Local Government Performance Assessment
Alebtong District
(Vote Code: 588)
Assessment Scores
Accountability Requirements 50%
Crosscutting Performance Measures 65%
Educational Performance Measures 73%
Health Performance Measures 79%
Water Performance Measures 86%
588 Alebtong District Accontability
Requirements 2018
Summary of requirements
Definition of
Compliance justification Compliant?
Annual performance contract
LG has submitted an annual
performance contract of the
forthcoming year by June 30 on the
basis of the PFMAA and LG Budget
guidelines for the coming financial
From MoFPED’s
inventory/schedule of
LG submissions of
performance contracts,
check dates of
submission and
issuance of receipts
o If LG submitted
before or by due date,
then state ‘compliant
o If LG had not
submitted or submitted
later than the due date,
state ‘non- compliant’
From the Uganda
budget website:
check and compare
recorded date therein
with date of LG
submission to confirm.
Alebtong District LG submitted the
Annual Performance Contract for
FY 2018/19 on 29th July, 2018 as
per the submission schedule of
MoFPED which was within the
deadline of 1st August 2018 set
by the MoFPED.
Note: The PFMAA LG Budget
guidelines require the submission
to be by 30th June. However, this
date was revised to 1st August
2018 as per the guidance from
Supporting Documents for the Budget required as per the PFMA are submitted and available
LG has submitted a Budget that
includes a Procurement Plan for the
forthcoming FY by 30th June (LG
PPDA Regulations, 2006).
From MoFPED’s
inventory of LG budget
submissions, check
o The LG budget is
accompanied by a
Procurement Plan or
not. If a LG submission
includes a Procurement
Plan, the LG is
compliant; otherwise it
is not compliant.
The District LG submitted the
approved Budget Estimates that
included a Procurement Plan for
the FY 2018/19 on 29th July,
2018. This date of submission
was in line with the last official
date of 1st August set by the
Note: The PFMAA LG Budget
guidelines require the submission
to be by 30th June. However, this
date was revised to 1st August
2018 as per the guidance from
Reporting: submission of annual and quarterly budget performance reports
LG has submitted the annual
performance report for the previous
FY on or before 31st July (as per LG
Budget Preparation Guidelines for
coming FY; PFMA Act, 2015)
From MoFPED’s official
record/inventory of LG
submission of annual
performance report
submitted to MoFPED,
check the date MoFPED
received the annual
performance report:
If LG submitted
report to MoFPED in
time, then it is compliant
If LG submitted late
or did not submit, then it
is not compliant
The Annual Performance Report
for the FY 2017/2018 was
submitted to MoFPED on 3rd
September, 2018. This
submission was outside the
official date set in the PFMA Act,
2015 which requires LGs to make
the submission on or before 31st
July of every year.
LG has submitted the quarterly
budget performance report for all
the four quarters of the previous FY
by end of the FY; PFMA Act, 2015).
From MoFPED’s official
record/ inventory of LG
submission of quarterly
reports submitted to
MoFPED, check the
date MoFPED received
the quarterly
performance reports:
If LG submitted all
four reports to MoFPED
of the previous FY by
July 31, then it is
compliant (timely
submission of each
quarterly report, is not
an accountability
requirement, but by end
of the FY, all quarterly
reports should be
If LG submitted late
or did not submit at all,
then it is not compliant.
Submission of the quarterly
budget performance reports
during FY 2017/2018 was as
Quarter Date of submission
Quarter 01 27th December,
2017 No
Quarter 02 12th March, 2018
Quarter 03 16th June, 2018
Quarter 04 3rd September,
2018 No
The budget performance report of
all quarters were submitted late
contravening PFMA Act which
requires these submissions to be
made within the month following
end of the quarter.
It was largely claimed that the
transition from OBT to PBS was
still problematic but also that
there was a challenge of adopting
the change.
The LG has provided information to
the PS/ST on the status of
implementation of Internal Auditor
General and the Auditor General’s
findings for the previous financial
year by end of February (PFMA s.
11 2g). This statement includes
actions against all find- ings where
the Internal Audi- tor and the Auditor
General recommended the
Accounting Officer to take action in
lines with applicable laws.
From MoFPED’s
Inventory/record of LG
submissions of
statements entitled
Actions to Address
Internal Auditor
General’s findings”,
If LG submitted a
‘Response’ (and provide
details), then it is
If LG did not submit
a’ response’, then it is
If there is a
response for all –LG is
If there are partial or
not all issues responded
to LG is not compliant.
There was no evidence by this
assessment date that the CAO
provided information to the PS/ST
on the status of implementation of
Internal Auditor General of
Auditor General’s findings for FY
2016/17 by the end February
2018 as required by PFMA s.11
2g). The reason given was that
CAO had not received
communication from PS/ST
calling for this information.
For Auditor general queries,
number of queries raised by the
Auditor general were 7. Number
of queries cleared cleared were 7
and no pending queries.
There was no evidence by the
assessment date that the CAO
provided information to the PS/ST
on the status of implementation of
Internal Auditor General of
Auditor General’s findings for FY
2016/17 by the end February
2018 as required by PFMA s.11
2g). The reason given was that
CAO had not received
communication from PS/ST
calling for this information.
The audit opinion of LG Financial
Statement (issued in January) is not
adverse or disclaimer.
Alebtong DLG obtained
Unqualified Audit Opinion for FY
588 Alebtong
Measures 2018
Summary of
Definition of
Compliance justification Score
Planning, budgeting and execution
All new
projects in: (i) a
municipality /
(ii) in a district
are approved
by the
and are
consistent with
the approved
Physical Plans
Maximum 4
points for this
Evidence that a
district/ municipality
• A functional
Physical Planning
Committee in place
that considers new
investments on
time: score 1.
The District Physical Planning Committee was appointed by the
CAO on 19th May, 2016 through a circular letter ref.CR/156/3.
The membership was:
1. Office of CAO, Chair
2. Ayela Joseph, Physical Planner-Secretary
3. Ocan Vincent Aporu, TC
4. Atalla Joan Angom, Environment Officer
5. Angulu Denis, Staff Surveyor
6. Otyeno Bonny, Ag District Engineer
7. Kissa Denis, Ag DEO
8. Oyuru Jennifer, Principal Agric. Officer
9. Auma D Vicky, Ag D/CDO
10. Dr Odung Tonny, Ag DHO
The following members were missing on the committee:
i) Natural Resources Officer
ii) District Water Officer
iii) Physical Planner in private practice
The committee was therefore not fully constituted in accordance
with the law in force.
All new
projects in: (i) a
municipality /
(ii) in a district
are approved
by the
and are
consistent with
the approved
Physical Plans
Maximum 4
points for this
• Evidence that
district/ MLG has
submitted at least 4
sets of minutes of
Physical Planning
Committee to the
MoLHUD score 1.
There were only 3 sets of minutes for the District Physical
Planning Committee seen by the PAT. The committee convened
on 2nd November 2017, 13th November 2017 and 16th May 2018
It is only 1 set of Minutes, (for meeting held on 16h May 2018)
that was submitted and acknowledged (by stamping on a copy
that) by MoLHUD. There was no evidence that the other 2 sets
were also submitted to MoLHUD as required
All new
projects in: (i) a
municipality /
(ii) in a district
are approved
by the
and are
consistent with
the approved
Physical Plans
Maximum 4
points for this
• All infrastructure
investments are
consistent with the
approved Physical
Development Plan:
score 1 or else 0
The District did not have an approved Physical Development Plan.
For that reason consistency between infrastructure investments
and the plan could not be established.
All new
projects in: (i) a
municipality /
(ii) in a district
are approved
by the
and are
consistent with
the approved
Physical Plans
Maximum 4
points for this
• Action area plan
prepared for the
previous FY: score
1 or else 0
A Physical Development (Detailed) Plan 2016-2026 for Alebtong
Town Council was prepared and available in the LG.
The prioritized
activities in the
approved AWP
for the current
FY are derived
from the
approved five-
plan, are
based on
discussions in
annual reviews
have project
Maximum 5
points on this
• Evidence that
priorities in AWP
for the current FY
are based on the
outcomes of
conferences: score
The District budget conference was held on 31st October, 2017 in
the District Council Hall attended by 102 participants. The report
was signed by District Planner. Examples of priorities in the AWP
based on the budget conference were:
i) Construction of 3 low cost staff house on page 4 of the report
and page 8 of the AWP.
ii) Construction of placenta pits at Angetta and Awei HC IIs on
page 6 of the report and page 32 of the AWP.
iii) Installation of metallic culverts at Aguru, Otoke swamps on
page 11 of the report and page 58 of the AWP.
iv) Rehabilitation of classroom blocks at Alebelebe and Arwot
P/Schools on page 5 of the report and page 45 of AWP.
The prioritized
activities in the
approved AWP
for the current
FY are derived
from the
approved five-
plan, are
based on
discussions in
annual reviews
have project
Maximum 5
points on this
• Evidence that the
capital investments
in the approved
Annual work plan
for the current
FY are derived
from the approved
development plan.
If differences
appear, a
justification has to
be provided and
evidence provided
that it was
approved by the
Council. Score 1.
The capital investments in the approved Annual Work Plan for the
FY 2018/2019 were derived from the approved Five-Year
Development Plan as indicated in pages in the examples below:
i) Construction of 3 Units of low cost staff house on page 8 of
the AWP and on page 307 of the 5 Yr. DDP.
ii) 4 Classroom Block rehabilitation at Alebelebe P/S on page 45
of the AWP and on page 338 of the 5 Yr. DDP.
iii) 4 Classroom Block rehabilitation at Arwot P/S on page 46 of
the AWP and on page 338 of the 5 YR DDP.
iv) 2 Classroom Block construction at Ogengo P/S on page 46 of
the AWP and on page 337 of the 5 Yr. DDP.
The prioritized
activities in the
approved AWP
for the current
FY are derived
from the
approved five-
plan, are
based on
discussions in
annual reviews
have project
Maximum 5
points on this
• Project profiles
have been
developed and
discussed by TPC
for all investments
in the
AWP as per LG
guideline: score 2.
Project profiles were developed and appeared on pages 208 to
236 of the DDP of 2015/16-2019/20. The profiles were prepared
as per LG Planning guidelines, presented to TPC for discussion
and approval on 3rd May, 2018 under Min.05/04/2018 item No.5
of the Agenda.
developed and
Maximum 1
point on this
• Annual statistical
abstract, with
disaggregated data
has been compiled
and presented to
the TPC to support
budget allocation
and decision-
making- maximum
score 1.
The District Annual Statistical Abstract for 2017/18 was developed,
produced and signed by Hon. Okello Denish Johnson, the (District
LC V Chairman) and Mr Oketayot Christopher James- (the
Stastician) on 10th April 20018.
A Draft document was presented to TPC in their meeting of 11th
January 2018 and discussed under Min. 05/01/2018 to support
designing, planning, implementation e.t.c of LG programmes.
activities in the
previous FY
as per AWP.
Maximum 6
points on this
• Evidence that all
implemented by
the LG in the
previous FY were
derived from the
annual work plan
and budget
approved by the
LG Council: score
Infrastructure projects implemented by the Alebtong District in the
FY 2017/2018 were derived from the Annual Work Plan and
Budget approved by the LG Council reference pages as in the
table below:
Pg. In AWP Pg. in Budget
4 Classroom block renovation at Orupu P/S
4 Classroom block renovation at Oboo P/S
4 Classroom block renovation at Oyengolwedo P/S
55 21
2 Classroom block renovation at Angicakide P/S
55 22
Completion of staff house at Aloi S/C HQs
86 6
Reroofing of the procurement unit office
Completion of Aloi S/C HQs
86 6
District HQs compound design and beautification
86 6
Construction of Council Hall Podium
86 6
Procurement of 1 motor cycle
86 6
Solar panel and accessories installation at the District HQs
86 6
Furniture for Council Hall
86 6
Furniture for ICT Resource Centre
86 6
Procurement of the operational lamp for Alebtong HC IV
101 16
Completion of a Maternity Ward at Amugu HC III
Renovation of DHOs Office 102 17
Completion of the District production office 149 12
Solar installation at Plant Clic & production office 148 12
Demonstration cage fishing farming at Awameri Dam 96 12
22 deep borehole rehabilitation 113 30-31
Drilling of 9 boreholes 112 30-31
Construction of public latrine at Amugu market 112 30
Construction of low cost sealing road around District HQs 153
Rehabilitation of Tedwii-Orupu Road 157 26
P/Maintenance of Obile-Ogowie-Amugu Road (13.4 km) 61 26
Rehabilitation of Abongodyang-Awali junction Road 61 26
Mechanized R/Maintenance Adwong-Amugu Road (8 km) 61
Mechanized R/Maintence Olengo TC-Anara (9 km) 61 26
( 7 km) 61 26
Mechanized R/Maintained Akula-Abia TC (16 km) 61 26
Mechanized R/Maintenance Ajobi-Odeye Road (6.1 km) 61 26
activities in the
previous FY
as per AWP.
Maximum 6
points on this
• Evidence that the
investment projects
implemented in the
previous FY were
completed as per
work plan by end
for FY.
o 100%: score 4
o 80-99%: score
o Below 80%: 0
All the 31 investment projects in the approved AWP for FY
2017/18 were completed. This was 100% completion rate.
Examples of such projects were:
1. Renovation of 4 classroom block at Arupu P/S
2. Construction and completion of Aloi S/C HQ office.
3. Construction and completion of maternity ward at Amugu HC
4. Drilling of 9 boreholes.
The LG has
executed the
budget for
construction of
projects and
O&M for all
projects during
the previous
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that all
investment projects
in the previous FY
were completed
within approved
budget – Max. 15%
plus or minus of
original budget:
score 2
The District budget for the infrastructure investments for FY
2017/18 was shs.1,375,597,000 while actual implementation cost
was shs.1,283,799,000. The implementation cost was
shs.91,798,000 (6.67%) below the original budget.
The LG has
executed the
budget for
construction of
projects and
O&M for all
projects during
the previous
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that the
LG has budgeted
and spent at least
80% of the O&M
budget for
infrastructure in the
previous FY: score
Although there was no budgetary provision for O&M for the
infrastructures in FY under review, the following payments were
undertaken in this direction:
1. Repair of solar systems at the Administration block VR. No.
7810dated 05/08/2017 shs.1,250,000.
2. Repair and replacement of sanitary system in District HQs
VR. No. 0547 dated 05/10/2017 for shs.465,000
3. Replacement of door locks for the toilets on VR. No. 0894
dated 06/02/2018 for shs.450,000
4. Repair of Administration Block VR.0316 dated 10/03/2018 for
Human Resource Management
LG has
recruited and
appraised all
Heads of
Maximum 5
points on this
• Evidence that the
LG has filled all
HoDs positions
score 3
The Customized Staff Structure was approved by Council on 30th
November, 2016 vide minute No. 22/3ADC/2016/17.
The structure was forwarded to MoPS for approval on 12th
December, 2016 and through letter Ref. ARC135/306/01 dated
13th January, 2017, MoPS approved Alebtong District Staff
The Staff structure provided for Nine HoDs excluding that of
The position of the CFO was substantively filled by; Andeoye
Stephene appointed on promotion and transfer from Kotido DLG
on 3rd May, 2013 by letter Ref. ADM/156/2 as directed by DSC
The positions with officers in acting capacities were; Community
Based Services, Health, Natural Resources, Works, Production
and Education.
The Assessment team further noted that although the Staff
structure provided for position of HoD Trade, Commerce, Industry
and Local Economic Development, there was no officer even in
acting capacity.
LG has
recruited and
appraised all
Heads of
Maximum 5
points on this
• Evidence that
HoDs have been
appraised as per
guidelines issued
by MoPS during
the previous FY:
score 2
The HoDs were appraised by the CAO through filling of
Performance Agreement at the start of FY 2017/18.
The reviewed HoDs files all had Performance Agreements with
clear targets signed by the CAO and individual HoDs. However
save for the file of the CFO, the others did not have Performance
reports to show the performance scores and CAO’s comments.
The CAO rated the CFO’s performance excellent.
has considered
all staff that
have been
submitted for
and disciplinary
actions during
the previous
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that 100
% of staff
submitted for
recruitment have
been considered:
score 2
In Accordance with the authority under the provisions of article
200(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995 and
section 55 (1) of the Local Government Act, Cap 243 (as
amended), Alebtong DSC held its 64th meeting held on 9th
September, 2017, 16th September, 2017, 17th September, 2017
and on 20th September, 2017 under minute DSC/121/2017
considered all the 11 submitted staff to be offered appointment on
probation as Education Assistant II Scale U7 with effect from the
date of assumption of duty.
has considered
all staff that
have been
submitted for
and disciplinary
actions during
the previous
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that 100
% of positions
submitted for
confirmation have
been considered:
score 1
During the FY under review, 148 staff were presented to DSC for
In Accordance with the authority under the provisions of article
200(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995 and
section 55 (1) of the Local Government Act, Cap 243 (as
amended), Alebtong DSC held its 63rd DSC meeting held on; 25th
August, 2017, 30th August, 2017, 11th September, 2017 and 14th
September, 2017 and under minute; DSC/96/2017 confirmed all
the 148 staff.
has considered
all staff that
have been
submitted for
and disciplinary
actions during
the previous
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that 100
% of positions
submitted for
disciplinary actions
have been
considered: score
One case of forgery of a release letter for Dokolo DLG by Owani
Jimmy; Education Assistant II was presented to the DSC.
In Accordance with the authority under the provisions of article
200(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995 and
section 55 (1) of the Local Government Act, Cap 243 (as
amended), Alebtong DSC held the 65th DSC meeting held on 7th
through to 9th February, 2018 and under minute DSC/34/2018
terminated the probation appointment arising from minute
Staff recruited
and retiring
access the
salary and
pension payroll
within two
Maximum 5
points on this
• Evidence that
100% of the staff
recruited during the
previous FY have
accessed the
salary payroll not
later than two
months after
appointment: score
The LG was using the IPPS which was updated on posting of the
appointed staff.
The appointed 11 Education Assistant II officers all accessed the
Payroll in March, 2018 following their appointment on 20th
November, 2017 as directed by DSC minute No. DSC/121-8/2017
and the subsequent posting on 24th January, 2018 as evidenced
1. Odung Walter of IPPS No. 1018058 received UGX 469,335 as
indicated on the March, 2018.
2. Aleng Morris, IPPS No. 1018073 and Ocato Morrish, IPPS No.
1018069 each received UGX 469,335 in March, 2018.
Staff recruited
and retiring
access the
salary and
pension payroll
within two
Maximum 5
points on this
• Evidence that
100% of the staff
that retired during
the previous
FY have accessed
the pension payroll
not later than two
months after
retirement: score 2
Four staff retired during the FY 2017/18. None of the four
accessed the payroll within a timeline of two months.
The delay in accessing the payroll was attributed to the failure to
fully decentralise the pension management which has caused
procedural delays at MoPS during the auditing of the submitted
files submitted by the LG.
Revenue Mobilization
The LG has
increased LG
own source
revenues in the
last financial
year compared
to the one
before the
financial year
(last FY year
but one)
Maximum 4
points on this
•• If increase in
OSR (excluding
one/off, e.g. sale of
assets) from
previous FY but
one to previous FY
is more than 10 %:
score 4.
• If the increase is
from 5%
-10 %: score 2.
• If the increase is
less than 5 %:
score 0.
Total OSR for FY 2016/2017 was Shs112,351,963 (Page 20 of
Audited Final Accounts FY2016/2017) ; while
Total OSR for FY 2017/2018 was Shs 153,560,045 (Page 29 of
Draft Final Accounts FY2017/2018). Hence there was an
Increase of Shs…41,208,082 resulting into a
Percentage of 37%
Notes about Calculations
Shs140,493,463(OSRFY2016/17) Minus Shs 28,141,500
(Disposal of Assets page 20 of Audited Accounts FY20162017) =
Shs 112,351,963 (Net Amt OSR FY2016/17)
Increase Shs 41,208,082= Shs 153,560,04 (OSRFY
2017/2018) minus Shs 112,351,963 (OSRFY 2916/2017)
% increase=
Shs 41,208,082 x 100
Shs 112,351,963
= 36,6% = 37%
Percentage increase in OSR was 37%
Reason advanced for increased Local Revenue Collections was
the Senior Accountant in Charge of Revenue and CFO were
moving together with members of the Standing Committee for
Finance and Administration in a bid to enhance Local revenue
collections. This Strategy of involving the Political Leadership
yielded results in the form of increased Revenue Collections.
LG has
collected local
revenues as
per budget
Maximum 2
points on this
• If revenue
collection ratio (the
percentage of local
revenue collected
against planned for
the previous FY
(budget realisation)
is within
+/- 10 %: then
score 2. If more
than +/- 10 %:
Score 0.
Total Local Revenue Planned/Budgeted (Original not Revised
budget) for FY 2017/2018 was Shs368,085,000 (Page 13 of Draft
Final Accounts FY2017/2018); while .
Total Local Revenue collected during FY 2017/2018 was Shs
153,560,045 (Page 29 of Draft Final Accounts FY 2017/2018)
This resulted into a revenue collection ratio of 42% leaving a
deficit of 58%= (100%-41%)
The District Local Government Officials opposed the option of
considering the Original Approved Budget revised yet there was
a provision within the Law to do the same
Local revenue
allocation and
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that the
has remitted the
mandatory LLG
share of local
revenues: score 2
Local Revenue collections subjected to sharing with LLGs was
Shs55,601,150 (Page 29 of the Draft Final Accounts FY
2017/2018); The
amount of local revenue remitted to LLGs was Shs…4,500,000
as per Vr 0107 dtt 9th August,2017,Payee Manager DFCU Bank
Lra Branch distributed to the following Sub counties thru’ their
bank A/Cs
Abako S/C = Shs 500,000
Aloi S/C = Shs 500,000
AmuguS/C = Shs 500,000
Apala S/C= Shs 500,000
Awei S/C Shs 500,000
Omoro S/C Shs 500,000
Alebtong TC Shs 500,000
Abla S/C Shs 500,000
Akura S/c Shs 500,000
Total 4,500,000
The District was Supposed to remit Shs 36,140747 ( 55,601,150
X65= Shs 36,140747
The District retained funds meant for LLG as follows; 36,140,747 -
4,500,000 equals to a net of 31,640,747. This was done to offset
the funds that were being owed by the LLGs in accordance with
section 85(3) of the Local Governments Act CAP243 as amended.
Local revenue
allocation and
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that the
total Council
expenditures on
allowances and
(including from all
sources) is not
higher than 20% of
the OSR collected
in the previous FY:
score 2
Total expenditure on Council allowances during FY 2017/2018
Shs 88,709,000 ( Extracted from 79Payment Vouchers Schedule
dated 25th September,2018 Authenticated by CFO Stephen
Andeyo Mob 0392,130,088, 0752,515,370)
PAT picked a copy filed and came along with it,
% Exp of Total Council Expenditure=
Shs 88,709,00 X 100= 79%
Shs 112,351,963 OSR FY (2016/2017)
Expenditure on Council allowances during FY2017/2018 of 79%
was over and above the required 20% of the previous FY
2016/2017 local revenue realized.
However, the district local Government was granted permission by
the Minister of Local Government to spend a total of Shs
49,674,000 over and above 20% limit on emoluments and
allowances as per letter dated 26th March 2018 referenced
ADM/F.55/01. This was in accordance with Sections 4.4A of the
First Schedule to the Local Governments Act CAP 243 as
Procurement and contract management
The LG has in
place the
capacity to
manage the
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that the
District has the
position of a Senior
Officer and
Officer (if
Officer and
substantively filled:
score 2
The LG did not have a Senior Procurement Officer and a
Procurement Officer.
At the time of the assessment, Okwir Isaac a SAS attached to the
Land Board was caretaking the office following the assignment of
duty letter referenced ADM/156/2 of 4th June, 2018
The LG has in
place the
capacity to
manage the
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that the
TEC produced and
submitted reports
to the Contracts
Committee for the
previous FY: score
The appointed EC for the LG Procurements for the FY 2017/2018
produced evaluation reports with technical and clear
recommendations to the Contracts Committee as evidenced by;
The completion of Sub County Chief’s house at Aloi, the EC
whose membership comprised of the; Owera John Bosco, a
Planner, Alany Jimmy Max Civil Engineer, Puche David a Senior
Engineer and Otile Peter a Senior Accounts Assistant on 28th
February, 2018 vide minute No. 28/2/2018 recommended to the
CC the best evaluated bidder; Ms Nyonymac Enterprises Limited
to be awarded the contract at UGX UGX 34,606,629
The Construction of a 2 classroom block and supply of 72 three
seater desks to Olaoilongo Community School was evaluated by;
Owera John Bosco, a Planner, Alany Jimmy Max Civil Engineer,
Puche David a Senior Engineer and Otile Peter a Senior Accounts
Assistant and in their report signed on 29th January, 2018, the EC
members recommended that M/s Dreamers Enterprises Ltd the
best evaluated bidder be awarded the contract by the CC at
Contract price UGX 150,804,972
The LG has in
place the
capacity to
manage the
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that the
of the TEC and
justifications for
any deviations from
score 1
The Contracts Committee considered recommendations of the EC
and in all the awarded contracts, the PAT did not note any
deviations from the EC recommendations, for instance:
For the completion of Sub County Chief’s house at Aloi, the EC on
28th February, 2018 vide minute No. 28/2/2018 recommended to
the CC the best evaluated bidder; Ms Nyonymac Enterprises
Limited to be awarded the contract at UGX UGX 34,606,629.
The CC upheld the EC recommendations and in its meeting held
on 5th March, 2018 through minute No. Aleb/cc/min/55/2018
awarded the tender to M/s Nyonymac Enterprises Limited.
For the Construction of a 2 classroom block and supply of 72
three seater desks to Olaoilongo Community School, the EC on
29th January, 2018 recommended that M/s Dreamers Enterprises
Ltd the best evaluated bidder be awarded the contract by the CC
at Contract price UGX 150,804,972.
During its sitting of 6th February, 2018 under minute No.
Aleb/cc/min/44a/2018, the CC awarded the Contract to M/s
Dreamers Enterprises Limited.
The LG has a
and Disposal
Plan covering
activities in the
approved AWP
and is followed.
Maximum 2
points on this
• a) Evidence that
the procurement
and Disposal Plan
for the current year
covers all
projects in the
approved annual
work plan and
budget and b)
evidence that the
LG has made
procurements in
previous FY as per
plan (adherence to
the procurement
plan) for
the previous FY:
score 2
The infrastructure projects in the FY 2018/19 Procurement and
Disposal Plan (PDP) corresponded with those in the AWP, for
instance; the Low cost sealing of 0.7km Odur-Yosam road on
page 57 of AWP and PDP item No. 1 under the DDEG funded
The PDP for FY 2017/18 corresponded well with the respective
AWP for example; item No. 31 of PDP; Rehabilitation of 4-
classroom Block at Oboo Primary School appeared on page 22
under the Education Work Plan.
The LG has
prepared bid
registers and
activities files
and adheres
Maximum 6
points on this
• For current FY,
evidence that the
LG has prepared
80% of the bid
documents for all
infrastructure by
August 30: score 2
The Assessment Team sampled and reviewed some projects for
the FY 2018/19 and noted that the PDU had prepared their the
Bid documents for instance;
- the Low cost sealing of 0.7km Odur-Yosam road at UGX
The LG has
prepared bid
registers and
activities files
and adheres
Maximum 6
points on this
• For Previous FY,
evidence that the
LG has an updated
contract register
and has complete
activity files for all
score 2
The LG had a Vote book used as the Contracts Register capturing
all the executed Contracts for FY 2017/2018.
The register was up to date as it captured the Rehabilitated
Akakowo Dam completed on 26th June, 2018.
The LG has
prepared bid
registers and
activities files
and adheres
Maximum 6
points on this
• For previous FY,
evidence that the
LG has adhered
thresholds (sample
5 projects):
score 2.
All the procurements undertaken during the FY under review
complied with Regulation 33(3) of the LGs (Public Procurement
and Disposal of Public Assets) Regulations 2006 Thresholds for
procurement of Works (1a and 1b), thresholds for procurement of
supplies and services (2a and 2b), micro procurement (3) and
community purchase (4). The LG used two procurement methods;
Open Domestic and Restrictive/Selective bidding. This was
evident from the sample of five indicated below;
Open Domestic Bidding, i. e Procurements with Price above UGX
100M were;
a) Completion of staff house at Aloi Sub County; Procurement Ref.
No. Aleb/588/works/2017- 2018/00013 with Contract sum UGX
34,006,629 was advertised in the New Vision of Tuesday, January
31, 2017 page 47 .with a bid security of UGX 1.2M.
b) Completion of two classrooms at Olaoilongo Community School
under Procurement Ref. Aleb/588/Works/2016/2017/00048
advertised in the New Vision of Tuesday, January 31, 2017 with
bid security of 3M.
c) Construction of 2-classroom block and supply of 72 desks at
Olaoilong Procurement Ref. No. Aleb/588//wrks/2017/2018/00006
advertised in the New Vision of 1st December, 2017 with bid
security of UGX 2M.
Restrictive/Selective Bidding was applied to;
a. Procurement; Aleb/588/sup/2017/18/00016; Supply of 150
female goats to Amugu Sub County at contract price UGX 21M
b. Procurement; Aleb/588/supplies/2017-2018/00021; Supply of
25 Oxen to Awei Sub County at Contract Price of UGX 24,125,000
The LG has
certified and
detailed project
information on
all investments
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that all
works projects
implemented in the
previous FY were
certified interim
and completion
for all projects
based on technical
supervision: score
There was evidence that the LG certified and provided detailed
project information on all investments example;
Construction of a 2-class room block at Anginakide P/S funded
using SFG by Gudul Enterprises Ltd reference No.
Aleb588/wks/2017-18/00001 at a contract price of
• Progress report and measurement sheet were dated 28th
• Interim Certificate No.1 issued on 28th March,2018 amounting to
UGX 29,015,098
• Interim Certificate No.2 was issued on 11th June,2018 UGX
• Interim Certificate No.3 issued on 29th June,2018 UGX
Construction of a 2-class room block at Adyanglim P/S funded
using DDEG by Amen Enterprises Ltd Reference No.
Aleb588/wkrs/2017-18/00002 at a contract price of
• Progress report and measurement sheet were dated 17th April,
• Interim Certificate No.1 issued on 17th April,2018 amounting to
UGX 29,662,840
• Interim Certificate No.2 was issued on 27th June,2018 UGX
• Interim Certificate No.3 issued on 29th June,2018 UGX
Construction of low-cost sealing of Amuka road (0.47km) and
Obote Avenue (0.54) by Bestways Contractors Ltd reference No.
Aleb588/wkrs/2017-18/00005 at a contract price of UGX
• Progress inspection report was dated 17th May,2018
measurement sheet dated 16th May, 2018
• Interim Certificate No.1 issued on 17th May,2018 UGX
Spot improvement of Teewao swamp on Akura-Alira P/S junction
to Anyanga HCII by Twinex Investment Ltd reference price of UGX
• Progress inspection report was written on
21st May,2018
• Interim Certificate No.1 issued on 25th May,2018 UGX
The LG has
certified and
detailed project
information on
all investments
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that all
works projects for
the current FY are
clearly labelled
(site boards)
indicating: the
name of the
project, contract
value, the
contractor; source
of funding and
expected duration:
score 2
There were no civil works projects for the current FY 2018/19
neither rolled over projects from FY 2017/18. However, during our
field inspection some of the completed projects FY 2017/18 like
the construction of a 2-class room block at Adyanglim P/S had no
label and no information about project was displayed.
Financial management
The LG makes
monthly and up
to-date bank
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that the
LG makes monthly
reconciliations and
are up to-date at
the time of the
assessment: score
The District Local Government made monthly bank
reconciliations and were up to date as at 31st August 2018 at the
time of this Performance Assessment for the following sampled
Cash books/bank /Accounts.
Works and Technical Services A/C No 01053500153140 at
LGMSD A/C 01983501001253 at DFCU Lira
Education A/C No 01983501002602 at DFU Lira
Community Based Services A/C 01933501001254 at DFCU
Natural Resources A/C N0 01983501001255 at DFCU.Lra.
Danida A/C 01983501002793 at DFCU Lira
General Operations A/C01053500047533 at DFCU Lira.
Health Department A/C
Production Department A/C 120040163 at
Housing Finance Bank Lira
NUSAF 3A/C 019825010026 at DFCU Lira.
Uganda Sanitation Fund A/C s2290512966
At KCB Lira
The District Local Government was operating a Manual
Accounting system and the process of installing e net work cables
for IFMS was on going at the District headquarters at the time of
this Performance Assessment.
The LG made
timely payment
of suppliers
during the
previous FY
Maximum 2
points on this
• If the LG makes
timely payment of
suppliers during
the previous FY
no overdue bills
(e.g. procurement
bills) of over 2
months: score 2.
The District Local Government made timely payments of suppliers
during the previous FY2017/2018. This was evidenced from the
following sampled payment Vouchers.
Voucher No 08/06/2018 dated 29th June,2018,Amount Shs.
947,520 paid to PN Akwanga Abac U Ltd Foundation Stores
being payment of retention money for Supply of 144 3 seater
Desks to Amuria, Awelokuricok , Amugu Quoran and Omarari
Primary Schools
Certificate issued on 29th June, 2018.
Request for payment made on 27th June,2018
Request endorsed by the DEO on 29TH June, 2018.
Payment effected on 29th June, 2018.
Payment made promptly within a period of 2days.
VoucherNo22/06/2018,dated 26th une,2018,Amount Shs
140,814,382,paid to Ebowa Investments Ltd BOX 442,Lira for
Drilling of 9 Boreholes.
Certificate issued on 20th June,2018
Request for payment made on 26th June,2018
Request for Payment endorsed by the District water officer on
26th June, 2018.
Payment effected on 26th June2018
Payment effected promptly within a period of 6days.
The LG
executes the
Internal Audit
function in
with the LGA
section 90 and
Maximum 6
points on this
• Evidence that the
LG has a
substantive Senior
Internal Auditor: 1
• LG has produced
all quarterly
internal audit
reports for the
previous FY: score
The District had a Senior Internal Auditor in the names of Alex
Ojom Mob 0785186176 as per Appointment letter dated 9th
February,2018 Ref. ADM/156/2.
Similarly, Alebtong District Service Commission in its sitting of 9th
February, 2018 under Minute No, DSC/33/2018 had directed that
Alex Ojom be Offered appointment on Promotion to the Post of
Senior Internal Auditor.
Additionally, on top of being a Senior Internal Auditor at the
District, Alex Ojom was assigned to act as a District Principal
Internal Auditor as per letter dated7th June,2018 Ref ADM/156/2
The LG
executes the
Internal Audit
function in
with the LGA
section 90 and
Maximum 6
points on this
• LG has produced
all quarterly
internal audit
reports for the
previous FY: score
Quarterly Internal Audit Reports for FY 2017/2018:
Quarter Date of report Reference
Quarter 1 19th Jan 2018 CRD/D/207/2
Quarter 2 10TH Feb,2018 None
Quarter 3 30th April 2018 None
Quarter 4 10th September 2018
The functionality of the Internal Audit department was evidenced
by the 4quaterly Internal Audit reports that were produced with
copies to relevant Authorities including Ministry of Local
Government, Office of the Auditor General among others
The LG
executes the
Internal Audit
function in
with the LGA
section 90 and
Maximum 6
points on this
Evidence that the
LG has provided
information to the
Council and LG
PAC on the status
of implementation
internal audit
findings for the
previous financial
year i.e. follow up
on audit queries
from all quarterly
audit reports: score
There was no documentary evidence that the LG had provided
information to the Council and LG PAC on the status of
implementation of internal audit findings for the FY2017/2018 i.e.
follow up on audit queries from all quarterly audit reports
Number of queries raised Number of queries cleared Number
of queries pending
None 12
The LG
executes the
Internal Audit
function in
with the LGA
section 90 and
Maximum 6
points on this
• Evidence that
internal audit
reports for the
previous FY were
submitted to LG
Accounting Officer,
PAC has reviewed
them and followed-
up: score 1.
There was evidence that Internal Audit reports for the FY
2017/2018 were submitted to the Accounting Officer and LGPAC
respectively. However, there was no evidence that the Accounting
Officer had taken action and LGPAC had reviewed them.
FY 2017/2018:
Quarter Date of submission Reference for report review
Quarter 1 30th October,2017
Quarter 2 10th Feb,2018 None
Quarter 3 39TH April,2018
Quarter 4 10th Sep2018 None
The LG
maintains a
detailed and
updated assets
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that the
LG maintains an
up- dated assets
register covering
details on
buildings, vehicle,
etc. as per format
in the accounting
manual: score 4
There was an attempt to compile an Assets register but not
conclusively done. The District Local Government had one Single
Assets Register as opposed to the requirement of having three
categories of Registers stipulated on page 167 to 168 of Local
Governments Financial and Accounting Manual 2007. The
district officials were taken mentored on how to compile the 3
required assets registers using the Formats outlined in the Local
Governments Financial and Accounting Manual. 2007. The 3
categories of asset registers the Assesses were told to compile
included register for Land And Buildings, Register for Motor
Vehicles and Heavy Machinery. Register for Fixed Assists
General. The District Local Government was still on a manual
System and had not been connected to IFMS
The LG has
obtained an
unqualified or
qualified Audit
Maximum 4
points on this
Quality of Annual
financial statement
from previous FY:
• Unqualified audit
opinion: score 4
• Qualified: score 2
score 0
The District Local Government obtained Unqualified Audit opinion
for FY 2017/2018
Governance, oversight, transparency and accountability
The LG
Council meets
and discusses
service delivery
related issues
Maximum 2
points on this
• Evidence that the
Council meets and
discusses service
delivery related
issues including
TPC reports,
monitoring reports,
assessment results
and LG PAC
reports for last FY:
score 2
The District Council met and discussed service delivery related
issues as evidenced in the minute extracts below:
? On 27th July 2017 under Min.9/3ADC/2018/18 discussed:
Standing committee report from Finance, Administration,
Marketing and Natural Resources.
? On 30th November 2017 under Min.29/3ADC/2017/18
discussed: Standing committee reports b) Works and Technical
? On 15th February 2018 under Min. 36/ADC/2017/18
discussed: Approval of additional funding to production
? On 29th March 2018 under Min. 45/3ADC/2017/18 discussed:
Laying of budget estimates for FY 2018/19
? On 31st May 2018 under Min. 54/3ADC/2017/18 discussed:
Nomination of 1 member of District Service Commission.
Minutes were kept loosely on a file folder which exposed the
documents to easy removal by unauthorised persons.
The LG has
responded to
the feedback/
provided by
Maximum 2
points on this
• Evidence that LG
has designated a
person to
response to feed-
back (grievance
/complaints) and
responded to
feedback and
complaints: score
In his letter ref CR 156/3 and dated 6th July, 2016 , the CAO
appointed and assigned Mr Okello Delion the Assistant Records
Officer, the duties of a District website Focal Point person to
coordinate among others, response to grievances/complaints.
The LG has
responded to
the feedback/
provided by
Maximum 2
points on this
• The LG has
specified a system
for recording,
investigating and
responding to
grievances, which
should be
displayed at LG
offices and made
publically available:
score 1
Although there were suggestion boxes outside the office of CAO,
at the gallery and health offices, the complaints were being
handled by the District Rewards and Sanctions Committee which
would advise the management to take decision. However, it was
noted that this committee was more concerned with the discipline
of the civil servants and not complaints/grievances raised by the
local citizens and therefore it was difficult to establish if there was
existence of a proper system for recording, investigating and
responding to grievances raised by the local citizens.
The LG shares
with citizens
Total maximum
4 points on this
Evidence that the
LG has published:
• The LG Payroll
and Pensioner
Schedule on public
notice boards and
other means: score
The District payroll and pensioner schedules for the month of
August, 2018 were publicised on the public Notice Board found on
the 2nd level of the main administration block. Similar documents
for the previous months i.e. for July, 2018 were on a folder and
were seen by the PAT.
The LG shares
with citizens
Total maximum
4 points on this
• Evidence that the
procurement plan
and awarded
contracts and
amounts are
published: score 1.
At the time of this assessment, the procurement plan and
schedules of awarded contracts, it was claimed, had been
removed from the Notice Board at the offices of the Procurement
Unit but removed documents could not be retrieved and for that
reason there was no dependable evidence to prove that at one
time there were displayed.
The LG shares
with citizens
Total maximum
4 points on this
• Evidence that the
LG performance
assessment results
and implications
are published e.g.
on the
budget website for
the previous year
(from budget
score 1.
Dissemination of performance assessment results for 2016/17
was done by postings on the Notice Board on 1st level of the main
administration offices. The following were examples displayed:
? Annex 1: On compliance to Accountability Requirements
where district was ranked No. 9 out of 138 entrants.
? Annex 2: On Cross-cutting Performance results where district
was ranked 41 out of 138 entrants.
? Among the sector rankings, the Education performance
assessment results, the district was ranked 24 out of 138
The LGs
circulars and
policies to
LLGs to
feedback to the
Maximum 2
points on this
• Evidence that the
HLG have
communicated and
circulars and
policies issued by
the national level to
LLGs during
previous FY: score
There was evidence that the District communicated and explained
guidelines, circulars and policies issued from the Centre as
indicated in the examples below:
i) A report compiled by the District Planner addressed to CAO
entitled: Technical Backstopping of LLGs on work-planning,
budget preparation and dissemination of DDEG guidelines dated
28th March, 2018 where 18 participants attended the two
ii) Other issues were disseminated to CEOs of the LLGs
attending TPC meetings for example in one held on 22nd March
2018 under Min.04/03/2018 in which IPFs from the Centre were
disseminated. In another meeting of 23rd November, 2017 under
Min. 05/11/2017 policy on Budget Framework Paper was
The LGs
circulars and
policies to
LLGs to
feedback to the
Maximum 2
points on this
• Evidence that LG
during the previous
FY conducted
discussions (e.g.
municipal urban
fora, barazas, radio
programmes etc.)
with the public to
provide feed-back
on status of activity
score 1.
A baraza was conducted on 8th December 2017at Omoro P/S and
a report was produced dated 18th December 2017 signed by Mr
Aula James the District PAS entitled “Annual Marking Anti-
Corruption Week”.
Other feedback activity to the public was done through a Press
Release Statement on 13th November 2017 in regard to the
alleged discrepancies in the approved Budget Estimates for FY
2017/18. It was signed by Mr Mbaagwa M Abdunoor, the CAO
Social and environmental safeguards
The LG has
gender into
their activities
and planned
activities to
women’s roles
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that the
LG gender focal
person and CDO
have provided
guidance and
support to sector
departments to
vulnerability and
inclusion into their
activities score 2.
There was no evidence that the Gender focal point officer
provided guidance and support to sector departments. For
instance, in all the following meetings there was no such guidance
given: :-
Minutes of 30th. August.2017 of Health, Education, Gender
and Community Based Services
Minutes of the 25th.Oct.2017 of Health, Education and
Community Services
Minutes of the 21st of May 2018, Health, Education, Gender
and Community Development
Minutes of Alebtong District Council of 31st. May. 2018.
Minutes of Alebtong Dist. Counc. Of 29th. 03. 2018. March.
Minutes of Alebtong District Council of the 27th. July.2018
Unreferenced and loose copies of generic notes on gender
mainstreaming seen.
Budget Conference minutes of the 31st. October.2017 seen,
no mention of the Community Development Sector nor
contribution, in terms of neither guidance nor support seen in the
The annual Monitoring Report seen was for Financial Year
Annual Community Based Services Department performance
report for 2016/2017, dated 20th.07.2017 to the Chief
Administrative Officer seen, (Dates were contradicting)
The LG has
gender into
their activities
and planned
activities to
women’s roles
Maximum 4
points on this
• Evidence that the
gender focal point
and CDO have
planned for
minimum 2
activities for current
FY to strengthen
women’s roles and
and social
inclusions and that
more than 90 % of
previous year’s
budget for gender
vulnerability/ social
inclusion has been
score 2.
Total approved Budget for Community Based Services for the
sector was shs 1,870,410,977/-
The following were spent on strengthening womens’ roles and
address vulnerability:-
1. Support women and PWDs with Income Generating Activities
(agricultural supplies) as well as management skills at
shs.1,515,065,308 picked on page 15-annex of the draft final
accounts, for FY 2017/18
2. Workshop and seminars in gender- mainstreaming for CDWs
in LLGs at shs.69,634,700 picked from the draft final accounts
page 15-annex.
3. Un defined workshop and seminar at shs.275,000,
shs.2,070,000, shs.2,300,000, shs.2,000,000 for agricultural
supplies all appearing on pages 14& 15 of the draft final accounts
FY 2017/18
To calculate 90% spent;
Shs.1,591,345,008/1,870,410,977x100=85%. This was less than
the 90% required
Financial year 2018/2019, the Community based department
planned for the following:-
1. Training PWDs on Project Management Skills 920,000
2. Economic support to 9 groups of PWDs at 23,985,000/-
3. Gender mainstreaming workshops 23, 154,000/-
LG has
and maintains
a functional
system and
staff for
and social
and land
Maximum 6
points on this
• Evidence that
screening or EIA
where appropriate,
are carried out for
activities, projects
and plans and
measures are
planned and
budgeted for: score
From the following sampled projects there was no evidence of
environmental screening or EIAs Undertaken:
a) Construction of a meat and fish stall at Amugu market
1.No screening files
2.1. No Monitoring reports
3.2. No ESMP Review
4.3. No Certification Forms
b) Road construction and rehabilitation from Tecwao swamp on
Akura Alira Primary School junction
1. No ESMP seen
2. No screening forms seen
3. No monitoring report seen
No certification by Environmental Officer
LG has
and maintains
a functional
system and
staff for
and social
and land
Maximum 6
points on this
• Evidence that the
LG integrates
environmental and
social management
and health and
safety plans in the
contract bid
documents: score
No evidence that the LG integrated environmental and social
management and health safety plans in the contract bid
documents. The following projects were sampled:-
1. Construction of 2 stance VIP latrine at Abako S/C HQs.
- No social management, health and safety plans seen in the
contract Bid documents
2. Construction of a 2 stance VIP latrine at Amugu market
- No social management, health and safety plans seen in the
contract bid document.
3. Construction of a fish hatchery Phase 2
- No environmental and social management and health safety
plans seen in the bid document sampled.
4. Excavation of 2 fish ponds at tangelo village Aloi
- No social management and environment nor health safety
guards seen in the bid documents seen.
5. Construction of a slaughter slab at and installation of 2 flag
poles at Town Council.
- No social management and environmental nor health of social
safety plans seen in the bid document sampled.
LG has
and maintains
a functional
system and
staff for
and social
and land
Maximum 6
points on this
• Evidence that all
projects are
implemented on
land where the LG
has proof of
ownership (e.g. a
land title,
agreement etc..):
score 1
No proof of ownership was seen by the time PAT left the LG,
much as they had promised to provide details of ownership for the
1.Awei Subcounty HQs
2.Aloi SS
3.Apala SS
4. Amugo Agro Tech.Institute
5.Akii Bua SS
Institutions with Deed plans:-
1. Alebtong civic Area
2. Amugu Subcounty HQs
3. Alebtong Health Centre iv
4. Amugu Health centre III
5. Apala Health Center III
6. Abako Health Centre III
7. Omoro Health Centre III
8. Alanyi St. Theresa Girls SS
9. Omoro SS
10. Abako Subcounty HQs
11. Amugo SS
LG has
and maintains
a functional
system and
staff for
and social
and land
Maximum 6
points on this
• Evidence that all
completed projects
Environmental and
Social Mitigation
Certification Form
completed and
signed by
Officer and CDO:
score 1
The following sampled completed projects did not have
Environmental and Social mitigation Certification form completed
and signed by the Environmental Officer and CDO.
- Rehabilitation of Awei Health centre 2 OPD block
- Rehabilitation of 4 classroom block at Oboo Prim. School
- Partial fencing of Omoro sub county headquarters
- Road construction and rehabilitation from Tecwao swamp on
Akura Alira Primary School junction
- Construction of meat and fish stall at Amugu market
LG has
and maintains
a functional
system and
staff for
and social
and land
Maximum 6
points on this
• Evidence that the
contract payment
includes prior
environmental and
social clearance
(new one): Score 1
Contract payment certificates seen did not have prior
environmental and social clearance safeguards nor environmental
completion certificates as seen in the following completed, and in
use projects:-
- 2 stance VIP Latrine at Abako Sub county HQs.
- 5 stance VIP latrine at Amugu market
- Excavation of 2 fish ponds at Tangala village Aloi
- Road construction of Obile to Amugu
- Completion of sub County Chief house at Awei S/C.
LG has
and maintains
a functional
system and
staff for
and social
and land
Maximum 6
points on this
• Evidence that
officer and CDO
monthly report,
includes a)
b) deviations
observed with
pictures, c)
corrective actions
taken. Score: 1
Only 2 reports for 2 projects dated 19th. September.2017 and
19th.October. 2017 made by the environmental officer seen.
No completed checklists with deviations seen.
588 Alebtong District Education Performance
Measures 2018
Summary of
Definition of
Compliance justification Score
Human resource planning and management
The LG education
de- partment has
budgeted and
deployed teachers
as per guidelines (a
Head Teacher and
minimum of 7
teachers per school)
Maximum 8 for this
• Evidence that the LG
has budgeted for a Head
Teacher and minimum of
7 teachers per school (or
minimum a teacher per
class for schools with
less than P.7) for the
current FY: score 4
LG budgeted for a head teacher and a minimum of
Primary School Teachers for FY 2018/19. Total
budget was shs.6,210,795,000. The budget covered
75 head teachers and 936 teachers.
The LG education
de- partment has
budgeted and
deployed teachers
as per guidelines (a
Head Teacher and
minimum of 7
teachers per school)
Maximum 8 for this
• Evidence that the LG
has deployed a Head
Teacher and minimum of
7 teachers per school (or
minimum of a teacher
per class for schools with
less than P.7) for the
current FY: score 4
There were 75 government aided P/S. The LG had
deployed a head teacher and minimum of 7 teachers
per school for the FY 2018/19. For instance;
1. Odwe Julius Peter CR/D/00528 deployed to Alanyi
P/S together with 19 teachers.
2. Owera Charles CR/D/00951 deployed as head
teachers to Amononeno P/S together with 14 teachers
3. Otim Joel Magezi deployed as caretaker head
teacher to Angoltok P/S along with 9 teachers
4. Agel Moses CR/D/00877 deployed as head
teacher to Abako P/S along with 14 teachers
5. Odongo Mike deployed as head teacher to
Tyengar P/S along with 14 teachers
6. Jamtoo Nancy CR/D/01562 deployed as head
teacher to Okut P/S along with 14 teachers.
LG had deployed a head teacher along with at least 7
teachers in each of the 75 Primary Schools.
LG has substantively
recruited all primary
school teachers
where there is a
wage bill provision
Maximum 6 for this
• Evidence that the LG
has filled the structure for
primary teachers with a
wage bill provision
o If 100%: score 6
o If 80 - 99%: score 3
o If below 80%: score 0
LG had filled the structure over and above the primary
teachers wage bill for FY 2018/19
Primary Education wage allocation for Alebtong district
for FY 2018/2019 was shs.6,210,795,000 picked from
page 42 of the budget.
Wage bill for primary teachers in post for FY
2018/2019 was shs.6,387,257,196
%wage provision (posts filled for primary school
teachers with a wage bill provision) = 102 %
There was a shortfall of 2% of the wage budget for FY
2018/2018 amounting to 176,462,196/=
The LG had notified Ministry of Finance about this
problem on letter dated 27th August, 2018 on
reference CR/D/1115/1 with a heading- shortfall in
wage bill allocation.
LG has substantively
recruited all positions
of school inspectors
as per staff structure,
where there is a
wage bill provision.
Maximum 6 for this
• Evidence that the LG
has substantively filled all
positions of school
inspectors as per staff
structure, where there is
a wage bill provision:
score 6
LG had two positions of Inspector of Schools
according to the approved staff establishment Ref.
ARC135/306/01 and dated 13th January, 2017. Both
positions were filled as follows;
1. Olwit Moses Ocen CR/D/01994 was Senior
Inspector of Schools appointed on 3rd May, 2013
under the direction of DSC Minute no.69/2013.
2. Aloro Ario Rolex- CR/D/00323 was appointed
Inspector of schools on 24th April, 2011 under the
direction of Dokolo DSC minute no.030/2011 on behalf
of Alebtong LG.
The LG Education
department has
submitted a
recruitment plan
covering primary
teachers and school
inspectors to HRM
for the current FY.
Maximum 4 for this
Evidence that the LG
Education department
has submitted a
recruitment plan to HRM
for the current FY to fill
positions of
• Primary Teachers:
score 2
The department had prepared and submitted a
recruitment plan to HRM which was received by the
registry on 8th January, 2018. The plan was declaring
the following positions;
1. Gap of 367 Education Assistants II
2. Gap of 63 head teachers
3. Gap of 15 head teachers
The position of inspector of schools was not included
because it was already substantively filled.
The LG Education
department has
submitted a
recruitment plan
covering primary
teachers and school
inspectors to HRM
for the current FY.
Maximum 4 for this
Evidence that the LG
Education department
has submitted a
recruitment plan to HRM
for the current FY to fill
positions of
• School Inspectors:
score 2
The department had substantively all the tow positions
of Inspector of schools and there was no need for a
recruitment plan indicating the said position
Monitoring and Inspection
The LG Education
department has
appraisal for school
inspectors and
ensured that
appraisal for all
primary school head
teachers is
conducted during the
previous FY.
Maximum 6 for this
Evidence that the LG
Education department
has ensured that all head
teachers are appraised
and has appraised all
school inspectors during
the previous FY
• 100% school
inspectors: score
School inspectors had been appraised for FY 2017/18
as follows;
1. Aloro Ario Rolex was appraised 1st July, 2018. He
was commended for his dedication and commitment to
2. Olwit Moses Ocen was appraised 1st July, 2018.
The LG Education
department has
appraisal for school
inspectors and
ensured that
appraisal for all
primary school head
teachers is
conducted during the
previous FY.
Maximum 6 for this
Evidence that the LG
Education department
has ensured that all head
teachers are appraised
and has appraised all
school inspectors during
the previous FY
• Primary school head
teachers o 90 - 100%:
score 3
o 70% and 89%: score 2
o Below 70%: score 0
All head teachers had been appraised for Calendar
year 2017. For Instance;
1. Bua Charles of Amugo Quran P/S appraised 19th
February, 2018. Comment was “satisfactory
2. Akullo Milly of Apala P/S was appraised 14th
February, 2018
3. Ogand Tom of Telela P/S was appraised on 15th
January, 2018
4. Odyek Bernard of Alanyi P/S was appraised on
23rd January, 2018
5. Odwee Julius Peter was appraised on 17th
January, 2018
6. Obira James of Amuria P/S was appraised 2nd
February, 2018
7. Okonye Robert of Anara P/S was appraised on
23rd December, 2017
8. Aluka Jaspher of Awiny-Oru P/S was appraised
7th February, 2018
All head teachers appraised in calendar year 2017 per
statutory requirement.
Sample= 8
Appraised =8
Percentage 8/8x100=100%
The LG Education
Department has
communicated and
explained guidelines,
policies, circulars
issued by the
national level in the
previous FY to
Maximum 3 for this
• Evidence that the LG
Education department
has communicated all
guidelines, policies,
circulars issued by the
national level in the
previous FY to schools:
score 1
The following circulars were seen in the circular file;
1. Enforcement of standard operating procedure for
private schools in Uganda dated 5th February, 2018.
There was no evidence of dissemination FY 2017/18
2. Phasing out of implementation USE programme in
private schools dated 19th January, 2018
3. Guidelines on school charges dated October 24,
4. Enforcing closure of illegal schools dated 26th
March, 2018
The following circulars as picked at national level were
not seen at the schools at the time of assessment.
Circular of Stop Malaria, Circular on MDD in schools
as well as Circular about Early closure and opening of
schools. None of the schools visited had circular,
guidelines or policies on their file. The following
schools were visited and the said circulars above were
not seen; Okut P/S, Tyengar P/S, Adyanglim P/S,
Abako P/S as well as Alanyi P/S.
The LG Education
Department has
communicated and
explained guidelines,
policies, circulars
issued by the
national level in the
previous FY to
Maximum 3 for this
• Evidence that the LG
Education department
has held meetings with
primary school head
teachers and among
others explained and
sensitised on the
guidelines, policies,
circulars issued by the
national level: score 2
A meeting with head teachers to disseminate new
supervision tool for SMC/PTA Chairpersons, Head
Teachers and Deputy Head Teachers was held on
15th August, 2017. Under Minute no.4/2017, the DIS
noted that head teachers should ensure that they
have records of activities on file for easy access.
On 4th August, 2018 the DEO met teachers to discuss
conduct of mock exams
The LG Education
De- partment has
effectively inspected
all registered primary
Maximum 12 for this
• Evidence that all
licenced or registered
schools have been
inspected at least once
per term and reports
o 100% - score 12
o 90 to 99% - score 10
o 80 to 89% - score 8
o 70 to 79% - score 6
o 60 to 69% - score 3
o 50 to 59 % score 1
o Below 50% score 0.
Inspection report for third term 2017 was seen on file
at the time of assessment. The report raised pertinent
issues including; Abia p/S pupils were found sitting of
the floor, the sign posts for almost all schools in the
LG had become so old; making of lesson plans by
teachers was inconsistent, amongst others.
Amongst the recommendations were; surplus desks at
Akwete P/S to be relocated to Abia P/S, time table to
be available in all classes for easy follow-up, e.t.c
Inspection report for term II, 2018 indicated that all 75
government aided schools were inspected. No
evidence that any of the 45 community or licensed
private schools were inspected. Inspection reports for
private schools that were on file seen by PAT and
dated 21st December, 2017, 20th February, 2018
were solely for licensing purposes of majorly Nursery
Schools including; Holy Kids, New Trinity, Bright
Junior, Omuka Highland, Mother Care and Awei Junior
Nursery schools.
No evidence of inspection of the above schools at
least once per term in FY 2017/18.
Only one inspection report was seen at Alanyi Primary
School dated 28th June, 2018. At Abako P/S, the DEO
visited 24th April, 2017 to undertake a consultative
meeting with head teachers of Awei and Abako. This
was outside the period of assessment thus cannot
score. No inspection report seen at Adyanglim for
period considered for assessment. No inspection
report seen at Tyengar P/S. Last but not least, two
inspection reports dated 2nd July, 2018, 12th July,
2017 were seen at time of assessment.
For the sampled schools, the LG had not inspected all
schools at least once each as per statutory
requirement. To calibrate the inspection percentage;
2 stood for number of schools inspected in sample
5 stood for sampled schools
LG Education
department has
discussed the
results/ reports of
school inspec- tions,
used them to make
recommendations for
corrective actions
and fol- lowed
Maximum 10 for this
• Evidence that the
Education department
has discussed school
inspection reports and
used reports to make
recommendations for
corrective actions during
the previous FY: score 4
A meeting held on 25th June, 2018 discussed
inspection reports as follows;
About inadequate desks in schools, head teachers
were asked to repair all broken desks.
Meeting held 2nd June, 2018, under minute
5/06/2018- the meet resolved that head teacher tracks
and submit monthly reports about teachers. Minutes
were no signed.
Meeting held 15th September, 2018, under
minute5/09/2017. However, minutes were not signed.
LG Education
department has
discussed the
results/ reports of
school inspec- tions,
used them to make
recommendations for
corrective actions
and fol- lowed
Maximum 10 for this
• Evidence that the LG
Education department
has submitted school
inspection reports to the
Directorate of Education
Standards (DES) in the
Ministry of Education and
Sports (MoES): Score 2
Inspection reports were submitted to DES as follows;
1. Term 2 submitted on 27th August, 2018
2. Term 3, 2017 & Term 1, 2018 submitted 23rd
August, 2018
LG Education
department has
discussed the
results/ reports of
school inspec- tions,
used them to make
recommendations for
corrective actions
and fol- lowed
Maximum 10 for this
• Evidence that the
recommendations are
followed- up: score 4.
No evidence that this was seen by PAT during
The LG Education
department has
reports/date for
school lists and
enrolment as
per formats provided
by MoES
Maximum 10 for this
• Evidence that the LG
has submitted
accurate/consistent data:
o List of schools which
are consistent with both
EMIS reports and PBS:
score 5
LG submitted data on list of schools at 75 consistent
with PBS and EMIS dated 4th May, 2018
The LG Education
department has
reports/date for
school lists and
enrolment as
per formats provided
by MoES
Maximum 10 for this
Evidence that the LG has
ted accurate/consistent
• Enrolment data for all
schools which is
consistent with EMIS
report and PBS: score 5
LG submitted data on enrolment at 134,114 consistent
with PBS and EMIS dated 4th May, 2018
Governance, oversight, transparency and accountability
The LG committee
re- sponsible for
education met,
discussed service
delivery issues and
pre- sented issues
that require approval
to Council
Maximum 4 for this
• Evidence that the
council committee
responsible for education
met and discussed
service delivery issues
including inspection,
performance assessment
results, LG PAC reports
etc. during the previous
FY: score 2
There was evidence that the Council Committee
responsible for education met and discussed service
delivery issues, for instance;
1. Meeting held on 22nd December, 2017 under
Min.16.17, members recommended that SMC should
take up the mantle of monitoring absenteeism of
teacher in their various schools, e.t.c. 7 committee
members were in attendance.
2. Meeting on 25th October, 2017 under Min.12.1
discussed allocation of shs.182m to special needs for
3. Meeting on 22nd March, 2018 under Min.24.2
discussed third term 2017 school inspection report.
Nine members were in attendance.
4. Meeting on 21st May, 2018 discussed budget
scrutiny for the sector under Min.32.4.
The LGAC held meetings on dates 29th December,
2017 to deliberate on internal audit report for FY
ended 2016/17. Some of the queries raised and
PGPAC remarks were;
1. Funds amounting to shs.1,525,000 not fully
accounted for by Otyeno Bonny. The officer did not
appear before PAC and it was recommended the
officer to be invited again.
2. Okello Bosco did not provide account on spending
shs.3,814,000 meant to conduct DPAC sitting.
Voucher to be brought to LGPAC for verification.
PAC only sat once in FY 2017/18 instead of once per
quarter, reason being lack of funds to facilitate the
committee sittings.
However, no evidence that performance assessment
results were discussed during the committee sector
The LG committee
re- sponsible for
education met,
discussed service
delivery issues and
pre- sented issues
that require approval
to Council
Maximum 4 for this
• Evidence that the
education sector
committee has presented
issues that require
approval to Council:
score 2
The Committee responsible for Education had
presented issues that required approval by Council in
a report dated 25th May, 2018. Some of the issues
presented included;
1. Renovation of 2 classrooms at Ogengo P/S at
2. Shs.62m be utilized to rehabilitate 4 classrooms at
Aloi P/S
Council meeting on 31st May, 2018 under Min.53.4
upheld the recommendation of the sub-Committee to
construct 2 classrooms at Ogengo P.7 school without
furniture at shs.78m- instead of renovating 4
classrooms in the same school. Under Min.53.5,
Council guided that 4 classroom block be rehabilitated
in Aloi High P.7 school at 62m instead of 70m. Council
upheld the recommendation. Under Min.53.27, council
passed the education budget totaling to
Primary schools in a
LG have functional
Maximum 5 for this
Evidence that all primary
schools have functional
SMCs (estab- lished,
meetings held,
discussions of budget
and resource issues and
submission of reports to
• 100% schools: score 5
• 80 to 99% schools:
score 3
• Below 80 % schools:
score 0
There was evidence all primary schools in the LG had
functional SMCs. For instance;
1. Abako P/S held meeting for 2nd term 2018 on
19th June, 2018. Under Min.2/2018/5 discussed
formation of boarding committee, authorized
watchman to take charge of stray animals, e.t.c . On
1st March, 2018 under MIN1/2018/3c discussed
budget approval.
2. Amononeno P/S held meeting for Term Two,
2018 on 19th September, 2018. Discussed planning
for term 2, amongst others. Meeting on 12th February,
2018 under Min.5/02/2018 discussed performance of
school in PLE. Term 3, 2017 meeting held on 13th
November, 2017 under min05/11/2017 discussed
construction of teachers house, rehabilitation of one
classroom block of 3 classes
3. Alanyi P/S held meeting on 15th June, 2018 to
among others present financial report for term one
under min4/1/18
4. Tyengar P/S SMC held meeting on 12th June,
2018 and received report on construction of teachers
house- discussed under minute. 4/12/6/18, meeting
held 13th February, 2018 discussed collection of
teachers incentives from parents under min.4/13/2/18
5. Okut P/S SMC held meetings on 4th June, 2018
under min.06/Joint/June/2018 and discussed stray
animals on the school premises, 7th December, 2017,
22 November, 2017, 4th December, 2017 under
Min.05/5/2017. Amongst issues discussed include;
construction of more teachers houses, report for 2nd
term totaling to shs.572,000.
The LG has
publicised all schools
receiving non- wage
recurrent grants
Maximum 3 for this
• Evidence that the LG
has publicised all schools
receiving non-wage
recurrent grants
e.g. through posting on
public notice boards:
score 3
LG had publicized all the 75 schools receiving non-
wage recurrent grants- through posting on notice
board inside the administration block of the district.
Post included releases for term 3, 2017 as well as
term I & II, 2018. Post was signed by the DEO
Procurement and contract management
The LG Education
department has
submitted input into
the LG procurement
plan, complete with
all technical
to the Procurement
Unit that cover all
items in the
approved Sector
annual work plan
and budget
Maximum 4 for this
• Evidence that the
sector has submitted
procurement input to
Procurement Unit that
covers all investment
items in the approved
Sector annual work plan
and budget on time by
April 30: score 4
Sector submitted procurement input to the
Procurement Unit that covereds all investment items in
the approved sector AWP. The in- puts were
submitted 25th April, 2018 under letter dated 24th
April, 2018. The Plan had 4 investment projects as
1. Rehabilitation of 4classroom block and installation
of lightening arrestors- page 1 of 3 in procurement
plan and page 142 of AWP
2. Rehabilitation of 4 classroom block at Alebelebe
P/S- page 2of 3 and page 142 of AWP
3. Construction of 2 classroom block at Agenga P/S-
page 3 of 3 and page 142 of AWP
Financial management and reporting
The LG Education
department has
certified and initiated
payment for supplies
on time
Maximum 3 for this
• Evidence that the LG
Education departments
timely (as
per contract) certified
and recommended
suppliers for payment:
score 3.
There was documentary evidence that that the LG
Education departments timely (as per contract)
certified and recommended suppliers for payment: as
per the following Sampled Payment Vouchers
Voucher No 08/06/2018 dated 29th June, 2018
Amount Shs. 947,520 Payee PN AKWANGA ABAC
(U) Ltd Foundation Stores.
Purpose Payment for Retention Funds for supply of
144 3 -Seater Desks to Amuria, AWELOKURICOK
,Amugu Quoran and Omarari Primary Schools.
Certificate issued on 29th June,2018
Claim for Payment made on 27th June,2018
Claim endorsed by the District Education Officer
on 29th June 2018
Payment effected on 29th June, 2018
Payment effected promptly with a period of 2 days.
Voucher No 12/06/2018 dated 29th June, 2018,
amount Shs. 33,754,332 Payee Paradym Investments
Ltd Box 806 Mukono Tel 0392620211 Purpose
Rehabilitation of 4classroom block at Oboro Primary
Claim for payment made on 25th June,2018
Certificate for work done issued on 29th June,
Claim endorsed by the District Education Officer
on 29th June,2018
Payment effected on 29th June,2018
Payment effected promptly within a period of
The LG Education
department has
submitted annual
reports (including all
quarterly reports) in
time to the Planning
Maximum 4 for this
• Evidence that the
department submitted
the annual performance
report for the previous
FY (with availability of all
four quarterly reports) to
the Planner by 15th of
July for consolidation:
score 4
The Ag. DEO prepared and submitted to Planner the
Annual Performance Report dated 5th July, 2018.
The quarterly reports were prepared and submitted to
the Planner as follows;
Q1 as submitted 11th October, 2017
Q2 was submitted 9th January, 2018
Q3 was submitted 12th April, 2018
Q4 was submitted 5th July, 2018
Same reports were submitted by PBS to Planner per
statutory requirement
LG Education has
acted on Internal
Audit recom-
mendation (if any)
Maximum 4 for this
• Evidence that the
sector has provided
information to the
internal audit on the
status of implementation
of all audit findings for
the previous financial
o If sector has no audit
score 4
o If the sector has
provided information to
the internal audit on the
status of imple-
mentation of all audit
findings for the previous
financial year: score 2
o If all queries are not
ed to score 0
There was no documentary evidence that the sector
had provided information to the internal audit on the
status of implementation of all audit findings for the FY
Number of queries raised Number of
queries cleared Number of
queries pending
3 0
LGPAC functionality was wanting as only one report
on un-referenced letter dated 29th December, 2017
was availed to the Performance Assessment Team for
Social and environmental safeguards
LG Education
Department has
disseminated and
promoted adherence
to gender guidelines
Maximum 5 points
for this performance
• Evidence that the LG
Education department in
consultation with the
gender focal person has
disseminated guidelines
on how senior
women/men teachers
should provide guidance
to girls and boys to
handle hygiene,
reproductive health, life
skills, etc.: Score 2
The education department conducted a training
workshop to disseminate guidelines to Senior a total of
150 Women/Men Teachers across all UPE schools in
the district. Training took place on 16th April, 2018 at
Abletong Primary School. The following thematic areas
were covered during the training;
- Scope of guidelines
- Intended users
- National environmental health policy
- Public Health Act 2000
- E.t.c
There was no evidence that the gender focal person
was involved in planning and implementation of this
LG Education
Department has
disseminated and
promoted adherence
to gender guidelines
Maximum 5 points
for this performance
• Evidence that LG
Education department in
collaboration with gender
department have issued
and explained guidelines
on how to manage
sanitation for girls and
PWDs in primary
schools: score 2
The same training above was used to issue guidelines
on how to manage sanitation for girls. However, no
evidence that guidelines on sanitation with PWDs were
issued nor the gender focal person involved.
LG Education
Department has
disseminated and
promoted adherence
to gender guidelines
Maximum 5 points
for this performance
• Evidence that the
School Management
Committee meets the
guideline on gender
composition: score 1
SMCs met the guidelines on composition of gender.
For instance;
1. Amononeno P/S Committee was appointed on
22nd January, 2016. The Committee had 13 members
with 3 female members.
2. Okut P/S P/S SMC with 13 members and 3 female
committee members.
3. Alanyi P/S SMC was appointed 22nd January,
2016 with 13 members including 3 female committee
4. Abako P/S had 13 committee members
comprising of 3 female members, appointed 22nd
January, 2016
5. Adyanglim P/S had 13 committee members with 2
female members, appointed 22nd January, 2016
SMC term of office were almost expiring so the DEO
had written a letter dated 10th September, 2018
informing stakeholders in the respective schools to
start the process of nominating new SMC members- to
replace the outgoing Committees
LG Education
department has
ensured that guide-
lines on
management are
dissemi- nated and
complied with
Maximum 3 points
for this performance
• Evidence that the LG
Education department in
collaboration with
Environment department
has issued guidelines on
management (tree
planting, waste
management, formation
of environmental clubs
and environment
education etc.): score 1:
A letter written to all head teachers on 4th July, 2017
appealed to them to ensure that mitigation measures
about the environment were put in place and they
Planting not less than 200 seedlings of different
varieties of trees
There was also a report on energy conservation
issued in conjunction with the environmental officer
Issued guidelines for the development of school
talking environment
LG Education
department has
ensured that guide-
lines on
management are
dissemi- nated and
complied with
Maximum 3 points
for this performance
• Evidence that all school
infrastructure projects
are screened before
approval for construction
using the checklist for
screening of projects in
the budget guidelines
and where risks are
identified, the forms
include mitigation
actions: Score 1
There was no evidence that infrastructure projects
were screened before approval for construction using
checklist for screening projects in the budget
guidelines for completed projects in FY 2017/18
LG Education
department has
ensured that guide-
lines on
management are
dissemi- nated and
complied with
Maximum 3 points
for this performance
• The environmental
officer and community
officer have visited the
sites to checked whether
the mitigation plans are
complied with: Score 1
There was no evidence that mitigation plans were
complied with.
588 Alebtong District Health Performance
Measures 2018
Summary of
Definition of
Compliance justification Score
Human resource planning and management
LG has substantively
recruited primary
health care workers
with a wage bill
provision from PHC
Maximum 8 points for
this performance
Evidence that LG
has filled the
structure for
primary health care
with a wage bill
provision from PHC
wage for the
current FY
More than 80%
filled: score 8
60 80% -
score 4
Less than 60%
filled: score 0
PHC wage allocation for Alebtong district for FY 2018/2019
was 1,050,363,000 (page 6 of the District Health work
PHC wage for health workers in post for FY 2018/2019 was
%wage provision (posts filled for primary health care
workers with a wage bill provision) = 98.2% resulting into a
score of 8.
There was a surplus of 1.8% of the wage budget for FY
2018/2018 amounting to 19,083,106/
The LG Health
department has
submitted a
recruitment plan for
primary health care
workers to the HRM
Maximum 6 points for
this performance
Evidence that
Health department
has submitted a
plan/re- quest to
HRM for the
current FY,
covering the
vacant positions of
primary health care
workers: score 6
Alebtong DLG health department was human resource
constrained. The staffing norm for PHC workers was 225
while those in post were only 131 representing staffing
level of only 58%.
Recruitment plan to cover the staffing gap was submitted
by DHO on 12th May 2018 (submission letter not
referenced) and was received by CAO on the same day of
12th May 2018.
The recruitment plan included key critical cadres in health
care service delivery. These were: A DHO, 1 Senior
Medical Officer, 7 midwives, 7 Enrolled nurses, Aesthetic
Officer among others.
The LG Health
department has
performance appraisal
for Health Centre IVs
and Hospital In-
charge and ensured
appraisals for HC III
and II in-charges are
Maximum 8 points for
this performance
Evidence that the
all health facilities
in-charges have
been appraised
during the previous
o 100%: score 8
o 70 99%: score
o Below 70%:
score 0
Four (4) out of the 5 sampled health facilities in-charges
(75%) were appraised in the financial year 2017/2018 as
indicated below:
• In-charge Alebtong HC IV Dr. Jimmy Amuku had not been
appraised because he had been Incharge of the health HC
IV for only 4 months. The appraisal form of the previous
incharge could not be traced.
• In-charge Abako HC III Okoti Bonny was apprised on 30th
July 2018. Appraiser’s commentDue for confirmation”
• In-charge Apala HC III, Oluma Tonny was appraised on
12th September 2018.
Appraiser’s commentHard working officer, recommended
for promotion
• In-charge Awei HCII, Loger Rebecca was appraised on
30th July 2018. Appraiser’s comment “Hard working
• In-charge Akora HCII Awilli Jennifer was appraised on
30th July 2018. Appraiser’s comment “Very committed and
The Local
Government Health
department has
deployed health
workers across health
facilities and in
accordance with the
staff lists submitted
together with the
budget in the current
Maximum 4 points for
this performance
Evidence that
the LG Health
department has
deployed health
workers in line with
the lists submitted
with the budget for
the current FY, and
if not provided
justification for
deviations: score 4
The LG allocated health workers in line with lists submitted
with the budget for FY 2018/2019 in PBS system.
Alebtong DLG had 1 HC IV, 4 HC IIIs and 10 HC IIs. The
health department had a staffing norm of 225 staff of which
131 were in post with a gap of 94 health workers. The DHO
had submitted a recruitment plan to fill 21 of the 94 vacant
posts on 15th May 2018, (Letter not referenced).
The PAT reviewed approved staff list and compared it with
the actual numbers of health workers at the health facilities
The PAT sampled the following facilities:
• Alebtong HC IV, 41 staff were deployed out of the 48
staffing norm
• Abako HC III 10 staff were deployed out of the 19 staffing
• Apala HC III: 14 were deployed out of the 19 staffing
• Awei HC II: 4 health workers were deployed out of the 9
required staffing norm.
• Akura HC III: 6 out the required 9 staff were deployed
At each facility, the staff list matched with the deployment
list at DHO’s office.
Monitoring and Supervision
The DHO/MHO has
communicated and
explained guidelines,
policies, circulars
issued by the national
level in the previous
FY to health facilities
Maximum 6 for this
performance measure
Evidence that
the DHO/ MHO has
communicated all
guidelines, policies,
circulars issued by
the national level in
the previous FY to
health facilities:
score 3
Copies of the following guidelines were received by DHO’s
office in financial year 2017/2018 and were available in the
sampled health facilities as indicated below: The visited
health facilities were
• Alebtong HC IV
• Apala HC III
• Akure HC II
• Awei HC II
• Abako HC III
• Approached to healthcare waste management, second
edition 2013 was available at Aleptong HC IV, Abako HC III
and Apala HC III
• Introduction of Rota virus vaccine dated 15 March 2018
was available in all facilities.
• Service standards and service delivery standards for the
health sector July 2016 was available in all health facilities
• Immunization in Practice for Uganda, June 2017 was
available in all health facilities
• Prostate cancer, Information, Education and
Communication for health workers, first edition November
2017 was available at Aleptong HC IV, Abako HC III and
Apala HC III
• Childhood cancer, Information, Education and
Communication for health workers, first edition April 2018
was available at Aleptong HC IV, Abako HC III and Apala
• Breast cancer, Information, Education and
Communication for health workers, First edition December
2017 was available at Aleptong HC IV, Abako HC III and
Apala HC III
• Prostate cancer, Information, Education and
Communication for health workers, First edition November
2017, was available at Aleptong HC IV, Abako HC III and
Apala HC III
• Uganda Clinical guidelines, 2016 was available in all
health facilities
Therefore, there was evidence to show that policies,
guidelines and circulars from the center are received at the
health facilities
The DHO/MHO has
communicated and
explained guidelines,
policies, circulars
issued by the national
level in the previous
FY to health facilities
Maximum 6 for this
performance measure
Evidence that
the DHO/ MHO has
held meetings with
health facility in-
charges and
among others
explained the
guidelines, policies,
circulars issued by
the national level:
score 3
• The DHT together with health unit incharges held a
meeting on 30th May 2018. Among issues that discussed
were the health care waste management guidelines as
evidenced from the quarterly DHMT report dated 30th May
2018, minute 03/5/18: Communication from the chair.
The LG Health
Department has
effectively provided
support supervision to
district health services
Maximum 6 points for
this performance
Evidence that
supervised 100%
of HC IVs and
district hospitals
(including PNFPs
receiving PHC
grant) at least once
in a quarter: score
Alebtong District had 1 HC IV and no hospital.
The PAT looked at evidence that the DHT had conducted 4
quarterly integrated technical support supervision visits to
the health HC IV.
Only 3 out of the required 4 integrated technical support
supervision reports to the HC IV for the four quarters were
presented with clear action points on gaps identified during
the support supervision.
Reports were submitted on the following dates.
Quarter 1: 27th October 2018
Quarter2: 7th January 2018
Quarter3: 22nd April 2018
Quarter4: 17th July 2018
Therefore, the DHT conducted all the 4 mandatory
technical support supervision visits to the HC IV (at least
once each quarter) during financial 2017/2018
The LG Health
Department has
effectively provided
support supervision to
district health services
Maximum 6 points for
this performance
Evidence that
ensured that HSD
has super- vised
lower level health
facili- ties within the
previous FY:
If 100%
supervised: score
80 - 99% of the
health facilities:
score 2
60% - 79% of
the health facilities:
score 1
Less than 60%
of the health
facilities: score 0
Four HSD quarterly technical support supervision reports
were available at DHO’s office.
The reports indicated that quarterly support supervision
visits had been conducted as follows:
Q1: 10th August 2017
Q2: 30th January 2018
Q3: 27th February 2018
Q4: 30th May 2018
However, PAT while visiting the sampled health facilities
established that a few technical support supervision visits
had been conducted by the HSD as indicated below:
Abako HC III was supervised in quarters 3 and 4
Awei HC II was supervised in quarters 3 and 4
Akora HC II was supervised during quarter 4 only
Apala HC III was uspervised during quarter 4 only
The evidence was derived from the MOH facility
supervision book at each health unit.
So, out of the 12 technical support supervision visits that
were expected in financial 2017/2018 (4 visits for each of
the 4 facilities) there was evidence that the HSD conducted
only 6 translating into 58%
The LG Health
department (including
HSDs) have discussed
the results/reports of
the support
supervision and
monitoring visits, used
them to make
recommendations for
corrective actions and
followed up
Maximum 10 points
for this performance
Evidence that
all the 4 quarterly
reports have been
discussed and
used to make
(in each quarter)
for corrective
actions during the
previous FY: score
There was evidence that quarterly DHT support
supervision reports were discussed to make
For example:
During support supervision for quarter 3, Apala HC III was
visited on 31st April 2018. The supervising team found
gaps in leadership of the facility and recommended
transfer of the incharge to a health Centre IV where he
would gain more leadership skills. The supervising team
had also noted shortage of human resource in some
facilities which warranted redeployment of staff. A DHT
Meeting was held on 30th May 2018 and discussed the
supervision findings and under minute 6/5/18: Reactions
and way forward, it was resolved that DHO writes to CAO
about redeployment of staff.
The LG Health
department (including
HSDs) have discussed
the results/reports of
the support
supervision and
monitoring visits, used
them to make
recommendations for
corrective actions and
followed up
Maximum 10 points
for this performance
Evidence that
the recom-
mendations are
up and specific
undertaken for
correction: score 6
Following the DHT Meeting which was held on 30th May
2018 and discussed the supervision findings and under
minute 4/6/18: Reactions and way forward, and it resolved
that DHO writes to CAO about redeployment of staff, the
DHO wrote to CAO on 6th August 2018 and requested him
to effect transfer of staff as per the transfer schedule which
was attached. The DHO cited minute 4/6/18 as evidence
that DHT had discussed staff redeployment based on the
need to improve service delivery in Alebtong district.
The LG Health
department has
submitted accurate/
reports/data for health
facility lists receiving
PHC funding as per
formats provided by
Maximum 10 for this
performance measure
Evidence that
the LG has
data regarding:
o List of health
facilities receiving
PHC funding,
which are
consistent with
both HMIS reports
and PBS: score 10
Alebtong DLG had 13 health facilities that benefited from
PHC. Of the 13 health facilities, 10 were public, 2 were
PNFPs and 1 was PFP.
The August HMIS reports were submitted between 3rd-7th
September 2018. Reports were entered into DHIS2 system
for health reporting. All facilities benefitting from PHC (13)
reported HMIS data into DHIS2 and the list of health
facilities that reported was consistent with the list of
facilities in the PBS system for Alebtong district.
Governance, oversight, transparency and accountability
The LG committee
responsible for health
met, discussed service
delivery issues and
presented is- sues
that require approval
to Council
Maximum 4 for this
performance measure
Evidence that
the LG committee
responsible for
health met and
discussed service
delivery issues
results, LG PAC
reports etc. during
the previous FY:
score 2
Four Social Services committee reports were presented
and health related issues were discussed in two out of the
four meetings during FY 2017/2018.
• During quarter 1, the committee sat on 30th August 2017
and under minute 5ADHECBSC/17/5, the committee
discussed the need to fast track the promotion of health
staff who were qualified to take up key vacant positions.
• The second and third quarter meetings were held on
22nd December 2017 and 22nd March 2018 respectively
but health issues were not discussed (Only education
sector issues were discussed).
• During quarter 4, the committee sat on 29th March 2018
and under minute 32/ADHECBSC/2/18, a health budget
worth 2,899,448,000/ was approved by the committee.
Therefore, there was evidence that LG committee
responsible for health met and discussed service delivery
The LG committee
responsible for health
met, discussed service
delivery issues and
presented is- sues
that require approval
to Council
Maximum 4 for this
performance measure
Evidence that
the health sector
committee has pre-
sented issues that
require approval to
Council: score 2
On 29th March 2018 and under minute
32/ADHECBSC/2/18, a health budget worth 2,899,448,000/
was approved by the social services committee and on
17th May 2018, Secretary for finance presented health
budget to council .The budget was passed by council on
21st May 2018 under Minute 45.3/ADHECBSC/17/18
The Health Unit
Committees and
Hospital Board are
Maximum 6 points
Evidence that
health facilities and
Hospitals have
meetings held and
discus- sions of
budget and
resource issues):
If 100% of
randomly sampled
facilities: score 6
If 80-99 %:
score 4
If 70-79: %:
score 2
If less than
70%: score 0
The PAT visited 5 sampled health facilities and established
that HUMC’s sat as indicated below:
• Aleptong HC IV: HUMC sat twice, that is during quarter 1
and 4 only
• Abako HC III: HUMC Sat in all quarters
• Apala HC III: HUMC Sat twice that is quarter 3 and
quarter 4.
• Awei HC II: The HUMC sat in all quarters.
• Akura HC II: Sat in all quarters
In the 5 health facilities, 20 (5x4) HUMC meetings were
expected. However, only 16 were conducted translating
into 80% hence justifying a score of 4.
The LG has publicised
all health facilities
receiving PHC non-
wage recurrent grants
Maximum 4 for this
performance measure
Evidence that
the LG has
publicised all
health facilities
receiving PHC non-
wage recurrent
grants e.g. through
posting on public
notice boards:
score 4
A list of PHC recurrent non-wage beneficiaries was
displayed at the district health notice-board, signed and
stamped by CAO on 28th May 2017.
Procurement and contract management
The LG Health
department has
submitted input to
procurement plan and
requests, complete
with all technical
requirements, to PDU
that cover all items in
the approved Sector
annual work plan and
Maximum 4 for this
performance measure
Evidence that
the sector has
submitted input to
procurement plan
to PDU that cover
all investment
items in the
approved Sector
an- nual work plan
and budget on time
by April 30 for the
current FY: score 2
The procurement plan for health department for this
financial year was submitted on 27th April 2018, within the
recommended deadline of 30th April.
The LG Health
department has
submitted input to
procurement plan and
requests, complete
with all technical
requirements, to PDU
that cover all items in
the approved Sector
annual work plan and
Maximum 4 for this
performance measure
Evidence that
LG Health
request form
(Form PP5) to the
PDU by 1st
Quarter of the
current FY: score
The health department submitted a procurement request
for FY 2017/2018 for to PDU ON 24th April 2017.
For FY 2018/2019, the procurement request was
submitted to PDU on 27th April 2018.
The health department prioritized renovating the ART clinic
at Alebtong HC IV and Renovation of the Children’s ward at
Alebtong HC IV as the main capital projects for the current
financial year.
The LG Health
department has
certified and initiated
payment for supplies
on time
Maximum 4 for this
performance measure
Evidence that
the DHO/ MHO (as
per contract)
certified and
suppliers timely for
payment: score 4.
There was documentary evidence that the DHO/MHO (as
per contract) certified and recommended suppliers timely
for payments as per the following Sampled Payment
Vouchers. Voucher No33/6/18 dated 29th June, 2018,
amount Shs 5,292,281 was paid to Alebtong Builders Ltd
Box 7190 Kampala. Purpose was renovation of DHO’s
Office Certificate No. 2 issued on 27th June,2018
Claim for payment made on 27th June,2018 DHO
endorsed the Claim on 27th June, 2018 Payment
effected on 29th June,2018. Payment effected promptly
within a period of 2 days. Voucher No 26/5/18 dated 27th
May, 2018, amount Shs 8,719,201 paid to Albtong Builders
Ltd Box 7190. Purpose was renovation of Maternity Ward
at Amugu HCIII. Certificate of work done issued on 21th
May, 2018. Claim for Payment made on 15th May 2018.
Claim was endorsed by the DHO on 21st May, 2018.
Payment was effected on 22nd May, 2018. Payment
effected promptly.
Financial management and reporting
The LG Health
department has
submitted annual
reports (including all
quarterly reports) in
time to the Planning
Maximum 4 for this
performance measure
Evidence that
the depart- ment
submitted the
performance report
for the previous FY
(including all four
quarterly reports)
to the Planner by
mid-July for
score 4
The department submitted annual performance report for
the previous FY 2017/2018 on 10th July 2018 (evidence
from PBS to show date of submission to district planner).
Submission of quarterly reports to Planner during FY
2017/2018 was as follows (Information source PBS
• 1st Qtr on 12th October, 2017. deadline was end of
October 2017 hence submitted on time.
• 2nd Qtr on 10th January, 2018, deadline was end of
January 2018 hence submitted on time
• 3rd Qtr was submitted on 5th April 2018, deadline was
end of April 2018 hence submitted on time.
• 4th Qtr was submitted on 9th July 2018 and the deadline
was end of July 2018 hence submitted on time.
LG Health department
has acted on Internal
Audit recommendation
(if any)
Maximum 4 for this
performance measure
Evidence that the
sector has
information to the
internal audit on
the status of
implementation of
all audit findings for
the previous
financial year
If sector has no
audit query: Score
If the sector has
information to the
internal audit on
the status of
implementation of
all audit findings for
the previous
financial year:
Score 2 points
If all queries are
responded to
Score 0
There was no documentary evidence that the sector had
provided information to the internal audit on the status of
implementation of all audit findings for the previous
financial year
Social and environmental safeguards
Compliance with
gender composition of
HUMC and promotion
of gender sensitive
sanitation in health
Maximum 4 points
Evidence that
Health Unit
(HUMC) meet the
composition as per
guidelines (i.e.
minimum 30
% women: score 2
Not all the following sampled health facilities had the
required 30% (and above) of female composition on
Alebtong HC IV 3/9=33%
Abako HC III 2/7 =29%
Apala HC III 3/7 =60%
AkUra HC II 2 /5 =40%
Awei HC II=3/5= 60%
Compliance with
gender composition of
HUMC and promotion
of gender sensitive
sanitation in health
Maximum 4 points
Evidence that
the LG has issued
guidelines on how
to manage
sanitation in health
facilities including
separating facilities
for men and
women: score 2.
Both at DHO’s office and at health facilities that were
visited by PAT, there was no evidence that Alebtong DLG
issued guidelines on how to manage sanitation in health
facilities including separating facilities for men and women.
LG Health department
has ensured that
guidelines on
management are
disseminated and
complied with
Maximum 4 points for
this performance
Evidence that
all health facility
projects are
screened before
approval for
construction using
the checklist for
screening of
projects in the
budget guidelines
and where risks
are identified, the
forms include
mitigation actions:
Score 2
No evidence that health facility projects were screened
before approval for construction as there were no
screening forms or screening reports available.
LG Health department
has ensured that
guidelines on
management are
disseminated and
complied with
Maximum 4 points for
this performance
officer and
officer have visited
the sites to
checked whether
the mitigation plans
are complied with:
Score 2
No evidence to show that the environmental officer or
DCDO conducted site visits during the execution of capital
projects under health.
The LG Health
department has
issued guidelines on
medical waste
Maximum 4 points
Evidence that
the LG has is-
sued guidelines on
medical waste
guidelines (e.g.
sanitation charts,
posters, etc.) for
construction of
facilities for
medical waste
disposal2: score 4.
The DHO’s office communicated to health facility incharges
through a letter dated 27th April 2018; about health care
waste management. While communicating to the
incharges, the DHO requested them to pick copies of the
health care waste management guidelines entitled
Approaches to health care waste management, health
workers’ guide 2013
There was evidence in the distribution book at DHO’s office
to show that incharges received the copies of the above
The PAT visited 5 health facilities to establish presence of
the medical waste management. The health facilities were:
• Alebtong HC IV
• Abako HC III
• Apala HC III
• AkUra HC II
• Awei HC II
The guidelines were in place at each of the following health
Therefore, there was evidence that all sampled health
facilities in Alebtong district had medical waste
management guidelines version 2013.
Something to note however was that the guidelines were
not easily accessible by all health workers. In some
facilities, the guidelines were locked up in stores while in
other facilities, they were at the homes of incharges.
588 Alebtong District Water & Sanitation
Performance 2018
Summary of
Definition of
Compliance justification Score
Planning, budgeting and execution
The DWO has
allocations to sub-
counties with safe
water coverage
below the district
Maximum score 10
for this
Evidence that
the district Water
department has
targeted sub-
counties with safe
water coverage
below the district
average in the
budget for the
current FY:
o If 100 % of the
budget allocation
for the current FY
is allocated to S/Cs
below average
coverage: score 10
o If 80-99%:
Score 7
o If 60-79: Score
o If below 60 %:
Score 0
The DWO targeted allocations to sub-counties with safe water
coverage below the district average of access coverage of
95%. Only Awei sub county was below the District average
with 91% and was targeted in FY 2018/19 giving 100%
allocation. The targeted sub counties were; • Abia sub
County with a coverage of 95% • Abako with a coverage of
95% • Amugu sub county with a coverage of 95%. • Awei sub
county with a coverage of 91%. • Akura sub county with a
coverage of 95%. Apala sub county with a coverage of
95%. • Alebtong T/C sub county with a coverage of 95%.
Omoro sub county with a coverage of 95%. The planned
development budget for the water sector for FY: 2018/19 was
Ugx.243,163,463 from the approved work plan and budget
2018/19 page 167.
The district Water
department has
budgeted water
projects in the
targeted sub-
counties (i.e. sub-
counties with safe
water coverage
below the district
Maximum 15
points for this
Evidence that
the district Water
department has
budgeted water
projects in the
targeted sub-
counties with safe
water coverage
below the district
average in the
previous FY.
o If 100 % of the
water projects are
implemented in the
targeted S/Cs:
Score 15
o If 80-99%:
Score 10
o If 60-79: Score
o If below 60 %:
Score 0
There was evidence according to the inspection and
monitoring, quarterly reports and field visits that the district
Water department implemented all the budgeted water
projects in all the targeted sub-counties during FY 2017/18
giving the Water Department 100% implementation rate. The
following was extracted from those reports and the following
was observed; In Omoro sub county Okom P/S and and
Abongonyeke borehole each constructed at a cost of
Ugx.22,818,995 In Abako sub county Ogol borehole was
constructed at a cost Ugx. 22,818,995 In Amugu sub county
Aluga LCI was constructed at a cost of Ugx. 22,818,995 and
construction of a 5-stance latrine at Amugu market at a cost of
Ugx.15,522,829 In Abia sub county Bedi woro boreholes was
constructed at a cost of Ugx. 22,818,995 In Apala sub county
Olailongo borehole was constructed at a cost of Ugx.
22,818,995 In Aloi sub county Erupe borehole was
constructed at a cost of Ugx. 22,818,995 In Awei sub county
Aminomugu borehole was constructed at a cost of Ugx.
22,818,995 In Akura sub county Adagnyeko borehole was
constructed at a cost of Ugx. 22,818,995
Monitoring and Supervision
The district Water
department carries
out monthly
monitoring of
project investments
in the sector
Maximum 15
points for this
Evidence that the
district Water
department has
monitored each of
WSS facilities at
least annually.
If more than
95% of the WSS
facilities monitored:
score 15
80% - 95% of
the WSS facilities -
monitored: score
70 - 79%: score
60% - 69%
monitored: score 5
50% - 59%:
score 3
Less than 50%
of WSS facilities
monitored: score 0
There was evidence that the district Water department had
monitored each of WSS facilities; Inspection report dated 25th
September,2017: Inspection report of Borehole rehabilitation
by Ilodo Holdings (U) Ltd Inspection report dated 12th
October,2017: Inspection report of Borehole rehabilitation
Inspection report dated 24th March, 2018: Inspection report
of Borehole rehabilitation. Inspection report dated 28th
March, 2018: Inspection report of Borehole rehabilitation.
Inspection report dated 7th May,2018: Inspection report of
Latrines constructed in RGCs Spot Inspection report dated
9th May, 2018 of Latrines under construction and the following
sites were visited;5-stance latrine at Amugu Market, 2-stance
latrine at Agurudenge P.7 in Abia sub county.
The district Water
department has
reports/ data lists
of water facilities
as per formats
provided by MoWE
Maximum 10 for
this performance
Evidence that
the district has
data for the current
FY: Score 5
List of water
facility which are
consistent in both
sector MIS reports
and PBS: score 5
There was evidence that the district had submitted consistent
data reports on the following dates; • Quarter 1 data
submitted on: 3rd November,2017, Quarter 2 data
submitted on: 20th February,2018,Quarter 3 data on
submitted on 3rd April,2018 and Quarter 4 data
submitted on 30th July,2018 to the Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Water and Environment Water facilities which were
found to be consistent in both sector MIS reports and PBS
were; Okom P/S source in Alolololo parish and
Abongonyeke source in Angetta parish all in sub county Agol
source in Olyet parish in sub county Abako sub County
Aluga LCI source in Omee parish Amugu sub county. • Bedi
woro source in Abia parish Abia sub County. Olailong source
in Olailongo parish Apala sub County. Erute source in Anara
parish Aloi sub County. • Aminomugu source in Owalo parish
Awei sub County. • Adagnyeko source in Akura parish Akura
sub County.
The district Water
department has
reports/ data lists
of water facilities
as per formats
provided by MoWE
Maximum 10 for
this performance
List of water
facility which are
consistent in both
sector MIS reports
and PBS: score 5
There was evidence that the sector has submitted in put for
the district procurement plan to PDU and was received on
26th April, 2018. For example S/N 04 to Drilling 9 boreholes
each at Ugx.22,500,000 and was planned to be executed in
quarter 2 and 3.
Procurement and contract management
The district Water
department has
submitted input for
procurement plan,
complete with all
requirements, to
PDU that cover all
items in the
approved Sector
annual work plan
and budget
Maximum 4 for this
Evidence that the
sector has
submitted input for
the district
procurement plan
to PDU that cover
all investment
items in the
approved Sector
annual work plan
and budget on time
(by April 30): score
There was evidence that the sector has submitted in put for
the district procurement plan to PDU and was received on
26th April, 2018. For example S/N 04 to Drilling 9 boreholes
each at Ugx.22,500,000 and was planned to be executed in
quarter 2 and 3.
The district has
appointed Contract
Manager and has
managed the WSS
Maximum 8 points
for this
If the contract
manager prepared
a contract
management plan
and conducted
monthly site visits
for the different
WSS infrastructure
projects as per the
management plan:
score 2
The contract manager prepared a contract management plan
for FY2017/18 dated 23rd November, 2017 and conducted
monthly site visits for the different WSS.For instance;
(i) Inspection report dated 25th September,2017 in respect of
Borehole rehabilitation at Adwongpurmot village in Abako sub
county constructed by Ilodo Holdings (U) Ltd (ii) Inspection
report dated 12th October,2017 for a Borehole rehabilitation
at Adwir village in Omoro sub county constructed by Ilodo
Holdings (U) Ltd. (iii) The inspection report dated 9th
May,2018 in respect of a 5-stance vip Latrine constructed at
Amugu trading center by Samu traders and Contractors
co.Ltd.(iv) The inspection report dated 9th May,2018 in
respect of siting and drilling of boreholes within sub counties
of Aloi, Abia, Akura, Apara, Awei, Amugu and Abako by
Aquatech Enterprises Enterprises Ltd. (iv) The inspection
report dated 28th March 2018 was in respect of nine (9)
Borehole drilling in different sub counties by PMP Holdings
and M/s Balaji Ltd.
The district has
appointed Contract
Manager and has
managed the WSS
Maximum 8 points
for this
If water and
sanitation facilities
constructed as per
design(s): score 2
Sampled water and sanitation facilities were constructed per
design. For example; • Construction of Deep borehole in
Abunga corner source.Construction of Deep borehole at
Ogol source. The facilities were functional to the required
objective that is supply of water to the community and hygiene
requirement besides the technical requirement.
The district has
appointed Contract
Manager and has
managed the WSS
Maximum 8 points
for this
If contractor
handed over all
completed WSS
facilities: score 2
There was evidence that the contractors handed over
completed WSS facilities as follows; • The handover report by
Samu trading and construction co. Ltd handed over a project
after construction of a latrine at Amugo market contract
reference No. Aleb588/wkrs/17-18/00019 dated 20th
June,2018 The handover report by Ilodo Holdings (U) Ltd
handed over a project of the rehabilitation of boreholes and
protection of Spring wells contract reference No.
Aleb588/wks/17-18/00004/03 dated 20th June,2018The
handover report by Ebowa Investment Ltd handed over a
project after Drilling and Installation of deep boreholes Lot 1
contract reference No. Aleb588/wks/17-18/00019 dated
August 2018
The district has
appointed Contract
Manager and has
managed the WSS
Maximum 8 points
for this
certified all WSS
projects and
prepared and filed
completion reports:
score 2
There was evidence that the DWO appropriately certified all
WSS projects and issuance of the payment certificates
thereof. For example; • A completion certificate for the
construction of 9 boreholes drilling and installation was
prepared and issued on 30th June, 2018 by the DWO/DE to
Ebowa Investments Ltd. • Handover report by the DWO dated
25th May,2018 for the construction of 9 boreholes by Ebowa
The district Water
depart- ment has
certified and initi-
ated payment for
works and supplies
on time
Maximum 3 for this
Evidence that
the DWOs timely
(as per contract)
certified and
suppliers for
payment: score 3
There was evidence that the DWOs timely certified and
recommended suppliers for payment. Claim request by
Aquatech Enterprises (U) Ltd for supervision of borehole
construction payment request was made on 20th April,2018
and certified by the DWO on 21th May,2018 within 3 days
Request for payment for the construction of protection of
spring wells by Ilodo Holdings (U) Ltd payment request was
made on 6thMarch,2018 and certified on 7th March,2018
All payments were made within 30 days which was timely
Financial management and reporting
The district Water
department has
submitted annual
reports (including
all quarterly
reports) in time to
the Plan- ning Unit
Maximum 5 for this
Evidence that
the department
submitted the
performance report
for the previous FY
(including all four
quarterly reports)
to the Planner by
mid-July for
score 5
The department submitted the annual performance report
for the previous FY 2017/2018 the following dates; Quarter
Date of submission Reference Quarter 1 11th October 2017
Submission schedules Quarter 2 12th January, 2018
Submission schedules Quarter 3 10th April, 2018 Submission
schedules Quarter 4 11th July, 2018 Submission schedules
The water department submitted the annual performance
report for the previous FY 2017/2018 to the Planner in the
stipulated timeline of mid-July.
The District Water
Department has
acted on Internal
recommendation (if
Maximum 5 for this
Evidence that
the sector has
information to the
internal audit on
the status of
implementation of
all audit
findings for the
previous financial
o If sector has no
audit query score 5
o If the sector has
information to the
internal audit on
the status of
implementation of
all audit findings for
the previous
financial year:
score 3
If queries are not
responded to score
Number of queries raised Number of queries cleared
Number of queries pending
0 4
There was no documentary evidence availed to PAT that the
sector has provided information to the internal audit on the
status of implementation of all audit findings for the previous
financial year: FY 2016/2017
Governance, oversight, transparency and accountability
The district
responsible for
water met,
discussed service
delivery issues and
presented issues
that require
approval to Council
Maximum 6 for this
Evidence that
the council
responsible for
water met and
discussed service
delivery issues
results, LG PAC
reports and
submissions from
the District Water
and Sanitation
(DWSCC) etc.
during the previous
FY: score 3
Council committee responsible for water held meetings, LG
PAC reports on ; 22nd September, 2018 and the issues
discussed on; analyzing the budget estimates for the water
sector FY 2018/19 under Min.37/ADWTSC/2017-18 and were
well signed by both clerk to council Mr. Okello Bosco and the
committee chairperson Hon. Jasper Dinga. This meeting
however, falls outside the assessment period. Likewise, there
was no evidence that performance assessment results were
The district
responsible for
water met,
discussed service
delivery issues and
presented issues
that require
approval to Council
Maximum 6 for this
Evidence that
the water sector
committee has
presented issues
that require
approval to
Council: score 3
There was evidence that the water committee sought approval
from Council on; 31st May, 2018 under minute Min 53.16
and issues discussed included the approval of the budget
estimate FY 2018/19 but with some changes in terms of
locations of some of the water sources like construction of VIP
latrine was relocated to Agoro P/S from Acura trading Centre
The district Water
department has
shared information
widely to the public
to enhance
Maximum 6 points
for this
The AWP,
budget and the
Development grant
releases and
expenditures have
been displayed on
the district notice
boards as per the
PPDA Act and
discussed at
meetings: score 2.
There was evidence of display of AWP, budget and the Water
Development grant releases and expenditures on the district
notice boards as per the PPDA Act. The information which
was found displayed on the main district notice board was
quarter 1 FY 2018/19 releases pinned on 17th July,2018
The district Water
department has
shared information
widely to the public
to enhance
Maximum 6 points
for this
projects are clearly
labelled indicating
the name of the
project, date of
construction, the
contractor and
source of funding:
score 2
There was no evidence that the visited water sources
(Boreholes) were clearly labeled example; Construction of
Deep borehole in Agol village in Olyet parish Abako sub
county Construction of Deep borehole in Apala sub county
at Olailongo village. These projects only had the date of
construction and name of the water source this made the
water department score zero.
The district Water
department has
shared information
widely to the public
to enhance
Maximum 6 points
for this
Information on
tenders and
contract awards
contractor name
/contract and
contract sum)
displayed on the
District notice
boards: score 2
There was evidence to the effect that the LG publicized
information on tender awards on 20th December,2018 on the
subject of the best evaluated bidder and the following
information was found; Bid awarded to Ebowa Investments
Ltd under open domestic bidding for siting, drilling and
installation of 5 deep boreholes at a contract price of
Ugx.92,470,700 with reference No. Aleb588/wks/17-18/00003.
Participation of
communities in
WSS programmes
Maximum 3 points
for this
If communities
apply for water/
public sanitation
facilities as per the
sector critical
contribu- tions) for
the current FY:
score 1
There was evidence that communities applied for water/public
sanitation facilities as per the sector critical requirements
example; An application from Amuria village Aloi sub County
dated 10th February, 2018 requesting for a borehole in their
community. An application requesting for a borehole at Oker
village Amugu parish Amugu sub county dated 13th
March,2018 An application requesting for a borehole for
Ogol village Olyet parish Awei sub county dated 9th April,2017
Participation of
communities in
WSS programmes
Maximum 3 points
for this
Water and
Committees that
are functioning
evidenced by
either: i) collection
of O&M funds, ii(
carrying out
preventive mainte-
nance and minor
repairs, iii) facility
or iv) they an M&E
plan for the
previous FY: score
Note: One of
parameters above
is sufficient for the
The Water and Sanitation Committees were functional
according to the community payment vouchers seen towards
operation and maintenance of the boreholes in their
communities the sampled vouchers included; Payment receipt
No.0159 of Abako sub county dated 1stDecember,2018 paid
for Alimoku village amounting Ugx.17,000. Payment receipt
No.0093 of Abako sub county dated 12th January, 2018 paid
for Atali borehole village amounting Ugx.17,000. Payment
receipt No.0100 of Abako sub county dated 1st August, 2018
paid for Aminagoa P/S amounting Ugx.17,000.
Social and environmental safeguards
The LG Water
department has
devised strategies
for environmental
conservation and
Maximum 4 points
for this
Evidence that
screening (as per
templates) for all
projects and EIAs
(where required)
conducted for all
WSS projects and
reports are in
place: score 2
There was evidence that environmental screening for all
projects and EIAs were conducted for all WSS projects. For
example; • On 24th April,2018 Environmental screening was
conducted for Abia sub county singed by the Environment
Officer On 25th April,2018 Environmental screening was
conducted for Awei and Olyet sub counties singed by the
Environment Officer On 26thApril,2018 environmental
screening was conducted for siting, drilling and installation of
deep borehole in Omoro and Angetta sub counties signed by
Environment Officer
The LG Water
department has
devised strategies
for environmental
conservation and
Maximum 4 points
for this
Evidence that
there has been
follow up support
provided in case of
concerns in the
past FY: score 1
There was no evidence availed to PAT that follow up support
was provided in case of unacceptable environmental concerns
in the water sector.
The LG Water
department has
devised strategies
for environmental
conservation and
Maximum 4 points
for this
Evidence that
construction and
contracts have
clause on
protection: score 1
Construction and supervision contracts had a clause on
environmental protection e.g. for the Drilling and Installation
project of 5-boreholes Lot 1 it is item 1.8 in the B.O.Q
The district Water
department has
promoted gender
equity in WSC
Maximum 3 points
for this
If at least 50%
WSCs are women
and at least one
occupying a key
secretary or
Treasurer) as per
the sector critical
score 3
There was no documentary evidence availed to PAT at the
time of assessment concerning to gender equity in the
membership of the WSC.
Gender and
special needs-
sensitive sanitation
facilities in public
RGCs provided by
the Water
Maximum 3 points
for this
If public
sanitation facilities
have adequate
access and
separate stances
for men, women
and PWDs: score 3
Public sanitation facilities had adequate access and separate
stances for men, women and PWDs. Examples; the visited
public facility; the Construction of a 5-stance VIP latrine at
Amugo market in Amugo sub county shown that the water
department had adhered to gender and PWDs.