Bookshare Resources
PaTTAN Bookshare Webinar 4
March 2016
(Feel free to use and distribute all Bookshare Resources, PowerPoints, and other
downloadable materials. Make sure to give credit to Perkins eLearning.)
Bookshare Resources
Webinar 4
Section 1: Download and Read Books on Hardware Devices ........................03
Section 2: Listen to Books on MP3 Player .............................................................10
Section 3: Read Books on AAC Devices ...................................................................11
Section 4: Read Books with a Screen Reader .......................................................14
Section 5: Software Demo Trials................................................................................15
Section 6: Read Books with Text to Speech Software .......................................17
Section 7: Read Bookshare Books on iOS and Android Devices...................21
Section 8: Read Bookshare Books on a Kindle or Nook ...................................25
Section 9: Read Books with Bookshare Web Reader ........................................27
Section 10: What’s New at Bookshare .......................................................................28
Download and Read Books on Hardware Devices
Downloading Bookshare Books to the Braillenote Apex, 800-722-3393
Bookshare’s website has procedures for getting Bookshare books onto a BrailleNote Apex: .
These following procedures were provided by Carroll Stone, former Northeastern Account
Manager for Humanware:
Note for users: When downloading directly to the Apex, the user must enter the Bookshare
password in Computer Braille.
Carroll has done workshops where the group tried downloading to a computer, unzipping, and
copying to the Apex. Then they downloaded directly to the Apex and unpacked the file on the
Apex. What they found was that downloading to a computer is generally faster. (The user will
always have a backup, as well.) However, unpacking/un-zipping is faster and easier on the Apex.
So it is best to save the Bookshare files in one folder, and then copy that folder onto an SD card or
USB thumb drive.
Once in the Bookreader on the Apex, KeySoft will unzip the Bookshare zipped file, load the book
and delete the original zipped file (if you agree at the prompts.)
Once you have a username and password, you can download and read books from Bookshare.
You can download and read books in two ways:
1. Directly to your desktop
2. Transfer and open onto the notetaker/PDA
Downloading a book:
1. Go to
2. Log in.
3. There will be an edit box to search for a subject, title or author of a book. Type in the
information you want to search.
4. Bookshare will provide you with the list of results for your search.
5. After each book, there are two links that specify what format to download. If you want to
download directly to your computer, you will want the DAISY format. If you want to download and
read on your notetaker/PDA, you will want the BRF format. Enter the format you want.
How to download a book from using KeyWeb:
1. Go to KeyWeb on your BrailleNote BT by either pressing I in the Main Menu, or
BACKSPACE with ENTER with I anywhere. KeyWeb will prompt you for a URL.
2. Select Bookshare from your favorites. The BrailleNote BT will connect to the web and you will
be in the Bookshare homepage.
3. Navigate to the Login page and log in using your member details. You will end up in a
personalized welcome page.
4. Locate the book that you wish to read, and download it in a supported format (all books are
available as BRF; public domain ones are in TXT format), and download it to the folder and drive
of your choice.
Unpacking/unzipping the book for reading.
Follow the steps below to unpack your book:
1. Go to KeyBook by pressing BACKSPACE with ENTER with B.
2. KeyBook will offer you the folder into which you downloaded the book as default. Press ENTER,
and it will offer you the book as the default file. If you downloaded several books, it will offer the
last one downloaded. To select the book, press ENTER again.
3. KeyBook prompts:
"Folder for unpacked Bookshare book? Press ENTER for My Books." Either press ENTER or select
another file location.
4. You will be prompted for your password. Type it in and press ENTER, or if no
password is required, simply press ENTER.
5. The book will now unpack. There will be some progress beeps during this time. When complete,
KeyBook prompts: "Delete the original packed Bookshare book?" Press Y.
Note 1: If the book format is not supported, KeyBook will tell you at this point and return to the
main menu.
Note2: If there is not enough memory available to unpack the book, KeyBook will prompt
"Could not save unpacked Bookshare book. Disk is full."
6. KeyBook displays the name of the file, including the file extension, for example,
"Harry_Po_b_fl.brf". To open it, press ENTER.
7. KeyBook will ask "Review the options?" as it does for every book in a non-native KeySoft format
the first time. As the file will have been set up automatically with the correct settings, press ENTER
or N.
8. The book is now ready to read. If you exit the book before completing it, KeyBook will
bookmark it for you and the next time you open it, it will open to the same place.
Note: If instead of downloading books directly onto your BrailleNote BT from Bookshare, you have
transferred them from a PC or they are on a storage card, the same procedure applies. The only
difference is that at step 2, you would navigate to the appropriate location, then continue as above.
Transfer Bookshare Books from a Computer to the Braille Sense , 888-520-4467 -
Detailed instructions for downloading Bookshare books onto a Braille Sense. See Section 11.2.
1. Log in to Bookshare on the computer.
2. Search for a book.
3. Select a Member.
4. Select the appropriate format (i.e., DAISY-Text, DAISY-Audio, MP3, BRF).
5. Download, save, and extract the zipped file. A folder with the name of the book is created.
6. Plug the Braille Sense into a Windows computer with the appropriate cable.
7. Windows will present you with the option to Open to View Files. Click to open.
8. If you locate the Database, you are in the right place.
9. Create a Bookshare folder on the flash disk.
Within the Bookshare folder on the Braille Sense, it is recommended that you create
subfolders, such as MP3, DAISY Audio, and BRF. In this way, your student will be able
more easily to locate books in specific formats. In addition, MP3 and DAISY Audio
formats use different players. MP3 uses the MP3 player and DAISY Audio uses the
DAISY player. Your student and you will need to have a conversation about folder
name/structure and what will best meet his or her needs.
Alternatively, you may want to create the folder structure on the computer first and
then copy it to the Braille Sense. As you download additional books on the computer,
you can copy the new book folders to the Bookshare folder on the Braille Sense.
10. Copy the Bookshare book folder from the computer to the newly create Bookshare folder
on the Braille Sense.
11. Close the window and disconnect the Braille Sense from the computer.
NOTE: If copying a BRF file to the Braille Sense, it is not necessary to copy the entire book folder;
you can copy only the file. However, if copying a DAISY file to the Braille Sense, you must copy the
entire Bookshare book folder.
Download Bookshare Books Directly to the Braille Sense
1. In the Main Menu of the Braille Sense, select Extras > Bookshare Download.
2. Log in to Bookshare with your e-mail and password. You have the option of saving your log
in credentials. You will be automatically signed in.
3. If you log in under an Organizational Account, locate the list of qualified students. Select a
4. Select Search Mode. Select Books or Periodicals. Press TAB.
5. When asked What Kind of Search: By Word or Category, select either word or category. In
word search, type the title, author, or ISBN. In a Category search, locate the list of
categories from which to search.
6. The search results appear. Select a book.
7. In Settings, Select DAISY Text or Braille. Download the book.
In Settings, you have the option to “Automatically unzip when downloaded.” Select Yes.
In Options, you can select a default download folder.
The Braille Sense can only directly download DAISY Text and BRF formats. Users who want
to download MP3 and DAISY Audio formats need to download these files to a computer,
unzip them, and copy the book folders to the Bookshare folder on the Braille Sense.
Transfer Bookshare Books from a Computer to the Book Sense , 888-520-4467 -
Book Sense User Manual
NOTE: You must transfer Bookshare books from a computer to the Book Sense. You cannot
download Bookshare books directly to the Book Sense.
1. Log in to Bookshare on the computer.
2. Search for a book.
3. Select a Member.
4. Select the appropriate format (i.e., DAISY-Text, DAISY-Audio, MP3, BRF).
5. Download, save, and extract the zipped file. A folder with the name of the book is created.
6. Plug the Book Sense into a Windows computer with the appropriate cable.
7. Windows will present you with the option to Open to View Files. Click to open.
8. The Book Sense has defined directories. You cannot create your own directory. You have to
put items in very specific places.
a. If transferring a BRF file to a Standard Book Sense (red), copy it to the Documents
folder on the SD card (removable media). If transferring a BRF file to a Book Sense
XT (white), copy it to the Documents folder on the SD card or the built in flash
b. If transferring a DAISY folder (i.e., DAISY-text or DAISY-audio) to a Standard Book
Sense, copy it to the DAISY folder on the SD card. If transferring a DAISY folder to a
Book Sense XT, copy it to the DAISY folder on the SD card or the built in flash
c. If transferring an MP3 folder to a Standard Book Sense, copy it to one of the Music
folders (e.g., Music or Audio Books) on the SD card. If transferring an MP3 folder to a
Book Sense XT, copy it to one of the Music folders on the SD card or the built in flash
Downloading and Transferring Bookshare Books to the Victor Reader Stream
The new generation Victor Reader Stream (version 4.2 and later) can search the entire Bookshare
online library, provide wireless book downloads, and automatically unzip downloads using the
Bookshare member’s account credentials. You can also manually put a Bookshare book into the
Stream talking books Bookshelf.
Refer to the following website (link is Bookshare United States) for step-by-step instructions for
downloading books wirelessly to the Stream or manually to the Bookshelf:
Bookshare’s website has instructions for downloading books to the VR Stream:
Reading Bookshare books on the Book Port DT
Refer to the BookPort DT User Guide, which is available on APH’s website, for instructions for
using the Book Transfer software and Bookshare Online.
Reading Bookshare books on the Book Port Plus
Refer to the Bookport Plus User Guide, which is available on APH’s website, for instructions for
reading Bookshare books.
Reading a Bookshare Book with the Plextalk Pocket and Plextalk Linio Pocket
Refer to the following website for a video tutorial on reading Bookshare books with the Plextalk
Pocket. Note: This video was created in 2010. Since that time, firmware releases have improved
the Pocket’s operation and the Samantha text-to-speech voice. Nothing has changed regarding
navigation or playing. There is one change regarding extracting a Bookshare zipped file, which
creates a folder with the files included. The user will need to extract to a designated location on
the PC and then transfer the folder to the Pocket, or, if the user does a “save as” or “extract to,” he
or she can transfer the folder directly to the Pocket.
Additional tutorials and documents are found on the Pocket’s support page:
Information about the Plextalk Linio Pocket:
Download Bookshare books to a HIMS Blaze ET
To transfer files from your PC to your Blaze ET:
Turn on the Blaze ET and connect the small end of the USB cable provided with the unit to the
Micro USB port on the bottom edge and connect the larger end to your PC'S USB port. The unit
announces, "Starting data transfer mode".
Once you connect to your PC, click the "My computer" icon on the PC. The Blaze ET uses the Media
Transfer Protocol connection (MTP), thus, it appears under "Portable Media Devices" with the
label "Blaze.” If you press "Enter" on "Blaze,” you can view the content of the "Internal Storage" as
well as the content of your SD card if one is inserted. Use normal Windows Explorer commands to
copy, cut, paste or delete files as you wish.
Note: While "Data Transfer Mode" is active the Blaze ET is not otherwise operational. Pressing
keys on Blaze ET will have no effect. When you disconnect the USB cable from the computer or
Blaze ET, the unit, once again, becomes fully operational.
Note: if using Windows XP, you must install Windows Media Player 11 to transfer files to the Blaze
ET. Please see Appendix 2 of the manual for instructions on installing Windows media Player 11
with Windows XP.
You may copy and organize documents, media, DAISY books and scanned images using normal
Windows commands, in whatever way makes the most sense to you. Blaze ET will locate playable
content no matter where it resides on the disk and index it and make it available for the associated
programs. However, the flash disk (Internal Storage) of Blaze ET does contain default folders into
which content such as Web Radio and Podcast URLs must be placed as well as to help you organize
Connecting to a Mac:
As described above, Blaze ET uses the Media TRANSFER Protocol (MTP) connection for
transferring data to and from a computer. As the Mac operating system does not natively support
this connection type, it is necessary to download a third-party executable file, which will allow you
to drag and drop files into the Blaze ET. You may download an appropriate executable at the
following link:
Once you have installed this small application, connect your Blaze ET to your Mac and power it on.
The Blaze ET will automatically launch the File Transfer application, and you can use VoiceOver to
drag and drop files into the Blaze ET, again, under the label "Blaze."
For information on how to drag and drop items using VoiceOver, visit the following link:
If you are getting BookShare books, first download the zip files from Find them on
your computer and extract them into their own folders. Only DAISY books will play from
Bookshare or BARD, not BRL content. After extracting the book, use normal Window Explorers or
Computer commands to copy and paste the entire folder that houses the book onto the Blaze.
When you disconnect your device, the book becomes available after the Blaze ET or EZ indexes its
hard drive or the inserted SD card. Remember, each book you want on the Blaze must be in its
own folder or you won't be able to locate and play your book.
Listen to Bookshare books on MP3 players
Downloading, Saving, Extracting, Copying to iTunes, Syncing to Device
1. Create and name a folder on your computer in which to store Bookshare MP3 files (e.g.,
Bookshare MP3 Books).
2. Search and locate the Bookshare MP3 book on Bookshare’s website (e.g., Animal Farm).
3. Download and save the zipped MP3 file to the folder.
4. Right-click on the zipped MP3 file.
5. Click Save File.
6. Navigate to the Bookshare MP3 Books folder. Open the folder. Click Save to save the zipped
MP3 file in the folder.
7. Navigate to the folder and right-click on the zipped file. Click “Extract All/Extract.”
8. Plug in the device (e.g., iPhone, iPod, iPad).
9. Open iTunes on your computer.
10. Create a folder in iTunes under Playlists (e.g., Bookshare MP3s).
11. Create a new Playlist in the Bookshare MP3 Books folder. Name the Playlist the name of the
book (e.g., Animal Farm).
12. Drag the folder of the MP3 book (e.g., Animal Farm) from the Bookshare MP3 Books folder
on the computer to the designated Playlist (e.g., Animal Farm).
13. Sync your device. (Make sure the Playlist is set up to sync under the “Music” tab.)
Download and Read Bookshare DAISY Books on Augmentative and
Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices
Read Bookshare DAISY books on a Prentke Romich ECO2 and Accent
Communication Devices
If a student is using an ECO2 or Accent Dedicated communication device, then the Windows
operating system is “locked.” This means that Windows is unavailable and Bookshare books
cannot be downloaded on the device.
If a student is using an ECO2 or Accent Integrated communication device, then the Windows
operating system is “unlocked.” This means that the Windows operating system is available and
users can download and read Bookshare books. With the Integrated ECO2 or Accent, the devices
operate just like a regular PC. Current Accents ship with Windows 8 or 10 depending on the
model. Students can read Bookshare books on the ECO2 or Accent using Read:OutLoud Bookshare
Edition. Prentke Romich has created shortcut keys on these devices for Read:OutLoud.
Read:OutLoud Bookshare Edition is not preinstalled on the ECO2 and Accent Integrated
communication devices; a Sponsor or Member has to install the program.
Read Bookshare DAISY books on a Prentke Romich PRiO Communication
The unlocked/open PRiO is an iPad-based communication tool that can run iOS apps. Users can
download, install, and use Bookshare compatible apps, such as Read2Go and Voice Dream Reader.
Read Bookshare DAISY books on a Dynavox V/Vmax, V/VMax+, or Maestro
The following URLs provide instructions for downloading and reading Bookshare books on
compatible Dynavox products.
Read Bookshare DAISY books on a Tobii I-12 or Tobii I-15
The Tobii I-12 and I-15 run regular computer applications on the Windows operating system. It is
easy to download and install text-to-speech software; download, save, and extract Bookshare
books; and open and read the books using software programs, such as Read:OutLoud and Victor
Reader Soft Bookshare Editions, Kurzweil 3000, Read&Write Gold, WYNN, and others.
Tobii has a Bookshare and Read:OutLoud interface, which is available for download at
Pageset Central. (You have to register with Tobii/Dynavox to access Pageset Central.) In the
search box, type Bookshare. Then click on the Read OutLoud Bookshare Edition Keyboard link. You
must have an account in order to log in and download the on-screen keyboard, which will allow
the student to read Bookshare books with the Read:OutLoud Bookshare Edition software.
Read Bookshare DAISY books on a Tobii EyeMobile for Windows 8 Pro Tablets
The Tobii EyeMobile communication device works on Windows 8 tablets. Windows 8 tablets have
a fully functional desktop, but they lack disk drives. In order to install a program, such as
Read:OutLoud Bookshare Edition, you have a number of options:
1. Website: Download programs (e.g., Read:OutLoud) directly from a website, such as
2. Flash drive: All Windows tablets include a USB port. Copy or download a program’s
installation file from a computer onto a flash drive and then insert the flash drive into your
tablet and install it from there.
3. OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive): OneDrive is a file hosting service (cloud storage). From your
standard computer, copy a program’s installation file to any folder in OneDrive. Then open
the Start screen’s OneDrive app, go to the OneDrive folder, and tap the program’s
installation file to install it.
Refer to the following PDF for more information:
Tobii has a Bookshare and Read:OutLoud interface, which is available for download at
Pageset Central. (You have to register with Tobii/Dynavox to access Pageset Central.) In the
search box, type Bookshare. Then click on the Read OutLoud Bookshare Edition Keyboard link. You
must have an account in order to log in and download the on-screen keyboard, which will allow
the student to read Bookshare books with the Read:OutLoud Bookshare Edition software.
It is easy to download, save, and extract Bookshare books through the Windows 8 interface on the
Read Bookshare DAISY books on Dynavox T-Series Communication Devices
The Dynavox T7, T10 and T15 are communication devices that run the Android operating system.
Educators can download and install the free Go Read accessible eReader app from Google Play
Store onto the non-dedicated T-series devices. Note: The T-Series communication devices are
available in two configurations: Dedicated and Non-Dedicated. The Dedicated devices are
dedicated communication devices and do not run other applications. The Non-Dedicated devices
will run the Go Read app.
Listen to Bookshare MP3 Books on Augmentative and Alternative
Communication Devices
Listen to Bookshare MP3 books on a Prentke Romich ECO2 and Accent
Communication Devices
Listen to Bookshare MP3 books on a Dynavox V/Vmax, V/VMax+, or Maestro
Listen to Bookshare MP3 books on a Tobii I-12 or Tobii I-15 and Tobii
EyeMobile for Windows 8 Tablets
Log in to your or create an account if you do not have one. Search the
mytobiidynavox community for information about the Tobii I series.
Read Bookshare Books with a Screen Reader
When using Bookshare books with a screen reader, you can open the XML file format in the book’s
folder. Double-click on the XML file and it will open in an Internet browser (Internet Explorer,
Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari).
If your application or device doesn’t work with XML files, replace the XML file extension (.xml)
with an HTML extension (e.g., to_kill_a_mockingbird.xml is renamed to_kill_a_mockingbird.html).
The renamed file should open in a browser.
Software Demo Trials
1. Texthelp Systems
Read & Write Gold demo trial
Supports Windows XP or later.
Supports Mac OS 10.7 and later (Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan.
Select Get Products. Select the Platform. Click Try Now. Select the product.
2. Premier Literacy
E-Text Reader demo trial
Supports Windows Vista/7/8.
Supports Mac Lion/Mountain Lion/Mavericks.
Select Free Trials. Select E-Text Reader/Download Now to download the Windows version.
Click Jump to Mac Demos for Mac computers.
3. Freedom Scientific
WYNN demo trial
Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Select Product Videos and Demos.
Download or request a WYNN Demo DVD.
OpenBook demo trial
Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Select Free Trial.
4. Kurzweil Education
Kurzweil 3000 demo trial
Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Supports Mac 10.6 and later (Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite,
El Capitan).
Click Experience Kurzweil. Select Trials.
Kurzweil 1000 demo trial
Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Click Experience Kurzweil. Select Trials.
5. Dolphin
EasyReader demo trial
Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Click Easy Reader. Click Free 30-day Trial.
7. Open Lore
Open Lore Read demo trial
Supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10.
Click Free Trial to download a 30-day free trial.
8. Book Wizard Reader
Book Wizard Reader demo trial
Supports Windows XP/Vista/7 or later.
User Manual:
To download a free demo of book Wizard Reader, click
and select Download.
9. Serotek
DocuScan Plus demo trial
Supports Windows XP or later.
Supports Mac Yosemite and El Capitan.
Click Download your trial version of DocuScan Plus. Select the appropriate platform
(Windows or Mac).
Read Bookshare Books with Text to Speech Software
Open and Read a Book in EasyReader
Dolphin has integrated a Bookshare online book download feature into the newest version of
EasyReader. Users can download Bookshare books directly into EasyReader. View the video on
the EasyReader home page to see how EasyReader reads Bookshare books:
Open and Read a Book in Kurzweil 3000-firefly
Kurzweil Education,
There are videos and information on Kurzweil’s website regarding Kurzweil 3000 and Bookshare.
Versions 12, 13, and 14 of Kurzweil 3000 include online access for downloading books directly
from Bookshare. Version 14.20 now supports the structure in DAISY books (e.g., Table of
Contents). To navigate from section to section or chapter to chapter, select the “Bookmark” feature
on the toolbar.
firefly is part of the Kurzweil 3000 Web License program. The firefly web app provides direct
access to Bookshare. After logging into firefly on a computer, the student can read Bookshare
books using the firefly reader. The web app’s features include: read text aloud by word, line,
sentence or paragraph; access dictionary and translation tool; increase or decrease size of display;
customize reading speed; choose from high quality voices; read text notes and sticky notes; and
choose location of toolbar. A firefly iPad app is also available and can be downloaded free of
charge from iTunes if the user has purchased a Kurzweil 3000/firefly Web License.
Open and Read a Book in Premier Literacy
Premier Literacy,
Click the following link to learn how to open and read books in Premier Literacy’s Talking Word
Processor or E-Text Reader. The link may take a minute to load.
Open and Read a Book in WYNN
Freedom Scientific,
Click on the link below for information about downloading, saving, opening, and reading
Bookshare books in WYNN.
Open and Read a Book in Open LORE Read
Open Lore,
Click on the link below for information about downloading, saving, opening, and reading
Bookshare books in Open LORE Read.
Click on the link to see how Open LORE Read reads Bookshare books (you will need to register to
view this video):
Open and Read a Book in Book Wizard Reader
Book Wizard Reader:
Book Wizard Reader User’s Manual:
Open a Bookshare Book in Read:OutLoud using the “Add eText” button on
ROL’s toolbar
Don Johnston,
1. Launch ROL.
2. Click “Add eText” button on the toolbar.
3. Navigate to find your book on your hard drive or other media (e.g., Bookshare folder >
Student folder > Name of Book folder).
4. Select the book (only one file will be visible).
5. Click “Open.” The book will open in ROL.
Read a Bookshare Book using Snap&Read
Don Johnston,
Snap&Read is a reading tool for Google Chrome. It reads accessible and inaccessible text aloud,
has dynamic text leveling, includes study tools, and more. Click on the link to see how Snap&Read
works in the Bookshare Web Reader (you will need to register to view this video):
Open and Read a Book in Read&Write Gold, Read& Write for Google, and
eBook Reader
Read&Write Gold
Read & Write Gold versions 10 and 11 include a DAISY reader for reading Bookshare books.
YouTube video of Read & Write’s DAISY Reader’s features
Read&Write for Google
The Snapverter add-on to Read&Write for Google converts Bookshare DAISY files to
accessible EPUB files for reading aloud with Read&Write for Google.
TextHelp eBook Reader
TextHelp offers an eBook Reader app for Apple iPad and Android tablets. Accessing
Bookshare DAISY books through the eBook Reader requires a Bookshare membership.
Open a Book in Victor Reader Soft
Victor Reader Soft is a self-voiced software program. It reads everything in the window, including
the toolbar and menu bar. To change the audio settings, select “Settings” in the menu bar, then
select “Audio.”
Download zipped Bookshare books for use in Victor Reader Soft:
Download VR Soft and Acapela Voices from Bookshare’s Reading Tools web page:
Locate, download and save a zipped Bookshare book to a folder you have created (e.g., Bookshare
folder > Name of Student folder > Title of book folder) in the My Documents folder. Extract the
files to this folder.
NOTE: Make sure to create this Bookshare folder INSIDE the My Documents folder on your
Windows computer. Victor Reader Soft will not recognize Bookshare files if they are not stored in
the My Documents folder. If you create the Bookshare folder on your desktop, Victor Reader Soft
will not “see” it. If you have created the Bookshare folder on your desktop and saved Bookshare
files to it, you can either move it by clicking and dragging it into the My Documents folder or copy
and paste it (Right click on the Bookshare folder, select “Copy,” open the My Documents folder,
right-click, select “Paste.”)
Also, Victor Reader Soft will experience glitches running in Windows 7/8/10. When a user creates
a Text Note, the program will create a Bookmark instead. The Text Note feature is not functional in
newer Windows operating systems.
To open a book in Victor Reader Soft:
Launch Victor Reader Soft. The software may automatically recognize your book and add it to its
Bookshelf. If it doesn’t, select “Browse Path” and navigate to the file to open it.
Read Bookshare Books on iOS and Android Devices
Download Bookshare DAISY Books to Read2Go:
Important Notes:
System requirements: Read2Go version 1.1.0. This version has been updated to work
better with iOS 8 and later.
1. Launch Read2Go.
2. Select Settings.
3. Select Sign In.
4. Enter your Bookshare email and password.
5. Select Search Bookshare.
6. Enter a book title, author, or ISBN in the search field, or browse using the given categories.
7. Select a book by tapping on the book title.
8. Select Download. (If you haven’t signed in, you will be prompted to do so at this point.)
9. Select Student Name.
10. Select Read Now to open the book.
11. Press Play to read the book.
Voice Dream Reader
Voice Dream Reader is a text-to-speech reading tool for the iPad and iPhone. The app supports a
number of file types, including Bookshare DAISY books. All features of Voice Dream Reader are
fully accessible with VoiceOver. The app can be downloaded from iTunes and costs $9.99. Learn
more about Voice Dream Reader:
Procedures for accessing and managing Bookshare books with Voice Dream Reader:
In order to access Bookshare books on an iPad via Voice Dream, you have to be logged in as a
Sponsor or Primary Contact.
1. Launch Voice Dream.
2. Go to Settings at the bottom of the screen (the icon looks something like this: ).
3. Select Bookshare.
4. Enable the account and enter your Sponsor account log in credentials (i.e., email and
5. The log in credentials will be authenticated. If your credentials are invalid, you will get the
message: “Error. Insufficient privileges. You cannot download as your account is currently
not active.”
6. After log in authentication, you can search for and download Bookshare books.
To browse or search for Bookshare books and open them via Voice Dream:
1. Press the + key at the bottom of the screen, select Bookshare.
2. You can browse by category or search by author or title of the book.
3. When you locate a book for download, select Download.
4. Select the student’s name.
5. When the file is downloaded, it will say “File loaded.” Select OK. Then select Done.
6. The book will be listed in the All Items area in the filing cabinet.
To store books in folders in Voice Dream:
1. Launch Voice Dream.
2. Select the filing cabinet icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
3. Press the + icon to create a folder.
4. Type the name of the folder (e.g., John Doe). Press Done. Press Done again.
5. To download books for the student, open the folder by selecting it in the filing cabinet.
6. Press the + icon to open Bookshare. Search for a book.
7. Select the Member (e.g., John Doe).
8. The Bookshare book is downloaded into the student’s folder.
To copy a Bookshare book into a student’s folder if it wasn’t loaded into the folder at the start:
1. Select the filing cabinet.
2. Make sure All items is selected.
3. Go to the list of all books.
4. Press Edit in the upper right corner of the screen.
5. Select the Bookshare book you want to copy into the student’s folder by selecting the radio
button in front of the book.
6. Select the folder icon at the bottom of the screen.
7. Select the student’s folder.
8. The book is copied into the student’s folder.
9. The book will now appear under both All Items and in the student’s folder.
Capti Narrator
Capti Narrator is a free text-to-speech application that allows a user to listen to content from many
sources, including Bookshare DAISY books. There is a price for premium features. System
requirements are:
Windows or Mac computer
iOS devices (i.e., iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad)
Click on the link to see how Capti Narrator reads Bookshare books (you will need to register to
view this video):
The app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch can be viewed in iTunes:
Go Read
Go Read is a free accessible text to speech eBook reader app for Android devices. It supports
DAISY-3 and EPUB formats. Go Read was developed by Benetech. It is available for free at the
Google Play Store:
Spotlight Text
Spotlight Text is a text-to-speech accessible eBook reader app for individuals with low vision. It
supports Bookshare DAISY files and runs on the iPad. It is available for $9.99 on iTunes. View a
description at:
Loading Bookshare Books on a Kindle or Nook eReader
In order to read Bookshare books on a Kindle or Nook, the user will need to convert the books into a
readable format by the Kindle or Nook. The following directions describe how to convert a Bookshare
DAISY book to a plain text file and transfer it to a Kindle Keyboard. This process may be slightly
different for newer types of Kindles or the Nook.
1. Download a DAISY book from Bookshare’s website and extract the zipped files.
2. After extracting the files, launch your browser (e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer).
3. Open the book’s .XML file.
4. Select all the text in the file (CTRL+A).
5. Copy the selected text to the windows clipboard (CTRL+C).
6. Open a text editor or word processor (e.g., MS Word).
7. Paste the text into the word processor (CTRL+V).
8. Save the file as plain text with .TXT extension.
9. Connect the Kindle to your computer.
10. Open and locate the Kindle “documents” folder on the computer.
11. Drag and drop the plain text file of the book onto the Kindle “documents” folder.
12. Disconnect the Kindle from the computer. The book title will appear on the home page of
the Kindle.
If you delete the Bookshare book from the Kindle, it is gone (not archived.) Also, the watermarking
and fingerprinting of the Bookshare book is embedded within the TXT file of the Kindle. Members
are not allowed to share Bookshare books that have been converted to plain text and stored on a
Kindle or Nook. The Bookshare books are solely for the member’s personal use.
NOTE: There are other ways to convert Bookshare DAISY files to a Kindle file. Using Calibre, a
format conversion application, the user can convert a Bookshare DAISY-formatted file to Kindle
file format.
Read Books with the Bookshare Web Reader
Note: Students using screen reading software should use Bookshare Web Reader in Firefox and
Internet Explorer. Sighted students who need auditory support should use Bookshare Web Reader
in Chrome or Safari.
Directions for using the Bookshare Web Reader with Firefox, Internet
Explorer, and Microsoft Edge (Demo Account)
1. Launch the browser. Go to
2. Log in using the Individual Demo Account (this account mimics an Individual Member
Email: [email protected],
Password: memberdemo
3. In the Search box, type “bookshare demo.”
4. The results return two books: Rocket Boys and Economic Analysis.
5. You will read the “Rocket Boys of NIH.”
6. Under Action, select DAISY Text Only. Under DAISY Text Only, click on Read Now.
7. After clicking on Read Now, your browser will open and the book will be loaded.
8. Notice the toolbar at the top of the screen above the text of the book. This is the Bookshare
Web Reader toolbar. Use these tools to navigate and change user preferences.
Directions for using the Bookshare Web Reader with Google Chrome and
Safari (Demo Account)
1. Launch Google Chrome or Safari. Go to
2. Log in using the Individual Demo Account (this account mimics an Individual Member
b. Password: memberdemo
3. In the Search box, type “bookshare demo.”
4. The results return two books: Rocket Boys and Economic Analysis.
5. You will read the “Rocket Boys of NIH.”
6. Under Action, select DAISY Text Only. Under DAISY Text Only, click on Read Now.
7. After clicking on Read Now, the browser will open.
a. NOTE: If this is the first Bookshare book you are opening using the Read Now
feature in the Chrome browser, Chrome will ask you to install a text-to-speech (TTS)
extension. Once that extension is installed, Chrome will load the book and activate
speech synthesis in the Web Reader. The extension is installed only once. Safari will
not ask you to install an extension.
8. Notice the toolbar at the top of the screen above the text of the book. This is the Bookshare
Web Reader toolbar. Use these tools to navigate, read the text aloud, and change user
Read Books with the Bookshare Web Reader (for students who do not
have Individual Memberships)
Individual memberships are no longer required for students to use the Bookshare Web Reader.
However, there are restrictions. Within an organizational account, Sponsors can provide students
with a user name and password that they then use to log in and open books in Bookshare Web
Reader. The primary difference between this access and a regular Individual Membership is that
these students are limited to the books that have been shared with them on a Reading List or
previously downloaded for them (and findable in “My History”), and students can only open the
books in Bookshare Web Reader. They cannot download them or open them in Read:OutLoud, for
example. In addition, this access is only available on computer, not yet on tablets.
1. Log into Bookshare with your Sponsor email and password.
2. Select My Bookshare.
3. Select Members.
4. Select a Student’s Last Name.
5. In the Edit User window under Account Details, enter a User Name and Password for the
student. Click Save.
When students log in with their username and password, they will be able to read books on their
Shared Reading Lists or books that have been previously downloaded for them using the
Bookshare Web Reader.
What’s New at Bookshare?
This webpage contains information about new features and things that are important for
Bookshare users to know. Release notes are posted every three weeks.