Mazal Tov
A Chabad Wedding Guide
By Rabbi N. D. Dubov
Published by
Sichos In English
788 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213
5772 2012
Mazal Tov
A Chabad Wedding Guide
Published and Copyrighted © by
Sichos In English
788 Eastern Parkway • Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213
Tel. (718) 778-5436
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced in any form or by any means,
including photo-copying, without permission in
writing from the copyright holder or the publisher.
ISBN 978-0-9831250-9-9
5772 • 2012
U Table of Contents T
Introduction ................................................................................................... v
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................vi
Chapter 1 – In Preparation
Age .............................................................................................................1
Preparations for a Shidduch ..................................................................2
Segulos for a Shidduch..............................................................................4
The Search for a Shidduch .....................................................................5
Parents ......................................................................................................7
Criteria and Information.....................................................................9
Compatibility....................................................................................... 12
Yiras Shomayim and Good Middos .................................................... 12
Place of Residence............................................................................... 16
Same Names......................................................................................... 16
Older Siblings ...................................................................................... 19
Marrying a Bas Kohen.......................................................................... 20
Two Brothers to Two Sisters............................................................ 21
Zivug Sheni ............................................................................................. 21
Chapter 2 – Meetings and Decisions
Meetings and Decisions .................................................................... 23
Receiving the Rebbe’s Blessing ........................................................ 27
Chapter 3 – The Vort ................................................................................ 29
Chapter 4 – The Period between the Engagement
and the Wedding
The Period Between the Engagement and the Wedding .......... 33
Breaking an Engagement.................................................................. 39
Fixing the Date of the Wedding...................................................... 40
The Place of the Wedding................................................................. 43
Wedding Expenses.............................................................................. 43
Tznius between Chosson and Kallah Before the Wedding............ 45
IV |
Wedding Invitations .......................................................................... 46
The Wedding Ring.............................................................................. 47
Chapter 5 – The Oifruf
The Oifruf .............................................................................................. 49
The Days Before the Wedding......................................................... 50
Chapter 6 – The Wedding Day
Fasting on the Day of the Wedding ............................................... 53
The Wedding Day ............................................................................... 55
The Rav.................................................................................................. 57
The Witnesses ...................................................................................... 57
The Kabbolas Ponim — Reception..................................................... 58
The Tenaim............................................................................................ 60
The Kesubah — Wedding Contract .................................................. 61
Shushvinin — Escorts ........................................................................... 62
Bedekin — Veiling of the Bride.......................................................... 63
In Preparation for the Chuppah........................................................ 64
Chapter 7 – The Chuppah......................................................................... 67
Chapter 8 – Yichud — Seclusion ............................................................ 75
Chapter 9 – The Wedding Meal ........................................................... 77
Chapter 10 – The Seven Days of
Sheva Berachos.............................. 81
Honeymoon.......................................................................................... 85
Chapter 11 – After the Wedding .......................................................... 87
1. What to Say and What Not to Say Regarding a Shidduch ..... 89
2. Standard Text of Tenaim............................................................... 93
3. Standard Text of a Kesubah .......................................................... 95
4. Maamar Lecha Dodi 5689 ................................................................ 97
5. Maamar Lecha Dodi 5714 .............................................................. 103
6. Boruch Habo, Mi Adir..................................................................... 109
7. The Rebbe’s Letter........................................................................ 111
8. Birchos Erusin Venisuin................................................................... 113
9. Glossary........................................................................................... 115
U Introduction T
Mazal Tov! At the moment a new engagement is announced,
family and friends unite in wishing the engaged couple Mazal Tov,
and plans for the wedding are under way. This guide will help you
prepare for this momentous occasion, following the directives of
the Rebbeim of Chabad. Much of the material has been culled from
the voluminous Igros Kodesh of the Rebbe in which he penned
responses to questions and requests for blessings. This material has
been gathered in numerous books on the subject both in Hebrew
and in English, however it is presented here in a step by step guide.
A disclaimer should be made at the very outset; although the
Rebbe instructed that these letters be prepared for publication and
dissemination, nevertheless, the individual responses may be
directives to that particular individual in a certain circumstance,
and not necessarily a directive for all. Therefore in a case where one
of these directives is in question, one should seek the advice and
guidance of a Rav and a Mashpia. Nevertheless, we have presented
these responses as a general guide, since in most cases these were
the instructions and guidance offered by the Rebbe in numerous
situations. This is borne out by the fact that the same instruction is
presented in numerous letters, as indicated in the footnotes for
those who wish to study the source material.
The Rebbe once said:
“In reference to minhagim in general and certainly in reference
to wedding customs in particular, every detail is important because
a wedding causes the revelation of the power of the Infinite
through the establishment of a Dor Yesharim Mevorach (an “upright
and blessed generation”), and since the revelation of the power of
the Infinite is drawn down through the Nassi of the generation,
| V
VI |
therefore it is all important that one should conduct oneself with
the minhagim of the Rebbe.” — Toras Menachem Vol. 10 p. 199.
We hope that the upcoming simchah be in a good and
auspicious hour and may we soon merit that which it says in the
Sheva Berachos, “let there speedily be heard in the cities of Judah and
in the streets of Jerusalem the sound of joy and the sound of
happiness, the sound of a chosson and the sound of a kallah...” with
the coming of Moshiach Now!
U Acknowledgements T
With deep gratitude to Hashem I present this Chabad wedding
guide. It is with the fervent hope that this will help chassanim, kallos
and their families prepare for the awesome occasion of a wedding,
in which a new Jewish and Chassidic home is established.
I would like to thank; Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rabbi
Chaim Rapoport, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Garelik, Rabbi Noach Vogel
and Mr. Benzion Hackner for their proofreading and most valuable
corrections and comments.
Thanks to Kehot Publication Society for giving permission to
reproduce the picture of the Rebbe on the front cover, the
Maamarim of Lecha Dodi, and the text of the Blessings under the
A warm word of gratitude, to Rabbi Yonah Avtzon and Yosef
Yitzchok Turner, for nurturing this book to fruition.
Special thanks to my wife Sarah and our children for their
partnership in our joint shlichus. May we and all Klal Yisroel merit to
make many Simchas all in good health, and may we all merit to
celebrate these Simchas with the coming of Moshiach speedily in our
days Amen!
Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov
22nd Shvat, 5772
U Approbations T
Rabbi L Y Raskin
Dayan, Lubavitch Synagogue
107-115 Stamford Hill
London N16 5RP
Tel. (020) 8800 0022 Ext. 112
Home tel. (020) 8802 1606
חמ" ס'תוחילשה הדשב םיביתנ 'דועו
מוד"שטיוואבויל תליהק צ
ליה דראפמאטס ,נ ןודנול.16 107-115
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כ"ה תבט ב'בשת"ע
יותב גלפומה ידידי"ול בר וידי ש
הובעב"בחא ברקל ק"הניכשה יפנכ תחת לא י,
וירוענמ םימכוחמ םירבח רבוחו,
ומ"טילש דוד ןסינ ה"א,
ורפס ינוילג לע ירבעב יתינהנ תובר ,ןיכודיש ינינעב , רדסו םיאנת ירושיק
הנותחה ,יז ונאישנ וניתובר תוארוה יפל"נהו ע םויהכ שטיוואבויל תדעב םיגוה
הזה . ךותמ רבד ןיבהל םיכח אלד ןאמל תילגנא תפשב עיפומ רוביחה
הלב םירוביחה"ק , ומש ארקנו
Mazel Tov .רדוסמ רבד וב יתאצמ ןכאו ,
עלוקו חצ ןושלב ,ורוקמ ןייוצמ רבד לכל רשאכ . תלעות וב יתיארש אנידומו
רפס יעדויל םג ,םירוביח תורשעמ וב טקלנ יכ תחת םייוצמ םניא םקלח רשא
דחא לכ לש ודי , ירפסב וראבתנש ןיאושינ ינינעל םיבר םינויצ וב ופסונ םגו
אד"ונאישנ וניתובר לש ח .
תכ תא ךרבאו"יוארה הדהאב הז ורפס לבקתיש ר 'ול , תלעות איבישו
תודיסחהו הרותה ןרק םירהל ,ףעתסמהו הרהט ינינעב תוריהזה ךותמ , תוכזו
םיברהביש לארשיב םיתב ונ)בתכמ ןושלכ-כ לש הכרב"ומדא ק"יז ר"ע ( לע
הרותבש רואמב םיראומ םהש יפכ הוצמהו הרותה ידוסי , תהרות יהוז
תודיסחהודיב יולת .
ונב יאושינ תארקל עיפומ רפסה ,טילש ןמחנ לאפר ברה"א .הי" אהתש ר
מוטעשב הנותחה"םירשי רודב וכרבתיו צ ,כ תראפתל"ומדא ק"יז ר"ע.
ודה ודידי"הכת ש"י,
ןיקסאר קחצי יול
Chapter 1
U In Preparation T
U Age
1. The Mishnah in Pirkei Avos
states: “age 18 for chuppah
The Alter Rebbe in Hilchos Talmud Torah
explains this to
mean that the age at which begins the mitzvah of Pru Urvu
is 18,
for even after marriage a person can learn Torah for
two or three years
without too much responsibility and
the burdens of earning a living — with only a small family
— and then at the age of 20 one reaches the age at which
to pursue a livelihood.
2. The Chabad custom is for young men to start looking for
shidduchim in their early twenties.
U Credentials
3. Before entertaining shidduchim, a person must make sure
that any suggested partner is; a) fully Jewish, and there are
no questions of a non-halachic conversion in their mater-
nal lineage, b) if the chosson is a Kohen, then it must be
1. Ch. 5 end.
2. This means at the beginning of the 18th year — Rambam Hilchos Ishus 15:2.
3. Ch. 3:1
4. Although one is obligated to keep all other mitzvos at age 13, nevertheless the
obligation to marry only starts at age 18. The reason for this is that in order to
be able to keep the mitzvah of marriage properly it is necessary to first engage
in learning Torah until age 18 — Hilchos Talmud Torah ibid.
5. See Toras Menachem Vol. 7 p. 29.
6. Avos and Bartenura ibid.
7. Toras Menachem Vol. 10 p. 202. As regards the age of the girl see Igros Kodesh Vol.
6 p. 72 regarding a shidduch for a 17 year old.
| 1 |
made sure that the suggested kallah is not a convert nor
has she had a previous relationship which would disqual-
ify her from marriage to a Kohen, c) they must be aware of
any previous marriage (even civil). Any questions or
doubts in this area must be presented before a competent
4. Today blood tests are available that ascertain whether or
not a suggested shidduch is genetically compatible, or as a
result of a common gene shared by both parties their
children may be susceptible to genetic disorders chas
vesholom. As soon as one seriously begins to entertain the
compatibility of a shidduch, their respective blood types
should be checked to see if they are compatible.
U Preparations for a Shidduch
5. Singles should pray that Hashem brings them to meet their
correct mate.
8. The Rav must also look into the following; a) if either the chosson or kallah were
adopted and whether they had a halachic conversion, b) if either were
previously married and had a halachic divorce, c) the marriage of a Kohen to a
divorcee, chalutza, chalalah, convert, or a woman with a Jewish mother but
gentile father, or if both parents of the woman are converts (if just one parent is
a convert either father or mother, then the wedding is permissible), d) if either
were widowed, a death certificate needs to be produced, and if the kallah is a
widow, ninety days need to have passed since the husband’s death, e) if chalitzah
is required.
It is necessary, that where applicable, the Kesubah of the parents of the chosson
and kallah be produced to ascertain their identity, and check the parents’
Hebrew names.
9. These tests are now common practice — and not as indicated in Responsa
Mishneh Halachos Vol. 12:265.
10. See Tehillim 32:6 (with commentaries) and Berachos 8a. We find (Bereishis 28:11
and commentaries) that Yaakov Avinu engaged in Avodas HaTefillah before he
went to raise a family. Furthermore he placed stones around his head to protect
his head. From this we learn that before one enters family life one must protect
the head that it be steeped in Torah and Tefillah — see Toras Menachem Vol. 2 p.
The Mishnah in Taanis (end) states: “There was no greater holiday for the
Jewish people as the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur for on those days the
6. In order to build an everlasting edifice, the foundations
need to be strong. The best foundation for marriage is to
dedicate oneself to the learning of Torah and the
performance of mitzvos behiddur.
This applies both to
men and women.
7. Young men should endeavor to receive semichah (rabbinic
ordination) in Rabbonus before the wedding.
8. There are those who claim that they do not wish to
entertain a shidduch until they have sorted out a means of
livelihood. However, they are not mutually exclusive. Once
one has reached the age of marriage — and certainly if
being single presents a nisayon/challenge in one’s yiras
daughters of Jerusalem would go out dancing in the vineyards saying, “Bochur
lift up your eyes...” In Likkutei Sichos Vol. 24 p. 57, the Rebbe explains that this
lifting up of the eyes was to look at a potential shidduch — not as any physical or
spiritual advantage that you can see which is pleasing to your eyes, rather —
with the recognition that matches are made in Heaven, and therefore one
should pray that this is the true shidduch that has been decreed Above.
11. Toras Menachem Vol. 31 p. 55.
12. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 75. The purpose of this is not so much that everyone is
expected to become a practicing rabbi, rather the intent is that every head of
household needs to recognize a shaalah — a question of halachah, when one arises
and to bring it to the attention of a Rav. Furthermore, it is not always possible
to ask a Rav and therefore one must know the basics oneself — see Sicha 13th
Tamuz 5712.
The nature of a semichah course is that one must immerse oneself in the
subject matter. Consideration of shidduchim in the middle of the course would
naturally be a disturbance. Therefore it is better not to entertain suggestions
until after the semichah has been completed. Nevertheless, if one is sure that this
will not be a disturbance then one may proceed — Shaarei Shidduchin, Heichal
Menachem p. 62.
A certain chosson was in Yechidus a short time before his wedding and he had
not yet completed his semichah and was rushing to finish before the wedding.
The Rebbe said to him;Now just before the wedding you are busy with the
exam?! Now you need to learn the halachos (of married life) and chassidus!
Nevertheless you should now decide on a time after the wedding such as six
weeks after the wedding that you will complete the semichah. If this is decided
before the wedding it may be considered as if you received semichah before the
wedding (from a Reshimah of R. Menachem Wolf).
shomayim — then one should look for a shidduch and often
a suitable parnassah will be found simultaneously.
U Segulos for a Shidduch
9. There are a number of things that are a segulah
for a
a) To make a firm decision that when Hashem will
eventually present one with a partner, that one will
build a true Jewish home on the foundations of Torah
and mitzvos, keeping Taharas Hamishpochoh, Kashrus and
b) To designate fixed times for studying Torah, both
and Chassidus.
c) Giving Tzedakah before prayer.
13. Shaarei Shidduchin p. 104. It should be noted that the Alter Rebbe writes in
Likkutei Torah at the end of Parshas Vzos Haberachoh that the blessing bestowed
upon a man is in the merit of his wife. This is also echoed in the Alter Rebbe’s
Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, Hilchos Onaah section 32 where he writes, “A
person should be careful to honor his wife, for blessing is only bestowed upon a
person’s house in the merit of his wife, and that is what the Sages said to their
generation — “Honor your wives so that you may become wealthy.”
Consequently, in the quest for parnassah, it may actually be accelerated in the
merit of a wife.
On one occasion the Rebbe was asked whether a young man should entertain
a suggestion even though he had no means to make a parnassah. He replied that
since the girl suggested had many good attributes he should definitely interest
himself in the shidduch. Nevertheless, since he was not going to enter a kollel
after marriage, there needed to be some practical plans made before the
wedding how to support them both — see Nelcha B’orchosov p. 42 quoted in
Shidduchim Venissuin, Kehot p. 47-48.
14. Although the Rebbe was not wont to give “Segulos” — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p.
247, Vol. 14 p. 394, nevertheless, each mitzvah has a particular segulah — see
Sicha Shabbos Parshas Bereishis 5728, Likkutei Sichos Vol. 6 p. 271, and when
somebody is in need he will often resort to the segulah attached to that mitzvah
— see Likkutei Sichos Vol. 19 p. 121.
15. Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 74, Vol. 14 p. 478, Vol. 18 p. 327.
16. In numerous places the Rebbe writes that fixed times for Torah learning are a
segulah to find a shidduch — see for example Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p. 73, Vol. 8 p. 219.
17. Igros Kodesh Vol. 13 p. 102, Vol. 12 p. 392.
d) Learning Chitas.
e) Having a positive influence on others, especially in the
area of Chinuch.
f) Hafotzas Hamayonos.
g) To check one’s Tefillin.
h) Lighting Shabbos candles is a segulah to find a husband
who is a Talmid Chacham.
i) If there is an older brother or sister, one must make
sure that they give their full consent (mechilah) for the
younger sibling to go ahead with a shidduch. This
consent is in itself a segulah for the older sibling to find
a shidduch.
j) Working in one of the Rebbe’s institutions.
U The Search for a Shidduch
10. When one has reached the age of shidduchim, one should
search for a shidduch as if looking for an object one has
One must be proactive in this issue and not just
await a suggestion.
18. Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 190. Vol. 4 p. 300. This is especially the case if the Tzedakah
is for Hachnossas KallahIgros Kodesh Vol. 16 p. 180.
19. Ibid.
20. Igros Kodesh Vol. 13 p. 269, Vol. 15 p. 211.
21. Igros Kodesh Vol. 10 p. 259.
22. Shaarei Shidduchin p. 83.
23. See Likkutei Sichos Vol. 17 p. 147.
24. Igros Kodesh Vol. 26 p. 128, Vol. 20 p. 228.
25. Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 85.
26. This expression of Chazal (Kiddushin 2b, Niddah 31b) is not just fanciful writing,
rather it suggests that without a shidduch one is actually missing something, as
Chazal say that one who lives without a wife is without joy — Igros Kodesh Vol. 12
p. 195.
27. Igros Kodesh Vol. 18 p. 436. Just as when one loses any item one proactively
searches for the lost object, and does not await for someone to come and say
they found it, so too must one be proactive in looking for a shidduch — Igros
Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 144, p. 178.
11. One should not be deterred by any difficulties or
disappointments. Indeed there is no cause for depression
if things are not working out, rather one should increase
in one’s simchah
in doing this mitzvah, for a true match is
made in Heaven. One need only make a firm resolve that
one will seek to fulfill this mitzvah as any other of the
mitzvos. Hashem does not come with unreasonable claims
to His creations, and since Hashem has commanded that
one perform this mitzvah, then it is entirely possible. One
needs to be persistent and conscientious to bring it to
Strengthening one’s bitachon is in itself a segulah
for a shidduch.
12. It says that “G-d will bless you in all you do.” This means
that the blessing of Hashem comes when a person makes
an effort — hishtadlus. So too in a shidduch, a person must
make all the necessary efforts and hishtadlus in the natural
manner to find a shidduch.
28. Igros Kodesh Vol. 10 p. 259.
29. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 190. Rabbi Zusia of Anipoli learned a number of things
from the conduct of a thief. One thing he learned was that even if he was not
successful the first time, he doesn’t give up and will try a second and third time.
Similarly with shidduchim, one should try and try again and in the end one will
find something. One should not be deterred by the difficulties — Igros Kodesh
Vol. 5 p. 119.
30. Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 427, Vol. 10 p. 259. In reference to shidduchim, Chazal use
the reference; “It is difficult to put them both together as it was to split the Red
Sea.” The analogy may be taken further: just as the splitting of the Red Sea
came about through strength of faith and trust in Hashem, so too a shidduch will
come about through strengthened Bitachon — Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 219.
31. Igros Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 119. Vol. 16 p. 327. In fact, the mere making of a “Keli” (a
vessel) draws down results, and therefore if a person is not finding a shidduch it
could be that they are not putting in the necessary hishtadlus in searching for
one, rather they are just going through the motions “to fulfill their duty” and
not with the requisite energy as in searching for a lost item — see Igros Kodesh
Vol. 10 p. 354. In one letter the Rebbe berates someone for not putting in
enough of an effort to find a shidduch but then finishes the letter with a blessing
that since a shidduch is something that transcends nature, then even if naturally
not enough hishtadlus is being made, nevertheless the shidduch should come
about in a supernatural way! — Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 345.
13. The custom is to arrange a match through a shadchan.
the shidduch works out, it is very important to pay the
14. It is very important to have the right attitude towards a
shidduch. The search for a partner is not merely to satisfy
one’s physical desire, rather one is searching for a partner
to build a true Jewish home on the foundations of Torah
and Mitzvos, and to raise and educate children al taharas
15. Searching for a shidduch and the establishment of a true
Jewish home is a preparation for the Geulah as the
states; “the son of David will only come once all
souls have been brought down into a body.”
U Parents
16. Parents are obligated to search for a suitable shidduch for
their children.
32. Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 14, Vol. 12 p. 195, Vol. 13 p. 68. An advantage of
approaching via a shadchan is that one is able to ask difficult questions through
a third party without any risk of embarrassment or hurting another’s feelings —
Igros Kodesh Vol. 20 p. 89.
33. The obligation to pay the shadchan is on both the parents of the chosson and the
kallah. (If one side paid the shadchan and the other party did not pay, there is no
obligation on the side that paid to pay for the other party as well — see
Responsa Beis Yitzchok Even HoEzer Vol. 1:105). If one shadchan made a
suggestion and another came and saw the shidduch through to fruition, a Rav
should be consulted as to how much to pay the shadchanim.
There was a story of a couple who remained childless for a number of years
after their wedding and they came to ask the Rebbe for a berachoh for children.
The Rebbe inquired as to whether the shadchan had been paid. They made
inquiries and in fact found that the shadchan had not been paid. After the
shadchan was paid, the couple had a child.
34. Igros Kodesh Vol. 18 p. 284. See also Toras Menachem Vol. 3 p. 245. The very
decision to establish such a home is a segulah to find the correct shidduch — Igros
Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 211.
35. Yevamos 62a.
36. Toras Menachem Vol. 2 p. 50.
37. See Kiddushin 29a, Yevamos 62b, Sanhedrin 76b, Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 269, Vol. 10
p. 314, Vol. 27 p. 239. See also HaNisuin Kehilchosom 1:4. When parents speak
17. Hanhalahs of Yeshivos should also try to find shidduchim for
their students.
18. In general, parents search for a shidduch for their children.
However, where this is not the case, and a shidduch has
been suggested directly to the children, then at least the
parents should be informed and asked to give their
19. It is incorrect for parents to pressure their children into a
certain shidduch.
If a young man is intent to continue his
Torah studies, and wishes to continue learning with great
diligence until such time that he is ready for a shidduch,
then parents should desist from pressuring him into a
20. In the vast majority of cases, parents who are searching for
a shidduch for their children should preferably not discuss
with the children the fact that they have started looking
for a shidduch, and the various suggestions they have.
Rather, they should wait until they have a serious
suggestion and only then discuss this suggestion with
their children.
The reason for this is that undoubtedly,
with their children about the search for a shidduch, they should do so pleasantly
and not with undue pressure and threats. Furthermore, instead of just speaking
in general about getting married, parents should seek to suggest a specific
shidduch which they think would be suitable. This is often best done through
the suggestion of someone other than the parents — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 10 p.
See Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 14 where the Rebbe instructs a parent to give 18
cents to Tzedakah before prayer in order to create a vessel to draw down the
blessing of a shidduch for his daughters.
38. Igros Kodesh Vol. 11 p. 138.
39. Regarding parental consent, see Igros Kodesh Vol. 27 p. 331, Vol. 23 p. 113, Vol.
27 p. 306, Heichal Menachem Vol. 3 p. 171. See however Igros Kodesh Vol. 29 p. 31.
See also the references in fn.46. In practice, one should always act under the
guidance of a competent Rav and mashpia.
40. Igros Kodesh Vol. 24 p. 211.
41. Ibid. p. 394.
42. Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 148, Vol. 16 p. 113, Vol. 17 p. 274.
the various suggestions which may not be serious, may
disturb the young people, and since they are not serious
suggestions, this disturbance is for no reason.
U Criteria and Information
21. If a person is faced with a number of equally suitable
suggestions for a shidduch, and does not know which to
pursue, then one should start with the first suggestion.
22. It is important to find out as much information as one
can about a suggestion. When faced with a number of
suggestions, one should take parental advice
and go for
the suggestion about which one has gained the most
accurate information and which seems to be most
23. Regarding the question of entertaining a shidduch to which
the parents are adamantly opposed — a Rav should be
24. Details about any prospective shidduch may be found out
from close friends and references. A person who is asked
43. Igros Kodesh Vol. 27 p. 303.
44. Shaarei Shidduchin p. 105, Igros Kodesh Rayatz Vol. 12 p. 256, Igros Kodesh Vol. 23
p. 113. A woman wrote to the Rebbe that a number of shidduchim have been
presented to her parents, however her mother and father are in disagreement as
to which is the best suggestion. The Rebbe advised that she request that her
parents should come to some agreement on the matter. If this is not
forthcoming, then she should lean towards her mother’s suggestion — Igros
Kodesh Vol. 24 p. 99.
45. Shaarei Shidduchin p. 105. There are those who when faced with indecision open
a Chumash or Tehillim, and the first verse which they open to gives some
indication as to what to do. The Rebbe in Hisvaaduyos 5749 p. 309, and on
Shabbos Parshas Nitzavim 27th Elul 5741 states that this is a minhag of many Jews
both Gedolei Yisroel and lay men and women.
One may possibly use this as a source for those who wish to open a volume
of Igros Kodesh and see if there is any indication. See also Chikrei Minhagim Vol. 1
p. 230ff.
46. See Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 240:25 and commentaries thereon. See also Igros
Kodesh Rayatz Vol. 12 p. 256, Sefer Chassidim 562, Otzar Haposkim Even HoEzer
for a reference for a shidduch must be extremely careful
about what they say and how they describe the person.
Their answers should be accurate and without any Lashon
Hara or Rechilus. There are many halachos appertaining to
this topic, and it behooves everybody to be aware of these
halachos, and if in doubt as to whether one should inform
or disclose certain facts in reference to a shidduch, then one
should consult a competent Rav — see Appendix.
25. It is completely incorrect to hide and not disclose a serious
mental or physical illness when suggesting a shidduch. In
any case of doubt, one must consult a competent Rav as to
whether one needs to disclose an issue or not.
26. In a case where there is illness in the family and it is a
cause for concern, one should consult a competent Rav.
47. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 436, Vol. 16 p. 296.
The following guidelines are offered in “Guard Your Tongue” by Rabbi Zelig
Pliskin Ch. 10:6: “If either of the prospective marriage partners has a major
physical deficiency, such as a serious internal illness that is not generally
discernable, you are permitted to inform the other party. However, you must
meet the following conditions: a) You must be certain that the chosson or kallah
is actually ill. Instances when he or she is merely weak by nature are not
included in this category and such information should not be volunteered, b)
You must be careful not to exaggerate the extent of the illness, c) You must be
motivated by concern for the person you are warning, not by any considerations
of your own dislike for the other party, d) If you feel that they will marry
despite your advice, you should refrain from mentioning the matter. Since
nothing beneficial will emerge from your warning, it is forbidden to divulge
such negative information.
You are permitted to inform the chosson or kallah that the other partner has
an indiscernible internal illness even after a shidduch was completed. If you do
not personally know that one of the prospective parties is ill, but have merely
heard it said by others, you may only relate the information if you know that
the person you will tell it to will not break off the shidduch without first
verifying the matter.
See Appendix.
48. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 12 p. 173 in reference to a case where the mother of the girl
had not been well, and this concerned the boy. The Rebbe writes that since the
mother has given birth to many healthy children, it should not be a concern.
Nevertheless he should gather three good friends and explain to them the
situation and they should say with the power of a rabim that there is no cause
27. If two people are well suited, the shidduch should not be
put off due to financial considerations.
28. The fact that the parents of a shidduch suggestion did not
keep Taharas Hamishpachah should not hold one back from
pursuing such a shidduch if all other factors indicate
The same is true if the suggested shidduch
has parents who are divorced.
29. Yichus/pedigree is a factor in choosing a shidduch, especially
if either party comes from a prominent Yichus family.
30. There is no problem in pursuing a shidduch with a cousin
or other permitted family relative.
for concern, and he should pursue the shidduch. See a similar letter in Vol. 14 p.
80 where a couple was engaged and then they found out that there were some
mental health issues with one of the family members. See also Shaarei Halachah
Uminhag Even HoEzer p. 82 where the Rebbe writes that it is not a good idea for
two people who suffer from depression to marry. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 436
a case where one side suffered from a heart problem.
It must be stressed that each case is different, and where in doubt one
should consult medical health professionals together with a competent Rav
see Igros Kodesh Vol. 16 p. 296, Vol. 17 p. 10.
See Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 96, the Rebbe’s response to one who stutters — that
he should always bear in mind that Hashem’s Hashgochoh Protis extends to each
individual and Hashem is essentially good and therefore he should fear no man,
and when he will become strong in this Emunah he will not get over excited
when he wishes to start a conversation, and he should speak calmly. Then,
slowly, his enunciation will improve. This impediment should not deter him
from searching for a good shidduch through the agency of good friends who will
look for a G-d fearing woman without mixing in matters of secondary
importance, and then he will be successful in this.
49. Heichal Menachem Vol. 3 p. 172, Igros Kodesh Vol. 23 p. 76, Vol. 28 p. 139.
50. Igros Kodesh Vol. 18 p. 452. See also the response of Harav Moshe Feinstein Zt’l
in the book “The Laws of Niddah” (Eng. New Jersey 1981, number 19), responsa
Chelkas Yaakov Vol. 3:7.
51. Igros Kodesh Vol. 25 p. 75.
52. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 12 p. 87.
53. Shaarei Shidduchin p. 137, Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p. 113, Vol. 20 p. 68, Vol. 27 p. 266.
See Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Vol. 4 p. 78.
U Compatibility
31. It goes without saying that for a couple to get married
there needs to be an emotional attraction
Nevertheless, the most important factor in
determining the long term stability of the relationship is
the compatibility of the couple. There should be
maximum compatibility in terms of similarity of
education, hashkafah
etc., matters which
will ensure inner peace and harmony, long after the initial
emotional excitement has faded.
32. There should not be more than a ten year age difference
between the two.
U Yiras Shomayim and Good Middos
33. Most important is to ascertain the Yiras Shomayim, as it
states (Mishlei 31:30), “It is a G-d-fearing woman who is to
be praised.” Yiras Shomayim is a pre-condition that is vital,
54. Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 84, Vol. 4 p. 129.
55. This meshichas halev” has to be felt in the heart and not just a logical conclusion
that all the factors seem to be in place — Igros Kodesh Vol. 10 p. 338.
56. In a number of places the Rebbe writes that nowadays one need not consider the
issue of one family being Ashkenazic and the other Sefardi as a reason to reject
a shidduch — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 75, Vol. 13 p. 187, Vol. 8 p. 119, Vol. 19 p.
57. Igros Kodesh Vol. 23 p. 55, Vol. 9 p. 111. There will always be differences in
character between two people and in making a shidduch the most important
factor is their hashkafahIgros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 15.
58. Often in the initial period, the emotions take charge and opaque somewhat the
larger issues. However, in reference to a lifetime, this period is short lived, and
when the initial emotions fade, a person becomes much more critical as to
whether the decision made was objective and not subjective. Consequently a
decision must be made based on the two having the maximum compatibility —
Shaarei Shidduchin p. 96, 97.
59. Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 184, Vol. 27 p. 102.
for it is this attribute that will decide the daily conduct of
the home.
34. As a pre-condition for giving his consent to a shidduch, the
Rebbe would say that the couple must decide to establish
their marriage on the firm foundations of Torah and
60. Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 218, Vol. 19 p. 268, Vol. 23 p. 55. In numerous places the
Rebbe discourages shidduchim between a person who is already religious and a
person who has decided to become religious in order to marry. The Rebbe
points out that a decision to become religious must be made independent of
the shidduch and must be tried and tested to see if it will be possible for the
newly religious person to maintain a standard. Furthermore, that religiosity can
be tested by the strains of a relationship. Therefore such a shidduch is not a good
idea, and it would be much better to look for one who has a more similar
background. See for example: Igros Kodesh Vol. 18 p. 485, Vol. 16 p. 179, Vol. 19
p. 269, Vol. 18 p. 284, p. 485 Vol. 21 p. 432, Likkutei Sichos Vol. 39 p. 323.
It is also incorrect to initiate a shidduch in which concessions will have to be
made in the principles of Yiddishkeit. One concession leads to the next, and this
inevitably leads to conflict at a point where one side no longer feels comfortable
— see Shaarei Shidduchim p. 125.
In one letter, the Rebbe addresses the issue of a case in which the woman was
not originally observant, and she became observant, although not yet 100%, and
the man was asking whether he can rely on her promise that she would become
100% observant after the wedding. The Rebbe replied that it depends, a) on her
nature, if she is a person who generally keeps her word (and has a track record
of doing so), and b) whether or not she is fully aware of what an observant life
entails — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 13 p. 68.
In another letter, there was a case of an observant woman who expressed a
wish to get married to an observant man, however someone had come along
and cast aspersions on her conduct in the past. The Rebbe wrote that since her
conduct in the present is observant — and certainly Teshuvah helps — then they
may go ahead — Igros Kodesh Vol. 12 p. 385.
61. The Rebbe’s answers to the request of chassanim and kallos for their shidduchim
varied, however in many of the answers the Rebbe premised his blessing on the
couples commitment to establishing a home on the foundations of Torah and
The Rebbe explained that he can only agree with a full heart to a shidduch
when he sees the maximum hope that their lives together will be blessed, and
that depends on establishing their lives on the principles of Shulchan Aruch (and
not in a case where one of them states that this mitzvah they agree with and
this they disagree), for Hashem has promised success to those who follow His
path, which is not the case to those who follow different paths, and the Rebbe
35. Before a decision is made to make the shidduch, each must
be convinced that the home will be run on the principles
can’t take responsibility to be involved in such an arrangement where the
blessings of Hashem are not guaranteed — Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p. 111.
In the text of the Rebbe’s blessing for a shidduch, the Rebbe mentions the
concept of a “Binyan Adei Ad” — an everlasting edifice. In a number of places,
the Rebbe expands upon this theme and says that a building is only as strong as
its foundations. The external features of a building are not as important as its
foundations. The material from which the foundations are built has to be
durable and withstand wear and tear. Similarly in the creation of a marriage,
both in its physical and spiritual dimension, what will lead to a happy life and a
true Jewish home, is when the foundations of the home are Torah and mitzvos,
which throughout the generations have proven to be the best and most durable
foundation material. One may disregard the opinion of those onlookers who
do not understand the importance of such foundations. In fact, the most
important opinion when building a house that must be taken into
consideration, is that of the builder. He will tell you which material needs to be
used for a strong building. Similarly, Hashem, the architect of the marriage
relationship knows which elements are best for it to be everlasting.
This is particularly the case when establishing a chassidishe home which is
imbued with the inner warmth and light of chassidus as expounded by the
Rebbeim of Chabad in each generation and especially by the Rebbe. In fact
hiskashrus to the Rebbe — the extension of Moshe in each generation — is a sure
channel through which one may build this Binyan Adei Ad (see Toras Menachem
Vol. 2 p. 251.)
The intention here is that the chosson and kallah should accept upon
themselves Torah learning and mitzvah performance on a daily basis, and in
particular with middos tovos, middas hachassidus whose emphasis is Ahavas Yisroel
— see Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 60, Vol. 10 p. 385, Vol. 4 p. 62, Vol. 13 p. 390, 466,
481, Likkutei Sichos Vol. 14 p. 307.
The Rebbe was not in favor of a shidduch in which the woman was not willing
to wear a sheitel. In many of those answers the Rebbe also explained the
difference between wearing a tichel (kerchief) and a sheitel in that a tichel can
easily be removed especially if she is embarrassed before friends etc., whereas a
sheitel one does not remove — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p. 111, Vol. 10 p. 92, Vol. 11
p. 115, Vol. 18 p. 92, Vol. 15 p. 8, 198, 513, Vol. 10 p. 92.
On the subject of a sheitel, it must also be a kosher sheitel that covers all the
hair. Furthermore, at home where a tiche
l is worn, the tichel must cover all the
hair as required by Shulchan Aruch. In a certain Yechidus in which the Rebbe was
discussing hair covering with a kallah who only wished to partially cover her
hair after the wedding, the Rebbe asked her whether she only wanted partial
Nachas from her children?! See Mishnah Berurah Orach Chaim section 75 who
quotes the Zohar that full hair covering both outside and inside the home
brings tremendous blessings to the entire family.
of Torah and mitzvos permeated with Yiras Shomayim. It
should be a home where there will be daily Torah study
and the daily conduct will be according to Shulchan Aruch
and thus a home where the Shechinah will rest.
Furthermore the intention should be to create a vessel for
Hashem’s blessings, and to be fruitful and multiply and be
blessed with sons and daughters who learn Torah and
keep mitzvos.
36. The greatest and truest wealth is one who establishes a
home together with a Ben Torah (or Bas Talmid Chacham)
who has learned in a Yeshivah (or Seminary) permeated
with Yiras Shomayim.
37. External beauty alone should not be the main deciding
factor when considering a shidduch, rather the decision
should be based on Yiras Shomayim, good middos and
38. When considering a shidduch, one should realize that
nobody is perfect, and there is no such thing as perfection.
Therefore one’s consideration should be based on the
things that really matter such as Yiras Shomayim and good
62. Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p. 129.
63. Yechidus to chassanim and kallosHisvaaduyos 5747, Vol. 1 p. 419.
64. Yechidus 17th Adar Sheni — Hisvaaduyos 5744, Vol. 2 p. 1287.
65. Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 326. It should be noted that the Talmud Shabbos 23b
states that one who lights Shabbos candles will have children who are Talmidei
Chachomim, and Rashi explains that through the candle lighting of the woman
she will merit to have sons-in-law who are Talmidei Chachomim. The Rebbe in
Likkutei Sichos Vol. 17 p. 147 adds that a girl who lights Shabbos candles will
merit to marry a husband who is a Talmid Chacham.
66. Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p. 274. The Rebbe draws an analogy from a house. Although a
house may look externally attractive, nevertheless, most important to those
who live in the house is that the house is structurally sound, built on solid
foundations. Even though these foundations are not readily noticeable to
passers by — who only see the external design — nevertheless, the strength of
the home is in its structure and foundations. Similarly, one should not base a
relationship on external features alone, whilst overlooking the most important
infrastructure of Yiras Shomayim, Torah and good middos.
middos rather than on matters that are not so important.
One reason why many people find it hard to find a
shidduch, even though they are actively looking, is that they
are focusing on non-important details.
39. It is quite impossible to ascertain the full character of a
person until one has lived with them for many years and
observed them in varying circumstances. Therefore, in a
shidduch, one needs to look at the main things of Yiras
Shomayim and good middos, compatible hashkafah, tznius
etc., and then have a certain measure of bitachon.
may be some small bothersome matters, which may be
worth overlooking if the main things are in place.
U Place of Residence
40. As to where the couple should live when they are married
this is an issue that should be decided by the couple
U Same Names
41. In the Tzavaah of Rabbi Yehudah Hachassid it is written
that a kallah and her mother-in-law should not have the
67. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 139, Vol. 15 p. 413, Vol. 19 p. 63.
68. Igros Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 103. In one letter — Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 276, the Rebbe
draws an analogy to the saying of Chazal that to bring two people together is as
difficult as the splitting of the Reed sea. Just as by the Yam Suf, it split only after
Nachshon had jumped into the sea following the instruction of Moshe,
similarly by a shidduch one has to have bitachon and take the plunge. In the very
same letter the Rebbe also reminds the correspondent that in order to open the
doorway of the Temple, one must first create the eye of a needle.
See also Igros Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 269 that one can never be 100% sure that this is
the right shidduch. And although before deciding on a shidduch much
contemplation is necessary to decide if this is the right one, nevertheless, there
needs to be a measure of bitachon. The advice is not to go to extremes — don’t
accept the first suggestion that comes to hand but neither be too picky.
69. Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p. 272, Vol. 14 p. 221.
70. Igros Kodesh Vol. 28 p. 349.
same name. Therefore, in a case where a woman is
presented with a shidduch and her name is the same as the
suggested future mother-in-law, then an additional name
should be added to the kallah.
42. This name should be added in an official ceremony with a
Mi Shebeirach by the Torah.
This should preferably be
done 30 days before the engagement.
Furthermore, care
should be taken that the name added is not forgotten and
the kallah should be called either with both names
together or with the new name.
43. However if the kallah has two names and her future
mother-in-law only one name (or vice-versa) then this is
not a problem and the names can remain as they are.
44. The same would apply in a case where the name of the
chosson would be the same as the name of his future father-
If the names are literally the same, and the
shidduch is favorable, then an extra name should be added
71. Igros Kodesh Vol. 24 p. 55. Alternatively a name may be added to the mother-in-
law — see Likkutei Sichos Vol. 24 p. 460. In Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 127 the Rebbe
writes that in addition to adding a name they should also not live in the same
place. It should also be noted that in a number of places the Rebbe raises doubts
as to whether Sefardim ever accepted the Tzavaah of R’ Yehudah Hachassid, and
that being the case, no extra names would need to be added. Therefore if the
kallah is a Sefardi she should ask a Rav what to do — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 16 p.
329, Vol. 24 p. 295.
72. Igros Kodesh Vol. 24 p. 55.
73. Igros Kodesh Vol. 16 p. 330, Vol. 25 p. 86.
74. See Igros Kodesh of the Rebbe Rashab Vol. 2 p. 523. Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 295. She
should also sign her name with both names — Likkutei Sichos Vol. 24 p. 460. See
also Likkutei Sichos Vol. 34 p. 299.
75. Igros Kodesh Vol. 24 p. 55. However the Rebbe writes that it would be advisable
that they should sign their names differently.
An example of this case is found in Igros Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 12 where the mother
of the kallah was Leah Raizel and the mother of the chosson Miriam Leah — then
based on the ruling of the Tzemach Tzedek Even HoEzer 143, there is no issue
whatsoever and the shidduch may go ahead with no name changes.
76. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 204 one of the suggested reasons for this is that the
kallah will call her chosson with the name of her father.
to the chosson.
The additional name should be chosen
with the advice of the local Rav,
and the man should be
given an extra name with a special Me Shebeirach and be
called up to the Torah with that name. He should also
sign with the additional name.
45. If however either the chosson or his future father-in-law
have an additional name, for example, one is called
Avraham and the other is called Avraham Mordechai then
no name changing is necessary.
46. If the names of both the mother of the chosson and of the
kallah are the same a Rav should be asked as to whether it
is necessary to add a name.
47. As regards adding a Hebrew name to a woman who does
not have a Hebrew name — see footnote.
77. There are opinions that say that this is not necessary — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p.
160. Nevertheless, see Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 276 in response to a 30 year old
bochur who wanted to get engaged to a woman whose father had the same name
as the bochur, where the Rebbe responded that since the shidduch was favorable
from the viewpoint of yiras shomayim, then it would be correct for the bochur to
convene three Rabbonim and they should rule that an additional name be added
and that he be called up to the Torah and sign with that name. The Rebbe also
suggested that the additional name should go before his previous name, and
that this should be done at least 30 days before the Tenaim.
78. I.e. the Rav of the place he learns and prays, Igros Kodesh Vol. 24 p. 295.
79. Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 276. As to whether he needs to be called by the additional
name or whether it is sufficient that he is called up to the Torah and signs with
that name see Igros Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 12.
80. Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p. 160. This again follows the ruling of the Tzemach Tzedek in
Even HoEzer 143, and in Piskei Dinim Yoreh Deah 116 that in a case when the
names are not exactly the same, one need not worry about the Tzavaah of R’
Yehudah Hachassid. Nevertheless when he signs or gets called up to the Torah
he should be called by both names. As to whether people actually need to call
him by both names, see Igros Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 12.
81. In Igros Kodesh Vol. 18 p. 136, the Rebbe writes that it would be correct that a
name be added to either of the mothers (see Responsa Chassam Sofer Even
HoEzer Vol. 1:116, Responsa Avnei Tzedek Even HoEzer 6). However, in a verbal
communication, Rabbi Leibel Groner, the Rebbe’s secretary, said that in a
number of such cases, the Rebbe did not indicate that a name change was
82. Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 318.
U Older Siblings
48. As regards a younger sister getting married before an older
a) The older sister must give her consent, and this should
be done either in writing or before two kosher
b) The engagement should be made quietly without too
much fanfare.
c) They should not hurry to make the wedding.
d) Great efforts should be made to find the older sister a
e) In addition to gaining the consent of the older sister,
the younger sister and the parents should put aside
some money to pay for the wedding of the older sister
before the engagement of the younger sister.
49. As regards a younger brother getting married before an
older brother:
a) The younger brother should ask for the consent of the
older brother.
b) The very fact that the older brother consents is a segulah
that he too should soon find a shidduch.
83. Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 326.
84. Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p. 197.
85. Ibid.
86. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 269.
87. Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 326, Hapartizan p. 350. In a letter in Igros Kodesh Vol. 26 p.
129, the Rebbe suggested that each should put aside 63 Lira (at least) as a gift
for the older sister. It appears that this figure was arrived at because the older
sister was called Chanah and the numerical value of Chanah is 63.
See Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 292 the Rebbe’s response in a case in which a boy
wished to get engaged to a girl, but the girl’s family indicated that her older
sister was soon to become engaged and they wanted to wait for the older sister
to get engaged before the younger sister moves ahead.
88. Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 192, Vol. 20 p. 228, Likkutei Sichos Vol. 20 p. 571.
89. Igros Kodesh Vol. 20 p. 228, Mikdash Melech Vol. 3 p. 53.
50. As regards a younger sister getting married before an older
a) She should ask for his consent.
b) She and her parents should set aside some money for
the wedding of her older brother.
51. As regards to a younger brother getting married before an
older sister
a) he should ask for her consent,
b) he (and his kallah) should set aside some money for the
wedding expenses of the older sister,
c) the wedding should be without too much fanfare.
U Marrying a Bas Kohen
52. As regards the marriage of a Bas Kohen — the daughter of a
Kohen — to a Yisroel (or Levi), the chosson should learn at
least one Tractate (Masechta) of the Talmud fluently
, even
if it one of the minor Tractates such as Maseches Kallah. He
should also make an effort to increase in Torah study in
general so that he aspire to the level of a Talmid Chacham.
90. Igros Kodesh Vol. 11 p. 241 — the Rebbe writes there, that this request for
consent should be made before three people, and he should say in front of
those three that he gives his consent with a full heart. See however Shevach
Nissuin (Hurvitz) p. 61 fn. 7 in the name of Rabbi Y.L. Groner who heard from
the Rebbe that there is no problem in a younger sister getting married before an
older brother. See also Habayis Hayehudi (Karasik) p. 454.
91. Ibid. In Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 46 where a woman who had two older brothers
asked whether she may get married, the Rebbe responded that she should speak
over the matter with a Rav and he should rule with the power of his semichah
which then becomes Daas Torah — that she may in fact proceed.
92. Igros Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 105.
93. I.e. fluent in the content but not verbatim — Likkutei Sichos Vol. 24 p. 462, Igros
Kodesh Vol. 13 p. 123.
94. Igros Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 83, Vol. 11 p. 115, Vol. 8 p. 344, Vol. 7 p. 154, Vol. 14 p.
383. See also Likkutei Sichos Vol. 19 p. 509 regarding special learning or giving
Tzedakah daily in a way of Bli Neder (see Responsa of Tzemach Tzedek, Even
HoEzer 11 who suggests that special Tzedakah, [an amount of 18 small coins] be
given daily.) In Igros Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 283 the Rebbe instructs the chosson that in
addition to learning one Tractate fluently, if possible he should also become
U Two Brothers to Two Sisters
53. As regards two brothers marrying two sisters, or a brother
and sister marrying another brother and sister — it is
permitted, and it would be correct that the couples should
not live in the same town, or at least not in the same
U Zivug Sheni
54. Women: The Rebbe encouraged women who had lost their
husbands to remarry and establish normal married life. He
explained that the soul of the departed husband is now in
the World of Truth, and there sees matters in their true
reality — and, in truth, the correct way a woman should
live is together with a husband. Remarriage will not cause
pain to the departed soul, on the contrary, the soul will be
pained if the wife and children are not living a normal life.
This is more so the case where young children are
involved, who need to grow up in a normal and healthy
environment. The younger the children are, the easier it
will be for them to readjust to a new situation.
55. Men: A man who lost his wife was directed by the Rebbe to
remarry, and although halachically had to wait until three
festivals had passed, nevertheless, the Rebbe said that he
should interest himself in suggestions even before that
time had elapsed since it takes some time until a
suggestion becomes serious and by that time three
festivals would probably have passed. As to the claim that
this may cause his children to distance themselves from
fluent in practical Halachah in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. See further Toras Menachem
Vol. 16 p. 103.
95. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 31, Vol. 3 p. 182, Vol. 6 p. 190. The same would apply
in a case of three brothers marrying three sisters — Likkutei Sichos Vol. 34 p. 294.
96. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 19 p. 515, Igros Kodesh Vol. 27 p. 71, 101.
him, the Rebbe said that he is doubtful if this is the case
and on the contrary this is most probably what they
56. There is no problem for a man (as long as he is not a
Kohen) who has lost his first wife getting remarried to a
57. The Rebbe wrote to an individual who was searching for a
second partner — which as Chazal (Sotah 2a) say is
according to one’s deeds — that since in every matter we
need Divine assistance and most certainly in shidduchim
which are orchestrated from Above, therefore he should
do the following to ensure that assistance; a) he should
increase in Torah study both Nigleh and chassidus, b) be
sure to say Chitas, c) give Tzedakah every day before prayer,
d) check his Tefillin.
58. As regards the question of a man who dies and his widow
wishes to remarry another man whose name is the same as
her departed husband, or the case of a woman who dies
and her husband wishes to remarry another woman who
bears the same name as his departed wife, a Rav should be
59. The Rebbe advocated
that a man should ask for
forgiveness from his divorced wife and this would aid his
search for a new wife.
97. Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 88.
98. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p. 226 that since a second marriage is according to his
deeds he should increase in Torah study and give Tzedakah every day before
prayer. See also Igros Kodesh Vol. 3 p. 24.
99. Igros Kodesh Vol. 12 p. 46.
100. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 26 p. 514.
101. Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 315. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 355 whether such
forgiveness should be requested from a minyan of people if his ex-wife has
already passed on.
Chapter 2
U Meetings and Decisions T
U Meetings and Decisions
60. The search for a shidduch and the meetings between the
young man and woman should be with great Tznius both
in conduct and speech.
61. When travelling to a different city for a meeting, one
should take along a shlichus mitzvah (such as Tzedakah), and
this will add to the success of the journey.
62. They should both be fully aware of the laws of Yichud and
the prohibition of Negiah/physical contact. Therefore
when meeting, they must either meet in a home where
shomrim are present or in a public area. Even when at
home, they should leave the door to the room they are in
unlocked, and it is a middas chassidus to leave the door
slightly ajar. It is forbidden for them to drive to a secluded
country spot or isolated park or forest etc. They should
not drive alone late at night, and certainly not out of the
63. This halachah applies even more strongly after the couple
are engaged to be married. They must be extremely careful
to avoid Yichud and Negiah. The fact they are engaged gives
102. Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Vol. 4 p. 67, Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 103. See also Igros
Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 113 where the Rebbe writes that it appears the shidduch was not
completed because of lack of Tznius in the meetings.
103. From a letter of 8th Cheshvan 5722.
104. See “The Laws of Yichud” SIE publications.
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them no permission whatsoever to be lax or lenient in the
64. It is incorrect for a young man to meet a young woman
when they know that the time has not yet come for
marriage. Undesirable proximity ultimately breeds
distance and contempt.
65. Many chassanim wrote to the Rebbe that they wished to “go
out” with a certain young lady with view to marriage and
they asked for a berachoh — the Rebbe crossed out the
words “go out” and instead wrote “lehipagesh/to meet”.
66. Until the two make a decision, the meetings between them
should be kept private.
67. When meeting, the two should discuss Yiddishkeit, Torah
and mitzvos and the way of life in general and, specifically,
what type of home they wish to establish.
They also
need to discuss thoroughly the details of conduct with
Yiras Shomayim.
Since the channel and vessel to Hashem’s
blessing is daily conduct in Torah and mitzvos, it is vital to
ascertain the attitude towards these matters. Furthermore,
it is also important to ascertain the attitude towards
hiddur mitzvah and growth in Torah.
68. If the man plans to continue to learn (as in a Kollel) after
the wedding, this must have the full and joyful consent of
his prospective wife, as this will usually entail some
concessions in their standard of living.
105. Shaarei Shidduchin p. 96. See Igros Moshe Even HoEzer Vol. 4:20 for a detailed
discussion of the halachic issues in this case.
106. Heard from Rabbi Shlomo ZarchiShaarei Shidduchin p. 100.
107. Igros Kodesh Rayatz Vol. 12 p. 168.
108. Igros Kodesh Vol. 23 p. 55.
109. Igros Kodesh Rayatz Vol. 12 p. 168.
110. Igros Kodesh Vol. 23 p. 381. See also Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 146, Vol. 24 p. 16 in
which the Rebbe was not in favor of a shidduch in which the girl made a pre-
condition that the boy shave his beard.
111. Igros Kodesh Vol. 23 p. 294.
69. Once they have met enough times to allow a thorough
discussion of the above matters, then it is inappropriate to
have further meetings just for the sake of meeting, rather
they should come to a decision one way or the other.
70. If a couple has only met once or twice and they don’t have
any specific feelings, then it is advisable for them to meet
again to discern if they have any further emotional
71. Being that this is a life decision, consideration of a match
should not be done hastily, but calmly and in a calculated
manner, without undue pressures.
72. It is most natural in these matters that there be a measure
of uncertainty, for how is it possible to really know
someone through a few meetings. Nevertheless, after one
has done research into the background and education of
the suggested party, and they are found to be suitable and
compatible, what remains to be seen is whether they have
positive feelings for each other. Often, even after meeting
a few times, one, or the other, or both, don’t have a
positive feeling. This could be the case even when logically
all else seems to fit into place. Nevertheless, it is
paramount that they should have feelings for each other.
One often hears, “My head tells me that this is a great
shidduch but my heart tells me it’s not right”. In shidduchim,
what the heart feels should also be reckoned with. There
needs to be some feeling for each other (or at least the
potential for one to develop). And if there is no feeling
whatsoever, and the heart says no, then this needs to be
reckoned with.
In such a case it may be advisable that
112. Igros Kodesh Vol. 27 p. 531.
113. Shaarei Shidduchin p. 100, Igros Kodesh Vol. 16 p. 322.
114. Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p. 272, Vol. 9 p. 175, Vol. 24 p. 180.
115. Igros Kodesh Vol. 16 p. 306. See also Vol. 10 p. 338.
they should stop seeing each other for a few weeks and see
how they feel after such a break.
73. If one of the parties is in doubt, then the reasons for this
doubt need to be ascertained by the shadchan or by close
The shadchan needs to help them come to a
decision one way or another. Some anxieties/fears have no
base and others are a real concern. The shadchan should
help each party gain clarity, allowing them to make a
sensible and objective decision.
74. A decision to proceed should be made only when one has
clarity that the shidduch is good but not when in a state of
75. During the dating process, if one of the parties decides
that they no longer wish to continue the shidduch, then this
is usually communicated through the shadchan.
sensitivity should be displayed at this point not to hurt
chas vesholom the feelings of the other party. When
necessary, one should ask for forgiveness if one may have
116. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 285, Vol. 12 p. 130, Vol. 25 p. 121, Vol. 28 p. 225. In
Vol. 14 p. 316 the Rebbe suggests a break of 3-4 weeks. During that time it is
possible to discern if there is a desire to meet further or a sense of relief.
In that letter, the Rebbe also says that such uncertainty should not lead to
tears etc., for uncertainty is common in such a major decision, and the decision
itself should be made from a position of emotional stability rather than a
fragile state.
117. See the expression of Chazal “Yarbeh Alav Reyim” — Yoma 73a, Bava Metzia 115a,
from Mishlei 6:3 — Igros Kodesh Vol. 4 p. 313.
118. See letter of Rosh Chodesh Kislev 1965, Kfar Chabad No.507 p. 38.
119. To quote from “Guard Your Tongue” by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin Ch. 10:14; “If
someone arranged a meeting between two people for shidduch purposes, neither
of the two people should unnecessarily relate derogatory information to the
middle person about the other. If one of the two is not interested in meeting
the other again, a reply of, “I don’t think that we are suited for each other,” is
usually sufficient. If one of the two happened to mention any faults to the
middle person, the middle person should not repeat this to the other party, as
this would constitute rechilus. This form of loshon hora and rechilus is quite
common, and it often causes long-lasting feelings of animosity.”
hurt the other in some way.
The bearing of a grudge by
any of the parties can have ill effects in their respective
later relationships.
U Receiving the Rebbe’s Blessing
76. Before the shidduch is finalized, it is customary to receive
the Rebbe’s blessing.
Today it is customary for the
chosson and kallah, together with their parents (if possible),
to go to the Ohel and write in their respective requests for a
Berachoh for the shidduch.
After they exit the Ohel (after
Netilas Yodayim etc.,) the families wish each other Mazal
Tov on the engagement and drink a Lechaim!
Those who
are unable to visit the Ohel should send a written request
for the Rebbe’s berachoh.
120. Igros Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 61.
121. In some cases of infertility, still birth, lack of shalom bayis, or problems with
children, the Rebbe suggests that this may be due to the fact that there was a
grudge and unresolved issue with a previous shidduch — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 18
p. 32, Vol. 22 p. 266, Vol. 14 p. 69, Vol. 10 p. 110, Vol. 15 p. 347.
122. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 3 p. 54-57: “There is a Rebbe in Yisroel, and he is not
constrained by the limitations of nature, and one who wishes to walk surely in
his way, be it in business, conduct of one’s home etc., should not do anything
without consulting the Rebbe, for the Rebbe’s word is a word, and his berachoh a
berachoh, which even the Nefesh Habehamis agrees to. Therefore when one sees
someone in a state of confusion or standing before a life decision, say to him:
Yisroel is not bereft! There is someone to ask; one should not rely on one’s own
understanding, and not on the shadchan etc., rather one should walk the sure
path to resolve one’s question...do according to his words and you will be
It should be noted that there were many instances of where Chassidim were
not physically able to ask the Rebbe a question in person and they wrote their
request and sent it by some means to the Rebbe, and the Rebbe would find a way
to answer. Similarly today — until the coming of Moshiach, may it be very soon
in our days — Chassidim write to the Rebbe and ask for a berachoh and it is up to
the Rebbe to find a way to respond.
123. See Hisvaaduyos 5749 Vol. 2 p. 396.
124. It is also correct, once the date for the wedding has been set, to inform the
Rebbe of the date of the wedding and invite the Rebbe to participate.
Chapter 3
U The Vort T
77. Once the engagement has been announced, it is customary
to organize a Vort
— a celebration to which relatives and
friends are invited to come and say Lechaim and wish
Mazal Tov to the chosson and kallah. Care should be taken
that the men and women are separated by a proper
mechitzah. The Rebbe writes that it is incorrect to spend
large sums of money on a Vort.
The Rebbe was not in
favor of the chosson and kallah being photographed
The chosson and kallah should not travel
together on a flight to or from the Vort, or on any other
occasions before their wedding.
78. It is customary that the chosson or his family buys the
kallah a gift of jewelry for the Vort. Today many buy a
necklace. However we do not buy an engagement ring.
(If a ring wants to be given then an ideal time would be
after the chuppah in the Yichud room.) The kallah or her
family also buys the chosson a gift — e.g. a watch, seforim.
125. The origin of the word “Vort” is based on the Talmud Kesubos 102b: “These
matters are acquired by saying (Amira = Vort in Yiddish.)
126. Unfortunately, there seems to be the issue of outdoing the other when making
a Vort. The Rebbe did not want people to unnecessarily waste money on a Vort
see Likkutei Sichos Vol. 19 p. 510, Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Even HoEzer p. 92.
127. Shaarei Shidduchin p. 203 as heard by Rabbi Leibel Groner.
128. Rabbi Leibel Groner relates that in the early years of the nesius when the Rebbe
himself was the mesader kiddushin, a chosson and kallah once returned on the
same flight from their Vort, and when the Rebbe heard about this, he withdrew
his participation of being mesader kiddushin at the wedding — Shaarei Shidduchin
p. 204.
129. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 19 p. 510. See Sicha of Parshas Ki Sissa 5741.
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79. At the Vort a Kinyan should be made, and one invites a Rav
to the Vort to make sure that this is done properly as
follows: Two Kosher witnesses are designated by the Rav.
These witnesses may not be relatives of each other or of
the chosson and kallah. A garment belonging to one of the
such as a Yarmulke or handkerchief/cloth
(that is at least the size of 3 fingers by 3 fingers)
should be taken by the witnesses and given to the chosson
who lifts it up at least 3 tefochim (24cm) in front of the two
The chosson then returns the garment to the
witnesses who then go to the kallah and make the kinyan
with her. The kinyan that they make is a formal act at
which they both undertake to marry each other under a
chuppah as per the details and circumstances that will yet
be agreed upon by both parties.
80. After the kinyan has been made, the mothers of the chosson
and kallah (or their representatives) together break an
earthenware plate (usually wrapped in a cloth or in a
paper bag to avoid any harm) and everyone exclaims Mazal
130. If the witnesses do not have such a handkerchief/cloth napkin, and someone
else gives them one (for example if they take one from the caterer), they must
themselves acquire it with a kinyan, and only then make a kinyan with the
chosson and kallah — see Rama Choshen Mishpat 195:3,4.
131. It is best not to use a Gartel — see Seder Kiddushin Vnisuin — Kehot — 1:7, Hanissuin
Kehilchossom 3:34.
132. In the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch 366:12 it states that it is only necessary to lift
the garment one tefach (see also Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch 527:17,18). However
there are those who are particular to lift three tefachim — see Shulchan Aruch
Choshen Mishpat 198:2, Sefer Kiddushin Vnissuin (Farkash) p. 5.
133. See Aruch HaShulchan Even HoEzer 50:26. The reason for breaking a plate is to
remember the destruction of Jerusalem at the height of the simchah. It is also an
act that finalizes the engagement.
81. The chosson should say a Maamar Chassidus by the Vort.
There is no standard Maamar for this occasion, and each
chosson chooses a Maamar that is appropriate to the time
of the year or to the occasion.
82. Some have a custom of reading the text of the Rebbe’s
letter sent on notification of an engagement.
83. The custom in Chabad nowadays is that Tenaim are
written on the day of the wedding and not at the
84. It is correct that a fee should be paid to the shadchan —
shadchonus gelt.
134. Igros Kodesh Vol. 13 p. 135. As regards to the question of singing the Alter Rebbe’s
niggun by a Vort since it is reserved for special occasions (see Igros Kodesh Rayatz
Vol. 3 p. 385), the Rebbe responded — “This is a question for a Rav”.
135. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 19.
136. An interesting story is told in this respect. The official shadchan of the Rebbe
with the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka was the chossid R. Binyomin Althaus from
Nikolayev. At the time he did not wish to take any shadchonus gelt. Many years
later on the Rebbe’s 25th wedding anniversary on Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach
5714, his son, R. Pinchos Althaus knocked on the Rebbe’s door and said that he
wishes to claim the shadchonus fee that his father did not take at the time. The
Rebbe asked him what he wanted, R. Pinchos answered that he wanted the Rebbe
to farbreng! And so it was, the Rebbe held a most unusual farbrengen on that
Shabbos. See Toras Menachem Vol. 10 p. 181 — Yemei Melech Vol. 1 p. 284.
Chapter 4
U The Period Between
the Engagement and the Wedding T
85. The time period between the engagement and the wedding
is most precious — “Yokor Mikol Yokor”, as the preparations
made at this time can affect one’s entire life.
86. These preparations should primarily be of a spiritual
nature with an increase in the diligence in Torah study,
especially chitas,
137. Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 82. In Igros Kodesh Vol. 16 p. 40, the Rebbe draws further
the analogy to a building. Just like when building, many preparations are made
concerning its planning, architecture, materials etc, so too when planning an
everlasting edifice of marriage, plans — spiritual plans — need to be made to
ensure its durability.
Furthermore, many people spend a huge amount of time planning all the
details of the chuppah etc. In Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 315, the Rebbe points out that
if so much preparation is invested in that one day of the wedding, and
primarily it is to impress people, then how much more so should preparations
be made that will affect the young couple and the entire duration of their
138. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 53 as regards not cancelling a fixed Torah session to
make preparations for the wedding, and even if necessary preparations be made
then, the time designated for Torah study may be shortened but not cancelled.
See also Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 98.
139. Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 98.
140. Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 295. In Igros Kodesh Vol. 24 p. 317, the Rebbe instructed
the chosson to learn maamarei avodah.
141. Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 82.
142. One of the preparations for a wedding is generously donating to tzedakah,
because the mitzvah of tzedakah is the foundation for many good things, for all
the blessings of Hashem, and especially for the blessings for a chosson and kallah
Hisvaaduyos 5751 Vol. 2 p. 53. Furthermore the chosson and kallah should
make good decisions to give a large sum of money to Tzedakah on the wedding
day, and this decision itself helps to have success in all the wedding
preparations — Yechidus to chassanim and kallos 10th Sivan 5742, 13th Shvat
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additional hiddur in the performance of mitzvos.
It is also
a time for introspection and Teshuvah and correction of
any past misdeeds.
87. The Rebbe’s opinion is that the shorter the period between
the engagement and the wedding, the better.
5744 (Hisvaaduyos 5744 Vol. 2 p. 899), 24th Nissan 5747 (Hisvaaduyos 5747 Vol.
3 p. 169), 15th Tamuz 5749 (Hisvaaduyos 5749 Vol. 4 p. 33).
143. Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 80.
There was a story of a chosson who went into Yechidus and the Rebbe inquired
of him as to whether he had already made preparations for the wedding. The
chosson answered that he felt that his avodas hatefillah was not as it should be and
he was also not engrossed enough in his studies. The Rebbe replied by asking
him whether he had arranged an apartment where to live, and his intention in
asking about the preparations for the wedding was about an apartment and
not about his spiritual avodah. However, the opposite also happened. One
chosson came in for Yechidus and the Rebbe asked whether he had already made
preparations for the wedding and the chosson replied that he already has an
apartment and furniture, and the Rebbe replied by asking him, “and what’s with
Tefillah and learning chassidus?” — Hiskashrus Vol. 70 p. 14.
There is a famous story of the Mitteler Rebbe that when he was presented with
a number of suggestions for a shidduch he chose the shidduch that would be
completed the fastest, for he had no patience to wait for the maamarim that his
father the Alter Rebbe would say at the wedding! — see Sefer HaSichos 5698 p.
256, Toras Menachem Hisvaaduyos Vol. 10 p. 203. And although from today’s
chassanim we can’t demand that the reason they get married is just to increase
the light of chassidus in the world, however what can be expected from them is
not to forget an explicit halachah (see Responsa Maharam Mintz 109) that a
chosson is forgiven on his wedding day for all his sins (which includes the sin of
chatas neurim which causes golus and prevents the geulah). Therefore, instead of
getting wrapped up with all the external arrangements for the wedding such as
the flowers and pictures etc., he would do better to make a cheshbon hanefesh and
do Teshuvah! —
Toras Menachem Vol
. 12 p. 152.
144. Toras Menachem Vol. 12 p. 156. It is also important to learn Iggeres HaTeshuvah of
the Alter Rebbe — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 26 p. 87 and Likkutei Sichos Vol. 39 p. 194.
145. Igros Kodesh Vol. 13 p. 326, Vol. 24 p. 227. This opinion is based on the fact that
today, in the society in which we live, an extended period between an
engagement and a wedding can create challenges and nisyonos which sometimes
place people in a situation in which they can’t withstand the test and will
transgress matters of Tznius — see Shaarei Shidduchin p. 202, Igros Kodesh Vol. 13
p. 326.
Furthermore, Chazal say that Moshiach will only come when all the souls that
are destined to come down into a body have been drawn down. Therefore each
additional wedding is a further step in bringing Moshiach — see Shaarei Halachah
Uminhag Even HoEzer p. 99.
88. As regards fixing the date for the wedding, this is a matter
that should be decided between the parents of both
89. When the chosson and kallah meet between the engagement
and the wedding, they need to be most strict in all matters
of Tznius and aware of the issues of Yichud.
Inappropriate conduct or closeness before the wedding
can lead to emotional distance after the wedding.
90. As regards the frequency of their meeting — the Rebbe’s
opinion was that the less they meet the better, and they
should not meet or speak on the telephone more than
once a week.
91. The Rebbe was not in favor of taking a flight to a different
country to meet between the engagement and the
92. Before the wedding it is customary that the kallah or her
family gives a Shas to the chosson, and the custom of
Chassidim is that she should also buy him chassidisher
In one letter the Rebbe voiced his disapproval of a wedding being delayed
until his army service, and her studies in seminary had been completed — Igros
Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 283.
In Igros Kodesh Vol. 10 p. 286 the Rebbe writes that lack of parnassah should
not be a factor in delaying a wedding.
146. Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 200, Vol. 26 p. 222.
147. See The Laws of Yichud, SIE publications.
148. Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p. 209. See Igros Kodesh Rayatz Vol. 2 p. 470 where the
Previous Rebbe writes that in exchange of letters and conversations between a
chosson and kallah, in addition to telling of their feelings and hashkafah on
various matters, they should discuss a person’s obligations in prayer, berachos,
shmiras hachukim, becoming closer to the good and distancing from the bad, and
the stronger should encourage the weaker, and with such wisdom does one
build a house.
149. Taken from a diary of Rabbi Leibel Groner — Shaarei Shidduchin p. 205.
On numerous occasions when both the chosson and kallah were living in the
same town, the Rebbe instructed the chosson to travel and learn elsewhere in the
period before the wedding so they not be in one town together — see Otzar
Hamelech Vol. 2 p. 167.
150. Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Even HoEzer p. 92.
seforim. The purpose of these seforim is not that they sit on
the shelf and gather dust, but as it states in Pirkei Avos
(5:21), “Go over it and over it, for everything is inside it,”
meaning that he should learn so much from the seforim
that in the course of time it will be necessary to replace
them with new ones.
It is also correct that since in a new
home there should be acts of tzedakah, a Tzedakah
pushka/box should be acquired.
93. The custom used to be to give the kallah a gift of a Siddur
Korban Minchah which is a Siddur with the Yiddish
translation of the prayers and a collection of halachos
pertinent to women. Today however, when women are
more familiar with the translation of the prayers it is
appropriate that the chosson should give the kallah works of
halachah which explain in a clear way the halachos of
running a household.
The custom is that the chosson or
his family buys the kallah a set of Shabbos candlesticks,
and the kallah or her family purchases a Tallis for the
94. The chosson and kallah should, as much as possible, not be
involved in the details of the wedding, such as the venue,
caterer, pictures, flowers etc. Rather, they should primarily
151. Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Even HoEzer 49. Yechidus of Rebbe to chassanim and
kallos 17th Shvat 5745.
152. Sicha 14th Kislev 5739. See Sefer HaSichos 5749 p. 2 that one should affix a
Pushka in the kitchen in such a way that it becomes part of the building and the
house therefore becomes a “house of Tzedakah”.
153. Hisvaaduyos 5748 Vol. 1 p. 172, Sefer HaSichos 5748 p. 191.
154. The chosson starts putting on a Tallis the morning after the wedding. The correct
procedure of putting on a Tallis is somewhat complicated for the beginner, and
one who is unsure should ask someone knowledgeable for a step-by-step guide.
It should be noted that it is correct that a man should fold his Tallis by himself
(see Reshima of the Rebbe Rayatz Tammuz 5691) and folding the Tallis on motzoei
Shabbos is a segulah for sholom bayis — see Taamei HaMinhagim no. 947 fn. 10;
Chikrei Minhagim Vol. 1 p. 140.
focus on the spiritual preparations for the day, and the
arrangements for the wedding should be left to others.
95. Even the parents of the chosson and kallah who have the
responsibility to arrange the wedding should bear in mind
that; a) the preparations should not only be in those areas
that lehavdil non-Jews also prepare, but also, and primarily
in the Jewish aspect of the wedding (in the veniflinu), and
b) even in the material preparations they should be done
without “hiddurim”, and without investing emotional
energy in these preliminaries (kalterheit), which will
ultimately be better for them and better for the
96. Hafotzas Hayahadus and Mayonos are certainly good
preparations for the wedding.
97. During this period, both the chosson and kallah need to
learn all the halachos pertinent to a wedding and
establishment of a true Jewish home, especially the laws of
Taharas Hamishpochoh. This involves not only learning
halachah but also hashkafah from qualified teachers of Anash
in this area.
155. Toras Menachem Vol. 12 p. 152. And although the chosson will have to go and get
measured up for a kapote, nevertheless he should not be immersed in the subject
— ibid.
156. Ibid. See also Toras Menachem Vol. 1 p. 119: “By the Previous Rebbe there was a
custom that also the parents of the chosson and kallah would fast on the day of
the wedding. And since by the parents there is the concept of fasting, there is
also the concept of spiritual preparation. And although one can’t demand from
the parents that they should sit the entire time and learn Derech Chaim or Tzena
Urena because they, at the end of the day, need to involve themselves with
preparations nevertheless....”
In Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 315, the Rebbe writes: “Consider the following: if you
are so immersed in the arrangements and expense of the wedding which is a
one day event and for which the majority of expense is only to find favor with
others, then how much more so should you be busy with spiritual preparations
which will have an effect on the young couple for the rest of their lives.”
157. Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 241. See Likkutei Sichos Vol. 20 p. 575.
158. Igros Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 129. See also Vol. 17 p. 98.
98. The kallah should during this time purchase a shaitel to be
worn immediately after the wedding. It is well known the
Rebbe’s opinion that wearing a shaitel to cover the hair is
preferable to wearing a tichel or hat.
99. In the days before the wedding the chosson should learn
from the sefer Reishis Chochmah, Shaar Hakedushah Ch. 15, 16,
17 which speak of Kedushas Achilah and Kedushas Hazivug.
The chosson should also learn at least one chapter of Tanya
by heart.
The Rebbe also instructed one chosson to study
the directives and customs of a wedding that the Rebbe’s
father Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson wrote to the Rebbe
on the occasion of his wedding.
To another chosson the
Rebbe instructed that he should read from the sefer Sippurim
Noraim as those stories increase one’s Yiras Shomayim and a
chosson needs to enhance his Yiras Shomayim.
100. Upon marriage, and even whilst engaged, one takes upon
oneself the responsibility for another Jewish soul,
therefore one needs to make sure that one’s conduct is one
which is “wet to the touch” meaning that one is so imbued
159. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 428, Vol. 15 p. 198, Vol. 9 p. 18. See Likkutei Sichos Vol.
13 p. 188.
The Rebbe said that wearing a shaitel is so important that it affects one’s
children and grandchildren, parnassah and health.
160. Igros Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 129, Vol. 7 p. 362.
161. Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 84.
162. Kfar Chabad 787.
163. The Rebbe related that on the day after his wedding, the Previous Rebbe gave
him the sefer Sippurim Noraim (written by Rabbi Kadaner who was a chossid of
the Mitteler Rebbe) and instructed him to read the book well. The Previous
Rebbe related that his father the Rebbe Rashab had also given him the same sefer
and told him to learn from it both before and after the wedding, and since
during Sheva Berachos it is a busy time and one can’t easily learn with great
depth therefore it is appropriate to learn from this sefer. (From a Teshurah.)
164. And also needs to start preparing for the most important responsibility of
parenting, for children are totally dependent on parents — Shaarei Shidduchin p.
with Yiras Shomayim, Torah and mitzvos that this will have
an immediate effect on another.
U Breaking an Engagement
101. On occasion, certain issues arise after an engagement, that
bring the whole question of the proposed marriage into
question. Sometimes very serious issues surface that had
the parties been aware of beforehand they would not have
agreed to get married,
and sometimes, minor issues
become abrasive. What is paramount is to maintain at all
times one’s dignity, honor and respect for all parties.
Advice of Rabbonim and Mashpiim should be sought and if
for whatever reason a decision be made to break the
engagement, then it must be done in a way that nobody’s
honor is compromised unnecessarily. When one of the
parties is offended by the break, one should ask for
forgiveness from the other party.
A Rav should be
consulted for guidance regarding any financial issues.
102. A shidduch should not be broken, nor a wedding delayed,
because of a disagreement over financial issues.
165. Handwritten reply, quoted in Kfar Chabad 896. Furthermore it is a time to
prepare for the most important responsibility of educating children — when
they are blessed with children, for the responsibility of the children falls entirely
on the parents.
166. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 11 p. 183 a case in which the chosson was not told the true
age of the kallah.
167. In numerous places, the Rebbe indicates that often issues arise because there
had been a lack of Tznius in the dating. To one chosson, the Rebbe instructed that
he check his Tefillin, give Tzedakah before prayer, and say Tehillim after prayer —
see Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 21, Vol. 9 p. 209.
168. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 69, 340, Vol. 13 p. 8, Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Vol. 4
p. 84.
169. Igros Kodesh of the Alter Rebbe p. 188.
U Fixing the Date of the Wedding
103. The custom is that it is the mechutanim from both sides to
agree on the date and time for the wedding.
possible one should ensure that the kallah is tehorah on the
day of the wedding and that it not be a chuppas niddah.
This should be taken into account when planning the date
for the wedding.
104. It is the Rebbe’s opinion that the shorter the time between
the engagement and the wedding, the better.
105. There is much source material — as documented in the
— detailing when one may or may not schedule
170. Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 200, Vol. 22 p. 16. The date and time of the wedding
should not be the concern of the chosson and kallahIgros Kodesh Vol. 26 p. 222.
171. Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p. 45. However if it transpires that the chuppah is a chuppas
niddah, it is well known that the Rebbeim permitted a chuppas niddah — see Igros
Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 88.
172. Igros Kodesh Vol. 3 p. 326, Likkutei Sichos Vol. 14 p. 303, Vol. 19 p. 511. The
reason for this is that in today’s generation, when we are not of such a great
spiritual stature, (and the desire for proximity is strong), it is best — for reasons
of Yiras Shomayim — to have a short engagement period. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 11
p. 169, Vol. 24 p. 227, Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Vol. 5 p. 266. (This is
particularly the case if they are both in the same town — Igros Kodesh Vol. 16 p.
202.) Furthermore the coming of Moshiach is brought closer by drawing down
all souls that need to be brought into a body — see Shaarei Halachah Uminhag
Even HoEzer p. 99.
In one letter — Igros Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 283 — in whose case the couple wanted
to extend the engagement period until after he had finished his army service
and she her studies in Beis Yaakov, the Rebbe responded that they should not
postpone but rather bring the wedding forward.
The Rebbe also writes that the engagement period should not be protracted
because of financial reasons — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 10 p. 286.
173. We shall present here source material as it follows the calendar months of the
Tishrei: “It appears that in the month of Tishrei our custom is to make a
wedding only in the first half of the month” — Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76. “The
Minhag Yisroel is that we do not make weddings in the Ten days of Repentance,”
Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p. 205.
Cheshvan: It appears that among Anash we do not make weddings during
the month of Cheshvan.” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 277.
Kislev: “During the month of Kislev one can arrange a wedding at any time
during the month.” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 18 p. 16.It is correct to make the
wedding during the month of Kislev, which is a “month of redemption” and
especially so for Anash and Talmidei Hatemimim.” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 21 p. 406.
See also Vol. 10 p. 131.
Teves: “Our custom is not to make weddings in the month of Teves” — Igros
Kodesh Vol. 18 p. 16.In response to your letter in which you suggest to make
the wedding of your daughter in the second half of the month of Teves; In my
opinion, you should fix the date of the wedding in the month of Adar or
Nissan, and if in the month of Shvat it should be in the first half of the month.
As regards Adar, the entire month is a month of simchah.” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 7
p. 88.
Shvat: “It is well known our custom that we make weddings in the months
of Kislev or Adar, and it is unusual to make a wedding in the months of Teves
or Shvat.” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 52. “If you do fix the wedding in the month of
Shvat then it should be in the first half of the month.” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p.
Adar: “During the month of Adar the entire month is auspicious to make a
wedding.” — Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76, Igros Kodesh Rayatz Vol. 10 p. 287.
Nissan: “And in the month of Nissan up until Pesach. ” — Igros Kodesh
Rayatz Vol. 10 p. 114.
Iyar: “As regards the question of making the wedding on Lag B’Omer, if
possible the wedding should be arranged for the day or days after Shavuos, and
if for some reason it should be on Lag B’Omer then because of the various
opinions in Halachah one should make the wedding on the actual day of Lag
B’Omer and not the night before.” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 318.
Sivan: “It is understood that one should not make the wedding on Rosh
Chodesh Sivan which is in the days of Sefiras HaOmer.” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p.
Tamuz: “With regard to your suggestion of making the wedding in the
month of Av, it would be better to make the wedding at the beginning of
Tamuz than any day in Av.” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 16 p. 202.
Menachem Av: “...or in Menachem Av from the 11th — 15th of Av, or in the
month of Elul (the entire month).” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 24 p. 376.
Elul: “Since Elul is a month of mercy one may make a wedding at any time
during the month” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 24 p. 352, Vol. 22 p. 314. “It is a
mazaldiker month for weddings” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 66, Vol. 20 p. 304. “All
the Rebbeim arranged weddings in the month of Elul.” — Mekadesh Yisroel p. 215.
Rosh Chodesh:
“It is also permitted to make a wedding on the first day of
sh Chodesh (but one may not make a wedding on Rosh Chodesh Sivan since it is
in the Omer)” — Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p. 46.
Sunday: “It would be better not to make the wedding on a Sunday. “ — see
Igros Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 207, Vol. 17 p. 238, Vol. 18 p. 207.
Friday: “See Shulchan Aruch Even HoEzer 4:3 that it is permitted to marry on
a Friday. It may be noted that a number of the Rebbeim’s weddings were on a
Friday.” — Sefer HaSichos 5703 p. 153, Hisvaaduyos 5748 Vol. 4 p. 265.
Motzoei Shabbos: “The wedding of the Rebbe Rashab was on Motzoei
Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Ki Setzei 11th Elul 5635 — the Kabbolas Panim was on the
a wedding. There are times that are halachically prohibited
and there are times that it is customary that we don’t
make weddings. However, in our times when postponing
the date of a wedding may lead to impropriety and
challenges of Tznius it is questionable whether these
customary limitations should still apply or they be waived,
and there may be good reason to say that they should be
waived. Indeed it is becoming increasingly the widespread
practice today amongst Anash, for the date of the wedding
to be fixed for the earliest convenient halachically
permissible date. In all cases of doubt a Rav should be
106. Once the date for a wedding has been fixed, the custom is
that it is not postponed (and certainly if there is no valid
reason to do so).
107. If for whatever reason both mechutanim agreed to postpone
the date of a wedding, then on the day that was originally
fixed as the wedding day, they should write Tenaim (in
addition to the fact that they had already made a Vort) and
the parents from both sides should get together and
discuss matters pertaining to the forthcoming wedding.
This meeting should be in the form of a simchah gathering
with a Seudas Mitzvah, such as a Siyum Masechta or a Melave
Malka, and they should farbreng — with simchah.
Friday Erev Shabbos Kodesh. “ — Chanoch Lenaar p. 10.Rabbi Baruch (the father
of the Alter Rebbe) wanted that the day of the chuppah be on Chai Elul. However
since that year Chai Elul fell on Shabbos, he fixed the wedding for Motzoei
Shabbos.” — Sefer HaSichos 5703 p. 151.
174. Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Vol. 5 p. 267. See also Hanissuin Kehilchosom Ch. 17
regarding dates and procedure for a zivug sheni.
175. Igros Kodesh Vol. 20 p. 12.
176. Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 38.
108. A wedding date should not be postponed due to financial
109. There are halachos in Shulchan Aruch regarding a case r”l of
Aveilus before a wedding and whether or not the wedding
may be celebrated as originally scheduled. In such a case
one must obviously follow the ruling of a Rav. However, in
a case where the wedding is halachically permissible then
it is incorrect to postpone the date of a wedding due to an
Aveilus r”l in the family.
110. It is permitted to make two weddings for two children in
one week, however not on the same day.
U The Place of the Wedding
111. The mechutanim should decide between themselves, where
and when the wedding should take place, and the custom
(in the majority of cases) is that the wedding is held in the
place of the kallah i.e. where the kallah’s parents want the
wedding to be held.
U Wedding Expenses
112. The Rambam writes
that one should not go to extremes
but rather one should follow the golden middle path. This
was also the chosen path of the Rebbeim of Chabad and of
Anash in relation to the financial investment for wedding
177. “It is true that we have a tradition from our Holy Rebbeim that a shidduch should
not be broken because of lack of money, and doing so poses a danger G-d
forbid. Also one should not postpone the date of a wedding Chas Veshalom.”
Igros Kodesh of the Alter Rebbe Vol. 1 p. 188. See also Igros Kodesh Vol. 10 p. 286,
Vol. 8 p. 75. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 13 p. 152 where the Rebbe strongly voices his
concern about the custom in certain communities to prolong the engagement
period — often for a long time — in order that an apartment be purchased for
the couple.
178. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 20 p. 54.
179. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76. See also Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 154.
180. Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 330. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 21 p. 406, Vol. 23 p. 295.
181. Hilchos De’os Ch. 3.
Therefore when making a wedding, one
should follow the average custom of the place. The
emphasis is to make a large spiritual wedding and not to
waste money (that could be better spent on other things)
on over-lavish material matters.
It is incorrect to enter
into debt just to increase the number of invitees.
113. It is a mitzvah for both mechutonim to participate in paying
for the wedding as arranged and agreed between them.
182. Igros Kodesh Vol. 21 p. 233. The correct perspective on wedding expenses is that
the Torah places a responsibility on parents to marry off their children (see
Kiddushin 29a) and at the same time Hashem does not come with unreasonable
demands (Pesachim 112a). Therefore, the expenses incurred making a wedding
are a mitzvah and within one’s capability (even though superficially one may
not see that to be the case) — Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 290.
183. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 394, Vol. 18 p. 207, Vol. 16 p. 40, Likkutei Sichos Vol.
14 p. 305. As regards to after the wedding, purchasing a property or paying a
high rental see Igros Kodesh Vol. 13 p. 486, Likkutei Sichos Vol. 14 p. 305.
184. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 10 p. 131.
185. Kuntres Simchas Olom p. 109. Practically speaking today, some parents agree to
go half-half on the expenses and others make different arrangements such as
the kallah’s side paying for the hall and catering and the chosson’s side paying for
FLOP — Flowers, Liquor, Orchestra, Photographer. Whichever system one uses,
it is essential that the mechutanim do not get into a fight about the expenses and
certainly do not bring the chosson and kallah into the fight. (And although there
is a saying of our Sages that there is no Kesubah without disagreement between
the sides as to their commitment — nevertheless this is not one of the items
that one should look to fulfill with a hiddur — see Igros Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 276.)
There is a very encouraging letter in Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p. 106 — the following
is a free translation: “After a while I was delighted to receive your letter of the
3rd of Sivan, and principally to read that a shidduch is being suggested for your
daughter....and that which you write that the parents of the young man are not
requesting a dowry and they wish to take upon themselves the expenses of an
apartment, furniture and other expenses etc.. Although on the one hand I
enjoyed reading this as proof that they hold your daughter in high esteem,
however on the other hand a Jewish man and woman in general, and parents in
particular, should want that their children should cost them effort both bodily,
spiritually and even financially, as is well known the statement of the holy Zohar
(Vol. 2, 128a) that matters of holiness should not come free. And this is
certainly the case with regards to the wedding of a daughter, that not only
should this cost money but one should not be stingy (with money), and this
certainly is included in the matters that are fixed in the ten days between Rosh
114. As regards to relatives and friends, participating in a
wedding in which they would incur great travel expense, a
mashpia/Rav should be consulted. A Talmid in Yeshivah
must receive prior agreement of the Hanhalah to attend the
U Tznius between Chosson and Kallah Before the Wedding
115. A chosson and kallah must conduct themselves with the
utmost Tznius. Although they are already engaged to be
married, and are looking forward with great anticipation
to their marriage, nevertheless they must ensure that all
guidelines of Shulchan Aruch and Tznius are kept.
includes all the halachos of Yichud and Negiah (physical
Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and if one positions oneself broadly then Hashem
also responds with an open hand.”
See also Igros Kodesh Vol. 8 p. 107 where the Rebbe tells the parents of a
chosson that they should travel to participate in his wedding even though this
would incur great costs. The desire to participate in the wedding is correct and
according to Torah, and therefore one should have the trust that Hashem will
provide the means for the journey. The parents should disregard the thought
that by not travelling they will save money, for it could be that the money was
given to them in the first place for this purpose. See however Igros Kodesh Vol. 18
p. 208, and p. 194 where the Rebbe discusses the possibility of giving the money
that was to be spent on travel to the chosson and kallah instead.
As in similar cases of doubt, one who has this dilemma should discuss the
matter with a Rav/Mashpia who is familiar with their personal circumstances.
186. See Sicha of Motzoei Shabbos Kodesh Mishpatim 5739. In general, the Rebbe was
opposed to the excessive travelling that has become the norm in many circles
that distracts Yeshivah students from their learning, (he quoted in this regard
the teaching of Chazal that “the Torah is not found amongst those who travel
across the sea”) and generates unnecessary financial expenditure.
187. In numerous places the Rebbe writes that closeness at a time when there should
be distance breeds distance when there should be closeness. Furthermore, in
many instances, shidduchim are placed under great stress or even broken due to
the issue that the guidelines of Tznius have not been adhered to properly — see
for example Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p. 209, Vol. 14 p. 21. In one instance a kallah
went on a trip with the chosson and his family, and upon their return he
informed her that he wishes to break the shidduch — the Rebbe, in a hand written
response answered, “The conduct between them was not with Tznius, in a way
that contravenes the Torah and it is this that has caused the problem.”
contact). Great care must be taken when choosing a venue
to visit — it must be a place that is not secluded so that
there be no question of Yichud. Furthermore, it is incorrect
for a chosson and kallah to discuss matters related to
marital intimacy before the wedding.
116. They should not travel on a plane together.
117. The Rebbe was not in favor of a chosson and kallah making
an international trip to see each other during the
engagement period.
118. The Rebbe’s opinion was that a chosson and kallah should
not meet each other or speak on the telephone more than
once a week.
119. The Rebbe was not in favor of taking a picture of the
chosson and kallah together.
U Wedding Invitations
120. There is a standard text that we use for invitations — this
text was used at weddings of the Rebbeim.
In this text it
is written that the chuppah was to take place at 5:00 p.m.,
188. A chosson and kallah once came to NY from abroad and they entered into
Yechidus in order to receive the Rebbe’s blessing, and in Yechidus they asked the
Rebbe if he would be mesader kiddushin. The Rebbe asked them how they flew to
NY, and they replied that together with the family they flew on one plane. The
Rebbe with great surprise said, “a chosson and kallah before their wedding flew
together!?” They replied, “But we were together with the family.” The Rebbe
replied, “that is irrelevant — a chosson and kallah to fly together is a pritzus and a
lack of Tznius and I can’t be the mesader kiddushin in such a case!” — And so it
was, the Rebbe was not their mesader kiddushinKfar Chabad 1122.
189. Even a chosson and kallah who are in the same town should minimize their
meetings before the wedding, and certainly to travel abroad, which incurs so
much arrangement, money, time and energy, is certainly not worth it — Shaarei
Halachah Uminhag Even HoEzer p. 92.
190. And less frequently is also not such a bad idea — Hiskashrus 70 p. 15. In today’s
high tech era where we instant message and text, chosson and kallah need also to
create borders in this area.
191. Ibid.
192. See Toras Menachem Vol. 10 p. 198.
whether the wedding was in the winter or summer and
whether in fact the chuppah was at that time or later. In
practice today, we still write the time of 5:00 p.m. for the
chuppah and in a footnote write the real anticipated time
for the chuppah. However, the Kabbolas Ponim should, if
possible, start at 5:00 p.m.
121. The invitations should not be written in Sefer Torah
writing (Ksav Ashuris).
U The Wedding Ring
122. The chosson has to buy a ring for the kallah with which he is
going to marry her under the chuppah. The ring should be
purchased with his own money and should be worth at
least a perutah (the value of a small coin).
123. The custom is that the ring be a plain (yellow)
(without any markings or assay mark), round both
inside and outside without any gems.
193. Ibid.
194. Igros Kodesh Vol. 12 p. 228. This also applies to the Tenaim and Kesubah.
195. If the chosson does not have any money of his own and his parents buy the ring
and give the ring to the chosson, then he should acquire the ring from them with
a proper kinyan lifting the ring three tefochim with the express purpose of
acquiring the ring for himself— see Nitei Gavriel Nisuin Vol. 1 21:7.
196. See Shevach Nissuin (Hurvitz) p. 44 fn. 11 that Rabbi Y. L. Groner heard from the
Rebbe that according to Kabbalah the wedding ring used under the chuppah
should be of yellow gold and not white gold.
197. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76, Igros Kodesh Vol. 3 p. 428. The Previous Rebbe was quite
insistent that nothing should be written on the ring and he even had removed
the goldmark stamp from the inside of the ring — Toras Menachem Vol. 10 p.
200. At the Rebbe’s wedding the ring was a plain gold band — ibid.
198. See Toras Menachem Vol. 2 p. 252.
Chapter 5
U The Oifruf T
124. A chosson is called up to the Torah on the Shabbos before
his wedding.
This is called an Oifruf. When called up to
the Torah, the chosson wears a Tallis over his shoulders but
not over his head.
The custom is that after the Aliyah
the people in Shul shower the chosson with
A number of reasons are given for this
Aliyah: a) The holy Zohar
states that Shabbos blesses all
the days of the week,
b) A chosson and kallah keep the
world going by bringing into the world children who learn
Torah, and therefore he is called up to read from the
letters of the Torah that sustain the Ten Utterances which
create the world,
c) The creation of the world is through
Torah as it states in the Zohar that “G-d looked into Torah
and created the world”. Similarly each individual’s small
world is created by looking into the Torah, and therefore
before the chosson and kallah are about to build their world
199. Levush and Magen Avraham Orach Chaim 282 (end). A chosson who was not called
up the Shabbos before his wedding should have an Aliyah on the Monday or
Thursday before the wedding — and also then confectionery are thrown —
Binyan Adei Ad p. 21, Simchas Olom p. 64.
200. The chosson borrows a Tallis and he does not need to make a berachoh over it —
see Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 14:8 and Kuntres Acharon loc. cit.
Regarding not covering his head with the Tallis see Magen Avraham Orach Chaim
8:3 and Mishnah Berurah loc. cit. 4.
201. See Shulchan HoEzer Vol. 2, 14a who sources this custom in the Talmud Berachos
50b — see Rashi ibid., — that this is for a good siman.
202. Vol. 2 63b, 88a.
203. Toras Menachem Vol. 1 p. 119.
204. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76. See Sefer HaMaamarim Kuntreisim Vol. 1 p. 19b.
| 49 |
they look into the Torah,
d) An Aliyah to the Torah
draws down additional holy energy (in addition to the
additional holiness of Shabbos) as it states in the text of
the blessing after the Aliyah that “He has planted eternal
life in our midst,” through G-d’s giving us a Torah of
truth. For true life — without interruption — is from the
holiness of the True Torah which is infinite. Therefore by
having an Aliyah on the Shabbos before the wedding, this
empowers the wedding that it should be an everlasting
edifice with blessed future generations, children and
grandchildren who engage in Torah study and mitzvos
through which the power of the infinite is revealed in the
125. There is great merit to having this Aliyah, if possible, in
126. It is customary to have a Kiddush/chassidishe farbrengen on
the Shabbos of the Oifruf.
U The Days Before the Wedding
127. The Previous Rebbe instructed that a few days before the
wedding (he did not detail how many days) a chosson
should not be alone but he should be with a shomer.
205. Toras Menachem Vol. 7 p. 190.
206. Toras Menachem Vol. 1 p. 125.
207. Ibid. Those chassanim who can’t be there the Shabbos before the wedding
should try to have an Aliyah in 770 some time before the wedding.
Our custom is not to add to the number of seven Aliyos and therefore when
there are many chassanim a second minyan for the Torah reading is organized, at
which the additional chassanim are called up. Alternatively, they are called up at
Minchah — see Sefer HaMinhagim p. 31 based upon Responsa Tzemach Tzedek
Orach Chaim 35.
208. See Tzemach Tzedek Piskei Dinim Yoreh Deah 192:6.
209. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 1 p. 52, Sicha 2nd day Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5713. See also Kfar
Chabad 1122 and 787. In Shevach Nissuin (Hurvitz) p. 22 fn. 7 he says that from
the words of the Previous Rebbe that “a few days before the wedding a chosson
should not be alone,” it implies even when he is at home. He also writes that
this applies to the kallah as well.
128. It is the custom that the chosson and kallah should not
meet each other (and preferably not even speak on the
a week before the wedding.
129. The kallah should immerse in a Mikvah before the wedding
as required by halachah.
130. Both the chosson and the kallah should review the halachos
pertinent to the wedding night and thereafter, preferably
in a one-to-one session with a chosson or kallah teacher.
210. Binyan Adei Ad p. 20 fn.49.
211. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76.
212. See Kitzur Dinei Taharah (Kehot). This is presuming that she can immerse.
However if the chuppah is a chuppas niddah, the chosson should be informed before
the chuppah.
Chapter 6
U The Wedding Day T
U Fasting on the Day of the Wedding
131. The wedding day is considered a personal Yom Kippur
and therefore the chosson and kallah fast on this day.
Chazal say that a chosson on the day of his chuppah is
forgiven for all of his sins
and therefore, there needs to
be great introspection, regret over the misdoings of the
past, firm resolutions for the future, and one must
beseech mercy from Hashem on this day.
It is
praiseworthy to cry during this fast.
132. It is permitted for the chosson and kallah to brush their
teeth or use mouthwash.
213. As is well known the connection between a wedding and Yom Kippur — as
stated in the Talmud end of Tractate Taanis that the daughters of Israel would
go out on Yom Kippur etc.
214. Three reasons are offered for this fast; a) as an atonement, b) so that the
kiddushin may be done with a clear mind, c) for there is no Kesubah without
some dispute and this fast takes away any ill causes of the dispute — see Sicha of
Shabbos Korach 5718.
A chosson or kallah who find fasting extremely difficult and fear they will not
be well at the time of the chuppah need not fast. They should however only eat
minimally and certainly not drink any intoxicating beverages — Aruch
HaShulchan Even HoEzer 62:21.
215. See Shulchan Aruch Even HoEzer 61:1, Magen Avraham Orach Chaim 573. This also
includes the sins of Chatas Neurim which cause the Golus and holds up the
GeulahSicha 20th Av, 5714, Toras Menachem Vol. 12 p. 153.
216. Mekadesh Yisroel p. 56.
217. Likkutei Levi Yitzchok Igros Kodesh p. 207.
218. Nitei Gavriel Nisuin Vol. 1 6:13.
| 53 |
133. If the chuppah is held during the day, it is not necessary for
the chosson and kallah to complete the fast. They may break
their fast after the chuppah in the Yichud room.
134. The Previous Rebbe would fast on the day of his
daughters’ weddings.
135. The chosson and kallah do not fast if the wedding is on Rosh
however they should fast the day before.
chosson and kallah do not fast if the wedding is on
219. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76. If the chuppah is delayed until long after nightfall, then
if the chosson and kallah feel the need, they may break their fast after nightfall,
however they should not drink any intoxicating beverage — Kitzur Shulchan
Aruch 146.
220. Toras Menachem Vol. 23 p. 112: “The Previous Rebbe fasted on the day of his
daughters’ weddings. There will be those who will interpret this to mean that I
wish to introduce the custom that parents should also fast on the day of their
children’s chuppah. I therefore wish to explain that this is not my intent, rather I
wanted to explain the custom of the Rebbe who was a neshamah klolis and
beautified mitzvos in many ways, and there is no purpose to merely mimic the
Rebbe. If one wishes to emulate the ways of the Rebbe then one should start to
do so in other areas of his service and beautification of mitzvos and not to begin
with fasting. Nevertheless one may give Tzedakah instead of the fast.
In Toras Menachem Vol. 2 p. 252: “The Previous Rebbe fasted on the day of
his daughters’ weddings and he used to complete the fast (see Magen Avraham
Orach Chaim 573). At the wedding of his youngest daughter (Rebbetzin Shaina
who was married to Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hakohen Horenstein on
Tuesday, 10th Sivan 1932 in Landvarov, Poland) the chuppah was very late due
to the late arrival of one of the guests (Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzensky) and
nevertheless the Rebbe fasted until after the chuppah.” See also Toras Menachem
Vol. 12 p. 154, Vol. 23 p. 111. However see Reshimas Hayoman p. 239.
221. An exception is Rosh Chodesh Nissan when the chosson and kallah do fast even on
Rosh Chodesh — see Rama Orach Chaim 573:1.
222. Igros Kodesh Vol. 22 p. 152. See Hiskashrus 643 if this applies to any day upon
which one does not fast or specifically to Rosh Chodesh.
See Kfar Chabad 1122 that the Previous Rebbe once instructed a chosson
whose wedding was on a day that one does not fast that he should drink
something in the morning and then until after the chuppah he should not eat or
drink — fasting one should not fast, however neither should one eat or drink.
See also Hanissuin Kehilchosom 18:16 who states that the chosson
should eat
See Toras Menachem Vol. 2 p. 249 as regards a wedding on Purim Katan. See
also Encyclopedia Talmudis entry of chosson and kallah section 2 and Igros Kodesh
Vol. 18 p. 322.
Purim, Shushan Purim, Isru Chag, 15th Av or
15th Shvat.
U The Wedding Day
136. The chosson and kallah should say Tehillim on the wedding
137. The chosson should immerse in a Mikvah.
138. Tachanun is not recited in Shul if a chosson is present.
the chosson is in Shul on a day the Torah is read, he should
be called up for an Aliyah.
139. The Rebbe’s father Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson
instructed the Rebbe that after midday on the day of his
223. See Igros Kodesh Rayatz Vol. 17 p. 394, a case where the wedding was on
Chanukah and the Rebbe instructed them to fast on Friday Erev Shabbos 22nd
Kislev. (The reason he didn’t instruct them to fast on Sunday 24th Kislev — see
Divrei Nechemia Hashlomo to the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch 670:6-7, and in the
new Kehot edition Vol. 4 p. 486 — that according to many Poskim one should
not fast on the eve of Chanukah. As regards fasting on a Friday, see Alter Rebbe’s
Shulchan Aruch 249:12 — and perhaps the fasting before a chuppah may be
considered on par with a Yortzeit.)
224. See Magen Avraham Orach Chaim 573:1, Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch 429:17,
494:19. As regards Lag B’Omer there are different opinions and a Rav should be
225. The Previous Rebbe instructed his daughter Shaina to say many chapters of
Tehillim on the wedding day — see Reshimas Hayoman p. 239. We don’t know
which chapters he told her to recite and therefore if possible, the kallah should
say the entire TehillimSefer HaMinhagim p. 75.
See Kfar Chabad 1122 that the idea is that they should constantly engage in
saying Tehillim and even if they finish the entire sefer, they should start again.
See also Siddur Kiddushin Venisuin (Kehot/Farkash) p. 35.
The parents of the chosson and kallah should also say at least one chapter of
Tehillim in the merit of the chosson and kallahYechidus 25th Tishrei 5747
(Hisvaaduyos 5747 Vol. 1 p. 419).
226. See Likkutei Levi Yitzchok Igros Kodesh p. 206 for the Kavanos according to
227. There are different halachic opinions as to whether Tachanun should be recited
in Shul during Shacharis in the presence of a chosson whose wedding is later that
day. Rabbi Zalman Shimon Dworkin ruled that it not be said, relying on the
opinion quoted in the Hashlomo Divrei Nechemia 131:6.
228. Magen Avraham 282 (e
nd), Biur Halachah 136.
wedding he should learn Ch. 25 of Tanya with great
Kavanah and immediately afterwards he should pray
Minchah with Al Chet with great Kavanah.
140. At Minchah, the chosson should say Al Chet at the end of the
If fasting, the chosson (and kallah) should
include the Tefillah of Aneinu in the berachoh of Shema
He should also wear a Gartel.
The Rebbe
would give his personal Siddur to chassanim on the day of
their wedding from which they would pray Minchah.
141. If possible, one should visit the Ohel
on the day of the
wedding and pray that the wedding and married life be
successful and blessed with good health, children who
keep Torah and mitzvos, and good parnassah. Arrangements
should be made to ensure that the chosson and the kallah
should not go there at the same time.
142. The chosson and kallah should give extra Tzedakah on the
morning of the wedding day in honor of the wedding to
merit success on that day and throughout their entire
143. The parents, grandparents, family, mentors, shadchanim
and friends of the chosson and kallah should also give extra
Tzedakah on the wedding day so that the wedding be in a
good and auspicious hour.
229. Ibid.
230. Pischei Teshuvah Even HoEzer 61:9, Siddur Derech HaChaim 223:2. This Vidui is
recited even on Rosh Chodesh or on any other day that Tachanun is not said
Pischei Teshuvah ibid.
231. Hanissuin Kehilchosom 18:15.
232. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 67. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 10 p. 393. Even if the chuppah is on
Friday, the chosson should say Al Chet — an instruction of the Previous Rebbe to
Rabbi Hodakov — Hiskashrus 645.
233. Mekadesh Yisroel p. 175.
234. Mekadesh Yisroel ibid.
235. Hisvaaduyos 5744 Vol. 4 p. 2242, 5746 Vol. 4 p. 85. Extra Tzedakah should also
be given before minchahYechidus 17th Adar 5743.
236. Hisvaaduyos 5750 Vol. 3 p. 113, Vol. 2 p. 29, 5746 Vol. 2 p. 488.
U The Rav
144. The Rav “Mesader Kiddushin” should be G-d fearing and
well versed in all the pertinent halachos of writing a Kesubah
and Kiddushin.
It is up to the Rav to ascertain that all
aspects of the wedding are conducted according to
halachah. This includes the appointment of kosher
witnesses for Tenaim, Kesubah and Kiddushin, the correct
writing and text used for Tenaim and Kesubah, and the
correct order of the wedding ceremony.
145. The side of the kallah is to appoint the Rav Mesader
U The Witnesses
146. The witnesses used for the signing of the Tenaim, Kesubah
and to witness the Kiddushin must not be related to each
other, or to the chosson and kallah, and must also be kosher
witnesses in all respects.
147. The following is a list of disqualifications because they are
considered to be related as family: a) father or the
mother’s husband, b) grandfather, great-grandfather or
grandmother’s husband, c) son, d) daughter’s husband, e)
grandson, great-grandson, granddaughter’s husband, f)
brother, g) brother-in-law, h) uncles, great-uncles, aunt’s
husbands, i) cousins, cousin’s husbands, j) nephews or
237. In fact a rabbi who is not well versed in all the laws of Gittin and Kiddushin
should not be mesader kiddushin. Many serious problems can arise if the rabbi
presiding over the wedding is not adequately familiar with those laws.
238. Mekadesh Yisroel p. 78, 227. The rights of Siddur Kiddushin in a town belong to
the Mara D’asra — the paid and appointed Rav of the town. Consequently if the
family wish another Rav to be mesader kiddushin permission must be requested
from the Mara D’asra — see Hanissuin Kehilchosom 18:21.
239. The criteria for kosher witnesses are discussed in Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat
33,34 and the Rav must be familiar with these laws — see Hanissuin Kehilchosom
niece’s husbands , from either a bother or sister, as well as
their children (i.e. grandnephews or grandnieces).
U The Kabbolas Ponim — Reception
148. It is customary to make a reception — Kabbolas Ponim for
the chosson before the chuppah. The chosson should sit at the
head of the table and refreshments be placed on the table.
Arrangements should be made that there are separate
rooms for the Kabbolas Ponim of the chosson and the bedeken
of the kallah. Care should be taken that the chosson and
kallah should not meet until the moment of bedeken.
149. At the Rebbe’s wedding, the Previous Rebbe instructed that
the “spiritual part” of the wedding be in the Yeshivah and
the meal be in a hall. Therefore the Kabbolas Ponim was in
one of the rooms of the Yeshivah, the chuppah was outside
in the Yeshivah courtyard, and the Yichud room in the
Yeshivah. The wedding meal was in a hall.
In the
invitation it was written that the chuppah was to be at 5:00
p.m. Although the actual chuppah started later at night
however the Kabbolas Ponim was actually at 5:00 p.m.
the Kabbolas Ponim, the Previous Rebbe instructed that a
niggun of each of the Rebbeim be sung, and before the
niggun the Rebbe introduced each niggun by saying, “this is
the niggun of the Alter Rebbe, the Mitteler Rebbe, etc.” At the
Kabbolas Ponim refreshments were served, and those
present said Lechaim. On the instruction of the Previous
Rebbe, the mechutonim did not say Lechaim.
240. Toras Menachem Vol. 10 p. 200.
241. Ibid. P. 199.
242. See Reshimas Hayoman p. 239, Kfar Chabad 611, 616.
150. After the reading of the Tenaim and breaking of the plate
(see next section), the chosson should say the maamar Lecha
Dodi 5689 (or Lecha Dodi 5714).
243. If the chosson is unable to say the maamar then it should be said by one of the
mechutonim — Sefer HaMinhagim p. 67. In Toras Menachem Vol. 8 p. 216, the
Rebbe said: “At my wedding, before the Previous Rebbe started saying the
maamar Lecha Dodi, he said; “It is well known that at a wedding the souls of the
fathers come from the World of Truth, going back three generations — and this
is by every Jew — however there are occasions (by Rebbeim) when even more than
three generations of past souls are present. And as an invitation to the souls of
these Tzaddikim to participate in the wedding, a maamar chassidus will now be
said of which a portion of it is from the Alter Rebbe, a part from the Mitteler
Rebbe, a part from the Tzemach Tzedek, and a part from the son of the Tzemach
Tzedek (the Rebbe Maharash) the great-grandfather of the kallah, a part from the
son of the Tzemach Tzedek, (Reb Boruch Sholom the firstborn son of the Tzemach
Tzedek) the great grandfather of the chosson, and a part from the Rebbe Rashab,
the grandfather of the kallah.” Certainly in the maamar there was something
from the Previous Rebbe himself although he did not state this explicitly. And
even though he did not need to invite himself since he was there, nevertheless
the order is that all influences are drawn down through the channel of Torah.
And since we walk in the ways of the Previous Rebbe, it is correct that at every
wedding of Anash (who are connected to the Rebbe) that before the chuppah the
chosson or another present should say the maamar Lecha Dodi which as
aforementioned has a part from all the Rebbeim — and this will be an invitation
to the souls of all the Rebbeim to participate in the wedding.
Tzaddikim are compared to their Creator (Midrash Rus Rabbah 4:3). Just like
Hashem put His essence in the Torah as it says (Shabbos 105a) “I put my soul in
writing”, so too by Tzaddikim and our Rebbeim, they put themselves in their
maamarim of chassidus, and therefore by saying a maamar chassidus which
contains Torah from all the Rebbeim — this creates an invitation to all their
souls to participate, and instead of putting together a
maamar whi
ch has a part
from all the Rebbeim, it would be best to repeat the maamar Lecha Dodi. (One
could actually say the maamar Samach Tesamach 5657 — the maamar which was
said by the Rebbe Rashab by the wedding of the Previous Rebbe) which also has
something from all the Rebbeim however it is a long maamar and if repeated
those present may fall asleep or leave, so best say the maamar Lecha Dodi which
is much shorter. And although there are other maamarim that the Previous
Rebbe said at other weddings, he knew the connection of the maamar to all the
Rebbeim, but we don’t need to look for other maamarim as we have this one.
Following this reasoning, some wish to say the maamar Lecha Dodi 5714
which is a maamar of the Rebbe (and also mentions all the other Rebbeim) and
hence inviting the Rebbe.
As regards the participation of the Rebbe at the wedding, Rabbi Shmuel
Zalmanov once wrote to the Rebbe asking him to edit something he had
151. It is incorrect to interrupt the chosson whilst saying the
maamar, and in those places that have such a minhag, first
the chosson should say the maamar in its entirety and then
start again and then be interrupted with a niggun.
U The Tenaim
152. The Chabad custom is to write the Tenaim on the wedding
and this is overseen by the Rav Mesader Kiddushin.
153. There is a standard text that we use for the Tenaim.
154. The following people are required for the writing of the
Tenaim: the father (or representative) of the chosson, the
father (or representative) of the kallah, two guarantors,
two witnesses and the chosson. The names of the
representatives, chosson, kallah, guarantors, date and place
should be filled in. The two witnesses then make a kinyan
with the representatives, guarantors, chosson and kallah (or
her representative)
. After the kinyanim have been made,
written. The Rebbe replied that he could not do so because there was a wedding
scheduled for that evening (this was a time when the Rebbe was no longer
mesader kiddushin for people.) Rabbi Zalmanov asked; “But the Rebbe is no
longer mesader kiddushin?” The Rebbe replied, “When one no longer participates
physically, then one is even more busy with the matter.”
244. Igros Kodesh Vol. 17 p. 98, Kfar Chabad 479. In Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 401 the
Rebbe instructed that if the chosson was interrupted he should finish the
maamar on a different occasion within the month of the wedding.
245. Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 19.
246. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 13 p. 134 — that this is a text that was used by the Tzemach
Tzedek. In general this text should not be changed. However, if one of the sides
insists on changing something, then as long as it does not appertain to a matter
of Yiras Shomayim, then one need not be stubborn and a change can be made.
Nevertheless one needs to investigate as to why the standard text be changed —
Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 402. See at length the sefer Tenaim, Vort, Erusin, Nissuin by
Rabbi S. D. Levin (Kehot).
247. The guarantors may be related to each other or be relatives of the chosson and
kallah or their representatives.
248. In practice, when the Tenaim are written at the time of the Kabbolas Ponim,
either the Rav can take the two witnesses to the room where the kallah is and
make a kinyan with her, or the kallah can appoint a representative (such as her
father) to make a kinyan on her behalf.
the word Vekanina is filled in. After the witnesses have read
over the Tenaim, they sign their names together with their
respective father’s names (and some add their family
names), ending with the word Ed. The kinyanim are made
as previously described in the section of the Vort.
155. At the Kabbolas Ponim, someone is honored to read the
in the presence of the mothers of the chosson and
kallah (or their escorts), after which the custom is to break
an earthenware plate by the mothers (or the escorts).
When the plate is broken all exclaim Mazal Tov!
U The Kesubah — Wedding Contract
156. A Kesubah is a wedding contract in which the chosson
obligates himself to support his wife and fulfill all the
Torah obligations he has to her. The chosson must be made
aware of the content of the Kesubah before it is signed.
157. Before the chuppah the Rav must prepare the Kesubah. At
the Rebbe’s wedding, the Kesubah was written on the day of
the wedding (much before the chuppah) and the Kabbolas
Kinyan and signature of the witnesses were all done by day.
The chuppah itself was held after nightfall and all that was
done at the chuppah was the reading and handing over of
the Kesubah from the chosson to the kallah.
158. Often today, the Rav will use a printed Kesubah in which
one needs to fill in the missing information. The Rav must
ensure that these details are filled in correctly. (If the
249. There are some Roshei Teivos in the Tenaim which should be read as follows:
Rechash = Rav, Chazan, Shamash
Klaz = Kli Zemer
Mem Tzurad Tuk = Meeta Mutzaas, Tzeifim Urdidim, Tallis Vekittel
Betak= Betkias Kaf
Ubkagas = Ubkinyan agav sudar
250. Rama Even HoEzer 66:13.
251. In fact, halachically the Kesubah can be written a few days before the wedding —
Toras Menachem Vol. 10 p. 199. See also Hanissuin Kehilchosom 11:31.
Kesubah has been especially written by a scribe, the Rav
must ensure that the scribe has written it correctly).
159. The Rav must explain the content of the Kesubah to the
chosson, and then the chosson should make a kinyan and
accept the obligations of the Kesubah. This kinyan is made
by one of the witnesses giving the chosson a garment (such
as a handkerchief/cloth napkin/Yarmulka that measures at
least 3 fingers x 3 fingers that belongs to one of the
witnesses — see section on Vort). The chosson takes the
garment and raises it, thereby obligating himself in all the
obligations of the Kesubah.
160. The kinyan itself must be done in front of the two
witnesses. After the chosson makes the kinyan, the word
Vekanina is filled in, and then the witnesses sign their
names including their father’s names (and some add the
family name) ending with the word Ed.
U Shushvinin — Escorts
161. The chosson and kallah are escorted to the chuppah by
shushvinin — escorts. The idea behind this is that the new
couple needs help and support to overcome any
inhibitions they may have in the move from being single
to being married. They therefore need (senior) friends to
support them in this move. It is for this reason that the
shushvinin are a married couple, since they are an example
to the chosson and kallah of someone who has made that
162. The custom is to take two married couples as shushvinin
one couple from the chosson’s side and the other from the
side of the kallah.
252. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 22 p. 61.
253. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76.
163. Where both parents of the chosson and kallah are present,
the custom is that both the fathers are the shushvinin for
the chosson and both mothers the shushvinin of the kallah.
164. Where not all are present, then both sides should agree on
which married couple the shushvinin should be, and it is
best that the chosson and kallah not mix in to their
165. In a case where the father and the mother of either the
chosson or kallah are divorced or remarried, then another
married couple should lead the chosson and kallah under
the chuppah and the parents may then join in on circling
the chosson.
166. In a case where the mother of either the chosson or kallah is
pregnant, then an additional married couple should be
taken to circle the chosson under the chuppah.
U Bedekin — Veiling of the Bride
167. It is customary to prepare a special room with a special
seat for the kallah. (When both receptions are held in the
same hall, a mechitzah should be placed to separate the two
areas.) There the kallah awaits the chosson to come from the
Kabbolas Ponim to the Bedekin. After the Kabbolas Ponim, the
chosson is lead to the Bedekin escorted by his shushvinin and
followed by the distinguished guests while singing the
254. Ibid.
255. Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 412. On one occasion when the parents of the chosson were
absent, a chosson asked the Rebbe who the shushvinin should be, and the Rebbe
asked the chosson by whom he learns, i.e. who is his Rosh Yeshivah, and the Rebbe
indicated that he should be the shushvinin Mekadesh Yisroel p. 198. In one such
instance — the Rosh Yeshivah did not have children and a chosson asked the Rebbe
whether he may be the shushvinin, and the Rebbe instructed that two extra
couples be taken as shushvinin, one on the side of the chosson and one on the side
of the kallahMekadesh Yisroel p. 247.
256. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76.
257. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 22 p. 58.
Alter Rebbe’s niggun of the daled bovos.
The chosson places
the veil over the head of the kallah so that it covers her
The parents and grandparents then bless the
after which the chosson is led away to prepare for
the chuppah.
168. The Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka related that her veil — “Dek
Tuch” was quite thick, so much so that it was difficult for
her to see on the way to the chuppah.
U In Preparation for the Chuppah
169. After the Kabbolas Ponim the chosson prepares for the
chuppah in the following way.
170. The custom is that the chosson should wear a Kittel.
Kittel is worn over a silk Kapote
but under a coat.
258. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76. It is not appropriate for Tznius reasons that bochurim
join this part of the procession.
259. See Rama Even HoEzer 31:2, Likkutei Torah Shir Hashirim 47:4.
260. This is done in a similar way to the blessing parents give children on Erev Yom
Kippur — Shulchan HoEzer Vol. 2 p. 25, 26.
261. Mr. Benzion Hackner of London points out that in Igros Kodesh Rayatz Vol. 15
(5761 p. 361ff) which describes the Rebbe’s wedding, it appears that the Rebbe
prepared for the chuppah before the bedeken and he went straight from the
bedeken to the chuppah. However, in 770 (and other places) the preparations for
the chuppah are made after the bedeken.
262. Simchas Olom p. 76. She also related that her father, the Previous Rebbe
instructed her that at the Bedekin the kallah should not be wearing any other
covering on her head, and the very first covering would be the veil that her
chosson puts on her at the time of Bedekin — ibid. See also Oholei Shem Vol. 9 p.
305, Tiferes Yehuda Kalman Vol. 2 p. 148ff., — when does the obligation to cover
a woman’s hair begin. As regards wearing a sheitel for the bedekin and chuppah a
Rav should be consulted.
263. And on the first Yom Kippur after the wedding he should not wear a Kittel —
Sefer HaMinhagim p. 67.
264. Likkutei Levi Yitzchok Igros Kodesh p. 206. See also sicha of Isru Chag Sukkos 5711:
“We need to introduce the custom that young men should wear “Zeidine
Zupitzers” — silk Kapotes on Shabbos and Yomtov, and praised is the lot of one
who does so.” The concept of wearing a silk garment is brought in a maamar of
the Rebbe Rashab see Sefer HaMaamarim 5662 p. 231, p. 247. Sefer
HaMaamarim 5671, p. 328 (247), Sefer HaMaamarim 5672 Vol. 2 p. 872.
265. Igros Kodesh Vol. 5 p. 87.
possible one should wear a Kittel that was made from a
garment from one of the Rebbeim.
171. The chosson should wear a Gartel.
The custom is that the
shushvinin dress the chosson with the Kittel, Gartel and coat.
At the Rebbe’s wedding, the Previous Rebbe put the Gartel
on the chosson (the Rebbe).
172. All the clothes that the chosson wears at the chuppah should
be new.
173. The custom is to untie all knots on the garments of the
chosson — such as his shoelaces and tie,
and he should
have nothing in his pockets.
Therefore it is advisable
that the ring used for kiddushin should be held by one of
the relatives/friends who will be able to produce it under
the chuppah.
174. Some have the custom that after putting on the Kittel and
Gartel, both fathers (and grandfathers) bless the chosson.
175. The kallah must not have any other rings on her fingers for
the chuppah nor should she wear gloves or any other
176. If the kallah is a niddah, the chosson should be informed
before the chuppah.
266. Likkutei Levi Yitzchok Igros Kodesh p. 206 — there the Rebbe’s father writes that he
had very much wanted that the Rebbe wear at his wedding a Gartel from the
Tzemach Tzedek. However, due to the fact that he was unable to be at the
wedding (since the wedding was in Warsaw and the Soviet authorities refused
to permit the Rebbe’s father to come from Russia for his son’s wedding) and
hence, the Rebbe was not able to wear the gartel, nevertheless, it was a correct
thought which Hashem considers as actually done.
Today many chassanim wear one of the Rebbe’s shirts as a Kittel.
267. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 67.
268. The Previous Rebbe said that when he made that morning the blessing “Ozer
Yisroel Bigvurah,” he had in mind to bind the chosson with the gartel.
269. This was an instruction of the Previous Rebbe — see Kfar Chabad 1122.
270. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76.
271. Ibid. See Reshimas Hayoman p. 240 that the chosson was told to remove his watch.
272. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 147:2.
Chapter 7
U The Chuppah T
177. The chuppah should be set up outdoors underneath the
The reason for this is that the couple should be
blessed with offspring as numerous as the stars of the
178. Once the chosson has been prepared for the chuppah, the
shushvinin hold the chosson’s arms, with the chosson’s father
(or escort) on his right side and the kallah’s father (or
escort) on the left, and he is led under the chuppah. The
shushvinin should be holding candles,
and all present
sing the Alter Rebbe’s niggun of the daled bovos.
179. The chosson stands under the chuppah facing east.
180. The moments under the chuppah are powerful indeed. The
Rebbe’s father Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson instructed
the Rebbe that under his chuppah he should think the
entire time about Yiras Shomayim and that he should have
children who are G-d fearing and a blessed generation of
273. Rama Even HoEzer 61:1, Igros Kodesh Vol. 19 p. 412. Even during the winter when
it is cold, nevertheless, the chuppah should be outside underneath the open sky
— see Toras Menachem Vol. 2 p. 246. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 12 p. 117 regarding a
chuppah in a hall that has a roof that opens.
274. Matteh Moshe in the laws of Hachnossas Kallah offers a number of explanations
why candles are held; a) because a man has 248 limbs and a woman 252
totaling 500 which is the gematria of twice the word Ner, b) twice Ner = the
gematria of Pru Urvu, c) the moment is like Mattan Torah where there was
275. See Reshimas Hayoman p. 239.
276. Hanissuin Kehilchosom 18:53.
| 67 |
upright people — together with the kallah with whom he
has been blessed by Hashem.
181. The moment standing under the chuppah is a most
auspicious time to request all one’s heart’s desire from
Hashem. It is on the day of the chuppah that one is forgiven
for all one’s sins and one is compared to a king. In the
blessings we recite under the chuppah the couple are
likened to their being created in the Garden of Eden
before the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, and in that lofty
status, they should take the opportunity to pray for all
good things for their future life together.
277. Likkutei Levi Yitzchok Igros Kodesh p. 206.
Before the wedding of the chossid R’ Refoel Nachman Kahan, he went into
Yechidus with the Rebbe Rashab, and the Rebbe instructed him: “From the
moment you sit at the Kabbolas Ponim until after the chuppah, you should
sharply focus your mind on one thought, and that is — I accept upon myself
the yolk of Heaven, on myself and on my children, and children’s children until
the end of all generations.”
It is also well known that three generations of parents, grandparents and
great grandparents — including the souls of those in Gan Eden come and
participate in the wedding. See Sefer HaMaamarim Kuntreisim Vol. 1 p. 80. This
emphasizes that: a) the avodah of the children is empowered by the parents, and
b) the essence and power of the parents is drawn down to the world through
the avodah of the children — see Sefer HaSichos 5752 Vol. 1 p. 262.
278. Igros Kodesh Vol. 18 p. 56, Vol. 20 p. 274. The Mitteler Rebbe writes in Drushei
Chasunah Vol. 2 p. 728 that a chuppah represents a Makkif and everything that a
person will engage in their service of Hashem for their entire lifetime is brought
down from that makkif and therefore it is of the most utmost importance that
they bind their minds to Hashem at that moment — see Likkutei Sichos Vol. 31 p.
Rabbi Dovid Raskin related that when he was in Yechidus before his wedding,
he was told — amongst other things — to think of the Rebbe under the chuppah.
Once a chossid of Munkatch came into the Rebbe and asked how he should
prepare for the chuppah. The Rebbe told him that under the chuppah he should
have in mind a picture of the Rebbe of Munkatch as in the last time he saw him
best. On one occasion, the Rebbe instructed a chosson in Yechidus before his
wedding (in 1953) that under the chuppah he should have a picture of the
Previous Rebbe in his pocket.
It is not our custom to give the chosson kvitelech to read under the chuppah
Toras Menachem Vol. 9 p. 154.
182. Then the kallah is led under the chuppah, with the shushvinos
holding her arms. The kallah’s mother (or her chosen
escort) should be on the right of the kallah and the
chosson’s mother (or the wife of the chosson’s chosen escort)
on the left. Both shushvinos should be holding candles.
183. As the kallah reaches the chuppah, some have a custom for
the chosson’s shushvinin to step forward and greet the
184. The kallah, both pairs of shushvinin, parents and
grandparents (male and female) all walk around the
chosson anti-clockwise seven times, accompanied by the
singing of the Alter Rebbe’s niggun, after which the kallah
stands to the right of the chosson.
During this
procession, the chosson, kallah and shushvinim should have
thoughts of Teshuvah.
185. After the Hakkofos someone is honored with the singing of
Boruch Habo — Mi Adir.
186. The Rebbe’s letter is read under the chuppah.
187. Some honor the Kohanim to bless the couple with the
priestly blessing.
188. The Rav may wish to address the chosson and kallah.
189. The Rav Mesader Kiddushin will then recite the Birchos
Erusin. A glass is filled with wine
(the same glass is later
also used for the Birchos Nisuin and is then broken
) and
279. Shaar Hakollel p. 82. However, when the Rebbe was Mesader Kiddushin this was
not done, and neither did they do it when Rabbi Zalman Shimon Dworkin was
Mesader Kiddushin — heard from Rabbi Y.L. Groner as quoted in Shevach Nissuin
(Hurvitz) p. 41 fn.14.
280. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76. See Toras Chaim of the Mitteler Rebbe Parshas Vayeishev p.
16 a reason for this.
281. The reason why a double expression of Mazal Tov Mazal Tov is used is because
this corresponds to the two mazolos of Notzar and Venakeih which unite at the
chuppah — see Likkutei Sichos Vol. 20 p. 576.
282. See Sefer Nesivim Bisdei Hashlichus (Dayan L. Y. Raskin) p. 182.
283. For practical reasons the wine should preferably be white mevushal wine.
284. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76, Toras Menachem Vol. 10 p. 200.
the Rav reminds the chosson and kallah to listen carefully to
the blessings of Hagofen and Erusin and have in mind to
fulfill their obligation with his recitation. They should not
say “Boruch Hu Uvoruch Shmo” when the Rav mentions
Hashem’s name, but they should say Amen after both the
The Rav then recites the berachoh over the wine
and the Erusin blessing whilst facing the chosson and
190. The chosson and kallah are given to drink from the wine.
The custom is that the wine is given to the chosson by his
father or his escort, and the kallah is given the wine by her
mother or her escort. Both the chosson and kallah have had
in mind to fulfill their obligation by listening to the Rav’s
blessing and therefore they both drink the wine without
making a further blessing. The Rav does not drink from
the wine.
191. Then two kosher witnesses are designated to be the wit-
nesses of the kiddushin to the exclusion of all others. These
witnesses are usually appointed before the chuppah and the
Rav has already clarified that they are kosher and not re-
lated to each other.
The two witnesses should stand
close enough to see the act of kiddushin.
The Rav will ask
285. If they forgot and did say Boruch Hu Uvoruch Shmo it is not necessary to repeat
the Berachos — see Ketzos Hashulchan 22:11.
286. The Rebbe would say “Savri Maranan” before the blessing over the wine (as can
be heard in the recordings).
287. Shaarei Nissuin p. 305, Kfar Chabad 787 — see also Responsa Maharsham Vol. 5:8
that one should not change the custom that only the chosson and kallah drink
from the wine. See at length Tenaim, Vort, Erusin, Nissuin by Rabbi S. D. Levin
288. The decision of who is fit to be a kosher witness should be left to the Rav. The
mechutonim may offer a suggestion to the Rav, but the Rav may have his
reservations regarding the propriety of the proposed men. To avoid
embarrassment, the mechutonim should not invite anyone to be a witness
without having cleared this first with the Rav.
289. Before the kiddushin the two witnesses should have thoughts of Teshuvah
Hanissuin Kehilchosom 18:56. See also Toras Menachem Vol. 26 p. 164 fn. 54.
for the ring to be produced and then the Rav will show the
ring to the two witnesses and ask them if it worth a
perutah (the value of a small coin). They must respond in
the affirmative. The ring itself must actually belong to the
chosson. The Rav may therefore ask the chosson if the ring
belongs to him and that he purchased the ring with his
own money. (If the father of the chosson purchased the ring,
then the chosson should acquire it through a halachically
valid method of acquisition/kinyan.)
192. The chosson then takes the ring in his right hand (unless he
is left-handed, in which case he uses the left hand) and the
kallah extends her right index finger. (If the kallah is left
handed, then she should extend the index finger on the
hand she usually wears rings.)
193. The chosson begins to place the ring on the finger when he
begins to say Haray At...While saying the last word Veyisroel
he securely places the ring on her finger.
(If the chuppah
is a chuppas niddah, the chosson should be careful not to
touch the kallah’s finger.
) The kallah is silent during the
placing of the ring.
194. After the witnesses see the act of kiddushin and the ring has
been firmly placed on her finger, the two witnesses declare
Mekudeshes (she is married). The witnesses must be very
careful to see the placing of the ring on the bride’s finger
and to hear the entire Haray At etc., said by the chosson. (A
word needs to be said here about the photographer. The
photographer needs to understand the utmost importance
of the witnesses seeing the act of kiddushin and therefore in
no way should he obstruct their vision just in order to
catch a better view.)
290. Toras Menachem Vol. 10 p. 199.
291. Hanissuin Kehilchosom 16:2.
195. After the kiddushin, someone is honored with reading the
Kesubah in its entirety. The honor of reading the Kesubah is
usually given to a Rosh Yeshivah or another Rav, and is
considered as an honor second only to Sidur Kiddushin.
After the Kesubah is read, it is rolled up and given to the
chosson who then gives it to the kallah (who then usually
gives it to her mother or escort). If it is a chuppas niddah,
the Rav should hand it to the kallah’s escort. It is vital that
the Kesubah be kept in a safe place throughout the lives of
the couple. In the great excitement of the wedding great
care must be taken that the Kesubah is not misplaced.
Therefore, after the chuppah, the Kesubah should be kept
safe by a relative/friend until after the wedding and then
the kallah should take it home with her.
196. After reading the Kesubah, the Birchos Nisuin are recited,
using the same glass as the Birchos Erusin. (The Nisuin
blessings are only recited in the presence of a minyan.) The
cup is topped up with wine, and the blessing over wine is
recited followed by the Sheva Berachos.
197. Some divide up the honor of reciting the Sheva Berachos
among relatives and friends. However, the first two
blessings of Borei Pri Hagofen and Shehakol Boro Lichvodo
should not be separated unless absolutely necessary.
198. The chosson and kallah are again reminded by the Rav that
they should fulfill their obligation by listening to those
honored with saying the Sheva Berachos and to answer only
Amen and not Boruch Hu Uvoruch Shmo.
292. It should be noted that a man may not live with his wife unless they have a
Kesubah. If, for whatever reason, the Kesubah is lost, a new Kesubah (called a
Kesubah D’Irksa) must be written. A Rav should be consulted in this case — see
Otzar HaPoskim 66:2:2, 16:2.
293. See Betzel Hachochmah Vol. 6:126.
199. In the blessing of Samach Tesamach, the first word is read
Samach with a Patach (and not Sameiach — with a Tzayray
under the Mem).
200. After the Sheva Berachos the chosson and kallah are given
some wine to drink. This time around, the custom is that
the chosson receives the wine from the kallah’s father or
escort, and the kallah receives the wine from the chosson’s
mother or escort.
201. After they drink from the glass, someone else is asked to
finish the rest of the wine (and he should make a berachoh
on the wine). The glass is then wrapped in a protective
cover, and placed under the chosson’s right foot. The chosson
then breaks the glass with his right foot and all shout
Mazal Tov! The musicians then play simchah music.
294. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76. The reason for this can be found in Igros Kodesh Vol. 3 p.
295. See Drushei Chassuna of the Mitteler Rebbe Vol. 1 p. 339.
Chapter 8
U Yichud — Seclusion T
202. After the chuppah, the chosson and kallah proceed to the
Yichud room accompanied by two witnesses. The Yichud
room should be a private room which can be closed
(preferably locked) and in which the new couple can be
alone. (If the room has windows, the curtains should be
closed). The chosson enters first, with his right foot, passing
over a silver spoon already placed on the floor in the
The kallah then enters in the same manner,
and then the door is shut and locked for approximately 8
minutes (but not less than 5 minutes) with the witnesses
waiting outside the room for the entire time.
203. At the Rebbe’s wedding, the mechutanim entered the Yichud
room, and then they left, and the Previous Rebbe himself
poured a cup of tea for the chosson and kallah to break their
fast, and then he left leaving the chosson and kallah alone.
This custom is often practiced today.
296. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76. In a Teshurah to a wedding: “As regards the custom to
step lightly on the left foot of the kallah after the chuppah to fulfill the verse,
“And he shall rule over you” the Rebbe said: a) its not Tznius, b) why do you
need segulos — the reason behind this custom is so that his voice should be
heard in the house, and if he will conduct himself properly then his voice will
be heard in the house, c) if you really want a segulah, it is that the chosson should
enter the yichud room first, and if he forgot then when they return home he
should enter first — although I have not found a communal instruction to this
297. See Responsa Minchas Yitzchok Vol. 4:94,95.
298. Toras Menachem Vol. 10 p. 200.
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204. In the case of a chuppas niddah, the door should be left
slightly ajar (or closed but not locked), and the chosson and
kallah should keep all the harchokos in the Yichud room.
205. The first words uttered by the chosson and kallah in the
Yichud room — and the foundation for their married life —
should be holy and full of blessings.
206. Food is prepared in the Yichud room and the chosson and
kallah break their fast.
207. Some have the custom that the chosson gives the kallah a
gift in the Yichud room.
(Since it is not our custom to
give a ring at the engagement — but another item of
jewelry such as a necklace, then those who wish to give an
additional ring may use this opportunity and give this gift
in the Yichud room.)
299. Once when a chosson received the Siddur from the Rebbe to pray Minchah before
the wedding, he asked the Rebbe if there is a Chabad custom to give a gift in the
Yichud room. The Rebbe answered that there are various customs and everyone
can do as they see fit.
Chapter 9
U The Wedding Meal T
208. A wedding meal is prepared and this is a Seudas Mitzvah.
Today it is customary that all the guests wash and sit
down to eat and then the chosson and kallah enter amidst
much dancing and music. The chosson sits at the top table
and makes Hamotzi on a special large challah.
209. At the wedding meal there should be a proper Mechitzah
dividing between the men and the women.
210. The band should play niggunei Chabad.
It is customary to
lift the chosson and kallah (either on a chair or a table)
during the dancing.
211. A Tzedakah box should be placed on the tables at which
the chosson and kallah are sitting.
212. One should make a point of inviting poor people to come
and eat at the wedding — and they too should be given the
best food.
213. At his daughter’s wedding, the Previous Rebbe himself
went from table to table (with a napkin on his shoulder
300. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 9 p. 1, Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Vol. 4 p. 127. See also
Likkutei Sichos Vol. 14 p. 305 and Igros Kodesh Vol. 11 p. 368 regarding mixed
dancing. See also Igros Kodesh Vol. 23 p. 64 regarding the prohibition of a
woman singing at the wedding.
301. Igros Kodesh Vol. 3 p. 242.
302. See Likkutei Torah Shir Hashirim 48:4.
303. Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Even HoEzer p. 125.
304. See Sicha of 15th Tamuz 5736, Hisvaaduyos 5751 Vol. 4 p. 225, Shaarei Nissuin p.
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like a waiter) and he poured out a Lechaim to each person
and gave them his blessings.
214. The mitzvah is to rejoice with the chosson and kallah — and
this should be done through the dancing, and the saying
of Divrei Torah and chassidus and praise of the chosson and
kallah and their families.
215. The custom is to give gifts to the chosson and kallah.
216. It is not our custom for the chosson or any other relatives
to do a mitzvah Tantz with the kallah.
217. At the end of the meal the kallah is brought nearer to the
table where the Sheva Berachos are being recited, so she may
hear the Sheva Berachos.
Two cups are filled with wine.
The person honored with benching uses the first cup and
says the special Zimun which includes the words
“Shehasimchah Bimono.” When he has finished benching (but
before saying Borei Pri Hagofen), the second cup is used to
pass around those honored with saying the Sheva Berachos.
305. Yemei Melech p. 274. See also Sefer HaToldos of the Previous Rebbe Vol. 2 p. 100
that this was also done by the Rebbe Rashab.
306. See Sefer HaMaamarim 5657 p. 279 that this joy should permeate the physical
body so much that the body itself becomes excited and is consumed in the
simchah and therefore is not bothered if someone laughs or makes fun of him.
On one occasion, the Rebbe (before the Nesius) participated in a family
wedding. At the beginning of the meal he called over a student and said: “Ask
the bochurim and young men if they came here just to eat a seudas mitzvah or also
to fulfill the mitzvah of simchas chosson and kallah because time is passing and
there has not yet been one dance.” The student gave over the message and they
immediately started dancing with great joy — heard from Rabbi Y.L. Groner.
307. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 7 p. 119, Vol. 14 p. 444, Vol. 18 p. 453, Likkutei Torah Shir
Hashirim 29b. As regards the question of whether the chosson and kallah need to
give maaser from their gifts — see Igros Kodesh Rayatz Vol. 14 p. 312 and
Hanissuin Kehilchosom 13:50. See also Tzedakah Umishpat 5:4.
The very first thing the Alter Rebbe did by his wedding was to take the
Nadden (dowry) and distribute it to poor families — see Sefer HaToldos Alter
Rebbe p. 82, Sicha of Parshas Shmos 5723.
308. Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Vol. 5 p. 268, Likkutei Sichos Vol. 34 p. 291. See Kfar
Chabad 314 p. 23.
309. See Nitei Gavriel Nissuin 100:4.
After the last berachoh, the person who benched then says
the berachoh Borei Pri Hagofen on the wine and drinks
He then pours some of the wine from the second
cup (over which the Sheva Berachos has been said) into the
first cup and then back and forth pouring between the
cups to mix the wine. One cup is then passed to the chosson
to drink from and the other one is passed to the kallah.
218. A person who needs to leave the hall early and can’t wait
for the Sheva Berachos may bench with a mezuman at their
own table and do not need to recite the Sheva Berachos
Needless to say that it is preferable that the
guests remain for the Sheva Berachos. Much can be done by
the hosts in order to facilitate benching to be held at a time
that is reasonable for most of the guests.
219. The chosson and kallah are escorted home. See footnote as
regards to their conduct in the case of a chuppas niddah.
310. A Melo Lugmav (cheek full) — see Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 190:2.
311. Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 215.
312. In the case of a chuppas niddah, the chosson and kallah are forbidden to be alone
together in the same room or apartment until the kallah goes to the mikvah and
is permissible to her husband. The custom is to arrange for a boy between six
and nine years old to stay with the chosson and similarly, for a girl from the age
six and nine to stay with the kallah. This applies during the night. During the
daytime, either one of these child shomrim is enough. If a boy and girl are not
available, one may take either two boys or two girls, and if children are not
available one may take two adults — Nitei Gavriel Yichud 8:4,5. Taharah
Kehalachah 9:21:32 indicates that in difficult circumstances one may rely on a
child up until age 12 to be an effective shomer. Alternatively, the chosson and
kallah should stay at one of their parents or married friend’s homes and sleep in
different rooms. If they have to sleep in the same room, the door to the room
should be left wide open — Nitei Gavriel Yichud 8:10. It should be noted that
Taharah Kehalachah 9:21 states that the best arrangement is for the chosson and
kallah to stay at their parents’ or another married couple’s home in different
rooms. He emphasizes that there is no room for embarrassment regarding such
an arrangement, and that practically speaking, it is by far the best alternative.
Chapter 10
U The Seven Days of Sheva Berachos T
220. It is a mitzvah to rejoice for seven days after the wedding
— and these days are called “Shivas Ymai Hamishteh”. The
chosson and kallah should wear Shabbos clothes and may not
go to work
during these days. These are days to give
praise to Hashem for having given them the great merit of
being married. Tachanun is not recited in Shul when a
chosson is present.
221. At Shacharis the day after the wedding, the chosson starts
putting on a Tallis.
On the first Friday night after the
wedding, the kallah starts lighting two candles.
222. During the week of Sheva Berachos, the chosson and kallah
should not walk in the street alone (even if together) but
they should be accompanied by a shomer.
223. There is no obligation to make a Sheva Berachos meal every
day for seven days after the wedding
— however, if
during that time ten men (including the chosson) over the
age of Bar Mitzvah sit down for a meal and there is a
ponim chadashos — a “new face” present who wasn’t at the
313. See Shulchan Aruch Even HoEzer 64:1.
314. Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch 131:5,6. See there that as regards Tachanun, the
seven days are reckoned as seven days of 24 hours from the time of the chuppah.
315. See Sefer HaMinhagim p. 3 for the order of putting on a Tallis. See also Toras
Menachem Vol. 15 p. 109.
316. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 76. See also Mekadesh Yisroel p. 134. The reason is that they
are compared to a king and queen and it is not befitting for royalty to walk
317. See Reshimas Hayoman p. 240.
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wedding, then the Sheva Berachos are recited.
If no ponim
chadashos is present, then one only recites the last of the
Sheva Berachos, namely the blessing “Asher Boro” after the
224. The ponim chadashos needs to be someone who was not
present at the wedding or any other festive meal with the
chosson and kallah.
On Shabbos and Yomtov a ponim
chadashos is not required and Sheva Berachos may be recited
even if no ponim chadashos is present.
225. The seven days of celebration are calculated from the time
they go under the chuppah, (and not from the time of the
meal), so if for example the chuppah was on Monday before
sunset, the last meal of Sheva Berachos would be on the
318. It should be noted that Sheva Berachos are recited at festive meals during these
days if a previously unmarried man married a virgin, widow or divorcee, or if a
previously unmarried woman was married to a bachelor or divorcee. See
however Nitei Gavriel Nisuin Ch. 110, if a widow marries a widower or two
divorcees etc.
If no minyan is present (but there is a mezuman — 3 men over the age of Bar
Mitzvah) some Poskim say that one should still say the berachoh “Asher Boro”
Hanissuin Kehilchosom 14:114,115 (see ibid., 118 if a guest is necessary).
319. Shulchan Aruch Even HoEzer 62:7.
320. As regards to one who was present at the chuppah but not at the wedding meal
see Hanissuin Kehilchosom 14:52 who quotes various opinions but concludes that
the custom is that he is considered a ponim chadoshos. One who was present at
the wedding meal but missed the Sheva Berachos at the end is not considered a
ponim chadoshos at another meal — ibid., 14:54. One who was present at the
wedding meal but did not eat is not considered a ponim chadoshos at another
meal — ibid 14:57.
A woman may not be considered a ponim chadoshos. The ponim chadoshos
should be present at the Sheva Berachos — ibid.,14:67. If no ponim chadoshos is
present (or they were present but had to leave before benching) then although
one does say “Shehasimcha Bimono”, however only the berachohAsher Boro” is said
over a cup of wine — Hanissuin Kehilchosom 14:49.
321. This applies to the Friday night and the Shabbos day meals. However Seudah
Shlishis is not considered a ponim chadoshos unless the chosson says Torah — see
Shulchan Aruch Even HoEzer 62:8, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch and Misgeres 149:5.
As regards Chol Hamoed and Purim see Nisuin Kehilchosom Ch. 14:76,77, Nitei
Gavriel Nisuin 90:5.
next Sunday before sunset. (If they did not manage to
bench before sunset the Sheva Berachos are not recited.)
226. The chosson and kallah must both eat bread and if they
have not, then Sheva Berachos are not recited.
Even if the
chosson and kallah arrived in the middle of the meal, Sheva
Berachos are recited.
227. Men and women must sit separately at a Sheva Berachos. If
the chosson and kallah are in separate rooms, the custom is
that before the Sheva Berachos are recited the kallah comes
to the room where the chosson is so that the Sheva Berachos
are recited in her presence.
228. Bread must be served however it is not necessary to serve
meat, and a fish, vegetarian or milchig meal can be
229. The chosson should try and say a Maamar and something in
Nigleh at each of the Sheva Berachos.
230. A minyan must be present to recite the Sheva Berachos and
the chosson is included in the minyan.
All the minyan
should wash and eat bread in the first instance. However,
bdieved as long as seven have washed and eaten bread, and
322. Hanissuin Kehilchosom 14:4,7,9. If the chuppah was held Bein Hashmoshos we start
counting from the previous day — ibid 10. The seven days are not 7 days of 24
hours. So if for example the chuppah was at midday Wednesday, the last Sheva
Berachos would be before sunset on the next Tuesday — ibid., 11.
323. Hanissuin Kehilchosom 14:86.
324. Ibid., 14:85.
325. Ibid., 14:87.
326. Hanissuin Kehilchosom 14:22.
327. Rabbi Shmuel Levitin relates that in 5714 the Rebbe asked him to instruct
chassanim that during the Sheva Berachos, in addition to saying a Maamar at each
meal, the chosson should also say something in Nigleh — and if not at each meal
then at least more than once.
328. If there is no minyan (or no ponim chadoshos) then one does not recite the Sheva
Berachos. However, as long as there are three people benching with a mezuman
one says “Shehasimcha Bimono”.
the other three have eaten some fruit etc., then Sheva
Berachos may be recited.
231. At the end of the meal before benching two cups of wine are
poured, the first for benching and the second for the Sheva
232. The one who leads the benching lifts the cup of wine and
recites the zimun and says “Shehasimchah Bimono
(even if
no ponim chadashos is present.)
233. After the leader has finished benching over the first cup of
wine, the second cup is passed around and different
people are honored with the recitation of the Sheva
Berachos. There is a question in the Poskim regarding one
who ate nothing at the meal whether they may recite one
of the Sheva Berachos. The custom is that if they had some
cake or fruit then they may do so.
234. After the last blessing, the leader then takes the first cup
and recites the berachoh Borei Pri Hagofen and drinks some
of the wine. Then some wine from the second cup over
which the Sheva Berachos was recited is poured into the
first cup and then back again until the wines in the two
cups are mixed, and then one cup is given to the chosson to
drink from, and the other to the kallah.
329. Hanissuin Kehilchosom 14:41. There is a question as to whether a person who has
not participated in the meal may recite one of the Sheva Berachos. Some say that
only one who has eaten bread may say one of the berachos and some say that
even if he ate nothing he may still say one of the berachos — ibid., 14:95.
330. If there is no wine then one may use the national beverage instead, e.g. beer. If
there is only enough wine for one cup then one uses the same cup for benching
and Sheva Berachos — ibid., 14:98,99.
331. This is said even in a zimun of three people during the days of sheva berachos —
Hanissuin Kehilchosom 14:130.
332. Ibid., 14:132.
333. See Hanissuin Kehilchosom 14:95.
334. Regarding a Sheva Berachos on Shabbos that finishes after nightfall, some have
the custom of leaving the two cups full until after Maariv, and then making
Havdalah on the cup over which Benching has been said and then mixing the two
and then giving the chosson and kallah to drink. Others say that one may drink
235. The custom is that the last Sheva Berachos should be held
in 770 and if one is in a different location in the world
then in a Yeshivah of Tomchei Tmimim, Beis Lubavitch,
Chabad House etc.
236. The chosson should read from the sefer “Sippurim Noraim
during these days.
237. The chosson and kallah should learn Torah together, thus
joining the “Kol Chosson and Kol Kallah” with “Kol Torah”.
238. During the days of Sheva Berachos, the chosson and kallah
should give extra Tzedakah.
U Honeymoon
239. The Rebbe was not in favor of going on a honeymoon.
from the wine before Havdalah — Hanissuin Kehilchosom 14:109. Shevach Nissuin
(Hurvitz) p. 54 quotes a letter of the Rebbe to the author of Rivvos Ephraim that
we do not drink the wine before Havdalah. The correct procedure is that after
Maariv, the chosson should make Havdalah over the cup that was used for
benching and then drink some of the wine. Then some wine from the second cup
used for Sheva Berachos should be given to the kallah. Then some wine from this
second cup should be added to the cup used for Havdallah and the chosson
should drink some — see Shevach Nissuin p. 54 fn.11. See also at length the sefer
Tenaim Vort Erusin Nissuin by Rabbi S. D. Levin (Kehot) p. 109.
335. Simchas Olom p. 88. See however Kuntres Hachonos Lechassunah (of family Kratz
Afula Shvat 5766) that not necessarily the very last Sheva Berachos should be
held in these locations but rather one of the Sheva Berachos should be held there.
See also Toras Menachem Vol. 21 p. 91 that the last Sheva Berachos should be with
the full simchah.
336. Yemei Melech p. 118.
337. Yechidus to Chassanim and Kallos 20th Kislev 5752, Hisvaaduyos 5752 Vol. 1 p.
338. Yechidus 20th Kislev 5749.
339. See Toras Menachem Vol. 15 p. 323.
Chapter 11
U After the Wedding T
240. If possible, the chosson and kallah should make plans that
the chosson should learn Torah for a full year after the
wedding with Chayus and with a Koch!
241. Initially the couple should live in a town amongst people
who are Yerei Shomayim, and where there is a chassidishe
environment, and where relatively cheap accommodation
is available.
As regards to the details of the apartment
one needs to give weight to the opinion of the kallah — the
Baalas Habayis.
242. Before the couple enters their new apartment, they should
make sure that in the apartment, there is a Siddur, Chitas
and Tzedakah Pushka.
It is also customary to put bread
and salt in the apartment.
243. The custom is to affix mezuzos immediately without a
berachoh and after 30 days to take down one mezuzah to
check — and if possible to replace it with a more beautiful
mezuzah — and then to re-affix the mezuzah with a berachoh
and have in mind with that berachoh all the mezuzos in the
340. Likkutei Sichos Vol. 23 p. 540. This is certainly an appropriate preparation for
those who go on Shlichus. Learning in Kollel for a year also gives the new couple
time to settle in their new arrangement in an atmosphere of Torah and Yiras
Shomayim which will lay an excellent foundation for their future life together.
341. Igros Kodesh Vol. 16 p. 203, Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Vol. 4 p. 128.
342. Igros Kodesh Vol. 6 p. 171. Sefer HaMinhagim p. 85 states that one should also
have a Kesser Shem Tov, Maggid Devorov LeYaakov, Torah Or and Likkutei Torah in
the house.
343. See Igros Kodesh Vol. 15 p. 390, Shaarei Halachah Uminhag Vol. 3 p. 342. This
refers to a rented home outside of Eretz Yisroel. However, when renting in Eretz
| 87 |
244. The Previous Rebbe related that after his wedding before
he moved into his new apartment, children were brought
into the apartment to learn Alef Beis and say Pesukim.
245. The new home should be consecrated — Chanukas Habayis
— with a chassidishe farbrengen.
Yisroel, or when one buys a house anywhere in the world, the obligation of
mezuzah applies immediately. See Nesivim Bisdei Hashlichus p. 91.
344. See Sicha of Purim 5712, Sicha of 10th of Shvat 5724, (Toras Menachem Vol. 39 p.
44), Igros Kodesh Vol. 3 p. 118, Sefer HaSichos 5748 p. 642.
345. Igros Kodesh Vol. 14 p. 379, Vol. 15 p. 4, Vol. 13 p. 314.
U What to Say and What Not to Say —
A Guide to getting and giving
information for a shidduch
Each one of us may at any given time be called upon to
divulge information about an individual or a family in regard to a
shidduch. Furthermore, parents who are looking for a shidduch for
their children are pro-actively making calls regarding prospective
shidduchim. They are searching for information, character analysis,
health information etc., much of which will help them make up
their minds whether or not to pursue a certain shidduch.
With this in mind, we must all be aware of the enormous
responsibility of what we say in response to these questions. Our
words can literally make or break a shidduch. Therefore it is
obligatory for us to become acquainted with the halachah of what
we can and cannot say. Sometimes people speak when they
should be quiet and sometimes they hold back when they should
speak up. It is imperative to know when we must convey
information and how it is to be conveyed.
Follow the following guidelines:
1. When asking someone for information regarding a
shidduch, one must always preface the request by saying;
“The reason I’m asking you for this information is because
someone is considering a shidduch with this person.” This
346. This essay is based on an article on this subject by Rabbi Moshe Mordechai
Lowy — we thank the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation for their permission
to reproduce some of the material.
| 89 |
focuses the mind of the person being questioned and
makes sure that what they say will be constructive.
2. Before you answer the question, ask yourself how well you
know the person, and what is your source of information?
How do you feel about the person and what is going to
happen to the information once it is disclosed?
3. Is the source of your information firsthand, second hand
or mere hear say? Say only what you know to be 100% true
and don’t exaggerate or embellish.
4. If you don’t like the person or have a grudge against them,
don’t act as a reference.
5. The Torah
states, “Do not stand aside as your fellow’s
blood is being shed.” This means that if you have essential
information about someone who has a fault that would be
detrimental to establishing a Jewish home, a happy
marriage or a wholesome relationship, then, you are
obligated to divulge that information.
6. This includes issues such as; seriously flawed character
traits, immodesty, lack of religious commitment, definite
health or emotional problems. If you are not sure whether
certain information you have would be definitely
detrimental to a shidduch then ask a Rav before divulging
7. Such information must be transmitted “L’Toeles” —
constructively — for the constructive purpose of aiding a
shidduch inquiry. If possible stop the suggestion without
divulging the information by saying, “I don’t think this
shidduch is for you.” However, if the inquirer persists then
it is permissible to pass on the minimum information
required to convey the point. One must ask the person to
keep the information strictly confidential, and if you are
347. Vayikra 19:16.
sure that the information will be shared, a Rav should be
8. Subjective, essential information such as; middos,
intelligence, family, age — that is important but not
crucial — when asked, one should always tell the truth,
however, one should not volunteer negative information,
unless this fact would be ultimately detrimental to the
establishment of a happy wholesome Jewish home. If you
are not clear whether this information would be
detrimental or not, then it would be better not to mention
it until clarified.
9. There are many minor issues, such as personal preferences,
that do not stand in the way of a shidduch. When asked
about these issues, one may answer as long as the
information is being offered for a constructive purpose.
Under no circumstances may a person lie, however
choosing not to answer does not violate the above
10. One should report facts, rather than opinions. One should
avoid labeling. When asked to assess another’s character
one should never give an assessment as a factual definitive
description of the other, rather as a personal assessment
based on one’s experience.
11. One may not request information from a known enemy of
the person or one who has had a disagreement with them.
12. Supply only information that assists the inquirer in
deciding whether to pursue a particular shidduch. Leave out
extraneous detail.
13. If one finds out negative information in a shidduch inquiry,
one should use that data solely to determine whether or
not to pursue the particular shidduch for which it was
gathered. If a decision is made not to pursue the shidduch,
it is forbidden to share the information you have with
others, be they the shadchan, one’s parents or neighbor.
14. If a person decides not to pursue a shidduch they should
not reveal the reason why they stopped unless there is a
very clear purpose. All one should say is, “I decided not to
pursue this shidduch, it was not for me.”
15. If in the course of an inquiry one finds detrimental
negative information that a shadchan should know about
before they suggest the shidduch to others, one should ask a
Rav what to do.
16. Shadchanim need to be extremely cautious about
information they share or offer when discussing
U Standard Text of Tenaim T
ךרבתי םשה תרזעב
בוט לזמל
המ ןוצר קפיו בוט אצמ השא אצמ בוטר ןגכ חמציו הלעי 'בוטה
ינש ינה ןיב ונתוהו ורבדנש םיקחש ןכוש רזעב םיקרפה ישאר ןה ולא
דבכנה דחאה דצמ ונייה)ת (םסרופמהו)תמ (וכ 'וכ ')ינולפ/ת(
דמועה)ת (ונב דצמ/ ןתחה הנב)ינולפ(
דבכנה ינשה דצמו)ת (םסרופמהו)תמ (וכ 'וכ ')ינולפ/ת(
דמועה)ת (ותב דצמ/ הללוהמה הלכה התב)תינולפ(
תישארה רבד "נה ןתחה ה"נה הלכה תא בוט לזמל אשי ל" הפוחב ל
לארשיו השמ תדכ ןישודקו , וז אלו וז
מ הז אל ומילעי לאו וחירבי לאו
הזמ ,הושב הוש ןוהיסכנב וטלש
יו , חרואכ הביחו הבהאב םהיניב ורודיו
אערא לכ .
ה"דבכנה ה)ת (םסרופמהו)תמ (וכ 'וכ ')ינולפ(נה "דמועה ל)ת ( דצמ
ונב/ה הנבנה ןתח"בייחתה ל)ה (ומצע תא)ה (ונבל תונתמ ןתיל/ הנבל
נה ןתחה"נה הלכהל תונתמ ל"ונבל םידגבו ל/נה ןתחה הנבל" גהנמכ ל
םימסרופמה םידיגנה .
ה"דבכנה ה)ת (םסרופמהו)תמ (וכ 'וכ ')ינולפ(נה "דמועה ל)ת ( דצמ
ותב/נה הלכה התב"בייחתה ל)ה (ומצע תא)ה (ותבל ןדנ ןתיל/ התבל
נה הלכה"נה ןתחהל תונתמ ל"ותבל םידגבו ל/נה הלכה התבל" גהנמכ ל
םימסרופמה םידיגנה .
יהת הנותחה ' יפכ םוקמו ןמזב תחלצומו הבוט העשב םשה הצרי םא
ןנוכתו הנבת םילשוריב םידדצה ינש וצרתיש , רמז ילכו שמש ןזח בר
ןיאצחל ,גוהנכ לטיקו תילט םידידרו םיפיעצ תעצומ הטמ ,וכ תמחמו' .
ברעןתחה דצמ ןלבק ________________________________________________
הלכה דצמ ןלבק ברע_______________________________________________
| 93 |
נה םידדצהו"נה םינלבק םיברעה תא תוצפל םיבייוחמ ל" עיגי אלש ל
קזיה םרגו קזיה םוש םהל . ןמו םינלבק םיברעה ןמו םידדצה ןמ אנינרו
נה הלכו ןתחה" אינקמל רשכד אנמב ליעל שרו
פמו בותכד אה לכ לע ל
םייקו רירש לכהו היב.
נה לכו"עיקתב השענ ל רתויה ןפוא לכבו רדוס בגא ןינקבו ףכ ת
ןגיהנד םינושאר םיאנת ףקו
תכו גהנמכ השודקה ונתרות תד יפ לע ליעומ
הטמ םימותחה םידע ונינפב לארשיב.
ןושאר םוי םויה\ינש\ישילש\יעיבר\ישימח\ ישש ,דחא םוי\ ינש
םימי\םימי השלש \םימי העברא \םימי השמח \םימי השש \םימי העבש \
י הנמשםימ\םימי העשת \םימי הרשע \םוי רשע דחא \םוי רשע םינש \
םוי רשע השלש\םוי רשע העברא \םוי רשע השמח \םוי רשע השש \
םוי רשע העבש\ םוי רשע הנמש\םוי רשע העשת \םוי םירשע \ דחא
םוי םירשעו\םוי םירשעו םינש \םוי םירשעו השלש \ םירשעו העברא
םוי\םוי םירשעו השמח \רשעו השש םוי םי\םוי םירשעו העבש \ הנמש
םוי םירשעו\םוי םירשעו העשת \ שדחל ןס
ינ\ רייא\ןויס \זומת \בא \
לולא\ירשת \ןושחרמ \ולסכ \תבט \טבש \רדא \ןושארה רדא \ רדא
א םויבו 'רד"בתוכ ח
: שדחל םישלש םוי
שדוח שאר אוהש
ינולפ .בתוכ תרבועמ הנש לש רדאבו
:דחל םישלש םוי ןושארה רדא ש
ינשה רדא שדוח שאר אוהש [ תואמ עבשו םיפלא תשמח תנש םיעבשו
תחאו\םיתשו \שלשו \עבראו \שמחו \ששו \עבשו \הנמשו \ עשתו
נה םוי םותחה לע ונא
בו"נה תנש ל" הפ ל)ריעה םש(
U Standard Text of a Kesubah T
ב דחא\ינשב \ישילשב \ יעיברב\ישימחב \ יששב תבשבדחא םוי\
םימי ינש\םימי השלש \םימי העברא \םימי השמח \םימי השש \ העבש
םימי\םימי הנמש \םימי העשת \םימי הרשע \םוי רשע דחא \ רשע םינש
םוי\םוי רשע השלש \םוי רשע העברא \םוי רשע השמח \ רשע השש
םוי\םוי רשע העבש \ םוי רשע הנמש\םוי רשע העשת \םוי םירשע \ דחא
םוי םירשעו\םוי םירשעו םינש \םוי םירשעו השלש \ םירשעו העברא
םוי\םוי םירשעו השמח \םוי םירשעו השש \םוי םירשעו העבש \ הנמש
םוי םירשעו\םוי םירשעו העשת \ שדחל ןס
ינ\ רייא\ןויס \זומת \בא \
לולא\ירשת \ןושחרמ \ולסכ \תבט \טבש \רדא \ןושארה רדא \ רדא
ה ינש]א םויבו 'רד"בתוכ ח : שדוח שאר אוהש ינולפ שדחל םישלש םוי
ינולפ .בתוכ תרבועמ הנש לש רדאבו : ןושארה רדא שדחל םישלש םוי
ינשה רדא שדוח שאר אוהש [ תואמ עבשו םיפלא תשמח תנש םיעבשו
תחאו\םיתשו \שלשו \עבראו \שמחו \ששו \עבשו \הנמשו \עשתו
ינמ ונא
ש ןינמל םלוע תאירבל ןאכ ן ינולפ]ריעה םש[ ךיא
רוחבה \ר '
ינולפ ןב ר ' ינולפ]ןהכה\יולה [ רמא אדהל הל אתלותב תינולפ תבר'
ינולפ]ןהכה\יולה [אנאו לארשיו השמ תדכ ותנאל יל יוה ריקואו חלפא
ןינזו ןירקומו ןיחלפד ןיאדוהי ןירבוג תוכלהכ יכיל יכיתי סנרפאו ןוזיאו
ןיסנרפמול אטשוקב ןוהישנ יכיל אנביהיורהמ
יכילותב יזוז ףסכאמןת
יכיל יזחד אתיירואדמ חרואכ יכיתול לעימו יכיקופיסו יכיתוסכו יכינוזמו
אערא לכ תרמ תאיבצו אתלותב תינולפותנאל היל תוהו אד אינודנ ןדו
ל תלענהדהי הובא יבמ\אשנ ינאמב ןיטישכתב ןיב בהזב ןיב ףסכב ןיב
שומישב אשובלדיומישבו הריד אסרעד אש לכה וילע לבקר ' ינולפ ןתח
ןנדב האמיבצו ףו
רצ ףסכ םיקוקז ר ' ינולפןתחןנד יליד ןמ הל ףיסוהו ה
דוע האמ לכה ךס ןדגנכ םירחא ףורצ ףסכ םיקוקז םיתאמיקוקזם ףסכ
רמא ךכו ףורצר ' ינולפ ןד אינודנ אד אתבותכ רטש תוירחא ןנד ןתח
ארתב יתרי לעו ילע תילבק אד אתפסותו ןיסכנ גרא רפש לכמ ערפתהל י
תיאד ןיסכנ ינקמל אנא דיתעדו יאנקד אימש לכ תוחת יל תיאד ןינינקו
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עורפל ןיאברעו ןיארחא ןוהי ןוהלכ תוירחא ןוהל תילדו תוירחא ןוהל
אד אתפסו
תו ןד אינודנ אד אתבותכ רטש ןוהנמיאנמ אמילג ןמ וליפאו
םלעלו ןנד אמוי ןמ ייח רתבו ייחב יאפתכ לעד רטש רמוחו תוירחאו
וילע לביק אד אתפסותו ןד אינודנ אד אתבותכר' ינולפ רמוחכ ןנד ןתח
ותכ ירטש לכב ונימכח ןוקיתכ ןייושעה לארשי תנבב ןיגהנד תותפסותו תו
ז"אנינרו ירטשד יספוטכ אלדו אתכמסאכ אלד ל ןמר ' ינולפב"ר ינולפ
]ןהכה\יולה [תרמל ןנד ןתח תינולפר תב' ינולפ]הןהכ\יולה [ אתלותב
אד לעיב אינקמל רשכד אנמב ליעל שרו
פמו בותכד המ לכ ה רירש לכה
U Maamar Lecha Dodi 5689 T
הלבקנ תבש ינפ הלכ תארקל ידוד
, הלכ ׳קנ תבשה הנהו
אתכלמ תבש ׳אמכו הכלמ ׳קנו
, הנהדחה ירה הלכו ןתח ךלמ ארקנ ןת
פ א״רדפב ׳יאדכהכלמ ׳קנ הלכהו ךלמל המוד ןתח ו״ט ,ביתכ הנהד
ע״הדא תומדו םלצב אוה הטמלש םדאהד ונתומדכ ונמלצב םדא השענ
תונוילעה תוריפסה םהש ,ראובמכו אכלמ ׳קנ ׳יצאד א״זד
לכד ןינעב
אשידק אכלמ ׳ימק האנקוידב אמייק הוה אתמשנו אתמשנ
א״ז אוהש
אתכלמ ׳קנ ׳למה תריפסו ׳יצאד ,ב ׳יאורהז
ואל אתינורטמ אלב אכלמד
לודג והיא ואלו ךלמ והיא ,י אוה רקיעהח׳יתכו ן״וז דו
ארב הבקנו רכז
םתא ,׳וכ םיקלא םתא ךרביו , ולבקל םיכירצש תבשה תמגודכ הנה תאזלו
ןיאתתו ןיאליע ןיאכרב לכד ארוקמ יהיא תבשד החמשב , ןימוי והלוכד
תבשהמ ןיכרבתמ
, לבקל םיכירצ ןכ ומכ הנה ארוקמ יהיאד הלכ ינפ
האליע אתכרבד .הנהו
ינפ הלכ תארקל ידוד הכלד הז רמאמ דוסי
ארמגב אתיאד אוה תבשה תלבקב םירמואש הלבקנ תבש) ט״יק תבש
א״ע ( ףטעימ אנינה ׳ר)םיאנ םידגבב ,י׳׳שר ( אתבש ילעמד אינפא יאקו
הכלמה תבש תארקל אצנו ואוב רמא , ׳ינאמ שיבל יאני ׳ר)תבש ידגב (
הלכ יאוב הלכ יאוב רמאו תבש ילעמ) ךותמ תבש תתיבשל הל ירק יכה
348( ד לע דסוימ רמאמה"ךליאו הנת ׳ע ל״זר ירמאמ לע ז״הדא ירמאמב ידוד הכל ה . םעו
םירואיבו תופסוה- ת״רפ דעל םיכומס ה״ד )ךליאו טמק ׳ע ת״רפ מיהס ,הסב ספדנו" מ
ח םיסרטנוק"כ א,ךליאו א.(
רמאמהב םיראובמה םינינע המכל- ד״ישת ידוד הכל ה״ד האר ) ׳ע א״ח טקולמ מ״הס
ךליאו גמ ( דסוימ אוה הארנכ״ש)רואיב (ד לע" ״ט״פרת ידוד הכל ה) ל״ומה תמדקהמ
רמאמהל-במ ׳ע םש טקולמ מ״הס .(
349( תבש תלבק רדס״ב."
350( רמאמה םינפב ןמקל האר.
351( א תישארב ,וכ . המדקהב ה״לש האר)ט ,ב .י ,א .(ד ארקיו ת״וקל ,ב .מ״כבו.
352( הס האר"רת מ"חנש ׳ע ן .זעק ׳ע שיר ז״נרת .זגק ׳ע ו״סרת ךשמה .אעש ׳ע ת״רטע מ״הם .
׳ע ליעל38 . ׳ע ןמקל168 .אס ׳ע ה״פרת מ״הס .צרת" ׳ע ו62 .צרת" ׳ע שיר ז235 .דועו.
353( כ"רהזה םשב תיאדכ מ״כב ה . -הז ׳לב ויתאצמ אל ע״על .ארודק ג״חז ה ,ב .צ א״חז ,ב״עס .
זכר ,ב .גלר ,ב .וצ ב״חז ,ב .אס ג״חז , ב)םש ו״צרת מ״הסב א״טילש ריומדא ק״כ תרעה.(
354( ח"ה ג ,א .וגר א״ח רהז הארו ,א .טס ג״ח ,א .ה״פ ר״כיא ,טי.
355( א תישארב ,חכ־זכ.
356( ח רהז"גס ב ,ב .חפ ,א.
357( ןמקל אבהב-ד יעצמאה ר״ומדא ירמאמ םג האר וסק ע״ס א״ח הנותח ישור.
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חתוביב ,י״שר( , ךירצ יולמ לכב תבשבו אתיא ב״ע ב״ערד ג״ח רהזבו
לסמ אפחויתשמבו וילכאמב ןיב שדקה לע לו
,׳ישובלב ןיב ,בי ן
הבסיתב' ןמקרמ תותסכו םירכ המכב אריפש הבסמ ׳יל הנקתל ךירצד
מכ ׳יתיבב תיאד לכמהלכל הפוח ןיקתד ןא , יהיאו אתכלמ יהיא אתבשד
הלכ .מש ןכ ומכ הנה תוכרבה רוקמ איה תבשהש םשכד ונייהוח תח ןת
תוכרבה רוקמ איה םהינפ תלבקו הלכו .ביתכ הנהד
דובכ לכ לע יכ
ב ׳ב םהש הפוחח דובכ ׳יחהלכ דובכו ןת ,דחרמאמכו ה״בקה אוה ןת
םויבחארקנ ה״בקהש הרות ןתמ וז ותנות חהלכ תארקנ לארשי תסנכו ןת ,
ב אוה דובכוחףיקמ ׳י , דובכחש״מכ י״סנכל ה״בקה תבהא ןת
יוה רמא םכתא ,'ש״מכו ה״בקהל י״סנכ תבהא הלכ דובכו
םגו הפסכנ
ישפנ התלכ , לע יללכה ףיקמה אוה הפוחהוחהלכו ןת .הטמל אוה ןכו ,
ה ינפ לבקל םע בור םיאבש אוה רדסהדחןת ,אוחלוה כ״ה םע םיכח ןת
הלכה ינפ לבקל ,הוחהפוהה לא םיכלוהו הלכה תא ףיעצב הסכמ ןת .
אוה ןינעהו
ת תויהל ףירצ עיפשמה לא לבקמה תיילע לכבד ח הל
בב עיפשמה תכשמהחלבקמה ׳ינוציח ׳יחבל ובש ׳ינוציח ׳י , י״עש ידכ
׳ירדמל בורק תויהל תולעתהלו ומצע תא אשיל לבקמה לכוי וז הכשמה
זאו עיפשמהעיפשמהמ ׳ימינפה הכשמה לבקי .
רוציק. יכ ראבי חלמו א״ז תונוילעה תוריפסה תמגודב םה הלכו ןת ,' תלבקו
עובשה ימי לכל הכרבה איהש תבשה ינפ תלבק תמגודכ אוה הלכה ינפ , דובכ
חי״סנכל ה״בקה תבהא ןת ,ה״בקהל י״סנכ תבהא הלכ דובכו , אוה הפוההו
ה הפוחה םדוקו ׳ומצעה תכשמהחכמ ןת ׳ינוציח בוריק אוהש ףיעצב הלכה תא הס
לא עיפש
מהחתוימינפ הלבקו העפשה ליבשב לבקמה ׳ינוצי.
ב(אוה ןינעה רואיבו , ל״זרא הנהד)א״ע ז״יקד םיחספ (הבר
ידבד אתלימ רמא ןנברל והל התפדחדבו אתוח ביתי ףוסבלו ןנבר ו
אתעמשב חתפו אתמיאב ,צ עיפשמהדריךותפל חיהו ןנברל והל וני
358( ונינפלש רהזב :ויתשמו.
359( ד ׳יעשי ,ה .ד הארו" דובכ לכ לע יכ החזמ ש״הש ת״וקלב הפו ,ךליאו ב . ח״אד םע רודיס
חכק ,ךליאו ד .ומדא ירמאמ"ךליאו א ׳ע איה הנותח ישורד יעצמאב ר .ז ׳ע םש.
360( ג ש״הש ,אי . מ תינעת ,כ.
361( א יכאלמ ,ב.
362( דפ םילהת ,ג.
363( ןמקל אבהב)ב״פ ףוס דע (- הרעהבש תירפ מ׳׳הסו ז״הדא ירמאמ האר 1.
364( אוה ןכ]הבר [בקעי ןיעו ס״שב . ז״פ אינתב לבא]אי ,ב [לאננח וניבר תסריג איבה , אוה ןכו
ינועמש טוקליב]ב םיכלמ [אבר זכר זמר .ל תבשבו ס״דב ןייעל שיו , ב) ר״ומדא ק״כ תרעה
ה ת״רפ מ״הסב א״טילש הרעה ל״נ1 .(-האבה הרעהבש םייח תרותב :אבר.
365( ב תודלות םייח תרות ,ד .םש ת״רפ מ׳׳הסב ןייוצ.
םילכה תחיתפ י״ע העפשהה רבד לבקל יואר לבקמה תא תושעל
הוחירצו ולש םישוךותפל חרע יפל העפשהה רבד היהיש אתתעמשב ך
לבקמה , רמא הלבק ילכל םתושעל ןנברל והל חתפד ימקימ הנה תאזלו
ידבד אתלימחידבד אתלימו אתוחיש או
ה אתוח תחןילו , תויה םעו
ישדח תוח םיכירצ ח״ת לש ןילודומיל
םהב שיש יפל ח הבר המכ
םיקומע םילכשו , ׳יחב אוה מ״מוח׳ינוצי . ירה רתוי לודג אוהש ימד םגהו
הברה םהמ דומלל שיש רתוי הובג ׳ירדמב םה ולש ןילוח תוחישה םג
םיאלפנ םינינע , המכח יפוג ןה ןה מ״מו דבלב תולבונ קר והז יכ םעו
ל״זראמכו)א״ע ג״ק תובותכ ( ןושלחהכרב םימכ , ןושלחרשוע םימכ ,
אפרמ םימכח ןושל ,הרות לש השומש או
הו , ל״זראו)ב״ע ז״ד תוכרב (
רמאנש הדומלמ רתוי הרות לש השומש הלודג
טפש ןב עשילא הפ
והילא ידי לע םימ קצי רשא , הלודגש דמלמ קצי אלא רמאנ אל דמל
הדומלמ רתוי השומש .תפו אתמיאב ביתי ףוסבל הנהוחאתתעמשב ,
ה דומילדםימש תאריב תויהל ךירצ הרות ,רמאמכו
המיאב ןלהל המ
וכ ןאכ ףא העיזבו תתרב האריב ,'ביתכ הרות ןתמבש םשכד ונייהו
רמ ודמעיו ועוניו םעהח תויהל ףירצ הרותה דומיל תעב כ״ומכ הנה קו
הלודג האריבו לודג לוטיבב ,ותפל ברה רירצ םדוק לבאח לבקמה ישוח
חידבד אתלימ י״ע אוהואתו .עודיו
ידבה ןינע תוללכד ח ינפלש אתו
רעב ויהיש םידימלתה תא היבגהלו תולעהל אוה דומילהך תא לבקל
עיפשמה םהל עיפשיש העפשהה .הזל הז ךרעב םניא דימלתו ברד ,
רמאמכו ובר ינפל לוטיבב ל״צ דימלתהו
ובר ינפל בשויה ח״ת לכ ןיאו
לוטיבה תילכתב אוהש ׳וכ רומ תופטונ ויתותפש , אתוחידבה הנה תאזלו
ובר ירבד לבקל לכויש דימלתהב חכ ןתונ אוה ,רדבוך לעופ אוה ללכ
הלבקל ילכ ׳יהיש דימלתה לש חומהו בלה תחיתפ , ןינע והזד םגהוח ינוצי
הנהח׳ימינפה לא המדקה והז וז ׳ינוצי ,ול ברה לש הז בוריק ידי לעד רמ
ידבד אתלמ םהלח חתפד ׳ימינפ העפשהה לבקל ולכוי אקו
ד ז״יעד אתו
אתתעמשב .לשמ ךרד לעו
ומע עשעתשהל הצור ויבאשכ ןטקו קיני ןב
366( אכ הכוס ,ב .טי ז״ע ,ב.
367( ג ב םיכלמ ,אי.
368( בכ תוכרב ,א .זס ורתי א״ות הארו ,ב.
369( כ ורתי ,וט.
370( זיק םיחספ ,א .ל תבש ,ב .זכר זמר א םיכלמ ש״לי.
371( "וה הז לשמ רוקמ דיגמה ברהל הרות רואב א)הפ , ד״עס] פ״הע)אי עשוה ,ג ( יתלגרת יכנא
יתועורז לע םחק םירפאל ([ד "ישת ידוד הכל ה"נה ד" הרעה ל1 ג״פ ) ׳ע םש טקולמ מ״הס
דמ .( םג הארו) הרעהב ןייוצמהל ףסונב1 (וקל"האבה הרעהבש סחניפ ת.
םינפ לא םינפ ,ןטק או
ה קוניתה ירהו , םהש וידי תא ליפשהל באה ךירצ
תמ הטמל דע קונתה שארמ םילענו םיהובגח ושאר דע והיבגהלו קונתה ת
י זאו בא לשםינפב םינפ ומע עשעתשיו רבד , דסח לש הכשמהה ירהו
אוה וידי תלפשהב באהחוצינקוניתה תא היבגהל קר אוהש תוי , ןכו
וז ההבגהב רבד םוש לבקמ וניא קוניתה , םוש הזב שי אל אלה יכ
העפשה ,א קר או
ה ונב םע םיעושעשהו העפשהדחוהיבגה רבכ רשאכ כ״ ,
נפבו בוריקב העפשהה תויהל א״אש קרו בוריק הלהת ׳יהי אלש ׳ימי
לבקמה תיילעו ,תימינפ העפשהה ליבשב אוהש ינוציחה בוריקה אוהש.
רוציק. לבקל םיואר םילכ םתושעל ןנברל והל התפד ימקמ הברד אה ראבי
ידבד אתלימ םהל רמא הרותב העפשהה רבד תאח םילבקמה תא תולעהל אתו
העפשהה רבד תא לבקל ולכויש ,למ רתוי השומש הלודגוהדומי , ןינע אוהש םגהו
העפשהה תוימינפ יבגל ינוציח , לא המדקה אקוד והז הנה םוקמ לכמ לבא
׳ימינפה ,פ״בפ בוריקב ומע עש
עתשהל ןטקה ונב תא םירמה באה תמגודכ.
ק םירפאל יתלגרת יכנאו ׳יתכד ח יתועורז לע ם) עשוה
(וצמב ׳תי ונוצר ׳ימינפ ליפשה ה״ב יכנאש ימ יכנאד אקוד ׳ימשג ת
לארשי תומשנ היבגהל ידכב ,הנהד
ןטק םלוע אוה םדאה
, ומכו
רואל םיקלא ארקיו ש״מכ רואה ריאמ םויבד הלילו םוי שי ירה םלועבש
םוי ,הליל אוה רואה רדעהבו
מכ "ש
הליל ארק ךשחלו , אוה ןכ
ש״מכו הלילו םמוי וב שיד תוינחורב ןכ םג םדאהב
שחב בשא יכ םג ך
רוא ׳יוהיל ,שחךז״הועה אוה ,שח ארקנ ז״הועהדך םלוע אוהש יפל
ב ומכו רקשהחשך דמוע אוהש תויהל לוכיו המואמ האור םדאה ןיא ירה
קיזמה רבד ראשל וא רובל ךומסב , המ עדוי םדא ןיא ז״הועב כ״ומכ הנה
וילע וריבה לש ובלבש
,בלב ׳או הפב דחא תויהל רשפאו
דבכי ויפבד
רבד ומע רבדמו ותואול אנוש אוה ובלבו הבהא י , הזה םלועהש המ והזו
ארקנחשךרקשה םלוע אוהש יפל , םלועו תמאה םלוע ארקנ אבה םלועד
ארקישד אמלע ארקנ הזה , וליפאד יל רוא ׳יוה ךשחב בשא יכ םג והזו
372( ןמקל אבהב-וקל האר "פ סחניפ ת ,ב.
373( ג קוספ.
374( ןמקל אבה לכב-טע םש ת״וקל הוושה ,ךליאו ד.
375( ג ידוקפ אמוחנת . ט״סת ז״וקת)ק ,ב .אק ,א.(
376( א תישארב ,ה.
377( הרעהבו גנק ׳ע ח״פרת מ״הס האר2.
378( ז הכימ , ח)םש םתגיפ ת״וקלב םג ה״כ .םג תבית אתיל קוספב לבא.(
379( דנ םיחספ ,ב.
380( גיק םש ,ב.
מכ לארשיב ריאמ ׳יוה ימשגה ז״הועב
ץרא הסכי ךשחה הנה יכ
׳יוה חרזי ךילעו םימואל לפרעו ,דיועבטה אירטמיגב םיקלאד עו
, ׳יוהו
דחאכ ׳יהיו הוה ׳יה אוה
עבטה ןמ הלעמל אוהש , הסכי ךשחה יכ והזו
עבטה ינינע קר םיעדוי םהש ץרא
,רזי ךילע לבאח הלעמל אוהש ׳יוה
עבטה ןמ . חכ רואו וב תטשפתמ םדאה תמשנ רשאכד אוה הדובעבו
םוי ׳קנ יזא ול הריאמ ותמשנ ,לב ותמשנ רוא רשאכו זא ו״ח ול הריאמ ית
הליל ׳קנ אוה ,מ ירמגל הניש ׳יחבב אוה הלילב ןכלח רוא תוקלתסה תמ
מ ה״בקה רקבבו ושפנחש״מכו ותמשנ םדאהל ריז
הבר םירקבל םישדח
ךתנומא , םשגתנש תמחמ ךאח תראה לבקל לוכי וניא דאמ ףוגה תוי
ריעזמ טעמ םא יכ וברקב ותמשנ ,ופאב המשנ רשא והזו
, ונייהד
השמ ופוגו ובלב יוליג הל ןיא תיקלאה המשנח תמח ןויכ ףוגה תושי רמו
ללפתה אל ןיידעש ,תורשקתה ןינע אוה הלפתד
, ונייה הלפתה םדוקו
וב ׳יתכ הדובע י׳׳ע תוקלאל רשקתמ םדאהש םדוק
ח םדאה ןמ םכל ולד
אוה בשחנ המב יכ ופאב המשנ רשא ,המב אלא המב ירקת לא ,׳יפ
םכל ולדה ,חע ולדבב ןמ םכמצחויפאב קר ותמשנש הזכ םדא ׳י
ופוג לכב ותמשנ דוע הטשפתנ ,בשחנ המב יכ ,המב ומכ בשחנ אוהש ,
ןכ ומצע ינפב רבדל ולש תושיה הארנו הובג רבד אוה המבהש םשכו
תורשקתהה ןינע אוהש ללפתמ רשא דע תואיצמו שי דוע אוה הזה םדאה
רבדה לכ השוע הלפתה י״עו תוקלאב רשקתמש םילכ םימשגה םי
תוקלאל ,ינעה לכב יקלאה רואה ךישמהל ימינפ בוריקה ׳יהיש ידכבונ םי
ת תויהל ךירצ םימשגהחיללכ בוריקה הל , אלא ללפתהל ןידמוע ןיא ןכלו
381( מ ׳יעשי ,ב.
382( סדרפ בי רעש)תוביתה רעש (ב״פ . ליגרמהו ה״ד ו״פ הבושתה רעש המכה תישאר)אכק ,כ .(
טפ ה״לש , א)רהזב אתיאד :(טפק , א)רהזמ זמורמו :(חש ,ב .ת״יס יבצ םכה ת״וש . דוחיה רעש
ומאהונו״פר ה .בכ האר ׳פ ת״וקל ,ךליאו ב״עט.
383( זגר א״ח רהז האר ,ב״עם . א רעש סדרפ)עשת אלו רשע רעש (״פט .יה רעשחומאהו דונ ה
ד קרפ ,ז.
384( סש ׳ע ת״רטע מ״הס םג האר .ד" ב קרפ ץ״רת םתוחכ ינמיש ה)ץ״רת מ״הס . םיסרטנוק מ״הס
וצ א״ח ,ב .( ׳ע ז״צרת מ״הס149 .מ״כבו.
385( ג הכיא ,גכ .בשת זמר םילהת ינועמש טוקלי האר .א״ס ד״ס ק״ודהמ ח״וא ז״הדא ע״וש.
386( תורעהב ןמסנהב האר41-43.
387( טע המורת א״ות ,ד׳׳עס .וטר ׳ע ג״פרת מ״הס .מ״כבו.
388( ב ׳יעשי ,בכ .די תוכרב ,א.
389( כב" ו- האר ) הרעה ליעל ןייוצמהל ףסונ27 (הדא ירמאמ"זמשת ׳ע הרותה תוישרפ לע ז : לע
זי ׳ע ל״זר ירמאמ .גפ קרפ הלפתה רעש םייח ךרד .הוא"ח תישארב ת"כרתת ו ,א . המדקה
ישרפ ׳גל ת״וקללש״רהמ ר״ומדאל תו.
390( מר האר"בפק ב״ח רהזל ז , א) הרעה ל״נה ת״וקלב ןייוצ27 .(צ תור שדח רהז ,ד . תומוקמ
תמדוקה הרעהב ונמסנש.
שאר דבוכ ךותמ
תולפשו הענכה י״שרפו
יללכה בוריקה ןינע אוהש .
הלכ תארקל ידוד הכל והזו
לבקמה לא עיפשמה בוריק ,״יע הנה ינפ ז
תבשהמ ןיכרבתמ םימיה לכד הלבקנ תבש , ברה תעפשהב ךרד לעו
םלוכמ רתוי ידימלתמו ׳וכ יתוברמ יתלבק הברהד דימלתו
,ביתכ ןכו
הלעב תרטע ליח תשא ,ביתכו
׳המ ןוצר וקיפיו בוט אצמ השא אצמ
תוצמו הרותב םיקסוע םינב ינבו םינבב ךרובי םירשי רודב בוטה.
רוציק.והז יכ ראבי תוצמב ׳תי ונוצר ׳ימינפ ליפשה ׳תי אוהש המ ןינע
תוישעמ , ׳קנ ז״הועהו ןטק םלוע םדאה יכחשךארקישד אמלע אוה יכ , רשאכו
םוי ׳קנ הדובעב וב הריאמ םדאה תמשנ רוא , ׳קנו הליל ׳קנ הדובעה רדעהבו
שי אוהש המב ומכ אוהש הז םדאה ןמ םכל ולדח רמאנ וילעש ופאב המשנ ,
קלאל בוריקהו לכ רשקל ותלוכיב זאד תורשקתהה ע״והש הלפת י״ע אוה ׳ו
ינעהניב תוקלאב םימש
גה םיחרומג דו.
391( ה״פר תוכרב.
392( שר םשב ח״אדב מ״כב ה״כ" י" ״תולפשו הענכה)הס"דצק ע״ס ה״סרת מ . ׳ע ו״סרת ךשמה
זפת .דצ ׳ע שיר ת״ערת מ״הס .גלת ׳ע מש . זישת ׳ע203 . דועו.(
תבית ןיא ונינפל י״שרפב לבא" ״תולפשו) י״פ ת״הגאב י״שר ןושל תקתעהב הניא ןכו
)טצ ,ב .( ל״זראמ לע ז״הדא ירמאמ)במ ׳ע .דמ .(הוא" ל״זראמ לע ת)גי ׳ע .חי .(דועו.(
נו"הענכהה ןינעב י״שרפ לע רואיב תפסותל קר ל״נה תומוקמב הנווכהש ל.
םתכמה רפס הארוםש תוכרבל :,חורה תולפשו הענכה ." ז״הדא ע״ושו א״מר הארו
א״ס ח״צס ח״וא .ע קלב ת״וקלא ,ג . ביפ הלפתה רעש יעצמאה ר״ומדאל הבושת ירעש)גכ ,
ךליאו ב״עס .(מ״כבו .טילש ר״ומדא ק״כ תרעה י״פע " םש ת״ערת מ״הסב א)ךליאו גצ ע״ס( ,
םש ז״שת . בקע ׳פל החיש דל קלח ש״וקל)ט״משת ( הרעה18.
393( הסו ז״הדא ירמאמ האר"רפ מ" הרעהבש ת1.
394( ז תינעת ,א.
395( בי ילשמ ,ד.
396( הי םש , בכ)םשו :׳המ ןוצר קפיו .( פ״הע ך״נ ת״הוא הארו)ךליאו וטרת ׳ע א״ת.(
U Maamar Lecha Dodi 5714 T
הלבקנ תבש ינפ הלכ תארקל ידוד הכל , ר״ומדא ח״ומ ק״כ איבמו
ידוד הכל ורמאמב)ה ישורדמחהנותת
) (א״רדפמ
( ךלמל המוד ןתחש
הכלמל הלכהו .בקה הז ןתחי״סנכ איה הלכו ה״ , א״ז ע״וה תוריפסבו
תוכלמו ,תוכלמ ׳יחב איה הלכו א״ז ׳יחב אוה ןתחד . ידוד הכל והזו
הלבקנ תבש ינפ הלכ תארקל ,תוכלמל א״ז תכשמה ע״והש , רדסו
אוה הכשמהה , תינוציח הכשמהה ל״צ הליחת רשא)תוכלמל א״זמ (
ףיקמ ׳יחבב קר איהש ,תימינפ הכשמהה איה כ״חאו . ןכד לכב רדסה או
לבקמל עיפשממ העפשה , תוינוציח ׳יחבמ עיפשמה תכשמה ל״צ הליחתד
לבקמה תוינוציח ׳יחבל ולש , ׳ידדמל בורק תויהל לבקמה הלעתמ ז״יעש
עיפשמה ,עיפשמהמ תימינפה הכשמה לבקל לכוי כ״חאו .ז״ע איבמו
םילשמ]דימלתל בר תעפשהמ ,ןטקה ונב םע עשעתשמה באו .[רמול שיו ,
הכשמהה רדסל תואמגוד איבהל קר אל איה הלא םילשמב ותנווכש
) העפשההשחתימינפ העפשההל המדקה איה תינוצי( , אלא)םג ( ראבל
ולא תועפשה ׳בבש יוליעה לדוג , תילענ אגרד איה תינוציח העפשהה םגד
רתויב ,תימינפ העפשהה יבגל יוליע הב שיש דעו .תינוציח העפשהה יכ ,
ףיקמ ׳יחב איהש ,ה לבקמה ילכמ הלעמל אי) תימינפ העפשהה כ״אשמ
לבקמה ילכב תלבקתמש .(תימינפ העפשההל המדקה קר איה מ״מו , יכ
רתוי הלענ יוליעל םיעיגמ תימינפה העפשה י״ע אקו
ד) ׳יחבמ הלעמלש
ףיקמה .(הפוח דובכ לכ לע והזו
דובכ ׳יחב ׳ב םהש , דובכו ןתח דובכ
הלכ ,רתוי הלעמלו
דובכו אבאד דובכ אמיאד . א׳׳וא דוחי אוה ז״יעו
ן״וז דוחיו . םהינשש תויה םעד) דובכ)הפוחו (א״ואד , דובכו)הפוחו (ן״וזד (
397( ח םיסרטנוק מ״הסב ספדנ"כ א ,ךליאו א . ע״זו]ט״לשת תנשב [פב סרטנוקב פ״הוע" ע] מ״הס
ע ט״פרת '81ךליאו .[
398( ז״טפ.
399( ס םש"ב.
400( בותכה ןושליעשי 'ד ,ה.
401( וקלבו רודיסב ז״כב האר"הש ת"שדובכ לכ לע יכ ה״ד .
| 103 |
ףיקמ ׳יחב םה ,עודי מ״מ
ן״וז דוחיב אקודש )ימינפ דוחי אוהש ( ךשמנ
ב(דימלתל בר תעפשהמ או
ה ןושארה לשמה הנהו , העפשהה רדסו
ל״זראש ומכ אוה
רל והל חתפד ימקמד אתוחידבד אתלימ רמא ןנב
דבוחתפו אתמיאב ביתי ףוסבלו ןנבר וחאתעמשב , אתוחידבד אתלימהד
יש ע״והשו דומילה םדוקשחדומיל הכירצש ח״ת לש ןילוח ת
[ איה
דבלב תינוציח , תימינפ העפשההל המדקה איה וז העפשה םנמא) חתפד
אתעמשב (׳יהיש דימלתה לש חומהו בלה תחיתפ השענ ז״יע אקוד יכ ילכ
תימינפ העפשההל הלבקל . יעצמאה ר״ומדאמ אוה הז לשמ רוקמ הנהו
םייח תרותב
] ידוד הכלד ןינעהל לשמכ הז אבוה אל ח״ותבש אלא .
ת״רפ דעל םיכומס ה״דבו
) ע״נ ב״שרוהמ ר״ומדא ק״כ רמאש רמאמה
ותדלוה םויב)ח״מ ׳כ (ןיד אמלעב ןורחאה ( רשפא ךרדב רשקמ") רשפאו
״׳וכ ע״זש (ינעהידוד הכלד ןינעהל אתוחידבד אתלימד ן . ידוד הכל ה״דבו
תוטשפב הז בתוכו ״רשפאו״ תבית ר״ומדא ח״ומ ק״כ טימשה
[ , ח״ותבו
( ,ראבמ , יתלבש טושפה גונעתמ אוה קוחשה ןינע שרשד
ללכ בכרומ .ןבומ הזמו , אתוחידבד אתלימ לש שרשד) גונעת אוהש
טושפה ( לכשה תעפשהמ הלעמל אוה ז״חאלש) לכשבש גונעתה ירהש
בכרומ גונעת אוה .(תינוציח ׳יחב קר ז״ה מ״מ םנמא , העפשהה י״עו
רתוי הלענ יוליעל םיעיגמ תימינפ . שי אפוג טושפה גונעתבד אוה ןינעהו
תוגרד ׳ב
,שגרומ יתלבה ימצעה גונעתו שגרומה טושפה גונעת . אקודו
402( ע ז״נרת חמשת חמש ה״ד '90 ךליאו ]ע ז״נרת מ״הס 'זסר .[כבו"מ .וקל םג הארו"מ םש ת ,
403( זיק םיחספ ,א .שו"נ.
404( אכ הכוס ,ב .טי ז״ע ,ב.
405( ד" ו״ס תודלות הלאו ה)ב ,ד.(
406( א״ס) ע״פב סרטנוקב ספדנ- ב״ישת ת״הק ]ע ת״רפ מ״הסבו 'חמק.([
407( דיורופיסה כ״ג עו , ר״ומדא ק״כ רמאש םירמאמה דחאבש)שרהומ"ב ( ק״כ ונבל תודיחיב ע״נ
ןינע רמא ר״ומדא ח״ומ)שפנבש רויצה חכמ לשמ (רשפא ךרדב ,יה כ״חאו ' ח״ומ ק״כ
בונעשעקב םהרבא ׳ר ׳וכו ח״הרה ונתוח לצא ר״ומדא ,ח״אד רוזחל ושקבו ,ורמאב : ר ָאנ ןפע
וש ךיז טעוו ן ַארק םעד ףיואןסיג ןי ,תוטשפב ל״נה ןינע םגו ל״נה רמאמ תא רזחו . רזחשכ
ערואמה לכ תא ויבאל רפיס שטיוואבוילל , ר״ומדא ק״כ והלאשו)ב״שרהומ (ע״נ , ןינמ אה
ךל ?רשפא ךרדב קר יתרמא ירה ?ול הנעו :יאדו רבד ילצא השענ רשפא ךרדב ךלצאש המ.
408( ב״יס)ה ,ג.(
409( ךליאו טצ ׳ע ו״סרת ךשמה . ה״ד ה״ערת אובת יכ ׳יהו)ח ב״רעת ךשמהב" ב]ע 'א' גכק
תימינפ העפשהה י״ע , דימלתהש ,ותוימינפב לבקמ , גונעתל םיעיגמ
מ יתלבה ימצעה .ל״זרא ןכלו
ןלוכמ רתוי ידימלתמו .
ג( פ״אפ ומע עשעתשהל הצור ויבא
ש ןטקו קיני ןבמ אוה ׳בה לשמו
ןטק אוה קוניתה ירהו , ןטקה ונב םירהל ׳וכ וידי תא ליפשהל באה ךירצ
פ״אפ בוריקב ומע עשעתשהל לכויש ידכב . ןינע קר אוה קוניתה תהבגהד
וציחינ , ז״חאלש ימינפ בוריקהל המדקה קר אוהו)וכ םיעושעשה' .( הנהו
מ״ההל ת״ואב או
ה הז לשמ רוקמ
, הפסוה הנשי םשו) הקתענ אלש
( , ״ולש ןקזב עשעתשמ״ ןטקהש)באה לש .(זמורמ הזבש ל״יו ,
ףיקמה תכשמהש)תימינפ העפשהה םדוקש
( הלעמל איה
תולשלתשהמ ,יד ינוקית ג״י אוה ןקזדאנק , הלעמלש ר״הדמ ג״י
תולשלתשהמ .תולשלתשהל תוכייש וזיא םהל שי מ״מ אלא ,נ״שמכ
המה םלועמ יכ ׳וג ךימחר רוכז]הדידמ ןושלמ ״תודמ״ םשב ׳קנ ןכלש
דבלב הראה אוהש תורעשה ןינעב עודי םג . תימינפ העפשהה י״ע םנמא
ז״חאלש)ףיקמ ׳יחבמ הטמל איהש ףא (קמהמ הלעמלש םצעה ךשמנ ףי
) ן״וז דוחי תלעמב ׳א ףיעס ל״נה ד״ע)ימינפ דוחי אוהש ( א״וא דוחי לע
מ״כב צ״צה ר״ומדא רואיבכ
הזב .(
ד( הדובעב או
ה ז״דעו )רמאמהב ראבמש ומכ
( , תדובע תלחתהש
הלפתה תדובע איה םוי לכב םדאה ,נ״שמכ
רשא םדאה ןמ םכל ולדח
אוה בשחנ המב יכ ופאב המשנ ,מב אלא המב ירקת לאה
, ז״הדא ׳יבו
ש״רהמ ר״ומדאו
המב ומכ םדאה בשחנ הלפתה םדוקד . אוה הלפתו
תורבחתה ןושל
,תוקלאב םדאה רשקתמ הלפתה י״עש . הלפתה רדסו
410( ז תינעת ,א .ז ףיעס ןמקל הארו'.
411( הפ , ד״עס] פ״הע)אי עשוה ,ג (ויתועורז לע םחק םירפאל יתלגרת יכנא.[
412( פ סחניפ ת״וקלב ז״דעו ,נ .םש דעל םיכומס ה״ד.
413( ימינפ בוריקה ע״וה םיעושעשה תוללכב)ל״נכ .הכל ה״דמט״פרת ידוד .( דומילה ךרעב לבא
ב״ויכו ויבאמ ןבהד תוימינפ תועפשהו ,ינוציח בוריק הז םג.
414( הכ םילהת ,ו . ג״פ ט״פרת ארב רשא ה״ד הארו) םש הנותח ישורדב- גכ , א]ע ט״פרת מ״הס '
415( גצ אריו ת״הוא ,ב .הפר ׳ע ו״סרת ךשמה.
416( צ״צה ׳סל תוחתפמב האר.
417( ג׳׳ס.
418( יעשיב ׳ ,בכ.
419( די תוכרב ,א.
420( טע סחנפ ת״וקל ,ד . ש״רהמ ר״ומדאל פ״גל ת״וקלל המדקה] תישארב ת״הואב ספדנ)ו ךרכ (
כרתת ,ךליאו א.[
421( טע המורת א״ות ,ד״עס .מ״כבו.
ה , יללכ בוריקה ל״צ םדוקמש)תינוציח הכשמה] ( ונינע ראבמש ומכ
[ ,השענ כ״חאוימינפ בוריקה , תוקלאל רשקתמ םדאהש
םיימשגה וינינע לכב תוקלא ךישממש הזכ ןפואב . הז ןבויו] י״עש המ
םתושעלו םיימשגה םינינעה לכ רשקל ותלכיב םויה תליחתב הלפתה
תוקלאל םילכ [ט״שעבה ראיבש המ פ״ע
םולש תליאש רוסיא ןינע
הלפתה םדוק
,ל״זיראה יבתכב ש״מ ד״ע אוהש
כ ןינעב חא דובי
,׳יוגב קבשד אוה אחורד ינפמ אוהש , באה חור שי ׳אה ןבבש
םינבה ראשמ רתוי ,ןושארה ןב י״ע באד אחורמ םילטונ םינבה ראש לכו .
םיבייוחמ םהש ומכ ודבכל םה םיבייוחמ לודגה חאבש באה חור דצמו
באה דובכב]ןידמל ןכלש
קוספהמ הז ןיד
אקוד ךיבא תא דבכ , יכ
בא דוביכב ללכנ לודגה חא דובכ .[ םדאה לש מ״ודחמל עגונב אוה כ״ומכו
םויה לכ ךשמב ,ןושארה רובדה רחא ןיכשמנו ןיפעתסמ םלוכש , ןכלו
רובד]השעמו הבשחמ ןכו [ ל״צ ותנישמ ומוקב םדאה לש ןושארה
׳ה תדובעב ,דחמה לכב השודק ךישממ ז״יעש םויה לכ ךשמב ולש מ״ו
ולוכ . תוקלאל ולש ימינפ בוריקהש ז״
יע אקוד הנהו)הלפתה תעב ( אוה
םילכ םתוא השועש דע םיימשגה וינינעב יקלא רוא ךישממש הזכ ןפואב
רתוי הלעמל םיעיגמ תוקלאל ,עודיכ
ברו ןינעב
רוש חכב תואובת .
ה( תוכלמב א׳׳זה תכשמה ןינעב םג ןבוי ןכ ומכו )וז דוחין״( , רדסהש
ה הזב)א״ס ל״נכ ( הכשמהה כ״חאו תינוציח הכשמהה ל״צ םדוקמ רשא
תימינפ . רתויב תילענ הכשמה איה תינוציח הכשמהה םגד) ל״נה ד״ע
ג־ב״ס( , םילכו תולשלתשהמ הלעמלש ףיקמ ׳יחב איהש) הניא ןכלו
םילכה תלבגהמ הלעמל איהש יפל התוימינפב תוכלמה תריפסב תטלקנ
הלש .( לבאמ״מ ,תינוציח ׳יחב איה וז הכשמה ,דבלב הראה קר איהש .
תימינפ הכשמהה י״ע כ״אשמ ,התוימינפב תוכלמב תלבקתמש , םיעיגמ
רתוי הלעמל)ףיקמה ׳יחבמ .(או
ה ןינעהו , הלעמל אוה תוכלמה שרשד
א״ז שרשמ
.שדר אוה תוכלמה שרשו רתכה תוינוציחמ אוה א״זה ש
422( בוט םש רתכ)ת״הק תאצוה (ב״ירס.
423( םש תוכרב . ע״ושוט)ז״הדאו ( ב״ס ט״פס ח״וא)ס"ג.(
424( ורתי ׳פ צ״מהעש.פ ת״ל 'אריו .חז הארו"גפ ג ,א.
425( גק תובותכ ,א.
426( כ ורתי ,בי.
427( הע וניזאה ת״וקל האר ,ב .מ״כבו.
428( די ילשמ ,ד.
429( ז״כב האר-אי ׳ע ט״נרת מ״הס .
רתכה תוימינפמ .יא א״
זב םגש םגהורמת
אילתו דיחא אקיתעב א״ז ,
שממ קיתע לע הזב הנווכה ןיאש עודי ירה)קיתע תוינוציח קר .( כ״אשמ
קיתע תוימינפב איה תוכלמה שרש ,א״לדר
.מ״מ לבא , התדירי דצמ
םלעהב אוה השרש ירה הטמל ,ע אוה תוכלמה שרש יוליגו" א״ז י
,א״זמ הלעמל תילעתמ תוכלמה תריפס אפוג ז״יעו . רדס ע״והזו
הכשמהה , א״זה ןינע שגרויש ןפואב תוכלמב א״זה תכשמה ל״צ הליחתד
תוכלממ הלעמלש)תוכלמה שרש יוליג אוה י״ע אקודש .(מ״מ לבא ,
דצמ איה הכשמההש ןויכמ)תלעמ (א״ז , תולשלתשהל תוכייש הל שי
] ל״נה ד״ע)ג״ס (ג״י ןינעבד״ת .[ תלבקתמש תימינפ הכשמהה י״ע אקו
התוימינפב תוכלמב , דצמ איה וז הכשמהש ןויכמ ירה)תלעמ (תוכלמה ,
א״ז שרשמ הלעמלש תוכלמה שרשל ז״יע םיעיגמ ירה , תוכלמהש דעו
א״זב עיפשמ ,הלעב תרטע ליח תשא
ו( איבמש הזב רואיבה כ״ג והז
ש רמול שיו )רמאמה תליחתב ( ׳ב
ןינעב תווצקתבשה , הטמלש תוכלמה תריפס איהש הכלמ יקנ תבשהד
ןהמ תלבקמו תוריפסה לכמ ,רמאמכ
םולכ המרגמ הל תיל ארהיס
]ל״זר רמאמכו
) תבש יבג (תבשב לכאי תבש ברעב חרטש ימ אקודד[ ,
תבשהמ ןיכרבתמ ןימוי והלוכ ירה ךדיאלו
, תבשש דבלב וז אלד ונייה
םימיה לכמ שדוקמ ,תאז דוע אלא ,איהשםהב העיפשמ .אוה ןינעה ךא ,
ןינבה ימי תעבש םה עובשה ימי ׳זד ,ש״מכ א״זב םה לוחה ימי תששד
רהזב אתיאו ץראה תאו םימשה תא ׳יוה השע םימי תשש
אמוי לכ
׳יתדיבע דיבע אמויו , תוכלמ איה תבשו)ל״נכ .(ןכלו , תוכלמהש הז דצמ
הטמל הדרי , תודרוי ׳ילגרד ע״יבל התדירי דצמ טרפבווכ' , תבשה
)תוכלמ ( לוחה ימי תששמ תלבקמ)א״ז( , םירוריבה תדובע ע״והש) רוריב
םיימשגה םירבדה לכו ב״הנה (ה ימי תששדחלו . ירחאל םנמא)י״עו (
השענ וז הדובע)תבשב (הרוקמו השרשל ׳ילע דע ע״יבמ תוכלמה תיילע ,
430( בצר ג״חז האר ,א.
431( ט״נרת הלכת לכל ה״ד הכוראב האר]ךליאו זצ ׳ע ט״נרת מ״הס.[
432( בי ילשמ ,ד.
433( טמר א״חז ,ב .בומ״כ.
434( ג ז״ע ,א.
435( גס ב״חז האר ,ב .חפ ,א.
436( םש ורתי ,אי.
437( דצ ג״ח ,ב״ע שיר .דועו.
לוחה ימי תשש לכל םג תעפשמש דע א״
זמ הלעמל תילעתמ זאו)א״ז( ,
ימדןימוי והלוכ ןיכרבתמ ׳ינ.
ז(הלבקנ תבש ינפ הלכ תארקל ידוד הכל והז
ו , י״שנ תשקב אוהש
יהתש'תוכלמב א״זה תכשמה . תארקל ידוד הכל איה הכשמהה תליחתד
הלכ ,דבלב הכילה ,הלבקנ תבש ינפ ז״יעו ,תימינפ הכשמהה או
הש , ינפ
,ב תשרשומ איהש ומכ דעו תוכלמה תוימינפ ׳יחב הלגתמשקיתע .
םיבר ןושל הלבקנ ןכלו ,מ לבקמ א״ז םגש)ה שרש(תוכלמ
, ליח תשא
הלעב תרטע .תוכלמו א״זב הלעמל אוהש ומכו , עיפשמ לכב אוה ז״דע
לבקמו ,עיפשמהב ףסותנ לבקמה י״עש ,םלוכמ רתוי ידימלתמו . טרפבו
הטמל הלכו ןתחב ,ע אקודש י׳׳תימינפ הכשמהה , תרטע ליח תשא הנה
הלעב ,יה לכהורפעה ןמ ׳
, ךרובי םירשי רודב ס״אה חכ ךשמנ ז״יעש
תווצמו הרותב םיקסוע םינב ינבו םינבב.
438( ל״נה דעל םיכומס ה״ד האר) ׳ע6] ב־אנק ׳ע.([
439( ב״פר םש האר.
440( ג תלהק ,כ .מ ש״הש ת״וקל הארו ,א .כ״סוס ק״הגא.
U Boruch Habo, Mi Adir T
אבה ךורב
לכה לע רידא ימ,
לכה לע ךורב ימ,
לכה לע לודג ימ,
לכה לע לוגד ימ,
הלכה תאו ןתחה תא ךרבי או
| 109 |
| 111 |
U The Rebbe’s Letter T
ילקורבן ,נ.י.
הכרבו םולש!
םתנותח ןמז תועיבקמ העדוהה לע הנעמב. . .
יהתשו בוט לזמ בוט לזמ תכרב יתכרב עיבהל הזב יננה ' הבוט העשב
יפכ הוצמהו הרותה ידוסי לע דע ידע ןינב לארשיב תיב ונביו תחלצומו
תודיסחה תרות יהוז הרותבש רואמב םיראומ םהש.
בוט לזמ בוט לזמ תכרבב
]י תמיתחוש
דק ד[
Free Translation
To the young man, who is accomplished
a chossid, a man who fears G-d,
pleasant and gracious, _______, and his
bride, may you be well
Greetings and Blessings,
In response to the notification that the date of your wedding
has been set for the __________:
I would like to convey my blessings, Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov.
May your wedding be held in a good and auspicious hour and
may you build a Jewish home, an eternal structure, on the
foundations of the Torah and its mitzvos as they are illuminated
by “the light of Torah,” namely, the teachings of Chassidus.
With blessings of Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov,
/The Rebbe’s signature/
U Birchos Erusin Venisuin T
ן ֶפָ
ג ַה י ִר ְּפ א ֵר ֹו ּב םָל ֹוע ָה
ךֶל ֶמ
וני ֵהֹל ֱא ָי ְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּב:
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who created
the fruit of the vine.
ל ַע
ונָו ִצ ְו וי ָת ֹו ְצ ִמ ְּב
ונ ָ ׁש ְ
ד ִק ר ֶ ׁש ֲא םָל ֹוע ָה
ךֶל ֶמ
וני ֵהֹל ֱא ָיְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּבת ֹוי ָרֲע ָה ,
ת ֹוס
ור ֲא ָה ת ֶא
ונָל ר ַס ָא ְו , ןי ִׁש
ד ִק ְו ה ָּפ ֻח י ֵדְי ל ַע
ונָל ת ֹוא
ו ׂש ְּנ ַה ת ֶא
ונָל רי ִּת ִה ְו
ןי ִׁש
ד ִק ְו ה ָּפ ֻח י ֵדְי ל ַע ל ֵא ָר ְׂש ִי ֹו ּמ ַע ׁש ֵ
ד ַק ְמ ָיְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּב:
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has
sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us
concerning illicit marriages, forbidden to us the betrothed and
permitted to us those who are married to us by the rite of
chuppah and kiddushin (consecration). Blessed are You L-rd,
who sanctifies His people Israel through chuppah and kiddushin.
ל ֵא ָר ְׂשִי ְו ה ֶ ׁשֹמ ת ַד ְּכ ֹוז ת ַע ַּב ַט ְּב י ִל ת ֶ ׁש ֶ
ד ֻק ְמ ְּת ַא י ֵרֲה:
With this ring, you are consecrated to me according to the law of
Moshe and Israel.
ן ֶפָ
ג ַה י ִר ְּפ א ֵר ֹו ּב םָל ֹוע ָה
ךֶל ֶמ
וני ֵהֹל ֱא ָי ְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּב:
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who created
the fruit of the vine.
ֹוד ֹוב ְכ ִל א ָר ָּב לֹ ּכ ַה ֶ ׁש םָל ֹוע ָה
ךֶל ֶמ
וני ֵהֹל ֱא ָי ְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּב:
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who has
created all things for His glory.
ֱא ָיְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּבם ָד ָא ָה ר ֵצ ֹוי םָל ֹוע ָה
ךֶל ֶמ
וני ֵהֹל:
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who formed
| 113 |
ֹומ ְל ַצ ְּב ם ָד ָא ָה ת ֶא ר ַצָי ר ֶ ׁש ֲא םָל ֹוע ָה
ךֶל ֶמ
וני ֵהֹל ֱא ָיְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּב . םֶל ֶצ ְּב
ֹותיִנ ְב ַּת ת
ומ ְ
ד . ְנ ִּב
וּנ ֶּמ ִמ ֹול ןי ִק ְת ִה ְוד ַע י ֵד ֲע ןַי .ם ָד ָא ָה רֵצ ֹוי ָי ְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּב:
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who created
man in His image, in the image [of His] likeness [He fashioned]
his form, and prepared for him from his own self an everlasting
edifice. Blessed are You, L-rd, Who formed man.
ה ָח ְמ ִׂש ְּב
ה ָכ ֹות ְל ָהיֶנ ָּב ץ
ו ּב ִק ְּב ה ָר ָק ֲע ָה לֵג ָת ְו ׂשי ִׂש ָּת ׂש ֹו ׂש . ָיְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּב
ָהיֶנ ָב ְּב ן ֹו
י ִצ ַח ֵּמ ַׂש ְמ:
May the barren one [Jerusalem] rejoice and be happy at the
ingathering of her children to her midst in joy. Blessed are You,
L-rd, Who gladdens Zion with her children.
םי ִב
וה ֲא ָה םי ִע ֵר ח ַּמ ַׂש ְּת ח ַּמ ַׂש .ם ֶד ֶ
ק ִמ ן ֶד ֵע ןַג ְּב
ך ְרי ִצְי
ךֲח ֵּמ ַׂש ְּכ . ָיְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּב
ל ַכ ְו ן ָת ָח ַח ֵּמ ַׂש ְמ:
Grant abundant joy to these loving friends, as You bestowed
gladness upon Your created being in the Garden of Eden of old.
Blessed are You, L-rd, Who gladdens the groom and bride.
םָל ֹוע ָה
ךֶל ֶמ
וני ֵהֹל ֱא ָי ְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּב .ה ָח ְמ ִׂש ְו ן ֹו ׂש ָׂש א ָר ָּב ר ֶ ׁש ֲא .הָ
ל ַכ ְו ן ָת ָח .
ד הָּנ ִר הָלי ִ
גהָו ְד ֶח ְו ה ָצי .ת
וע ֵר ְו ם ֹול ָׁש ה ָוֲח ַא ְו ה ָבֲה ַא . ע ַמ ָ
ׁש ִי
וני ֵהֹל ֱא ָיְי ה ָר ֵה ְמ
םִי ָל ָ ׁש
ורְי ת ֹוצ
וח ְב
ו ה ָד
והְי י ֵר ָע ְּב .ה ָח ְמ ִׂש ל ֹוק ְו ן ֹו ׂש ָׂש ל ֹוק .הָ
ל ַּכ ל ֹוק ְו ן ָת ָח ל ֹוק .
ָני ִג ְנ ה ֵּת ְׁש ִּמ ִמ םי ִר ָע ְנ
ו ם ָת ָּפֻח ֵמ םי ִנ ָתֲח ת ֹול ֲה ְצ ִמ ל ֹוקם ָת . ַח ֵּמ ַׂש ְמ ָיְי ה ָּת ַא
ור ָּב
ל ַּכ ַה ם ִע ן ָת ָח:
Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, Who created
joy and happiness, groom and bride, gladness, jubilation, cheer
and delight, love and friendship, harmony and fellowship. L-rd,
our G-d, let there speedily be heard in the cities of Judah and in
the streets of Jerusalem the sound of joy and the sound of
happiness, the voice of a groom and the voice of a bride, the
sound of exultation of grooms from under their chuppah, and
youths from their joyous banquets. Blessed are You, L-rd, Who
gladdens the groom with the bride.
הלכהו ןתחה ןיתושו The groom and bride drink.
U Glossary T
(Please note that this glossary is only for Hebrew terms appearing in the
main text but not in the footnotes)
Al Chet — confessional prayer
Alef Beis — the Hebrew alphabet
Aliyah — a call up to the Torah
Al Taharas Hakodesh —
permeated with spiritual
Alter Rebbe — Rabbi Schneur
Zalman of Liadi — the founder
of Chabad
Anash — the Chabad
Avodas HaTefillah — service of
Baalas Habayis — woman of the
Bas Kohen — daughter of a
priest (Kohen)
Bedekin — veiling of the bride
Ben Torah — a Torah Jew
Benching — Grace after meals
Bitachon — trust in G-d
Berachoh — blessing
Chanukas Habayis — house
Chas Veshalom — G-d forbid
Chassidus — Chassidic teachings
Chayus — life/energy
Chazal — the Sages of the
Chinuch — Jewish education
Chitas — an acronym for
Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya
Chosson — groom
Chuppah — the wedding canopy
Chuppas Niddah — a wedding
at which the bride had not yet
immersed in a mikvah
Daled Bovos — the Alter Rebbe’s
song of four stanzas
Divrei Torah — words of Torah
Ed — witness (Edim — witnesses)
Erusin — the act of betrothal
Farbrengen — a Chassidic
Gartel — belt worn specially for
Geulah — redemption
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Hafotzas Hamayonos — the
wide dissemination of
Chassidic teachings
Hafotzas Hayahadus — the
spreading of Yiddishkeit
Halachah — Jewish law
Hanhalah — head-staff of a
Hashem — G-d
Hashkafah — world outlook
Hiddur (Mitzvah) —
beautification (of a mitzvah)
Hishtadlus — efforts (to make a
Igros Kodesh — letters of the
Kabbolas Ponim — reception
before the wedding ceremony
Kallah — bride
Kavanah — concentration
Kedushas Achilah — holiness in
Kedushas Hazivug — holiness in
Kiddushin — the act of betrothal
Kinyan — literally “an
acquisition” to enact a
Kittel — white gown
Kesav Ashuris — Sefer Torah
Kesubah — the wedding
Koch — vibrance
Kollel — Rabbinic academy for
married men
Lechaim — literally “to life” — a
Levi — a Levite
Maamar — a Chassidic discourse
Maariv — evening prayer
Masechtes Kallah — a small
tractate of the Talmud
Mashpia — spiritual mentor
Mechilah — forgiveness
Mechitzah — division
Mechutanim — in-laws
Mesader Kiddushin — the rabbi
who performs the wedding
Me Shebeirach — a request for a
blessing for someone, recited
by the reading of the Torah
Middas Chassidus — an act
beyond the letter of the law
Middos — character traits
Mikvah — ritual immersion pool
Minchah — afternoon prayer
Minhag — custom
Minyan — quorum of ten
Mishnah — the oral tradition as
recorded by Rabbi Yehuda
Mitzvah — commandment
Mosad — institution
Moshiach — Messiah
Nassi — leader
Negiah — touching
Neshamah Klolis — a collective
Niddah — menstruant
Nigleh — the revealed parts of
the Torah
Niggun — song
Nisayon — test
Nusach — text of liturgy
Ohel — lit. tent — the resting
place of the Rebbeim
Oifruf — the groom’s call up to
the Torah before his wedding
Parnassah — income
Perutah — a small coin in the
days of the Mishnah
Pesukim — verses
Pirkei Avos — Ethics of the
Fathers (Mishnah)
Ponim Chadashos — a new face
Pru Urvu — be fruitful and
Pushka — a charity box
Rebbeim — the Rebbe’s of
Rambam — Maimonides
Rav — rabbi
Rosh Chodesh — first day of the
Sefer — book (plural —
Sefer Torah — a Torah scroll
Segulah — auspicious
Semichah — rabbinic ordination
Seudas Mitzvah — a mitzvah
Shacharis — morning prayer
Shadchan — a matchmaker
Shadchonus Gelt — payment of
the matchmaker
Shaitel — wig
Shas — the entire
Sheva Berachos — seven
marriage blessings
Shidduch — an arranged
Shlichus — mission (a term
usually referring to emissaries
of the Rebbe)
Shlichus Mitzvah — an emissary
to do a mitzvah
Shomer — guardian
Shomer Negiah — one careful
not to touch women
Shul — synagogue
Shulchan Aruch — Code of
Jewish law
Shushvinin — escorts
Sicha — talk (of Rebbe)
Siddur — prayer book
Simchah — joy
Tachanun — prayer of
Taharas Hamishpachah — the
laws of family purity
Tallis — prayer shawl
Talmid — student
Talmid Chacham — Torah sage
Tantz — dance
Tanya — the classic of Chabad
Tefillah — prayer
Tefillin — phylacteries
Tefochim — (plural of Tefach) a
Tehillim — Psalms
Tehorah — pure
Tenaim — literally “conditions”
— a written agreement of
bridal stipulations
Teshuvah — repentance
Tzedakah — charity
Tznius — modesty (usually in
Vidui — confession
Vort — the engagement
Yarmulke — a skullcap
Yechidus — personal audience
with the Rebbe
Yeshivah — rabbinic college
Yichud — seclusion
Yichus — pedigree
Yiddishkeit — authentic Judaism
Yiras Shomayim — fear of
Yisroel — Israel (an Israelite)
Yomtov — festival
Zimun — invitation to say Grace
after meals
Zivug Sheni — a second
תמשנ יוליעל
יתרומ ימא
יתב רתסא'ר תב ' םולשע "ה
י הרטפנ"עשת ןושח ב"ב
ןתחההרה "ת ןמחנ לאפריש '
וב"גהלכה אקלעת יח'
י םהיאושינ םויב"עשת טבש ט"ב
םהירוה תוכזלו
הרה"ר ת 'דוד ןסינו גוזותמ 'וואבוד הרשיש ויח
הרה"ר ת 'םייח השמו מ ותגוז' ןיול אבאדיש ויח
םהינקזוהרה"הרה ח" תר' םולש ךורבןהכה
ומ ותגוז' ןהכ הרובדיש ויח
חפשמוותהייש םויח
היו"דע ידע ןינב לארשיב ןמאנ תיב ונביש ר
םינב ינבו םינב ךרובמו םירשי רוד םע
כ יחולשו ילייח תווצמבו הרותב םיקסוע"ומדא ק"ר
היו"לכמו םהמ תוארל הכזנש רוי "ח
וגו עמשי הרהמו יתודיסח תחנ בור'
בב ונקדצ חישמ תאיבב"א