21 Aug 2001 16:31 AR AR141-12.tex AR141-12.SGM ARv2(2001/05/10) P1: GJC
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2001. 30:261–83
° 2001 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved
Ground for Ecotourism and Other Alternatives
Amanda Stronza
Anthropological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305;
e-mail: Astr[email protected]
Key Words origins of tourism, impacts of tourism, alternative tourism,
conservation, development
Abstract Tourism is relevant to many theoretical and real-world issues in anthro-
pology. The major themes anthropologists have covered in the study of tourism may
be divided conceptually into two halves: One half seeks to understand the origins of
tourism, and the other reveals tourism’s impacts. Even when taken together, these two
approaches seemtoproduce only a partial analysis of tourism. The problem is that most
studies aimed at understanding the origins of tourism tend to focus on tourists, and
most research concerning the impacts of tourism tend to focus on locals. The goal of
future research should be to explore incentives and impacts for both tourists and locals
throughout all stages of tourism. This more holistic perspective will be important as
we explore the ways in which ecotourism and other alternative forms of tourism can
generate social, economic, and environmental benefits for local communities while
also creating truly transformative experiences for tourists.
Tourism has some aspects of showbiz, some of international trade in com-
modities; it is part innocent fun, part a devastating modernizing force. Being
all these things simultaneously, it tends to induce partial analysis only.
Victor Turner, 1974
Anthropologists and tourists seem to have a lot in common. Both spend time
exploringthe cultural productionsandrituals of society,andboth carry the statusof
outsider as they make forays into the lives of others. Though as anthropologists we
may be loath to admit any relationship to the sandal-footed, camera-toting legions
in our midst, the truth is that tourism can be an ideal context for studying issues of
political economy, social change and development, natural resource management,
and cultural identity and expression. Indeed, many of the major questions that
concern cultural anthropologists appear in the study of tourism.
Using the lens of tourism, anthropologists have askedmany questions. What are
the cross-cultural meanings of work and leisure (MacCannell 1976; Nash 1981,
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1996)? What are the connections between play, ritual, and pilgrimage (Cohen
1972, Graburn 1983, Turner 1982)? What are the dynamics and impacts of inter-
cultural contact between tourists and locals (Machlis & Burch 1983, Nu˜nez 1989,
Rossel 1988, Silverman 2001)? How is culture represented in tourist settings,
and how is it perceived (Adams 1984, 1995; Bruner 1987; Bruner & Kirshenblatt-
Gimblett1994;Urry 1990)? Howare culturaltraditionschanged or reinventedover
time to match tourist expectations (Bendix 1989, Gamper 1981, Leong 1989), and
what can distinguish the genuine from the spurious (Boorstin 1964)? How and
why are ethnic stereotypes constructed and manipulated for tourism (Cohen 1979,
Desmond 1999, MacCannell 1984, Van den Berghe 1994)? How do indigenous
societies change as they become integrated with the tourism market (Mansperger
1995, Seiler-Baldinger 1988)? How do values about culture change once they are
commodified (Cohen 1988, Greenwood 1977), and how do values about nature
change (Davis 1997, Groom et al 1991, Orams 1999)? How can conserving natu-
ral areas and cultural traditions for tourism lead to benefits for local communities
(Eadington & Smith 1992, Honey 1999, Lindberg 1991)? What are the relations of
power in the context of tourism that determine who wins and who loses (Stonich
2000,Young1999),andwhyis localparticipation relevanttothe successof tourism
(Bookbinder et al 1998, Wunder 1999, Epler Wood 1998)? In seeking to answer
these and other questions, many anthropologists havemade tourism the main focus
of their interpretation and analysis.
Inthis review, Ihighlightseveralofthe keythemesanthropologistshavecovered
in the study of tourism. I suggest that the current literature on tourism may be
dividedconceptually into twohalves, onethat focuses on understanding the origins
of tourism and one that aims to analyze the impacts of tourism. One of my main
points is that both approaches, even when taken together, seem to tell only half the
story. The problem is that many studies about the origins of tourism tend to focus
on tourists, and much of the research directed at the impacts of tourism tend to
analyze just the locals.
Exploring only parts of the two-way encounters between tourists and locals, or
between “hosts and guests,” has left us with only half-explanations. Although we
have theories about the historical origins of tourism (Adler 1989, Towner & Wall
1991), why people travel as tourists in the modern era (MacCannell 1976), or why
some tourists seek particular kinds of destinations and experiences over others
(Cohen 1988), we lack an understanding of why people and host communities
engage in tourism in particular ways. In the absence of analysis, we have been left
with assumptions, and typically what we have assumed is that tourism has been
imposed on locals, not sought, and not invited.
On the flip side, when we examine the impacts of tourism, our work has tended
to focus more on locals than on tourists, and again, we have been left with only
a partial analysis. For example, we have learned several things about the ways
in which host communities tend to change in the aftermath of tourism. Local
economies tend to become either strengthened from employment opportunities
(Mansperger 1995) or made more dependent on tourist dollars (Erisman 1983);
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local traditions and values can either become meaningless (Greenwood 1977) or
moresignificant(Van denBerghe1994)once theyare commodified intourism;and
local residents can either bear the brunt of resource degradation (Stonich 2000) or
become the primary stewards of resource protection (Young 1999) in the context
of tourism. We knowpractically nothing, however, about the impacts of tourism on
the tourists themselves. How are they affectedby what they see, do, and experience
during their travels?
These gaps in our understanding can also be characterized in terms of theory
versus data for different kinds of analyses. In their assessments of what motivates
tourists (i.e., the psychosocial factors, material conditions, etc.), several schol-
ars have posited generalizeable theories (MacCannell 1976, Graburn 1983, Nash
1981). Yet, relatively little empirical data has been analyzed to support or refute
suchtheories. Conversely,in theexaminationoftheimpactsoftourism,researchers
have relied much more on data than on theory. Though the literature is well stocked
with ethnographic case studies of tourism’s impacts in host communities, we have
yet to develop models or analytical frameworks that could help us predict the
conditions under which locals experience tourism in particular ways.
I elaborate on these gaps in the literature with greater detail in the following
pages. My main message is that we should be posing new kinds of questions in the
anthropology of tourism, especially as we begin to consider the social, economic,
and environmental merits of ecotourism and other alternative forms of tourism.
In the past decade or so, the tourism industry has taken major shifts toward goals
of economic and ecological sustainability, local participation, and environmental
education. Just as the industry has changed, so too should our research objectives.
I suggest that we devote more attention to two kinds of inquiry. On the host end,
what are some of the factors that can explain particular kinds of local involvement
in tourism? On the guest end, what are the differential effects of certain kinds of
tourism on guests’ attitudes and behaviors, both in the midst of their tour and once
they have returned home?
Throughout the paper I refer primarily to tourism that involves people from
Western developed parts of the world visiting either non-Western or economically
underdeveloped parts of the world. Of course, the tourism industry includes many
othertypesof traveland leisure,includingfamily vacationsto DisneyWorld,group
tours through art museums and battlefields, and honeymoons in Las Vegas. Some
of my discussions are relevant to these other types of tourism, but mostly I make
special reference to international tourism that brings people together from often
highly disparate socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.
Until the 1970s, few anthropologists showed much academic interest in tourism.
Though tourism was certainly relevant to the peoples and places many anthropolo-
gists were studying, few perceived it as a legitimate focus of analysis (Nash 1996).
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One exceptionwas Nu˜nez, who described weekendtourismin a Mexican village in
1963. In the past two decades, a whole field has emerged, complete with refereed
journals, most notably The Annals of Tourism Research, conferences, university
courses, and oft-cited seminal works. One of the best-known pioneering works in
the academic study of tourism is by Smith (1989), first published in 1977. Her
volume provided both a preliminary theoretical perspective and 12 case studies
documenting the impacts of tourism. MacCannell (1976) has also been highly in-
fluential, especially for developing a theory of tourism in modern society. Several
key scholars have published field-defining articles over the years (Cohen 1972,
1984; Crick 1989; Graburn 1983; Jafari 1977; Nash 1981; Nash & Smith 1991;)
More recent introductory compendiums include those by Burns (1999), Chambers
(1997, 1999), and Nash (1996).
Several factors make tourism especially relevant to anthropology. For one,
tourism occurs in most, if not all, human societies. It is, at least, safe to say that
people in nearly every society have been touched in some way by tourism. Many
anthropologists have witnessed first-hand the changes wrought by tourism in their
field sites. In fact, tourism seems to occupy at least a subsection in many studies
that otherwise have little to do with tourism per se. Places off the beaten path—the
kinds of places often of most interest to anthropologists—are increasingly opening
to tourism as the international economy globalizes, and as transnational networks
of transportation and communication are improved (Lanfant et al 1995). Today,
tourists are gaining access to even the most remote destinations in the Amazon
(Castner 1990, Linden 1991), the Himalayas (Jayal 1986, McEachern 1995), the
Antarctic (Hall & Johnston 1995, Vidas 1993), and, yes, outer space (Rogers
The economic importance of tourism has also merited the attention of anthro-
pologists. As Greenwood (1989) noted, tourism is “the largest scale movement of
goods, services, and people that humanity has perhaps every seen” (p. 171). The
World Tourism Organization (2000) estimated that the number of international
tourists traveling in the world in 1999 was 664 million. The International Eco-
tourism Society (1998) calculated that tourism receipts represent one third of the
world trade in services. Such figures point to the fact that tourism is a signifi-
cant catalyst of economic development and sociopolitical change, processes that
are central to the interests of many anthropologists. Especially among those con-
cerned about sustainable development and conservation, ecotourism has become
a special focus.
Finally, tourism has captured the attention of anthropologists because it often
involvesface-to-faceencounters between people ofdifferentculturalbackgrounds.
Lett (1989) once credited tourism with bringing about “the single largest peaceful
movementof peopleacrosscultural boundariesin thehistoryof theworld”(p. 275).
When tourists and locals come together, both have the opportunity not only to
glimpse how others live, but also to reflect on their own lives through the eyes of
others. As a result, these cross-cultural interactions often cue “live performances”
of some of the broadest theoretical issues in anthropology.
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Generally,the kindsof questionsanthropologists haveposed abouttourism have
come from one of two stages in what has been called the “touristic process” (Nash
1981). Simply put, the touristic process is the flow of travelers from a “tourist
generating” site, like the United States or Europe, to a travel destination, usually in
some“periphery” country(Jafari 1977;for acritical discussionof howthisflowhas
reversed in the age of “ex-primitives” and “postmoderns,” see MacCannell 1992).
Viewing tourism in this vector-like manner, researchers have typically examined
theoriginsoftourism ononeend,and theimpactsoftourism ontheother.Questions
concerningtheorigins oftourismhaveincludedwhatmakesa personatourist, what
tourists seek? Inquiries on the impacts of tourism have generally focused on the
range of socioeconomic, psychological, cultural, and environmental changes that
tourism has caused in host destinations.
Despite its relevance to people almost everywhere, anthropologists have had a
hard time defining tourism (Cohen 1974, Nash 1981). Essentially, a tourist is “a
temporarily leisured person who voluntarily visits a place away from home for the
purpose of experiencing a change” (Smith 1989, p. 2). One topic of interest among
scholars of tourism has been to trace the motives, social profiles, and activities of
these “leisured persons” over time. Who are they? Where have they traveled, and
what have they been seeking? (Pearce 1982). A recent historical overview comes
from Lofgren (1999). The pages read much like a travelogue as Lofgren takes his
readers on a tour of the Western holiday world, from the Grand Tour routes of the
eighteenth century, to the “global beaches” of today. His goal is to show how two
centuries of leisure travel have taught us to be tourists and to move,oftenaccording
to social dictate, through different types of “vacationscapes.”
The things tourists do and the experiences they seek have changed over time,
just as they have varied from country to country, and across social categories of
class, gender, and race. Several tourism scholars have sought to explain the psy-
chosocial motives for some of these variations. MacCannell (1976) proposed that
by following in the footsteps of tourists, one can begin to understand the value
systems of the modern world. In fact, by taking tourists as his subject, MacCan-
nell’s purpose was to craft “an ethnography of modern society.” Modernity, for
MacCannell, is characterized by feelings of alienation, fragmentation, and super-
ficiality. The search for authentic experiences is a reflection of modern tourists’
desire to reconnect with “the pristine, the primitive, the natural, that which is as
yet untouched by modernity” (Cohen 1988, p. 374; see also Dobkin de Rios 1994,
Harkin 1995, Redfoot 1984).
Especially evocative in MacCannell’s work is the idea that tourism can serve
as a unifying force in modern societies, bringing people together to define collec-
tively the places, events, and symbols that are deemed important and somehow
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meaningful (i.e., “not to be missed”). These might include the Grand Canyon, the
Golden Gate Bridge, and the Eiffel Tower. The act of seeing these “in person”
and then sharing the experience with others through photographs, souvenirs, and
stories allows tourists to reassemble the disparate pieces of their otherwise frag-
mented lives. Through tourism, then, life and society can appear to be an orderly
series of representations, like snapshots in a family album (but see Lippard 1999).
Indeed, Kirshenblatt-Gimblett (1998) has interpreted the ways in which tourism
stages and displays the world as a museum of itself. By touring the sites of this
global “museum” tourists can ultimately affirm and reinforce what they think they
already know about the world (Bruner 1991).
that reflects society’s deeply held values about health, freedom, nature, and self-
improvement. In this view, vacations can be interpreted as the modern, secular
equivalent of the annual festivals and pilgrimages in more traditional, religious
societies. Drawing on Durkheim, Graburn analyzed the ritual function of tourism
The totems in the modern ritual of tourism appear on the pages of guidebooks, on
websites, and on the surfaces of our souvenirs. Through the collective reverence
of these totems, tourists are able to strengthen their connection to each other as
well as to the larger society.
Turner & Turner (1978) theorized that leisure travel is indeed like a pilgrim-
age, one that can lift people out of the ordinary structures of their everyday lives.
Tourism can offer freedom from work and other obligatory time, an escape from
traditional social roles, and the liberty to spend one’s time however one chooses.
Like other ritual activities, tourism ushers its participants to a state of liminality,
or unstructured “time out of time.” In this way, modern tourism reflects the “an-
tistructure” of life, an escape from something, rather than a quest for something
(Turner 1969, 1982). Here then, the importance of authenticity is diminished as
an explanation for what motivates tourists to travel (Bruner 1991).
In other studies related to the origins of tourism, anthropologists have sought to
explain why some kinds of tourism arise in particular types of societies
(Cohen 1972). In this line of research, tourism is conceptualized as a superstruc-
tural phenomenon, dependent on a range of material factors (Nash 1996). The
question becomes what particular social, political, and environmental conditions
in any given society give rise to certain types of leisure travel or particular types
of tourists (Crandall 1980, Dann 1981)? What is it about Japanese society, for
example, that compels its people to favor sightseeing in large groups?
Assessing Local Choices and Constraints
Though anthropologists have delved into the factors that motivate tourists to travel,
they have trained less attention on examining the conditions under which people in
host destinations become involved in tourism. A first step in filling this gap would
be first to recognize that not all people in a host destination participate in tourism
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equally. Some members of a local area may participate directly, interacting with
tourists on a regular basis as guides, performers, or artisans, whereas others may
becomeinvolvedonly behindthe scenes, workingas support staff oras wholesalers
of foods and supplies. From an economic perspective, local hosts will also differ
in terms of how much time and energy they invest in tourism: Some will work as
full-time wage laborers, whereas others will contract their labor occasionally or
earn cash only through the sale of goods.
In teasing apart differences in how local hosts participate—or choose not to
who gets involved, why, and in what ways. Only by asking these latter questions
can we explore what tourism determines in people’s lives and what factors in
people’s lives define their connection with tourism.
From case studies, we know that gender is one important variable that deter-
mines who within a host community participates in tourism. Swain (1989) found
that gender roles among the Kuna Indians of Panama have shaped the local re-
sponseto tourism.Specifically, Kunawomen haveproduced molaartwork offabric
appliqu´e, thus maintaining a marketable image of ethnicity to tourists, while Kuna
men control the political decisions that determine Kuna interactions with tourism.
Wilkinson & Pratiwi (1995) found that women in an Indonesian village could not
be involved in tourist guiding because it was not regarded favorably by villagers,
the connotation being that women were perceived as prostitutes interested in con-
tacting foreign tourists. Levy & Lerch (1991) learned more generally that women
tend to work in less-stable, lower-paid, and lower-level jobs in the tourism industry
of Barbados. Gender stereotypes can also result in women being the first ones in
a host community contracted to work in tourism. Kinnaird & Hall (1994) found
that the involvement of women in tourism in Ireland has been accepted in a society
where, historically, women’s work has been linked to the roles of wife, mother,
and caretaker of others.
Assessinggenderdifferencesin howhosts participate in tourismis a step toward
improving our understanding of the origins of tourism from the hosts’ perspective
(Swain 1995). However, many questions remain in terms of why and under what
conditions local residents may choose to, or may be driven to, become involved
in tourism. Our understanding would also improve if we examined the extent to
which hosts act as decision-makers in shaping the kinds of tourism that will take
place in their own communities.
The recommendation I make here is not new. In 1981, Nash suggested that
while a local society may unavoidably be affected by tourism “it also may play
a significant role in determining the kind of tourists it receives and the form of
tourism they practice” (p. 462). Similarly, Chambers (1999) has pointed out that
“too often we regard the local communities and regions that receive tourists as
being the passive recipients of a tourist dynamic” (p. x), adding that our attempts
to understand tourism solely on the basis of the motives and behaviors of tourists,
“is certain to leave us with only a partial appreciation for what tourism has come
to represent in our time” (p. 22).
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In examining the impacts of tourism, anthropologists have often been devoted
to writing ethnographic accounts of how tourism has affected host communities
in a wide range of Western and non-Western settings (Jafari 1990). In general,
anthropologists have conceptualized tourism as determining the fate of hosts in
many ways, such as whether they will develop economically or not, whether they
will feel pride or shame about themselves and their traditions, or whether they will
have incentives to protect or destroy their environment.
Rarelyhavescholars’ opinions aboutthe effectsof tourismon host communities
been positive. Rossel’s (1988, p. 1) comment that “tourists wreak havoc over
the face of the social and cultural landscape” aptly reflects the overall sentiment
from anthropologists. Indeed, as Crick noted, tourism has been blamed “for every
value transformation under the sun” (1989, p. 308). An overarching disdain for
tourism was especially prevalent in the years before ecotourism and other forms
of alternative tourism gained recognition.
Economic Change
The pessimism about tourism has not been shared by all social scientists. Par-
ticularly during the 1970s, but also to some extent today (see Schwartz 1997),
economists enthusiastically promoted tourism as an ideal strategy for develop-
ment. Multilateral lending agencies funded touristic infrastructure in the Third
World as a way to increase foreign exchange earnings and raise gross national
product per capita. Especially in the so-called sand, sun, and sea regions, tourism
was seen as having limitless growth potential (Crick 1989). As aid money was
channeled south, the modernizationists of the 1970s applauded tourism as a pow-
erful catalyst for helping the Caribbean and other places “take off” into flourishing
service-based economies.
Despite the early hopes, tourism as a “passport” to macroeconomic devel-
opment did not pan out quite as planned (de Kadt 1979). Rather than alleviate
poverty, tourism seemed to be introducing new kinds of social problems, including
currency black markets, drugs, and prostitution (see Oppermann 1998). In addi-
tion, tourism was associated with luxury spending, overcrowding, and pollution,
all of which were compounding environmental degradation (Honey 1999). Mean-
while,the kindsof infrastructuregovernmentsandaid agencieswere investingin—
golf courses and high-rise hotels—were doing little to alleviate the educational,
health, and welfare needs of local populations (Richter 1982). All the while, profits
from tourism were being siphoned off to industry leaders in developed countries
(Crick 1989). In short, tourism had become a vanguard of neocolonialism (Nash
At the level of the local economy, anthropologists were learning that tourism
was wreaking other kinds of havoc. For one, wage labor opportunities created
through tourism were disrupting subsistence activities of small producers.
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Ethnographic case studies from host destinations around the world showed that
wage labor introduced through tourism raises the opportunity costs of subsistence
activities. Oliver-Smith (1989) described a case in Spain in which local hosts sub-
stituted their labor in farming with work in tourism. Mansperger (1995) analyzed
how tourism among Pacific islanders led to the cessation of subsistence activ-
ities and made locals more dependent on the outside world. Seiler-Baldinger’s
(1988) research in the Upper Amazon attributed declines in health among locals
to the fact that they moved away from subsistence activities to work in tourism.
Rosenberg (1988) argued that tourism contributed to the demise of agriculture
in a small mountain village in France, where grazing animals came to be used
mainly for clearing ski slopes. The disruption of subsistence activities was not
necessarily a problem in itself, but it became a problem when the flow of tourists
was reduced, and people were left with no economic alternatives from which
to sustain themselves. Unfortunately, this was (and still is) a relatively com-
mon phenomenon because the tourism industry is especially prone to boom-bust
A second problem anthropologists found with tourism-fueled development is
that it often leads to increased wealth stratification in host communities, ulti-
mately sparking or exacerbating social conflict. Among the Yapese, Mansperger
found “the Chief is not sharing the entrance fees to the village ... and money is
making people stingy, therefore harming community spirit” (1995, p. 90). Vickers
(1997) related a similar story among the Siona and Secoya of Ecuador, in which
some individuals were working as native entrepreneurs, guiding tourists with
outboard motors and even constructing their own lodges. Problems arose
when those showing the most entrepreneurial spirit were perceived as seeking
personal enrichment without regard for the welfare of the group. In these cases, as
in many others, tourism seemed to contribute to increased social stratification and
Though the literature in the anthropology of tourism currently includes ex-
cellent descriptions of what can go wrong when tourism is introduced into local
communities, the analysis so farhas been strangely devoid of local voices.We have
learned relatively little about how locals themselves perceive the array of pros and
cons associated with tourism. Often our assumptions have been that locals were
duped into accepting tourism rather than havingconsciously chosen such an option
for themselves. Compounding the absence of local perspective has been a lack of
rigor in terms of analyzing the pure effect of tourism on new problems and/or im-
provements in host communities. Although it may be true that tourism precipitates
conflict in host communities, it also may be true that other factors in any given
destination site, such as the construction of a road, or the proclamation of a new
protected area, have caused conflicts. In general, anecdotal case studies of tourism
often suffer the problem of reversed causality. For example, although tourism may
cause increased wealth stratification in some communities, perhaps people who
live in places where wealth differences are already marked are somehow more
likely to become involved in tourism.
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Social and Cultural Change
In addition to economic development, intercultural contact and the changes that
result from it have been an especially pervasive theme in studying the impacts
of tourism (Nash 1996). An early example came from Nu˜nez (1963, p. 347),
who described tourism as a “laboratory situation” for testing how acculturation
occurs when urban tourists representing “donor” cultures interact with host pop-
ulations in “recipient” cultures. Though anthropologists may shy away from the
now politicized term acculturation, the concept behind it is still present in public
and academic discourses on tourism in indigenous communities. Acculturation is
what many fear will happen with the intrusion of tourists, consumerism, and the
“commodification of culture” (e.g., Chicch´on 1995, McLaren 1997, Rossel 1988,
Seiler-Baldinger 1988).
“Commodification of culture” has been used to describe a process by which
things come to be evaluated primarily in terms of their exchange value, in a context
of trade, thereby becoming goods (Cohen 1988). Greenwood (1977) used the
concept of commodification in association with tourism to describe how the alarde
festivalin theBasquetownofFuenterrabialostitsculturalandsymbolicmeaningto
locals once it had been opened to tourists and marketed like any other commodity.
The concern among many tourism scholars has been whether a cultural item or
rituallosesmeaning forlocalsonceithas beencommodified.Does theitembecome
material property of the highest bidder rather than a spiritually, ceremonially, or
in some other way significant artifact of the host culture? In applying this question
to Australian Aboriginal bark paintings, Hall (1994), for example, found that once
the paintings had been marketed to international consumers, they were uprooted
from their traditional social and cultural context, and thus lost significance for
locals. Picard (1990) asserted that Balinese culture has been so commodified that
the distinction between what is Balinese and what is attributable to tourism is no
longer clear, even to the Balinese themselves.
Oftenentangled indiscussions ofcommodificationis theidea thatpeople inhost
destinations will lose their cultural identity as a result of tourism. Many worry that
tourism may cause hosts to forget their past or “lose their culture” as they adopt the
newlifestyles and waysof being theylearn from outsiders. Erisman has arguedthat
the massive influx of foreign goods, people, and ideas to rural host destinations has
a negative impact, which, ultimately, “erodes people’s self-esteem” (1983, p. 350).
In this view, tourism can lead to a kind of “cultural dependency” in which local
people gain economic benefits, but only as they are catering to the needs of out-
siders. Loss of identity occurs in this scenario as the local economy improves and
hosts begin to act and think like tourists, whom they perceive as superior in every
way. In other studies as well, commodities have been seen as an especially cor-
ruptive force among indigenous peoples. Reed (1995) noted that commodities are
perceived as pulling people “deeper into the dark vortex of commercial activities
and spewing them out on the other side of the ethnic boundary into the harsh light
of national societies and the international economy” (p. 137).
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Other scholars perceive tourism as affecting local identity through the con-
veyance of expectations. According to this view, tourists shape the outcome of
touristic encounters by giving preference to locals who look and behave in ways
that are authentically indigenous or ethnic. A problem here is that authenticity
is a subjective concept, and tourists often define for themselves what is authen-
tic, relying on popular stereotypes as points of reference rather than on historical
or ethnographic facts (Adams 1984, Crick 1989). Boorstin (1964) described en-
counters between tourists and locals as “pseudo-events” that are based on what
tourists choose to see rather than on what is really there. What tourists choose
to see is, in turn, strongly influenced by the marketing efforts of tour operators
(Silver 1993), the popular media (Urry 1990), and the state (Volkman 1990). In an
analysis of travel brochures, Rossel (1988, p. 5) found “exaggerations, misleading
statements, and lies” that provided a certain way of understanding the reality, and
that offeredthe “tourist view.” Adams (1984, p. 470) has arguedthat brochures and
travel agents essentially provide tourists with a first glimpse of the locals through
“prepackaged ethnic stereotypes,” which later are either reified or dismantled dur-
ing the tourists’ journeys. Especially in developing countries, the state has also
played a key role in framing ethnicity for tourism, partly as a way to build national
solidarity, and partly as a strategy to attract foreign tourists (Matthews & Richter
In theory, tourists’ stereotypes are transmitted to locals through what Urry
(1990, 1996) has called “the tourist gaze.” A simplistic rendering of this idea is
that tourists wield power through the way they look at locals and expect them
to appear and behave. In turn, locals acquiesce to the gaze by mirroring back
images they hope will please tourists. The long-term implication is that locals
will maintain, or at least act out, traditions they are sure will satisfy and attract
more tourists. MacCannell (1984) has referred to this process as “reconstructing
ethnicity.” Indeed, locals may consciously try to match visitors’ expectations of
whatis authentic,evenifthe resultsseemcontrivedorfake.Evans-Pritchard(1989)
wroteofa Native Americanwoman who feltshe had to “look‘Indian’in order tobe
accepted as authentic by the tourists on whose dollars she depends” (p. 97). Cohen
(1979, p. 18) described locals who “play the natives” to live up to the tourists’
This “playing up” has not always been described by anthropologists as a nega-
tive trend. If the tourist gaze does indeed have power to act as a mirror and, ulti-
mately, transform the identity of the people gazed on, then, some scholars argue,
tourism has as much potential to revive old valuesas it does to destroy them. Smith
(1982),for example,hasfound thattourism may“serveto reinforceethnicidentity”
(p. 26). Also, Mansperger (1995) suggested that tourism “can help native people
maintain their identity” (p. 92). Van den Berghe (1994) wrote that tourism can lead
to “a renaissance of native cultures or the recreation of ethnicity” (p. 17). Tourism
then can become an empowering vehicle of self-representation, and locals may
purposely choose to reinvent themselves through time, modifying how they are
seen and perceived by different groups of outsiders (Cohen 1988).
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Two studies from the 1980s exemplify well how locals may consciously alter
their appearance to please tourists. In one, Gamper (1981) found that people in
southern Austria began to change their clothes for tourism. In normal routines,
locals were wearing outfits typical of any other place in Europe, but during the
tourist season, people became conscious of the need to don traditional costumes.
Yet even the costumes were adjusted. Though originally brown, black, and white,
a bright red vest was added later because, as one informant explained, “[r]ed
looks better on Kodachrome” (p. 439). In another study, Albers & James (1983)
examined 600 postcard images of Native Americans issued between 1900 and
1970. They discovered that the images changed with the growth of tourism in
the American West, and that representations of Indians were increasingly tailored
to match tourists’ expectations. The most striking change was the disappearance
of images that showed Indians in their normal surroundings and everyday dress.
Increasingly, the pictures conformed to a stereotypic image, “derived from the
equestrian, buffalo-hunting, and tipi-dwelling Indians of the nineteenth century”
(p. 136) (see also Mamiya 1992).
Turning Back the Gaze
Anthropologistshavearguedthathost-guest interactionstendto beasymmetricalin
terms of power, and that guests have the upper hand in determining how any given
encounter will unfold. Further, ethnographic accounts have shown that the gaze
of tourists can be especially influential in determining how hosts look, behave,
and feel. Generally, hosts are portrayed in these interactions as passive, unable
to influence events, as if they themselves were somehow physically locked in
the gaze. Missing in these analyses is the possibility that locals can, and often
do, play a role in determining what happens in their encounters with tourists. A
notable exception is found in the ethnographic work of Silverman (2001), who has
consciously foregrounded the abilities of the Iatmul people of Papua New Guinea
“to act with intention and strategy,” and to exercise creativity in the context of their
interactions with outsiders (p. 105).
Also missing from many current analyses is an attempt to learn more about the
dynamics of host-guest interactions by observing and talking with people on both
sides of the encounter. Evans-Pritchard (1989) noted that academics have largely
ignored the subject of how locals perceive outsiders. Although a vast literature
exists on the subject of local responses to social changes wrought by tourists,
relatively fewstudieshaveexploredtheattitudes andideas oflocal residentstoward
Kincaid (1988) took an important step toward filling the gap by writing plainly
and explicitly about her anger and resentment toward tourists who visit the Carib-
bean island of Antigua. Kincaid is an Antiguan herself, and her prose emanates
from an insiders’ perspective. It is not surprising that her depiction of Antigua is at
odds with the ones often found in tourism brochures. She writes, “[T]he Antigua
that I knew, the Antigua in which I grew up, is not the Antigua you, a tourist,
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would see now” (1988, p. 23). With acerbic wit, she assures Antigua’s visitors,
“[Y]ou needn’t let that slightly funny feeling you have from time to time about
exploitation, oppression, domination develop into full-fledged unease, discomfort;
you could ruin your holiday” (p. 10). It is strange that comments such as these
from people in host destinations, though laden with meaning, are largely absent
from the literature.
In her own research, Evans-Pritchard found that Native Americans often use
ethnic-based humor to ridicule tourists, burlesquingoutsiders by “exaggerating the
already overblown stereotypes of a group (1989, p. 96; see also Laxson 1991).
In another study, Howell (1994) observed that locals can reap enjoyment from
toying with tourists who are “relatively ignorant of local conditions, and thus often
appear incompetent, ridiculous, gullible, and eminently exploitable” (p. 152). In
addition to “toying with tourists,” locals may be active agents in determining what
they want to preserve, purposely inventing traditions and/or folk art for tourists,
yet entirely cognizant themselves of what is real or staged, authentic or spurious.
and symbols to create the right aesthetic effect for their pieces. Yet they also
make up stories about the art, consciously capitalizing on the tourists’ hopes to
find meaning and cultural significance in everything they see. This enterprising
behavior seems to contradict the notion that locals are passive victims, caught
unaware as they lose themselves and their culture to commodification and the
intrusive gaze of outsiders.
Even in cases where local hosts are changing aspects of their identity or their
lives to appeal to tourists, they may not necessarily be losing their culture or their
ability to judge for themselves what is spurious and genuine. To the contrary,
local hosts may feel empowered by interactions with outsiders to redefine who
they are and what aspects of their identity they wish to highlight or downplay.
In the midst of reviving the past or inventing traditions, locals may be quite con-
scious of the fact that they are presenting cultural displays to tourists and not
exposing the truly meaningful symbols and rituals of their private and “backstage”
Davis (1997) used ethnographic methods to reveal how Sea World produces
very carefully controlled experiences and images for visitors. In adopting a hosts’
perspective—in this case, a large corporate host—Davis has presented a potential
around the world. Questions might include, What are locals consciously doing
to manipulate certain kinds of images or evoke particular feelings among their
guests? An example of this kind of work is Adams (1995), who has examined how
the Torajan people of Indonesia have manipulated tourism for their own political
ends. Foryears, the Torajans havebeen studied and scrutinized both by tourists and
anthropologists. Adams found that the local response to such global attention has
describes the Torajans as “active strategists” and “ingenious cultural politicians”
in the context of tourism.
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With only a few exceptions, research in the anthropology of tourism has over-
lookedtheoriginsandmotivationsoftourism fromthehosts’perspective.Although
many anthropologists have eloquently portrayed the ways in which tourism has
changed the lives of locals, we have neglected to turn the analysis around and to
imagine how hosts might be affecting guests. This trend may change as we shift
awayfrom assuming that tourism is always imposed on passive and powerlesspeo-
ple. Evenin cases wherethe forced and exploitativenature of tourismisirrefutable,
we may begin to probe more deeply into understanding how locals themselves are
perceiving the imposition, rather than continuing to rely on our own perspectives
as anthropologists.
In the 1970s and 1980s, review articles on the study of tourism often asked why
anthropologists were avoiding tourism as a legitimate subject of analysis. Today,
the question might be the opposite: Why are anthropologists paying so much
attention to alternative forms of tourism? Especially in the past decade, tourism
has gained a much more positivereputation among social scientists, environmental
conservationists, development practitioners, and indigenous rights activists. This
is because an expanding group of new tourism companies, often in partnership
with nongovernmental organizations, now claims to go easy on the environment
and on indigenous peoples, even as they strive for profit. These companies label
their excursions variously as “ecotourism,” “community-based tourism,” “cultural
tourism,” or simply “alternative tourism.”
Generally defined, alternative tourism includes “forms of tourism that are con-
sistent with natural, social, and community values, and which allow both hosts
and guests to enjoy positive and worthwhile interaction and shared experiences”
(Eadington & Smith 1992, p. 3). This new brand of tourism has grabbed the atten-
tion of scholars concerned with recent agendas to link conservation and develop-
ment (e.g.,Guillen1998, Lamont 1999, Sills 1998, Stronza 2000,Wildes1998). At
least a couple of newjournals, including the Journalof Ecotourism and the Journal
of Sustainable Tourism, have begun to focus on the possibilities and limitations of
alternative tourism. In general, the literature seems more balanced than did earlier
research on tourism. At least anthropologists are not automatically condemning
the impacts of tourism on local communities. If anything, perhaps the scale has
tilted in the other direction. Now the tendency seems to be to applaud tourism as a
panacea for achieving a wide array of social, economic, and environmental goals.
Munt (1994) observed that “[w]hile mass tourism has attracted trenchant criticism
as a shallow and degrading experience for Third World host nations and peoples,
new tourism practices have been viewed benevolently” (p. 50).
Ecotourism has gained a lion’s share of the attention aimed at alternative travel.
An early publication on ecotourism commissioned by the U.S.-based environmen-
tal group, Conservation International, identified ecotourism as “a form of tourism
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inspired primarily by the natural history of an area, including its indigenous cul-
tures” (Ziffer 1989). In the ideal scenario, ecotourists’ nonconsumptive use of and
appreciation for the natural and cultural resources of an area can contribute at-
tention and revenue to local conservation efforts while also providing economic
opportunities to local residents (Sherman & Dixon 1991). This linkage of goals
has also meant that the applied research of anthropologists has become critical to
the planning and implementation of tourism projects around the world.
Conservationistsarebothoptimisticand skepticalthatecotourismmay helppro-
tect nature while meeting the economic needs of local residents (Barkin 1996, Boo
1990, Cater & Lowman 1994, Honey 1999, Lindberg 1991, Lindberg & Enriquez
1994, Orams 1999, Whelan 1991). Relative to other activities, such as hunting,
logging, or agriculture, ecotourism seems to have a low impact on ecosystems
(Groom et al 1991, Kusler 1991), and ideally revenues from ecotourism may be
channeled into conservation and local development needs. But critics counter that
too much ecotourism, particularly if it is unmonitored and unregulated, may spoil
natural areas and disturb both wildlife and people (Begley 1996, Giannecchini
1993). Some also fear that the rhetoric of ecotourism is a guise for business as
usual. Vickers (1997) has stressed that “much of what passes for ‘ecotourism’
is comprised of business ventures whose aim is to maximize the profits of tourist
agenciesand professionalguides” (p.1). Theimplication isthat thequestfor profits
occludes any intention to protect nature or improve the lives of local people.
In the midst of the debates over the good and bad of ecotourism, the themes
of local participation and local ownership of touristic infrastructure have assumed
new importance (Eadington & Smith 1992). Increasingly, local communities are
joiningin partnershipswith governmentagencies, nongovernmentalorganizations,
and private tour companies to plan tourism strategies and develop new attractions
forvisitors. Asaresult,localhosts aregaining muchmore controloverhowtourism
affects their communities.
Despite the new attention on alternative tourism and local decision making in
tourism, the same conceptual and analytical weakness found in studies on con-
ventional tourism remain. Advocates of ecotourism, for example, are focused on
the notion that appropriate kinds of tourism will lead to positive impacts for local
communities and ecosystems, and that particular touristic inputs will result in the
most desirable outcomes both for people and natural areas. The ecotourism litera-
ture is filled with guidelines and “best practices” for achieving success (Ceballos-
Lascurain 1996). A collection of papers presented at the Yale School of Forestry’s
Conference on Ecotourism (Miller & Malek-Zadeh 1996), for example, focused
on “strategies” and “parameters of success” for developing ecotourism projects.
The ideas are generally prescriptive, arguing that if the ecotourism industry were
to provide the right inputs, such as “a participatory approach,” then the negative
impacts of tourism on local hosts could be reduced. The emphasis remains, how-
ever, on what is external to a site, rather than on what the existing conditions
might reveal about whether tourism will have a positive or negative impact on
local residents.
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Just as we lack an understanding of how hosts participate in the origins of con-
ventional tourism, we also know relatively little about how and why local hosts
get involved in ecotourism. Although locals may not be financing new infrastruc-
ture or negotiating directly with international travel agencies, they are nevertheless
affecting what happens on the ground in many ecotourism sites. In cases where
locals are opposed to ecotourism, for example, they may express their opposition
by vandalizing infrastructure. Also, by hunting or clearing trails in areas around
an ecolodge, locals can sabotage the image of pristine nature many ecotourism
lodges promote. Bennett (1999) described a case in Panama in which members of
the Kuna protested outsiders’ investment in tourism by burning a hotel twice, and
attacking one of the hotel owners. Belsky (1999) wrote about a similar example in
the village of Maya Center in Belize, where the locals burned a handicraft center.
Local residents can also decide the fate of an ecotourism operation by playing
competitor companies off on each other, setting the conditions under which they
will tolerate or welcome the influx of tourists. If several companies are competing
for the same acceptance of a community, they may become involved in battles over
who can provide the best benefits, a situation in which the locals are determining,
to some extent, the operating costs of the companies. In these ways, local hosts
can influence the success or failure of tourism, regardless of the external inputs
and intentions of outsider consultants.
From Both Sides Now
In current efforts to make tourism participatory and to involve local residents
as decision makers in tourism projects, anthropologists can make a significant
contribution to the field by focusing more attention on the reasons local residents
choose to, or are able to, become involved in tourism. This information will be
important if we consider that the right external inputs are probably necessary, but
not sufficient for ensuring the benefits of tourism for locals. Prevailing conditions,
such as the structure of local political and economic institutions, ethnic relations,
gender stereotypes, and the subsistence labor obligations of local would-be hosts
may be particularly relevant.
A few scholars have already advanced hypotheses about local conditions most
conducive to successful community based tourism. For example, Smith (1989)
wrote, “Tourism is especially favored where significant segments of the popula-
tion have minimal education or technical skills, inasmuch as other industries may
require extensive training” (p. xi). In 1996, King & Stewart (1996) hypothesized
that “[p]ositive impacts of ecotourism are likely to be the greatest when the in-
digenous culture is already in a state of decline as a result of natural resources
scarcity” (p. 299). These are precisely the kinds of assumptions we may want to
explore in the future. Although we now have many solid descriptive analyses of
what happens when tourism is introduced to communities, we lack comparison
across sites to analyze both the internal and external factors that determine why
we find certain kinds of interactions with tourism in particular settings.
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As with conventional tourism, we also lack information about the impacts of
ecotourism on tourists. Researchers have invested considerable effort into the im-
pacts of ecotourism on hosts, and much hope is pinned on the possibility that
ecotourism will provide the economic incentive for hosts to maintain and protect
the natural sites and cultural traditions tourists come to see. Less effort has been
invested in analyzing the incentives ecotourism offers to tourists to change their
ownperspectivesand behaviors.This gap in the research existsdespite the fact that
a significant goal of ecotourism is to raise environmental and cultural awareness
among tourists.
We do not know, for example, what kinds of travel heightens consciousness or
educates people in particular ways. We do know a lot about how tourists feel in
terms of theiraccommodations—mostcompanies request posttravelevaluations—
but we do not know how their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors change as a result
of what they have seen in host destinations. We could ask many questions related
to this issue. For example, do ecotourists consider running less tap water at home
once they have seen how difficult it is for people to collect water in remote destina-
tions they have visited? Do they begin to recycle more often? More fundamentally,
do their values change? What kinds of impressions are generated from different
kinds of touristic experiences? How can tourism and recreation be linked more
explicitly with learning? Despite the relevance of these questions to the goals of
alternative tourism, we are lacking studies that track the attitudes, much less the
behaviors, of tourists before and after they have traveled to a host site. Two models
for how we might proceed come from Orams (1997) and Jacobson (1995).
I have discussed the reasons tourism can be a fascinating subject of study for
anthropologists. Despite its association with things shallow and frivolous, tourism
is relevant to many theoretical and real-world issues in anthropology. For people in
host destinations, tourism is often the catalyst of significant economic and social
change, the context for cross-cultural encounters, and the stage-like setting for
displays and recreations of culture and tradition. For the tourists, tourism can be
a ritual form of escape from the structure of everyday life, or it can represent a
symbolic quest for the kinds of authentic experiences that elude modern society.
For anthropologists, tourism can be a lens through which to explore issues of
political economy, social change and development, natural resource management,
and cultural identity and expression. Current scholarship on tourism is somewhat
lopsided. In examining the origins of tourism—what motivates tourists to travel,
and what determines where they go—anthropologists have focused significant
attention on tourists, almost to the exclusion of locals. As a result, we know little
about the motivations of people in host destinations to become involvedin tourism,
or to promote certain kinds of tourism over others. Too often, we have assumed
that tourism is imposed on hosts rather than invited.
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In exploring the impacts of tourism, anthropologists have tilted in the opposite
direction. Researchers have analyzed extensively, usually by way of ethnography,
the impacts of tourism on hosts, and we have many case studies describing the
effects of tourism on the economy and on the cultural identity of hosts. But we are
lacking information about the impacts tourism can have on guests. Too often, we
have assumed that hosts are relatively passive and that their disadvantaged position
under the powerful gaze of tourists precludes locals from shaping the encounters
with tourists.
An interest in alternativeforms of tourism, particularly ecotourism, has boomed
in recent years. Proponents have posited that the participation of local residents
can be critical to maximizing economic, environmental, and social benefits of
tourism. Despite this attention to the active role of local residents, researchers
tend to emphasize the importance of external inputs, rather than on the prevailing
motivations or constraints of locals, to enhance the success of tourism. Advocates
for ecotourism have also suggested that tourism can be educational for tourists, and
that the right kinds of touristic experiences can result in increased environmental
awareness and cultural sensitivity among tourists. Although we are optimistic
about the possibility of raising consciousness through tourism, few scholars have
analyzed how tourists’ attitudes actually do change as a result of particular kinds
of experiences.
The goal of future anthropological research in tourism should be to fill the gaps
in our current understanding. We should know the full story of what happens to
both hosts and guests throughout all stages of their journeys and cross-cultural
interactions. This will be especially true as we strive to develop the kinds of
tourism that can generate a range of benefits for hosts as well as educational and
transformative experiences for guests.
I am grateful to Irma McClaurin, Marianne Schmink, Ricardo Godoy, and Rus-
sell Bernard for valuable comments on an earlier version of this paper. I have
also benefited greatly from discussions with the students in my Fall 2000 course,
Anthropology of Tourism and Ecotourism” at Stanford.
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