Progress Reports
You have a new notification issued by INSTRUCTOR
For COURSE for the following reason (s).
Multiple Alerts
Your instructor has indicated that you are in danger of failing the course listed above for a number of
reasons. A member of your Academic Success Team will be in touch soon to discuss these concerns and
help you address them in order to recover your standing in this course.
KU Academic Success
Dear <<Student Name>>
I wanted to reach out directly to you as you have been flagged in one of your classes this semester as being in
danger of failing. Your instructor indicated there may be multiple factors involved in your standing in this course
including <<list some or all of the reasons from faculty comments here>>.
I am happy to visit with you about strategies to improve your class performance. It is best to use your Jayhawk
GPS Navigate App to schedule a time on my calendar.
I have also listed a few very specific resources you can take advantage of now to address these concerns before
your next test or major assignment in the class:
<<Insert any of the “tips” from the other individual template letters that are copied below for quick copy/paste.
These are from the auto emails sent to students when only one flag is raised.>>
Academic Advisor Signature
COPY/PASTE Content to insert based on the comments provided by faculty:
Step 1: Check your BlackBoard gradebook to identify the assignments missing.
Step 2: It is important that you talk with your instructor or TA in about your grade issues or any other concerns
you have related to the course. You can speak to them via email or by scheduling a meeting as instructed on the
course syllabus. Be prepared to discuss the recent course assignments and your status for completing those. Your
instructor's contact information (office hours, email, etc.) and preferred method for meetings is included on the
course syllabus.
Step 1: Check your BlackBoard gradebook for this class to identify which assignments are receiving low points.
Step 2: Talk with your instructor or TA in about your grade issues or any other concerns you have related to the
course. Ask why you are receiving this message and discuss steps you can take for improvement. Your instructor's
contact information (office hours, email, etc.) and preferred method for student meetings is included on the
course syllabus.
Steps to Improve Class Attendance:
1. Make sure you have an understanding of attendance for each and every class straight from the
syllabus…these vary by faculty and will have nuances depending on whether you are in-person, online or
2. Create an accountability system that works for you whether it be an alarm for each class or a reward for
each week without a missed class.
3. If personal issues are related to your class attendance and you need help, reach out. Your instructor or
your academic advisor can help you explore your options for support from financial to personal well-
Step 1: Go to to view the menu of options to help you in this course. You can find a tutor,
meet with academic coaches, or view workshops and quick guides for fast help. For additional assistance
connecting to these services, call 785-864-7733.
Step 2: Email your instructor to find out more about the nature of this concern to make sure you understand what
is needed to pass this course. Check your syllabus for their contact information.
This course provides Supplemental Instruction to help students like you specifically in this class. Please watch this
quick video on Supplemental Instruction at KU.
It is important to take advantage of the Supplemental Instruction provided for your course. To get the SI schedule
for your class, ask the SI Leader who is attending your class. You can also contact the University Academic Support
Centers @ or at (785) 864-7733.
Staying engaged in class, regardless of whether you are in-person, online or in a hybrid course, is one of the
number one ways to improve your performance.
Suggestions for Improvements:
1. Be aware of your presence in class. Even in online environments, faculty can tell if you are
listening to the online lecture or if you are actively participating in discussion boards with
2. Take active notes. Whether hand written or typed, capture what is being said and try to connect it to the
class readings or the key theme for that day’s content.
3. Asking questions when available. Always have at least one question relevant to the topic prepared so that
you can demonstrate your class engagement when opportunities for questions come up.
4. Getting enough rest prior to class time.
5. Eating a balanced meal prior to class time or have health snacks available when attending online class
Talk with your instructor or TA. Be ready to talk about the nature of this request and ask questions about
the specific areas that sparked the concern. Your instructor’s contact information (office hours, email,
etc.) and preferred method for communication are posted on the course syllabus.
Student Emergency Aid Network provides resources for students who may need financial assistance during
emergency situations and are experiencing financial obstacles.
Financial Aid Support provides support to navigate the expense of college and how to explore funding
options. Every KU student has an assigned financial aid advisor so contact their office to get connected to
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students with issues related to adjusting to college
and other psychological, interpersonal, and family problems. Individual and group sessions are available.
Institutional Opportunity and Access Office serves as a neutral and unbiased resource for students,
faculty, and staff who wish to report an allegation of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct,
sexual violence and/or retaliation.
Ombuds Office is a safe place where members of the University of Kansas community can
seek informal, independent, confidential and impartial assistance in addressing conflicts, disputes, or
complaints on an informal basis without fear of retaliation or judgment.
Student Support and Case Management empowers students to address and overcome barriers in order
to achieve their educational and life goals.
The Care Coordinator provides support to survivors of gender based violence (sexual assault, violence and
harassment, stalking, intimate partner/domestic violence, use of alcohol to gain sexual access).
Tutoring and Academic Support is available through the University Academic Support Centers (UASC).
The UASC can help you locate course-specific assistance or connect you to services available such as
tutoring, academic accommodations, and writing support.