to Maryland’s Nutrient
Management Regulations
and Requirements
Farming with Your Nutrient Management Plan
Implementing Your
Nutrient Management Plan
Nutrient Application
Setbacks for Nutrient
Requirements for Temporary
Manure Stockpiling
Phosphorus Management
Tool Requirements
What’s Inside:
Maryland law requires all farmers grossing $2,500 a year or more or livestock
producers with 8,000 pounds or more of live animal weight to follow nutrient man-
agement plans when fertilizing crops and managing animal manure. These science-
based plans specify how much fertilizer, manure or other nutrient sources may be
safely applied to crops to achieve yields and prevent excess nutrients from impact-
ing waterways. Nutrient management plans are required for all agricultural land
used to produce plants, food, feed, fiber, animals, or other agricultural products.
The Nutrient Management Program ensures that plans are developed, updated, and
implemented according to state regulations.
To protect the health of local farm streams, farmers must have stream setbacks
and livestock exclusion measures in place. Farmers who till their soil are required to
incorporate manure and other organic nutrient sources into fields within 48 hours of
application and follow specific timing requirements for fall nutrient applications. To
further protect waterways, all farm operationsregardless of sizeare banned from
spreading manure on fields in winter. In addition, fields with high soil phosphorus
levels must be managed using Maryland’s Phosphorus Management Tool (PMT).
This guide is designed to help farmers follow their nutrient management plans and
comply with all nutrient application and reporting requirements. For additional guid-
ance and clarification, contact your nutrient management consultant or regional
nutrient management office listed on the back of this guide.
if you have questions about your plan. The most im-
portant thing that you can do is to read and follow your
plan—don’t allow it to simply collect dust on a shelf. For
some farm employees, training may be needed in equip-
ment calibration and record keeping.
Nutrient Applicator Voucher Training
If you apply nutrients to 10 or more acres of cropland,
you are required to attend a two-hour nutrient applica-
tor training course once every three years. Free voucher
training and recertification courses are offered in fall
and winter by the department and Extension at loca-
tions across the state. If you are certified to write your
own nutrient management plan, you are not required to
attend voucher training. However, certified farmers must
earn six continuing education credits every three years.
Annual Implementation Reporting
Regulated farmers are required to submit Annual Imple-
mentation Reports to the Maryland Department of Agri-
culture by March 1 summarizing nutrient applications for
the previous year. The department mails reporting forms
to farmers in January and posts them on its website at In addition, online reporting is avail-
able through the Maryland OneStop portal.
Implementing Your Nutrient Management Plan
Nutrient management plans detail the optimum use of
nutrients to minimize losses to the environment while
maintaining crop yields. Soil and manure tests are used
to develop application rates that meet projected crop
yields based on soil productivity or historic yields of
a site. Plans are prepared by University of Maryland
Extension advisors, private consultants who are certified
by the Maryland Department of Agriculture, or farmers
who are certified to develop plans solely for their own
Implementing your nutrient management plan requires
you to follow guidelines for the amount, timing, and
placement of nutrients for each crop. Plans must be
revised and updated before they expire. Most plans are
written for one or three years. The expiration date can
be found on the plan. Major changes to your operation
may require your plan to be modified or updated sooner.
In addition, you must have a soil test completed at least
once every three years. If you use manure, it must be
analyzed for nutrient content at least every other year.
The success of your nutrient management plan in
protecting water quality often hinges on whether you
have read the plan and communicated its content to
other family members, hired employees, or your fertilizer
company. Contact your nutrient management consultant
Nutrient application requirements vary depending on the
crop, season, nutrient source, and weather conditions.
Here in Maryland, farmers are required to follow Univer-
sity of Maryland nutrient recommendations and use best
management practices that minimize nutrient losses to
nearby waterways as outlined in Maryland’s Nutrient
Management Manual. The following requirements
Chemical fertilizer may be applied from March 1
through December 15 for an existing crop or a
fall planted crop following University of Maryland
Organic nutrients may be applied from March 1
through December 15 for an existing crop, a fall
planted crop, or a crop that is planted the next spring
following University of Maryland recommendations.
Poultry litter may be applied in spring and fall for
an existing crop or crops planted for the upcoming
season, as long as it is applied following University of
Maryland recommendations.
Applying nitrogen in the fall is prohibited on small
grains if a fall nitrate test indicates levels greater than
10 parts per million for wheat or 15 parts per million
for barley.
Cover crops must be planted when organic nutrient
sources are applied to fallow ground in the fall.
Winter application (December 16 through February
28) of chemical fertilizer is prohibited. Exceptions
exist for green up of perennial forage crops and small
grains as well as greenhouse, cool season grass sod
production, and vegetable and fruit production, as
long as applications are performed following Univer-
sity of Maryland recommendations.
Use of potash and liming materials is not restricted in
Manure deposited directly by livestock is not restrict-
ed at any time of year.
Manure, biosolids and other organic nutrient sources
must be injected or incorporated into the soil within 48
hours of application. The following conditions may
exempt you from this requirement:
1. You are using no-till farming practices.
2. Livestock manure is deposited directly by animals.
3. The land is in permanent pasture.
4. The land is being used for hay production.
Nutrient Application Requirements
5. Fields are defined as highly erodible land by
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS) Field Office Technical Guide standards
and determination protocols. This exemption
requires supporting documentation (a Farm Ser-
vice Agency map or Soil Conservation and Water
Quality Plan signed by a soil conservation district
6. Spray irrigation is being used to apply nutrients to
a growing crop.
7. Small grains have been planted for harvest on the
land, either as grain or silage. This is considered a
standing crop, and therefore exempt from incor-
poration of organic nutrient sources during spring
green up.
Nutrient applications are prohibited from December
16 through February 28. This requirement applies to
all poultry and livestock operations, regardless of size.
An emergency provision allows the department to
work with farmers on a case-by-case basis to prevent
an overflow from liquid manure storage structures
during winter, when spreading manure is otherwise
prohibited. The exemption is only for on-farm generat-
ed manure that cannot be stored due to extraordinary
circumstances. It does not apply to biosolids or food
If you decide to seek an emergency waiver, you must
submit proof that you have attempted to obtain ma-
nure storage.
If approved, you must implement environmental
protections to safeguard water quality, including the
application of manure on vegetative cover and the use
of a 100-foot buffer zone next to waterways.
If you are granted an emergency exemption, you are
prohibited from applying liquid manure if the ground is
saturated, snow covered, or hard frozen two inches or
If you apply nutrients to crop fields, you are required to
adhere to the setback distance as determined by the
method of application. If nutrients are custom-applied, it
is your responsibility to inform the applicator of the set-
back requirements. The setback indicator chart shown
below may be used to satisfy the Nutrient Management
Program’s reporting requirements. A map is recom-
mended, but not required.
A nutrient application setback is a vegetated area rang-
ing from 10 to 35 feet from an eligible waterway where
nutrients may not be applied in order to protect water
quality. Maryland’s nutrient management regulations
require setback information identifying these areas to be
included on farm nutrient management plans.
Setbacks for Nutrient Application
A minimum 10-foot setback is required for all nutrient
applications adjacent to surface waters and streams.
A 35-foot setback is required when using broadcast
fertilizer application methods. No crops may be grown
on the 10-foot setback except pasture and hay. The
remaining 25-foot setback may have crops, but may
not be fertilized unless a direct application method is
Pastures and hayfields are subject to a 10-foot
Nutrients may not be applied mechanically within the
10-foot setback area.
Livestock are not allowed in the setback; however,
flash grazing is allowed.
Fencing to control livestock may not be required in all
cases. If you do not have stream protection measures
in place, contact your soil conservation district to
schedule a farm visit. District staff can evaluate the
site to determine whether fencing is needed or alter-
native practices such as watering facilities, livestock
crossings, or vegetative exclusion will help protect
water quality. The district will provide you with the
necessary documentation to meet this requirement. If
alternative practices do not inhibit access, the depart-
ment may require fencing.
Livestock sacrifice lots require a 35-foot setback from
sur face water.
Farm Name(s)
Is Surface Water
Present on the Farm
that Requires a
(Yes or No)
Field(s) Requiring a
Nutrient Application
Nutrient Application Setback Required
(Indicate with “Yes” in appropriate column or columns)
Livestock on
10 ft.
10 ft.
Application or
Sacrifice Lots***
35 ft.
*If a field contains multiple sources of surface water (i.e. a pond and a stream), list each separately or identify on the map.
**Directed application is a directed spray application (vertical fan or drop nozzle), air flow application, knifed/injected application of nutrients, and planter applied nutrients.
***Broadcast application or sacrifice lots: spinner spreaders (manure or fertilizer), high volume horizontal nozzles, and manure spreaders (box type with beaters, splasher plates for
liquid, side discharge V-type).
Maryland Nutrient Management Program
Nutrient Application Setback Indicator
Use the following charts to determine the length of the setback required:
Edge of Watercourse
35 feet
No broadcast application
10 feet
No nutrient
“Directed” nutrient
If the watercourse is:
It is defined
as a:
For crop and pastureland
adjacent to the watercourse,
a setback is:
Natural and either perennial or intermittent Stream Required
Channelized and perennial and:
A. Lies within a floodplain soil map unit, or
B. Lies within a hydric soil map unit mapped
as a narrow, elongated feature in a fluvial
(stream-like) floodplain position, or
C. Lies within a “B” slope or greater soil
Stream Required
Channelized and intermittent Ditch Not Required
Ephemeral (natural or channelized) Ditch Not Required
Temporary field stockpiling (staging) of poultry litter and
other dry organic nutrient sources with 60 percent or
less moisture content is allowed under Maryland’s nutri-
ent management regulations when other immediate use
options and alternatives are unavailable. Dry process
waste is primarily associated with poultry operations but
can also come from swine, beef, or dairy cattle opera-
tions. To minimize the duration of temporary field stock-
piling, work with your integrator to schedule manure
applications as close to spring planting as possible so
that crops have a readily available nutrient source when
they need it most.
Manure storage structures should be completely
utilized before starting a stockpile.
Record the date that the stockpile was started.
Manure in temporary stockpiles must be land applied
no later than the first spring following the placement of
the stockpile.
The stockpile area must be:
At least 100 feet from any surface water and ir-
rigation or treatment ditches, or 35 feet away if a
vegetative buffer is in place.
— At least 150 feet from wells, springs, and wetlands.
Requirements and Best Management Practices for
Temporary Manure Stockpiling (Staging)
At least 300 feet from a well that is down gradient
from the stockpile.
At least 200 feet from any residence outside the
operator’s property.
Outside flood prone areas and areas prone to
No farther than 150 feet from the top of a 3 percent
slope with no diversion installed.
Stack the stockpile at least 6 feet high; make sure it is
peaked to allow it to shed rainfall.
Stockpile materials should be stockpiled in a manner
that prevents nutrient runoff.
If the manure stockpile will be exported off the farm,
record the date that the manure was shipped along
with the name and address of the recipient and an
estimate of the tonnage exported.
Following removal of the stockpile, thoroughly scrape
or clean the ground and restore the area to its original
condition. If necessary, reseed the area with grass or
an agronomic crop to facilitate nutrient uptake.
Place subsequent stockpiles in the same location to
minimize environmental impact.
You may apply chemical fertilizer from March 1 through December 15 to an existing crop or a fall planted crop
following University of Maryland recommendations.
Organic nutrient sources may be applied from March 1 through December 15 to an existing crop. Additional
restrictions and conditions for organic nutrients applied in the fall (September 9 through December 15) are
described in the Maryland Nutrient Management Manual.
You must inject or incorporate manure, biosolids, and other organic nutrient sources into the soil within 48
hours of application. There are exceptions for no-till farming systems, spray irrigation on a growing crop, per
manent pastures, hay production fields, and highly erodible fields.
Fall application of nitrogen is prohibited on small grains if a fall nitrate test indicates levels greater than 10
parts per million for wheat or 15 parts per million for barley.
Cover crops must be planted when organic nutrient sources are applied in fall.
A minimum 10-foot setback is required for all nutrient applications adjacent to surface waters and streams.
A 35-foot setback is required when using broadcast fertilizer application methods. Only pasture and hay may
be grown on the 10-foot setback area. The remaining 25-foot setback may have crops, but may not be fertil
ized unless a direct application method is used.
Pastures and hayelds are subject to a 10-foot setback. Livestock are not allowed in the setback area.
Livestock stream protection practices are required.
Livestock sacrifice lots require a 35-foot setback from surface water.
Winter application (December 16 through February 28) of chemical fertilizer is prohibited. There are exceptions
for green up of perennial forage crops and small grains as well as greenhouse, cool season grass sod produc
tion, and vegetable and fruit production, as long as applications are performed following University of Mary-
land recommendations.
Nutrient applications are prohibited from December 16 through February 28.
If nutrients are custom-applied, it is your responsibility—as the farmerto inform the applicator of the
setback distance based on the method of application.
SUMMARY: Maryland Nutrient Management Application Requirements
Maryland’s Phosphorus Management Tool (PMT) regula-
tions require farmers with high soil phosphorus levels to
use the PMT to identify the potential risk of phosphorus
loss from farm fields and prevent the additional buildup
of phosphorus in soils that are already saturated. Soils
with high phosphorus levels are typically found on farms
that have used manure or poultry litter as a crop nutrient
over an extended period of time.
Fertility Index Value (FIV) is a measurement of phospho-
rus in the soil as determined by a laboratory test of a soil
sample. A level between 51-100 is considered “optimum”
for crop production. FIV levels above 100 indicate that
the soil contains more phosphorus than the crop needs.
Farm fields with high soil phosphorus levels identi-
fied by a Fertility Index Value of 150 or greater are
required to be managed using the PMT. If a farm
field scores less than 150 FIV, phosphorus may be
applied to the land following University of Maryland
recommendations outlined in the Maryland Nutrient
Management Manual.
Phosphorus Management Tool (PMT)
Maryland’s PMT regulations require certified nutrient management consultants and farmers who prepare their
own nutrient management plans to submit soil test phosphorus data to the department every six years. Soil test
phosphorus data was collected in 2015 and 2021.
The following special provisions allow farmers to apply phosphorus to crops when it would otherwise be restricted
by the PMT. For additional guidance, contact your nutrient management consultant or regional nutrient manage
ment specialist.
Tissue AnalysisCrop tissue, such as the leaves of a corn plant, may be analyzed as an indicator of crop
health and nutrient deficiency. If a phosphorus deficiency is indicated, you may add phosphorus to the crop
following University of Maryland recommendations.
High Phosphorus CropsVegetable and tobacco crops with proven higher phosphorus needs may receive
phosphorus applications at planting.
Organic CropsCertified organic farmers who rely on animal manures as a source of both nitrogen and phos
phorus for crop production may apply limited amounts of phosphorus under certain conditions.
Alternative UseFarmers adopting Maryland Department of Agriculture-approved alternative use technolo
gies to lower the phosphorus content in animal manure may apply limited amounts of phosphorus.
Allegany, Garrett and Washington counties
P.O. Box 459
Hancock, MD 21750
Carroll and Frederick counties
92 Thomas Johnson Drive, Suite 110
Frederick, MD 21702
Anne Arundel, Howard and Montgomery
92 Thomas Johnson Drive, Suite 110
Frederick, MD 21702
410-507- 4811
Baltimore, Cecil and Harford counties
P.O. Box 850
Bel Air, MD 21014
Calvert, Charles, Prince George’s and
St. Mary’s counties
P.O. Box 652
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Caroline and Dorchester counties
P.O. Box 340
Marydel, MD 21649
Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot
P.O. Box 549
Cordova, MD 21625
Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester
27722 Nanticoke Road, Unit 2
Salisbury, MD 21801
Nutrient Management Offices
MDA 15.02.22 Recycled Paper
Nutrient Management Program
50 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401
PLEASE READ: The information provided in this booklet is for
general reference purposes only. For specific information on
Maryland’s nutrient management regulations, please contact the
regional nutrient management specialist serving your county.