East J Med 22(4): 224-226, 2017
DOI: 10.5505/ejm.2017.43531
Corresponding Author: Uzm. Dr. Tülin TÜRKÖZÜ, Şerefiye Mah. Ordu Cad. Ümitkent Sitesi B Blok No: 16 İpekyolu/VAN
Tlf: +90(432) 215 76 01-08, Faks: +90(432) 212 19 54, Cep Tel: 0 530 922 27 03, E-mail: dktrtulin@gmail.com
Received: 27.02.2017, Accepted: 10.05.2017
A case of allergic contact dermatitis due to
application of synthetic casting which mimics the
manifestation of cellulitis
Tülin Türközü
and Necip Güven
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Health Sciences University, Van Education and Research Hospital Department
of Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery, Van, Turkey
Allergic contact dermatitis is an allergic or
inflammatory skin reaction that may occur due to
contact effect with external foreign substances. Acute
phase is characterized by erythematous, scaly plaques.
In severe cases vesiculation and bullae in exposed
areas are very characteristic.
Cellulitis is a common bacterial skin infection.
Cellulitis may first appear as a red, swollen area that
feels hot and tender to the touch. The redness and
swelling often spread rapidly. Cellulitis is usually
Case report
The 27-year-old male patient admitted to the
orthopaedic outpatients department due to sprain
the complaint of ankle. The patient has swelling,
diffuse ecchymosis and increased sensitivity in the
circumference of left lateral malleolus. The
performed radiography revealed nondisplaced
fracture in the lateral malleolus. No pathology was
found in the examination of syndesmosis.
Conservative treatment was planned for the
fracture and a synthetic short leg cast was applied.
The patient was recommended immobilization for
about 45 days using a crutch, without putting on
weight on the broken foot. The patient was
performed limb elevation because of the risk for
compartment syndrome and he was initiated
Clexane 0.6 sc 1x1 for prophylaxis of deep venous
thrombosis. The patient who had interdigital tinea
pedis was recommended to visit the Dermatology
Outpatients Department and dated due to visit the
Orthopaedic Outpatients Department one week
later for control examination.
The patient readmitted to our outpatient
department due to the complaint of intolerable
sensation of burning and pain 4 days later. It was
determined that no swelling of the fingers and
painful finger movement was present. The short
leg cast of the patient was replaced with a splint
and ankle circumference was evaluated. There was
diffuse swelling, edema, redness and increased
temperature in his ankle and especially around
lateral malleolus (Figure 1). In accordance with the
findings of the physical examination, the patient
was admitted in the ward due to prediagnosis of
cellulitis. Test of the infection markers was
ordered and antibiotic treatment was initiated. A
consultation of Department of Dermatology was
ordered because of tinea pedis and the treatment
regime recommended by Department of
Dermatology was initiated. Extremity elevation
was ordered while wet and cold dressing was
started. Of the whole blood and infections tested
in the first admission day; WBC: 9.9 K/mcL,
Casting application is one of the essential aspects with respect to conservative treatment of fractures in Orthopaedics and
it may be applied after surgical treatment when needed. In the recent years, common use of synthetic cast (45%
polyurethane resin and 55% fiberglass) and also undercast cotton padding (synthetic fiber) caused an increased incidence
of allergic contact dermatitis. It may develop an allergic reaction progressing accompanied by eruptions and itching as
commonly experienced in our daily orthopaedic practice. We have pre sented a case of allergic contact dermatitis which
mimics an unusual manifestation of cellulitis in routine clinical practice.
Key Words: Synthetic cast, Allergic contact dermatitis, cellulitis, mimic
Türközü and Güven / Allergic contact dermatitis due to application of synthetic casting
East J Med Volume:22, Number:4, October-December/2017
GRAN: 7.7 K/mcL, LYM: 1.7 K/mcL, CRP: 20
mg/L, SED: 13 mm/hour. In the second
admission day, no change was encountered in the
physical findings of his ankle however cold and
wet dressing reduced the sensation of burning.
The whole blood and infection markers in the
third admission day was measured such as WBC:
7.3 K/mcL, GRAN: 5.5 K/mcL, LYM: 1.4
K/mcL, CRP: 42.3 mg/L and SED: 47 mm/hour.
In the 4th admission day; since no change was
monitored in the swelling, edema and redness in
the ankle and also the marker tests resulted: WBC:
8.7 K/mcL, GRAN: 7.7 K/mcL, LYM: 0.7
K/mcL, CRP: 39 mg/L and SED: 51 mm/hour; it
was considered that the lesion around lateral
malleolus may be allergic contact dermatitis due to
use of synthetic cast and under cast cotton
therefore a consultation by the Department of
Dermatology was reordered. The steroid and
antihistaminic treatment initiated in the 4th
admission day provided a dramatic improvement
in the clinical condition of the patient in the 5th
admission day (Figure 2). Whole blood and
infection markers were measured as WBC: 12.1
K/mcL, GRAN: 10.6 K/mcL , LYM: 1.1 K/mcL,
CRP: 17.7 mg/L and SED: 57 mm/hour. The
slightly increased leukocytosis was considered
associated with administration of steroids. In the
6th admission day; whole blood and infection
markers were measured as WBC: 10.1 K/mcL,
GRAN: 8.2 K/mcL, LYM: 1.4 K/mcL, CRP: 6.3
mg/L and SED: 48 mm/hour. The clinical picture
of the patient was improved and the patient was
discharged and dated for a control examination
one week later.
At the control examination in the polyclinic one
week later; the physical condition of ankle was
found completely recovered. Whole blood and
infection markers were measured as WBC: 11.2
K/mcL, GRAN: 7.9 K/mcL, LYM: 2.6 K/mcL,
CRP: 3.5 mg/L and SED: 14 mm/hour and
fracture in his ankle was applied 100% cotton
under cast stocking and followed-up by
application of splint.
Fig. 2. The appearance of the ankle after steroid and antihistaminic treatment .
Fig. 1. The appearance of patients ankle after
removal of the synthetic cast.
Türközü and Güven / Allergic contact dermatitis due to application of synthetic casting
East J Med Volume:22, Number:4, October-December/2017
The most common complication associated with
casting application is pressure or friction injuries.
Beside these, other complications may include
compartment syndrome, thermal injuires and skin
infection. Long-term use of a casting may cause
more severe complications such as chronic pain,
joint stiffness, muscular atrophy, complex regional
pain syndrome or venous thrombosis and further
pulmonary embolism (1,2,3).
Allergic contact dermatitis is an itchy dermatitis
condition. The clinical picture may vary depending
upon strength of allergen, contact duration,
reaction site and sensitivity degree of the subject
(4-9). In the acute period; erythematous macule,
papules, vesicles and bullae may be monitored.
Lesions have regular margins and are localized at
the contact site. Dilution may decrease in one or
two weeks. In the subacute period, vesicles change
to crusts, desquamation is remarkable. It may
become chronic if contact with the allergen
proceeds or the allergen is not removed. In the
chronic term; completely dry skin, thickening of
the skin, lichenification and fissures form (4,7,9).
Allergic contact dermatitis secondary to casting
application is commonly observed in the daily
orthopaedic practice. There is a limited number of
studies on this subject in the literature. In this
case; absence of leukocytosis in the laboratory test
results corroborated the conclusion that the
present condition may be due to allergic contact
dermatitis secondary to use of sythetic cast or
under cast cotton although the clinical findings of
the patient were exactly compatible with cellulitis.
After dramatically positive response of the patient
to steroid treatment and absence of leukocytosis, a
definite diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis
could be established. In this case of allergic
contact dermatitis, present clinical symptoms were
different from the general findings and mimicked
cellulitis. The clinical picture of cellulitis should be
certainly supporeted by the laboratory results. It
should be also beard in mind that allergic contact
dermatitis may develop resulting from the use of
synthetic casting and undercast cotton padding.
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