, Ilana R Cliffer, Laetitia Nikiema, Devika J Suri, Franck Garanet, Ye Shen, Augustin N
Zeba, Shelley M Walton, Hermann B Lanou, Patrick Webb,
Beatrice L Rogers
Factors that May Influence the Effectiveness of 4 Specialized Nutritious Foods in the Prevention of
Stunting and Wasting in Children Aged 6–23 Months in Burkina Faso
Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2020,
nzaa002, https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa002
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Langlois, Breanne K., Ilana R. Cliffer, Laetitia Nikiema, Devika J. Suri, Franck Garanet, Ye Shen, Augustin N.
Zeba, Shelley M. Walton, Hermann B. Lanou, Patrick Webb, and Beatrice L. Rogers.
“Factors that May Influence the Effectiveness of 4 Specialized Nutritious Foods in the Prevention of
Stunting and Wasting in Children Aged 6–23 Months in Burkina Faso.” Current Developments in
Nutrition 4, No. 2 (February 2020). https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa002
Cliffer, Ilana R., Laetitia Nikiema, Breanne K. Langlois, Augustin N. Zeba, Ye Shen, Hermann B. Lanou, Devika
J. Suri, Franck Garanet, Kenneth Chui, Stephen Vosti, Shelley Walton, Irwin Rosenberg, Patrick Webb, and
Beatrice L. Rogers.
“Cost-Effectiveness of 4 Specialized Nutritious Foods in the Prevention of Stunting and Wasting in
Children Aged 6–23 Months in Burkina Faso: A Geographically Randomized Trial.” Current
Developments in Nutrition 4, No. 2 (February 2020). https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa006
Laurie C Miller, Sumanta Neupane, Neena Joshi
, Mahendra Lohani, Beatrice L Rogers, Shailes
Neupane, Shibani Ghosh, Patrick Webb
Multisectoral community development in Nepal has greater effects on child growth and diet
than nutrition education alone. Public Health Nutrition Volume 23, Issue 1 January 2020 , pp.
146-161 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S136898001900260X
Courtney H Schnefke, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, Mary K Muth , John Phuka, Jennifer Coates, Beatrice
Rogers, Brooke Colaiezzi, Winnie Bell. Valerie L Flax
Optimizing portion-size estimation aids: a formative evaluation in Malawi. Public Health
Nutrition Volume 22, Issue 17 December 2019 , pp. 3127-3139
Valerie L Flax, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, Courtney H Schnefke, Heather Stobaugh, John C Phuka, Jennifer
Coates, Beatrice Rogers, Winnie Bell, Brooke Colaiezzi, Mary K Muth
Validation of a digitally displayed photographic food portion-size estimation aid among women
in urban and rural Malawi. Public Health Nutrition Volume 22, Issue 17 December 2019 , pp.
Johanna Y Andrews-Trevino, Patrick Webb, Gerald Shively, Beatrice L Rogers, Kedar Baral, Dale Davis,
Krishna Paudel, Ashish Pokharel, Robin Shrestha, Jia-Sheng Wang, Shibani Ghosh,
Relatively Low Maternal Aflatoxin Exposure Is Associated with Small-for-Gestational-Age but Not
with Other Birth Outcomes in a Prospective Birth Cohort Study of Nepalese Infants, The Journal
of Nutrition, Volume 149, Issue 10, October 2019, Pages 1818
1825, https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxz122
Akriti Singh, Isabel Potani, Stacy Griswold, Devika Suri, Breanne Langlois, Ye Shen, Shelley
Walton, Kenneth Chui, Irwin Rosenberg, Beatrice Rogers
Lactulose: Mannitol Test as an Indicator of a Potential Modifier of the Effect of Specialized
Nutritious Foods in the Treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition in Sierra Leone (P10-122-19)
Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 3, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, nzz034.P10-122-
19, https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzz034.P10-122-19
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Devika Suri, Isabel Potani, Akriti Singh, Stacy Griswold, William Wong, Breanne Langlois, Ye
Shen, Kenneth Chui, Shelley Walton, Irwin Rosenberg, Beatrice Rogers
Changes in Body Composition Using Deuterium Dilution Technique Among Young Children Receiving
Specialized Nutritious Foods for Moderate Acute Malnutrition in Sierra Leone (P10-141-19) Current
Developments in Nutrition, Volume 3, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, nzz034.P10-141-
19, https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzz034.P10-141-19
Ilana Cliffer, William Masters, Beatrice Rogers
Displacement of Household Foods by Fortified Blended Flours versus Lipid-based Supplements in
Complementary Feeding of Children Aged 6–23 Months in Burkina Faso (OR21-03-19)
Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 3, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, nzz034.OR21-03-
19, https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzz034.OR21-03-19 13 June 2019
Breanne Langlois, Stacy Griswold, Devika Suri, Ye Shen, Kenneth Chui, Shelley Walton, Mark
Manary, Irwin Rosenberg, Patrick Webb, Beatrice Rogers
Comparative Effectiveness of Four Specialized Nutritious Food Products for Treatment of
Moderate Acute Malnutrition in Sierra Leone. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 3,
Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, nzz034.P10-140-19, https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzz034.P10-
Ye Shen, Stacy Griswold, Breanne Langlois, Devika Suri, Stephen Vosti, Patrick Webb, Beatrice Rogers
Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of Four Specialized Nutritious Foods for Treatment of Moderate
Acute Malnutrition in Sierra Leone. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 3, Issue
Supplement_1, June 2019, nzz034.P10-142-19, https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzz034.P10-142-19
Stacy Griswold, Breanne Langlois, Devika Suri, Ye Shen, Shelley Walton, Kenneth Chui, Beatrice Rogers
Self-Reported Adherence to Ration Guidance During Preparation or Feeding of Four Specialized
Foods May Not Predict Recovery from Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) (P10-143-19)
Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 3, Issue Supplement_1, June 2019, nzz034.P10-143-
19, https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzz034.P10-143-19
Kristine Caiafa, MS, RD, Kathryn G. Dewey, PhD, Kim F. Michaelsen, PhD, MD,
Saskia de Pee, PhD, Steve Collins, MD, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, PhD, Tatyana El-Kour, MA, MS, RDN,
FAND, Shelley Walton, MPH, RDN, Patrick Webb, PhD
Food Aid for Nutrition: Narrative Review of Major Research Topics Presented at a Scientific
Symposium Held October 21, 2017, at the 21st International Congress of Nutrition in Buenos
Aires, Argentina. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 2019, Vol. 40(1) 111-123.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Kristine Caiafa, MS, RD, Kathryn G. Dewey, PhD, Kim F. Michaelsen, PhD, MD,
Saskia de Pee, PhD, Steve Collins, MD, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, PhD, Tatyana El-Kour, MA, MS, RDN,
FAND, Shelley Walton, MPH, RDN, Patrick Webb, PhD
Food Aid for Nutrition: Narrative Review of Major Research Topics Presented at a Scientific
Symposium Held October 21, 2017, at the 21
. Food and Nutrition Bulletin. First Published January
27, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1177/0379572118817951
Heather C Stobaugh, Beatrice L Rogers, Irwin H Rosenberg, Patrick Webb, Kenneth M Maleta, Mark J
Manary, Indi Trehan
Children with Poor Linear Growth Are at Risk for Repeated Relapse to Wasting after Recovery from
Moderate Acute Malnutrition. The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 148, Issue 6, 1 June 2018, Pages
974–979, https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxy033
Heather C. Stobaugh, Beatrice L. Rogers, Patrick Webb, Irwin H. Rosenberg, Chrissie
Thakwalakwa, Kenneth M. Maleta, Indi Trehan and Mark J. Manary
Household-level factors associated with relapse following discharge from treatment for
moderate acute malnutrition. British Journal of Nutrition Volume 119, Issue 9, pp. 1039-1046
Published online: 05 March 2018 S https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114518000363
Joachim Sackey, Fang Fang Zhang, Beatrice Rogers, Richmond Aryeetey &Christine Wanke
Food security and dietary diversity are associated with health-related quality of life after 6 months
of follow up among people living with HIV in Accra, Ghana. AIDS Care Volume 30 Issue 12 2018,
Pages 1567-1571 | https://doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2018.1500011
Jennifer Coates, Bryan N.Patenaude, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Alemzewed Challa Roba, Yitbarek Kidane
Woldetensay, Addisalem FikreTilahun, Kathryn L.Spielman
Intra-household nutrient inequity in rural Ethiopia. Food Policy Volume 81 December 2018, pages
82-94 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2018.10.006
Longitudinal analysis of the intrahousehold distribution of foods in rural Nepal: Relative variability of
child dietary quality across age and sex cohorts. Food Policy Volume 79, August 2018, pages 101-
110. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2018.06.003
Courtney H Schnefke, Chrissie Thakwalakwa Kantukule, Mary K Muth, John Phuka, Jennifer Coates,
Beatrice Rogers, Brooke Colaiezzi, Winnie Bell, and Valerie Flax
Formative Evaluation of Pictorial Methods for Portion Size Estimation in Malawi; Current
Developments in Nutrition; Volume 2 Issue 11, November 2018
Bell, W; Coates JC; Rogers, BL; Bermudez, OI;
Getting the food list ‘right’: an approach for the development of nutrition-relevant food lists for
household consumption and expenditure surveys. Public Health Nutrition Volume 22, Issue 2
November 5, 2018; https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980018002847
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Beatrice L. Rogers, Patrick Webb, Irwin H. Rosenberg, Chrissie Thakwalakwa, Kenneth M. Maleta, Indi
Trehan, Mark J. Manary
Household-level factors associated with relapse following discharge from treatment for
moderate acute malnutrition British Journal of Nutrition, Published online: 05 March 2018
Joachim Sackey, Fang Fang Zhang, Beatrice Rogers, Richmond Aryeetey & Christine Wanke
Implementation of a nutrition assessment, counseling and support program and its association
with body mass index among people living with HIV in Accra, Ghana, AIDS Care, published on
line December 28, 2017 DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2017.1420137
Laurie C. Miller, Neena Joshi, Mahendra Lohani, Beatrice Rogers, Shubh Mahato, Shibani Ghosh,
Patrick Webb
Women’s education level amplifies the effects of a livelihoods-based intervention on household
wealth, child diet, and child growth in rural Nepal. International Journal for Equity in Health 16:183,
October 2017 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-017-0681-0
Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, Muriel B. Gubert, Beatrice Rogers, Amber Hromi-Fiedler
Food security measurement and governance: Assessment of the usefulness of diverse food
insecurity indicators for policy makers. Global Food Security 14: September 2017
Ilana Cliffer. Breanne Langlois, Devika Suri, Shelley Walton, Laetitia Ouedraogo, Augustin Zeba, ,
Hermann Lanou, Franck Garanet, Patrick Webb, Beatrice Rogers
Design and Baseline Characteristics of a Study Comparing Four Supplementary Foods in the
Prevention of Stunting and Wasting Among Children 6–23 Months in Burkina Faso. The FASEB
Journal. Published online April 1, 2017 (abstract #640.19)
Ye K Shen, Stacy Griswold, Devika Suri, Stephen A Vosti, Beatrice Rogers
Costing Methods for a Cluster-Randomized Cost-Effectiveness Trial Comparing the Performance of
Four Supplementary Foods in Treating Sierra Leonean Children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition
(MAM) The FASEB Journal published on line April 1, 2017 Abstract 786.55
Joachim Sackey, Fang Fang Zhang, Beatrice Rogers, Richmond Aryeetey, Christine Wanke
Impact on depression and health-related quality of life among people living with HIV in Accra,
Ghana. The FASEB Journal. Published online April 1, 2017, Abstract #312.2
Breanne Langlois, Devika Suri, Shelley Walton, Beatrice Rogers
Experiences of Beneficiary Caregivers in a Supplementary Feeding Program in Southern Malawi. The
FASEB Journal. Published on line April 1, 2017, Abstract # 640.2
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Johanna Yvonne Andrews Trevino, Shibani Ghosh, Beatrice Rogers, Gerald Shively, Dale Davis,
Kedar Prasad Baral, Patrick Webb
Exploring Aflatoxin Prevention and Control Practices in Banke, Nepal. The FASEB Journal. Published
on line April 1, 2017, Abstract # 639.42
Marion Min-Barron, Jennifer Coates, Shibani Ghosh, Beatrice Rogers, John Maluccio
Content Validity of the Abbreviated Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (A-WEAI) in
Ethiopia: A Mixed Methods Approach The FASEB Journal. Published on line April 1, 2017 Abstract #
Jennifer Coates, Winnie F.L. Bell, Odilia I. Bermudez, Beatrice L. Rogers
Getting the Food List “Right”: Leveraging Household Consumption and Expenditure Surveys for Food
Security and Nutrition The FASEB Journal. Published on line April 1, 2017. Abstract # 786.56
Breanne K. Langlois, Devika J. Suri, Lauren Wilner, Shelley Marcus Walton, Kwan Ho Kenneth Chui,
Kristine R. Caiafa, Beatrice Lorge Rogers
Self-report vs. direct measures for assessing corn soy blend porridge preparation and feeding
behavior in a moderate acute malnutrition treatment program in southern Malawi. Journal of
Hunger and Environmental Nutrition published on line November 2017
Jennifer Coates, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Alexander Blau, Jacqueline Lauer, Alemzewed Roba
Filling a dietary data gap? Validation of the adult male equivalent method of estimating
individual nutrient intakes from household-level data in Ethiopia and Bangladesh. Food Policy
vol. 72, October 2017 pp 27-42 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2017.08.010
Lauren Wilner, M.P.H.; Devika Suri, M.S., M.P.H.; Breanne K Langlois, M.P.H.; Shelley Walton, M.P.H.;
Beatrice Rogers, Ph.D.
Effective delivery of social-behavioral change communication through a care group model in a
supplementary feeding program Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 36:34, September
2017 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41043-017-0111-3
Amelia F. Darrouzet-Nardi
, Laurie C. Miller
, Neena Joshi
, Shubh Mahato
, Mahendra Lohani
,Beatrice L. Rogers
Child dietary quality in rural Nepal: Effectiveness of a community-level development intervention. Food Policy
Volume 61, May 2016, Pages 185–197
Johanna Yvonne Andrews Chavez, Shibani Ghosh, Beatrice L. Rogers, Gerald Shively, Kedar Baral and Patrick Webb,
Molds Attack Rice - But We Don’t Know What To Do”. A Qualitative Study of Farming Families’ Perceptions
of Food
Safety in Banke, Nepal. FASEB Journal April 2016. 30 no. 1 Supplement 891.10
Breanne Langlois and Beatrice Rogers,
A Tale of Two Measures: Self-Report and Lab-Assessed Values in Amount of Oil Added to CSB Porri
dge Prepared by
Caregivers of Children with Moderate Acute Malnutrition in Southern Malawi
April 2016 The FASEB Journal vol. 30 no. 1 Supplement1149.17
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Joachim Sackey, Richmond Aryeetey, Fang Fang Zhang, Beatrice Rogers and Christine Wanke
Household Food Insecurity but not participation in a Nutrition Assessment and Counselling Support (NACS)
program is significantly associated with current BMI in People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in the Greater
Accra Region of Ghana. The FASEB Journal April 2016 vol 30 no 1 Supplement 1b409
Jennifer Coates, Beatrice Rogers, Alexander Blau and Jacqueline Lauer,
Filling a dietary data gap? Estimating individual nutrient intakes from household-level data in Ethiopia and
Bangladesh April 2016 The FASEB Journal April 2016 vol. 30 no. 1 Supplement 669.17
Jamie L. Fierstein, Misha Eliasziw, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Janet E. Forrester
Nonnative Cattle Ownership, Diet, and Child Height-for-Age: Evidence from the 2011 Uganda Demographic and
Health Survey. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Volume 96, Issue 1, Jan 2017, p. 74 – 82
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.16-0646
Rogers BL, Wilner LB, Maganga G, Walton SM, Suri DJ, Langlois BK, Chui KKH, Boiteau JM, Vosti SA, Webb P.
Program changes are effective and cost-effective in increasing the amount of oil used in preparing corn soy
blend porridge for treatment of moderate acute malnutrition in Malawi. Maternal Child Nutrition. 2017 e12393.
doi: 10.1111/mcn.12393.
Laurie C. Miller, Neena Joshi, Mahendra Lohani, Rupa Singh, Nisha Bhatta, Beatrice Rogers, Jeffrey K. Griffiths, Shibani
Ghosh, Shubh Mahato, Padma Singh, and Patrick Webb
Head growth of undernourished children in rural Nepal: association with demographics, health and diet.
Paediatrics and International Child Health Vol. 36 , Issue 2, 2016
Darrouzet-Nardi, A., Miller, L., Joshi, N., Mahato, S., Lohani, M., Drozdowsky, J. and Beatrice Rogers., 2016, May.
Longitudinal analysis of the intrahousehold distribution of foods in rural Nepal: Effectiveness of a community-
level development intervention. In 2016 Annual Meeting [proceedings], July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston,
Massachusetts (No. 235536). Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
Laurie C. Miller, Neena Joshi, Mahendra Lohani, Beatrice Rogers, Meghan
Kershaw, Robert Houser, Shibani Ghosh, Jeffrey K. Griffiths, Shubh Mahato & Patrick Webb
Duration of programme exposure is associated with improved outcomes in nutrition
and health: the case for longer project cycles from intervention experience in rural Nepal.
Journal of Development Effectiveness, 9(1), pp.101-119. DOI: 10.1080/19439342.2016.1231706
Miller, L.; N. Joshi; R. Singh; N. Bhatta; M. Lohani; S. Mahato; Beatrice Rogers; P. Singh; S. Ghosh; J.
Griffiths; P. Webb
Head growth of under-nourished children in rural Nepal: association with demographics, health,
and diet. Paediatrics and International Child Health 2016.
Valpiani, Natalie H.; Parke E. Wilde; Beatrice L. Rogers; Hayden G. Stewart
Price Differences across Farmers' Markets, Roadside Stands, and Supermarkets in North Carolina
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 2015; doi: 10.1093/aepp/ppv018
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Valpiani, Natalie; Parke Wilde; Beatrice Rogers; Stewart Hayden.
Patterns of fruit and vegetable availability and price-competitiveness across four seasons are
different in local food outlets and supermarkets. Public Health Nutrition Volume
18, Supplement 15 October 2015 , pp. 2846-2854
Saskia Osendarp, Beatrice Rogers, Kelsey Ryan, Mark Manary, Peter Akomo, Paluku, Bahwere, Hilina Belete,
Mamane Zeilani, Munirul Islam, Filippo Dibari, and Saskia de Pee.
Ready-to-use foods for management of moderate acute malnutrition: considerations for scaling up
production and use in programs. Food and Nutrition Bulletin vol. 36, no. 1 2015 (supplement)
LC Miller, N Joshi, M Lohani, B Rogers, M Loraditch, R Houser, P Singh.
Community development and livestock promotion in rural Nepal: effects on child growth and
health. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 35:3, 312-326, 2014
Rogers, B. L., Coates, J., Passarelli, S., Bontrager, E., Suri, D., Ghosh, S., ... & Sadler, K.
Early Intervention and Reduction of Patient Default Improve Cost Effectiveness of a
Supplementary Feeding Intervention for HIV plus Malnourished Patients in Ethiopia. The FASEB
Journal, 27, 619-5. (2013).
Bondre, A. P., & Rogers, B. L.
Relationship between household environmental exposures and child stunting in India. The
FASEB Journal, 2013(27). (2013).
Rogers, Beatrice Lorge,
The Challenges of Multiple Interventions: Alternative Perspective. Chapter 6.2 in Bjorn
Lomborg, ed., Global Problems, Smart Solutions. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
Press, October 2013.
Sunny S. Kim; Beatrice L. Rogers
Jennifer Coates
Daniel O. Gilligan; Eric Sarriot
Building Evidence for Sustainability of Food and Nutrition Intervention Programs in Developing
Countries. Advances in Nutrition 2013:4 524-526
Fischer, A. B., Miller, L. C., Rogers, B. L., Lohani, M., Singh, P., Mahato, S. N., & Joshi, N.
Child food consumption patterns and diet quality in rural Nepal: Effectiveness of a community
development intervention. The FASEB JOURNAL (Vol. 26). April 2012
Coates, J; B.Colaiezzi; J.Fiedler; J.Wirth; K.Lividini; Beatrice Rogers.
A Program Needs-Driven Approach to Selecting Dietary Assessment Methods for Decision
Making in Food Fortification Programs. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 33: S2, Sept 2012 pp 146S-
156S (11)
Peterman, JN; P.Wilde; L.Silka; O.Bermudez; Beatrice Lorge Rogers.
Food Insecurity Among Cambodian Refugee Women Two Decades Post Resettlement. Journal of
Immigrant and Minority Health 15:2 April 2013, pp 372-80
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Rosenberg, I.; Beatrice Rogers; P. Webb; N.Schlossman,
Enhancements in Food Aid Quality Need to be Seen as a Process, Not as a One-Off Event.
Journal of Nutrition 142:9, p 1781, September 1, 2012 (letter to the Editor)
Ratcliffe, Michelle; Kathleen A. Merrigan, Beatrice L. Rogers, Jeanne P. Goldberg,
The Effects of School Garden Experiences on Middle School–Aged Students’ Knowledge,
Attitudes, and Behaviors Associated With Vegetable Consumption Health Promotion Practice
January 2011 Vol. 12, No. 1, 36-43
Peterman, Jerusha; Linda Silka, Odilia I. Bermudez, Parke E. Wilde, Beatrice Lorge Rogers
Acculturation, Education, Nutrition Education, and Household Composition Are Related to
Dietary Practices among Cambodian Refugee Women in Lowell, MA
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 111, Issue 9, Pages 1369-1374
Kadiyala, Suneetha; Beatrice Rogers Agnes Quisumbing Patrick Webb
The effect of prime age adult mortality on household composition and consumption in rural
Ethiopia Food Policy Volume 36, Issue 5, October 2011, Pages 647–655
Rosenberg, Irwin; Tilahun, Jessica; Schlossman, Nina; Bagriansky, Jack; Johnson, Quentin; Webb,
Patrick; Rogers, Beatrice; Masterson, Amelia Reese
Nutritional enhancement of US Title II food aid products Food & Nutrition Bulletin, Volume 32,
Supplement 3, September 2011, pp. 134S-151S(18)
Schlossman, Nina; Webb, Patrick; Bagriansky, Jack; Johnson, Quentin; Rogers, Beatrice; Tilahun,
Jessica; Masterson, Amelia Reese
Enhancing processes for introduction, production, quality assurance, and delivery of US Title II
food aid products Food & Nutrition Bulletin, Volume 32, Supplement 3, September 2011 , pp.
Rogers, Beatrice; Webb, Patrick; Wanke, Christine; Sadler, Kate; Masterson, Amelia Reese; Bagriansky,
Jack; Schlossman, Nina; Narayan, Anuradha; Tilahun, Jessica:
Selection and use of US Title II food aid products in programming contexts Food & Nutrition
Bulletin, Volume 32, Supplement 3, September 2011 , pp. 152S-165S(14)
Ratcliffe, Michelle; Kathleen Merrigan, Beatrice Rogers, Jeanne Goldberg,
“The Effects of School Garden Experiences on Middle School–Aged Students' Knowledge,
Attitudes, and Behaviors Associated With Vegetable Consumption in Health Promotion Practice
Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2011
Coates, J.; P.Webb; R. Houser; B.L.Rogers; P.Wilde
He Said She Said: Who Should Speak for Households about Food Insecurity in Bangladesh? Food
Security. Published on line Feb 2, 2010.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
M.M.Ratcliffe, K.A. Merrigan, B.L.Rogers, J.P Goldberg,
The effects of school garden experiences on middle school aged students’ knowledge, attitudes
and behaviors associated with vegetable consumption. Journal of Health Promotion Practice,
Oct 21 2009 online.
Jerusha Nelson Peterman, P.E. Wilde, S. Liang, O. I. Bermudez, L. Silka and Beatrice Lorge Rogers
Relationship between Past Food Deprivation and Current Dietary Practices and Weight Status in
Cambodian Refugee Women in Lowell, MA. AJPH/2009/175869
Parke Wilde, Lisa Troy, Beatrice Rogers,
Food Stamps and Food Spending: an Engel Function Approach. American Journal of Agricultural
Economics 2008.
Kadiyala, Suneetha; A. Quisumbing; Beatrice Lorge Rogers; Patrick Webb
"The Impact of Prime Age Adult Mortality on Child Survival and Growth in Rural Ethiopia" World
Development (Vol. 37, No. 6) June, 2009
James Wirth and Beatrice Lorge Rogers
Mapping Hunger with GIS: Analyzing the Distribution of Malnourished Children in Ecuador,
Panama and the Dominican Republic. ArcNews On Line Fall 2008.
Barquera, Simon; K.Peterson; A.Must; B.Rogers; M.Flores A.; R. Houser; E. Monetrrubio; J.Rivera,
Coexistence of Maternal Central Adiposity and Child Stunting in Mexico. International Journal of
Obesity. 31(4):601-7, 2007 Apr.
Webb, P.; J.Coates; E.A.Frongillo; Beatrice Lorge Rogers; Anne Swindale; P.Bilinsky, 2006
Measuring Household Food Insecurity: Why It’s So Important and Yet So Difficult to Do. Journal
of Nutrition 136:5S, 1404S-1408S, May 2006
Coates, Jennifer: P.E.Wilde; P.Webb; Beatrice Lorge Rogers; R.F.Houser 2006
Comparison of a Qualitative and a Quantitative Approach to Developing a Household Food
Insecurity Scale for Bangladesh. Journal of Nutrition 136:5S, 1420S-1431S, May 2006
Coates, Jennifer; E.A.Frongillo; Beatrice Lorge Rogers; P.Webb; P.E.Wilde; R.F.Houser. Commonalities in
the Experience of Household Food Insecurity across Cultures: What are Measures Missing?
Journal of Nutrition 136:5S, 1438S-1448S
Rogers, Beatrice Lorge
Commentary on “Assessment of the nutritional impact of agricultural research: The case of
mungbean in Pakistan”. Food and Nutrition Bulletin vol. 26 no. 3: 295-296 September 10, 2005
Martin K, Rogers B, Cook J, Joseph H.
Social Capital is Associated with Decreased Risk of Hunger. Social Science & Medicine. 58:12):
2645-2654, June 2004
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Martin KS. Cook JT. Rogers BL. Joseph HM.
Public versus private food assistance: barriers to participation differ by age and ethnicity.
Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior. 35(5):249-54, 2003 Sep-Oct.
Martin K, Cook J, Rogers B, Joseph H.
Unmet Need: Why Food Insecure Households Choose Not to Participate in Food Assistance
Programs. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 35(5):249-54. Sept-Oct 2003
Benjelloun, Sabah; B.L.Rogers; Mostafa Berrada
Impacts économiques, alimentaires et nutritionnels des projets de développement agricole: le
cas du projet d'irrigation du Loukkos au Maroc. Cahiers Agricultures 11:45-50, 2002.
Rogers, B.L.
Public Nutrition: Why? What? How? Ecology of Food and Nutrition 40:6, 2001.
Coon, K.A.; J.Goldberg; B.L.Rogers; K.L.Tucker
Relationships between Use of Television during Meals and Children's Food Consumption
Patterns. Pediatrics on line version, 107(1):e7, 2001.
Ross, N.J., M.D.Anderson, J.P.Goldberg, B.L.Rogers
Increasing Purchases of Locally Grown Produce through Worksite Sales: An Ecological Model.
Journal of Nutrition Education 32:6, Nov-Dec 2000, 304-313
Balsam, A.; A.F.Sullivan; B.E.Millen; B.L.Rogers
Service Innovations in the Elderly Nutrition Program: Two Decades of Accomplishments. Journal
of Nutrition for the Elderly 19:4, 2000, 41-48.
Levinson, F.J.; B.L.Rogers; K.Hicks; T.Schaetzel; L.Troy; C.Young
Monitoring and Evaluation of Nutrition Programs in Developing Countries. Nutrition Reviews
57:5(I), May 1999, 157-164
Levinson, F. J.; B.L.Rogers; K.M.Hicks; T.Schaetzel; L.Troy,
Monitoring and Evaluation: A Guidebook for Nutrition Project Managers in Developing
Countries. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, September, 1999
Ross, N.; M.Anderson; J.Goldberg; R. Houser; B.L.Rogers,
Trying and buying locally grown produce at the workplace: results of a marketing intervention.
American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 14:4, p 171-179, 1999
Rogers, Beatrice Lorge
Public Nutrition: Research and Training Needs to Advance the Field. Food and Nutrition Bulletin
20:3, September 1999, 331-343
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Mason, John; B. L. Rogers; Yaw Agyeman, eds.
Report of an International Union of Nutrition Sciences (IUNS) Satellite Meeting on Public
Nutrition at the 16
International Congress of Nutrition held in Montreal, 24-26 July 1997. Food
and Nutrition Bulletin 20:3 September 1999, 339-343
Ohri-Vachaspati, Punam; Beatrice Lorge Rogers; Eileen Kennedy; Jeanne Goldberg
Effects of Data Collection Methods on Calorie-Expenditure Elasticity Estimates: A Study from the
Dominican Republic. Food Policy, 23:3/4, 295-304, 1998
Kramer, Ellen; Karen Peterson; Beatrice Lorge Rogers;
Intrahousehold allocation of energy intake among children under five years and their parents in
rural Bangladesh. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 51:750-756, 1997
Rogers, Beatrice Lorge; Nina P. Schlossman
"Public Nutrition:" The Need for Cross-Disciplinary Breadth in the Education of Applied Nutrition
Professionals. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 18:2, June 1997, 120-133
Rogers, Beatrice Lorge
Building Coalitions for Agriculture, Nutrition and the Food Needs of the Poor. Chapter 10 in W.
Lockeretz, ed., Visions of American Agriculture. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1997
Rogers, Beatrice Lorge
The Implications of Female Household Headship for Food Consumption and Nutritional Status in
the Dominican Republic. World Development 24:1, 1996, 113-128.
Rogers, Beatrice Lorge
Alternative Definitions of Female Headship in the Dominican Republic. World Development
23:12, 2033-2039, 1995
Balsam, Alan; Nicole Grant; Beatrice Lorge Rogers
Program Characteristics of Home-Delivered Meals Programs for Persons with HIV and AIDS.
Journal of Community Health 21:1, 37-49, 1996
Rogers, B.L.
"Feeding Programs and Food-Related Income Transfers", in Pinstrup-Andersen, Pelletier, and
Alderman, eds., Child Growth and Nutrition in Developing Countries: Priorities for Action, Ithaca:
Cornell University Press, 1995
Rogers, B.L.; J.Larry Brown; John Cook.
Unifying the Poverty Line: A Critique of Maintaining Lower Poverty Standards for the Elderly.
Journal of Aging and Social Policy 6:1 and 2, Spring/Summer 1994, 143-166.
Johnson, F.C. and B.L. Rogers
"Children's Nutritional Status in Female-Headed Households in the Dominican Republic", Social
Science and Medicine, 37:11, 1293-1301, 1993.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Brown. L.V., B.L.Rogers, M.F.Zeitlin, S.N.Gershoff, N.Huq, K.E.Peterson
Comparison of the Costs of Compliance with Nutrition Education Messages to Improve the Diets
of Bangladeshi Breastfeeding Mothers and Weaning Age Children. Ecology of Food and
Nutrition, 30:99-126, 1993.
Brown, L.V., M.F.Zeitlin, K.E.Peterson, A.M.R.Chaudhury, B.L.Rogers, L.H.Weld, S.N.Gershoff
Evaluation of the Impact of Weaning Food Messages on Infant Feeding Practices and Child
Growth in Rural Bangladesh. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 56:994-1003, 1992
Rogers, B.L. and Melanee Lowdermilk
"Price and Non-Price Determinants of Food Consumption in Urban Mali", Food Policy, 16:6, 461-
473, December 1991.
Balsam, Alan and B.L. Rogers
"Serving Elders in Greatest Social and Economic Need: The Challenge for the Elderly
Nutrition Program", Journal of Aging and Social Policy. 3:1 / 2, 1991, 41-56
Rogers, B.L. and Nina Schlossman, eds.
Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Issues and Methods for Development Policy and
Planning. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, Food and Nutrition Bulletin Suppl #15, 1990.
Balsam, Alan and B.L. Rogers
"Cost Per Meal as a Productivity Index in the Elderly Nutrition Program", Journal of Applied
Gerontology 9:1, March 1990.
Rogers, B.L.
"Economic Perspectives on Combating Hunger", in P. Hirschoff and N.G. Kotler, eds.,
Completing the Food Chain: Strategies for Combating Hunger and Malnutrition. Washington
DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989.
Meyers, A.F.; A.E. Sampson; M. Weitzman; B.L. Rogers; H. Kayne
School Breakfast Program and School Performance", American Journal of Diseases of Children
143, October 1989 (1234-1239).
Balsam, Alan and B.L. Rogers
"Food Service Trends in the Elderly Nutrition Program", J. of Nutr. for the Elderly, 9:1, 1989.
Balsam, A. and B.L. Rogers
"Source of Innovations in the Elderly Nutrition Program", Aging Network News, Sept. 1988.
Rogers, B.L.
"Economic Aspects of the Determinants of Infant and Young Child Feeding and Care Patterns" in
WHO/UNU/UNICEF, Determinants of Infant and Young Child Feeding and Care:
Conference Proceedings.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Rogers, B. L. and Nadia Youssef
"The Importance of Women's Involvement in Economic Activities in the Improvement of Child
Nutrition and Health. " Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 10:3, September 1988, 33-41.
Rogers, B. L.
"Design and Implementation Considerations for Consumer Food Price Subsidies," in Per
Pinstrup-Andersen, ed., Food Subsidies in Developing Countries: Costs, Benefits, and Policy
Options. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press and IFPRI, 1988.
Rogers, B. L.
"Pakistan's Ration System: The Distribution of Costs and Benefits," in Per Pinstrup-Andersen,
ed., Food Subsidies in Developing Countries: Costs, Benefits, and Policy Options. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press and IFPRI, 1988.
Rogers, B. L.
Book Review: Food Policy Analysis by Timmer, Falcon and Pearson, Nutrition Planning, Vol. 6,
No. 3, 1983/84.
Rogers, B. L.
"Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Programmatic Implications," Nutrition Planning Vol. 6.,
No. 4, 1983/84.
Rogers, B. L.
"Microeconomic Analysis in the Evaluation of Supplemental Feeding Programs," in Sahn,
Lockwood, and Scrimshaw, eds., Methods for the Evaluation of the Impact of Food and
Nutrition Programs, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Supplement 8, United Nations University,
Tokyo, Japan, 1984.
Rogers, B. L.
"Consumer Food Price Subsidies in Pakistan," in N. S. Scrimshaw and M.B. Wallerstein, eds.,
Nutrition Policy Implementation: Issues and Experience. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New
York, 1981.
Rogers, B. L., C. Overholt, E. Kennedy, F. Sanchez, A. Chavez, T. Belding, C. P. Timmer, J. E. Austin
Consumer Food Price Subsidies, volume IV of Nutrition Interventions in Developing
Countries. Oelgeschlager, Gunn, and Hain, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1980; sole author of four
out of five chapters.
Sahn, D. S., B. L. Rogers, and David Nelson
"Assessing the Uses of Food Aid: PL 480 Title II in India," The Ecology of Food and Nutrition,
Spring 1981.
Rogers, B. L.
"Consumer Price Subsidies," Chapter 6 in J. Austin et al., Nutrition Intervention Assessment
and guidelines, Harvard Institute for International Development, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
June 1978.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Maria Wrabel, Kristine Caiafa, Beatrice Lorge Rogers and Patrick Webb (2020).
Food aid for nutrition: A landscape review of current research and implications for future
studies. Field Exchange 62, April 2020. p38. www.ennonline.net/fex/62/foodaidfornutrition
Kristine Caiafa, Maria Wrabel, Devika Suri, Ye Shen, Shelley Walton, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Patrick Webb
A review of research methods used to study specialised nutritious foods. Field Exchange 62,
April 2020. p41. www.ennonline.net/fex/62/specialisednutritiousfoods
Caiafa, Kristine; Walton, Shelley; Rogers, Beatrice Lorge; Webb, Patrick. 2019.
Improvements to the USAID/FFP food basket: product upgrades and innovations, processes for
modifying the food basket, and communications with partners. Report to USAID. Boston, MA:
Tufts University
Beatrice Rogers and Jennifer Coates with Johanna Andrews Chavez, Alexander Blau, Ameya Bondre,
Jamie Fierstein, Tina Galante, Kathryn Houk, Elizabeth Kegode, Carisa Klemeyer, and Leslie Sanchez.
Sustaining Development: A Synthesis of Results from a Study of Sustainability and Exit Strategies
among Development Food Assistance Projects. Report submitted to FANTA, June 2015.
Coates J, Colaiezzi B, Fiedler J, Wirth J, Lividini K, Rogers B,
Applying Dietary Assessment Methods for Food Fortification and Other Nutrition Programs.
GAIN Working Paper Series, September 2012
Sadler, K., E. Bontrager, B. Rogers, J. Coates, S. Ghosh, Y. Kidane, D. Suri, S. Passarelli.
Food by Prescription: Measuring the impact and cost-effectiveness of prescribed food on
recovery from malnutrition and HIV disease progression among HIV+ adult clients in Ethiopia.
Feinstein International Center, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University,
Boston, USA. April 2012
Webb, P., B. Rogers, I. Rosenberg, N. Schlossman, C. Wanke, J. Bagriansky, K. Sadler, Q. Johnson, J.
Tilahun, A. Reese Masterson, A. Narayan. 2011.
Delivering Improved Nutrition: Recommendations for Changes to U.S. Food Aid Products and
Programs. Boston, MA: Tufts University.
Webb, Patrick, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Irwin Rosenberg, Nina Schlossman, Christine Wanke, Jack
Bagriansky, Kate Sadler, Quentin Johnson, Jessica Tilahun, Amelia Reese Masterson, Anuradha Narayan.
Improving the Nutritional Quality of U.S. Food Aid: Recommendations for Changes to Products
and Programs. Boston, MA: Tufts University.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Coates, Jennifer; Brooke Colaiezzi; Jack Fiedler; James Wirth; Keith Lividini; Beatrice Rogers;
Applying Dietary Assessment Methods for Food Fortification and Other Nutrition Programs.
GAIN Working Paper #4, February 2012
Wilde, Parke; L.Troy; B.L.Rogers
Household Food Security and Tradeoffs in the Food Budget of Food Stamp Program Participants:
An Engel Function Approach. Report submitted to USDA/ERS. December 2007.
Coates,J ., B.L. Rogers; P.Webb; D.Maxwell;R.Houser;C.McDonald
Diet Diversity Study Contract S26-06-ODAN-01 Final Report to the World Food Programme.
Boston, MA: Tufts University Friedman Nutrition School; Report submitted to World Food
Programme, July 8, 2007.
Rogers, BL., J. Wirth, K. Macías, P. Wilde
Mapping Hunger:A Report on Mapping Malnutrition Prevalence in the Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, and Panama Boston, MA: Tufts University Friedman Nutrition School; Report
submitted to World Food Programme/LAC, Panama, March 22, 2007.
Rogers, BL.; J. Wirth; P. Wilde; K. Macías,
Introduction to the Estimation of Malnutrition Prevalence by Small Area Estimation using the
PovMap Program. Boston, MA: Tufts University Friedman Nutrition School; Report submitted to
World Food Programme/LAC, Panama, February 2007.
Rogers, BL., K. Macias, P. Wilde
Atlas of Hunger and Malnutrition in the Dominican Republic. Submitted to WFP/LAC Regional
Office, Panama, February 2006.
Rogers, BL., J. Coates; A. Kwame Osei,
WFP Bangladesh School Feeding Programme Mid Term Evaluation Final Report. Submitted to
WFP Bangladesh December 30 2004.
Kirshen, P.H., R.M. Vogel and B.L. Rogers,
Challenges in Graduate Education in Integrated Water Resources Management, Editorial,
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 130(3), 185-186, 2004.
Rogers, BL and K. Macias,
Program Graduation and Exit Strategies: Title II Program Experiences and Related Research.
Washington DC: FANTA (Academy for Educational Development) working paper. August 31,
Webb, P. and BL. Rogers,
"Addressing the "In" in Food Insecurity". Washington DC: USAID Office of Food for Peace,
Occasional Paper #1, February 2003.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Karim, Rezaul; J. Coates; G. Desplats; I. Kabir; Y.Patwari; S. Ortolano; T.Schaetzel; B.L.Rogers; R. Houser;
Challenges to the Monitoring and Evaluation of Large Nutrition Programs in Developing
Countries: Examples from Bangladesh. FPAN Discussion Paper #1, Friedman School of Nutrition
Science and Policy, Tufts University, Medford, MA.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Ph.D., Serena Rajabiun, James Levinson, Katherine Tucker, Laura C. Altobelli,
Hilary Creed-Kanashiro, Milagro Nunez Rivera; Mary Penny; Enrique Vasquez
Reducing Chronic Malnutrition in Peru: A Proposed National Strategy. Report submitted to
USAID/Peru, October, 2001.
Rogers, Beatrice Lorge; Anne J. Swindale; Punam Ohri-Vachaspati
Determinants of Household Food Security in Honduras: A Report on the National Household
Consumption, Income, Expenditure, and Nutrition Survey, 1993-94. Prepared for USAID, Office
of Nutrition. Washington, D.C.: IMPACT, International Science and Technology Institute,
November 1996.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Tina Sanghvi, Peter Tatian, Jere Behrman, Miguel Calderón, Sally Crelia,
Magdalena García
Food and Income Subsidies and Primary Schooling in Rural Honduras: An Evaluation of the
Impact of the Bonos and PL480 Title II School Feeding Programs. Bethesda, Md.: International
Science and Technology Institute. Report prepared for USAID, LAC/HNS, Washington, D.C.
September, 1995
Phillips, Margaret; Gustavo Saenz, John Fiedler, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Peter Tatian, Tina Sanghvi, Jere
The Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of School Feeding and School Bonos Programs in Honduras.
Bethesda, Md.: International Science and Technology Institute. Report prepared for USAID,
LAC/HNS, Washington, D.C. September 15, 1995 (Also in Spanish.)
Tina Sanghvi, Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Peter Tatian, Jere Behrman, Miguel Calderón, Sally Crelia,
Magdalena García
The Effect of Food Assistance and Cash Transfers on Health and Nutrition: An Evaluation of the
Programs of Bonos and Supplementary Maternal and Child Feeding (PL 480 Title II). Bethesda,
Md.: International Science and Technology Institute. Report prepared for USAID, LAC/HNS,
Washington, D.C. September 18, 1995 (Also in Spanish.)
Fiedler, John; T.Sanghvi; G. Saenz; Beatrice Lorge Rogers; Jere Behrman; Margaret Phillips; Peter Tatian
Unit Costs and Cost Effectiveness of Maternal and Child Supplementary Feeding Programs and
Cash Transfers in Honduras: An Evaluation of Bonos and Food Transfers. Bethesda, Md.:
International Science and Technology Institute. Report prepared for USAID, LAC/HNS,
Washington D.C. September 15, 1995 (Also in Spanish.)
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Rogers, B.L.
Incorporating Nutrition Objectives into Development Policies and Programs. Theme paper
prepared for the International Conference on Nutrition. Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations and World Health Organization, Rome, December 1992.
Rogers, B.L.
Female Headship in the Dominican Republic: Alternative Definitions and Implications for Food
Consumption and Nutrition. Report prepared for USAID/PPC/PDPR/SP and PC/WID,
Washington DC, March 1991.
Rogers, B.L.
Female Headship in the Dominican Republic. Report prepared for USAID/PPC/PDPR/SP and
PPC/WID, Washington DC, June 27, 1990.
Rogers, B.L.
Influence of Female Household Headship on Food Consumption and Children's Nutritional
Status: Data from the Dominican Republic. Report prepared for USAID/PPC/PDPR/SP and
PPC/WID, Washington DC, July 9, 1990.
Rogers, B.L.
Consumption Effects of Agricultural Policies: What Do We Know? Washington, DC: USAID,
Office of Nutrition, Bureau for Science and Technology, 1989.
Rogers, B.L. and Melanee Lowdermilk
Food Prices and Food Consumption in Urban Mali. Report prepared for USAID/S&T/N,
October, 1988. Also prepared in French.
Rogers, B.L.
Incorporating the Intrahousehold Dimension into Development Projects: A Guide. Report
prepared for USAID/PPC/PDPR, February 1988.
Rogers, B.L. and Anne J. Swindale
Determinants of Food Consumption in the Dominican Republic. Report prepared for
USAID/S&T/N, April 1988. Also in Spanish.
Rogers, B.L.
Indicators of Household Income for Use in the Evaluation of Agricultural Development
Projects," Washington, D.C.: USAID Program Design and Evaluation Methodology Report #33,
October 1989.
Balsam, Alan and B.L. Rogers
Service Innovations in the Elderly Nutrition Program: Strategies for Meeting Unmet Needs.
Report to the American Association of Retired Persons Andrus Foundation, July 1988.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Rogers, B.L. and Tanja Ryden
Intrahousehold Allocation of Resources and Roles: An Annotated Bibliography, Revision 2.
Report prepared for USAID/PPC/PDPR, October 1986.
Rogers, B. L. and Mitchel Wallerstein
PL 480 Title I: A Discussion of Impact Evaluation Results and Recommendations, AID Program
Evaluation Report #13, Washington, D.C., February 1985.
Rogers, B. L., Dirck Stryker, and Frank Allen
The Role of the Agricultural Research Service in Export Promotion. Report prepared for
USDA/ARS, Beltsville, Maryland, July 31, 1984.
Rogers, B. L.
The Internal Dynamics of Households: A Critical Factor in Development Policy. Report
prepared for USAID/PPC/HR, Washington, D.C., October 1983.
Rogers, B. L.
Intrahousehold Allocation of Resources and Roles: An Annotated Bibliography of the
Methodological and Empirical Literature. Washington, D.C.: USAID/PPC Nutrition and
Development Paper No. 83-3, March 1984.
Rogers, B. L.
"The WHO/UNICEF Joint Nutrition Support Programme: Focal Point for Women's
Mobilization." Paper prepared for UNICEF, New York, September 1983.
Rogers, B. L.
"Nutritional Effects of Price Subsidies on Food and Agricultural Inputs," FAO Consultant
Report Series #53, Rome, 1983.
Rogers, B. L.
"Nutritional Effects of Improved Food Marketing," FAO Consultant Report Series #51, Rome,
Rogers, B. L. and Ellen Blumenstiel
"International Experience with School Feeding Programs," background paper prepared for
Morgan, Newman Associates, Washington, D.C., May 1982.
Rogers, B. L.
"Substituting Cash for Commodities in School Food Service Programs: A Policy Analysis," paper
prepared for USDA/FNS/PPE, January 1980.
Rogers, B. L.
"Domestic Hunger and Malnutrition," background paper prepared for the President's
Commission on World Hunger, July 1979.
Beatrice Lorge Rogers - Curriculum Vitae
Rogers, B. L. and John Litschauer
"Factors Influencing the Cost of Meals under the Summer Food Service Program for
Children," Research report prepared for USDA/FNS/PPE, December 1979.
Rogers, B. L. and Frances Zorn
"Factors Influencing School Acceptance of USDA School Breakfast Program," research report
prepared for USDA/FNS/PPE, December 1980.
Rogers, B. L.
Consumer Food Price Subsidies and Subsidized Food Distribution Systems in Pakistan, M.I.T.
International Nutrition Planning Program Discussion Paper #13, Center for International
Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 1978.
Rogers, B. L. and F. James Levinson
Subsidized Food Consumption Systems in Low-Income Countries: The Pakistan Experience,
M.I.T. International Nutrition Planning Program Discussion Paper #6, Center for International
Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 1976
May 2020