26 Assisted Living Consult January/February 2006
nfections are a significant
source of illness and even
death in assisted living facili-
ties. It is estimated that between 1.6
million and 3.8 million infections
occur annually among residents of
long term care facilities including
ALFs. Furthermore, infections ac-
count for up to half of all resident
transfers from long term care facili-
ties to hospitals; and they result in
an estimated 150,000 to 300,000
hospital admissions annually.
Even when infections don’t re-
e r
esidents to be transferred to
the hospital, these illnesses still are
dangerous and costly. The cost of
antibiotic therapy alone in long term
care facilities ranges from $38 mil-
lion to $137 million annually. And
outbreaks are always a concern. In
fact, outbreaks of infectious diseases
are common in long term care and
other communal living settings.
Infectious diseases are particular-
ly dangerous for elderly individuals,
many of whom already are frail and
have comorbid conditions such as
lung or heart disease. Older adults
residing in ALFs are particularly
prone to developing infection be-
cause of factors that r
esult in im-
paired immune defenses and in
increased risk of exposure to mi-
obes (see Table 1). In such set-
tings, infections can be acquired
through endogenous (within the
body) or exogenous (outside the
body) sources. Indwelling devices,
such as intravenous lines and uri-
nary catheters, are common causes
of infections. Exogenous infections
usually ar
e transmitted by direct
contact (eg, by hands), although
airborne and other forms of trans-
mission also may occur
. Poor hy-
giene (eg, oral) also can be a
source of infection.
This guideline focuses on the
four most common types of infec-
tions in long term care settings: uri-
nary tract, respiratory, gastrointesti-
nal, and skin infections.
Because frail elderly residents are at
above-average risk of death and
complications from infectious dis-
eases, prompt recognition, assess-
ment, and tr
eatment of infections
are imperative.
Step 1. Does the resident have a
change of condition that suggests the
presence of an infection? Infection
AMDA Clinical
Practice Guideline:
Managing Common
Infections in the
Assisted Living Setting
January/February 2006 Assisted Living Consult 27
may pr
esent with localized symp-
toms or with generalized, nonspe-
cific ones. Table 2 lists condition
changes that may indicate infection
in an ALF resident.
Caregivers and/or family mem-
bers who assist and/or spend time
with residents should be encour-
aged to pr
omptly notify the duty
nurse of any condition change that
is suggestive of infection. The
nurse, in tur
n, should assess the
problem in a timely fashion. This
initial assessment may depend on
the specificity of the observations
or symptoms that suggest the pres-
ence of infection. For example, if
the resident complains of painful
urination, it is reasonable to consid-
er a possible urinary tract infection.
efore contacting the resident’s
primary care physician, the nurse
should gather relevant information
such as vital signs and medications.
The nurse should be prepared to
describe the resident’s symptoms
and signs as accurately and com-
pletely as possible.
It is important to note that as
many as one-third of elderly resi-
dents with acute infections may
present without a robust febrile re-
sponse. Basal body temperature in
the frail elderly may not be the so-
called “normal” value of 98.6˚ F
(37˚ C). Therefore, absence of a
fever should not be considered an
adequate reason to rule out the
presence of infection in the ALF if
other indicators are present. Acute
infection should be consider
ed a
possibility whenever a frail, elderly
resident experiences an acute
change in condition, regardless of
whether a fever is present.
Methods for taking a resident’s
temperature should be individual-
ized. It is not easy to obtain an ac-
curate temperature in a frail elderly
resident, and no single means will
work in all r
esidents. T
aking an
oral temperature may not be feasi-
ble in residents who have dementia
or are otherwise unable to hold the
thermometer in the mouth for the
required time period. Axillary tem-
perature often is inaccurate.
Some evidence suggests that rec-
tal temperature may be more accu-
rate than either the oral or axillary
method in ALF residents. Some in-
dividuals, however, may be unwill-
ing or unable to cooperate with this
method; and it is not advised in
esidents who have suspected or
confirmed diarrhea.
It also is important to note here
that just as infection may be pr
ent in the frail elderly without a
fever, the presence of a fever does
not always indicate infection.
Step 2. Is the resident at risk for
able 1.
Susceptibility Factors for Infection Among Older
Adults Residing in Long Term Care Facilities
Factors that result in impaired host defenses
Age-related decline in immune function
Comorbidities (eg, cancer, diabetes)
Protein-energy malnutrition and volume depletion
Peripheral vascular disease
Medication use (eg, antibiotics, chemotherapy, steroids)
Poor skin condition or impaired skin integrity
Kidney stones and impaired bladder emptying (eg, benign prostatic
Factors that result in increased risk of exposure to microbes
Inability to follow appropriate
Swallowing problems
Use of indwelling devices,
Low rate of immunization
Inadequate staff handwashing
Recent hospitalization
Infectious conditions among respiratory infections
Table 2.
Condition Changes That May Indicate the
Presence of Infection
Condition Changes That May Indicate the Presence of Infection
Change in
Ability to perform activities of daily living
Intake of food or fluids
Mental status (eg, increasing confusion or lethargy)
Physical appearance
Skin temperature, color
Sleep pattern
Urine characteristics
ital signs
ound characteristics (eg, er
ythema, pus)
Puffy, red eyes; excessive tearing
Fall or deterioration in balance or gait
Fever or hypothermia
Generalized pain
Increased coughing, shortness of breath, lung sounds
New onset of diar
rhea or incontinence
Sore throat
Suprapubic or flank pain
28 Assisted Living Consult January/February 2006
developing an infection? Table 3 lists
several common risk factors for in-
fection in the long term care setting.
Step 3. Perform a history and
hysical examination and order ap-
propriate laboratory tests. Appropri-
ate clinical evaluation, including di-
agnostic testing, should be done
promptly in all residents with sus-
pected symptomatic infection, un-
less an advance directive or the ex-
pressed wishes of a resident or
family member explicitly limits such
Table 4 lists suggested elements
of the diagnostic workup for the
most common categories of infec-
tion in the ALF or other long term
care setting. Note that additional
laboratory tests may be more ap-
propriate for outbreaks of infection
than for isolated cases.
Step 4. Assess whether the resi-
dent’s condition warrants transfer to
a hospital. A
void hospitalization of
ALF residents to the extent possi-
ble. In addition to cost considera-
tions, residents generally benefit
from treatment in familiar surround-
ings. Among the elderly, hospital-
ization can increase discomfort and
confusion. Hospitalization also is
associated with an increased risk of
deconditioning, pressure ulcers,
and colonization with r
esistant or
Transfer to a hospital may be ap-
propriate—if it is consistent with
the resident’s advance directive—
when any of the following condi-
tion exists:
The resident is clinically unsta-
ble, and the resident or family
desires aggressive intervention.
Critical diagnostic tests are not
available in the facility or on an
outpatient basis.
The scope or intensity of the re-
ed treatment is beyond the
facility’s capacity.
Specific control measures are not
available in the facility.
Step 5. Assess whether the resi-
dent’s condition warrants imple
mentation of heightened infection
control precautions. The U.S. Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Pre-
vention (CDC) recommends apply-
ing a two-tiered system of infection
precautions, as follows:
Standard precautions should be
applied to all residents. They are
designed to reduce the risk of
transmission of infectious agents
in moist body secretions. Stan-
dard precautions emphasize
handwashing, gloves (when
touching body fluids), masks,
eye pr
otection, and gowns
(when splashing of body fluids
is likely) as well as avoidance of
needlesticks and other sharps in
Transmission-based precautions
should be used for r
with documented or suspected
transmissible infectious diseases.
Transmission-based precautions
include the following elements:
o Precautions for airborne infec-
tions (eg, varicella, tuberculosis)
o Precautions for infections that
spread by droplets (eg, in-
fluenza, streptococcal pneu-
o Precautions for infections that
spread by person-to-person
contact (eg, MRSA, Salmonella
While the CDEC guideline was
developed for hospitals, some of its
recommendations are applicable to
ALFs as well.
Isolation of r
esidents with infec
tions is problematic in most ALFs,
where social interaction and inde-
pendent and free mobility are com-
mon. In fact, isolation may not be
practical; and it may even have
negative social implications. Strict
adherence to hygiene practices and
the use of gloves in the presence
of infectious secretions often can
prevent the need for isolation. Resi-
dents who have poor hygiene prac-
tices or who are coughing uncon-
trollably may need to be isolated to
event transmission of the infec-
tion to other residents, facility staff,
and visitors. Each ALF should adapt
the aspects of the CDC isolation
system that apply to its own needs.
Residents with symptomatic C.
colitis may be managed
without isolation, provided that
able 3.
ommon Risk Factors for Infections in the ALF
or Other Long Term Care Setting
Common risk factors for infection in the long term care setting can be
identified using the mnemonic SICK.
Skin (eg, impaired skin condition or integrity)
Iatrogenic (eg, antibiotics, chemotherapy, feeding tubes, steroids, urinary
catheters, venous lines)
Comorbid conditions (eg, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD],
diabetes, malnutrition, neoplasm, swallowing problems)
Kidney stones, dehydration, enlarged prostate
Avoid hospitalization
of ALF residents to the
extent possible.
In addition to cost
considerations, residents
generally benefit from
treatment in familiar
January/February 2006 Assisted Living Consult 29
they are continent, have a private
bathroom, and are both cognitively
able and willing to follow pr
hygienic standards, including wash-
ing hands after using the toilet.
Other gastr
ointestinal infections,
such as Salmonella colitis or viral
gastroenteritis, may require more
stringent measures.
Step 6. Treat the symptoms of in-
fection. T
o the extent possible,
treatment should be tailored to the
resident’s symptoms. For example,
if the resident is dyspneic or hy-
poxic, it will be important to ad
minister oxygen and treat as need-
ed for wheezing or congestion.
ovide supportive measures for
the resident with a suspected or
able 4.
uggested Options for the Evaluation of the Most Common Categories of
Infections in the ALF or Other Long Term Care Setting
Category of Physical Diagnostics
Suspected Infection Symptoms Examination Tests* Chart/History
Gastrointestinal Inquire about nausea, Hydration status C. difficile toxin assay Antibiotic use
omiting, abdominal Abdominal tenderness Stool culture for enteric Use of laxatives or other
pain, diarrhea, and loss Bowel sounds pathogens (eg, medications with
of appetite Occult blood in stool
Salmonella, Shigella) laxative effects
Rectal examination Stool tests for occult History of use of medica-
uspect infectious colitis, blood, ova, and tions that affect intestinal
including possible
C. parasites if diarrhea flora (eg, H2 blockers)
difficile toxin, if patient persists Other concurrent cases in
has received antibiotics the facility
within past 30 days and Optional: Food history
has 3 or more watery Stool analysis for Food intolerances
or unformed stools within leukocytes Increased residual volume
24 hours, with or without Abdominal X-ray to rule of tube feeding
abdominal pain** out noninfectious causes Prior bowel pattern
Respiratory Labored breathing Respiratory rate and Chest X-ray Chronic aspiration
Elevated respiratory rate pattern Pulse oximetry (if Prior pneumonia
Congestion Change in lung sounds possible) Immunocompromised
Productive cough Use of accessory Sputum gram stain, History of COPD, asthma,
muscles to breathe sputum culture tuberculosis (TB)
(labored breathing) (optional; must be History of travel (eg, to rule
performed by appro- out severe acute respiratory
priately trained staff) syndrome [SARS])
Recent chest X-ray results
Skin Warm, cold, red, tender Changes in color, tem- Skin scrapings for sus- History of wounds, pressure
skin perature, integrity, pur- pected scabies (if suspect- ulcers, dermatitis, use of
Rash ulent drainage, or odor on clinical grounds) invasive devices
Drainage Streaking lymphangitis Proper cultures (routine (catheter, feeding tube,
Pain Staging for pressure swabs and cultures are intravenous line)
Other concurrent cases Swelling not helpful for chronic
(scabies) Tenderness wounds)
Induration If bone is exposed or
patient has a chronic non-
healing wound, rule out
Urinary tract Frequency, urgency Bladder distension Urinalysis Neurogenic bladder
Dysuria Suprapubic tenderness Urine culture and sensi- Urinary incontinence
Flank pain
tivity if urinalysis is Prostatic hyperplasia
Persistent malodorous Males: Prostate, scrotum positive Chronic bacterial prostatitis
Back pain
ness, abscess,
Assessment of post void Surgery
Pyuria swelling, pain residual volumes Prior catheter use
Recurrent infections
Kidney stones
White blood cell count with dif
ential, blood cultures, or both may be indicated if systemic infection is suspected.
**Bently, et al
30 Assisted Living Consult January/February 2006
confirmed infection. Comfort meas-
ures and interim treatment for a
suspected infection may begin
while assessment of the problem
Cover the resident with a blanket
if he or she feels cold.
If the resident is feverish, re-
move blankets or apply a cool
cloth or ice packs to the fore-
Increase fluid intake, if feasible,
to prevent volume depletion.
It is important to keep in mind
that fever is the body’s mechanism
for fighting infection. As such, it
may not always require treatment.
Fever should be treated, however,
if it is causing the resident discom-
fort, the resident is at risk for dehy-
dration, and/or the resident shows
signs of hemodynamic instability
(eg, pulse rate greater than 100
BPM or hypotension).
When fever is present, administer
a mild antifever medication (eg,
acetaminophen) if a protocol or
practitioner order exists. Check the
resident’s temperature within one
hour of administering acetamino-
phen and every four to six hours
thereafter. Encourage oral fluid in-
take or administer fluids parenterally
to avoid dehydration. Strategies for
increasing fluid intake include offer-
ing fluids at regular intervals; vary-
ing the types of fluids offered; and
offering foods with a high fluid con-
tent, such as Jell-O and pudding.
Infection is associated with a
catabolic state and anorexia, and
infected residents may be at risk of
weight loss. Carefully monitor the
nutritional status of residents with
infection, and initiate nutritional in-
terventions (eg, increased food por-
tions) without delay if indicated.
Manage the ef
fects of the infec-
tion on the resident’s comorbid
conditions. For example, monitor
blood glucose levels mor
e frequent-
ly in residents with diabetes, and
adjust the treatment regimen to ac-
count for the ef
fects of infection.
Diarrhea in the ALF may be
caused by viral gastroenteritis, med-
ications, or antibiotic-related colitis—
including C. difficile colitis. Monitor
residents with diarrhea carefully for
vidence of volume depletion and
electrolyte imbalance. Limit the use
of antidiarrheal medications to the
extent possible because their use
may prolong the duration of infec-
tion. Administering live yogurt cul-
ture by mouth may help to return
bowel flora to normal.
Step 7. Prescribe appropriate an-
tibiotic therapy. Treatment with an-
tibiotics is appropriate when the
resident’s physician determines on
the basis of an evaluation that the
most likely cause of the resident’s
symptoms is a bacterial infection.
Consider the resident’s general con-
dition, prognosis, advance direc-
tives, and expressed resident or
family preferences when determin-
ing whether to proceed with antibi-
otic treatment. For specific viral or
fungal infections, antiviral or anti-
fungal agents may be warranted.
It is important to individualize
the choice of antibiotic. The follow-
ing factors should be consider
when selecting an antibiotic:
The severity of the resident’s ill-
ness and the stability of his or
her condition
The nature and location of the
The resident’s medical history
and coexisting conditions
The resident’s known drug aller-
gies, if any, and history of ad-
verse drug reactions
Prior culture and sensitivity data
for the resident
The risk of interactions with oth-
er medications that the resident
is taking
The facility’s drug sensitivity pro-
The drug’s cost and availability
on a formulary, if relevant
The ease of administering the
drug (eg, single daily dose ver-
sus multiple doses)
Elderly ALF residents are at in-
creased risk of drug-related adverse
effects because of the physiologic
effects of aging on kidney and liver
function, the pr
esence of comorbid
conditions, and the use of multiple
medications. The use of antibiotics
increases the risk for potentially
harmful drug interactions in addi-
tion to the adverse effects associat-
ed with antibiotics themselves.
The antibiotic agent selected
Be active against the most likely
Have as narrow a spectrum as
Achieve therapeutic concentra-
tions at the site of infection
Be well tolerated
Have low toxicity
Be the least expensive effective
treatment options
Doses and dose intervals should
consider the resident’s weight and
the reduced renal function present
in elderly individuals. A duration of
eatment that is appropriate to ef-
fectively treat the infection should
be specified up front. For certain an-
tibiotics, drug levels and r
enal func-
tion must be monitored periodically.
Antibiotics should not be used to
eat viral illnesses such as colds,
influenza, and viral gastroenteritis;
Fever should be treated
if it is causing the
resident discomfort, the
resident is at risk for
dehydration, and/or the
resident shows signs of
hemodynamic instability
(eg, pulse rate greater
than 100 BPM or
January/February 2006 Assisted Living Consult 31
asymptomatic bacteriuria; or bacter-
ial colonization without clinical
signs of infection.
It is ethically acceptable not to
ffer antibiotic treatments to a resi-
dent who is receiving palliative
care. However, an antibiotic may
be prescribed to a palliative care
resident who has a bacterial infec-
tion to relieve discomfort or to pro-
tect the health of others.
Step 8. Monitor the resident’s
progress. Caregiving staff should
closely monitor each resident who
is being treated for an infection.
Nursing staff should advise care-
givers about what to look for as
they work with residents and when
to report their observations—as
well as any changes anticipated in
the resident’s care plan.
A nurse should evaluate the resi-
dent who has an infection at least
once during every shift while the
resident is unstable or significantly
symptomatic. The nurse also should
document relevant findings. The
evaluation should include the resi-
dent’s general condition and a com-
parison of actual progress with ex-
pected progress as noted in the
original care plan.
The r
esident’s physician should
be notified promptly if the resi-
dent’s condition worsens. Allow ap-
proximately three days for antibi-
otics to show effectiveness. If the
resident’s condition shows no im-
provement after that time and hos-
pitalization is a relevant option, re-
consider the treatment strategy and
whether the resident should be
transferred to the hospital.
Nurses and other appropriate
staff should provide the resident’s
physician with enough detailed in-
mation to allow him or her to
determine the resident’s progress
and identify possible complications.
It is helpful if the physician is avail
able to assess the resident in a
timely fashion.
egiving staff should under-
stand that symptoms and abnormal
test results related to an infection
do not necessarily resolve quickly.
For example, a fever may persist
for several days after appropriate
treatment for infection is begun.
Step 9. Take appropriate steps
to contain an identified outbreak of
the infection. An outbreak has been
defined as “the occurrence of more
cases of a particular infection than
is normally expected, the occur-
rence of an unusual organism, or
the occurrence of unusual antibiotic
resistance patterns.” An outbreak
may be suspected if three or more
cases of the same infection are
identified within 24 hours in the
same unit or other defined area
without an adequate explanation.
For certain types of infections,
however, such as tuberculosis or
salmonella, even a single new case
should trigger an evaluation for an
Each state health department has
its own definition of what consti-
tutes an outbr
eak of infection in that
state and its own requirements for
how quickly facilities must respond
to and r
eport outbreaks. Facility staff
must be familiar with their state’s re-
quirements and should obtain guid-
ance on managing an outbreak from
state public health officials at the
earliest opportunity.
The goal of a coordinated ap-
proach to an infectious disease out-
break is to protect individuals and
the public from undue exposure to
infection while mitigating the im-
pact on the quality of life of the
people directly and indirectly af-
fected by the outbreak. It is impor-
tant to use antibiotics only for as
long as needed to resolve sympto-
matic infections or control active
risk to others. It is usually not nec-
essary to try to eradicate organisms
Table 5 lists the steps involved
in recognizing an outbreak. Table 6
lists the most common causes of in-
fectious disease outbreaks in long
term care facilities.
Step 10. Implement an immu
nization program for all facility resi-
dents. Influenza vaccine is advised
yearly for all r
esidents. Although
vaccination is somewhat less effec-
tive in the elderly than in younger
people, it has been estimated to r
duce the risk of influenza-related
Table 5.
teps Involved in Recognizing an Outbreak
f Infectious Disease
1. Confirm the diagnosis in the index patient.
. Develop a uniform case definition to be used in chart review and patient
3. Using the case definition, perform a chart review and prospectively follow
suspected new cases.
4. Plot an “epidemic” curve that includes a sufficient period before the index
case to establish whether an outbreak truly exists.
5. Determine whether the outbreak is a “pseudo-outbreak” (i.e., positive lab
results in the absence of clinical disease) that has been recognized as a
result of a change in procedures or surveillance rather than a true increase
in cases of the infection.
6. Review the r
elevant literature.
7. Inform appropriate administrative staff (e.g., director of nursing, all
department heads, medical director, and attending practitioners) of
isolation procedures, if required.
8. Seek assistance in managing the outbr
eak from the local health
department, a local hospital, or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
32 Assisted Living Consult January/February 2006
hospitalizations and death in older
people by up to 70%.
To increase the number of ALF
residents who are vaccinated
against influenza, the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services
recommends that facilities use
standing orders, with resident or
caregiver consent, to administer an-
nual flu vaccinations to current resi-
dents and new admissions during
flu season. Facilities also may wish
to consider engaging in community
each by of
fering flu vaccine
clinics for residents’ families and
other visitors to the ALF.
The 23-valent pneumococcal
vaccine is recommended for all
adults over 65 years old. It also is
recommended for people at high
risk for pneumococcal pneumonia,
including those with diabetes and
chronic cardiac, lung, and renal dis-
eases. Residents who previously
were vaccinated with the 14-valent
vaccine should be revaccinated
with the 23-valent one if they are
age 65 or older or ar
e at high risk.
The indications for revaccination
with pneumococcal vaccine are
oversial. The American College
of Physicians recommends revacci-
nation after six years for older resi-
dents who r
eceived pneumococcal
vaccine before age 65; for high-risk
residents with asplenia, nephritic
syndrome, or renal failure; and for
residents with renal transplants. In-
ficient data are available current-
ly about the value of revaccination
every six years in health elderly
Recommendations for tetanus/
diphtheria (Td) vaccination in older
persons are the same as those for
younger adults. More than half of
tetanus cases occur in people aged
60 and older, and appropriate vac-
cination is 100% ef
fective. All adults
should complete a primary series of
Td toxoid. If a resident had an in-
complete series or has an uncertain
history, the entire primary series
should be given.
Step 11. Implement a facility-
wide infection control program that
conforms to federal and state regu-
lations. Recommended components
of an infection control program in-
clude the following:
Surveillance for infections
Hygiene practices to prevent
transmission of infections
Outbreak control procedures
Resident health programs
Employee health and education
Monitoring of resident-care prac-
Monitoring of antibiotic use
Reporting of diseases to public
health authorities
Step 12. Monitor the manage-
ent of infections in the facility. An
effective infection control program
should be based on an understand-
ing of several factors, including:
The types of organisms that most
commonly cause infections in
the facility
Sources of infection
Levels of employee compliance
with hygiene practices such as
Patterns of antiobiotic resistance
Equally important is the monitor-
ing of outcomes from infections to
determine whether they were ap-
propriate and consistent with resi-
dent care plans.
Step 13. Monitor antibiotic use
in the facility. Inappropriate antibi-
otic use can af
fect the success or
failure of an infection control pro-
gram. Reviewing the use of antibi-
otics encourages appropriate pre-
scribing of those medications and
may limit the development of an-
tibiotic-resistant organisms within
the facility.
The review of antibiotic use
should be conducted by a multidis-
ciplinary gr
oup. Data should be r
viewed at regular intervals.
Infections are common and are a fre-
quent source of illness and death in
long term care facilities. The consis-
tent application of sound manage-
ment principles to treating residents
and adhering to a comprehensive in-
fection control program have been
shown to reduce the impact of infec-
tion in ALFs and other long term
care facilities. The processes and ac-
tions r
ecommended in this guideline
should help ALFs to systematically
manage and improve the care of res-
idents who develop infections. ALC
To order this or other AMDA clinical
practice guidelines, see the or
tion’s Web site at www.amda.com.
Table 6.
Most Common Causes of Infectious Disease Outbreaks
in Long Term Care Facilities
Influenza and influenza-like illnesses
Other respiratory viruses (e.g., acute respiratory disease with or without
C. difficile
Viral gastroenteritis
E. coli O157:H7 colitis
Group A streptococcal infections
MRSA infections