It is well known
that regular oil
analysis is
useful in
monitoring the
condition of
turbines and
many other
types of oil
lubricated equipment. The same
can be said for transformer oils
which are used to insulate many
transformers and other electrical
distribution equipment. The
analysis of transformer oils not
only provides information about
the oil, but also enables the
detection of other potential
problems, including contact
arcing, ageing insulating paper
and other latent faults and is an
indispensable part of a cost-
efficient electrical maintenance
Transformer maintenance has
evolved over the past 20 years
from a necessary item of
expenditure to a strategic tool
in the management of electrical
transmission and distribution
networks. Extreme reliability is
demanded of electric power
distribution and, even though the
failure risk of a transformer and
other oil-filled electrical equipment
is small, when failures occur they
inevitably lead to high repair
costs, long downtime and very
real safety risks. Moreover,
transformers are too expensive
to replace regularly and must be
properly maintained to maximise
their life expectancy.
By accurately monitoring the
condition of the oil, many types
of faults can be discovered
before they become serious
failures and outages can
potentially be avoided.
Furthermore, an efficient
approach to maintenance can
be adopted and the optimum
intervals determined for
replacement. Some of the checks
are relatively simple: on the
operation of the gas relays,
on the operation of the on-load
tap-changer, on oil leaks, etc.
However, breakdown of one of
the most crucial elements, the
oil / paper insulating system, can
only reliably be detected by
routine oil analysis. By measuring
certain physical and chemical
properties of the oil, in addition
to the concentrations of certain
dissolved gases, a number of
problem conditions associated
with either the oil or the
transformer can be determined.
A member of the Set Point group
By Neil Robinson, B.Sc. Hons.
Neil Robinson
A basic introduction to an essential part of a
cost-efficient maintenance programme
the oil. An increase in acid number often
goes hand in hand with a decrease in dielectric
strength and increased moisture content
as shown in Figure 1. Again, just like their
industrial cousins, the acid content of
transformer oils is determined by
potentiometric titration with potassium
The dielectric strength of a transformer oil
is a measure of the oil’s ability to withstand
electrical stress without failure. Because
transformer oils are designed to provide
electrical insulation under high electrical
potentials, any significant reduction in the
dielectric strength will indicate that the oil is
no longer able to perform this vital function.
Some of the things that can cause a reduction
in dielectric strength include contaminants
such as water, sediment, conducting particles,
oil degradation by-products and cellulose
paper breakdown. The test method for
determining dielectric strength is relatively
simple and involves applying an AC voltage
at a controlled increasing rate to two
electrodes immersed in the transformer oil.
The gap is a specified distance and when the
current arcs across this gap the voltage
recorded is used to determine the dielectric
The power factor of a transformer oil is the
ratio of true power to apparent power and
is a measure of the current leakage through
the oil, which in turn is a measure of the
contamination or deterioration of the oil. In
a transformer, a high power factor is an
indication of significant power loss in the
The following are some common tests
performed on electrical transformer oils:
One of the most important functions of
transformer oil is to provide electrical
insulation. Any increase in moisture content
can reduce the insulating properties of the
oil, which may result in dielectric breakdown.
Water and oil, due to their differing chemical
properties are not mutually soluble. However,
up to a certain limit, a small amount of water
will dissolve in the oil. This limit is a function
of the temperature of the system and the
solubility increases exponentially with
increasing temperature. This is of particular
importance with fluctuating temperatures
because, as the transformer cools down,
any dissolved water will become free,
resulting in poor insulating power and oil
degradation. A point to note is that as the
oil ages in service, a certain amount of
oxidation occurs which changes the chemical
make up of the oil. This, in turn, allows more
water to dissolve. In addition, many
transformers contain cellulose-based paper,
which is used as insulation in the windings.
Again, excessive moisture content can result
in the breakdown of this paper insulation
with a resultant loss in performance. The
moisture content of the oil is determined
using a coulometric Karl Fischer instrument.
This is an extremely sensitive test and can
detect water at levels down to a few parts
per million.
Just like lubricating oils, transformer oils
are oxidised under the influence of excessive
temperature and oxygen, particularly in the
presence of small metal particles which can
act as catalysts. Oxidation products are
usually acidic in nature and result in an
increase in acid number. Further reaction
of these acids with the bulk oil can result in
sludge and varnish deposits. In the worst
case scenario, the oil canals become blocked
and the transformer is not cooled adequately,
which further exacerbates oil breakdown.
Furthermore, an increase in the acidity has
a damaging effect on the cellulose paper.
Oil degradation by-products such as acids
and hydroperoxides also generally have the
ability to conduct an electrical charge, which
in turn reduces the insulating properties of
Figure 1
Oxygen WaterMetal
Paper degradation
Sludge and
Paper chain
+ water
Oil oxidation
The cellulose materials are the weakest link
in the insulation system. Since the life of the
transformer is actually the life of the cellulose
insulation, and degradation of the cellulose
is irreversible, the decay products should be
removed before they can do any further
damage to the cellulose. With proper
maintenance the cellulose can virtually have
an indefinite life. To test for furanics, a
sample of the oil is obtained and certain
chemical techniques are used to extract the
furans from the oil. The extract is then
analysed using a process called high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
The results are usually reported in terms of
parts per billion (ppb).
The analysis of gases from petroleum
products has been performed for decades
using gas chromatography. However, this
technique was not applied specifically to
transformer mineral oils until the late 1960s
or early 1970s and is now commonly called
dissolved gas-in-oil analysis (DGA). DGA has
become a standard in the electrical
maintenance industry throughout the world
and is considered to be the most important
oil test for transformer oils in electrical
apparatus. More importantly, an oil sample
can be taken at any time from most
equipment without having to take it out of
service, allowing a “window” inside the electrical
apparatus that helps with diagnosing and
troubleshooting potential problems.
As the insulating materials of a transformer
break down from excessive thermal or
electrical stress, gaseous by-products form.
transformer oil, usually as a result of
contaminants such as water, oxidised oil
and cellulose paper degradation. It may also
be any substance in the oil that either resists
or conducts electricity differently to that of
the oil itself, which may include diesel fuel,
lubricating oil and kerosene. The test is not
specific in what it detects and is usually
carried out at elevated temperatures
because contaminants that affect the test
may remain undetected at 25ºC and only
reveal themselves at >90ºC.
The interfacial tension of transformer oil is
related to its deterioration. Transformer oil
is generally a hydrocarbon and thus
hydrophobic. However, when the sample
undergoes oxidative degradation, oxygenated
species such as carboxylic acids are formed,
which are hydrophilic in nature. Interfacial
tension is the surface tension of a sample
of the oil carefully floated on top of a layer
of water. The more hydrophilic the oil
becomes, the lower the value of the surface
tension between the two liquids. Studies
have shown that there is a definite
relationship between acid number and IFT.
An increase in acid number generally shows
a decrease in IFT. However, when there is
a loss in IFT without the corresponding
increase in acid number, it is generally
because of contamination with another
hydrophilic substance not derived from
oxidation of the oil.
The solid insulation (cellulose-based products)
in transformers degrades with time at
rates which depend on the temperature,
moisture content, oxygen and acids in the
insulation system. Heat and moisture are
the main enemies of the solid paper insulation
with oxidation as the primary culprit.
When degradation occurs, the cellulose
molecular chains (polymers) get shorter.
Chemical products such as furanic derivatives
are produced and dissolve in the
transformer oil. Of the furanic compounds,
2-furaldehyde is the most abundant. Its
concentration in oil has been related to the
degree of polymerisation (DP) and
consequently to the physical strength of the
solid insulation (see Figure 2).
Degree of polymerisation
Furanic concentration
Figure 2
The by-products are characteristic of the
type of incipient fault condition, the materials
involved and the severity of the condition.
Indeed, it is the ability to detect such a
variety of problems that makes this test
such a powerful tool for detecting incipient
fault conditions and for root cause
investigations after failures have occurred.
Dissolved gases are detectable in low
concentrations (ppm level), which usually
permits early intervention before failure of
the electrical apparatus occurs, and allows
for planned maintenance. The DGA technique
involves extracting or stripping the gases
from the oil and injecting them into a gas
chromatograph (GC).
Typical gases generated from mineral oil /
cellulose (paper and pressboard) insulated
transformers include:
Hydrogen H
Methane CH
Ethane C
Ethylene C
Acetylene C
Carbon Monoxide CO
Carbon Dioxide CO
Additionally, oxygen and nitrogen are always
present. Their concentrations vary with the
type of preservation system used on the
transformer. Also, gases such as propane,
butane, butene and others can be formed
as well, but their use for diagnostic purposes
is not widespread. The concentration of
the different gases provides information
about the type of incipient fault condition
present as well as the severity. For example,
four broad categories of fault conditions
have been described and characterised in
Table 1.
The severity of an incipient fault condition is
ascertained by the total amount of
combustible gases present (CO, H
, C
, C
, CH
), their rate of generation
and their ratios with one another. Generally,
transformers will retain a large portion of
the gases generated and therefore produce
a cumulative history of the insulating
materials’ degradation. This is an important
tool for detecting and trending incipient
problems. However, it also means that care
is needed in interpreting values for a first
time analysis on service-aged transformers
(several years old), which could contain
residual gases from previous events.
Some gas generation is expected from normal
ageing of the transformer insulation and it
is therefore important to differentiate
between normal and excessive gassing rates.
Normal ageing or gas generation varies with
transformer design, loading and type of
insulating materials. Routinely, general gassing
rates for all transformers are used to define
abnormal behaviour. Specific information for
a family of transformers can be used when
sufficient dissolved gas-in-oil data is available.
Acetylene is considered to be the most
significant gas generated. An enormous
amount of energy is required to produce
acetylene, which is formed from the
breakdown of oil at temperatures in excess
of 700ºC. Excessively high overheating of
the oil will produce the gas in low
concentrations. However, higher
concentrations are typically symptomatic of
sustained arcing, a more serious operational
issue that can cause a transformer failure
if left unchecked.
DGA is used not only as a diagnostic tool
but also to stem apparatus failure. Failure
of a large power transformer not only results
in the loss of very expensive equipment but
it can cause significant collateral damage as
well. Revenue losses due to operational
outages may be the least worrisome
consequence of a failure. Replacement of
that transformer can take up to a year if
the failure is not catastrophic and can result
in tremendous revenue losses. If the failure
Methane, Ethane,
Ethylene and small
amounts of Acetylene
Hydrogen, Methane
and small amounts of
Acetylene and Ethane
Hydrogen, Acetylene
and Ethylene
Carbon Monoxide and
Carbon Dioxide
Thermal condition
involving the oil
Partial discharge
Sustained arcing
Thermal condition
involving the paper
Table 1: Categories of key gases and general fault condition
is catastrophic, then additional losses could
occur, such as adjacent transformers,
environmental problems from the release
of oil (which could be as much as 20 000
litres), and the resulting fire that would have
to be contained and smothered. In order to
avoid such a failure, the sample frequency
of most large power transformers is between
one and three years. However, sampling
frequencies will increase as an incipient fault
is detected and monitored. Often sampling
frequencies are dictated by insurance
requirements, which often stipulate that
annual transformer oil analysis must be
conducted to ensure continued coverage.
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) are a group
of synthetic oil-like chemicals of the
organochlorine family. Until their toxic nature
was recognised and their use was banned
in the early 1980s, they were widely used
as insulation in electrical equipment,
particularly transformers. Three types of
PCBs are normally used in electrical
transformers: Aroclor 1242, 1254 and
1260, commonly known by various brand
names which include Askarel, Chlorectol,
Elemex, Inerteen and Pyranol.
One of the most important problems with
PCBs is that they concentrate in the fatty
parts of microorganisms. This concentration
factor between the organism and the water
can be as much as a million times.
Concentrations are further amplified as the
microorganisms become food for animals
further up the food chain, ultimately ending
up in humans. PCBs are very stable and
their degradation process is slow, making
for yet greater amplification in organisms.
Although not overly toxic in themselves,
PCBs are poisons, which have been shown
to cause damage to the reproductive,
neurological and immune systems of wildlife
and humans.
Far more serious are the risks of a fire or
an explosion. At temperatures around
500ºC, extremely toxic compounds -
polychlorinated dibenzofuranes (PCDF) and
polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD) - are
formed. Small amounts of these compounds
have been found at accidents where
transformers and capacitors have been
exposed to fire or have exploded. Even if
the amounts have been extremely small and
have caused no personal injuries, it has been
necessary to perform very extensive and
costly decontamination work.
PCDDs and PCDFs cause damage and
death in doses as low as 1ppb to
5000ppb. They are some of the most
potent cancer promoters known and can
damage organs such as the liver, kidney
and digestive tract as well as cause
miscarriage and sterility.
Methods of PCB analysis
Current methods of analysis are divided
into two major groups: PCB specific and
PCB non-specific. Non-specific methods
test for PCBs indirectly by detecting
one of the components of the PCB
compound, usually chlorine. In general,
non-specific methods are quicker and
less expensive than the specific methods.
However, these tests are susceptible to
false positive results, since the test does
not detect PCB itself.
Specific methods utilise some type
of chromatography to separate
PCB molecules from each other and
interfering compounds. It is not a case
of simply finding an easily quantifiable
compound, but of quantifying a complex
mixture of compounds. Of the three
major chromatography types, gas
chromatography (GC), thin layer
chromatography (TLC) and liquid
chromatography, GC is the preferred
and most extensively used method.
Terminology associated with PCBs is
defined below
Any fluid, including that in electrical
equipment and any item that has a
measurable PCB concentration of less
than 50ppm of PCB, is considered a
non-PCB item.
PCB contaminated
Any fluid, including that in electrical
equipment, and any item which has a
measurable PCB concentration of 50ppm
or greater but less than 500ppm is
regarded as being PCB contaminated.
Transformer oil that has not been tested
must be classified as PCB contaminated
until shown to be otherwise.
PCB item
Any fluid, including that in electrical
equipment and in any item which has a
measurable PCB concentration equal to or
greater than 500ppm, is regarded as a PCB
item. Once the PCB status is determined,
a sticker is issued and fixed to the item in
question. This allows for quick reference and
ensures that potential cross contamination
is avoided during future sampling,
maintenance and decommissioning if
Blending PCB contaminated oil with virgin
or other oil to meet the legal requirements
is obviously an illegal practice that has been
shown to happen from time to time.
This practice simply has the effect of
contaminating virgin oil supplies and ensures
that the PCBs persist in the environment,
leading to further contamination.
Greater detail on PCBs, their management,
disposal and applicable legislative issues
surrounding them, can be viewed on the
Wearcheck web site (
in an article entitled “Guide for PCB
management of insulating oils in South Africa”
by I.A.R. Gray under the Additional Info
As with machinery oil analysis, the ability of
transformer oil analysis to provide an early
warning sign of a problem condition is
Felicity Howden Public Relations 6/2006
Copies of previous Technical Bulletins can be accessed
on Wearcheck’s web site:
A member of the Set Point group
Publications are welcome to reproduce articles or extracts from them providing they acknowledge Wearcheck Africa, a member of the Set Point group.
dependent on the quality of the oil sample
that is sent to the lab. A sampling point on
any equipment should be identified and clearly
labelled for the technician. Also, as with
sampling locations in other types of
equipment, the same location should be used
each time a sample is collected to ensure
representative conditions are tested.
This point should be located in a place where
a live oil sample can be collected rather
than in an area where the oil is static.
Just like machinery oil analysis, electrical
transformer oil analysis can play a vital role
in preventing unscheduled outages in electrical
transmission and distribution equipment by
determining the condition of the equipment
itself, as well as other vital components,
including the condition of the oil and the
cellulose paper insulation. Regular routine oil
analysis should be the cornerstone of any
PM programme for all critical oil-filled electrical
equipment, including transformers, circuit
breakers and voltage regulators.
Anne Reygaerts – Laborelect, courtesy of
Noria Corporation.
NTT WorldWide Technical Bulletins
Lance R. Lewand, Doble Engineering
Company, courtesy of Noria Corporation
I.A.R. Gray - Transformer Chemistry Services
Neil Robinson is managing director of
Wearcheck Africa.