Referencing: EndNote
Helen Bond (Information Skills Coordinator)
Hannah Medworth (Collections and Instructional Materials Manager, Sainsbury
Tip on importing RIS files into EndNote ................................................................................. 3
Online Search ......................................................................................................................... 4
Exporting references from SOLO to EndNote ........................................................................ 7
Exporting references from Google Scholar to EndNote ...................................................... 11
Adding and using Capture EndNote Reference plug-in ....................................................... 15
Adding PDFs (via drag & drop) and finding matching references ....................................... 17
Adding PDFs using EndNote Click and finding matching references ................................... 18
Adding a PDF to a reference already in your EndNote library ............................................. 20
Adding references manually ................................................................................................ 21
Groups in EndNote ............................................................................................................... 24
Finding duplicates ................................................................................................................ 28
Editing a reference and adding personal notes ................................................................... 29
Dealing with books: adding chapters and essays from edited books .................................. 32
Using Cite While You Write .................................................................................................. 36
Creating a bibliography ........................................................................................................ 41
Appendix .............................................................................................................................. 45
Keeping EndNote up to date ................................................................................................ 52
Tip on importing RIS files into EndNote
Most catalogues and databases export .ris files which are compatible with EndNote.
If the .ris file is not automatically opening in EndNote, you may need to tell your
computer to open the file in EndNote. To do this:
Go to the folder on your computer where the file was downloaded (most likely the
downloads folder).
Right mouse click the downloaded file. It will end in .ris.
Click Open With and Choose default program.
Choose EndNote 20 or if there is no application defined yet, click Choose default
program and Browse.
Browse to the EndNote installation folder and select your EndNote 20 executable
(e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote 20\EndNote.exe').
Click Open.
Now any file with the extension .ris will be automatically opened in EndNote and the
references imported.
This method can also be used for other file types, such as .ciw, which some
databases use to export references to reference managers.
Online Search
Online Search is a function that allows you to search databases form within EndNote
and add references directly to your library.
NB. Not all databases can be searched using this feature, so you may like to check
whether your most frequently used databases can be searched this way. If they
cannot, you should head to the database itself, submit a search and export the
references to EndNote. See the sections ‘Exporting references from SOLO to
EndNote’ and ‘Exporting references from Google Scholar to EndNote’ of this handout
for examples of how to do this. We also have some accompanying handouts for
each division (humanities, sciences, etc.) with examples of popular databases to
export references from. These are available on our handouts webpage:
Using Online Search
Open EndNote on your computer.
In the left-hand pane of EndNote, under ‘Online Search’ click the database title you
would like to search or click ‘more…’ to select a database not listed.
Enter your search terms in the search boxes at the top of the screen and click
You can increase the number of records on the page at the top of the results list.
Double clicking a reference brings up a summary of the reference in a pane on the
Highlight references you would like to add to your library and click the plus button.
They will be added to the ‘recently added’ area.
Exporting references from SOLO to EndNote
SOLO is the resource discovery tool for the major collections of the libraries of the
University of Oxford. It covers physical holdings in the majority of the libraries which
includes the Bodleian Libraries and most faculty/department and college libraries. It
also provides access to electronic material including e-books, e-journals and
Accessing SOLO
To access SOLO, go to solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk.
To access the full range of resources, sign in using your Oxford Single Sign On
(SSO). The sign in option is in the top right-hand corner.
To submit a basic search query in SOLO, type your keywords into the search bar, for
example Oxford history of Britain, and click the search button.
SOLO will return a list of search results matching your query including print and
electronic resources. It is possible to export these records to EndNote.
Exporting from SOLO to EndNote
There are two methods for exporting references to EndNote.
Method 1 For exporting multiple references in one go
Choose records to export by clicking the pin shaped ‘Add to Favourites’ button which
appears on the right of each title.
Your selected records are now saved to ‘Favourites’. Note, if you are signed into
SOLO they will stay in your favourites for future sessions (unless you remove them).
If you are not signed in, they will sit temporarily in favourites for the duration of the
1. Click the ‘Favourites’ pin in the top right corner of SOLO.
2. You will see the records that you added to Favourites. Select the references
you would like to export to EndNote by ticking the boxes next to the titles.
Click the three-dot ‘”Push to” actions’ button on the top right and select either
‘RIS’ or ‘EndNote’.
1. Choosing ‘RIS’ will open the reference in the desktop version of EndNote;
choosing ‘EndNote’ will open the reference in EndNote Online.
2. EndNote will indicate that the references have been successfully imported to
your EndNote Library. By default, EndNote places all new records into the
‘Last Imported’ folder. In the desktop version of EndNote, you can access the
last imported folder by clicking on it at the left side of the EndNote screen.
Method 2 For exporting one reference at a time
1. Once you have identified a record you would like to export, click the ‘Display
the Export options menu’ button (the button with three horizontal dots) for that
2. Click ‘either ‘RIS’ or ‘EndNote’. Choosing ‘RIS’ will open the reference in the
desktop version of EndNote; choosing ‘EndNote’ will open the reference in
EndNote Online.
3. EndNote will indicate that the references have been successfully imported into
your EndNote Library. By default, EndNote places all new records in to the
‘Last Imported’ folder. In the desktop version of EndNote, you can access the
last imported folder by clicking on it at the left side of the EndNote screen.
Sometimes there are errors in records exported from SOLO because the fields in
SOLO records do not match up very well with the fields used by EndNote. It is
advisable to check the records that you have exported into EndNote and edit them if
Authors: for works with more than one author, SOLO often only exports the
first author to the author field in EndNote. Other authors are exported to the
Editor field, even if they are not editors. You should correct this by adding the
other authors to the Authors field.
Authors: sometimes additional information such as birth/death dates for
authors are exported from SOLO to EndNote. These are used in SOLO to
differentiate between authors with the same name. However, they should not
appear in your citations and bibliographies. If birth/death dates (or other
additional information) are given alongside the author name you should delete
Edition: SOLO exports the word ‘ed’ into the EndNote Edition field, i.e. the
field reads 3rd ed (rather than 3rd). When you use EndNote to make citations
or bibliographies in Word, it will automatically add the abbreviation ‘ed’ or
‘edn’ where appropriate. As a result, if the abbreviation is included in
EndNote, ‘ed’ will be repeated in your citations e.g. they will read 3rd ed ed.
It’s therefore best to delete ‘ed’ as soon as your export your records from
SOLO to EndNote.
Publisher: SOLO gives the place of publication under both publisher and
place of publication. You should remove it from the Publisher field, otherwise
it will appear twice in your citations e.g. Philadelphia, Philadelphia.
Exporting references from Google Scholar to EndNote
Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a search engine which allows quick and simple searching of
scholarly literature, including articles, books, theses and conference abstracts. It
draws material from journal publishers, professional associations, universities and
open access repositories.
Google Scholar Subject Coverage
Google Scholar is an interdisciplinary resource which covers all academic
Accessing Google Scholar
Google Scholar is freely available on the Web via scholar.google.com.
Configuring Google Scholar for EndNote
You can configure Google Scholar to link directly to EndNote.
At the top of the Google Scholar screen, click on the three-bar menu button
then click Settings.
Once in the settings, scroll down to Bibliography Manager and click on the
drop down menu to choose to Show links to import citations into EndNote.
Click Save.
Running a Basic Search
Type your keywords into the search box and click on the blue magnifying
glass icon.
After a few moments, a set of search results will appear below the search box.
Use Google Scholar’s own export tool
Google Scholar allows you to export individual or multiple references into EndNote.
To export individual references
You will see a link to Import into EndNote beneath each reference click on
the link. In some browsers, the Import into EndNote’ button isn’t visible – click
on the >> link to access this option.
The file will be saved onto your computer using your browser’s default method
for saving files, often within Downloads. The file will be named scholar.enw.
You can change this default file name from scholar to something more
meaningful. Depending on your set-up, the file may open automatically and
send straight to EndNote.
To export multiple references
To export multiple references, you need to have a Google account and be signed
into Google, so that you can save references to your Google Scholar ‘library’.
Click the star next to the titles you wish to export.
This will save the titles to ‘My library’. Click on ‘My library’ in the top right of
the window to open it. From here you can export articles by page or all articles
in your library by clicking the download button and selecting EndNote.
The file will be saved onto your computer using your browser’s default method
for saving files, often within Downloads. The file will be named scholar.enw.
You can change this default file name from scholar to something more
meaningful. Depending on your set-up, the file may open automatically and
send straight to EndNote.
Importing into EndNote
If your file doesn’t open automatically in EndNote, you can manually import it into
Open EndNote desktop.
Click on File > Import.
Find the saved Scholar export on your computer, usually within the
Downloads section.
Select the file and click on Import.
The Import complete message will appear once the records have been
Click on OK to see the imported records within EndNote. You can now view
each record.
Adding and using Capture EndNote Reference plug-in
You can install an EndNote plug-in within your web browser to add references and
full-text from any website.
Installing the Capture Reference plugin on any browser (except
Login to EndNote online access.clarivate.com/login?app=endnote and go to
the downloads tab.
Drag the Capture Reference button to your Bookmarks/Favourites bar.
Install the Capture EndNote Reference add-in for Chrome browser
Go to Chrome web store chrome.google.com/webstore.
Search for Capture EndNote Reference.
Click on Add to Chrome
Using Capture Reference
Open a website or search a database.
Open the full record for the item you would like to capture.
Click on the Capture reference bookmarklet.
The record will be exported to EndNote.
Go to EndNote to view it.
Adding PDFs (via drag & drop) and finding matching
If you have PDFs of journal articles saved onto your computer, you can add them to
your EndNote account and EndNote should automatically find matching citation data
where available. EndNote uses the DOI as found on the first few pages of the PDF.
Open your file explorer and locate the PDF you want to add to EndNote.
Click on the relevant PDF and, for Windows computers, drag into the EndNote
page on your browser and release the PDF file over the menu and header
area, not the reference list. For Macs, you need to drag and drop the file over
the EndNote icon in the dock at the bottom of your computer screen.
The automatic facility within EndNote will search the internet to find matching
citation data (e.g., bibliographic details such as author, title, publication
details) where available.
To verify that the citation is correct, click on the newly added reference.
The reference details will appear in the right-hand preview pane.
Check and amend if necessary.
Adding PDFs using EndNote Click and finding matching
You can also add PDFs to EndNote using EndNote Click (it was previously called
Kopernio). EndNote Click serves two key purposes: it speeds up the process of
accessing full-text PDFs by detecting when there is a full-text PDF on a page and
allowing you to click straight through to read it, as well as providing a place to store
and manage the PDFs; it allows you to export those PDFs to EndNote and
generates a reference in EndNote from the data attached to the PDF.
It works by adding a free plugin to your browser. You will need to create an EndNote
Click account, which you are prompted to do as part of the installation process
(details below).
EndNote Click is not compatible with every database, so take a look at your key
databases to see whether EndNote Click will be useful for you.
The EndNote Click plugin is compatible with the browsers Google Chrome, Firefox
and Opera.
You have 100MB of free storage, so you may not want to rely on EndNote Click as
the key place you store PDF files, but it can be useful as a way of exporting PDFs to
EndNote. If you invite a friend, you can upgrade to 2GB of storage.
Installing EndNote Click
Go to kopernio.com.
Depending on your browser, there will be a button that says Add to Firefox
for free or Add to Chrome for free, etc.
Work through your browser’s installation process. Once complete, the EndNote Click
button will appear at the top of your browser as ‘EN’ in a purple circle.
You will be prompted to create an EndNote Click account. Enter your first and last
name, email address and password and click Create my EndNote Click account.
Using EndNote click to add PDF files to EndNote
Navigate to your database of choice, e.g., PubMed. You can find a list of
databases the Bodleian Libraries provides access to at Databases A-Z
Enter your search in the database’s search bar and hit enter or the search
button. In this example, we are searching the database PubMed for ‘type 2
In the results page, the EndNote Click browser plugin will highlight PDFs that
you can directly link to in order to read. In the screenshot below is the purple
EndNote Click ‘View PDF’ button.
Click View PDF. This will open the PDF in EndNote Click and automatically
save it to your ‘Locker’. Your ‘locker’ is where all PDFs you have accessed
through EndNote Click are saved and can be accessed. You can access your
locker by clicking My Locker in the top right of the screen if you want to
explore it.
To export the PDF to EndNote, in the left-hand column click Export reference
to export it to EndNote desktop and Push to EndNote Web to export it to
EndNote Online. A reference will automatically be generated in EndNote and
the PDF will be attached to the reference.
You can also share and download the PDF, plus other functions you may wish
to explore.
Adding a PDF to a reference already in your EndNote
You can retrospectively add a PDF file to a reference that already exists in your
EndNote library. This is not essential, but some like to keep their PDFs and
references together.
Save the PDF in your files on your computer.
Double click the reference in EndNote to open the preview pane on the right
and click Edit.
Now click Attach file in the edit window.
Choose the PDF from your files and click on Open.
You can also do the same thing by dragging and dropping the PDF onto the
exact reference in the reference list.
Adding references manually
You may need to add a reference manually to your EndNote library, usually because
the item you are referencing is non-standard e.g., a personal email or a non-
published report. It’s always easier to find the reference online so you should look
hard before deciding to add manually.
From the EndNote toolbar select References > New Reference.
A new reference template will appear.
Select the Reference Type from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen
(the default is Journal Article).
Different reference types display different fields.
Fields such as abstract, notes, keywords, label are for your benefit and will
not appear in the bibliography you generate.
Use capitalisation as recommended by the referencing style you prefer.
Adding information to specific fields
Author Field
Choose from the following ways to populate this field.
Enter author surname followed by a comma and their initial(s) or first name
e.g. Weiner, C. OR Weiner, Carl
For organisations place a comma at the end of the name e.g. Cleveland
Enter each author on a separate line within the field (use the Enter key on
your keyboard to go to another line).
Date Field
If the reference type, such as a newspaper article, requires the day and month
in addition to the year of publication, enter the day and month in the ‘date’
field, e.g., 28 March.
Enter the year in the separate ‘year’ field.
Pages Field
Enter either as complete numbers e.g. 120-128 OR with the last page
truncated e.g. 120-8.
Do not enter p. or pp.
File Attachments
Allows you to attach a copy or link to a document (file).
1. Select References > File Attachment > Attach File. Locate the file and
double click on it to attach a copy.
2. If you want to create a link to the file instead, select References > File
Attachment > Attach File. Go to the bottom left corner of the page and untick
'Copy this file to the default file attachment folder and create a relative link',
find the required file and double click on it.
Saving and Editing
Once you have entered all the required information in the reference template,
click on the X at the top. Click Save.
Your reference will now appear in the Preview panel on the right of the
screen (as will any highlighted reference).
To make any further edits, if the preview pane is not open on the right, double
click the reference so the preview appears and click Edit.
Groups in EndNote
EndNote’s ‘groups’ feature allows you to organise your references into different
topics. If you have hundreds or thousands of references, this will help you keep track
of your references. You can create up to 5,000 groups. You can also share your
groups with your colleagues.
Creating a group
Click Groups > Create Group.
The group will appear in the left-hand column of EndNote and you will be prompted
to give it a name. Type the name for the group and hit enter.
Moving references to a group
There are three ways to move references into a group:
Method 1
Select the references from your library that you want to move to your group by
clicking on them so they are highlighted.
Click Groups > Add References To then select the group you would like to move
the references to.
Method 2
Select the references from your library that you want to move to your group by
clicking on them so they are highlighted.
Right click on the highlighted references, click Add References To then select the
group you would like to move the references to.
Method 3
Alternatively, you can simply drag and drop individual or multiple references into your
group. Highlight the references you would like to move and drag and drop into the
relevant group.
Smart groups
Smart groups are created using search strategies (finding keywords, authors, etc.).
This means that EndNote will automatically put any references from a catalogue or
database into a smart group if they match the search criteria you have specified.
This happens when you add a new reference or make edits.
Creating a smart group
Click Groups > Create smart group.
A dialogue box will appear for you to enter your search criteria. This can be very
complex or very simple. In the example in the image below, the search criteria is for
any reference containing ‘Tolstoy’ and ‘Anna Karenina’ to be put in the smart group
‘Tolstoy Anna Karenina’. The search criteria states ‘Anna Karenina’ and ‘Tolstoy’ can
be in any field in the reference, but you can specify the search criteria should be title,
year, abstract, etc.
Upon exporting references from a catalogue or database, EndNote automatically
files them in the smart group created for references mentioning ‘Anna Karenina’ and
Finding duplicates
EndNote offers the functionality to search for duplicate references. You may find that
you accidentally imported the same reference multiple times a few weeks or months
apart and/or from different databases. When creating a bibliography for your piece of
work, you risk having the reference in there twice. It is good practice to check for
duplicates to avoid this.
Searching for duplicates
EndNote will search for duplicates that are currently showing in the Library window
on the left, not all references by default. If you would like to search for duplicates in
your entire EndNote account, click All references at the top of the Library window
on the left.
Click Library > Find Duplicates.
If any duplicates are found, EndNote will present them in a dialogue box where you
can compare duplicates and decide which to delete. It might be that one has a more
accurate or complete record which you would like to keep.
For each set of duplicates, you have the option to:
Click Keep this Record to save that particular reference and delete the other one.
Click Skip to leave both references in the library. They will appear in a temporary
Duplicate References group, so you can review them later.
Editing a reference and adding personal notes
There are several reasons to edit your references in EndNote.
Sometimes items exported from databases do not have the correct ‘reference
type’. For example, a book may appear in EndNote as a journal article. If the
reference type is incorrect the item will be cited incorrectly in your
bibliographies. It’s therefore important to check that the reference type is
correct. This is a particular problem with edited books exported from SOLO
which appear in EndNote with the reference type Book when they should
have the reference type Edited Book. This may seem like an inconsequential
detail but if the reference type is incorrect, the item will be cited incorrectly in
your bibliography.
Some databases do not export well and basic details such as author name,
title or publication details will be missing, incomplete or incorrect. It is
essential that you correct these errors so that any citations and bibliographies
that you create are correct.
The exported reference may not have as much detail as you would like.
You may wish to attach a PDF of an article to the reference, to keep your
resources and references together.
Finding a reference in your EndNote library
Find the reference that you need to edit in EndNote. If you have recently
imported it from a database, it will be in Imported References at the top of
the left-hand Library column. If it’s not there, try searching for it in All
When you have found the reference, double click on it. The details of the
reference will appear on the right of your screen.
To edit, click Edit at the top of the window and make the necessary
Editing basics
First check the reference type is correct (e.g. if the item is an edited book,
check that Edited Book is selected. If it’s an article check that Journal
Article is selected). You can change reference type by choosing from the
dropdown menu.
Check the other fields in the record. You can edit any field by clicking in the
field and typing.
Adding notes, PDFs and other files
To add notes to your reference, scroll down and click on the Research notes
field. You may add any notes you wish in this field.
To add files to your reference, such as full text PDF articles/chapters or notes,
click the Attach file button in the editing window. Search through the files on
your computer and select the one you want to upload.
Saving your changes
Make sure to save any edits you make to a reference by clicking ‘Save’ at the top of
the editing pane.
Dealing with books: adding chapters and essays from
edited books
To add a reference for an essay/article/chapter in a book of collected essays, choose
the reference type Book Section:
As is normal with EndNote, this is auto populated with suggested fields which would
normally be used for this reference type. To add your reference, fill in the form. The
field Title is where you should add the title of the chapter or essay you wish to cite.
You should fill in the book title further down the form under Book Title.
Adding chapters and essays from edited collections when you have
imported the book from SOLO or another catalogue
When you import an edited collection of essays from SOLO or another catalogue,
the record will relate to the whole book (not to the individual chapters or essays in
the book).
If you want to cite the individual essays or chapters, you will need to change the
reference so that it refers to the chapter or essay. To do this:
1. Change the reference type from Book or Edited Book to Book Section.
If you wish to cite an individual
chapter or essay rather than the
whole book change ‘Book’ or ‘Edited
Book’ to ‘Book section’
2. The Title part of the form is likely to have been populated with the book title
instead of the chapter/essay title. Cut and paste the book title from Title field
into the Book Title field. Then manually type the chapter or essay title into the
Title field.
3. Likewise, the Author section of the form will probably include the name of the
book editor. Again, cut and paste this into the Editor field in the form and
then manually type in the author(s) of the chapter.
The title field for the section will probably
have been populated with the book title.
Cut and paste this to the Title field and
then manually enter the chapter or essay
title under Book Title.
The Author field will probably give
the editor(s) of the book. Cut and
paste this to the Editor field and
then manually enter the author’(s’)
4. The final result should like this:
You should make certain you also have an entry for the book itself, as well as any
sections you cite, as both are likely to be needed for your bibliography.
Chapter or essay title
Chapter or essay author
Book title
Book section
Using Cite While You Write
Cite While You Write is a Microsoft Word plugin which allows you to insert citations
from your EndNote library into your Word document. It is available for Windows and
Mac. You can insert in-text citations and footnotes and Cite While You Write will
simultaneously create a bibliography for that document.
Installing Cite While You Write
Cite While You Write is automatically added to Word upon installation of EndNote.
You need to make sure you already have Word installed on your machine before
installing EndNote. The Cite While You Write plugin will not appear if you install
Word after EndNote.
If you need to retrospectively add Cite While You Write to Word, see Installing Word
Processor Plugins in the appendix.
Inserting in-text citations
There are two methods for inserting citations:
Method 1
Open Word and enter some text.
Place the cursor where you would like the citation to be inserted.
Click on the EndNote 20 tab at the top of the screen to see the EndNote options in
Choose your reference style from the Style list, e.g. Harvard. If the one you want
isn’t on the drop-down list, click on Select Another Style… and look for the style
you require.
Click on Go to EndNote to switch to the EndNote library you have open on the
desktop. Highlight the reference you would like to insert.
Return to your Word document, click on the drop-down arrow on the Insert Citation
button. Some options will appear click on Insert Selected Citation(s) to insert the
reference you selected in EndNote.
The reference will be automatically formatted according to the reference style you
selected, and a bibliography will automatically be created at the end of your
Method 2
Open Word and enter some text.
Place the cursor where you would like the citation to be inserted.
Click on the EndNote 20 tab at the top of the screen to see the EndNote options in
Choose your reference style from the Style list, e.g. Harvard. If the one you want
isn’t on the drop-down list, click on Select Another Style… and look for the style
you require.
Click on the drop-down arrow on the Insert Citation button and click on Insert
This will open a dialogue box. Find the relevant citation(s) by searching. Click the
relevant citation(s) and click Insert.
The reference will be automatically formatted according to the reference style you
selected, and a bibliography will automatically be created at the end of your
Inserting footnotes
Open Word and enter some text.
Place the cursor where you would like the citation to be inserted.
Under the References tab in the Word ribbon, click Insert Footnote.
Word will insert a superscript number where your cursor is and a footnote at the
bottom of the page.
Go to the EndNote 20 tab in the Word ribbon.
Choose your reference style from the Style list, e.g. Chicago 17
Click on Go to EndNote to switch to the EndNote library you have open on the
desktop. Highlight the reference you would like to insert.
Return to your Word document click on the drop-down arrow on the Insert Citation
button. Some options will appear click on Insert Selected Citation(s) to insert the
reference you selected in EndNote.
The reference will be automatically formatted according to the reference style you
selected, and a bibliography will automatically be created at the end of your
Adding page numbers to a citation
If you need to add page numbers to your citation, click the reference you would like
to add page numbers to, so it is highlighted grey.
Click Edit & manage citation(s) in the EndNote 20 tab.
A pop-up box will appear. Add the page number(s) in the ‘Pages’ box and click ‘OK’.
The page number(s) will appear in the citation.
This process works for both footnote and in-text citation styles, provided the template
for the style is configured to do so. It may sometimes be necessary to put page
numbers in the ‘suffix’ field instead. For further information, see the article ‘Adding
page numbers to citations’ on EndNote’s website.
Creating a bibliography
Cite While You Write automatically creates a bibliography at the end of your Word
document based on the references you cite in your document but you may need to
provide a bibliography with everything you have read, not just the references you
cite. To do this:
Open EndNote.
Highlight the citations you want to include in the bibliography.
Click Tools > Output Styles and select the citation style from the drop-down
list. If the style you want to use is not in the drop-down list, click Open Style
Manager and choose the style from the list
Go to References and click Copy Formatted Reference.
Open Word and paste the references into your document.
Reorganising your bibliography
You may like to organise your bibliography in a certain way, e.g. by primary and
secondary sources. Note, this only works for items in the bibliography that have
corresponding in-text citations or footnotes, not a bibliography you copied from
In the EndNote 20 tab in Word, click Categorize References > Configure
A pop-up box will appear. Drag and drop references from the pane at the top into the
‘Primary Sources’ and ‘Secondary Sources’ headings already available in the pane
on the left. You can create your own headings if you would like to organise your
references differently by clicking the ‘+ Category Headings’ button at the top of the
Your bibliography will now be organised by category.
Installing EndNote
EndNote is a desktop-based reference manger that can be used on Windows and
Mac computers. The University has a subscription to EndNote which means you can
install EndNote for free on a University-owned computer (for instance, a desktop in
your department) or a personal device. EndNote is also installed on some library
To install EndNote on a University-owned computer, ask your local IT help for
advice. To install EndNote on a personal device, please find instructions and
versions for Windows and Mac on IT Services' website:
NB. The software can be installed on up to three machines.
Creating an EndNote library
Once you have installed EndNote, you will need to set up an EndNote library, which
is a file on your computer where all your references will be stored. To do this:
Click File > New.
A pop-up box will appear prompting you to save ‘My EndNote Library’ to the desktop
or documents area of your computer. Click Save.
Setting up EndNote Online
There is a free browser version of EndNote called ‘EndNote Online’. It has fewer
features than the desktop version of EndNote so we do not recommend using
EndNote Online on its own, but it can be a useful tool as it syncs with your desktop
version of EndNote. EndNote Online is useful:
If you have the desktop version of EndNote installed on multiple computers as
it syncs your library across all your machines.
When you need to access your references on a computer that is not your
own. You will be able to view and add to your references in EndNote Online
and it will sync these updates with the desktop version of EndNote.
To access EndNote Online go to: https://access.clarivate.com/login?app=endnote.
Click on Register under Not a member yet?
Provide an email address, password and your name then click Register.
An email will be sent to the email address you entered asking you to activate your
account. Follow the instructions in the email to activate your EndNote Online
Syncing EndNote Online with your desktop version of EndNote
When you return to the computer on which you have the desktop version of
EndNote, you can sync it with your EndNote Online account so that any new
references you added while you were using a different computer are added to your
desktop library on EndNote.
To sync the desktop version of EndNote to EndNote Online:
On the desktop version of EndNote, click Edit > Preferences if you are using
Windows, or EndNote 20 > Preferences if you are using a Mac.
In the EndNote Preferences dialogue box that appears, click Sync in the left-
hand column.
Click Enable Sync.
An EndNote login dialogue box will appear. Type in the email address and
password you used to create your EndNote Online account. Then click Save
or OK, depending on whether you are using a Windows or Mac machine.
Installing Word Processor Plugins
To insert citations from EndNote into word processed documents, you can usually
use the plug in for your word processor.
EndNote 20 has Cite While You Write plug-ins for:
Microsoft Word
Apache OpenOffice
Apple Pages
Wolfram Mathematica 8
If you’re using another word processor which can save as.rtf, you can use the
Format Paper option (see below).
To install the EndNote plug-in
You should automatically have installed the Cite While You Write plug-in when
installing EndNote and you do not need to do anything further.
These instructions are for when it has disappeared from Word or you did not already
have Word installed on your machine before installing EndNote.
1. Click on the File ribbon and select "Options"
2. Click on "Add-ins"
3. Change the "Manage" options to "Disabled Items"
4. Click Go
5. Highlight any EndNote item(s) and click "Enable"
6. Click OK
Instructions for OpenOffice: https://support.clarivate.com/Endnote/s/article/EndNote-
Instructions for Apple Pages:
Format Paper option
You can use EndNote with a word processor which doesn’t have the Cite While You
Write plug in as long as you can save documents in the .rtf format.
Create the in-text citation
In EndNote, select the reference you want by clicking on it. If you need more
than one reference at a time, hold down Ctrl key as you click
Press Ctrl+C to copy the references
Switch to the word processor
Place the cursor where the in-text citation is to be inserted. Press Ctrl+V to
paste the reference
These citations will be temporary citations. For Example {Hak, 2016 #1}.
These will be changed to proper citations when the document is formatted in
the instructions below.
Generate the paper with formatted citations and reference
In the word processor, create a copy of the document in RTF format.
Typically, this is done via File > Save As > Rich Text Format
In EndNote, open the library if necessary, and ensure that the correct output
style is selected
Click Tools > Format Paper >Format Paper… > select the RTF file > Open
EndNote will check that the citations in the paper are matched in the EndNote
Check the correct output style is selected (bottom right of screen), and then
click the Format button
A new RTF document will be generated > Save
In the word processor, open the newly generated RTF document
Keeping EndNote up to date
Saving a copy of your library
It is important to have a back of your EndNote library in case anything happens to
your computer and the original. You can save your library to an external hard drive
plugged into your computer or cloud drive, such as OneDrive. You may like to
consider the free rolling backup service from IT Services (look on the IT Services
website for how to join).
From the file menu choose Save a Copy.
You can save a compressed version (.ENLX) but this will only save a copy of your
references, not any PDFs you have added. To save both your references and PDFs,
make sure you save a copy of the ENL. file and a copy of the DATA. folder.
Updating EndNote software
It is important to keep EndNote updated. To make sure your copy of EndNote is up
to date in case any fixes for problems are released, check for updates:
In EndNote, click Help > Check for Updates.
EndNote will check for updates and install them if there are any.
NB. This will make sure your current version of EndNote is up to date.