Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Medicare Billing: 837P and Form CMS-1500
Medicare FFS Contractors include
A/B Medicare Administrave
Contractors (MACs) and Durable
Medical Equipment (DME) MACs.
What are the 837P and Form CMS-1500?
The 837P (Professional) is the standard format used by health care
professionals and suppliers to transmit health c
are claims
electronically. The Form CMS-1500 is the standard paper claim form
to bill Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) Contractors when a paper
claim is allowed. In addion to billing Medicare, the 837P and Form CMS-1500 may be suitable for
billing various government and some private insurers.
Data elements in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) uniform electronic billing
specicaons are consist
ent with the hard copy data set to the extent that one processing system can
handle both. CMS designates the 1500 Health Insurance Claim Form as the CMS-1500 (08/05) and the form
is referred to throughout this fact sheet as the CMS-1500.
The American Naonal Standards Instute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Commiee (ASC) X12N 837P (Professional)
Version 5010A1 is the current electronic claim version. To learn more, visit the ASC X12 website on the Internet.
ANSI = American Naonal Standards Instute
ASC = Accredited Standards Commiee
X12N = Insurance secon of ASC X12 for the health insurance industry’s administrave transacons
837 = Standard format for transming health care claims electronically
P = Professional version of the 837 electronic format
Version 5010A1 = Current version of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
electronic transacon standards for health care professionals and suppliers.
The Naonal Uniform Claim Commiee (NUCC) has developed a crosswalk between the ASC X12N 837P and the
hard copy claim form located on the Internet. Medicare FFS Contractors may also include a crosswalk on
their websites.
CPT Disclaimer-American Medical Associaon (AMA) Noce
CPT only copyright 2012 American Medical Associaon. All Rights Reserved.
CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Associaon.
Applicable FARS\DFARS Restricons Apply to Government Use.
Fee schedules, relave value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not
recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly pracce medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data
contained or not contained herein.
ICN 006976 March 2013
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Implementaon and Companion Guides for Electronic Transacons
ASC X12N Implementaon Guides are the specic technical instrucons for implemenng each of the adopted
HIPAA standards and provide instrucons on the content and format requirements for each of the standards’
requirements. Implementaon Guides are wrien for use by all health benet payers, not specically for
Medicare. Implementaon Guides, including Version 5010 Consolidated Guides, are found at
hp://www.wpc-edi.com on the Internet.
Companion Guides are issued by CMS and health plans in an eort to provide the most up-to-date informaon
related to how standard transacons must be submied to that specic plan. Medicare Companion Guides
provide further instrucons idened as situaonal in an Implementaon Guide and are accessed by vising the
Medicare Fee-for-Service Companion Guides web page.
Medicare Claims Submissions
The “Medicare Claims Processing Manual” (Internet-Only Manual Publicaon [IOM Pub.] 100-04) is found on the IOM
web page. This publicaon includes instrucons on claims submission. Chapter 1 includes general billing requirements
for various health care professionals and suppliers. Other chapters oer claims submission informaon specic to a
health care professional or supplier type. Once in IOM Pub. 100-04, look for a chapter(s) applicable to your health care
professional or supplier type and then search within the chapter for claims submission guidelines. For example, Chapter
20 is entled “Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthecs, Orthocs, and Supplies (DMEPOS).
Visit Chapter 24 to learn more about electronic ling requirements, including the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
enrollment form that must be completed prior to subming Electronic Media Claims (EMCs) or other EDI transacons
to Medicare. Refer to Chapter 26 to learn what should be included in the 837P or in each item of the CMS-1500. The
Medicare Benet Policy Manual” (IOM Pub. 100-02) and the “Medicare Naonal Coverage Determinaons (NCD)
Manual,” (IOM Pub. 100-03) both include coverage informaon that may be helpful in claims submission. Search for
coverage guidance once within a chapter.
Correct coding is key to subming valid claims. To ensure claims are as accurate as possible, use current valid diagnosis
and procedure codes and code them to the highest level of specicity (maximum number of digits) available. Chapter
23 of the “Medicare Claims Processing Manual” is entled “Fee Schedule Administraon and Coding Requirements” and
includes informaon on diagnosis coding and procedure coding, as well as instrucons for codes with modiers.
Diagnosis Coding
The Internaonal Classicaon of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modicaon (ICD-9-CM), is currently used to code
diagnosc informaon on claims. The United States Government publishes the ICD-9-CM. Mulple enes publish ICD-
9-CM manuals and the full ICD-9-CM is available for purchase on CD-ROM through a link on the CMS website. From the
ICD-9-CM web page, select the CD-ROM Version of ICD-9-CM.
ICD-10-CM (tenth revision) will replace the ICD-9-CM to report diagnoses on October 1, 2014. An ICD-10 web page
explains the recommended steps to plan and prepare for this new system.
Procedure Coding
Use Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Level I and II codes to code procedures on all claims. Level I
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT-4) codes describe medical procedures and professional services. CPT is a numeric
coding system maintained by the AMA. The “CPT” code book is available from the AMA Bookstore on the Internet.
The Medicare Learning Network® (MLN) oers a downloadable guide about Evaluaon and Management (E/M) codes,
which are a subset of HCPCS Level I codes. The “Evaluaon and Management Services Guide” is available on the
CMS website.
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Level II of the HCPCS is a standardized coding system that is used primarily to idenfy products, supplies,
and services not included in the CPT codes, such as ambulance services and DMEPOS when used outside a
physician’s oce or injecons administered within a physician’s oce or clinic. Because Medicare and other
insurers cover a variety of services, supplies, and equipment that are not idened by CPT codes, the Level II HCPCS
codes, or alpha-numeric codes as they may be referred to, were established for subming claims for these items. These
codes are found in the “Health Care Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)” code book or by vising the Alpha-Numeric
HCPCS web page.
Proper use of modiers with procedure codes is essenal to subming correct claims. The AMAs “CPT” code book
includes HCPCS Level I codes and modiers, while the “HCPCS” code book includes HCPCS Level II codes and related
modiers. Resources about modiers on the CMS website include:
• The “Modier -59” arcle explains the correct use of -59 as a disnct procedural service;
• The Physician Quality Reporng System (PQRS) web page explains the incenve payment to pracces with
eligible professionals who sasfactorily report data on their claims;
• The Physician Bonuses web page outlines whether or not a modier is required to receive the Health
Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) bonus payment; and
• Chapters of the “Medicare Claims Processing Manual” (IOM Pub. 100-04) also oer modier informaon.
For example, Chapter 30 includes informaon related to modiers for Advance Beneciary Noces (ABNs).
Subming Accurate Claims
Health care professionals and suppliers play a vital role in protecng the integrity of the Medicare Program by
subming accurate claims, maintaining current knowledge of Medicare billing policies, and ensuring all
documentaon required to support the medical need for the service rendered is submied.
In addion to correct claims compleon, Medicare payment requires that an item or service:
• Meets a benet category;
• Is not specically excluded from coverage; and
• Is reasonable and necessary.
In general, fraud is dened as making false statements or representaons of material facts to obtain some benet or
payment for which no entlement would otherwise exist.
Abuse describes pracces that, either directly or indirectly, result in unnecessary costs to the Medicare Program.
It is a crime to defraud the Federal government and its programs. Punishment may involve imprisonment, signicant
nes, or both under a number of laws including the False Claims Act, the An-Kickback Statute, the Physician Self-
Referral Law (Stark Law), and the Criminal Health Care Fraud Statute.
For more informaon about Medicare Program integrity funcons and how health care professionals and suppliers can
help to protect Medicare from fraud and abuse, reference the “Medicare Program Integrity Manual” (IOM Pub. 100-
08, Chapter 4) on the CMS website. The MLN also provides a fact sheet tled “Medicare Fraud & Abuse: Prevenon,
Detecon, and Reporng.” This fact sheet is designed to provide educaon on prevenng, detecng, and reporng
Medicare fraud and abuse. It includes denions as well as informaon on laws, partnerships with other organizaons,
and resources for addional informaon.
The MLN also provides a number of compliance educaon products designed to help health care professionals and
suppliers submit accurate claims.
CPT only copyright 2012 American Medical Associaon. All rights reserved.
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When Does Medicare Accept a Hard Copy Claim Form?
Inial claims for payment under Medicare must be submied electronically unless a health care
professional or supplier qualies for a waiver or excepon from the Administrave
Simplicaon Compliance Act (ASCA) requirement for electronic submission of claims.
Before subming a hard copy claim, health care professionals and suppliers should self-assess
to determine if they meet one or more of the ASCA excepons. For example, health care
professionals and suppliers that have fewer than 10 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) employees and
bill a Medicare FFS Contractor are considered to be small and might therefore qualify to be
exempt from Medicare electronic billing requirements. If a health care professional or supplier meets an excepon, there
is no need to submit a waiver request.
There are other situaons when the ASCA electronic billing requirement could be waived for some or all claims, such
as if disability of all members of a health care professional’s or suppliers sta prevents use of a computer for electronic
submission of claims. Health care professionals and suppliers must obtain Medicare pre-approval to submit paper claims
in these situaons by subming a waiver request to their Medicare FFS Contractor.
To learn more about the ASCA waivers and excepons, visit the Electronic Billing & EDI Transacons web page and select
one of the ASCA opons in the le menu. Refer to Chapter 24, Secons 90-90.6, of the “Medicare Claims Processing
Manual” (IOM Pub. 100-04) for further informaon on ASCA electronic billing requirements and enforcement reviews of
health care professionals and suppliers.
Download a sample of the form by vising the CMS Forms List web page. In the Filter On box, enter 1500. Copies of the
CMS-1500 should not be downloaded for submission of claims, since they may not accurately replicate colors included in
the form. These colors are needed to enable automated reading of informaon on the form. Visit the U.S. Government
Bookstore to order the form. The CMS-1500 is also available from prinng companies and oce supply stores, as long as
it follows the CMS approved specicaons found in the “Medicare Claims Processing Manual” (IOM Pub. 100-04, Chapter
26, Secon 30).
Timely Filing
The mely ling period for both paper and electronic Medicare claims is 12 months, or one calendar year, aer the date
of service.
Claims are denied if they arrive aer the deadline date. When a claim is denied for having been led aer the mely
ling period, such a denial does not constute an inial determinaon. As such, the determinaon that a claim was not
led mely is not subject to appeal.
Medicare uses the line item ‘From’ date to determine the date of service for claims ling meliness for claims submied
by health care professionals and suppliers that include span dates of service. (This includes DME supplies and rental
items.) If a line item ‘From’ date is not mely but the ‘To’ date is mely, contractors must split the line item and deny the
unmely services as not mely led.
Medicare regulaons allow excepons to the 12-month me limit for ling claims. To review these excepons, refer to
the “Medicare Claims Processing Manual” (IOM Pub. 100-04, Chapter 1) on the CMS website.
Where to Submit FFS Claims
Claims for services must be submied to the appropriate Medicare FFS Contractor. Contact the Medicare FFS Contractor
by referencing the Provider Compliance Group Interacve Map on the CMS website. Medicare beneciaries cannot be
charged for compleng or ling a claim. Health care professionals and suppliers may be subject to penalty for violaons.
If a beneciary is enrolled in a Medicare Advantage (MA) Plan, claims should not be submied to the Medicare
FFS Contractor; the beneciary’s MA Plan is responsible for claims processing. CMS provides a list of
MA claims processing contacts on the CMS website.
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Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP)
MSP provisions apply to situaons when Medicare is not the beneciarys primary health insurance coverage
and ensure that Medicare does not pay for services and items that certain other health insurance or coverage is
primarily responsible for paying. For more informaon, reference the “Medicare Secondary Payer for Provider,
Physician, and Other Supplier Billing Sta” fact sheet available through the MLN “Catalog of Products” on the CMS
website. The Medicare Secondary Payer & You web page oers informaon on MSP laws and the various methods
employed by CMS to gather data on other insurance that may be primary to Medicare.
Where to Learn More
Electronic Billing & EDI Transacons
To read more about submission of electronic claims, visit the CMS Electronic Billing & EDI Transacons web page.
Health Care Payment and Remiance Advice
Medicare FFS Contractors use a noce called a Remiance Advice (RA) as a means to communicate to health care
professionals and suppliers claim processing decisions such as payments, adjustments, and denials. The Health Care
Payment and Remiance Advice web page oers informaon on the 835 standard transacon for the Electronic Remit
Advice (ERA) and the Standard Paper Remit (SPR).
HIPAA Versions 5010 and D.0 & 3.0
This secon of the CMS website contains informaon and educaonal resources pertaining to Version 5010, which is the
version of the X12 standards for HIPAA transacons.
MLN Guided Pathways (GP) to Medicare Resources
The MLN Guided Pathways (GP) to Medicare Resources web page helps health care professionals, providers, suppliers,
and contractors gain knowledge on resources and products related to Medicare and the CMS website.
Naonal Correct Coding Iniave Edits
In the le column of this web page are NCCI edits for physician and hospital outpaent claims and Medically Unlikely
Edits (MUEs).
Professional Paper Claim Form (CMS-1500)
This web page contains informaon about subming paper claims. Click on Administrave Simplicaon Compliance Act
Self Assessment in the le column to read about the limited circumstances when an inial claim may be a paper claim.
“CMS Form 1500”
This web-based training course is designed to provide educaon on how to accurately le Medicare Part B claims.
It includes informaon and direcons for billing that will help to reduce or eliminate the chances of receiving
unprocessable rejecons. To locate this course, scroll down the page and select Web-Based Training (WBT) Courses.
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“Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) EDI Standards”
This web-based training course is designed to provide educaon on electronic billing, transacon standards, and code
sets. It includes an overview of the steps involved in the Medicare electronic data interchange process. To locate this
course, scroll down the page and select Web-Based Training (WBT) Courses.
“Medicare Billing Cercate Program for Part B Providers”
This program is designed to provide educaon on Part B of the Medicare Program. It includes required web-based
training courses, readings, and a list of helpful resources. Upon successful compleon of this program, you will receive a
cercate in Medicare billing for Part B providers from CMS. To locate this course, scroll down the page and select Web-
Based Training (WBT) Courses.
“Medicare Secondary Payer Provisions”
This web-based training course is designed to provide educaon on the MSP provisions. Understanding and correctly
applying these provisions when subming claims to Medicare can reduce claim submission errors. To locate this course,
scroll down the page and select Web-Based Training (WBT) Courses.
“Medicare Claims Processing Manual,” IOM Pub. 100-04, Chapter 26, “Compleng and Processing the Form CMS-1500
Data Set
Chapter 26 outlines billing requirements for health care professionals and suppliers using the 837P or Form CMS-1500.
“Evaluaon and Management Services Guide”
This guide is designed to provide educaon on evaluaon and management services. It includes the following
informaon: medical record documentaon, evaluaon and management billing and coding consideraons, and the
“1995 Documentaon Guidelines for Evaluaon and Management Services” and the “1997 Documentaon Guidelines
for Evaluaon and Management Services.
“MLN Guided Pathways to Medicare Resources: Basic Curriculum for Health Care Professionals, Suppliers,
and Providers”
This basic curriculum includes informaon about Medicare resources applicable to all health care professionals,
suppliers, and providers.
“MLN Guided Pathways to Medicare Resources: Intermediate Curriculum for Health Care Professionals and Suppliers”
This intermediate curriculum provides detailed resources for informaon on Medicare policies and requirements
applicable to physicians, non-physician praconers, and suppliers who enroll using the CMS-855B, CMS-855I, CMS-
855O, or CMS-855S enrollment applicaons.
“MLN Guided Pathways to Medicare Resources: MLN Guided Pathways Provider Specic”
This advanced curriculum includes specialty and facility specic informaon for Medicare instuonal providers,
physicians, health care professionals, and suppliers.
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“How to Use The Naonal Correct Coding Iniave (NCCI) Tools”
This booklet is designed to provide educaon on how to navigate the CMS NCCI web pages. It includes informaon
on how to look up Medicare code pair edits and MUEs, as well as an explanaon of how the NCCI tools can help
providers avoid coding and billing errors and subsequent payment denials.
“Medicare Claim Review Programs: MR, NCCI Edits, MUEs, CERT, and RAC”
This booklet is designed to provide educaon on the dierent CMS claim review programs and assist providers
in reducing payment errors; in parcular, coverage and coding errors. It includes frequently asked quesons,
resources, and an overview of the various programs, including Medical Review, Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC),
and the Comprehensive Error Rate Tesng (CERT) Program.
The Naonal Provider Idener (NPI): What You Need to Know
This booklet is designed to provide educaon on the NPI. It includes informaon on NPI basics, the Naonal Plan
and Provider Enumeraon System (NPPES), health care provider categories, and how to apply for an NPI.
“Medicare Claim Submission Guidelines”
This fact sheet is designed to provide educaon on Medicare claim submissions. It includes informaon about
enrolling in the Medicare Program; private contracts with Medicare beneciaries; ling Medicare claims;
deducbles, coinsurance, and copayments; and coordinaon of benets.
“MLN Suite of Products and Resources for Billing and Coding Professionals”
This suite of products provides business oce management professionals with a list of accurate, mely, and
easy-to understand billing and coding products as well as informaon to assist in understanding and streamlining
claims submissions.
New Maximum Period for the Submission of Medicare Claims Podcast
This podcast is designed to provide educaon on the new maximum period that health care professionals and
suppliers have for the submission of Medicare claims. It includes informaon to determine the date of service on
the claim statement. In the Filter On box, enter the name of the podcast.
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This fact sheet was current at the me it was published or uploaded onto the web. Medicare policy changes frequently so links to the source documents have been
provided within the document for your reference.
This fact sheet was prepared as a service to the public and is not intended to grant rights or impose obligaons. This fact sheet may contain references or links to
statutes, regulaons, or other policy materials. The informaon provided is only intended to be a general summary. It is not intended to take the place of either the
wrien law or regulaons. We encourage readers to review the specic statutes, regulaons, and other interpreve materials for a full and accurate statement of
their contents.
The Medicare Learning Network® (MLN), a registered trademark of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), is the brand name for ocial CMS educaon
and informaon for Medicare Fee-For-Service Providers. For addional informaon, visit the MLN’s web page at hp://go.cms.gov/MLNGenInfo on the CMS website.
Your feedback is important to us and we use your suggesons to help us improve our educaonal products, services and acvies and to develop products, services
and acvies that beer meet your educaonal needs. To evaluate Medicare Learning Network® (MLN) products, services and acvies you have parcipated in,
received, or downloaded, please go to hp://go.cms.gov/MLNProducts and click on the link called ‘MLN Opinion Page’ in the le-hand menu and follow
the instrucons.
Please send your suggesons related to MLN product topics or formats to [email protected].
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