1. The South Carolina Youth Soccer Association (SC Youth Soccer or SCYS) is a State Association member of the United
States Youth Soccer Association (US Youth Soccer) and of the United States Soccer Federation, Inc. (Federation). The
Federation is the national association member of the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) for the United
States, having been a member of FIFA since 1913. The Federation is recognized as the national governing body for the sport
of soccer in the United States by the United States Olympic Committee as provided for by the Amateur Sports Act.
2. The Constitution, Rules, Policies and Procedures of the Federation have evolved over a period of time to govern the game of
soccer and protect the interests of all participants, players, officials, administrators, clubs, leagues, national state associations
and the Federation. Therefore, they must be accepted and observed by all members of the Federation until changed in
accordance with the procedures provided.
3. These rules and other procedures and policies relating to them for the registration of affiliated organizations, their officers,
coaches and players are adhered to by the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors and are to be used in conjunction
with the Rules and Bylaws of South Carolina Youth Soccer. The priority of the interpretation of rules is (1) South Carolina
Youth Soccer, (2) US Youth Soccer, (3) USSF, and (4) FIFA.
B. AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS (Structure and South Carolina Youth Soccer membership requirements)
1. AN AFFILIATED ORGANIZATION is a club or league that is properly registered with and recognized by South Carolina
Youth Soccer and which pays dues to, and receives benefits or services from, South Carolina Youth Soccer.
a. A CLUB is an organization operating within a specified community or other defined geographical area that is a
member of South Carolina Youth Soccer and that has an identifiable membership of at least one hundred (100)
youth soccer players. This organization is in place to carry out South Carolina Youth Soccer’s programs for youth
players. Groups seeking membership in South Carolina Youth Soccer and fulfilling all other requirements for same
but having fewer than one hundred (100) youth players may be granted annual provisional affiliation status for a
seasonal year by a majority vote of the Board of Directors but will not be eligible to vote at any annual general
meeting until such time as its membership equals at least one hundred (100) players. Each club is assigned by South
Carolina Youth Soccer a permanent club number. New clubs containing competitive teams, applying for
membership into SC Youth Soccer must have a “60/40” split between recreation players and competitive players
upon making application. Sixty percent (60%) of the players must be recreation, while no more than forty percent
(40%) may be competitive. Any current member club that either fails to maintain “good standing” or interrupts its
membership by failing to re-affiliate in the future will be treated as a “new club or organization and the 60/40 rule
will apply. New Clubs must meet with the Director of Coaching twice during their first year to review club
Clubs may not change names and “do business as” without updating their Bylaws and submitting those Bylaws for
approval by the Board of Directors. Clubs may not merge during the seasonal year. Any merger becomes effective
on August 1
(first day of Fall season for registration purposes).
b. A LEAGUE is a structured organization consisting of four (4) or more teams joined for the purpose of play under a
common set of administrative and competition rules. Each league is assigned by South Carolina Youth Soccer a
permanent league number. A league is differentiated from another league by the rules that govern the rostering of
players to each leagues’ teams, and the different terms used to describe each league do not necessarily reflect the
level of abiliy or talent of teams participating in the league.
2. A DISTRICT is a structured organization operating within a defined geographical area and is represented on the South
Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors by the District Commissioner, who is elected by the affiliated organizations within
the district and given the authority to enforce the rules and bylaws of South Carolina Youth Soccer within its geographical
area. South Carolina Youth Soccer currently has three (3) districts.
3. Any youth soccer group within the State of South Carolina may apply for AFFILIATION in South Carolina Youth Soccer
by applying in writing to the Board of Directors through the SC Youth Soccer State Office and by submitting for approval of
the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors properly executed Bylaws and Operating Rules and a properly filled out
and executed South Carolina Youth Soccer Affiliated Organization Registration Form.
required to:
a. abide by South Carolina Youth Soccer, US Youth Soccer/USSF and FIFA rules;
b. submit to South Carolina Youth Soccer by June 1st of each year a properly filled out and signed South Carolina
Youth Soccer Affiliated Organization Form listing all board members and at large members, maintaining this
information and providing South Carolina Youth Soccer with updated information as changes occur. An initial
application shall also have with it a copy of the organization’s Bylaws and Operating Rules, which are to be
resubmitted with renewals only if any changes occur or if an organization exists under probationary membership
c. be current with all fees and amounts due to South Carolina Youth Soccer, the Board of which shall set membership
dues and other fees prior to each seasonal year; and
d. in addition, all affiliated clubs are required to have a Registrar, certified by South Carolina Youth Soccer, who
performs the following:
i. registers via the current state approved on-line computer program with South Carolina Youth Soccer and
US Youth Soccer (through South Carolina Youth Soccer) every individual player, coach, team and
administrator who participates in any South Carolina Youth Soccer (Club) program;
ii. verifies player information and is able to upload/provide copies of birth certificates for all players.
iii. properly fills out, maintains copies of, and submits all required player and coach registration forms to South
Carolina Youth Soccer via the State Registrar/designee before any deadline or before the player’s first
game of the season, whichever comes first; and
iv. Advises the clubs that player passes must have a current photograph, without a hat or headband, and that
the pass must be laminated or digitally recorded. All coach passes must have a current picture and be
laminated or be digitally recorded. Any pass not satisfying these requirements is invalid. No signature is
VANS for any sanctioned events, approved travel, or any affiliated activities of South Carolina Youth Soccer due to a history
of rollover accidents associated with this specific vehicle type. The South Carolina Youth Soccer liability insurance
underwriter prohibits the use of non-owned 15 passenger vans for any South Carolina Youth Soccer activities or events under
any circumstances.
6. RISK MANAGEMENT all volunteers/employees (i.e. boards, coaches, managers) must complete the online background
check process. It is the responsibility of the club to ensure that this has been accomplished.
7. ALCOHOL POLICY - It is the policy of SC Youth Soccer and US Youth Soccer that no alcohol be sold at or brought to US
Youth Soccer games. It is the responsibility of the organizers of US Youth Soccer events to ensure that this policy is strictly
adhered to. This includes local, state, private tournaments and friendlies. Future tournament approvals will not be granted
where this policy is violated.
8. ANY MEMBER OF SOUTH CAROLINA YOUTH SOCCER that is not in compliance with those rules listed above shall
be placed in Bad Standing with South Carolina Youth Soccer.
C. DEFINITIONS (Affecting all South Carolina Youth Soccer divisions of play)
1. ADD is the addition of a player to a team’s roster.
2. ABUSE PREVENTION CERTIFICATE is a certificate showing all administrators within the club (coach, assistant
coach, board of directors, and managers) have completed the states abuse prevention program. All club admins must
have a certificate showing in the state’s registration database system.
a. AFFILIATED PLAY - Any matches, competitions or events with organizations affiliated with SC Youth Soccer or
US Youth Soccer shall be considered affiliated play.
b. UNAFFILIATED PLAY - Any matches, competitions, or events with organizations NOT affiliated with SC
YOUTH SOCCER or other State Associations of US YOUTH SOCCER shall be considered unaffiliated play with
the exception of international competitions, at home or abroad.
c. SANCTIONED TRAVEL is any out of state travel approved by South Carolina Youth Soccer to matches,
competitions and events with organizations affiliated with US Youth Soccer so the benefits of affiliation with South
Carolina Youth Soccer apply to the travel. Only a team in good standing with South Carolina Youth Soccer and
traveling to a tournament or games that have been approved by an affiliated National State Association of US Youth
Soccer will be sanctioned to travel.
d. NON-SANCTIONED TRAVEL is any out of state travel to matches, competitions, or events with organizations
NOT affiliated with US YOUTH SOCCER or any of its State Associations. This does not apply to international
competitions at home or abroad.
4. AGE GROUP the grouping of players by age into levels of permitted play. A player is permitted to play in the age group
in which the player belongs or an older group but is not permitted to play in a younger age group.
5. BOARD is a group of administrators organized to operate a particular club or league. South Carolina Youth Soccer
requires affiliation and listing of all board members of all clubs and leagues in the state database by the designated affiliation
deadline noted on the SC Youth Soccer calendar. Failure to do so could result in that particular organization being placed in
bad standing.
6. CERTIFIED REGISTRAR is a person who has attended a registration workshop as required by South Carolina Youth
Soccer for the seasonal year during which the registrar will handle registration transactions. All affiliated organization
registrars serve under the jurisdiction of the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar. A certified registrar must make a
best effort to ensure registration transactions conform to the requirements of the South Carolina Youth Soccer registration
rules, procedures, and policies. Failure to comply could result in the registrar’s certification being revoked and the affiliated
organization facing such sanctions and penalties as South Carolina Youth Soccer deems appropriate.
7. CLUB PASS PLAYER a player who can move as outlined in each level of play within their own club based on player
development needs and specific team needs without additional administrative paperwork and cost.
8. DIVISION - groups consisting of either recreation, junior academy or classic players (Open, Classic, Challenge or Premier).
9. DUAL/MULTI ROSTERING - a player who is rostered on more than one youth team in a seasonal year. SC Youth Soccer
does not recognize Dual/Multi Rostering.
10. ELIGIBLE TO PLAY a registered player not under suspension or in bad standing.
11. EVALUATION an occasion at which a Junior Academy player attends a session that will directly result in that player
playing in the Junior Academy Division. South Carolina Youth Soccer member organizations may not conduct any
evaluations involving any players registered with another South Carolina Youth Soccer member organization until the
evaluation dates specified on the South Carolina Youth Soccer calendar. Clubs may hold supplemental evaluations as needed
but may not invite players that are presently registered with another club.
12. FRIENDLY GAMES are games with no fees charged, monies collected, or awards given.
13. FROZEN ROSTER a South Carolina Youth Soccer Official Team Roster that can have no movement of players on to or
off the roster through adds, transfers or releases for the period of time that the roster is frozen.
14. GAME DAY ROSTER - is an official South Carolina Youth Soccer Team Roster that lists a maximum of 18 and a
minimum of 7 eligible players for a particular classic competition, a maximum of 16 and a minimum of 5 eligible players for
11U/12U junior academy teams, a maximum of 14 and a minimum of 4 eligilble players for 8U-10U junior academy players
that is prepared by the club registrar of that teams club. All players on a game day roster must be registered with the club
prior to being assigned to the game day roster.
15. GUEST PLAYER means a US Youth Soccer registered player participating in a competition for a team to which the player
is not rostered for purposes of tournament or friendly games. A tournament/travel roster must be approved for a guest player
and approval of the players current coach/club by email is required.
16. IMPROPER REGISTRATION results from any team playing a player who is over age or who is not registered or who is
not properly entered on the team’s roster, if applicable, causing the forfeit of the game(s) in which that player takes part. Any
affiliated organization failing to properly register and/or roster all players shall face such sanctions and penalties as the South
Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors deems appropriate.
17. An IN-HOUSE PROGRAM (19U and younger) is intraclub play which exists within a club
18. An INTERHOUSE PROGRAM (12U and younger) may exist within a club, may allow other South Carolina Youth Soccer
clubs to participate with that club’s 12U and younger in-house program.
19. INTERNATIONAL CLEARANCE The Federation and FIFA have international clearance requirements and procedures
for players coming to the United States to play soccer. A player aged 10 or older requiring international clearance must
receive approval from USSF prior to being registered.
20. LEAGUE ROSTER a computer generated recreational or junior academy roster signed and sealed by the state
registrar/designee that lists all the nonrostered players and coaches for that age group. This roster is for league play and in
state friendly games only.
21. NONROSTERED PLAYER a registered recreational or junior academy player not assigned to South Carolina Youth
Soccer Official Team Roster. A player who has been registered but never rostered onto South Carolina Youth Soccer
Official Team Roster may be added to a roster. A player who was rostered to South Carolina Youth Soccer Official Team
Roster at any time during the current seasonal year and then released from all South Carolina Youth Soccer Official Team
Rosters becomes a nonrostered player but shall be a transfer if added to another club’s South Carolina Youth Soccer Official
Team Roster.
22. OFFICIAL STATE CUP ROSTER a current Official Game Day Roster made up of at least nine (9) players from the
frozen league roster and any eligible club pass player which is signed and sealed by the State Registrar/designee by a date
prior to their first cup match.
23. OFFICIAL TEAM ROSTER the South Carolina Youth Soccer document, signed and sealed by the South Carolina Youth
Soccer State Registrar/designee listing the eligible players and coaches of a properly registered team. There may be up to
four (4) names of coaches/assistants on a roster. Each team roster must have a coach designated as a head coach while all
others are assistant coaches. Only four people holding coaching passes may be on a team bench with players during a South
Carolina Youth Soccer sanctioned event. Official team rosters are for classic level play only unless specifically requested and
paid for by junior academy and/or recreation teams.
24. PLAYER’S ADDRESS the player’s residence address including street (or p.o. box), city, state, zip code and a household
email address.
25. PLAYER’S BIRTHDAY the date of birth listed on the player’s birth certificate or other acceptable document proving
player’s name and age.
26. PLAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER the numeric control number used to identify the player in all registration
transactions with South Carolina Youth Soccer.
27. PLAYER’S NAME for South Carolina Youth Soccer purposes is the player’s full first and last name as listed on the
player’s birth certificate or other acceptable government document proving the player’s name and age.
28. PLAYER/MEMBER PASS - the US Youth Soccer Pass issued to all registered players, managers, and coaches that serves
as the primary means of identifying them at competitions. The pass must have the member’s current photograph; be signed
by the SC Youth Soccer registrar/designee, have the SC Youth Soccer seal stamped on it and must be laminated or digitally
recorded. This member pass is valid only for activities and events approved by SC Youth Soccer, US Youth Soccer and its
State Associations, and USSF international tournaments.
* CLUB COACH PASS - this US Youth Soccer Pass will be issued to any classic coach in your club that holds a minimum
of a “D” license. This pass allows any club coach the ability to coach one of their club’s teams during SC Youth Soccer
league play and state cup competitions without having to be listed on the official South Carolina Youth Soccer team’s roster.
There may be no more than (4) coaches on the player’s bench at any one time. Club Coaches may use hard copy passes or
digital passes as identification in league matches.
* DIRECTOR OF COACHING (DOC) PASS this US Youth Soccer Pass will be issued to a maximum of three
registered Directors of Coaching (DOC) per club that holds a minimum of a “D” license. This pass also allows any DOC the
ability to coach one of their club’s teams during SC Youth Soccer league play and state cup competitions without having to
be listed on the official South Carolina Youth Soccer team’s roster. There may be no more than (4) coaches (including
DOC’s) on the player’s bench at any one time. This pass allows the DOC to approve any of their clubs paperwork in
place of the head coach. DOC’s may use hard copy passses or digital passes as identification in league matches.
* MANAGER PASS this US Youth Soccer Pass will be issued to any team manager that completes a background check so
that he/she can coach their team for the completion of a match if their coach is ejected and no other rostered coach or DOC is
available. Managers may use hard copy passes or digital passes as identification in league matches.
29. POOL TEAM a group of recreation or junior academy players who are properly registered by an affiliated organization
using a certified registrar and under the guidance of one or more coaches.
30. PREMIER TEAM is a team that is participating in the Piedmont Conference of National League.
31. REASSIGNMENT - Any recreation or junior academy player who releases from one club to another shall complete the on-
line transfer/release. The player will not be allowed to move to another club until their present club’s documented financial
obligation has been completely satisfied. The only exception to this rule is that non-rostered recreation players may move
between clubs from December 1 until February 15 without completing the on-line transfer/release, but clubs must notify the
State Registrar/designee. No on-line transfer/release is required for players to move within the same club.
32. RECRUITING A player may only be recruited after the completion of the State Cup competition applicable to that
player’s team regardless of whether their team qualifies, until such time as the player/parent has completed registration
paperwork and paid fees (this does not include tryout fees) to a club for the upcoming seasonal year. (State Cup competition
includes: Open Cup, Presidents Cup, South Carolina State Cup; and on an individual team basis, Regional Cup and National
Cup.) Players will be considered as registered to a club for the next seasonal year as of July 1.
33. REGISTERED PLAYER - is one who has been properly entered and placed on a rostered or nonrostered team in the
current state approved on-line computer program by a certifed club registrar and submitted to the State Registrar/designee.
Players, whether rostered or nonrostered, may only be registered with one SC Youth Soccer team at any given time during
the seasonal year. There is NO dual rostering.
34. RELEASE the withdrawal of a player from a roster without reassignment to another roster. A player may voluntarily
release him/herself from a team for any reason. A player may be involuntarily released from a team for one of the following
a. The player has violated the rules of South Carolina Youth Soccer, US Youth Soccer/USSF or his/her club;
b. The player has moved beyond a reasonable travel distance as defined by the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of
Directors; or
c. The player is injured in such a manner that the player will not be able to participate for the remainder of the season.
35. ROSTERED PLAYER a registered player assigned to South Carolina Youth Soccer Official Team Roster. Any player
rostered to a team is bound to the team for the entire seasonal year unless the player/club requests a transfer, a release, or is
involuntarily released.
36. SEASONAL YEAR the time period from September 1 of any year to August 31 of the next year.
37. STATE CUP an individual, separately conducted competition under US Youth Soccer/South Carolina Youth Soccer rules
which leads to a state, regional and national competition.
38. SUSPENSION the temporary withdrawal of rights and privileges, including but not limited to playing, volunteering,
coaching, managing, and spectating, or otherwise participating (directly or indirectly) in soccer. The suspension is for the
entire term of the suspension with ALL rights and privileges withdrawn unless specifically stated otherwise by the
suspending authority.
39. TEAM a group of soccer players properly registered by an affiliated organization using a certified registrar and under the
guidance of one or more coaches playing on the same side in soccer games. U S Youth Soccer recognizes two (2) types of
teams: 1) teams with females only are girl’s teams, and (2) all other teams are boy’s teams.
40. TEAM NUMBER a control number assigned by South Carolina Youth Soccer to a team for the current seasonal year.
41. TOURNAMENT/TRAVEL ROSTER the South Carolina Youth Soccer Official Tournament/TravelRoster shall be used by
nonrostered players brought together for the sole purpose of playing friendly games involving out of state teams or in a
tournament. This roster is valid only for the tournament and dates indicated on the roster and players are bound to the roster
only during the designated event. Tournament teams are not eligible for South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup play. The
roster will have the State Registrar/designee signature for either in- or out-of-state competitions.
42. TRANSFER a player who is currently or was previously rostered on an Official Team Roster requesting and being moved
onto the South Carolina Youth Soccer Official Team Roster of another club’s team within the current seasonal year. All
requests for transfer must have the explanation portion properly completed by the player’s club, and the transferring player’s
current pass, if applicable, should be returned to the club registrar for proper handling. No transferred player may compete
with a new team until he/she receives a new player pass for that team and appears on that team’s roster.
43. A TRYOUT is an occasion at which a player attends a selection process that may directly result in that player being selected
to play for a classic/challenge/premier team within a club for the next seasonal year. South Carolina Youth Soccer member
organizations may not conduct any tryouts involving any players registered with another South Carolina Youth Soccer
member organization until the tryout dates specified on the South Carolina Youth Soccer calendar. Clubs may hold
supplemental tryouts as needed but may not invite players that are presently registered with another club.
44. UNETHICAL RECRUITING is defined as any intentional act whereby coaches or parents contact a player who is
registered or rostered on a South Carolina Youth Soccer team to entice that player to leave the club with which that player is
registered or rostered before the completion of the State Cup competition applicable to that players’ team, regardless of
whether their team qualifies. (State Cup competition includes: Open Cup, President’s Cup,State Cup; and on an individual
team basis Regional Cup and National Cup.) A coach, who coaches a team playing 13U or above, who leaves a club shall not
be allowed to coach any players rostered on a team he coached in a seasonal year immediately preceding his departure for
one (1) seasonal year without the written consent of an authorized representative of the club he is leaving.
45. YOUTH PLAYER is an individual who is an amateur player and has not reached twenty (20) years of age prior to
December 31 for the current seasonal year.
Any out of state player wishing to play at the recreation or academy level in either SC or another state will register directly with the
club they are going to play with no matter which state they reside. Competitive teams with individual players that live in North
Carolina that wish to play with a South Carolina team will complete the US Interstate South Region Permission Form and submit to
the state in which they reside. Competitive teams with a majority of players from another state will register the team and the state will
submit that roster to the appropriate state association.
1. FIFA requires all players over the age of 10, regardless of their ability or citizenship, to receive an international transfer
clearance from their former country when they are attempting to register to play soccer in a different country (i.e., the United
States). U.S. Soccer (USSF) is responsible for obtaining that clearance on behalf of all players in the U.S. participating in
affiliated leagues. FIFA, however, prohibits the transfer of players between the ages of 10 to 17 (minors) unless the player
meets one of two exceptions:
a. The player has moved with his/her parents to the U.S. for reasons other than playing soccer (e.g. work);
b. The player and prospective club are both located within 30 miles of an international border.
If the player can prove to FIFA that either of the two exceptions above has been met, U.S. Soccer would be permitted to
request the ITC for that minor player. If the player does not meet one of the two exceptions above, the available options to
register are listed below. In 2009, FIFA instituted the FIFA TMS system. TMS is an online method to provide FIFA with
documentation to prove that a player fits either of the two exceptions above. Documents are uploaded into FIFA’s system and
are reviewed by FIFA, who then makes the final determination on whether an ITC request could be fulfilled for a minor
player. However, U.S. Soccer has received a limited exemption from FIFA from the requirement to use the electronic FIFA
TMS system. U.S. Soccer is now responsible for the documentation, review and determination of whether a player meets
either of the two exceptions above. Although required to uphold the same standards as FIFA, U.S. Soccer is able to review
the documents on an expedited basis and determine whether an ITC request could be made for a minor player.
2. International Transfer Clearance Options - Under FIFA’s rules, there are four options by which a player born outside of
the U.S. can register with an affiliated league:
a. Minors Prior to 10 Form - player born outside of US is age nine (9) and younger at the time of registration regardless
of citizenship. Requires the Minors P10 Form and one of the folllowing: birth certificate, consular report of birth
Abroad, Certificate of Naturalization, Permanent Resident Card, Passport or Visa.
b. Minors First Registration - any player who at the time of registration is between the ages of 10 and 17 and has never
registered outside of the US and holds proof of US Citizenship or is a waiting US Citizenship. Requires the Minors
First Registration Form, proof of US Citizenship (either passport, consular report of Birth Abroad, or Certificate of
Citizenship/Naturalization). If awaiting citizenship, the players original birth certificate, permanent resident card or
government issued National ID Card, and parents’ US Passport or certificate of citizenship or certificate of
c. Minors 5 Year Exception Form Any player whoat the time of registration is between the ages of 10 to 17 and meets
the following criteria: never registered outside of the United States, does not have US Citizenship and lived
continuously in the US for the last five (5) years. Requires the 5 Year Exception Form and the following supporting
documents in either English, Spanish, German or French: Original birth certificate and if not in one of the 4 languages
a certified translation of the birth certificate as well as the original. One of the following: players passport with photo,
permanent resident card, visa with photo or government issued National ID with photo. School records indicating
ongoing registration for the last 5 years and must have the players full name and school’s address. Parents/Guardians
one of the following: passport with photo, permanent resident card with photo, visa with photo, US Drivers License or
Government Issued National ID with photo. Parents/Guardians one of the following items: utility bill issued with the
last 6 months that contains parent name and address or lease, mortgage, deed or title that contains the start date at the
residence, parent name and address. Club Statement.
d.Minors Parents Move Exception Any player who at the time of registration is between the ages of 10 and 17 and the
player has moved with his/her parents/legal guardians to the US for reason not linked to soccer. Requires the Parents
Move Exception form, players birth certificate in either English, Spanish, German or French, and if not a certified
translated birth certificate as well as the original. Either the players passport, permanent resident card or visa all which
must have a photo. Either the players parents’ passport, permanents resident cards, visas or government issued National
ID (all must have photo) for both parents. Parents Employment Authorization which is one of the following: visa,
permanent resident card, employment authorization card, or signed statement from the parents or club indicating work
authorization. Proof or Residence either a utility bill issued with the last 6 months that contains parent name and
address or the lease, mortgage, deed or title that contains the start date at the residence, parent name and address. Proof
of Employment if employed signed and dated employment verification letter from the employer of each
parent/guardian that is residing in the US that confirms the employment start date. If self employed a letter from the self-
employed parent stating that he/she is self-employed, or business tax return forms or confirmation issued by the relevant
government authority (example: business registration). If unemployed one of the parents does not work a signed letter
from the non-working parent stating that he/she does not work. If attending school, the full long form F-1 visa page
signed by the DOJ. A letter confirming enrollment signed by the school, and proof of payment of tuition from the school
or a recent report card from the school demonstrating the academic pursuit is ongoing. Club Statement. Parent Statement.
Further information regarding international clearance can be found at
clearance/minors These include minors process for exchange students, minors humanitarian exception and 18+ Registration
either First Registration 18+ or the ITC 18+ Form.
1. A RECREATION PLAYER is a registered player who has never been officially rostered on a junior academy, Classic
II, Classic I, challenge or premier team during the current seasonal year and has not been placed on a team based on
talent or ability (i.e. no tryouts or evaluations).
2. RECREATION AGE GROUPS shall be comprised of players by birth year: Birth Year Registration Matrix
a.) 19 years of age and under e.) 15 years of age and under i.) 11 years of age and under m.) 7 years of age and under
b.) 18 years of age and under f.) 14 years of age and under j.) 10 years of age and under n.) 6 years of age and under
c.) 17 years of age and under g.) 13 years of age and under k.) 9 years of age and under o.) 5 years of age and under
d.) 16 years of age and under h.) 12 years of age and under l.) 8 years of age and under p.) 4 years of age and under
3. REGISTRATION TRANSACTIONS for rostered or nonrostered players must be properly documented in the correct
South Carolina Youth Soccer database and approved by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee before
any deadline or before the player’s first game of the season whichever comes first. All information requested must be
provided and all fees due must be paid. The computer generated information must be read from the club level program
into the approved state program. All clubs are recommended to use the on-line system.
Players who have made a financial commitment to a club will be considered as registered to that club for the
upcoming seasonal year as of July 1.
4. PROOF OF AGE shall consist of a birth certificate, a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (DD
Form 1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States, a birth registration issued by an appropriate
government agency, or board of health records, a passport, an alien registration card issued by the United States
Government, a certificate issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, a current driver’s
license, an unexpired federal, state or local government identification card (If documentation of date of birth is required),
or a certification of an American citizen born abroad and issued by the appropriate government agency. Hospital,
baptismal, or religious certificates will not be accepted. Player proof of age for traveling teams shall be available upon
5. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS - state that any player who is a South Carolina resident may register in an affiliated
organization. A resident is a player living or residing in the State of South Carolina with his or her parent(s) or
guardian(s) or a student in residence at a boarding school, college or university located in South Carolina. Any other
questions of residency may be determined by the state in which the player is registered to vote or holds a current driver’s
6. REGISTRATION FEES are set by the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors. All fees will be billed
a. Notice will be sent out after the bill is 30 days past due and Permission to Travel Forms will be withheld from the
teams of the offending Club until payment is remitted. Notification will be made to the Club 15 days after due date by
telephone or email as a reminder, but the Club is responsible for timely payment regardless of reminder notification.
b. If payment is not received within 45 days of invoicing, then a 15% surcharge of the total invoice will be added and
required for the Club to reamin in “good standing”. c. If the payment is more than 60 days overdue, which includes the
surcharge, then the Cub will be placed in “bad standing” automatically unless a payment plan is put in place with the
office. Any payment plan will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors and is not a guarantee.
7. All players registering in any affiliated organization of South Carolina Youth Soccer must have an approved PLAYER
8. DEADLINE DATES mean that a document must be in the hands of the appropriate state officer by midnight of the
published date.
9. OFFICIAL TRANSACTION - is a registration transaction which becomes official only after being signed by the South
Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
10. UNIFORMS for all field players shall include a unique and identifiable number on the jersey. These numbers must be
uniform and cannot be created by using tape to alter. Shin guards covered by socks are mandatory for all players during
any play and any practice. No youth player or team will be permitted to display any logo during match play or during
warm-up or as part of any team uniform including team T-shirts affiliated with alcohol, firearms, adult oriented material,
gambling, cannabis, vaping, tobacco or other products prohibited for purchase or consumption by minors. Home team is
to wear white/light colored uniforms and the away team wears dark colored uniforms including socks. If there is a
conflict the team not in compliance must change. Any teams participating in South Carolina Youth Soccer (SCYS)
sanctioned play, must be wearing the official uniform(s) of their SCYS member club, inclusive of the official club crest,
and/or club name visible. The referee’s judgement is final.
11. A RECREATION TEAM/POOL is a group of players registered and playing in the Recreation Division
a. may not use tryouts, invitations, recruiting or any like process to roster players selectively to the team on the
basis of talent or ability.
b. may have no more than three (3) previously registered classic players or junior academy players transferred to
it; otherwise, the team has unlimited transfers, releases and adds for the seasonal year.
c. each player must play at least one-half (1/2) of each game except for reasons or injury, illness, or discipline
d. 13U-19/20U rostered recreation teams may have no fewer than 7 nor more than 22 players. Game Day roster
with maximum of 18 for 13U-19/20U will be used in conjunction if a roster has 22 players. No dual rostering is
e. 12U and younger roster size are outlined on “South Carolina Youth Soccer Players and Playing Rules for
Small-Sided games” .
f. The initial registration of a team with a Club must continue their association with that particular Club for the
seasonal year, including that no team in its entirety or majority may move to another club during the seasonal
12. For ALL RECREATIONAL TEAMS/POOLS (8U and above requesting passes or attending tournaments who have
uploaded player/coach photos), the US Youth Soccer player/coach passes shall be issued. Any recreation player/coach
participating in an interhouse, or league game are required to have either their state signed and sealed roster or their
player/coach pass (hard copy or digital) at the game site. It is the responsibility of the referees to check player and coach
passes or rosters before each game. The passes must have a current photograph without a hat or headband, be signed by
the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee, have the South Carolina Youth Soccer seal stamped on it, and
be laminated or digital. Any pass not meeting these requirements is invalid.
13. ALL PLAYERS AND COACHES entering a competition must be listed on a Tournament/Travel Roster with the name
and date of the competition. The roster must be available at the game site at all times.
14. ALL 4U AND OLDER COACHES are required to be either licensed or certified. Recreation coaches 4U-12U must
have a minimum of an Introduction to Grassroots Coaching Module. Recreation Coaches 13U-19U must have a
minimum of an 11 vs 11 In Person License. All new coaches to SC Youth Soccer have a one(1) season grace period to
meet their license/certification requirements. All recreation assistant coaches must have a minimum of an Introduction to
Grassroots Coaching Module.
15. POOL PLAY - No player can play more than 2 games on any one day (i.e. A player can play 2 games with Team
A or he/she can play 1 game with Team A and 1 game with Team B or 2 games with Team B) Two game
maximum per day.
16. CLUB PASS (Pertains to non pool and rostered recreation teams only)
a. Players may not play more than two matches per day. A team may use a maximum of seven club pass players in
any one game. The club pass is not necessary for pool play.
b. Use of the club pass is permitted in the SCSCL, PMSL, 13U and above recreational and junior academy
divisions. Game Day Rosters must be used in conjunction with the club pass.
c. A player can play up an age group above the current age group as long as it is at the same level or higher
division of play.
d. A club pass player can be used during any regular season league game, Recreation Cup or Open Cup.
e. Recreation players may also be club passed for State Cup, Southern Regionals and Nationals as defined in the
rules governing these events.
a. A guest player may be added to the team’s Tournament /TravelRoster and this roster is valid only for the
tournament and dates indicated. A guest player must be approved by the seasonal/current team club via email
to the state registrar/designee before the tournament/travel roster will be approved. Players within your club are
not considered guest players but borrowed players and they must be added to the tournament/travel roster.
b. The State Registrar/designee must approve the tournament/travel roster.
c. Guest players are not permitted in South Carolina Youth Soccer Cup competitions or league play.
d. A guest player is allowed to play with State Cup teams that have frozen rosters if the event allows guest players.
e. A player desiring to guest play shall inform his/her coach and fulfill obligations to the seasonal team before
leaving to guest play.
f. No player may play for more than one team in a tournament.
g. If the requested player is from a state other than South Carolina, a form from that State Association shall be sent
to the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee declaring that this player is in good standing and
has permission to play with the 1) team named, 2) coach named, and 3) at the tournament indicated, giving
location and date. The out-of-state seasonal player pass, and this form shall accompany the player. Player may
be added to the team’s tournament/travel roster by selecting add player from outside organization and entering
player’s information, but the Interstate Permission Form is still required.
h. If a South Carolina player wants to guest play out of state, a South Region Interstate form shall be sent to the
state inviting the player, and the seasonal player pass shall accompany the player, to be returned to his/her coach
as soon as the player returns.
i. Players who guest play for another club shall not be allowed to transfer to the team with whom he/she has been
a guest player for the remainder of the seasonal year unless written permission is granted by the seasonal team
coach who approved the Tournament/Travel Roster with the guest player listed.
j. Playing a guest player without proper permission may result in a charge of playing an ineligible player.
a. The player’s present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar may approve the transfer in the state database and the
player will be released from their current team and be eligible to be registered/rostered to another team
immediately upon the completion of the transfer by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
b. Any player changing their primary residence by a minimum of 50 miles or across state lines may request to be
transferred to another team without their present coach’s approval or a 30 day waiting period but must meet
their financial obligations to the releasing club.
c. In scenario a or b the releasing team coach/DOC/registrar releases the player from their team and their financial
d. Any player transferring to another club, without their present (releasing) coach/DOC/Registrar’s approval on
the transfer, will be required to wait 30 days from the date the transfer was received by the South Carolina
Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee before they can be rostered to another team.
e. Without the releasing coach/DOC/registrar’s approval, a player will not be allowed to transfer to another club
until their present club’s documented financial obligation has been completely satisfied by either the player or
by the receiving club and proof of said satisfaction is verified and agreed to by the releasing club. If the
releasing club refuses to accept the agreed payment, then the financial obligation will be considered forgiven
and the 30 day waiting period will commence. Financial obligations must be determined prior to any action by
the State Registrar/designee or any member of the state’s Board of Directors.
f. Any recreation non-rostered player who releases from one club to another during the seasonal year shall
complete the transfer/release and return their player card, if applicable, to their present club registrar for proper
handling before the release will be considered completed. The only exception to this rule is that non-rostered
recreation players may move between clubs from December 1 until February 15 without completing the
transfer/release, but clubs must notify the State Registrar/designee.
g. Transfers are not required for reassignment within your own club.
conversion, the recreation team has conformed with all rules pertaining to junior academy/classic teams. A recreation
team must convert to junior academy or classic status (unless invited to participate by the tournament) in order to enter
the South Carolina Youth Soccer Publix Palmetto Cup, Publix Open Cup or Publix President’s Cup and must do so and
pay the appropriate fees by the roster freeze date for junior academy or classic teams.
20. HEADING, All Players 12U and under shall not head the ball directly from the air in any match or competition, nor
shall these players practice heading the ball in any organized team setting. If a player age 12U or younger deliberately
heads the ball in a match, the referee shall award an indirect free kick to the opposing team at the spot of the infraction. If
the heading occurs within the penalty area, the referee shall move the ball outside the penalty area and award an indirect
free kick to the opposing team. Players age 11 and age 12 may practice heading the ball in an organized team practice or
skill session, but coaches shall monitor this practice so that no single player heads the ball more than 25 times per week,
regardless of setting.
21. TO PARTICIPATE IN AN INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT, a recreation team must be officially rostered or must
use a Tournament/Travel Roster. A League Roster is NOT considered an official roster for tournament play. The
tournament/travel roster may have no more than three (3) previously registered junior academy, classic, challenge or
premier players listed on it. Recreation teams unless officially rostered (requested by club registrar and fees collected)
must use a tournament/travel roster for tournament play.
a. SCYS team/players choosing to participate in unaffiliated play do not need permission or travel forms from
SCYS and will not be representing SCYS nor carrying any SCYS insurance coverage, unless SCYS or other
State Associations of US YOUTH SOCCER have approved the Permission to Host Agreement as an
“unrestricted tournament.”
b. SCYS teams/players choosing to travel out of state to participate in unaffiliated play do not need permission or
travel forms from SCYS and will not be representing SCYS nor carrying any SCYS insurance coverage,
UNLESS the State Association of US YOUTH SOCCER has approved the Permission to Host Agreement as an
“unrestricted tournament.” No person, group, or entity shall by affirmative misrepresentation or by the failure to
disclose material facts mislead any other person into believing that travel to or participation in non-sanctioned
events or travel is authorized, approved, or otherwise sanctioned by SCYS or US YOUTH SOCCER.
22. A youth player will be permitted to play an unlimited number of AMATEUR GAMES without losing his or her youth
eligibility. The youth player must obtain permission from his/her youth coach and must file an Amateur Play
Notification and Clearance Form with South Carolina Youth Soccer. In the event of a conflict between an amateur game
and a youth game, the youth game shall take precedence.
23. RECREATION TEAMS desiring to enter cup play must obtain either an official state roster or official tournament
/travel roster from the State Registrar/designee by the roster deadline date which is 48 hours prior to cup play.
24. The SC YOUTH SOCCER PUBLIX OPEN CUP is an individual, separately conducted competitions for all eligible
recreation teams. (Click on appropriate cup to link to the cup rules.)
a. a team must be comprised of properly registered and rostered youth players and the team and its affiliated
organization must be registered and in good standing with South Carolina Youth Soccer.
b. a team must be officially rostered (state signed/stamped tournament/travel roster w/ tournament name) no later than
48 hours prior to cup.
c. State Select/ODP Teams may not compete.
d. a player who has been suspended may play after the player’s term of suspension has expired
26. ROSTERS DEADLINE SHALL BE 48 hours prior to cup start and this roster shall remain frozen with no movement
of players on to or off of the roster until the team is eliminated from the competition or is declared a champion. If
playing in the SC Youth Soccer Publix Open Cup the champion is declared at the end of cup play.
27. RULES VARY for each of the South Carolina Youth Soccer Cup competitions. The cup manual and any updates and
the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors’ minutes shall be the final authority for these rules. During any
South Carolina Youth Soccer cup play competition, the rules set forth in the appropriate cup manual take precedence
over any other set of rules.
28. RECREATION PLAYERS on official state rosters are allowed to use a Tournament/Travel Roster after their season
(i.e. league play or cup) is over.
any affiliated play to matches, competitons, or events with organizations affiliated with US Youth Soccer shall complete
a South Carolina Youth Soccer “Permission to Travel” on-line and pay appropriate fees. This “Permission to Travel” and
fees shall be completed in the SC Youth Soccer database and approved by the SC Youth Soccer State
30. ALL TEAMS TRAVELING TO INTERNATIONAL MATCHES or international tournaments shall complete a US
Youth Soccer Application to Travel (completed online in conjuntion with travel roster), USSF Application for Foreign
Travel, a Ted Stephens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act form and a Application form for participating in an
international match or competition. These forms shall be sent to the South Carolina Youth Soccer State
Registrar/designee for verification who will then send to the USSF for final approval prior to the team’s departure. See
Procedures for Foreign Travel in the South Carolina Youth Soccer Manual for further details.
1. A JUNIOR ACADEMY PLAYER is a registered 8U-12U player participating in a developmental soccer program
which required an evaluation.
2. SOUTH CAROLINA YOUTH SOCCER MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS may not conduct any evaluations involving
any players registered with another South Carolina Youth Soccer organization until evaluation dates specified on the South
Carolina Youth Soccer calendar.
3. JUNIOR ACADEMY AGE GROUPS shall be comprised of players by birth year: Birth Year Registration Matrix
a) 12 years of age and under c) 10 years of age and under 3) 8 years of age and under
b) 11 years of age and under d) 9 years of age and under
4. REGISTRATION TRANSACTIONS rostered or nonrostered players must be properly entered into the correct South
Carolina Youth Soccer database and approved by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee before any
deadline or before the player’s first game of the season whichever comes first. All information requested must be provided
and all fees due must be paid. The computer generated information must be read from the club level program into the
approved state program. All clubs are recommended to use the on-line system.
Players who have made a financial commitment to a club will be considered as registered to that club for the
upcoming year as of July 1.
5. PROOF OF AGE shall consist of a birth certificate, a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (DD Form
1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States, a birth registration issued by an appropriate government agency,
or board of health records, a passport, an alien registration card issued by the United States Government, a certificate issued
by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, a current driver’s license, an unexpired federal, state or local
government identification card (If documentation of date of birth is required), or a certification of an American citizen born
abroad and issued by the appropriate government agency. Hospital, baptismal, or religious certificates will not be accepted.
Player proof of age for traveling teams shall be available upon request.
6. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS - state that any player who is a South Carolina resident may register in an affiliated
organization. A resident is a player living or residing in the State of South Carolina with his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) or
a student in residence at a boarding school, college or university located in South Carolina. Any other questions of residency
may be determined by the state in which the player is registered to vote or holds a current driver’s license.
7. REGISTRATION FEES are set by the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors. All fees will be billed
a. Notice will be sent out after the bill is 30 days past due and Permission to Travel will be withheld from the teams of
the offending Club. Notification will be made to Club 15 days after due date by telephone or email as reminder, but
the Club is responsible for timely payment regardless of reminder notification.
b. If payment is not received within 45 days of invoicing, then a 15% surcharge of the total invoice will be added and
required for the Club to remain in “good standing”.
c. If the payment is more than 60 days overdue, which includes the surcharge, then the Club will be placed in “bad
standing” automatically unless a payment plan is put in place with the office. Any payment plan will be at the
discretion of the Board of Directors and is not a guarantee.
8. All players registering in any affiliated organization of South Carolina Youth Soccer must have an approved PLAYER
9. DEADLINE DATES mean that a document must be in the hands of the appropriate state officer by midnight of the
published date.
10. OFFICIAL TRANSACTION - is a registration transaction which becomes official only after being signed by the South
Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
11. ALL PLAYERS playing in the State 12U league (Jim Hudson League) must register as junior academy players.
12. UNIFORMS for all field players shall include a unique and identifiable number on the jersey. Every field player shall have a
unique and identifiable number attached to his jersey. These numbers must be uniform and cannot be created by using tape
to alter.Shin guards covered by socks are mandatory for all players during any play and any practice. No youth player or team
will be permitted to display any logo during match play or during warm-up or as part of any team uniform including team T-
shirts affiliated with alcohol, firearms, adult oriented material, gambling, cannabis, vaping, tobacco or other products
prohibited for purchase or consumption by minors. Home team is to wear white/light colored uniforms and the away team
wears dark colored uniforms including socks. If there is a conflict the team not in compliance must change. Any teams
participating in South Carolina Youth Soccer (SCYS) sanctioned play, must be wearing the official uniform(s) of their SCYS
member club, inclusive of the official club crest, and/or club name visible. The referee’s judgement is final.
13. Any team playing SMALL-SIDED GAMES should refer to the Player and Playing Rules adopted by South Carolina Youth
play at least one-half (1/2) of each game except for reasons of injury, illness or discipline.
15. EACH JUNIOR ACADEMY PLAYER/COACH participating in an interhouse or league game or cup competition are
required to have either their game day roster, state signed and sealed roster, tournament/travel roster or their player/coach
pass (pdf or hard copy) at the fields. It is the responsibility of the referees to check player and coach passes or rosters before
each game.
16. ALL PLAYERS AND COACHES entering a cup competition must be listed on a Tournament/Travel Roster listing the
name and date of the cup competition. The roster must be available at the game site at all times.
17. ALL COACHES are required to be either licensed or certified. Junior Academy coaches and assistant coaches 8U-10U must
have a minimum of a 7 vs 7 In Person License and all 11U-12U coaches and assistants must have a 9 vs 9 In Person License.
All new coaches to SC Youth Soccer have a one (1) season grace period to meet their license/certification requirements.
18. POOL PLAY - No player can play more than 2 games on any one day. (Example: A player can play 2 games with
Team A or he/she can play 1 game with Team A and 1 game with Team B or may play 2 games with Team B.) 2 game
maximum per day.
a. Players cannot play down in level. The player may play no more than two matches per day. A team may use a maximum
of seven club pass players in any one game. The club pass is not necessary for pool play.
b. Use of the club pass is permitted for a Junior Academy player to play in the SCSCL, PMSL and qualifying junior
academy matches. Game Day Rosters must be used in conjunction with the club pass.
c. A player may not play up an age group but in a lower division. (Example: A 12U Junior Academy player may not play
on a 13U recreation team.)
d. A player can play up an age group above the current age group as long as it is at the same level or higher division of
play. A player cannot play down in a division below his current level of play.
e. A club pass player can be used during any regular season league game.
f. Jr. Academy players may be club passed at the Publix Academy Cup and may club pass to 13U & 14U Open Cup,
Presidents State Cup & US Youth Soccer South Carolina State Cup teams.
a. A guest player may be added to the team’s Tournament /TravelTeam Roster and this roster is valid only for the
tournament and dates indicated. A guest player must be approved by the seasonal/current team club via email to the State
Registrar/designee before the tournament/travel roster will be approved. Player’s within your club are not considered
guest players, but borrowed players and they must be added to the tournament /travel roster.
b. The State Registrar/designee must approve the tournament/travel roster.
c. Guest players are not permitted in South Carolina Youth Soccer Cup competitions or league play.
d. A guest player is allowed to play with State Cup teams that have frozen rosters if an event allows guest players.
e. A player desiring to guest play shall inform his/her coach and fulfill obligations to the seasonal team before leaving to
guest play.
f. No player may play for more than one team in a tournament.
g. If the requested player is from a state other than South Carolina, a form from that State Association shall be sent to the
South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee declaring that this player is in good standing and has permission
to play with the 1) team named, 2) coach named, and 3) at the tournament indicated, giving location and date. The
out-of-state seasonal player pass and this form shall accompany the player. Player may be added to the team’s
tournament/travel roster by selecting add player from outside organization and entering player’s information, but the
Interstate Permission Form is still required.
h. If a South Carolina player wants to guest play out of state, a Region Interstate form shall be sent to the state inviting the
player, and the seasonal player pass shall accompany the player, to be returned to his/her coach as soon as the player
i. Players who guest play for another club shall not be allowed to transfer to the team with whom he/she has been a guest
player for the remainder of the seasonal year unless written permission is granted by the seasonal team coach who
approved the Tournament/Travel Roster with the guest player listed.
j. Playing a guest player without proper permission may result in a charge of playing an ineligible player.
a. The player’s present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar may approve the transfer in the state database and the player will
be released from their current team and eligible to be rostered to another team immediately upon the completion of the
transfer by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
b. Any player changing their primary residence by a minimum of 50 miles or across state lines may request to be
transferred to another team without their present coach’s approval or a 30 day waiting period but must meet their
financial obligations to the releasing club.
c. In scenario a or b, the releasing team coach/DOC/registrar releases the player from their team and their financial
d. Any player transferring to another club, without their present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar approval on the transfer,
will be required to wait 30 days from the date the transfer was received by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State
Registrar/designee before they can be rostered to another team.
e. Without the releasing coach/DOC/registrar approval, a player will not be allowed to transfer to another club until their
present club’s documented financial obligation has been completely satisfied by either the player or by the receiving club
and proof of said satisfaction is verified and agreed to by the releasing club. If the releasing club refuses to accept the
agreed payment then the financial obligation will be considered forgiven and the 30 day waiting period will commence.
Financial obligations must be determined prior to any action by the State Registrar/designee or any member of the state’s
Board of Directors.
f. Any junior academy non-rostered player who releases from one club to another shall complete the transfer/release and
return their player card, if applicable, to their present club registrar for proper handling before the release will be
considered completed.
g. Transfer are not required for reassignment within your own club.
22. HEADING, All Players 12U and under shall not head the ball directly from the air in any match or competition, nor shall
these players practice heading the ball in any organized team setting. If a player age 12U or younger deliberately heads the
ball in a match, the referee shall award an indirect free kick to the opposing team at the spot of the infraction. If the heading
occurs within the penalty area, the referee shall move the ball outside the penalty area and award an indirect free kick to the
opposing team. Players age 11 and age 12 may practice heading the ball in an organized team practice or skill session, but
coaches shall monitor this practice so that no single player heads the ball more than 25 times per week, regardless of setting.
23. WHEN A JUNIOR ACADEMY TEAM is rostered on an official tournament /travel roster by the State Registrar/designee,
they play in a Junior Academy Division or Classic Division (not recreation). Upon completion of the tournament, the team
will return to Junior Academy pool status. Junior Academy teams must use an official state roster or official
tournament/travel roster for invitational tournaments. A League Roster is NOT considered an official roster for tournament
play. Junior Academy teams unless officially rostered (requested by club registrar and fees collected) must use a
tournament/travel roster for tournament play. The initial registration of a team with a Club must continue their association
with that particular Club for the seasonal year, including that no team in its entirety or majority may move to another club
during the seasonal year.
24. THE JUNIOR ACADEMY PLAYER may play on a recreation team or a recreation tournament team roster if the number
of junior academy players allowed on the recreation team is not exceeded. A recreation team roster may not have more than
a total of 3 transferred/reassigned junior academy and/or classic/challenge/premier players. A recreation tournament team
roster may not have more than a total of three (3) junior academy and/or classic/challenge/premier players.
25. A youth player will be permitted to play an unlimited number of AMATEUR GAMES without losing his or her youth
eligibility. The youth player must obtain permission from his/her youth coach and must file an Amateur Play Notification
and Clearance Form with South Carolina Youth Soccer. In the event of a conflict between an amateur game and a youth
game, the youth game shall take precedence.
26. JUNIOR ACADEMY players on official state rosters are allowed to use a Tournament/Travel Roster after their season (i.e.
league play or cup) is over.
affiliated play to matches, competitons, or events with organizations affiliated with US Youth Soccer shall complete a South
Carolina Youth Soccer “Permission to Travel” on-line and pay appropriate fees. This Permission to Travel” and fees shall
be completed in the SC Youth Soccer database and approved by the SC Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
28. ALL TEAMS TRAVELING TO INTERNATIONAL MATCHES or international tournaments shall complete a US
Youth Soccer Application to Travel(completed online in conjunction with travel roster), USSF Application for Foreign
Travel, a Ted Stephens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act form and an Application form for participating in an international
match or competition. These forms shall be sent to the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee for verification
and then to the USSF for final approval prior to the team’s departure. See Procedures for Foreign Travel in the South
Carolina Youth Soccer Manual for further details.
29. RULES VARY for each of the South Carolina Youth Soccer Cup competitions. The cup manual and any updates and the
South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors’ minutes shall be the final authority for these rules. During any South
Carolina Youth Soccer cup play competition, the rules set forth in the appropriate cup manual take precedence over any other
set of rules.
1. A OPEN DIVISION PLAYER is a registered player who is or has been selected to be a member of an officially rostered
team playing in the South Carolina Open division during the current seasonal year. The player remains a classic player for
the remainder of the current seasonal year.
2. OPEN DIVISION/CLASSIC II AGE GROUPS shall be comprised of players by birth year. (Birth Year Age Matrix)
a.) 19 years of age and under d.) 16 years of ages and under g.) 13 years of age and under
b.) 18 years of age and under e.) 15 years of age and under
c.) 17 years of age and under f.) 14 years of age and under
3. REGISTRATION TRANSACTIONS players must be properly entered into the correct South Carolina Youth Soccer
database and approved by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee before any deadline or before the
player’s first game of the season whichever comes first. All information requested must be provided and all fees due must be
paid. The computer generated information must be read from the club level program into the approved state program. All
clubs are recommended to use the on-line system.
Players who have made a financial commitment to a club will be considered as registered to that club for the
upcoming year as of July 1.
4. PROOF OF AGE shall consist of a birth certificate, a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (DD Form
1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States, a birth registration issued by an appropriate government agency,
or board of health records, a passport, an alien registration card issued by the United States Government, a certificate issued
by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, a current driver’s license, an unexpired federal, state or local
government identification card (If documentation of date of birth is required), or a certification of an American citizen born
abroad and issued by the appropriate government agency. Hospital, baptismal, or religious certificates will not be accepted.
Player proof of age for traveling teams shall be available upon request.
5. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS - state that any player who is a South Carolina resident may register in an affiliated
organization. A resident is a player living or residing in the State of South Carolina with his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) or
a student in residence at a boarding school, college or university located in South Carolina. Any other questions of residency
may be determined by the state in which the player is registered to vote or holds a current driver’s license.
6. REGISTRATION FEES are set by the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors. All fees will be billed
a. Notice will be sent out after the bill is 30 days past due and Permission to Travel will be withheld from the teams of
the offending Club. Notification will be made to Club 15 days after due date by telephone or email as reminder, but
the Club is responsible for timely payment regardless of reminder notification.
b. If payment is not received within 45 days of invoicing, then a 15% surcharge of the total invoice will be added and
required for the Club to remain in “good standing”.
c. If the payment is more than 60 days overdue, which includes the surcharge, then the Club will be placed in “bad
standing” automatically unless a payment plan is put in place with the office. Any payment plan will be at the
discretion of the Board of Directors and is not a guarantee.
7. All players registering in any affiliated organization of South Carolina Youth Soccer must have an approved PLAYER
8. DEADLINE DATES mean that a document must be in the hands of the appropriate state officer by midnight of the
published date.
9. OFFICIAL TRANSACTION - is a registration transaction which becomes official only after being signed by the South
Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
10. UNIFORMS for all field players shall include a unique and identifiable number on the jersey. Every field player shall have a
unique and identifiable number attached to his jersey. These numbers must be uniform and cannot be created by using tape
to alter. Shin guards covered by socks are mandatory for all players during any play and any practice. No youth player or
team will be permitted to display any logo during match play or during warm-up or as part of any team uniform including
team T-shirts affiliated with alcohol, firearms, adult oriented material, gambling, cannabis, vaping, tobacco or other products
prohibited for purchase or consumption by minors. Home team is to wear white/light colored uniforms and the away team
wears dark colored uniforms including socks. If there is a conflict the team not in compliance must change. Any teams
participating in South Carolina Youth Soccer (SCYS) sanctioned play, must be wearing the official uniform(s) of their SCYS
member club, inclusive of the official club crest, and/or club name visible. The referee’s judgement is final.
number of classic players allowed on a recreational team is not exceeded. A recreation team may have no more than three (3)
classic/junior academy players transferred to it.
allowed a team is not exceeded. A Open Division/Classic II team is limited to a total of five (5) previously rostered players
from another club at the time of the roster deadline date. Players reassigning within their own club are committed to the new
roster for a minimum of 3 weeks before they can be placed back on the team they were reassigned from. The player may
move to an entirely different team at which time they would again need to meet the three week reassignment period. They
could still not be moved back to the original team they were reassigned from until the original 3-week reassignment period is
13. A OPEN DIVISION/CLASSIC II TEAM is a South Carolina Youth Soccer officially rostered team in the 13U or older age
group, registered and playing in the Open/Classic II Division.
a. 13U -19U classic II teams may have no fewer than 7 nor more than 22 players (game rosters will have a maximum of 18
players and a minimum of 7).
b. The initial registration of a team with a Club must continue their association with that particular Club for the seasonal
year, including that no team in its entirety or majority may move to another club during the seasonal year.
c. Fifty percent (50%) of the maximum roster size allowed for teams must be comprised of players from the district in
which the affiliated club operates. The affiliated club operates within the geographical boundary approved by the South
Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors. Every Official SC Youth Soccer Roster, Tournament/Travel Roster, or Game
Day Roster must meet this 50% maximum roster requirement in all league, tournament or friendly matches.
14. For ALL OPEN DIVISION/CLASSIC II TEAMS, the official South Carolina Youth Soccer State Roster and US Youth
Soccer player/coach passes, hard copy or digital, must be available at the game site at all times and shown to the referees
prior to each game match. It is the responsibility of the referees to check the player and coach passes before each game. The
passes must have a current photograph without a hat or headband, be signed by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State
Registrar/designee, have the South Carolina Youth Soccer seal stamped on it, and hard copy passes must be laminated. Any
pass not meeting these requirements is invalid.
15. ALL PLAYERS AND COACHES entering a competition must be listed on an Official South Carolina Youth Soccer State
Team Roster, , or Official Tournament/Travel Roster. The roster and US Youth Soccer player/coach passes must be available
at the game site at all times whether in digital or hard copy format.
16. ALL CLASSIC COACHES are required to be either licensed or certified. Classic coaches 13U-19U must have a minimum
of a D” License. All new coaches to SC Youth Soccer have a one (1) season grace period to meet their license/certification
requirements. In addition, all coaches that have taken Part 1 of the “D” License have one year to obtain Part 2. All assistant
classic coaches must have a minimum of an 11 vs 11 In Person License.
a. Players cannot play down in level. The player may play no more than two matches per day. A team may use a
maximum of seven club pass players in any one game.
b. Use of the club pass is permitted in the SCSCL, PMSL, Open League, 13U and above recreational and junior
academy divisions. Game Day Rosters must be used in conjunction with the club pass.
c. A player may not play up an age group but in a lower division (Example: A 14U player on a team in the Open
Division may not play on a 15U recreation team.)
d. A player can play up an age group above the current age group as long as it is at the same level or higher division of
e. A player cannot play down in a division below his current level of play. (Example: 14U classic II player may play
on their clubs 14U classic II or higher level team .)
f. A club pass player can be used during any regular season league game. Club passes may also be used for Open Cup,
as defined in the Publix Open Cup rules. Club passes are not used for tournament play.
a. A guest player may be added to the team’s Tournament /TravelTeam Roster and this roster is valid only for the
tournament and dates indicated. A guest player must be approved by the seasonal/current team club via email to the
State Registrar/designee before the tournament/travel roster will be approved. Players within your club are not
considered guest players but borrowed players and they must be added to the tournament /travel roster.
b. The State Registrar/designee must approve the tournament/travel roster.
c. Guest players are not permitted in South Carolina Youth Soccer Cup competitions or league play.
d. A guest player is allowed to play with State Cup teams that have frozen rosters if an event allows guest players.
e. A player desiring to guest play shall inform his/her coach and fulfill obligations to the seasonal team before leaving
to guest play.
f. No player may play for more than one team in a tournament.
g. If the requested player is from a state other than South Carolina, a form from that State Association shall be sent to
the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee declaring that this player is in good standing and has
permission to play with the 1) team named, 2) coach named, and 3) at the tournament indicated, giving location
and date. This form and the out-of-state seasonal player pass shall accompany the player.
h. If a South Carolina player wants to guest play out of state, a South Region Interstate form shall be sent to the state
inviting the player, and the seasonal player pass shall accompany the player, to be returned to his/her coach as soon
as the player returns.
i. Players who guest play for another club shall not be allowed to transfer to the team with whom he/she has been a
guest player for the remainder of the seasonal year unless written permission is granted by the seasonal team coach
who approved the Tournament/Travel Roster w/ the guest player listed.
j. Playing a guest player without proper permission may result in a charge of playing an ineligible player.
k. Classic teams taking guest players from within their club use a tournament/travel roster w/tournament information
listed and this roster must be approved by the state registrar/designee.
a. The player’s present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar may approve the transfer in the state database and the player
will be released from their current team and be eligible to be rostered to another team immediately upon the
completion of the transfer by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
b. Any player changing their primary residence by a minimum of 50 miles or across state lines may request to be
transferred to another team without their present coach’s approval or a 30 day waiting period but must meet their
financial obligations to the releasing club.
c. In scenario a or b, the releasing team coach/DOC/registrar approval releases the player from their team and their
financial obligations.
d. Any player transferring to another club, without their present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar approval on the
transfer, will be required to wait 30 days from the date the transfer was received by the South Carolina Youth Soccer
State Registrar/designee before they can be rostered to another team.
e. Without the releasing coach/DOC/registrarapproval, a player will not be allowed to transfer to another club until
their present club’s documented financial obligation has been completely satisfied by either the player or by the
receiving club and proof of said satisfaction is verified and agreed to by the releasing club. If the releasing club
refuses to accept the agreed payment, then the financial obligation will be considered forgiven and the 30 day
waiting period will commence. Financial obligations must be determined prior to any action by the State
Registrar/designee or any member of the state’s Board of Directors.
f. Any Classic II/Open player who releases from one club to another during the seasonal year shall complete the
transfer and return their player card, if applicable, to their present club registrar for proper handling before the
release will be considered complete.
g. Transfer paperwork is not required for reassignement within your own club.
20. The SOUTH CAROLINA YOUTH SOCCER RED CARD/EJECTION NOTICE must be completed & submitted within
3 days of the match in which the ejection occurred. Submit the Red Card/Ejection Notice to the South Carolina Youth Soccer
State Office via fax or e-mail. Failure to submit the Red Card / Ejection Notice of the match within 3 days will result in a
$100 fine. Any team allowing an ejected player / coach to participate, prior to serving their suspension, shall forfeit that
match, forfeit their team’s performance bond or pay a fine of $200 whichever is greater, and may be deemed ineligible for
state cup competition. The coach may also be suspended immediately from ALL South Carolina Youth Soccer activities for
no less than one (1) year pending a hearing by South Carolina Youth Soccer. After a suspension has been served, complete
the Red Card/Ejection Notice “Suspension Served” section and submit to the SC Youth Soccer State Office within 3 days.
Failure to submit the Red Card/Ejection Notice Suspension Served section of the match within 3 days will result in a $100
a. First Red Card / ejection suspension - the individual is suspended for the remainder of the current match and their
next scheduled match or matches.
b. Receiving a second red card / ejection during a tracking period* requires a mandatory minimum two match
suspension which shall be served in the next two scheduled matches.
c. Receiving a third red card / ejection during a tracking period*, the individual will be suspended immediately for 10
months from all SCYSA activities pending a hearing by South Carolina Youth Soccer.
d. All Violent Conduct ejections require a mandatory minimum two match suspension.
e. Red Card / ejection suspensions are to be served in the “competition” in which they were assigned. However, a
suspension assigned in:
i. a league can not be served in another league, unless a player transfers. (Ex. SCSCL suspensions cannot be
served in a Premier League match.)
ii. the last league match, (not served during that league play), shall be served in the next scheduled league or
state cup match, whichever comes first.
iii. the last tournament match, (not served during that tournament), shall be served in the next scheduled
league, state cup match, or Regional/National competition whichever comes first.
f. Any league or tournament suspensions not served from August 1 through July 31 will carry over to the first
scheduled league match or matches of the next tracking period*. (No matter which club he/she played/is playing
g. Any state cup, regional or national championship competition suspensions not served will carry over to the player’s
first scheduled league match or matches, and their first state cup match or matches.
*Note: Fall tracking period is August 1 through January 31; spring tracking period is February 1 through July 31.
change as well as paying the appropriate fees. This team will not be allowed to play in any state hosted recreation
competition or recreation tournament play. This team may be allowed to play in a state hosted competition at the classic
22. A youth player will be permitted to play an unlimited number of AMATEUR GAMES without losing his or her youth
eligibility. The youth player must obtain permission from his/her youth coach and must file an Amateur Play Notification
and Clearance Form with South Carolina Youth Soccer. In the event of a conflict between an amateur game and a youth
game, the youth game shall take precedence.
23. The SOUTH CAROLINA YOUTH SOCCER PUBLIX OPEN CUP is an individual, separately conducted competition
for all eligible classic teams 13U-19U which leads to a Publix Open Cup Champion.
24. TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR SOUTH CAROLINA YOUTH SOCCER CUP PLAY a team must be comprised of properly
registered and rostered youth players and the team and its affiliated organization must be registered and in good standing with
South Carolina Youth Soccer.
a. Classic II teams must compete in a South Carolina Youth Soccer approved league comprised of no fewer than four
(4) teams during the current seasonal year, and that competition shall consist of a minimum of one (1) game against
at least three (3) other teams participating in the league.
b. All Classic II teams (13U-19U) can have a maximum of 22 players must demonstrate continuity of rosters between
league and cup play by maintaining a minimum of nine (9) players common to the rosters of both competitions.
c. a team must be officially rostered no later than the date approved by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State BOD.
d. A team must submit a travel/tournament roster to the state registrar/designee no later than 48 hours prior to cup.
e. State Select/ODP Teams may not compete.
f. A player who has been suspended may play after the player’s term of suspension has expired.
guidelines of the current South Carolina Youth Soccer Cup Manual and any updates made by the South Carolina Youth
Soccer Board of Directors.
26. ROSTERS DEADLINE SHALL BE on the date as specified on the South Carolina Youth Soccer state calendar (48 hours
prior to cup play) and this roster shall be frozen with no movement of players on to or off of the roster until the team is
eliminated from the competition or is declared a champion. If playing in the SC Youth Soccer Publix Open Cup, the
champion is declared at the South Carolina Youth Soccer Publix Open Cup.
27. A TOURNAMENT/TRAVEL ROSTER may be used for classic players competing in an invitational tournament after the
team’s Open Cup competitions are over and before the next seasonal year begins.
affiliated play to matches, competitons, or events with organizations affiliated with US Youth Soccer shall complete a South
Carolina Youth Soccer “Permission to Travel” form and pay appropriate fees. This “Permission to Travel” and fees shall be
completed in the SC Youth Soccer database and approved by the SC Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
29. ALL TEAMS TRAVELING TO INTERNATIONAL MATCHES or international tournaments shall complete a US
Youth Soccer Application to Travel (completed in conjunction with travel roster), USSF Application for Foreign Travel,
Application Form for Participating in an International Match or Competition and a Ted Stephens Olympic and Amateur
Sports Act form. These forms shall be sent to the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Office for verification and then to the
USSF for final approval prior to the team’s departure (See Procedures for Foreign Travel). in the South Carolina Youth
Soccer Manual for further details.
30. RULES VARY for each of the South Carolina Youth Soccer Cup competitions. The cup manual and any updates and the
South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors’ minutes shall be the final authority for these rules. During any South
Carolina Youth Soccer cup play competition, the rules set forth in the appropriate cup manual take precedence over any other
set of rules.
1. A CLASSIC I PLAYER is a registered player who is or has been selected to be a member of an officially rostered team
playing in the PMSL division during the current seasonal year. The player remains a classic player for the remainder of the
current seasonal year.
2. CLASSIC I AGE GROUPS shall be comprised of players by birth year. (Birth Year Matrix)
a.) 19 years of age and under d.) 16 years of ages and under g.) 13 years of age and under
b.) 18 years of age and under e.) 15 years of age and under
c.) 17 years of age and under f.) 14 years of age and under
3. REGISTRATION TRANSACTIONS players must be properly entered into the correct South Carolina Youth Soccer
database and submitted to the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee before any deadline or before the
player’s first game of the season whichever comes first. All information requested must be provided and all fees due must be
paid. The computer generated information must be read from the club level program into the approved state program. All
clubs are recommended to use the on-line system.
Players who have made a financial commitment to a club will be considered as registered to that club for the
upcoming year as of July 1.
4. PROOF OF AGE shall consist of a birth certificate, a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (DD Form
1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States, a birth registration issued by an appropriate government agency,
or board of health records, a passport, an alien registration card issued by the United States Government, a certificate issued
by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, a current driver’s license, an unexpired federal, state or local
government identification card (If documentation of date of birth is required), or a certification of an American citizen born
abroad and issued by the appropriate government agency. Hospital, baptismal, or religious certificates will not be accepted.
Player proof of age for traveling teams shall be available upon request.
5. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS - state that any player who is a South Carolina resident may register in an affiliated
organization. A resident is a player living or residing in the State of South Carolina with his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) or
a student in residence at a boarding school, college or university located in South Carolina. Any other questions of residency
may be determined by the state in which the player is registered to vote or holds a current driver’s license.
6. REGISTRATION FEES are set by the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors. All fees will be billed
a. Notice will be sent out after the bill is 30 days past due and Permission to Travel will be withheld from the teams of
the offending Club. Notification will be made to Club 15 days after due date by telephone or email as reminder, but
the Club is responsible for timely payment regardless of reminder notification.
b. If payment is not received within 45 days of invoicing, then a 15% surcharge of the total invoice will be added and
required for the Club to remain in “good standing”.
c. If the payment is more than 60 days overdue, which includes the surcharge, then the Club will be placed in “bad
standing” automatically unless a payment plan is put in place with the office. Any payment plan will be at the
discretion of the Board of Directors and is not a guarantee.
7. All players registering in any affiliated organization of South Carolina Youth Soccer must have an approved PLAYER
8. DEADLINE DATES mean that a document must be in the hands of the appropriate state officer by midnight of the
published date.
9. OFFICIAL TRANSACTION - is a registration transaction which becomes official only after being signed by the South
Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
10. UNIFORMS for all field players shall include a unique and identifiable number on the jersey. These numbers must be
uniform and cannot be created by using tape to alter. Shin guards covered by socks are mandatory for all players during any
play and any practice. No youth player or team will be permitted to display any logo during match play or during warm-up or
as part of any team uniform including team T-shirts affiliated with alcohol, firearms, adult oriented material, gambling,
cannabis, vaping, tobacco or other products prohibited for purchase or consumption by minors. Home team is to wear
white/light colored uniforms and the way team wears dark colored uniforms including socks. If there is a conflict the team
not in compliance must change. . Any teams participating in South Carolina Youth Soccer (SCYS) sanctioned play, must be
wearing the official uniform(s) of their SCYS member club, inclusive of the official club crest, and/or club name visible.
The referee’s judgement is final.
players allowed on a recreational team is not exceeded. A recreation team may have no more than three (3) classic/junior
academy players transferred to it.
12. A CLASSIC I PLAYER MAY TRANSFER TO ANOTHER TEAM if the number of transfers allowed a team is not
exceeded. A Classic I team is limited to a total of five (5) previously rostered players from another club at the time of the
roster freeze date. Players reassigning within their own club are committed to the new roster for a minimum of 3 weeks
before they can be placed back on the team they were reassigned from. The player may move to an entirely different team at
which time they would agina need to meet the three week reassignment period. They could still not be moved back to the
original team they were reassigned from until the original 3-week reassignment period is met.
13. A CLASSIC I TEAM is a South Carolina Youth Soccer officially rostered team in the 13U or older age group, registered
and playing in the PMSL Division.
a. 13U-19UClassic I teams may have no fewer than 7 nor more than 22 players (game rosters will have a maximum of
18 players and a minimum of 7).
b. The initial registration of a team with a Club must continue their association with that particular Club for the
seasonal year, including that no team in its entirety or majority may move to another club during the seasonal year.
c. Fifty percent (50%) of the maximum roster size allowed for teams must be comprised of players from the district in
which the affiliated club operates. The affiliated club operates within the geographical boundary approved by the
South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors. Every Official SC Youth Soccer Roster, Tournament/Travel
Roster, or Game Day Roster must meet this 50% maximum roster requirement in all league, tournament or friendly
14. For ALL CLASSIC I TEAMS, the official South Carolina Youth Soccer State Roster and US Youth Soccer player/coach
passes, hard copy or digital, must be available at the game site at all times and shown to the referees prior to each game
match. It is the responsibility of the referees to check the player and coach passes before each game. The passes must have a
current photograph without a hat or headband, be signed by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee, have
the South Carolina Youth Soccer seal stamped on it, and hard copy passes must be laminated. Any pass not meeting these
requirements is invalid.
15. ALL PLAYERS AND COACHES entering a competition must be listed on an Official South Carolina Youth Soccer State
Team Roster or Official Tournament/Travel Roster. The roster and US Youth Soccer player/coach passes must be available at
the game site at all times whether in digital or hard copy format.
16. ALL CLASSIC COACHES are required to be either licensed or certified. Classic coaches 13U-19U must have a minimum
of a “D” License. All new coaches to SC Youth Soccer have a one (1) season grace period to meet their license/certification
requirements. In addition, all coaches that have taken Part 1 of the “D” License have one year to obtain Part 2. All classic
assistant classic coaches must have a minimum of an 11 vs 11 In Person License.
a. Players cannot play down in level. The player may play no moe than two matches per day. A team may use a
maximum of seven club pass players in any one game.
b. Use of the club pass is permitted in the SCSCL, PMSL, Open Division, 13U and above recreational and junor
academy divisions. Game Day Rosters must be used in conjunction with the club pass.
c. A player may not play up an age group but in a lower division (Example: A 14U player on a team in the PMSL
Division I may not play on a 15U PMSL Division II team.)
d. A player can play up an age group above the current age group as long as it is at the same level or higher division of
e. A player cannot play down in a division below his current level of play.
f. A club pass player can be used during any regular season league game. Club passes may also be used for State
Cup, Regionals and Nationals as defined in the rules governing these events. Club passes are not used for
tournament play.
g. Due to continuity of rosters for State Cup, clubs are required to register at least 9 players on each team.
a. A guest player may be added to the team’s Tournament /TravelTeam Roster and this roster is valid only for the
tournament and dates indicated. A guest player must be approved by the seasonal/current team club via email to the
State Registrar/designee before the tournament/travel roster will be approved. Players within your club are not
considered guest players but borrowed players and they must be added to the tournament /travel roster.
b. The State Registrar/designee must approve the tournament/travel roster.
c. Guest players are not permitted in South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup competitions or league play.
d. A guest player is allowed to play with State Cup teams that have frozen rosters if an event allows guest players.
e. A player desiring to guest play shall inform his/her coach and fulfill obligations to the seasonal team before leaving
to guest play.
f. No player may play for more than one team in a tournament.
g. If the requested player is from a state other than South Carolina, a form from that State Association shall be sent to
the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee declaring that this player is in good standing and has
permission to play with the 1) team named, 2) coach named, and 3) at the tournament indicated, giving location
and date. This form and the out-of-state seasonal player pass shall accompany the player.
h. If a South Carolina player wants to guest play out of state, a South Region Interstate form shall be sent to the state
inviting the player, and the seasonal player pass shall accompany the player, to be returned to his/her coach as soon
as the player returns.
i. Players who guest play for another club shall not be allowed to transfer to the team with whom he/she has been a
guest player for the remainder of the seasonal year unless permission is granted by the seasonal team administrator
who approved the Tournament/Travel Roster with guest player listed.
j. Playing a guest player without proper permission may result in a charge of playing an ineligible player.
k. Classic teams taking guest players from within their club use a tournament/travel roster with tournament information
listed and this tournament/travel roster must be signed by the state registrar/designee.
a. The player’s present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar may approve the transfer in the state database and the player
will be released from their current team and be eligible to be rostered to another team immediately upon the
completion of the transfer by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
b. Any player changing their primary residence by a minimum of 50 miles or across state lines may request to be
transferred to another team without their present coach’s approval or a 30 day waiting period but must meet their
financial obligations to the releasing club.
c. In scenario a or b, the releasing team coach/DOC/registrar releases the player from their team and their financial
d. Any player transferring to another club, without their present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar approval on the
transfer, will be required to wait 30 days from the date the transfer was received by the South Carolina Youth Soccer
State Registrar/designee before they can be rostered to another team.
e. Without the releasing coach/DOC/registrar approval, a player will not be allowed to transfer to another club until
their present club’s documented financial obligation has been completely satisfied by either the player or by the
receiving club and proof of said satisfaction is verified and agreed to by the releasing club. If the releasing club
refuses to accept the agreed payment, then the financial obligation will be considered forgiven and the 30 day
waiting period will commence. Financial obligations must be determined prior to any action by the State
Registrar/designee or any member of the state’s Board of Directors.
f. Any Classic I/PMSL player who releases from one club to another during the seasonal year shall complete the
transfer and return their player card, if applicable, to their present club registrar for proper handling before the
release will be considered complete.
g. Transfer paperwork is not required for reassignment within your own club.
20. The SOUTH CAROLINA YOUTH SOCCER RED CARD/EJECTION NOTICE must be completed & submitted within
3 days of the match in which the ejection occurred. Submit the Red Card/Ejection Notice to the South Carolina Youth Soccer
State Office via fax or e-mail. Failure to submit the Red Card / Ejection Notice of the match within 3 days will result in a
$100 fine. Any team allowing an ejected player / coach to participate, prior to serving their suspension, shall forfeit that
match, forfeit their team’s performance bond or pay a fine of $200 whichever is greater, and may be deemed ineligible for
state cup competition. The coach may also be suspended immediately from ALL South Carolina Youth Soccer activities for
no less than one (1) year pending a hearing by South Carolina Youth Soccer. After a suspension has been served, complete
the Red Card/Ejection Notice “Suspension Served” section and submit to the SC Youth Soccer State Office within 3 days.
Failure to submit the Red Card/Ejection Notice Suspension Served section of the match within 3 days will result in a $100
a. First Red Card / ejection suspension - the individual is suspended for the remainder of the current match and their
next scheduled match or matches.
b. Receiving a second red card / ejection during a tracking period* requires a mandatory minimum two match
suspension which shall be served in the next two scheduled matches.
c. Receiving a third red card / ejection during a tracking period*, the individual will be suspended immediately for 10
months from all SCYSA activities pending a hearing by South Carolina Youth Soccer.
d. All Violent Conduct ejections require a mandatory minimum two match suspension.
e. Red Card / ejection suspensions are to be served in the “competition” in which they were assigned. However, a
suspension assigned in:
i. a league can not be served in another league, unless a player transfers. (Ex. SCSCL suspensions cannot be
served in a Premier League match.)
ii. the last league match, (not served during that league play), shall be served in the next scheduled league or
state cup match, whichever comes first.
iii. the last tournament match, (not served during that tournament), shall be served in the next scheduled
league, state cup match, or Regional/National competition whichever comes first.
f. Any league or tournament suspensions not served from August 1 through July 31 will carry over to the first
scheduled league match or matches of the next tracking period*. (No matter which club he/she played/is playing
g. Any state cup, regional or national championship competition suspensions not served will carry over to the player’s
first scheduled league match or matches, and their first state cup match or matches.
*Note: Fall tracking period is August 1 through January 31; spring tracking period is February 1 through July 31
21. A youth player will be permitted to play an unlimited number of AMATEUR GAMES without losing his or her youth
eligibility. The youth player must obtain permission from his/her youth coach and must file an Amateur Play Notification
and Clearance Form with South Carolina Youth Soccer. In the event of a conflict between an amateur game and a youth
game, the youth game shall take precedence.
is an individual, separately conducted competition for all eligible Classic I teams 13U-19/20U which leads to a Publix
President’s Medal Cup State Champion. 13U-19U championship teams will be eligible to advance to the US Youth Soccer
Southern Presidents Cup. No guest play is permitted at the US Youth Soccer Presidents State Cup.Those teams advancing to
the US Youth Soccer Southern President Cup may not add any players that were rostered on a SCSCL or Premier team that
participated in the US Youth Soccer South Carolina State Cup during the seasonal year. Teams that are eligible for the US
Youth Soccer Presidents State Cup may not choose to compete in the Publix Open Cup.
properly registered and rostered youth players and the team, and its affiliated organization must be registered and in good
standing with South Carolina Youth Soccer.
a. Classic I teams must compete in a South Carolina Youth Soccer approved league comprised of no fewer than four
(4) teams during the current seasonal year, and that competition shall consist of a minimum of one (1) game against
at least three (3) other teams participating in the league.
b. All Classic I teams (13U-190U) have a maximum of 22 players and all age groups must demonstrate continuity of
rosters between league and cup play by maintaining a minimum of nine (9) players common to the rosters of both
c. a team must be officially rostered no later than the date approved by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State BOD.
d. A team must submit a tournament/travel roster with cup name and dates listed to the state registrar/designee no later
than 48 hours prior to cup.
e. State Select/ODP Teams may not compete.
f. A player who has been suspended may play after the player’s term of suspension has expired.
g. Players that were on Challenge level teams that competed in state cup are not eligible to play in the Presidents
Medal Cup at the state, regional or national level.
and guidelines of the current South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup Manual and any updates made by the South Carolina
Youth Soccer Board of Directors.
25. ROSTERS DEADLINES SHALL BE on the date as specified on the South Carolina Youth Soccer state calendar (48 hours
prior to cup play) and this roster shall have no movement of players on to or off of the roster until the team is eliminated from
the competition or is declared a champion. Rosters for championship teams shall be frozen at a date set by the SC Youth
Soccer Board of directors prior to the National Championship for 13U-19U age groups. Jersey numbers for all 13U-19U
Classic I teams must be input into the state’s online computer system prior to the roster being printed.
26. A TEAM MAY COMPETE IN ONLY ONE STATE CUP competition during the seasonal year, which is from September
1 of any year to August 31 of the next year.
27. A PLAYER MAY PLAY FOR ONLY ONE TEAM IN STATE CUP COMPETITION during the seasonal year which is
from September 1 of any year to August 31 of the next year. The player shall remain on this team unless released or
transferred before the roster is frozen. After the roster is frozen, for cup purposes the player remains on this team until the
team is eliminated from cup competition and may not compete in any other state cup until the next seasonal year unless
documentation of non-participation in cup is provided to the state registrar/designee.
28. A TOURNAMENT/TRAVEL ROSTER may be used for classic players competing in an invitational tournament after the
team’s State/Regional/ National Championship competitions are over and before the next seasonal year begins.
affiliated play to matches, competitons, or events with organizations affiliated with US Youth Soccer shall complete a South
Carolina Youth Soccer Permission to Travel and pay appropriate fees. This “Permission to Travel” and fees shall be
completed in the SC Youth Soccer database and approved by the state registrar/designee.
30. ALL TEAMS TRAVELING TO INTERNATIONAL MATCHES or international tournaments shall complete a US
Youth Soccer Application to Travel (completed in conjunction with travel roster), USSF Application for Travel, Application
Form for Participating in an International Match or Competition and a Ted Stephens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act form.
These forms shall be sent to the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar for verification and then to the USSF for final
approval prior to the team’s departure (See Procedures for Foreign Travel).
31. RULES VARY for each of the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup competitions. The US Youth Soccer President State
Cup Manual and any updates, the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors’ minutes, or a change in the National
Presidents Cup Policy shall be the final authority for these rules. During any South Carolina Youth Soccer cup play
competition, the rules set forth in the appropriate State Cup Manual take precedence over any other set of rules.
1. A CHALLENGE PLAYER is a registered player who is or has been selected to be a member of an officially rostered team
during the current seasonal year and playing in the South Carolina Challenge League. The player remains a challenge player
for the remainder of the current seasonal year.
2. CHALLENGE AGE GROUPS shall be comprised of players by birth year. (Birth Age Matrix)
a.) 19 years of age and under d.) 16 years of age and under g.) 13 years of age and under
b.) 18 years of age and under e.) 15 years of age and under
c.) 17 years of age and under f.) 14 years of age and under
*20 years of age and under players are accepted in league play, limit 3, but are not eligible for cup or tournaments unless
approved by the tournament itself.
3. REGISTRATION TRANSACTIONS players must be properly entered into the correct South Carolina Youth Soccer
database and approved by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee before any deadline or before the
player’s first game of the season whichever comes first. All information requested must be provided and all fees due must be
paid. The computer generated information must be read from the club level program into the approved state program. All
clubs are recommended to use the on-line system.
Players who have made a financial commitment to a club will be considered as registered to that club for the
upcoming seasonal year as of July 1.
4. PROOF OF AGE shall consist of a birth certificate, a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (DD Form
1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States, a birth registration issued by an appropriate government agency,
or board of health records, a passport, an alien registration card issued by the United States Government, a certificate issued
by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, a current driver’s license, an unexpired federal, state or local
government identification card (If documentation of date of birth is required), or a certification of an American citizen born
abroad and issued by the appropriate government agency. Hospital, baptismal, or religious certificates will not be accepted.
Player proof of age for traveling teams shall be available upon request.
5. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS - state that any player who is a South Carolina resident may register in an affiliated
organization. A resident is a player living or residing in the State of South Carolina with his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) or
a student in residence at a boarding school, college or university located in South Carolina. Any other questions of residency
may be determined by the state in which the player is registered to vote or holds a current driver’s license. Any player or
team residing in a state other than South Carolina or Georgia wishing to register and play in an affiliated organization of
South Carolina Youth Soccer must receive written permission each seasonal year from South Carolina Youth Soccer and the
State Association where he/she resides.
6. REGISTRATION FEES are set by the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors. All fees will be billed
a) Notice will be sent out after the bill is 30 days past due and Permission to Travel will be withheld from the teams of
the offending Club. Notification will be made to Club 15 days after due date by telephone or email as reminder,
but the Club is responsible for timely payment regardless of reminder notification.
b) If payment is not received within 45 days of invoicing, then a 15% surcharge of the total invoice will be added and
required for the Club to remain in “good standing”.
c) If the payment is more than 60 days overdue, which includes the surcharge, then the Club will be placed in “bad
standing” automatically unless a payment plan is put in place with the office. Any payment plan will be at the
discretion of the Board of Directors and is not a guarantee.
7. All players registering in any affiliated organization of South Carolina Youth Soccer must have an approved PLAYER
8. DEADLINE DATES mean that a document must be in the hands of the appropriate state officer by midnight of the
published date.
9. OFFICIAL TRANSACTION - is a registration transaction which becomes official only after being signed by the South
Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
10. UNIFORMS for all field players shall include a unique and identifiable number on the jersey. These numbers must be
uniform and cannot be created by using tape to alter. Shin guards covered by socks are mandatory for all players during any
play and any practice. No youth player or team will be permitted to display any logo during match play or during warm-up or
as part of any team uniform including team T-shirts affiliated with alcohol, firearms, adult oriented material, gambling,
cannabis, vaping, tobacco or other products prohibited for purchase or consumption by minors. Home team is to wear
white/light colored uniforms and the way team wears dark colored uniforms including socks. If there is a conflict the team
not in compliance must change. The referee’s judgement is final.
At every level of the National Championships Competitions, each player, Team and Team official may only have on
his/her/their apparel the name, logo, or other identifying mark of US Youth Soccer or a member directly or indirectly of US
Youth Soccer. (1) A name, logo, or other identifying mark of any youth soccer organization other than US Youth Soccer or
its member must be removed, replaced, or covered before a player, Team or Team official may enter or remain at a field
complex where the National Championships competition is being held. (2) After an initial warning pursuant to (e)(1) above,
the name, logo, or other identifying mark of any youth soccer organization other than US Youth Soccer or its member must
be removed before the player, Team or Team official may enter or continue in the competition.
academy/classic/challenge/premier players allowed on a recreational team is not exceeded. A recreation team may have no
more than three (3) junior academy/classic/challenge/premier players transferred to it.
12. A CHALLENGE PLAYER MAY TRANSFER TO A TEAM if the number of transfers allowed is not exceeded. A
challenge team is limited to a total of five (5) previously rostered players from another club at the time of the roster freeze
date. Players reassigning within their own club are committed to the new roster for a minimum of 3 weeks before they can be
placed back on the team they were reassigned from. The player may move to an entirely different team at which time they
would again need to meet the three week reassignment period. They could still not be moved back to the original team they
were reassigned from until the original 3-week reassignment period is met.
13. A CHALLENGE TEAM is a South Carolina Youth Soccer officially rostered team in the 13U or older age group, registered
and playing in the State Challenge League.
a. All challenge teams may have up to 22 youth players (game rosters will have a maximum of 18 players and a
minimum of 7).
b. The initial registration of a team with a Club must continue their association with that particular Club for the
seasonal year, including that no team in its entirety or majority may move to another club during the seasonal year.
c. Fifty percent (50%) of the maximum roster size allowed for teams must be comprised of players from the district in
which the affiliated club operates. The affiliated club operates within the geographical boundary approved by the
South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors. Every Official SC Youth Soccer Roster, Tournament/Travel
Roster, or Game Day Roster must meet this 50% maximum roster requirement in all league, tournament or friendly
14. For ALL CHALLENGE TEAMS, the official South Carolina Youth Soccer State Roster and US Youth Soccer
player/coach passes, hard copy or digital, must be available at the game site at all times and shown to the referees prior to
each game match. It is the responsibility of the referees to check the player and coach passes before each game. The passes
must have a current photograph without a hat or headband, be signed by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State
Registrar/designee, have the South Carolina Youth Soccer seal stamped on it, and hard copy passes must be laminated. Any
pass not meeting these requirements is invalid.
15. ALL PLAYERS AND COACHES entering a competition must be listed on an Official South Carolina Youth Soccer State
Team Roster or Official Tournament /Travel Roster. The roster and US Youth Soccer player/coach passes must be available
at the game site at all times whether digital or hard copy format.
16. ALL CHALLENGE COACHES are required to be either licensed or certified. Challenge coaches 13U-19U must have a
minimum of a “D” License. All new coaches to SC Youth Soccer have a one (1) season grace period to meet their
license/certification requirements. In addition, all coaches that have taken Part 1 of the “D” License have one year to obtain
Part 2. All challenge assistant coaches must have a minimum of an 11 vs 11 In Person License.
a. Players cannot play down in level. The player may play no more than two matches per day. A team may use a maximum
of seven club pass players in any one game.
b. Use of the club pass is permitted in the SCSCL. Game Day Rosters must be used in conjunction with the club pass.
c. A player may not play up an age group but in a lower division (Example: A 14U player on a team in the SCSCL may not
play on a 15U PMSL team.)
d. A player can play up an age group above the current age group as long as it is at the same level or higher division of
e. A player cannot play down in a division below his current level of play with the exception that a13U players listed as
Challenge will be considered Challenge for the entire seasonal year (Premier League/Piedmont Conference participation
still viewed as Challenge). 14U players listed as Premier will be treated as Challenge for the seasonal year if there is no
spring Premier/Piedmont Conference league play.
f. A club pass player can be used during any regular season league game. Club passes may also be used for State Cup,
Southern Regionals and Nationals as defined in the rules governing these events. Club passes are not used for
tournament play.
g. Clubs are required to register at least 7 players on each team.
h. A club may issue a club pass to any youth player who is a registered youth player of the club before the team to which
such youth player is to be rostered for the regional level of the National championships Competitions submit its roster for
its competition at the regional level (Rule 221, Section 6 (2)) or for the National level of the National Championships
Competitions submits its roster for its competition at the National Level (Rule 221, Section 6 (3)).
a. A guest player may be added to the team’s Tournament /Travel Team Roster and this roster is valid only for the
tournament and dates indicated. A guest player must be approved by the seasonal/current team club via email to the State
Registrar/designee before the tournament/travel roster will be approved. Players within your club are not considered
guest players, but borrowed players and they must be added to the tournament /travel roster.
b. The State Registrar/designee must approve the tournament/travel roster.
c. Guest players are not permitted in South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup competitions or league play.
d. A guest player is allowed to play with State Cup teams that have frozen rosters if an event allows guest players.
e. A player desiring to guest play shall inform his/her coach and fulfill obligations to the seasonal team before leaving to
guest play.
f. No player may play in a tournament for more than one team.
g. If the requested player is from a state other than South Carolina, a form from that State Association shall be sent to the
South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee declaring that this player is in good standing and has permission
to play with the 1) team named, 2) coach named, and 3) at the tournament indicated, giving location and date. This
form and the out-of-state seasonal player pass shall accompany the player.
h. If a South Carolina player wants to guest play out of state, a South Region Interstate form shall be sent to the state
inviting the player, and the seasonal player pass shall accompany the player, to be returned to his/her coach as soon as
the player returns.
i. Players who guest play shall not be allowed to transfer to the team with whom he/she has been a guest player for the
remainder of the seasonal year unless permission is granted by the seasonal team administrator who approved the
Tournament/Travel Roster with guest player listed.
j. Playing a guest player without proper permission may result in a charge of playing an ineligible player.
k. Challenge teams taking guest players from with their club use a tournament/travel roster with tournament information
listed and this tournament/travel roster must be signed by the state registrar/designee.
a. The player’s present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar may approve the transfer in the state database and the player will
be released from their current team and be eligible to be rostered to another team immediately upon the completion of the
transfer by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
b. Any player changing their primary residence by a minimum of 50 miles or across state lines may request to be
transferred to another team without their present coach’s approval or a 30 day waiting period but must meet their
financial obligations to the releasing club.
c. In scenario a or b, the releasing team coach/DOC/registrar approval releases the player from their team and their
financial obligations.
d. Any player transferring to another club, without their present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar approval of the transfer,
will be required to wait 30 days from the date the transfer was received by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State
Registrar/designee before they can be rostered to another team.
e. Without the releasing coach/DOC/registrar approval, a player will not be allowed to transfer to another club until their
present club’s documented financial obligation has been completely satisfied by either the player or by the receiving club
and proof of said satisfaction is verified and agreed to by the releasing club. If the releasing club refuses to accept the
agreed payment, then the financial obligation will be considered forgiven and the 30 day waiting period will commence.
Financial obligations must be determined prior to any action by the State Registrar/designee or any member of the state’s
Board of Directors.
f. Any Challenge player who releases from one club to another during the seasonal year shall complete the transfer and
return their player card, if applicable, to their present club registrar for proper handling before the release will be
considered complete.
g. Transfers are not required for reassignment within your own club.
20. The SOUTH CAROLINA YOUTH SOCCER RED CARD/EJECTION NOTICE must be completed & submitted within
3 days of the match in which the ejection occurred. Submit the Red Card/Ejection Notice to the South Carolina Youth Soccer
State Office via fax or e-mail. Failure to submit the Red Card / Ejection Notice of the match within 3 days will result in a
$100 fine. Any team allowing an ejected player / coach to participate, prior to serving their suspension, shall forfeit that
match, forfeit their team’s performance bond or pay a fine of $200 whichever is greater, and may be deemed ineligible for
state cup competition. The coach may also be suspended immediately from ALL South Carolina Youth Soccer activities for
no less than one (1) year pending a hearing by South Carolina Youth Soccer. After a suspension has been served, complete
the Red Card/Ejection Notice “Suspension Served” section and submit to the SC Youth Soccer State Office within 3 days.
Failure to submit the Red Card/Ejection Notice Suspension Served section of the match within 3 days will result in a $100
a) First Red Card / ejection suspension - the individual is suspended for the remainder of the current match and their next
scheduled match or matches.
b. Receiving a second red card / ejection during a tracking period* requires a mandatory minimum two match suspension
which shall be served in the next two scheduled matches.
c. Receiving a third red card / ejection during a tracking period*, the individual will be suspended immediately for 10
months from all SCYSA activities pending a hearing by South Carolina Youth Soccer.
d. All Violent Conduct ejections require a mandatory minimum two match suspension.
e. Red Card / ejection suspensions are to be served in the “competition” in which they were assigned. However, a
suspension assigned in:
i. a league can not be served in another league, unless a player transfers. (Ex. SCSCL suspensions cannot
be served in a Premier League match.)
ii. the last league match, (not served during that league play), shall be served in the next scheduled league
or state cup match, whichever comes first.
iii. the last tournament match, (not served during that tournament), shall be served in the next scheduled
league, state cup match, or Regional/National competition whichever comes first.
f. Any league or tournament suspensions not served from August 1 through July 31 will carry over to the first scheduled
league match or matches of the next tracking period*. (No matter which club he/she played/is playing for.)
g. Any state cup, regional or national championship competition suspensions not served will carry over to the player’s first
scheduled league match or matches, and their first state cup match or matches.
*Note: Fall tracking period is August 1 through January 31; spring tracking period is February 1 through July 31.
21. A youth player will be permitted to play an unlimited number of AMATEUR GAMES without losing his or her youth
eligibility. The youth player must obtain permission from his/her youth coach and must file an Amateur Play Notification
and Clearance Form with South Carolina Youth Soccer. In the event of a conflict between an amateur game and a youth
game, the youth game shall take precedence.
22. The US YOUTH SOCCER NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP is an individual separately conducted competition for all
eligible challenge teams 13U-19U which leads to a national championship. The first round of competition is held in the
districts. Qualifying teams shall then advance to the US Youth Soccer South Carolina State Cup , with the winners
advancing to the US Youth Soccer Southern Regional Championship and ultimately to the US Youth Soccer National
properly registered and rostered youth players and the team, and its affiliated organization must be registered and in good
standing with South Carolina Youth Soccer.
a) Challenge teams must compete in a South Carolina Youth Soccer approved league comprised of no fewer than four
(4) teams during the current seasonal year, and that competition shall consist of a minimum of one (1) game against
at least three (3) other teams participating in the league.
b) All challenge teams can have a maximum of 22 players and minimum of 7 players.
c) a team must be officially rostered no later than the date approved by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State BOD.
d) A team must submit a tournament/travel roster to the state registrar/designee no later than 48 hours prior to cup.
e) A team must demonstrate continuity of rosters between the State Cup and every level of the National
Championships Competitions by maintaining a minimum fifty percent (50%) players common to the roster the Team
between the frozen state cup roster and the frozen Regional roster and between the frozen State Cup roster and the
frozen National Championship roster. (Example: If a teams state cup roster has 17 players then their Regional roster
must have 9 players in common.)
f) State Select/ODP Teams may not compete.
g) A player who has been suspended may play after the player’s term of suspension has expired.
and guidelines of the current South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup Manual and any updates made by the South Carolina
Youth Soccer Board of Directors. Teams participating in the SCSCL and South Region Piedmont Conference must play in
the same age group during cup play as they did during league play for their cup season. Teams advancing to the Southern
Regional Championship and/or US Youth Soccer National Championships must also conform to and abide by the US Youth
Soccer National Championship Series Rules.
25. ROSTERS SHALL BE FROZEN on the date as specified on the South Carolina Youth Soccer state calendar (48 hours
prior to the first match of the first round games) and shall remain frozen with no movement of players on to or off of the
roster until the team is eliminated from the state cup competition or is declared the state champion. Only exception is that
after the freeze date set by the State Association, the Regional freeze date of the National freeze date, a State Association may
correct an Administrative Error to those team rosters until the beginning of competition of those levels. , Jersey numbers
for all 13U-19U Challenge teams must be input into the state’s online computer system prior to the roster being
26. A TEAM MAY COMPETE IN ONLY ONE STATE CUP competition during the seasonal year, which is from September
1 of any year to August 31 of the next year.
27. A PLAYER MAY PLAY FOR ONLY ONE TEAM IN STATE CUP COMPETITION during the seasonal year which is
from September 1 of any year to August 31 of the next year. The player shall remain on this team unless released or
transferred before the roster is frozen. After the roster is frozen, for cup purposes the player remains on this team until the
team is eliminated from cup competition and may not compete in any other state cup until the next seasonal year. In the
National Championship Series a team may add two players from other clubs from the prior level of competition whose team
has been eliminated and does not advance to any level of the National Championship Series.
28. A TOURNAMENT/TRAVEL ROSTER may be used for classic players competing in an invitational tournament after the
team’s State/Regional/ National Championship competitions are over and before the next seasonal year begins
affiliated play to matches, competitons, or events with organizations affiliated with US Youth Soccer shall complete a South
Carolina Youth Soccer Permission to Travel and pay appropriate fees. This “Permission to Travel” and fees shall be
completed in the SC Youth Soccer database and approved by the SC Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
30. ALL TEAMS TRAVELING TO INTERNATIONAL MATCHES or international tournaments shall complete a US
Youth Soccer Application to Travel (completed in conjunction with travel roster), USSF Application for Foreign Travel,
Application Form for Participating in an International Match or Competition and a Ted Stephens Olympic and Amateur
Sports Act form. These forms shall be sent to the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar for verification and then to the
USSF for final approval prior to the team’s departure (See Procedures for Foreign Travel). Application for Foreign Travel by
U.S. Amateur & Youth Teams (
31. RULES VARY for each of the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup competitions. The State Cup Manual and any
updates, the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors’ minutes, or a change in the National Championship Series
Rules shall be the final authority for these rules. During any South Carolina Youth Soccer cup play competition, the rules set
forth in the appropriate State Cup Manual take precedence over any other set of rules.
K. RULES AFFECTING THE PREMIER LEAGUE DIVISION (Piedmont Conference Policies and Rules)
1. A PREMIER LEAGUE PLAYER is a registered player who is or has been selected to be a member of an officially
rostered team during the current seasonal year and participates in the Piedmont Conference or National League. The player
remains a premier player for the remainder of the current seasonal year.
2. PREMIER AGE GROUPS shall be comprised of players by birth year. (Birth Age Matrix)
a.) 18 years of age and under c.) 16 years of age and under e.) 14 years of age and under
b.) 17 years of age and under d.) 15 years of age and under f.) 13 years of age and under
3. REGISTRATION TRANSACTIONS players must be properly entered into the correct South Carolina Youth Soccer and
approved by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee before any deadline or before the player’s first game
of the season whichever comes first. All information requested must be provided and all fees due must be paid. The
computer generated information must be read from the club level program into the approved state program. All clubs are
recommended to use the on-line system.
Players who have made a financial commitment to a club will be considered as registered to that club for the
upcoming year as of July 1.
4. PROOF OF AGE shall consist of a birth certificate, a Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card (DD Form
1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States, a birth registration issued by an appropriate government agency,
or board of health records, a passport, an alien registration card issued by the United States Government, a certificate issued
by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, a current driver’s license, an unexpired federal, state or local
government identification card (If documentation of date of birth is required), or a certification of an American citizen born
abroad and issued by the appropriate government agency. Hospital, baptismal, or religious certificates will not be accepted.
Player proof of age for traveling teams shall be available upon request.
5. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS - state that any player who is a South Carolina resident may register in an affiliated
organization. A resident is a player living or residing in the State of South Carolina with his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) or
a student in residence at a boarding school, college or university located in South Carolina. Any other questions of residency
may be determined by the state in which the player is registered to vote or holds a current driver’s license. Any player or
team residing in a state other than South Carolina or Georgia wishing to register and play in an affiliated organization of
South Carolina Youth Soccer must receive written permission each seasonal year from South Carolina Youth Soccer and the
State Association where he/she resides.
6. REGISTRATION FEES are set by the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors. All fees will be billed
a) Notice will be sent out after the bill is 30 days past due and Permission to Travel will be withheld from the teams of
the offending Club. Notification will be made to Club 15 days after due date by telephone or email as reminder,
but the Club is responsible for timely payment regardless of reminder notification.
b) If payment is not received within 45 days of invoicing, then a 15% surcharge of the total invoice will be added and
required for the Club to remain in “good standing”.
c) If the payment is more than 60 days overdue, which includes the surcharge, then the Club will be placed in “bad
standing” automatically unless a payment plan is put in place with the office. Any payment plan will be at the
discretion of the Board of Directors and is not a guarantee.
7. All players registering in any affiliated organization of South Carolina Youth Soccer must have an approved PLAYER
8. DEADLINE DATES mean that a document must be in the hands of the appropriate state officer by midnight of the
published date.
9. OFFICIAL TRANSACTION - is a registration transaction which becomes official only after being signed by the South
Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
10. UNIFORMS for all field players shall include a unique and identifiable number on the jersey. These numbers must be
uniform and cannot be created by using tape to alter. Shin guards covered by socks are mandatory for all players during any
play and any practice. No youth player or team will be permitted to display any logo during match play or during warm-up or
as part of any team uniform including team T-shirts affiliated with alcohol, firearms, adult oriented material, gambling,
cannabis, vaping, tobacco or other products prohibited for purchase or consumption by minors. Home team is to wear
white/light colored uniforms and the away team wears dark colored uniforms including socks. If there is a conflict the team
not in compliance must change. The referee’s judgement is final.
At every level of the National Championships Competitions, each player, Team and Team official may only have on
his/her/their apparel the name, logo, or other identifying mark of US Youth Soccer or a member directly or indirectly of US
Youth Soccer. (1) A name, logo, or other identifying mark of any youth soccer organization other than US Youth Soccer or
its member must be removed, replaced, or covered before a player, Team or Team official may enter or remain at a field
complex where the National Championships competition is being held. (2) After an initial warning pursuant to (e)(1) above,
the name, logo, or other identifying mark of any youth soccer organization other than US Youth Soccer or its member must
be removed before the player, Team or Team official may enter or continue in the competition.
players allowed on a recreational team is not exceeded. A recreation team may have no more than three (3) junior
academy/Classic II, Classic I/Challenge/Premier players transferred to it.
12. A PREMIER PLAYER MAY TRANSFER TO A TEAM if the number of transfers allowed a team is not exceeded. A
premier team is limited to a total of five (5) previously rostered players from another club at the time of the roster freeze date.
Players reassigning within their own club are committed to the new roster for a minimum of 3 weeks before they can be
placed back on the team they were reassigned from. The play may move to an entirely different team at which time they
would agina need to meet the three week reassignment period. They could still not be moved back to the original team they
were reassigned from until the original 3 week reassignment period is met.
13. A PREMIER TEAM is a South Carolina Youth Soccer officially rostered team in the 13U or older age group, registered and
playing in the the Piedmont Conference or National League.
a. 13U and older teams playing in the Premier League may have up to 22 youth players (game rosters will have a
maximum of 18 players and a minimum of 7).
b. The initial registration of a team with a Club must continue their association with that particular Club for the seasonal
year, including that no team in its entirety or majority may move to another club during the seasonal year.
c. Fifty percent (50%) of the maximum roster size allowed for teams, with the exception of recreation teams, must be
comprised of players from the district in which the affiliated club operates. The affiliated club operates within the
geographical boundary approved by the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors. Every Official SC Youth
Soccer Roster, Tournament Roster, League Roster or Game Day Roster must meet this 50% maximum roster
requirement in all league, tournament or friendly matches.
14. For ALL PREMIER TEAMS, the official South Carolina Youth Soccer State Roster and US Youth Soccer player/coach
passes, hard copy or digital must be available at the game site at all times and shown to the referees prior to each game
match. It is the responsibility of the referees to check the player and coach passes before each game. The passes must have a
current photograph without a hat or headband, be signed by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee, have
the South Carolina Youth Soccer seal stamped on it, and be laminated if hard copy. Any pass not meeting these requirements
is invalid.
15. A NONROSTERED RECREATION OR JUNIOR ACADEMY PLAYER who has never been rostered on a South
Carolina Youth Soccer OfficialTeam Roster during the current seasonal year may be added to a premier team.
16. ALL PLAYERS AND COACHES entering a competition must be listed on an Official South Carolina Youth Soccer State
Team Roster, or Official Tournament/Travel Roster. The roster and US Youth Soccer player/coach passes must be available
at the game site at all times. In case of emergency, a pdf file of player passes may be accepted.
17. ALL PREMIER COACHES are required to be either licensed or certified. Premier coaches 13U-19U must have a
minimum of a “D” License. All new coaches to SC Youth Soccer have a one (1) season grace period to meet their
license/certification requirements. In addition, all coaches that have taken Part 1 of the “D” License have one year to obtain
Part 2. All assistant premier coaches must have a minimum of an 11 vs 11 In Person License.
a. Use of the club pass is permitted in the Piedmont Conference and National League. Game Day Rosters (Club Pass
Roster) must be used in conjunction with the club pass.
b. A Club Pass Roster may have up to eight players listed who are eligible for participation in a team’s premier league
games. An eligible player (club pass player) is one who is properly rostered to a team that is from the same club.
c. Players once listed on the Club Pass Roster may not be removed until the season of play is declared complete. A player
may play for only the Premier League team to which he is rostered (primary team) and for one other premier league team
in an age group other than the player’s primary team.
d. Players (including club pass players) must be listed no later than the close of business three days prior to the scheduled
game or the close of business Wednesday prior to the game, whichever is earlier, so that the roster/roster change may be
e. Once a player participates in a premier league game that player may not participate on another premier league team until
the end of that team’s play in that current premier league event. In other words, a player may not play on a different
premier league team on the same day, weekend, or event in the case of more that two consecutive days of play.
f. A club pass player can be used during any regular season league game. Club passes may also be used for State Cup,
Southern Regionals and Nationals as defined in the rules governing these events. Club passes are not used for
tournament play.
g. Clubs are required to register at least 7 players on each team.
h. A club may issue a club pass t any youth player who is a registered youth player of the club before the team to which
such youth player is to be rostered for the regional level of the National championships Competitions submit its roster for
its competition at the regional level (Rule 221, Section 6 (2)) or for the National level of the National Championships
Competitions submits its roster for its competition at the National Level (Rule 221, Section 6 (3)).
a. A guest player may be added to the team’s Tournament /TravelTeam Roster and this roster is valid only for the
tournament and dates indicated. A guest player must be approved by the seasonal/current team club via email to the State
Registrar/designee before the tournament/travel roster will be approved. Player’s within your club are not considered
guest players, but borrowed players and they must be added to the tournament /travel roster.
b. The State Registrar/designee must approve the tournament/travel roster.
c. Guest players are not permitted in South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup competitons or league play.
d. A guest player is allowed to play with State Cup teams that have frozen rosters if an event allows guest players.
e. A player desiring to guest play shall inform his/her coach and fulfill obligations to the seasonal team before leaving to
guest play.
f. No player may play in a tournament for more than one.
g. If the requested player is from a state other than South Carolina, a form from that State Association shall be sent to the
South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee declaring that this player is in good standing and has permission
to play with the 1) team named, 2) coach named, and 3) at the tournament indicated, giving location and date. This
player may then be placed on a South Carolina Youth Soccer Tournament/Travel Roster. The out-of-state seasonal
player pass shall accompany the player.
h. If a South Carolina player wants to guest play out of state, a South Region Interstate form shall be sent to the state
inviting the player, and the seasonal player pass shall accompany the player, to be returned to his/her coach as soon as
the player returns.
i. Players who guest play shall not be allowed to transfer to the team with whom he/she has been a guest player for the
remainder of the seasonal year unless permission is granted by the seasonal team administrator who approved the
tournament/travel roster with guest player listed.
j. Playing a guest player without proper permission may result in a charge of playing an ineligible player.
k. Premier teams taking guest players from within their club use a tournament/travel roster with tournament information
listed and this tournament/travel roster must be signed by the state registrar/designee. No Guest Players are Allowed in
Premier League Games only club pass players following the club pass rules.
a. The player’s present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar may approve the transfer in the state database and the player will be
released from their current team and be eligible to be rostered to another team immediately upon the completion of the
transfer by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
b. Any player changing their primary residence by a minimum of 50 miles or across state lines may request to be transferred to
another team without their present coach’s approval or a 30 day waiting period but must meet their financial obligations to
the releasing club.
c. In scenario a or b, the releasing team coach/DOC/registrar approval releases the player from their team and their financial
d. Any player transferring to another club, without their present (releasing) coach/DOC/registrar approval on the transfer, will
be required to wait 30 days from the date the transfer was received by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State
Registrar/designee before they can be rostered to another team.
e. Without the releasing coach/DOC/registrar approval, a player will not be allowed to transfer to another club until their
present club’s documented financial obligation has been completely satisfied by either the player or by the receiving club and
proof of said satisfaction is verified and agreed to by the releasing club. If the releasing club refuses to accept the agreed
payment, then the financial obligation will be considered forgiven and the 30 day waiting period will commence. Financial
obligations must be determined prior to any action by the State Registrar/designee or any member of the state’s Board of
f. Any Challenge player who releases from one club to another during the seasonal year shall complete the transfer and return
their player card, if applicable, to their present club registrar for proper handling before the release will be considered
g. Transfers are not required for reassignment within your own club.
21. The SOUTH CAROLINA YOUTH SOCCER RED CARD/EJECTION NOTICE must be completed & submitted within
3 days of the match in which the ejection occurred. Submit the Red Card/Ejection Notice to the South Carolina Youth Soccer
State Office via fax or e-mail. Failure to submit the Red Card / Ejection Notice of the match within 3 days will result in a
$100 fine. Any team allowing an ejected player / coach to participate, prior to serving their suspension, shall forfeit that
match, forfeit their team’s performance bond or pay a fine of $200 whichever is greater, and may be deemed ineligible for
state cup competition. The coach may also be suspended immediately from ALL South Carolina Youth Soccer activities for
no less than one (1) year pending a hearing by South Carolina Youth Soccer. After a suspension has been served, complete
the Red Card/Ejection Notice “Suspension Served” section and submit to the SC Youth Soccer State Office within 3 days.
Failure to submit the Red Card/Ejection Notice Suspension Served section of the match within 3 days will result in a $100
a. First Red Card / ejection suspension - the individual is suspended for the remainder of the current match and their next
scheduled match or matches.
b. Receiving a second red card / ejection during a tracking period* requires a mandatory minimum two match suspension
which shall be served in the next two scheduled matches.
c. Receiving a third red card / ejection during a tracking period*, the individual will be suspended immediately for 10
months from all SCYSA activities pending a hearing by South Carolina Youth Soccer.
d. All Violent Conduct ejections require a mandatory minimum two match suspension.
e. Red Card / ejection suspensions are to be served in the “competition” in which they were assigned. However, a
suspension assigned in:
i. a league can not be served in another league, unless a player transfers. (Ex. SCSCL suspensions cannot be served
in a Premier League match.) the last league match, (not served during that league play), shall be served in the
next scheduled league or state cup match, whichever comes first.
ii. the last tournament match, (not served during that tournament), shall be served in the next scheduled league, state
cup match, or Regional/National competition whichever comes first.
f. Any league or tournament suspensions not served from August 1 through July 31 will carry over to the first scheduled
league match or matches of the next tracking period*. (No matter which club he/she played/is playing for.)
g. Any state cup, regional or national championship competition suspensions not served will carry over to the player’s first
scheduled league match or matches, and their first state cup match or matches.
*Note: Fall tracking period is August 1 through January 31; spring tracking period is February 1 through July 31.
22. A youth player will be permitted to play an unlimited number of AMATEUR GAMES without losing his or her youth
eligibility. The youth player must obtain permission from his/her youth coach and must file an Amateur Play Notification
and Clearance Form with South Carolina Youth Soccer. In the event of a conflict between an amateur game and a youth
game, the youth game shall take precedence.
23. The US YOUTH SOCCER NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP is an individual separately conducted competition for all
eligible classic teams 13U-19U which leads to a national championship. The first level of competition is held in individual
districts. Qualifying teams shall then advance to the USYouth Soccer South Carolina State Cup, with the winners advancing
to the US Youth Soccer Southern Regional Championship and ultimately to the US Youth Soccer National Championship.
properly registered and rostered youth players and the team and its affiliated organization must be registered and in good
standing with South Carolina Youth Soccer.
a. Premier teams must compete in a South Carolina Youth Soccer approved league comprised of no fewer than four (4)
teams during the current seasonal year, and that competition shall consist of a minimum of one (1) game against at least
three (3) other teams participating in the league.
b. All Premier teams have a maximum of 22 players and a minimum of 7 players.
c. A team must be officially rostered no later than the date approved by the South Carolina Youth Soccer State BOD.
d. A team must submit a tournament/travel roster to the state registrar/designee no later than 48 hours prior to cup.
e. A team must demonstrate continuity of rosters between the State Cup and every level of the National Championships
Competitions by maintaining a minimum fifty percent (50%) players common to the roster the Team between the frozen
state cup roster and the frozen Regional roster and between the frozen State Cup roster and the frozen National
Championship roster. (Example: If a teams state cup roster has 17 players then their Regional roster must have 9 players
in common.)
f. State Select/ODP Teams may not compete.
g. A player who has been suspended may play after the player’s term of suspension has expired
and guidelines of the current South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup Manual and any updates made by the South Carolina
Youth Soccer Board of Directors. Teams participating in the SCSCL and South Region Piedmont Conference or National
League must play in the same age group during cup play as they did during league play for their cup season. Teams
advancing to the US Youth Soccer Southern Regional Championship and/or US Youth Soccer National Championships must
also conform to and abide by the US Youth Soccer National Championship Series Rules.
26. ROSTERS SHALL BE FROZEN on the date as specified on the South Carolina Youth Soccer state calendar (48 hours
prior to the first match of the first round games) and shall remain frozen with no movement of players on to or off of the
roster until the team is eliminated from the state cup competition or is declared the state champion. Only exception is that
after the freeze date set by the State Association, the Regional freeze date of the National freeze date, a State Association may
correct an Administrative Error to those team rosters until the beginning of competition of those levels.. Jersey numbers for
all 13U-18U Premier teams must be input into the state’s online computer system prior to the roster being printed.
27. A TEAM MAY COMPETE IN ONLY ONE STATE CUP competition during the seasonal year, which is from September
1 of any year to August 31 of the next year.
28. A PLAYER MAY PLAY FOR ONLY ONE TEAM IN STATE CUP COMPETITION during the seasonal year which is
from September 1 of any year to August 31 of the next year. The player shall remain on this team unless released or
transferred before the roster is frozen. After the roster is frozen, for cup purposes the player remains on this team until the
team is eliminated from cup competition and may not compete in another challenge level state cup until the next seasonal
year. In the National Championship a team may add two players from another club from the prior level of competition whose
team has been eliminated and does not advance to any level of the National Championship Series.
29. A TOURNAMENT /TRAVEL ROSTER may be used for premier players competing in an invitational tournament after the
team’s State/Regional/ National Championship competitions are over and before the next seasonal year begins.
affiliated play to matches, competitons, or events with organizations affiliated with US Youth Soccer shall complete a South
Carolina Youth Soccer Permission to Travel and pay appropriate fees. This “Permission to Travel” and fees shall be
completed in the SC Youth Soccer database and approved by the SC Youth Soccer State Registrar/designee.
31. ALL TEAMS TRAVELING TO INTERNATIONAL MATCHES or international tournaments shall complete a US
Youth Soccer Application to Travel (completed in conjunction with travel roster), USSF Application for ForeignTravel,
Application Form for Participating in an International Match or Competition and a Ted Stephens Olympic and Amateur
Sports Act form. These forms shall be sent to the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Office for verification and then to the
USSF for final approval prior to the team’s departure (See Procedures for Foreign Travel). Application for Foreign Travel by
U.S. Amateur & Youth Teams (
32. RULES VARY for each of the South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup competitions. The State Cup Manual and any
updates, the South Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors’ minutes, or a change in the National Championship Series
Rules shall be the final authority for these rules. During any South Carolina Youth Soccer State Cup play competition, the
rules set forth in the appropriate State Cup Manual take precedence over any other set of rules
L. MISCONDUCT TOWARD A REFEREE OR STATE OFFICIAL: Persistent statements or physical acts directed toward
a referee or state official during or after a game that do not constitute referee assault or referee abuse as provided under US Soccer
Federation Policy 531-9, but mistreat the referee and or state official or are inappropriate or unacceptable statements or acts, and
may include the following:
a. excessive incidences of foul or abusive language at the referee or state official
b. statements that diminish the authority of the referee or the state official
c. statements or acts that serve to intimidate without threatening physical harm to the referee or state official
Examples of misconduct that arise under the description above include the following:
a. confronting the referee or state official without physically threatening the referee or state official
b. spitting on the ground or in the air but not at the referee or state official
c. throwing or kicking an item as a sign of disrespect or dissent but without the chance of hitting the referee or state official
d. re-entering the field
These are only some of the examples of possible misconduct and are not all-inclusive, and may apply to the following situations:
a. if a proceeding is brought against an individual for referee assault or abuse, or both, under Federation Policy 531-9; or
b. if the individual is ejected from a game and, after the ejection, engages in conduct that is misconduct under this policy.
Should the South Carolina Youth Soccer Discipline and Appeals Committee determine the individual committed misconduct
under this rule, it shall impose NOT less than a three (3) game suspension. This suspension is in addition to any other suspension
and/or fine that may be imposed on the individual by an association or league. A formal hearing will not be held unless it is
requested. (Link to Referee website)
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY policy regarding harassment of officials.
M. ANY MATTER NOT PROVIDED FOR in these rules or in this Administrative Manual shall be determined by the South
Carolina Youth Soccer Board of Directors, and its decisions are final and binding for all divisions of play.
Revised 1/25/23