Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA)
Policy Manual
Current Advocacy Policies of the Association to April 2024
Table of Contents
ASCA Overarching Advocacy Policy Statements ........................................................................................... 5
Accountability and Funding ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Assessment ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Infrastructure ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Learning Opportunities....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Curriculum .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement .............................................................................................. 8
Student Health and Safety .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Student Transportation ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Teachers, Teaching, Teacher Training ................................................................................................................................ 9
23-01 Mandating Criminal Record & Child Intervention Record Checks for School Board Trustee
Candidates ................................................................................................................................... 11
23-02 Supporting Integrated Education Funding .................................................................................... 11
23-04 Add Rights to Victims of Bully and Violence to the Education Act ................................................. 11
23-05 Required Consultation Opportunities for Proposed Changes to Legislation, Regulations, or
Established Programs or Practices ................................................................................................ 11
23-06 Setting and Meeting a Student to School Counsellor Ratio to Improve Mental Health .................. 11
22-02 Policy Review for Operations and Maintenance Funding .............................................................. 11
22-03 Restoration of Funding for Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA) ....................................... 12
21-01 Continued Support and Advancement of Technology Funding to Support all Levels of Learning
Throughout Alberta Schools ......................................................................................................... 12
21-02 Creation, Support, and Acknowledgement of CoSC, DSC, and/or Ward Councils in the Alberta
Education Act (Amended 2023) .................................................................................................... 12
21-03 Restore PUF Funding to Alberta Schools ...................................................................................... 12
21-05 Renewal of Alberta Curriculum .................................................................................................... 12
20-01 Provincial and Federal Legislation Related to Vaping Products ..................................................... 13
20-02 Diploma Exam Weighting (Revised 2022) ..................................................................................... 13
20-03 Consistent, Negotiated Price, and Bulk Purchase/Distribution, of EpiPens ................................... 13
20-04A Minister of Education Definition of Public Education.................................................................... 13
20-04C Integration and Oversight of Charter Schools .............................................................................. 13
20-05 Support for Addressing Class Size and Complex Classrooms ......................................................... 13
20-06 Informed, Adequate Funding for Classrooms and Schools ............................................................ 13
20-07 Access to Funding for Public Schools and Public School Fees ........................................................ 13
20-09 Mental Wellness Curriculum Incorporation .................................................................................. 14
20-10 Student Education Advocacy ........................................................................................................ 14
ER20-01 Emergency Funding for COVID19 and other Emergencies Impacting Schools ................................ 14
19-01 Funding for Appropriate Physical and Facility Environments to Support Daily Physical Activity
Policy Expectations ...................................................................................................................... 14
19-02 Preservation of Locally Elected Boards of Trustees ....................................................................... 14
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19-03 Increased Dedicated Funding for Accredited Mental Health Professionals ................................... 14
19-05 Policies and Regulations for use of Seclusion Rooms .................................................................... 14
19-06 Funding for Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) Program....................................................... 14
19-07 Ongoing funding for Math Enrichment through the Canadian Mathematical Society ................... 15
19-09 Change to Funding Model for Schools with Low Student Populations........................................... 15
19-10 Guaranteed In-school Access to Mental Health Programs and Counselling for Students ............... 15
19-13 Student Education Advocate (2020) ............................................................................................. 15
19-14 Regional Collaborative Service Delivery ....................................................................................... 15
19-18 Comprehensive Education Funding Framework Review ............................................................... 15
19-20 Identification of, and Penalties for, Traffic Violations around School Buses .................................. 15
18-1 Criminal Record Checks ................................................................................................................ 15
18-2 Cumulative CEU Cap per High School Student .............................................................................. 16
18-3A Supports for Learning Success of all Students: Early Screening ..................................................... 16
18-3B Supports for Learning Success of all Students: Enhanced Teacher Training ................................... 16
18-5 PRISM ATA Toolkit and Provincial Curriculum Development ........................................................ 16
17-1 Support for mental health content and awareness in the K-12 curriculum and schools (Revised
2020) ........................................................................................................................................... 16
17-2 Accountability Pillar surveys delivery and accessibility ................................................................. 16
17-3 Coding and computational thinking skills in the Alberta curriculum ............................................. 17
17-4 Support for Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action ................................................ 17
17-5 Addressing all learning needs ....................................................................................................... 17
17-6 Funding for inclusive education ................................................................................................... 17
17-7 District budget consultations with school councils and Councils of school councils ...................... 17
17-8 Cost neutral carbon levy .............................................................................................................. 17
17-9 Publicising behaviour guidelines for persons working on school property while students are
present ........................................................................................................................................ 18
16-1 Consent as an addition to Alberta sexual education curriculum ................................................... 18
16-2 Accessibility of Provincial Assessments ........................................................................................ 18
16-3 Individualized Program Plans (IPPs)/Instructional Support Plans (ISPs) and other outcome based
tools ............................................................................................................................................ 18
16-4 LGBTQ access to information ....................................................................................................... 18
16-5 Provincial Support of Transportation ........................................................................................... 18
15-1 Provincial Dual Credit Strategy ..................................................................................................... 19
14-1 Learning Resource Center new service model ............................................................................ 19
14-3 Accountability parental right to quality of service ..................................................................... 19
13-1 Rolling the Flexibility Project out to all Students (2017) ............................................................... 19
13-3 Installation of Speed Monitoring Devices for Schools (2023) ........................................................ 19
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13-4 Early Intervention (2017) ............................................................................................................. 19
13-5 Inclusive Model of Accountability (2017) ..................................................................................... 19
12-2 High Risk Bus Stop Awareness and Signage (Revised 2022) ......................................................... 19
12-3 CTS Career Pathways (2017) ......................................................................................................... 19
12-4 Assessment Measures of Student Success (2017) ......................................................................... 19
11-2 Fair and Equitable Funding for Transportation (2017) .................................................................. 20
10-1 Accountability and Assurance in all Provincially Funded Delivery Models of Education (Revised
2021) ........................................................................................................................................... 20
10-6 Elimination of School Fees (2017) ................................................................................................ 20
10-7 Prioritizing Funding (2021) ........................................................................................................... 20
10-8 Weighting of Diploma Examinations (2017) ................................................................................. 20
10-10 Timely provision of modular/portable classrooms to schools (Revised 2016) ............................... 20
09-6 Functional Formula for Utilization Rates (2017) ........................................................................... 20
09-7 POM Funding Determined by Including Building Area as well as Student Enrolment (2017) ......... 20
09-8 School Construction Budgets to include Landscaping and Grounds Funds (2017) .......................... 21
08-1 Support for Outreach Schools (2019) ........................................................................................... 21
08-2 Adequate Funding Model for High Schools (2017) ........................................................................ 21
08-6 Capital Project Approval Criteria (Revised 2014) .......................................................................... 21
07-6 Support for Early Intervention Programs (2017) ........................................................................... 21
06-4 Support for Achievement Reporting to Parents in all Schools (Revised 2014) ............................... 21
05-1 Support for FNMI Students and Teachers (Revised 2017) ............................................................. 21
05-2 Funding for Playground Facilities (2021)....................................................................................... 21
05-3 ECS/Kindergarten (Revised 2014) ................................................................................................. 22
04-3 Core Essentials (2009, 2017) ......................................................................................................... 22
04-13 Timely Involvement of School Councils by School Boards (Revised 2014) ..................................... 22
04-15 Recognition of School Completion/Opportunities for Post-Secondary Opportunities (2014) ........ 22
03-3 Alternative Delivery of Teacher Preparation Programs (2008, 2014) ............................................ 22
03-7 Sharing Responsibility for Appropriate Use of Standardized Testing (2014) .................................. 23
03-9 Field Trip Safety for Alberta Students (2014) ................................................................................ 23
02-4 School Nutrition Programs (2009, Revised 2014) .......................................................................... 23
02-12 Input on Selection of Principal (2006, Revised 2014) .................................................................... 23
02-13 Input on Selection of School Staff (2006, Revised 2014) ............................................................... 24
02-14 Teacher Quality Standards & Evaluation (2006, 2014, Revised 2019) ......................................... 24
02-15 Textbook Fees and Workbooks (2009, 2014) ................................................................................ 24
01-11 School Libraries (2009, Revised 2014, 2021) ................................................................................. 24
01-14 Maintaining Educational Excellence & Equity in Small Rural Schools (2021) ................................. 24
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99-20 Accountability Within Alternate Education (2006, 2014) .............................................................. 24
99-27 Teacher Preparation to Involve Families (2007, Revised 2014) ..................................................... 24
94-2 Quality Public Education (2006, 2014) .......................................................................................... 25
94-6 Parental Role in Deciding Report Card Format (2007, 2014) ......................................................... 25
94-8 Funding of Evening and Summer Schools (2014) .......................................................................... 25
93-2 Education of Special Needs Students (Revised 2006, Revised 2019) ............................................. 25
85-1 Children in Isolated Areas (1989, 1993, 2009, Revised 2019) ........................................................ 25
79-1 Research on Students (1980, 1985, 1989, Revised 1993, 2006, 2021) ............................................ 25
A19-01 Management of Advocacy Policies ................................................................................................. 26
Rescinded 2019 ......................................................................................................................................... 26
04-6 Accommodations on Provincial Achievement Tests ................................................................................... 26
07-1 Front License Plate on Vehicles .................................................................................................................... 26
08-5 Personal Counselling Services (Revised 2014, 2019)................................................................................ 26
10-5 Funding for Pre-school Screening ................................................................................................................ 26
10-9 Common Provincial Kindergarten Entry Age (2017) ................................................................................. 26
12-1 Single Enrollment Birth Date across the Province of Alberta (2017) ..................................................... 26
Rescinded 2020 ......................................................................................................................................... 26
10-4 Sustainable Program Funding (Revised 2019) ........................................................................................... 26
18-3C Supports for Learning Success of all Students: Class Size and Composition ........................................ 27
Archived 2021 ........................................................................................................................................... 27
74-2 Origin of Life (1980, 1985, 1989, 1993) ..................................................................................................... 27
98-7 Credit for Immersion/Bilingual Certificate .................................................................................................. 27
99-8 Reporting of Provincial Achievement Tests ................................................................................................ 27
00-10 Safe & Caring School Programs (2009) ...................................................................................................... 27
00-11 Protocol and Prevention Strategies for High Risk Behaviour in Alberta Schools (2009) ...................... 27
01-3 Improved Standard Guidelines for Hiring School Bus Drivers ................................................................. 27
01-10 Funding for Early Invention Programs at a Kindergarten Level .............................................................. 27
02-3 Responsibility of Meeting Children’s Basic Needs for Learning (2007)................................................... 28
03-2 Teachers Teaching Their Subject Specialties (2008) ................................................................................ 28
03-11 School Councils’ Expanded Role in School Closures .................................................................................. 28
08-7 Adequate Funding for New School Equipment, Resources & Technology ............................................. 28
08-8 Advancement in Technology Funding ......................................................................................................... 28
08-10 Re-evaluation of Teaching Certification Necessary for Delivery of CTS Curriculum ............................. 28
09-2 School Safety and Oil and Gas Facility Development ................................................................................ 29
09-9 One-Time School Facility Security Needs Funding .................................................................................... 29
10-2 Fair and Equitable Funding ........................................................................................................................... 29
11-1 Achievement Test Writing for Cycled Curriculum ...................................................................................... 29
11-3 Technology Support for the 21
Century Learner ..................................................................................... 29
Archived 2023 ........................................................................................................................................... 29
13-2 Speeding Fines Doubled in School Zones ................................................................................................... 29
13-6 Raising Responsible Citizens ......................................................................................................................... 29
Table of Contents
ASCA Overarching Advocacy Policy Statements
Accountability and Funding
ASCA supports the preservation of locally elected Board of Trustees and the provision of publicly funded
education for all students in the province. ASCA believes:
an appropriate funding model recognizes and supports the different stages and learning options of the
ECS‐Grade 12 system, including current and relevant technology equipment and infrastructure to
support in-school and remote learning, early intervention, outreach programs, evening classes and
summer school 13-1, 13-4, 10-7 (2021), 08-1 (2019), 18-2, 05-3 (Revised 2014), 94-8 (2014), 21-01, 21-
an appropriate funding model includes sustained dollars for any essential instructional materials
required for the successful completion of any of the mandated programs of studies 04-3 (2009, 2017)
an appropriate funding model recognizes and supports constitutional rights, demographic and
population variances, and geographic and regional considerations, across and throughout the province
19-09, 19-18, 01-14 (2021), 85-1 (1989, 1993, 2009, Revised 2019)
an appropriate funding model recognizes the need for ongoing cross‐sectoral financial agreements from
ministries other than education in order to deliver necessary support for student success 12-3 (2017),
an appropriate funding model includes access to emergency funding in cases of natural disasters and/or
unprecedented national or global events ER20-01
an appropriate funding model recognizes the importance for adequate student to school counsellor
ratios and qualified mental health support personnel in Alberta’s schools 23-06
legislation and processes should be developed at the provincial level, with correlating school fee policy
development at the school board level, to ensure funding of a basic education remains the responsibility
of the provincial government, and that any fees charged are not related to basic, or core, education 10-
6 (2017), 02-15 (2009, 2014), 20-07,
legislation and processes should be maintained which ensure the integrity, value, and autonomy of
locally elected school boards 19-02, 23-01
an appropriate accountability instrument engages parents, school councils and other education
stakeholders in the appropriate development, administration, and data collection 17-2
that learner success will be increased through enhanced reporting from Regional Collaborative Service
Delivery (RCSD) units, and increased opportunities for parent/guardian and stakeholder participation on
RCSD committees, decisions, and allocations 19-14
when new provincial taxes or levies are imposed, the Ministry of Education assist school districts in
accounting for those increased costs through either exemption or additional funding 17-8
the Ministry of Education has the responsibility to ensure that all school authorities, regardless of model
or system of education, are using their allocations in the best interests of the learning successes of all
students 17-6, 13-5 (2017), 10-1 (Revised 2021), 94-2 (2006, 2014)
that the Ministry of Education acknowledges the importance of Councils of School Councils (COSC),
District School Councils (DSC), and/or Ward Councils in supporting the Assurance Framework. 21-02
that the Ministry of Education develop a collaborative funding model with other Ministries to share the
burden of funding integrated services in Alberta’s schools including but not limited to community liaison
workers (CLW), counseling services, mental health services, and First Nations, Métis, and Inuit
education. 23-02
that the Ministry of Education amend the Education Act to align with best practices in addressing the
rights of victims of bullying and violence. 23-04
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ASCA supports the assessment of curriculum and of a student’s success with curriculum, and the
communication of said assessment to students, parents, school authorities and Alberta Education. ASCA
that assessment tools and measures be designed to reflect the depth of student learning 12-4 (2017)
that classroom assessment practices should be monitored, and teachers provided with appropriate
learning supports that will result in consistent assessment practice province-wide 14-3
that students must be provided with whatever accommodations are necessary to allow them to
participate in all available types of assessment 16-2
that student achievement should be reported to parents in conjunction with additional information to
indicate what strengths and challenges exist in a program of studies 06-4 (Revised 2014)
that students and parents must be clearly and well informed about the purposes of the different types
of assessment 03-7 (2014), 79-1 (1980, 1985, 1989; Revised 1993, 2006, 2021)
that whomever is responsible for conducting any assessment be certificated and well trained to do so,
and be encouraged to participate in regular professional learning opportunities related to student
achievement 16-3
that parents on and through school councils, must have the opportunity to determine how, and how
regularly a student’s formal assessment be reported to them 94-6 (2007, 2014)
provincial learning outcomes and standards apply to all students, regardless of method or system of
schooling 99-20 (2006, 2014)
differences between teacher awarded marks relative to Diploma exam marks need to be monitored to
ensure there are not groups of students advantaged or disadvantaged by teacher assessment standards
10-08 (2017)
that diploma exam weighting should be maintained at 30% of a student’s final mark 20-02
ASCA supports a clear and transparent process and criteria for school infrastructure related initiatives that can
be communicated to and easily understood by parents, school jurisdictions and communities. ASCA believes:
the utilization rate formula should be based on functional teaching space 09-6 (2017)
that Plant Operation and Maintenance Funding (POM) should be representative of the relationship
between cost and floor area 09-7 (2017)
that school construction budgets should include the complete landscaping of lands around school
structures to a provincially determined standard 09-8 (2017)
that Alberta Infrastructure fund basic school playground development, equipment and maintenance
based on a provincially determined standard 05-2 (2021)
that all schools recognized by Alberta Education be funded to ensure adherence to minimum acceptable
building code, security and safety standards, and are adequately equipped to meet the expectations of
the Daily Physical Activity Policy 19-01, 08-1 (2019)
that the processes and criteria for the approval of capital funding projects should be clear, transparent
and easily available to the public 08-6 (Revised 2014)
that processes be established, and made public, to ensure modular/portable classrooms are fully
functional and ready for student occupancy at least one week before the first day of classes 10-10
(Revised 2016)
that infrastructure and maintenance funding formula policy reviews should require broad key
stakeholder consultation to ensure relevance and address current realities. 22-02
Table of Contents
Learning Opportunities
ASCA supports an ECS‐12 education system that allows for success for every student. ASCA believes:
that parents must retain the right to enroll their child(ren) in early childhood services opportunities such
as HeadStart, Junior Kindergarten, Full Day Kindergarten, Kindergarten, playschool etc. 05-3 (Revised
that fully funded, and easily accessible, mandatory early screening, in or prior to Kindergarten, for
learning and developmental challenges will enable timely implementation of required supports in order
to increase opportunities for student success 18-3A, 07-6 (2017)
that the requirement of additional supports and/or accommodations to ensure all students can be
successful in an inclusive learning environment must be contained within a student’s IPP 93-2 (Revised
2006, Revised 2019)
that students, parents and/or guardians should have access to an independent, formal source of support
and guidance when systemic barriers prevent optimum learner success 19-13 (2020), 20-10
that class size and composition must be considered when determining required supports and resources
that students should have access to dual credit, locally developed courses, and enhanced math
education activities, in addition to the provincial curriculum 19-07, 15-1
that learning resources need to support learning innovation and discovery 14-1
that CEU funding should apply to a student’s entire high school duration, not be capped per year 18-2
that all students are entitled to access distinct qualified career, educational, and personal counseling
services 4-15 (2014)
that current and relevant technology equipment and infrastructure to support in-school and remote
learning are requirements for 21
Century learners 21-01
ASCA supports ministry approved provincial curriculum, dual credit strategies and locally developed courses for
students in the ECS‐12 system. ASCA believes:
the curriculum outcomes and instructional strands need to be met regardless of the instructional
method; by which they are communicated to students; i.e. distance learning, correspondence, home
schooling, distributed learning, podcast, etc. 14-3
the outcomes of the curriculum can be delivered to and adapted to meet the learning needs of any
student in the province 17-5
the curriculum needs to be regularly reviewed, assessed and kept relevant with input from provincial
level education partners and in consultation with local level users 17-1, 17-3, 16-1
schools must receive the necessary supports to provide students with additional and complementary
material in support of the curriculum through a school learning commons 01-11 (2009, Revised 2014,
parents and students should never bear the burden of cost for new resources developed to support or
augment the curriculum regardless of whether it is a core or option course 04-3 (2009, 2017)
that the creation, piloting, and implementation of any renewed or new curriculum has opportunities for
meaningful parental, teacher, and other education professional engagement free of influence from
elected officials and reflects the needs of 21
Century learners 21-05
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School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement
ASCA supports the formation, development and growth of an effective school council in every public, separate,
francophone, and charter school in the province and believes a collaborative partnership of parents, teachers,
administrators, students and others is essential to student learning success. ASCA believes:
that Councils of School Councils (CoSC) and/or other similarly structured jurisdictional groups of school
councils are essential in supporting the Assurance Framework and should be reflected in legislation 21-
02 (Amended 2023)
student attendance in ECS/Kindergarten programs remains the choice of parents 05-3 (Revised 2014)
parents are active participants in the development and monitoring of a child’s personal learning plan 06-
4 (Revised 2014)
student achievement must be reported to parents on an ongoing basis throughout the school year 06-4
(Revised 2014)
parents have an opportunity through school council to participate in the development of a report card
format that clearly outlines their child’s effort, achievement and success with the curriculum 94-6 (2007,
school councils should be knowledgeable about, and provided the opportunity to contribute to, the ECS‐
Grade 12 education system including the understanding and interpretation of system funding,
standardized testing results, legislation, regulations, established programs and practices, and
accountability measures 17-2, 23-04, 23-05
school councils should be active participants in district level deliberations relating to district policy
development and revisions 03-9 (2014), 04-13 (Revised 2014)
school councils should have access to information and resources that will enable them to engage in
discussions, and contribute to policy setting, related to sexual orientation and gender identity of
students 16-4
school councils should have a clear understanding of a district budget process and allocations 17-7
school councils should be knowledgeable about, and supportive of, the ongoing process of reconciliation
school councils should have access to materials/organizations to assist in the development, distribution
and open communication, of knowledge related to child and adolescent mental health illnesses,
disorders, symptoms and management strategies, and the impacts of mental health on student success
17-1 (Revised 2020)
the Ministry of Education has the responsibility to appropriately account for decisions impacting the
scope and nature of parent and school council voice in the education system. 22-03,
school councils should be able to choose to be active participants in the development of a school’s: 02-
12 (2006, Revised 2014), 02-13 (2006, Revised 2014), 94-6 (2007, 2014)
o 3-year education plan, including the school’s budget
o Annual results report
o Setting of annual fees to families
o Programming and policy considerations for an upcoming year
o Input and selection criteria for school staff including the Principal and Vice‐Principal
o Report card format
Student Health and Safety
ASCA supports students and their families knowing that their school community is a safe, secure, and caring
place to be and learn. ASCA believes:
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that the Minister of Education, in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, should adopt a province‐
wide protocol that deals with high risk behaviours in schools, including clear policies and regulations
related to the design, structure, usage, and training and accountability for usage, of any space intended
to isolate or seclude a student 19-05,
that the Minister of Education, in collaboration with other child-centered Ministries, ensure provisions
are in place to address students’ nutritional and basic needs 02-4 (2009, Revised 2014)
that Alberta Education should develop a provincial standard regarding criminal record and vulnerable
sector checks for all employees, and for volunteers in coaching or overnight supervision roles 18-1
that Alberta Education is responsible for ensuring all students have timely access to qualified/accredited
mental health programs and counselling, and that comprehensive child and adolescent mental health
education and training be provided through pre-service teacher programs, and ongoing educator
professional development opportunities 17-1 (Revised 2020), 20-09, 23-06
that Alberta Education is responsible for developing provincial standards to ensure students are safe in
and around school buildings, grounds, vehicles and equipment, participating in school activities ,and
while on roadways around or used to get students to and from school 20-01, 20-03, 18-1, 17-9, 13-3, 12-
2, 3-9 (2014)
Student Transportation
ASCA supports students being provided with safe, dependable transportation to and from school and/or school
related events either curricular or extracurricular. ASCA believes:
school boards need to arrange for universally recognized signage at identified high risk bus stops 12-2
(Revised 2022)
that Alberta Education has a shared responsibility to ensure that motorists who disregard laws related to
school bus red flashing lights are identified, prosecuted, and penalized appropriately 19-20
that Alberta Education has a responsibility to ensure appropriate funding for student transportation,
which includes provisions for the highest quality standards for school bus driver training, including the
Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) certification, vehicle safety and student transfer stations 19-06,
16-5, 11-2 (2017)
Teachers, Teaching, Teacher Training
ASCA supports the development and ongoing training for persons in the field of teaching. ASCA believes:
the Minister of Education is responsible for working in transparency with education partners to ensure
that Teaching Quality Standards are being met consistently across the province 02-14 (2006, 2014,
Revised 2019)
the Government of Alberta should provide financial incentives and support to encourage First Nations,
Métis and Inuit students to become teachers 05-01 (Revised 2017)
that teacher preparation programs have to ensure that Alberta’s teachers have the knowledge, skills and
attitudes necessary to build effective partnerships with families and communities to promote children’s
learning success 99-27 (2007, Revised 2014)
that all teachers have to receive training in the identification of individual student learning needs, and
are prepared to assist all students to be successful in an inclusive learning environment 16-3, 94-2 (2006,
that teacher education students have to have access to teacher degree programs via alternate delivery
methods 03-3 (2008, 2014)
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that teachers need to have access to resources, and enhanced training, designed to ensure students are
supported to be successful, and are safe, cared for and welcomed in a complex classroom 18-5, 18-3B
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23-01 Mandating Criminal Record & Child Intervention Record Checks for School Board Trustee
That the Alberta School Council’s Association (ASCA) advocates to the Minister of Education for amendments to the Local
Authorities Election Act to require candidates for the position of School Board Trustee to disclose the results of a Criminal
Record and a Child Intervention Record Check to the Returning Officer before qualifying for candidacy.
(Accountability and Funding)
23-02 Supporting Integrated Education Funding
That the Minister of Education develop a collaborative funding model with other Ministries, including but not limited to
Health, Children’s Services, Community and Social Services, and Indigenous Relations, to share the burden of funding
integrated services in Alberta’s schools including but not limited to community liaison workers (CLW), counseling services,
mental health services, and First Nations, Métis, and Inuit education. (Accountability and Funding)
23-04 Add Rights to Victims of Bully and Violence to the
Education Act
That the Minister of Education amend the Education Act to align with best practices in addressing the rights of victims of
bullying and violence. (Accountability and Funding)
That the Minister of Education consult with a broad range of stakeholders to ensure all voices are heard and reflected in any
changes to the Education Act related to addressing the rights of victims of bullying and violence. (School Councils, School
Community, Parental Involvement)
23-05 Required Consultation Opportunities for Proposed Changes to Legislation, Regulations, or
Established Programs or Practices
That the Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA) advocates to the Government of Alberta and the Minister of Education
that ASCA always be offered opportunities for meaningful consultation and presentation of the parent perspective expressed
through its Member School Councils when changes are being proposed to legislation, regulations, or established programs
or practices that will impact school councils, students and/or parents. (School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
23-06 Setting and Meeting a Student to School Counsellor Ratio to Improve Mental Health
That the Minister of Education increase the amount of qualified mental health support personnel (registered counsellors,
psychologists, Child and Youth Care Counsellors, social workers, and Family Support Liaison Workers) in all Alberta public
schools (public, separate, francophone and charter) to meet a recommended 250:1 ratio with a minimum of 1 per school,
whichever is larger, by 2024. (Student Health and Safety)
That the Minister of Education provides funding for these positions from provincial budgets so the existing site (school)
budgets are not expected to make cuts elsewhere to cover the required additional salaries. (Accountability and Funding)
22-02 Policy Review for Operations and Maintenance Funding
That the Minister of Education conduct a policy review of the current infrastructure maintenance funding formula to:
address the large, deferred maintenance problem facing Alberta schools
ensure Alberta schools receive operations and maintenance funding that considers building needs and allows for
efficient, ongoing maintenance of schools into the future
center the needs of students ensuring they have equitable access to safe and healthy schools that are well
remove utilization rates as a factor in operation and maintenance funding
That the Minister of Education engage key stakeholders in the education system in the policy review including school boards,
school councils, and teachers.
That the Minister of Education work with the municipal level of government to coordinate planning and ensure that building
new and maintaining old schools are considered as communities grow and change. (Infrastructure)
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22-03 Restoration of Funding for Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA)
That the Minister of Education provide a full and public explanation for the decisions to de-fund ASCA and to create the
Minister’s Parent Advisory Group.
That the Minister of Education initiate a full and broad consultation into the decision to de-fund ASCA.
That the Minister of Education reconsider the function of the Minister’s Parent Advisory Council.
That the Minister of Education validate the important role of ASCA in supporting school councils by reinstating reasonable
funding. (School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
21-01 Continued Support and Advancement of Technology Funding to Support all Levels of
Learning Throughout Alberta Schools
That the Minister of Education recognizes the importance of technology for Alberta’s students by ensuring that additional
funding is allocated to all school divisions to adequately provide current and relevant technology. (Accountability and Funding)
That once technology is in place, funding from Alberta Education should be continued to support and improve technology,
and ensure equipment is maintained, thus ensuring students are learning on current and relevant equipment. (Accountability
and Funding)
That the Minister of Education continue advocacy efforts at the Federal level until all Alberta students have equitable and
consistent access to the internet and/or the infrastructure that enables access to the internet to support online learning.
(Learning Opportunities)
21-02 Creation, Support, and Acknowledgement of CoSC, DSC, and/or Ward Councils in the
Alberta Education Act (Amended 2023)
That the Minister of Education acknowledges the importance of Councils of School Councils (COSC), District School Councils
(DSC), and/or Ward Councils in supporting the Assurance Framework. (Accountability and Funding)
That the Minister of Education collaboratively develop relevant legislation with ASCA and Education Partners to ensure
school boards are mandated to create and support Councils of School Councils (COSC), District School Councils (DSC), and/or
Ward Councils in each school division operated by a Board. (School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
21-03 Restore PUF Funding to Alberta Schools
That the Minister of Education restore PUF Funding for Early Intervention Programs for all mild, moderate, and severely
impacted children ages 2.5-7.5. (Accountability and Funding)
21-05 Renewal of Alberta Curriculum
That the Minister of Education ensure that the creation, piloting, and implementation of any renewed or new curriculum
has opportunities for meaningful parental, teacher, and other education professional engagement free of influence from
elected officials and allow for adequate time to plan implementation. This includes sourcing teacher resources, and staging
pilots and implementation either by grade level or subject matter rather than the entire curriculum across all grade levels.
That all new curriculum should reflect the needs of the 21
century learners: emphasize innovation and critical thinking,
diversity, and inclusion, including the recommendation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action
62, 63, and 64. It should be evidence-based, developed by experts in curriculum and education and better reflect the 2018
curriculum that has been in development since at least 2008, and in collaboration with teachers, parents, provincial
education professional and other curriculum experts.
That the Minister of Education delay implementation of any draft curriculum until it has broad support from education
professionals, teachers, parents, and citizens. (Curriculum)
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20-01 Provincial and Federal Legislation Related to Vaping Products
That Alberta Education urge the federal and provincial governments to align restrictions on the consumption, marketing,
and sale of vaping products with those on tobacco, alcohol and cannabis products. (Student Health and Safety)
20-02 Diploma Exam Weighting (Revised 2022)
That the Minister of Education extends the weighting of Diploma Exams at 10% while children’s education is being affected
by significant learning disruption. (Assessment)
20-03 Consistent, Negotiated Price, and Bulk Purchase/Distribution, of EpiPens
That the Minister of Education arranges for a provincial-level contract for the annual purchase of the required quantity of
EpiPen auto-injectors, at a reduced per unit cost, that will ensure equitable access of all School Divisions to, and the longest
possible shelf life on, this required item.
That the Minister of Education work with the Minister of Health to consider and enact amendments to the Standards of
Practice for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians that would allow for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to sell the
number of Epi Pens required by a School Division to an individual authorized by that School Division. (Student Health and Safety)
20-04A Minister of Education Definition of Public Education
That the Minister of Education define public education as the public, francophone and separate school systems. (Curriculum)
20-04C Integration and Oversight of Charter Schools
That the Minister of Education integrate charter schools into the public education systems making them accountable to
locally elected trustees and school boards and ensuring access to all students. (Curriculum)
20-05 Support for Addressing Class Size and Complex Classrooms
That the Minister of Education reinstate funding for the class size initiative methodically and consider student needs in a
holistic manner;
That the Minister of Education collaborate with school jurisdictions to update the class size initiative and develop the
program to reflect student numbers and learner needs;
That the Minister of Education support program design in a way that allows schools flexibility to allocate funding to meet
school needs such as opting for additional learning supports rather than creating an additional class;
That the Minister of Education evaluate program success by measuring not just class size but also class composition and the
total available spots. (Learning Opportunities)
20-06 Informed, Adequate Funding for Classrooms and Schools
That the Minister of Education revise a budget plan;
That the Minister of Education visit all school boards and partake in classes to get a feel of what a normal classroom is;
That the Minister of Education return to all school boards any reserves that were taken, in order for the administration to
budget appropriately for the next coming school year. (Accountability and Funding)
20-07 Access to Funding for Public Schools and Public School Fees
That the Minister of Education restore Alberta’s education spending to no less than pre-2019 budget levels including funding
enrolment growth annually;
That the Minister of Education increase funding to include enrolment growth for Alberta’s K-12 education;
That the Minister of Education create a fund for Alberta school boards so that local administrators can offset costs for low-
income or no-income families;
Table of Contents
That the Minister of Education immediately restore per-student funding with empirical evidence publicly available that this
has occurred and continues to occur. (Accountability and Funding)
20-09 Mental Wellness Curriculum Incorporation
That the Minister of Education integrate and provide funding for consistent mental wellness training in the curriculum for
all Alberta students in all grades (K-12). (Curriculum)
20-10 Student Education Advocacy
That the Minister of Education make Student Resource Advocates a dedicated resource to act as a liaison for students,
ensuring students of all abilities have easy accessibility and every opportunity to become successful learners. (Learning
ER20-01 Emergency Funding for COVID19 and other Emergencies Impacting Schools
That the Minister of Education ensures that Alberta Education, through additional funds provided by the Alberta
Government, has access to emergency funding intended to cover the uninsured costs of operation, rebuilding or resupplying
schools impacted by natural disasters, acts of God, or other unprecedented, unpredictable events, thereby guaranteeing
these costs are not transferred to parents in the form of additional on increased school fees. (Accountability and Funding)
19-01 Funding for Appropriate Physical and Facility Environments to Support Daily Physical
Activity Policy Expectations
That Alberta Education ensure all Alberta students have access to an appropriate physical and facility environment that
supports the expectations of the Daily Physical Activity Policy by providing additional funding where needed to upgrade
existing school facilities, and by ensuring that all new school builds have dedicated, adequately sized and equipped space,
to meet these expectations, and respond to the Common Vision call to action. (Infrastructure)
19-02 Preservation of Locally Elected Boards of Trustees
That the Minister of Education and the Minister of Alberta Municipal Affairs ensure the value and integrity of locally elected
school boards are preserved by maintaining that boards of trustees continue to be recognized as elected authorities in the
Local Authorities Elections Act for the Province of Alberta. (Accountability and Funding)
19-03 Increased Dedicated Funding for Accredited Mental Health Professionals
That Alberta Education increase dedicated funding for accredited mental health professionals to be available in schools to
best meet students' mental health needs in a timely and accessible manner. (Student Health and Safety)
19-05 Policies and Regulations for use of Seclusion Rooms
That Alberta Education, in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, establish clear policies and regulations ensuring the
proper design, structure and use of Seclusion Rooms in any Alberta school.
Further, that Alberta Education, in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, establish clear policies and regulations with
respect to training teaching professionals in the use of Seclusion Rooms in any Alberta school.
Further, that Alberta Education, in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, establish clear and concise language in these
policies and regulations ensuring serious and meaningful accountability measures for any improper design, structure or use
by any teaching professional, of Seclusion Rooms in any Alberta school. (Student Health and Safety)
19-06 Funding for Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) Program
That Alberta Education works with the Ministry of Labour to provide funding assistance in 2019 and subsequent years for
individuals requiring Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) certification in order to become, or remain, employed as school
bus drivers. (Student Transportation)
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19-07 Ongoing funding for Math Enrichment through the Canadian Mathematical Society
That the Alberta Ministry of Education continue to provide at least $5,000/year support for the Canadian Mathematical
Society's math education activities for Alberta students, on an ongoing basis. (Learning Opportunities)
19-09 Change to Funding Model for Schools with Low Student Populations
That Alberta Education add an additional component to the Equity of Opportunity grant, which addresses facility and
infrastructure operating costs that are not changed by student population.
Further, that this additional component be calculated to ensure basic essential services and repairs can be made at every
school site, regardless of the number of students, to ensure that all students, regardless of where they live or how many
students attend their school, have a quality environment to support their learning. (Accountability and Funding)
19-10 Guaranteed In-school Access to Mental Health Programs and Counselling for Students
That Alberta Education guarantee all students in the province have access to distinct, qualified mental health programs and
professional mental health counselling services, as well as educational and career counselling, within their schools, thereby
increasing students’ wellness and their ability to learn and succeed. (Student Health and Safety)
That ASCA Advocacy Policy 08-05 be rescinded, as its intent is captured within this proposed policy.
19-13 Student Education Advocate (2020)
That Alberta Education create an independent office to help identify systemic barriers that students and their
parents/guardians are encountering, thereby helping to improve our education system for all learners.
Further, that the Student Education Advocate advise students and their parents/guardians on available resources and
courses of action that can be taken in order for students to receive the supports needed to be successful learners. (Learning
19-14 Regional Collaborative Service Delivery
That Alberta Education make publicly available current, clear and transparent information and reporting by Regional
Collaborative Service Delivery (RCSD).
Further, that Alberta Education include parents/guardians and other stakeholders on regional RCSD committees.
Further, that Alberta Education ensure feedback from parents/guardians and other stakeholders is included in regional RCSD
decisions and allocations. (Accountability and Funding)
19-18 Comprehensive Education Funding Framework Review
That Alberta Education create an independent review panel on education funding to identify challenges with the current
funding model to inform direction for potential restructuring of the funding framework while respecting the denominational
constitutional rights and the existing Alberta pluriform model of choice in Education. (Accountability and Funding)
19-20 Identification of, and Penalties for, Traffic Violations around School Buses
That Alberta Education work with the Ministries of Justice and Transportation to implement reliable methods of identifying
and prosecuting motorists who disregard the laws related to school bus red flashing lights on our roads and highways, and
applying substantial fines and penalties to those found guilty. (Student Transportation)
18-1 Criminal Record Checks
That Alberta Education develop a provincial standard that requires school authorities to conduct criminal record and
vulnerable sector checks for all employees at the time of hiring and every three years thereafter, and for volunteers who are
in coaching roles or are volunteering on overnight trips. (Student Health and Safety)
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18-2 Cumulative CEU Cap per High School Student
That Alberta Education replace the annual CEU cap of 45 per high school student with a cumulative CEU per high school
student cap of 150 for the tenure of the student’s high school experience. (Learning Opportunities)
18-3A Supports for Learning Success of all Students: Early Screening
That the Alberta School Councils’ Association advocate to the Ministry of Education for mandatory early screening for
learning and developmental challenges so that children will be identified earlier in their educational journey, receive the
needed supports and resources and experience success from the beginning. (Learning Opportunities)
18-3B Supports for Learning Success of all Students: Enhanced Teacher Training
That the Alberta School Councils' Association will advocate to the Ministry of Education that each teacher receives enhanced
teacher training so that they are each better prepared to meet the diverse and complex learning needs of children in
classrooms. (Teachers, Teaching, Teacher Training)
18-5 PRISM ATA Toolkit and Provincial Curriculum Development
That the PRISM document not be implemented into the Alberta Education curriculum, but remain a resource for teachers
to ensure a safe, caring and welcoming classroom for all. It is important all diversities are respected in Alberta Education.
(Teachers, Teaching, Teacher Training)
17-1 Support for mental health content and awareness in the K-12 curriculum and schools
(Revised 2020)
That Alberta Education include mandatory, comprehensive mental health content in the curriculum for all grades, with
parent involvement, that educates about disorders, symptoms and strategies for coping and maintaining daily personal
mental wellness; (Curriculum)
That Alberta Education work in close partnership with Alberta Health Services to simplify the sharing of information, to
create a comprehensive care plan, delivered by qualified personnel, which will, with parent consent, facilitate student’s
diagnosis, management strategies and access to resources, supports and programs; (Student Health and Safety)
That the Alberta Association of Deans of Education provide more comprehensive training on mental health issues for children
through pre-service teacher programs; (Teachers, Teaching, Teacher Training)
That Alberta School Councils’ Association provide links to authoritative reference materials/organizations to assist school
councils in developing their knowledge about mental health issues and impacts on learning successes of kids; (School Councils,
School Community, Parental Involvement)
That all Alberta school councils encourage open communication with respect to impacts of mental health issues on children
and learning and that school councils be recognized as a safe place for these discussions to take place.
School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
17-2 Accountability Pillar surveys delivery and accessibility
That Alberta School Councils Association collaborate with Alberta Education on the accountability survey instrument
questions for parents to more clearly define involvement in regards to the level of satisfaction around the parent
involvement and school council sections.
That the Alberta School Councils’ Association advocate to Alberta Education that the parent portion of the Accountability
Pillar surveys be available online and by paper and distributed and collected electronically or via mail.
(School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
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17-3 Coding and computational thinking skills in the Alberta curriculum
That the Alberta School Councils’ Association request that Alberta Education integrate, and fund, computer coding and
computational thinking skills into the Alberta K-12 curriculum curricular outcomes, beginning in elementary school at a grade
level determined by experts’ recommendations to Alberta Education, and continuing through all subsequent grades.
17-4 Support for Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action
That the Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA) recognises our shared responsibility to raise the next generation of
Albertans in the spirit of reconciliation.
That ASCA support the work that has been done by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) as an important step
toward reconciliation, and will endeavour to support the work of implementing the Calls to Action from the TRC report as
opportunities arise.
That ASCA work together with Alberta Education, and other partners, to provide resources and information for parents and
school councils who want to inform themselves about the history of residential schools, and the ongoing process of
That ASCA provide regular updates and communication to the membership related to the work of reconciliation.
(School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
17-5 Addressing all learning needs
That the Alberta School Councils’ Association call on the Alberta Ministry of Education to ensure that curriculum documents
clearly address the full range of learners in the school system. This should include the development of related resources that
address the full range of student learning needs. (Curriculum)
17-6 Funding for inclusive education
That the Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA) call on the Alberta Ministry of Education to track the usage of existing
inclusive education funding that is provided to school jurisdictions as well as actual local expenditures relating to inclusive
education, in order to determine the actual costs of supporting all students effectively.
That, should this process determine that the funding provided does not meet the actual costs of supporting all students
effectively, ASCA calls on the Ministry and school boards to work together to ensure that any shortfalls are eliminated.
(Accountability and Funding)
17-7 District budget consultations with school councils and Councils of school councils
That the Alberta School Councils’ Association work with the Alberta School Boards’ Association, the Alberta Association of
School Business Officials, and the Ministry of Education to develop and implement recommendations for standards and
processes to improve the transparency and clarity of district budget consultations where such consultations are undertaken.
These should include recommendations of standard formats and content for information provided during budget
consultations, and recommended timelines for the consultations. (School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
17-8 Cost neutral carbon levy
That the Alberta School Councils’ Association call on the government of Alberta to either:
exempt school districts from the newly-created carbon levy indefinitely, or
provide new funding to cover the full costs that school districts will incur due to the carbon levy. (Accountability and Funding)
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17-9 Publicising behaviour guidelines for persons working on school property while students
are present
That Alberta Education work together with Alberta Infrastructure to ensure that behaviour guidelines for persons working
on school infrastructure projects, who are on or around school property, are clear and enforced and that the procedures for
reporting inappropriate behaviours are easily accessible to members of the public.
That Alberta School Councils’ Association (ASCA) works with school boards to ensure that their behaviour guidelines for
persons working on school property while students are present, and the procedures for dealing with complaints about such
behaviour, are easy for members of the public (including parents) to find. (Student Health and Safety)
16-1 Consent as an addition to Alberta sexual education curriculum
That the Alberta School Councils' Association supports the Alberta School Boards Association in their efforts to have the
topic of consent, as defined in the Canadian Criminal Code, incorporated into the curriculum related to sexual education.
16-2 Accessibility of Provincial Assessments
That Alberta Education make provincial assessments accessible to all students by providing assistive resources and
technology including visual, and other accommodations to meet the identified needs of the student so the student can
fully participate in Provincial assessments.
That Alberta Education provide versions of provincial assessments that incorporate these assistive resources and
technology that include visual, and other accommodations to meet identified student needs. (Assessment)
16-3 Individualized Program Plans (IPPs)/Instructional Support Plans (ISPs) and other
outcome based tools
That Alberta Education incorporate required timelines into the guidelines for Individual Program Plans (IPPs), Instructional
Support Plans (ISPs), and related tools.
That these timelines recognize the fluidity of such documents, but also ensure that:
every student who is known to require specialized plans has an Individual Program Plan and/or Instructional
Support Plan in place at the beginning of a school year (except where extenuating circumstances make this
an outline will be prepared based on the previous years’ assessments/report that can be used for the first three
a new IPP/ISP would then be required to be completed within the first 6 weeks.
That Alberta Education in collaboration with Alberta School Boards Association, the Alberta Teachers Association and the
Alberta Association of the Deans of Education ensure that school support personnel and classroom teachers have the
knowledge, skills and attributes to design relevant IPPs/ISPs (Individualized Program Plans/Instructional Support Plans) for
students. (Assessment, Teachers, Teaching and Teacher Training)
16-4 LGBTQ access to information
That Alberta School Councils’ Association prepare a "Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identities and Gender Expressions
Toolkit (information package) containing resources, research, sample policies and practices, and relevant legislation for
school councils so school councils are supported should they wish to approach their school boards to engage and broaden
the discussion around Policies and Procedures. (School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
16-5 Provincial Support of Transportation
That Alberta Education and Alberta Infrastructure provide necessary funding for the planning and development of bus
transport transfer stations for regionalized bus transportation systems as schools are planned and budgeted for. (Student
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15-1 Provincial Dual Credit Strategy
That to ensure students have more access to dual credit programming opportunities and to personalize their high school
experience and build on or discover their career passions and interest that the government implement and fund
sustainability practices that ensure students are assured choice and mobility throughout their lifelong learning. (Learning
14-1 Learning Resource Center new service model
That to support learner innovation and discovery, the organizational culture needs to explore, enable, and encourage shared
services, and enhance provincial licensing options as part of the Learning Resource Center’s new service model (Learning
14-3 Accountability parental right to quality of service
That Alberta Education amend the Home Education Regulation to ensure all children receive ongoing, quality one-on-one
assessment from certified teachers at least twice per year. (Assessment)
13-1 Rolling the Flexibility Project out to all Students (2017)
That the 25 hour per credit requirement for Alberta High Schools be removed by Alberta Education. (Accountability and Funding)
13-3 Installation of Speed Monitoring Devices for Schools (2023)
That Alberta Education and Alberta Transportation collaborate to develop a process that provides for the installation of signs
on a primary and secondary highway where there is a school, to ensure the safety of students.
That speed monitoring devices become standard accepted practice for schools on primary and secondary highways.
That permission to install speed monitoring devices in front of school zones be granted when requested by the school council
together with their school board. (Student Health and Safety)
13-4 Early Intervention (2017)
That Alberta Education implement a fully funded and supported, comprehensive strategy for early intervention that
provides support for all primary grade students that fall behind in literacy and numeracy. (Accountability and Funding)
13-5 Inclusive Model of Accountability (2017)
That Alberta Education balance the measures they use for accountability to reflect all students in an inclusive learning
system. (Accountability and Funding)
12-2 High Risk Bus Stop Awareness and Signage (Revised 2022)
That Alberta Education and Alberta Transportation collaborate to develop universally recognized signage and make this
signage and other appropriate steps available to school boards to be placed at higher risk bus stops. (Student Transportation,
Student Health and Safety)
12-3 CTS Career Pathways (2017)
That the Ministry of Alberta Education collaborate with the Ministry of Enterprise and Advanced Education to formulate a
funding structure that will support concurrent delivery of CTS (High School Career and Technology Studies) career
pathways with post-secondary credentialing programs. (Accountability and Funding)
12-4 Assessment Measures of Student Success (2017)
That Alberta Education develop assessment tools and authentic measures that reflect how deep the learning is in our
school system, and measure student success with respect to the competencies that are the foundation of the current
curriculum development work. (Assessment)
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11-2 Fair and Equitable Funding for Transportation (2017)
That Alberta Education provide adequate funding for transportation to all school districts to get students to school in a
reasonable amount of time. (Student Transportation)
10-1 Accountability and Assurance in all Provincially Funded Delivery Models of Education
(Revised 2021)
That Alberta Education institute the same basic requirements for accountability and assurance in all provincially funded
education models including the delivery of the provincially mandated curriculum.
That accountability and assurance for measures of student achievement in all provincially funded education delivery
models specifically include the literacy and numeracy outcomes in the Mathematics and English Language Arts
standardized tests. (Accountability and Funding)
10-6 Elimination of School Fees (2017)
That Alberta Education revise the School Act to more clearly define a basic education as it is currently prescribed in
Ministerial Order on Student Learning #0012013, an order to adopt or approve goals and standards applicable to the
provision of education in Alberta.
That the revisions identify the provincial government as responsible for the funding of a basic education thus eliminating
the ability of the Board to apply fees to costs associated with the provision of a basic education.
That Alberta Education make available to all authorities and school councils, any research that has been compiled
pertaining to basic education delivery and school fees. (Accountability and Funding)
10-7 Prioritizing Funding (2021)
That Alberta Education first examine any cost savings that may be acquired through changes to provincial education
system monitoring programs to keep potential cuts from affecting students in classrooms. (Accountability and Funding)
10-8 Weighting of Diploma Examinations (2017)
That Alberta Education include statistical data in its existing reporting measures that monitors the difference among
teacher marks relative to students’ diploma examination marks to ensure there are not groups of students advantaged or
disadvantaged by differences in teacher assessment standards. (Assessment)
10-10 Timely provision of modular/portable classrooms to schools (Revised 2016)
That Alberta School Councils’ Association call on the Alberta Infrastructure, Alberta Education and other relevant
Government ministries to work with local School Boards to ensure that the processes for approval, funding and timely
delivery of modular/portable classrooms guarantee that the portable/modular classroom units each district requires are in
place and fully functional one week before first day of classes for students and that the processes and processes document
are available on the Alberta Education website for access by all interested parties (Infrastructure)
09-6 Functional Formula for Utilization Rates (2017)
That Alberta Education and Alberta Infrastructure re-evaluate the formula for utilization rate based on the actual
opportunity for use of functional teaching space, to be the same for all schools. (Infrastructure)
09-7 POM Funding Determined by Including Building Area as well as Student Enrolment (2017)
That the Minister of Education organize a review of Plant Operations and Maintenance Funding (POM) to explore the
disparity caused by the current formula that emphasizes per pupil funding and minimizes the relationship between cost
and floor area.
That the Minister establish a process for revising the current POM formula that better reflects the reality of operation and
maintenance costs associated with area. (Infrastructure)
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09-8 School Construction Budgets to include Landscaping and Grounds Funds (2017)
That Alberta Education and Alberta Infrastructure ensure that when all school construction and associated building is
approved and budgeted, a separate budget should be established for the complete landscaping of lands surrounding
school structures.
That criteria be established for landscaping all schools, such that every school receives at least the same minimum
standard of completion. This ensures that students have clean, safe places to congregate and play.
That the basic landscaping budget must remain intact despite budgetary cuts or restrictions made to secure project
funding. (Infrastructure)
08-1 Support for Outreach Schools (2019)
That Alberta Education provide stable and predictable school funding to cover infrastructure and maintenance renewal
supports that will enable appropriate facilities for ongoing operations of outreach programs. (Accountability and Funding;
08-2 Adequate Funding Model for High Schools (2017)
That Alberta Education work with all stakeholders to create an adequate per student funding model for high school students.
This model needs to address the diverse needs of high school students throughout the province and prepare them to be
able to pursue appropriate career paths after high school completion. (Accountability and Funding)
08-6 Capital Project Approval Criteria (Revised 2014)
Parents and school councils, school jurisdictions and communities should have easy access to a clear and transparent
process and firm criteria used to secure capital projects approval from both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of
Infrastructure. (Infrastructure)
07-6 Support for Early Intervention Programs (2017)
That the Ministries of Education, Community and Social Services, Children’s Services and Health as individual Ministries, and
through the cross-sectoral work of Alberta initiatives and the Parent Link Centre Program, work with local service providers
to ensure and fund a range of programs exist that will meet the early intervention needs of individual children, thereby
providing them an opportunity for greater success in the K-12 system. (Learning Opportunities)
06-4 Support for Achievement Reporting to Parents in all Schools (Revised 2014)
Communication between parents and teachers and students about all aspects of student achievement is essential in a
student centred learning environment. (Assessment; School Councils, School Community Parental Involvement)
05-1 Support for FNMI Students and Teachers (Revised 2017)
That the Government of Alberta provide sustainable and adequate funds for:
Scholarships for FNMI students, to be made available particularly for those students in their first year of
post-secondary institutions, and
Appropriate incentives to encourage more FNMI students to become teachers, and
FNMI personnel at Alberta post-secondary institutions to enable them to visit FNMI communities to
publicize the education programs available to First Nations, Métis and Inuit People. (Teachers, Teaching,
Teacher Training)
05-2 Funding for Playground Facilities (2021)
That Alberta Infrastructure fund basic playground development, maintenance, and equipment based on established criteria.
School communities that want more than the basics would have to raise the necessary funds. (Infrastructure)
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05-3 ECS/Kindergarten (Revised 2014)
Student attendance in ECS/Kindergarten programs should remain the choice of their parents/guardians. The Minister of
Education should ensure that funding for ECS/Kindergarten and for transportation be provided within the funding
framework. (Accountability and Funding; School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
04-3 Core Essentials (2009, 2017)
That Alberta Education, in collaboration with ASCA and other provincial education partners, adopt a definition for ‘essential
instructional materials’ for core courses.
That Alberta Education ensure no fees are charged to students for defined essential instructional materials required to
complete core courses. (Curriculum; Accountability and Funding)
04-13 Timely Involvement of School Councils by School Boards (Revised 2014)
School boards should give school council representative(s) opportunities to provide advice on all matters related to schools
at the school board committee level. (School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
04-15 Recognition of School Completion/Opportunities for Post-Secondary Opportunities (2014)
That Alberta Education develop a means of formally recognizing students with special needs upon completion of their
schooling, including criteria and standards for measuring outcomes.
That ASCA, Alberta Education, post-secondary institutions and education partners recognize the concept of lifelong learning
applies equally to students with special needs, and the need for successful transition of students with special needs from
High School to post-secondary education and to promote:
the talents and abilities of special needs students;
the development of positive career identities;
access to career guidance that honours and respects student aspirations;
opportunities for post-secondary and continuing education;
access to information on planning and post-secondary options for parents and students. (Learning
03-3 Alternative Delivery of Teacher Preparation Programs (2008, 2014)
That Alberta Education expand current access to teacher preparation by working with Alberta universities to provide teacher
preparation degree programming by alternative delivery.
That Alberta Education, in partnership with other education stakeholders, ensure that teacher preparation programs offered
by alternative delivery maintain or exceed current standards of quality and that expectations for the practical or field
experience component of teacher preparation (i.e., student teaching) are in no way compromised.
That Alberta Education modify its current restriction on certifying teachers who have earned their degree by alternate
delivery to recognize those who complete an approved University program.
(Teachers, Teaching, Teacher Training)
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03-7 Sharing Responsibility for Appropriate Use of Standardized Testing (2014)
That ASBA ensure that:
When discussing results, language is used which acknowledges the shared responsibility of all partners
with respect to appropriate use of Provincial Test results.
Policies are in place to support a positive testing climate;
PL opportunities (as requested below) exist for principals and teachers to achieve these goals; and
When reviewing detailed reports on testing results, school boards consult with school councils, as part
of their review process, to assist them in setting meaningful targets for improvement.
That CASS ensure that Superintendents:
Provide PL opportunities to principals so tha
o t school climates develop where:
o The testing experience is a collaborative effort combining good teaching and curriculum
support with parental reassurance (team effort with each doing pieces);
o Results are used as a professional growth tool with staff; and
o Results are used at school council meetings in developing school improvement goals to be
incorporated into the 3-year plans.
That ATA, AAC, Regional Consortia ensure that PL opportunities are available to teachers so that:
They choose to develop classroom climates where the testing experience is a collaborative effort
combining good teaching and curriculum support;
Teachers find meaningful ways to incorporate results (learning and information) into their teacher
professional growth plan; and
Principals consult with school councils when reviewing testing results, as part of their review process, to
assist them in setting meaningful targets for improvement.
That ASCA work in partnership with Alberta Education and other appropriate partners to develop and distribute a discussion
guide to assist parents in engaging in a useful dialogue about their child’s results during parent-teacher interviews, to
formulate a student/parent/teacher team plan to enhance student learning (Assessment)
03-9 Field Trip Safety for Alberta Students (2014)
That ASCA and school councils actively promote and support the proper and timely use of current research and authoritative
resources by parents, school staff and jurisdictional administrators, to strengthen the safety of off-site school activities.
That school councils advise their school district officials to utilize current research and authoritative resources to support
district policy development and policy implementation. (Student Health and Safety; School Councils School Community Parental
02-4 School Nutrition Programs (2009, Revised 2014)
That the Ministers of Education, Human Services, and Health, make school nutrition programs eligible for funding, province-
wide, in order to assist school jurisdictions to assist all students to meet their learning goals. (Student Health and Safety)
02-12 Input on Selection of Principal (2006, Revised 2014)
That the School Council Regulation be amended to include the requirement that school boards must give school councils the
opportunity to provide input with respect to the selection of the principal by requiring them to create a profile that describes
the strengths/qualities of the principal they wish hired, with orientation and support in carrying out that responsibility; and
including a school council parent as a contributing part of the selection process, with orientation provided for the parent to
carry out that responsibility. (School Councils School Community Parental Involvement)
Table of Contents
02-13 Input on Selection of School Staff (2006, Revised 2014)
That the School Council Regulation be amended to include the requirement that school boards must give parents in the
school community the opportunity to contribute to a profile with respect to selection of school staff by requiring them to
create a profile that describes the strengths/qualities of the staff they wish hired, with orientation and support in carrying
out that responsibility. (School Councils School Community Parental Involvement)
02-14 Teacher Quality Standards & Evaluation (2006, 2014, Revised 2019)
That the Minister of Education work in transparency with education partners to ensure that Teaching Quality Standards,
Leadership Quality Standards, and Superintendent Quality Standards are being met consistently.
That Policy 2.1.5 “Accountability in Education, Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation” be amended to include
evaluation as a consistent and deliberate means to contribute towards teacher growth. (Teachers, Teaching, Teacher Training)
02-15 Textbook Fees and Workbooks (2009, 2014)
That Alberta Education ensure that students in the K-12 public education system cannot be charged a textbook rental fee,
but may be charged a refundable textbook deposit fee.
That Alberta Education ensure that workbooks taking the place of textbooks, or workbooks that are required as a companion
to a textbook, be provided at no cost to students in the K-12 public education system.
That Alberta Education pursue a course of action with school boards that ensures this change takes place. (Accountability and
01-11 School Libraries (2009, Revised 2014, 2021)
That the Minister of Education ensure the commitment to quality K-12 public education by providing designated support to
school jurisdictions for ongoing development of integrated library programs/learning commons related to the currently
mandated program of studies. (Curriculum)
01-14 Maintaining Educational Excellence & Equity in Small Rural Schools (2021)
That Alberta Education give more attention to the plight of small rural schools where a few teachers are attempting to deliver
the core curriculum, electives, and extracurricular activities over a large number of grades.
That Alberta Education fund rural school districts adequately such that no schools should need to group more than two
grades together for core subjects and no more than three Grades together for electives.
That Alberta Education acknowledge in a tangible way that, in order to provide an equitable and excellent education
program, small rural schools require a larger grant per student than bigger urban schools. (Accountability and Funding)
99-20 Accountability Within Alternate Education (2006, 2014)
That the Minister of Education implement a measures policy which ensures that children have the opportunity to meet
provincial learning outcomes and standards regardless of the method of schooling. (Assessment)
99-27 Teacher Preparation to Involve Families (2007, Revised 2014)
Provincial education partners including the Faculties of Education must ensure that all of Alberta’s pre-service and beginning
teachers have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to build effective partnerships with families and communities to
promote children’s school success.
Teacher preparation programs should include a comprehensive framework for family involvement which focuses on the
following content areas: (1) general family involvement, (2) general family knowledge, (3) home-school communication, (4)
family involvement learning activities, (5) families supporting schools, (6) schools supporting families, and (7) families as
change agents. (8)
Table of Contents
In addition to these content areas more direct experiences with families and communities should also be included in this
comprehensive framework for family involvement. (Shartrand et al., 1997. New skills for new schools: Preparing teachers
in family involvement, Harvard Family Research Project, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA.)
Provincial partner associations and regional consortia should ensure that professional development opportunities which
reflect this comprehensive framework for family involvement be provided to enable practicing teachers to develop or
enhance their family involvement practices to promote student success. Teachers at all stages of practice can recognize that
family involvement in children’s learning is a key focus area through their individual professional development growth plans.
(Teachers, Teaching, Teacher Training)
94-2 Quality Public Education (2006, 2014)
That restructuring of the educational system in Alberta be based on educational goals rather than on economic
considerations and that these educational goals adhere to the principle that the best possible public education should be
made available to all Alberta children. (Accountability and Funding)
That post-secondary programs prepare all teachers for the integration of special needs students into regular classes. (Teachers,
Teaching, Teacher Training)
94-6 Parental Role in Deciding Report Card Format (2007, 2014)
That the Minister of Education urge all school boards to require individual schools to work with the parents of the school in
deciding the report card format (for that school) that delivers to the parents, clearly and precisely, the information they
require to determine their child’s effort, achievement and ranking in fulfilling the requirements of the Alberta Curriculum
and the individual teacher’s specific grade level academic expectations. (School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)
94-8 Funding of Evening and Summer Schools (2014)
That high school courses offered during the evening, summer etc. to students eligible for daytime funding by the Department
of Education receive equitable funding to those offered between September and June. (Accountability and Funding)
93-2 Education of Special Needs Students (Revised 2006, Revised 2019)
That the ASCA believes inclusion of special needs students will continue to occur and that required support services will
continue to be provided to accommodate inclusion during the preparation of a students’ IPP. The IPP should provide for the
best solution for the student needs, based on consideration of all possibilities and constraints. (Learning Opportunities)
85-1 Children in Isolated Areas (1989, 1993, 2009, Revised 2019)
That Alberta Education continue to provide adequate assistance for education of children in isolated areas. (Accountability and
79-1 Research on Students (1980, 1985, 1989, Revised 1993, 2006, 2021)
That our right as parents is to be informed and aware of any school based research or experimentation which involves our
children as subjects of the experiment and parents have the right to opt out their children. (Assessment)
Table of Contents
Alberta School Councils’ Association Advocacy Policies Archive
Policies rescinded by Member School Councils or removed by the Board as per Administrative
A19-01 Management of Advocacy Policies
Any Advocacy Policy which has not been reaffirmed, or amended and subsequently approved, by ASCA Member School
Councils after its tenth (10
) anniversary, will be removed by the Board, and maintained within a public document for
historical reference.
Rescinded 2019
04-6 Accommodations on Provincial Achievement Tests
That Alberta Education immediately modify the Provincial Achievement Test Accommodations Regulations to allow students
who do not currently qualify for Alberta Education coding but who have had modifications and adaptations to instructional
and assessment strategies during the academic year, access to appropriate accommodations on the Provincial Achievement
07-1 Front License Plate on Vehicles
That ASCA actively lobby the provincial government Ministry(ies) responsible to instate a requirement to display front
license plates on all vehicles registered in the province of Alberta.
08-5 Personal Counselling Services (Revised 2014, 2019)
All students in the province should have guaranteed access to distinct qualified career, educational and mental health
counselling services thereby increasing all students’ ability to learn and succeed. (Learning Opportunities)
10-5 Funding for Pre-school Screening
That pre-school age screening programs provided for children by Alberta Health and Wellness and/or Alberta Education
remain available to families throughout Alberta and further that the continuity of this funding does not result in reduced
funding in other currently funded areas of education.
10-9 Common Provincial Kindergarten Entry Age (2017)
That Alberta Education legislate a common kindergarten entry age cut-off date for all school authorities in Alberta for
parents who choose to have their children attend kindergarten.
12-1 Single Enrollment Birth Date across the Province of Alberta (2017)
That Alberta Education institute a province wide single entry birth date for students.
Rescinded 2020
10-4 Sustainable Program Funding (Revised 2019)
That Alberta Education, in cooperation with school boards, work to implement a process that provides more sustainable,
predictable and adequate funding. (Accountability and Funding)
Table of Contents
18-3C Supports for Learning Success of all Students: Class Size and Composition
That the Alberta School Councils' Association will advocate to the Ministry of Education that class size and composition must
be considered when determining what supports and resources are needed to teach in a classroom based on the needs of
the students and the classroom teacher. (Learning Opportunities)
Archived 2021
74-2 Origin of Life (1980, 1985, 1989, 1993)
We support the stand of the Alberta school boards Association (ASBA) in encouraging all member boards to provide in the
curriculumwhere the origin of life is involvedequal opportunity for study of scientific theory, creation and evolution.
98-7 Credit for Immersion/Bilingual Certificate
That Alberta Education issue an additional certificate to graduating Grade 12 students who have achieved a minimum of 30
credits through the Immersion/Bilingual route, of which 10 credits were earned in courses at the 30 level. This bilingual
certificate would be written in their target language and English, and would acknowledge the Immersion/Bilingual
experience. (Learning Opportunities)
99-8 Reporting of Provincial Achievement Tests
That full cohort reporting not be considered mandatory in Provincial Achievement Tests. (Assessment)
00-10 Safe & Caring School Programs (2009)
That all schools must implement a safe and caring school program or a similar alternative that involves all stakeholders and
is developed to suit the unique needs of the school community, drawing on the wide variety of available resources.
That each school’s safe and caring school program be assessed annually by the school council and school community, and
be updated accordingly. (Student Health and Safety)
00-11 Protocol and Prevention Strategies for High Risk Behaviour in Alberta Schools (2009)
That the Minister of Education develop or adopt a province-wide protocol for dealing with high risk behaviours in schools
and provide school jurisdictions with access to provincially developed training in threat assessment in schools based on the
province-wide protocol. (Student Health and Safety)
01-3 Improved Standard Guidelines for Hiring School Bus Drivers
That Alberta Transportation and other stakeholders take steps towards improving and standardizing the provincial guidelines
for hiring bus drivers. It must include but not be limited to such preventative measures as:
Annual driver’s abstract
Criminal checks
Random drug and alcohol testing
Making mandatory the “School Bus Driver Improvement Program,” in order to ensure our children’s safety on all
school buses in Alberta. (Transportation)
01-10 Funding for Early Invention Programs at a Kindergarten Level
That Alberta Education provide full and sustainable funding for an Early Intervention Program in all Kindergarten classes in
Alberta. (Learning Opportunities; Accountability and Funding)
Table of Contents
02-3 Responsibility of Meeting Children’s Basic Needs for Learning (2007)
That the Minister of Children’s Services deal with the issues of proper nutrition and proper clothing for children in the
home so the children can come prepared to learn at school on a daily basis.
That, if it is determined that the school is the best place to deliver these services, the Ministries of Children’ Services,
Infrastructure and Learning make sure that the proper funding, staff and facilities are in place so the cost and work load is
not downloaded to the school community and school staff. (Student Health and Safety)
03-2 Teachers Teaching Their Subject Specialties (2008)
That teachers be encouraged to specialize when in university.
That, when teachers are specialists in a particular subject area, they be assigned to teach that specialty, where possible,
from Grades 7 to 12.
That Alberta Education, in consultation with all education partners, re-examine the educational benefits of employing
specialists in the ECS to Grade 12 learning system.
That Alberta Education take action and clearly demonstrate the ways in which they are addressing the issue of scarcity of
specialists. (Teachers, Teaching, Teacher Training)
03-11 School Councils’ Expanded Role in School Closures
That the School Act be amended to provide clarity and good process to ascertain meaningful involvement of all education
That school councils must be involved in all considerations regarding school closure from the onset; and
that alternatives to school closure must be explored by all education partners in a new collaborative decision-making
process. (School Councils School Community Parental Involvement)
08-7 Adequate Funding for New School Equipment, Resources & Technology
That Alberta School Councils’ Association urge Alberta Education & Alberta Infrastructure to adequately fund a school that
is built by providing appropriate funding for equipment, resources and technology so that School Boards do not have to
divert funding from existing staffing and programming. Adequate funding should include appropriate amounts for
contingencies and cost escalations. (Infrastructure)
08-8 Advancement in Technology Funding
That Alberta School Council Association request Alberta Education increase funding for the cost of advancement of
technology in our schools. (Accountability and Funding)
08-10 Re-evaluation of Teaching Certification Necessary for Delivery of CTS Curriculum
That prior to the implementation of the revised CTS Program of Studies, Alberta Education in collaboration with Teacher
Certification and Development explore and make recommendations regarding alternative teaching certifications for CTS
program delivery. That these recommendations include but not be limited to:
The need for supervision of a journeyman/expert by a certificated teacher for delivery of these programs
If supervision is deemed necessary, the percentage of time required for supervision
If supervision is deemed necessary, the number of journeymen/experts supervised by a certificated teacher at any
given time
That the Minister of Education make the requisite changes with any regulations or ministerial orders related to these
recommendations as soon as possible after the recommendations have been accepted.
That ASCA be involved in any opportunities to advise on these matters. (Curriculum; Teachers, Teaching, Teacher Training)
Table of Contents
09-2 School Safety and Oil and Gas Facility Development
That the Minister of Education, and other Ministers as appropriate take the steps necessary to ensure that a minimum five
kilometer setback is required, and should be legislated for all new gas wells and related oil and gas facilities development
around all Alberta schools, In the interests of safe and caring school environments.
The Alberta School Councils’ Association will work with the Alberta School Boards Association and any other education
partners with like policy on this issue to promote discussion with Government on expediting the development of this
legislation. (Student Health and Safety)
09-9 One-Time School Facility Security Needs Funding
That Alberta Education provide funding to meet current construction standards through funding mechanisms that target
facility security needs and yearly operating and maintenance budgets in recognition that school facilities need to be safe
and secure. (Infrastructure)
10-2 Fair and Equitable Funding
That Alberta Education, if considering future cuts to funding, maintain fair and equitable funding throughout the province
to all school boards through equally based reductions determined by student population. (Accountability and Funding)
11-1 Achievement Test Writing for Cycled Curriculum
That Alberta Education redefine directives for testing in order to allow all students to write the grade 6 and 9 Science and
Social Studies provincial Achievement Tests during the year the cycled program of study is delivered, (Social Studies and
Science), regardless of registered grade to better accommodate students in multi-grade classrooms. (Assessment)
11-3 Technology Support for the 21
Century Learner
That Alberta Education continue to provide technology funding for hardware and software and in addition, provide
technology funding for technical support and learning support in addition to the current basic per student grant.
(Accountability and Funding)
Archived 2023
13-2 Speeding Fines Doubled in School Zones
That Alberta Transportation change provincial traffic legislation to reflect doubled fines and demerits for speeding in school
zones. (Student Health and Safety)
13-6 Raising Responsible Citizens
That Alberta School Councils’ Association connect with the different government Ministries associated with children to
explore the issue of responsibility and advocate for common strategies for the development of responsibility in youth.
That Alberta School Councils’ Association take an active role in the development of a program to educate parents on
strategies that can be used to develop responsibility in children. (School Councils, School Community, Parental Involvement)