Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
Isye Indriyani
Universitas Majalengka
This research aims to find the types of references that are mostly depicted and the types of
anaphoric reference is widely used in reading text from English textbook. The researcher
analyzed the data using anaphoric and cataphoric reference theories from Halliday and
Matthiessen (2014) to find the types of references that are mostly depicted and also used
theories from Mitkov (2013) to find the types of anaphoric references is widely used in
recount text from the Bahasa Inggris textbook. This research uses the critical discourse
analysis method. The object of this analysis is recount text from Bahasa Inggris textbook for
the 10
grade students of senior high school, written by Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, and
Furaidah, published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This study employed
document analysis in collecting data. The result showed that the types of references that are
depicted in the recount text is anaphoric references. There were 29 sentences referring to
anaphoric references and only 4 sentences referring to cataphoric references. The types of
anaphoric references is widely used in recount text is pronominal anaphora.
Keyword: anaphoric, cataphoric, references, english textbook
In the teaching and learning process, the teacher must have a media that can help them
to carry out the teaching and learning process so that the teacher can convey learning material
to students. One of the most common teaching media is textbook. According to Harmer
(2007), course book or textbook is a book that the teachers use to help them in
explaining the lesson for students in the class. Textbook can provide the basis for lesson
content, balance of skills taught, and the types of language practice that are followed by
students. Cunnigsworth (1995) cited in Ayu & Indrawati (2019) argues that textbooks are an
effective resource for self-directed learning, an effective source for presentational material, a
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
source of ideas and activities, a reference source for students, a syllabus where they reflect
pre-determined learning objectives, and support for less experienced teachers who are yet to
gain confidence. Textbook have a major role in supporting the teaching and learning process.
However, it is often found that the material is not always representative and comprehensive
enough, so that students do not understand the contents of the textbook. Therefore, to solve
this problem, a reference word is needed so that students can understand the meaning of the
reading text.
Reference is a word that is used to refer to something of the text in a sentence. Bublitz
& Norrick (2011) reference has been defined as a static relationship between expressions and
the things they denote. Reference is used as links in a text to help listeners and readers know
and identify the content of a text. There are two types of references, anaphora and cataphora.
Anaphora reference may point backwards to the history of the unfolding text, that is, to a
referent that has already been introduced and is thus part of the text’s system of meanings
(Halliday & Matthiessen 2014: 625). Anaphora where perform is used to refer back to
something that has been mentioned earlier. For example, "Amy went to the party. She sat
with Sara." She refers back to Amy; therefore, she is an anaphoric reference. According to
(Mitkov, 2013) there are also 6 different types of anaphora such as:
1. Pronominal anaphora: According to Mitkov (2013:47), the set of anaphoric pronouns
consists of all third person personal, possessive, reflexive pronouns that refers to the
previous word and pronoun plus the and relative are anaphoric too. For example: Lucy
went to cinema. She was happy. She refers back to Lucy.
2. Lexical noun phrase anaphoric: Lexical noun phrase anaphoric is realized
syntactically as definite noun phrase, also called definite descriptions and proper
names. For example: Roy Keane has warned Manchester United he may snub their
pay deal. United’s skipper is even hinting that unless the future Old Trafford Package
meets his demands, he could quit the club in June 2000. In this text, Roy Keane has
been reffered to by anaphoric pronouns (he, his, himself) but also by definite
descriptions (United’s skipper).
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
3. Noun Anaphoric: Noun phrase anaphora should not be confused with the anaphoric
relation between a non-lexical proform and the head noun or nominal group of noun
phrase. Noun anaphora represents a particular case of identity of sense anaphora. For
example: I don‘t think I‘ll have a sweet pretzel, just a plain one. The non-lexical
proform of one constitutes an example of a noun anaphor. Note that one points to the
noun pretzel and not to the noun phrase a sweet pretzel.
4. Verb Anaphoric: Among the other varieties of anaphoric according to the form of
the anaphor, verb anaphora should be mentioned in this sentences: Romeo Dallaire,
the Canadian general in charge, begged for reinforcements, so did Boutros Ghali. The
interpretation of did is determined by its anaphoric relation to its antecedent in the
preceding clause. the verb anaphor did in this sentence replaces the verb phrase
begged for reinforcements.
5. Adverb anaphoric: Adverb anaphoric can be locative Such as there or temporal
anaphora such as then. For example:
a. Will you walk with me to the garden? I‘ve got to go down there and Bugs has
to go to the longhouse.
b. For centuries archeologists have argued over descriptions of how Archimedes
used concentrated solar energy to destroy the Roman fleet in 212BC.
Historians have said nobody then knew enough about optics and mirrors.
As previously illustrated with first and second personal pronouns, adverbs of this type
are frequently used not anaphorically but deictically, taking their meaning from
contextual elements such as the time or location of utterances. It has already been
shown that the anaphors can be verbs and adverbs, as well as nouns and noun phrases
and thus span the major part of speech categories.
6. Zero anaphoric: Zero anaphors are invisible anaphors at first glance they do not
appear to be there because they are not overtly represented by a word or phrase. For
example: Peel an onion and slice it, drop the slices into hot oil, cook for three
minutes. When the interpretation requires us to identify an entity, as in cook for three
minutes, and no linguistic expression is present, it is called zero anaphoric.
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
Another type of reference is cataphoric, cataphora reference may point ‘forwards’ to
the future of the unfolding text, that is, to a referent that is yet to be introduced (Halliday &
Matthiessen 2014:625). Cataphora occurs when the word perform is used to explain the
references in a text. For example, "As soon as he arrived, Mike visited his parents." She is a
cataphoric reference that looks forward to Mike. In this study, the researcher analyzed
recount text. According to Hyland (2004: 29) cited in (Sari, et.al 2018) recount is typically
tells entertain by dealing with a sequence of events that establishes a relationship between a
writer/reader and speaker/listener. Recount is a kind of genre that has social function to retell
event for the purpose of informing or entertaining. The purpose of recount text is to tell what
happened or to retell events for the purpose of informing and entertaining.
Based on the description above, the researcher tried to find out the types of references
that used in recount texts of the English textbook based on the theory of Halliday &
Matthiessen (2014) the researcher also used theories from Mitkov (2013) to find the types of
anaphoric references is widely used in recount text from the Bahasa Inggris textbook for 10
grade senior high school published by Ministry of Education and Culture.
According to Fairclough (1995: 7) cited in Darlan (2011) reveals that CDA is an
approach that has function in analyzing text and is closely related to socio-cultural. It can be
concluded that, in analyzing a discourse, especially analyzing the discourse in a text, one can
find out the content and meaning of a sentence. CDA is one from the perspective that we
know about language. CDA is a point of view in which the language itself is understood as a
representation that plays a role in shaping certain subjects, themes of particular discourse, and
the strategies it contains. The objective in this study is the recount text in Bahasa Inggris
textbook for 10
grade senior high school written by Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, and
Furaidah. From the source of data, the researcher analyzed the data using anaphoric and
cataphoric reference theories from Halliday and Matthiessen (2014).
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
This study employed a document analysis as a technique for collecting data.
Marshall & Rossman (1995) as cited in Anggun (2016) the use of documents often entails a
specialized analytic approach called content analysis. The raw material for content analysis
may be any form of communication, usually written materials (textbooks, novels,
newspapers, e-mail messages); other forms of communication music, pictures, or political
speechesmay also be included. However, this research uses an English textbook, entitled
Bahasa Inggris for 10
Grade Senior High School, to gather the data. In order to collect the
data, the researcher does some steps according to (Miles B et al., 2014) concept consist of
data condensation, data display and drawing conclusions. First, the author focuses on
examining four recount texts contained in EFL textbooks. Then, the author displays the data
which contains the anaphoric and cataphoric references, specifically and clearly. The author
shows which sentences contain anaphoric and cataphoric references and why they are
categorized as they are found in recount texts. Last, the author concludes the result of the
research based on the research problem and reference theories that are used.
Table 1 reference analysis in recount text (Cut Nyak Dhien)
Data 1:
Cut Nyak Dhien was a
leader of the Acehnese
guerrilla forces during the
The word she refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Cut Nyak
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
Aceh War. She was born in
Lampadang in 1848. (Line
Data 2:
Following the death of her
husband Teuku Umar
(Line 2,3)
Data 3:
she led guerrilla actions
against the Dutch for 25
years. (Line 3)
Data 4:
She was awarded the title of
Indonesian National Hero
on 2 May 1964 by the
Indonesian government.
(Line 4,5)
The word her husband
refer to forward section
of the text, that is Teuku
The word she refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Cut Nyak
The word she refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Cut Nyak
Data 5:
Her father, Teuku Nanta
Setia, was a member of the
ruling Ulèë Balang
aristocratic class in VI
mukim (Line 1,2)
Data 6:
her mother was also from
an aristocratic family. (Line
Data 7:
The word her father
refer to forward section
of the text, that is “Teuku
Nanta Setia.”
The word her refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Cut Nyak
The word she refer to
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
She was educated in
religion and household
matters. (Line 4,5,6)
Data 8:
She was renowned for her
beauty, and many men
proposed to marry her.
(Line 6,7,8)
Data 9:
Finally, she married Teuku
Cik Ibrahim Lamnga, the
son of an aristocratic family,
when she was twelve. (Line
previous section of the
text, that is “Cut Nyak
The word she and her
refer to previous section
of the text, that is “Cut
Nyak Dhien.”
The word she refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Cut Nyak
Data 10:
In 1875, Cut Nyak Dhien
and her baby (Line 1)
Data 11:
along with other mothers,
were evacuated to a safer
location while her husband
Ibrahim Lamnga fought to
reclaim VI mukim. (Line
Data 12:
Lamnga died in action on
June 29, 1878. Hearing this,
The word her refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Cut Nyak
The word her husband
refer to forward section
of the text, that is
“Ibrahim Lamnga.”
The word this refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Lamnga
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
Cut Nyak Dhien was
enraged and swore to
destroy the Dutch. (Line
Data 13:
Some time later, Teuku
Umar proposed to marry
her. (Line 1)
Data 14:
Learning that Teuku Umar
would allow her to fight,
she accepted his proposal.
(Line 1,2)
Data 15:
They were married in 1880.
(Line 2,3)
Data 16:
They were married in 1880.
This greatly boosted the
morale of Aceh armies in
their fight against Dutch.
(Line 2,3,4)
The word her and she
refer to previous section
of the text, that is “Cut
Nyak Dhien”
The word her and she
refer to previous section
of the text, that is “Cut
Nyak Dhien” and the
word his refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Teuku
The word they refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Teuku Umar
and Cut Nyak Dhien”.
The word this refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “married”.
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
Data 17:
Undersupplied, Teuku Umar
surrendered to the Dutch
forces on September 30,
1893 along with 250 of his
men. (Line 2,3)
Data 18:
The Dutch army welcomed
him and appointed him as a
commander, giving him the
title of Teuku Umar Johan
Pahlawan. (Line 3,4,5)
Data 19:
Two years later Teuku
Umar set out to assault
Aceh, but he instead
deserted with his troops
taking with them heavy
equipment, weapons, and
ammunition, using these
supplies to help the
Acehnese. (Line 6,7,8)
Data 20:
This is recorded in Dutch
history as “Het verraad van
Teukoe Oemar” (the treason
of Teuku Umar). (Line 8,9)
The word his refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Teuku
The word him refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Teuku
The word he and his
refer to previous section
of the text, that is “Teuku
The word this refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “deserted”
Data 21:
The word him refer to
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
Teuku Umar was killed
during a battle when the
Dutch launched a surprise
attack on him in Meulaboh.
(Line 1,2,3)
Data 22:
When Cut Gambang cried
over his death (Line 3)
Data 23:
Cut Nyak Dhien slapped
her and then she hugged
her (Line 3,4)
Data 24:
As Acehnese women, we
may not shed tears for those
who have been martyred.”
previous section of the
text, that is “Teuku
The word his refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Teuku
The word her refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Cut
Gambang,” and the word
she refer to previous
section of the text, that is
“Cut Nyak Dhien.”
The word we refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Acehnese
Data 25:
After her husband died,
Cut Nyak Dhien continued
to resist the Dutch (Line 1)
Data 26:
Cut Nyak Dhien continued
to resist the Dutch with her
small army until its
The word her husband
refer to forward section
of the text, that is “Cut
Nyak Dhien.”
The word her refer to
forward section of the
text, that is “Cut Nyak
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
destruction in 1901 (Line
Data 27:
as the Dutch adapted their
tactics to the situation in
Aceh (Line 2,3)
Data 28:
Furthermore, Cut Nyak
Dhien suffered from
nearsightedness and arthritis
as she got older (Line 3,4)
The word their refer to”
small army Cut Nyak
The word she refer to
previous section of the
text that is “Cut Nyak
Data 29:
One of her troops, Pang
Laot, told the Dutch the
location of her headquarters
in Beutong Le Sageu. (Line
Data 30:
The Dutch attacked,
catching Dhien and her
troops by surprise (Line 2,3)
Data 31:
Her daughter, Cut
Gambang, (Line 3,4)
Data 32:
Dhien was brought to
Banda Aceh and her
The word her refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Dhien.”
The word her refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Dhien.”
The word her daughter
refer to forward section
of the text, that is “Cut
The word her and she
refer to previous section
of the text, that is
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
myopia and arthritis slowly
healed, but in the end she
was exiled to Sumedang,
West Java because the
Dutch were afraid she
would mobilize the
resistance of Aceh people.
(Line 4,5,6,7)
Data 33:
She died on 6 November
1908. (Line 7)
The word she refer to
previous section of the
text, that is “Dhien.”
Based on the table 4 the type of reference that is mostly depicted is anaphoric
reference. In text 4, there are 29 anaphoric references. Meanwhile, there are 4 cataphoric
references found in text 4. For example in data 1 Cut Nyak Dhien was a leader of the
Acehnese guerrilla forces during the Aceh War. She was born in Lampadang in 1848. This
sentence contains anaphoric references because the word sherefer to the previous section
of the text, that is Cut Nyak Dhien. Meanwhile, in data 2 Following the death of her
husband Teuku Umar.” This sentence contains cataphoric references because the word her
husband” refer to forward section of the text, that is Teuku Umar.
Based on the result from the finding table above, it can be concluded that the types of
references that are mostly depicted in the recount text are anaphoric references. There are 29
anaphoric references and there are 4 cataphoric references found in the recount text from
Bahasa Inggris textbooks. It’s indicated that anaphora is very common and makes a
significant contribution to many kinds of text (Halliday & Mattheissen, 2014). This means
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
that the information presented in the text refers to the words in the previous text and anaphora
is quite prevalent and contributes significantly to a variety of texts. In addition, Halliday and
Hasan (1976) as cited by (Akogbento, 2017) in cohesion the type of reference related to
cohesion is only this anaphoric reference because anaphorists provide links with their
predecessors whereas cataphorics are not related because they provide links afterwards. The
results of this analysis indicate that the use of anaphoric references is mostly described in
recount texts from English textbooks. In line with, Halliday and Hasan (1989:2) as cited by
(Dashela & Mustika, 2021) explain that a text or paragraph that uses cohesion and coherence
must be good writing. Cohesion is used to make the text interconnected so that the reader will
understand the content of the text. From this statement, it can be concluded that the recount
text from Bahasa Inggris textbooks for the 10
grade students of senior high school, written
by Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, and Furaidah, published by the Ministry of Education and
Culture is a good text because each paragraph contains cohesion. Therefore, it will be easier
for readers to understand the content and meaning of the recount text because each paragraph
is interrelated. While, the types of anaphoric references is widely used in recount text is
pronominal anaphora. For example in data 1 from the finding table Cut Nyak Dhien was a
leader of the Acehnese guerrilla forces during the Aceh War. She was born in Lampadang in
1848”. “She” as personal pronoun from Cut Nyak Dhien”. According to Pandey, et.al (2013)
stated that pronominal anaphora is the most common type where a referent is referred by a
pronoun. A pronoun is used to substitute a person, place, or thing. A pronoun is often used to
refer to a noun that has already been mentioned. According to Putriani (2015) stated that
using pronoun can make a text effectively because it does not mention a noun continuously.
In the text, pronouns are important because they are used to make the sentences related to
each other, thus preventing the nouns from being repeated continuously.
Anaphoric And Cataphoric, Indriyani - Unma
Based on the result of discussion, the types of references that are mostly depicted in
the recount texts from Bahasa Inggris textbook are anaphoric references. The used of
anaphoric references can make the sentences of the text connect to each other because
anaphoric reference contains in cohesion. Therefore, it will be easier for students or readers to
understand the content and meaning of the text. There are 29 anaphoric references and only 4
cataphoric references found in the recount texts from the Bahasa Inggris textbook. While, the
types of anaphoric references is widely used in Bahasa Inggris textbook for the 10
students of senior high school, written by Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, and Furaidah,
published by the Ministry of Education and Culture is pronominal anaphora because
pronominal anaphora referent is referred by a pronoun. In the text, pronouns are important
because they are used to make the sentences related to each other, thus preventing the nouns
from being repeated continuously.
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